Weather Reg Mainly sunny and a little er, Sunday. { towards evening. Thought For Today Etiquette could be defined 'as ; : the art of yawning without : , opening your mouth. , : Authorized ep Second Closs Mall Post rePtice Net Ove OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1964 Gttows, end fer' "peyment oF" Postoge in Cash, VOL. 93 -- NO. 191 Cyprus Quiet |Aiter Blast -- Shakes City ae eres he onl Mies eeelins ten One er NICOSIA -- Cypriot Foreign/opments, He Minister Spyros Kyprianou flew| Scheduled for some time. Ob unexpectedly to Athens today| Servers, however, noted that it for new talks with the Greek|W45. his second trip there this government: on the Cyprus. cri-| Week. sis. p Kyprianou also said his trip ' _ Commons Storm On Deadline For) China Migrants By RUSSELL ELMAN \ning to trust a government) voted to the 1964-65 spending es-| OTTAWA (CP) -- Immigra-|promise of no 'deportations if|timates of Mr. Tremblay's de-| tion Minister Tremblay was|Chinese came forward, told the! partment providing a vehicle bombarded Friday by protests] truth and had their status made|for a wide-ranging debate' on from all sides of the Commons |legal. all aspects of immigration, cit-| over his department's policies) Six hours after he made his izenship and Indian affairs. and administration. initial statement, Mr. Tremblay' The flag debate is scheduled Focal point of the criticisms| told the Commons the Sept. lio be resumed Monday but it was his announcement that the|deadJine still stands but the|may be preceded by a debate % amnesty for Chinese who are in| government will be prepared to/on the report of the privileges) Canada illegally will end Sept.|prolong the amnesty period if| and elections committee into the| 1 sek = ped pew and mig there tg ren people who _-- Girouard affair. gral w apply the|to ma statements to adjus' a 1h anal E law to Chinese the same way! their status. het chee Wag ie as to other residents. But he added he thought there) Jiection funds and other bene-| Ken More (PC Regina| would be sufficient time before | rit. to switch: to the Liberal| City) said the date should be/Sept. 1. He estimated 3,500 Chi-| Tot ,%° brace te decided to extended to at least September,|/nese -have come forward under! jcaye the Social Credit party| 1965. Only after four years was|the amnesty since 1960. hee' thik Cosner*ralives Te coin-| eal the Chinese community begin-| Friday's proceedings were de-| nittee's report found no. evi- Congolese R eds es Wahiex outlined var- Step Up Battle ious steps aimed at' attracting By ROBIN MANNOCK | wi substantial numbers of skilled} LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)--Com-| | | | af q] that Turkey would get a mili- tary base on Cyprus Meanwhile, sources close to the United Nations' secretariat here said that damage to prép- erty -- houses, stores, schools and churches--amounted to an estimated $2,800,000 since vio- lence erupted on Cyprus last December between the Greeke - Turkish-Cypriot communi- es. Before ljeaving, Kyprianou told reporters his Greek-Cypriot government is not interested in any halfway solutions for the crisis involving the island's Greek and Turkish factions. He said the only way out is to give Cyprus complete and unfettered lence. "There is no room for com- promise along this line," he said After. Kyprianou's arrival in A re- plied; "I don't even know if there is a new Acheson plan." Alouettes Flee Royal York Fire TORONTO (CP). -- Football players, a night club singer and an actress were among 800 guests. evacuated into the lobby and out onto the street: when a fire broke out on the sixth floor of the Royal York hotel here early today. Jim Trimble, coach of Mont- real Alouettes, and his club, who are here to meet Toronto Argonauts tonight to decide the Eastern F.o0t ball Conference leadership, were. staying at the hotel, Also on the guest list were Dorothy Dandridge, a night club singer, and actress. Sher- ree North, i Four persons were. taken to hospital for treatment and re- leased 'shortly after. it Mrs. Frances Fitzgerald of Middleton, N.S., fractured her ankle when she fell from a line of bedclothes from her room to the roof of the main mezzanine, 11 feet below. She and her hus- band, Peter, were taken from the roof by 'aerial ladder and taken to hospital. Zanis Marmarinos of New York City, who was assisted through the halls to safety by two firemen wearing oxygen masks, was taken to hospital for treatment of smoke inhalation. Montreal Alouette trainer Guy Girardeau, who was also over- come by smoke when he came out of the club training room and knocked on doors. to arouse guests, was treated for smoke inhalation at hospital and later released. Jack Gardine of Winnipeg was treated for minor injuries at the hospital and released. Guests streamed down to. the lobby and to the street shortly after the alarm was sounded at proposals by U.S. special envoy Dean Acheson, Kyprianou immigrants. Provisions also were being made to speed the arrival of sponsored immi- grants, especially close relatives jand to assist immigration of more refugees, There would, be jimprovements in the depart-| |ment's administration and or-! ganization. The minister said he will visit) |European and other countries) |next month to inspect Canadian| immigration offices and discuss) Ma! fos regarding Sunday's 24-hour visit by UN mediator Sakari Tuomioja, The source said Makarios, wary of any future Greek moves without his knowledge, sent Kyprianou to Athens to ask Greek officials what they intended to tel] Tuomioja. The officials, including Pre- mier George Papandreou, in- terrupted weekend holidays to meet with Kyprianou. Cyprus was reported quiet to- day in the wake of an explosion Friday night that shattered the quiet of a Greek-Cypriot district in southwestern Nicosia, © Nobody was injured but the blast wrecked the front of a car parked outside "the home of a Greek-Cypriot. journalist. Meanwhile, the New hare Times, in a dispatch kara, Turkey, sald "Gresee, which exerts @ strong influ- ence: over the on has come @round to the at Turkey cannot be ical yi building that was shattered were injured. Blast shattered by blast early today in Glen- windows in some 50 homes side, Pa., near Philadelphia. and businesses in area. At least six other persons --AP Wirephoto Writers Won't Break Pact With Paper TORONTO (CP) -- The Tele- gram unit of the Toronto News- paper Guild (CLC) said Friday it has no intention of engaging in an unlawful strike against the newspaper. The 600-member .unit, at a meeting attended by about 225 of its members, réaffirmed its yjintention of fulfilling its con- tract with The Telegram, one of the three Toronto daily news- ed pene hit by a printers' strike raped uly 9, door and' phoned 'police, Const,|_ Individual members of The James 'Tough, 28, and Sgt. Ea|Telegram unit of the guild are, Lawrie, who were patrolling on|allowed to respect picket lines) _ motorcycles a block away, ar-|Set up by Local 91 of the Inter- rived a minute later. national Typographical Union Shartly reinforcements ar-|(CLC) whose 680 printers are rived and yelled for the men to/on strike against The Globe and come out. One of the bandits|Mail, a morning paper, and grabbed assistant 'accountant|The Star and The Telegram Mrs. Nancy McLaren as a hos-jevening papers. Fifteen 'Tele- tage and pushed her ahead of/gram Guild members have cho- him, the second bandit follow-|sen not to. cross ITU picket ing with a drawn pistol. lines. | Const. Tough yelled for the) Howevei, the Guild unit, asa bandit to drop his gun, butiunion, is not allowed, to take jwhen the latter turned and steps. to. call or authorize its |aimed, Const. Tough fired hisimembers to. refuse' to cross a| Representative in talks on. Cy- pistol. picket line.-Guild contracts with] prus, left today for Geneva for "I yelled to him to drop his|the other two papers! require|firther discussions. gun when he was eight feetitheir members to continue. to| In Nicosia, Kyprianou denied away, but he spun around and|wor,, that "his visit to Aithens was :'%, toe oo! Recovery Of Art Like Who-Dunnit Rescue workers carry the blanket shrouded body of ex- plesion victim from rubble of 2:30 a.m, Some: slid down bed- sheets. to the street, climbed down fire ladders or formed human chains and' groped: their Dead through smoke-filled cofti- ors. ve The fire destroyed a third- floor bedroom -- : Lloyd Downey of London, --where the fire was believed to have - started, Although the floor is numbered the 'third -in the hotel, it is actually the sixth. The lower convention th Premier Moise Tshombe. Rebel forces advanced to within 12 miles of Bukavu, the capital of central Kivu prov- munist-backed rebel forces are a restaurant and apartment stepping up their bid to win control of the turbulant Congo! ince. as U.S. planes begin ferrying) In the west, Peking - trained hard-pressed government troops!pjerre Mulele's warriors came to trouble spots. {within 20 miles south of Kikwit/Canada's immigration plans Renewed rebel assaults broke|in Kwilu province. His forces! wi i * out Friday 700 miles apart in|tota) ae' teas 2,000 men, ed -- | oe ] S ck the fast, mineral-rich country! ports said. |RECOMMEND COMMITTEE | T 1 1ca V ] when it was foiled by a woman| bank teller who had overslept and was late for work at the - Dominion Bank on Queen and Logan streets. M's. Marta Rose, 27, arrived wr y, whose-34.-. year ~,ald| Russell was. with armed robbery in the at- tempted holdup, underwent an emergency operation Friday "sovereign phys' Turkey's were assigned new ones. Italy's President Segni In Coma ROME (Reuters) -- President Antonio Segni today was in @ coma after suffering a. stroke eight days ago. A medical bulletin said: "During the night condition the president of the~ took a further turn worse. Brain coma profound drowsiness." ~ Acting Prseident Cesare Mere zagora, who took over Segni's duties. Monday, went .to- the amid new evidence the Chinese é ee .| Auguste Choquette (L -- Lot- Communists are backing the in- tour US. C19 plan Pigowrs orf Diniere) and Andrew Brewin on their first missions to aid the} " | cussed the government's plight). |suggested establishment of a|Hobday, 33, of Toronto, shot : Seen' arena army. More mmons committee on immi-|between the eyes by a police |40 paratroopers, arrived Fri \ robb ¥ ) 7 ° ery of an east end bank UAW To Get iday. i i nang mn gen Friday, was reported still in . } 4 British sub-/ dy. be the four U.S; cargo planes flew| jects: Be On Monday |were reported killed and sey-|Crown which presides over the : \eral others captured. Commonwealth association, why DETROIT (AP)--The Us. don't all r held northern city of Stanley-|countries confer a reciprocal] Hight. fied the United Auto Workers Union Friday that they will pre- surgents. U.S. officials dis- |(NDP -- Toronto Greenwood))| TORONTO (CP) Ronald Americans, including constable during an attempted 'REBELS KILLED 'posed that Canadian in 'hoepiaar Pact Dratts | A military source said one of|Should no longer be ee a oS to Bukavu, where six rebels} "If we wish to respect the Scanty reports from the rebel. the Commonwealth auto industry's big three noti- sent new contract offers Mon- ey pros." said is a mili- island, which miles off the ville said rebel leader Gaston) citizenship rather than enshrine| Ronald, father of two girls, Soumialot had reached Kindu,|in the law a tie of subjection?"|aged 4 and 6, Was hit at the the capital of Maniema prov-|he asked. : _, {bridge of the nose by a .32 jince, bemengge ort py ots _ ae calibre --_ ee hy be T irst| monton sugges hat| entered y foreign soldione aiticialit' w'ana|Mr. 'Tremblay hold talks with|the bullet was lodged in. the former Belgian territory since Communist countries in Europe|brain area and patt was em- the United Nations withdew its|'@ See Whether Canadians might bedded in the left cheek. forces last June 30. U.S. em-| 0? ,2llowed to establish beak The robbery attempt was bassy Officials. said the men St#tion facilities there. within minutes of succeeding |were sent to The Congo only ¥) TOPLESS ~ BOTTOMLESS Ten Girls In Buff Across The Channel and support missions. DOVER, England (Reuters) G. Mennen Williams, U.S. as- posals of interest to make to sistant secretary of state for The English Channel, which sank the Spanish armada and you .. . Monday." | African affairs who arrived Fri William O'Brien, Chrysler|day, conferred with Tshombe vice-president - labor relations,|oyer the worsening revolt, asked for a weekend recess in| U.S. officials reported 22 contract talks with the expecta-|Communist Chinese at the Chi-| A strike yote was ordered|the Communist embassy in| ; Thursday for the 354,000 hourly|Brazzaville, capital of the for-| 8@W the mighty D-Day inva- workers of General Motors. (mer French Congo. The of-| S!00, today faced a new chal- lenge 10 nude British women. A team of 10 women set off y. General Motors said its offer Chrysler told UAW negotiators the first concrete company of- fers will be presented at Mon- day's bargaining talks. Genera | Motors said its offer would deal. with economic issues only. Mike Cummins, Ford labor relations manager, told the UAW "We will have some pro- : "She (Tur- wants the outnumb- Turkish - Cypriot commu- to: become a part of Tur-' key or, if Cyprus remains a single, independent country, part of a federal system with Turk- administrators. The Times reported that Prof.:.Nikhat Erim, Turkish on the wheel and compass," Brickell said. Grandmother of the party and swimming at number nine position is Mrs. Sheila Black, women's editor of The Finan- cial Times, Britain's national business daily tion that Chrysler would make|nese embassy in neighboring its proposal also on Monday. |Bujumbura, Burundi, and 15 at firet and: init fim 'in the "fore head, Sgt. Lawrie grabbed the other man." Russell, Hobday. is also charged with possessing a sawed-off shotgun and breaking and entering. Police said Italian Reds May Split In Picking New Chief ROME (AP)--Palmiro Togli-;Communist underground during atti's stroke leaves Italian Com-'the Second World War munists in the throes of a ma-| But Longo may meet strong jor leadership crisis. The search|opposition. He is reported to for a successor may split openjhave supported Stalin, even the West's largest Communistiafter de-Stalinization, and was) party. said to have favored the Chi-| Togliatti, leader of the Italian/nese Communists. | Communist party for 38 years,is| Some observers think Togli-' reported gravely ill in the atti's mantle may fall on Mario Crimea, wherehe suffered a/Alicata, 46, the director of the stroke Thursday while vacation- party. organ, L'Unita "It's the first time I have swum in the sea for years," She said. Just before 'eaving, 25-year- old Harriet Hoskins-Abrahal\, daughter of a Unilever execu- tive, revealed that once away from the shore the girls would swim nude. She said: "It's the idea of myself and my 23-year-old twin sisters Amanda and Lu- cinda' and all the other girls have agreed. "But it was decided that the first swimmer from Brit- ain and the girl to land in France will wear suits. "We don't want any sum- monses,"' Harriet: said. early today to swim the chan- nel in relay clad only in the "'topless-bottomless."" Bathing suits were planned only for the start and finish of the crossing. Youngest of the team. was 17 and the oldest. a 45-year-old grand- mother They hoped to make the journey to Cap Gris. Nez, France, in 10 hours. The Channel Swimming As- sociation observer, 76 -: year- old John Wood, and the team's pilot boatman, Reg Brickell, both said they had no objection to the girls swim- ming without suits. "I shall be keeping my eyes charges will be laid against his brother if he recovers. Holds Up Show Fights For Cash TORONTO (CP) -- A man wearing black gloves escaped with a cash box containing about $1,900 from 'the office of a downtown theatre Friday night after a scuffle with a theatre official. |. Police said he was not larmed and he was probably | bloodied as a result of using his |fists in the Loews Theatre rob- \bery. He escaped on foot. ing in the Soviet Union Togliatti is 71, and the ques- tion of a successor can't be A PIN FOR MONICA'S ERPLE dodged. The Rome newspaper! Paese Sera said the stroke had) apparently left him partially paralysed. Party leaders, many of whom! had letf Rome on holiday, re- turned hurriedly today Togliatti, known as 'll Mig- ' 5 liore' (The Best), put the Ital- Ws iggy oll (CP) A jan Communist party behind |pritish: jas emerged on the Soviet Union, quelling anyl) 3 vor ape followers of Communist China. | M es jlook like a sissy the succession} Th oe te ott Since x M onica Furlong,' television! critic for The Daily Mail, says| 1s TOP CONTENDER she doesn't care much for the Luigi Longo, 64, deputy leader Beatles. who flew to Togliatti's side Fri- dey, appears for the moment)?! a: the most likely successor He was a hero of the Italian By ROD CURRIE Lord Nelson! t int jknows, I've tried"--to see in the mop-topped Liverpool four- some some of what everyone PHONE NUMBERS CITY EMERGENCY POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 726-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 ' All to no avail 'Trying to keep the out of my voice," she 'and feeling exactly like t the noticing that the emperor was|They are not new naked, I feel obliged at last to|handsome and . . the come out with the truth as: it) scene, a lady whose strikes me. he Beatles, the British public, not to mention the American |public, have gone stark, raving bonkers."' Furthermore, she says it in FILM WAS TOO MUCH Never one to turn a blind eye long came with Follow the Bea- to the shortcomings of TV, Miss|tles, a BBC film about the Furlong confesses, however,|Beatles jthat she has tried--'goodness|movie and including comments} jfrom various journalists, ac-/TOOK GUTS tors and producers who, says Miss Furlong, spoke of the Bea- else apparently sees in them. 'tles \poor child who could not hely| pleasant enough and little more. | life-size.' Bravery Battles Beatles charming, not - not witty," She concludes: "Show me the door someone. Mass hysteria always affects my delicate stomach. And. not to beat about the bush, I want to be sick." To the surprise of absolutely no one, The. Daily' Mai] re- ceived a flood of letters in "Which is that in the case of The last straw for Miss Fur-| 'The Mail's calculation that the jletters ran 20 to 1 in favor of making their first/Miss Furlong's criticism. Sample replies: , : ""..). Thousands will be in "in precisely that reveren-|agreement with Miss Furlong's ial boot-licking tone which welarticle on those four witless, trembleir wrote, man achievement." serve for the heights of hu-!graceless oiks."' It takes guts to reduce greatly overrated lads to . ¥ "The singing of these boys is|these reply. But what is surprising is) ' ... The Beatles 'thing' is one of the slickest confidence tricks in post-war show busi- jness,"" " ., , Congratulations on an intelligent assessment of the Beatles. More power to Monica Furlong's elbow." Needless to say, the Beatles were not without their defend- ers, "What a sad sack that Fur- long must be,"' wrote one. 'Her sort of smuggery is only good for a laugh in certain unmen- tionable quarters." Another said the column "agonized me" and one fan rose -- or was reduced -- to poetry: | "Roses are red and violets} purple, | "Let's stick a pin in. Monica's NEW YORK. (AP)--How -the Museum of Modern Art got back a $40,000 collection of water- colors and sketches, stolen Tuesday, should qualify in any- body's book as a real "who- done-it."" The clues, ploys and: gambits included: A red carnation. worm. for identification by a detective, hastily scrawled notes left in telephone booths and a distin- guished - looking suspect who says he practised the theft the day before and then came back to remove the collection. The collection, done by Jules Pascin, was recovered un- harmed Friday in a locker at the port authority. bus terminal. Bruce Aitken, 54 the man whom police said led them to the locker, was charged with grand jarcency. Aitken, --well- dressed and with a cul'ured manner, claims to be the son of the late sculptor, Robert I. Ait- ken, who died in 1949. Friday morning, William §. Lieberman,. the museum's -cur- ator of drawings and prints, re- ceived a phone call from a-man|' who said he would return the collection for $10,000 in old bills, The curator agreed to pay. . GIVES INSTRUCTIONS The caller said to send a museum representative wearing a red carnation to 13th Street and Eighth Avenue and wait by two telephone booths. Detective Roy Meinsen showed up, car- nation and ail. One of the phones rang, Mein- sen, answering it, was told to go to a public phone booth in an office building on Foley Square. The detective, being Shadowed by two other detec- tives, left a note 'in the first booth. ' erple."" At Foley Square,.Meinsen got ~|nervously. pacing near the tele- and remove the collection. Lieberman said he doubted it, because he tried it with a dime and failed. Two miners were trapped near T Fee silideseeitie alk be from a shift of 65 who were not counted for They were working apart from the othens i Yeworski, 45, a widower with two sons and a married daugh- ter, and Edouard Duchesne, 55, arg trom Kirkland another call, directing him to the U.S. courthouse nearby. He scribbled another note and left it in the booth. At the. courthouse, the three detectives closed in on a man phones. It was Aitken. Police said Aitken, after a few minutes. of questioning, told them: "I'm glad it's over." Aitken claimed he used a penny to open the display case Gold Mine Rock Burst Traps Two KIRKLAND LAKE (CP) -- of the in a stope 60 feet above the 4,000-foot level. Rescue operations The missin g men are Donald) pj e with no 'Lake. local, Both} she voted in ballot, government « supervised strike - STRIKING STENO . Faith Smith, 23, started icketing the office of her mployer, a Winnipeg union Friday, minutes after vote, She had voted: in: favor- of a strike. The result: one union striking another." She apparently receive support in picketing from the man at left, His. identity. was not. available. (CP: ; ,