Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Aug 1964, p. 9

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IT WAS CONCEALED IN OUR UNDERWATER HOLD, ALONG WITH THAT NAVY COMMANDER, HE MUST HAVE GRABBED THE BOTH ARE GONE. SAWYER, RELEASE CATCH, CORE OF THE BOMB... THE PART OF REAL WPORTANCE. SURELY TWILL GET AY JAD BUDDHA IN. PAYMENT, ANOTHER 'THING. UNFORTUNATELY, TWE NAVY MANDER'S WIFE IS ABOARD, IT WOULD BE FATAL E WERG FOUND. CANYOU --"agoagD any TAKE HER? SUBMARINE? IMPOSSIBLE! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 14,1964 CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto -|WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo 10:39 A.M, 11--Buecaneers 4--Look Up and Live 11:15 PLM. 2--This Is The Life 11--Block Buster Con- 11:00 A.M. 1 tinued 9--Metro Final N-Let's | Talk" With 8-2---Saturday Night af Father Meehan The Movies 9--Meta Presents ie ee. &--This ts The Lite: 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News + WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Ch -. CKVR-TY Channel 3--Barrie 1 8--Rochest FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 PLM. Ni--Family Theatre 9--Five O'clock Matinee &--Superman 7--The Early Show 4--Riverboat 2--Magilla Gorilla 3-2--News and Sports 1:20 P.M, 1-4--Late Show 11:30 PLM, ll--Late Show 9-Arrest 'and Trial 3--Movie e 2:18 PLM, 4--Dizzy Dean Show 2:30 P.M. $-2--NBC Baseball 7--lop Star Bowiing 6--World of Sport 4--Baseball Game of the Week 7--U.S. Navy Reports $--Church Service 4--Camera Three 11:30 AM, N--Comment and 1 Conviction 11:20 P.M, 9-4--Late Show 6--Sports 11:30 P.M. 6~Fred Astaire Theatre 4--Late News and Weather 12:30 A.M, 6--Tight Rope 8--The Christophers 4&--St. Lawrence North 4--Face The Nation 2--Family Playhouse 1:00 PLM. 1--Continental. Miniature oo Tv --c ameo Theatre 1:30 PLM, 1--Spotlight 9--All Star Theatre 7--\fives and Answers 43--Country Calendar 2:00 P.M, 'Sunday Movie~ 4---Baseball 2:30 PLM. %-Goll Spectacular pe her 9 ae pein eeepc pinetid CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Individuol Championship Pley) vulnerable, been: North East © South West. 14 Pass 7 Pass 3@ Pass : What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? The bidding : QUIZ You are South, neither side has 7--Dialogue 3:00 P.M, 11-Sunday Movie 9--Sports Special 7--My Little Margie 3:30 PLM, 7--Tthe Deputy 4:00 Mm 1iEn France 1--Bowling 6-3---Country Calendar 4:30 PLM. 111--Ploneers SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Cartoons ¥:30 A.M. Ni--En France 7--The Christophers 2--Portraits of My People 10:00 A.M, Ti--Italian Journal 8~--The Bible Answers 7--Rocket Ship 7 1. @I5 993 @A84 4KI97E2) 2, @A82 YE O963 HAKQIES. 3. @T YKS @AITS KQ9743 4. $9863 WKIT $6 @AK852) 1. Four 'spades, The jump if spades practically guarantees @ six-card suit and the J-5 should therefore be regarded as ade- quate trump support. A rebid of three notrump, without a heart stopper, would be highly dan- gerous. The only other nossibie bid, four clubs, is not desirable either, since North might have to raise to five clubs, having run out of spade bids. A ten- trick contract at spades is obvi- ously more desirable than an eleven-trick contract at clubs. 2, Four notrump. It is car- tainly reasonable to assume that there are no spade losers, and the question of how many tricks can be made therefore depends on the number of aces = partner has. If North responds Yesterday's Anewer with five hearts, showing two aces, a grand slam in spades }can be undertaken. ie: Bar | If North's response is five dia- ripe eres monds, showing one ace, the 42. Vein of best rebid is six spades. Twelve eleat tricks will be. made a very high 44. Coreal percentage of the time. The grain caly trick likely to be lost ig ta the missing ace. ! ZG cy 6 YG, Four diamonds. There ig | in 8.W. 5 Y Y probably a slam here also, since Aste 4 partner's values are clearly in Ley 15 excess of a minimum opening ci J, {bid and our hand is not to be 6 ne 16 yy, | sneered at either. The problem bc jis to find a place to play the . Affix | hand. Resident: The four diamond bid warns abbr, partner of possible shortage Prone spades and asks him to po oma clubs or diamonds if possible. Poa | 1f North's response is five clubs, headiag | we will have reason to feel cone Bed had fident about making at least a sosignt: | small slam in clubs, India | 4. Five spades. This is not @ + Abel's good type of hand on which te a brother use Blackwood, and a double 60. Samar. raise in spades, inviting partner ST aieaie to bid six, is therefore best. Our bebe, spade support is shaky, since + Ser tesie we lack a high trump honor, and it is chiefly for this reason that we do not bid six spades direct- ly--which would be at least | mildly invitational to seven. | Partner is not required to bid | over five spades, but seldom, in practice, will .he pass with a hand that will. make twelve tricks. Our values are well in jexcess of a minimum two elub | bid, and the best way of show. jing them -- paticularly the spade support--is toa double. raise in spades. Tomorrow: Deception o--vremiere Theatre SATURDAY 6:00 A.M. 43--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Fellx the Cat $:30 A.M, J--Farm ana Home Hour 2--Three Stooges 9:00 AM, N--Storytime with Bill Lawrence 4--Puppet Carnival 9:30 AM, 9--Meta Presents 7--Popeye 4--Field Trip with Fred Hall 2--Cartoon Capers 10:00 A.M, 1--Huckleberry Hound 9--Cartoon Party 8-2--Hector Heathcote 3:00 PLM, 9--Ladies' Golf Championships 2--Basebali 3:30 PLM, Ni--Sir Lancelot 7--Wrestliing 4:00 PLM, 11-9---Wrastling 6--Bowling 5:00 PLM, 11--Have.Gun Will Travel 9--Hi-Time x 6-3----20-20 Documentary a" ee" CROSSWORD - 5:30 PLM, 1--Grand Jury 6-3--Cartoons 4--Ted Mack Amateur Hour 2--Sports Special SATURDAY EVE, 6:00 P.M, i1--News 7--Eariy Show 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling 3--Mr. and Mrs. 2--Superman 6:30 Pim. 9--Wagon Train 6---Keynotes 3--Ripcord car | 2~Billiard Champions --Carioons 6:43 PLM. 6--Cousin Bill 4--Rin Tin Tin 9-6-4-3--News; Weather) Hamilton vs | Ottawa 11:30 A.M. Sports | Comat 9--Cartoon Party ne pn 3A Place For Every-| 7_satty's Funnies |11--The Dave King Show | ble 4---Roy Rogers 6-3----Hancock | 6:30 P.M. 2--Fury | 4-UB Round Table Panel #--Football 12:00 NOON &--Dragnet | | 12:00 NOON Oral Roberts 8--Felix The Cat 7--Playhouse 7 6--Live and Learn 4--News; Weather 5:30 PLM. 4--Mr, Piper Sel ry Hi 2--The Rifleman 6:00 PLM. and the I WENT TO JUST SOME "TROUBLE 'To SEE WHAT WAS IN THIS SATCHEL... L SEE ITS MONEY.....1. AIM TO KEEP IT/ é e y AN'T CANIT y| RYING TO pine 4 LET You Go/ CAUSE YOU ANY TROUBLE....L JUST WANT 10 GET TO HOUSTON? ts 2--The Answer 12:18 P.M, 4--Congress 12:30 P.M, 4--Lamp Unto My Feet (J!-Love That Bob 2--Children's Gospel Hour! 9--Douglas Fairbanks Stars 4--News With Van Miller 3---Frontier Doctor - | 2--Today, 1964 6:18 PLM. 4--Headline News 6130 PLM. N9-4-3--News; Weather; Sports 1 YOU A KINDNESS INSTEAD OF - LEAVIN' YOU TO THE SHARK... AN' ALL I GET IS TROUBLE FOR IT/ 'i --~, (ce 7---Highway Pattrol ¢--Town. Crier--Publi¢ Affairs 6:48 PA, li--Family Theatre 8-2--Huntley - Brinkley 7:00 P.M, %--Donna Reed 6--Honeymooners 7-6--News, Weather, Sports 2. The 10. Serious ETAT TP} Emerald 20, Source Isle of 3. Contend white for flour tS] 4. Chinese . Simple- river . A vocation . Electric unit . Marshy meadows . One of Santa Claus' reindeer . The whole alphabet 3, Grit Metallie . Malt rock beverages ACROSS . Flock . Narrated . Operatic melody . Rope fiber . Foreign . Accumulate Man's nickname Deity 7. Chinese silk . This: Fr, . Scatter . Half anem . A short sleep . Firm . Boy's nickname 27. Network Abounding Peninsula, (MIE TATT ich 7--Heekle and Jeckle 4--Quick Draw McGraw 10:30 A.M, 1--Club 11 Gance Party 9--Toastmaster Junior Auction 8-2--Firepall XL-5 | 7--Magic. Allakazam | 4--Mighty Mouse | Playhouse 3--Wagon Train 2--Fractured Flickers 1:30 PAA 9--Coaches Conference 8-2--international Showtime 7--Destry 6--On The Scene 4--The Great Adventure | 5:00 P.M 9---Football: North 11:00 A.M, | 9--Cartoon Party 8-2---Dennis The Menace IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY! 35, Persia; Island in Ionian Sea §-2--Bob Hope $-2--Bullwinkle 1:30 P.M, 7--Burke's Law 7--Bugs Bunny l(--Club 11 Danese Party 63--The Defenders | 6-Robin Hood $:2--The Lievtenant 4--Route 66 | 4--Sky King 7- 'Hootenanny | 12:30 P.M, | | 1i--John Bradshaw | 9--Up The Garden Path 8-2--Mr. Wizard | 7---American Bandstand Petticoat Junction | @-Mr, Magoo 9--Let's Sing Out | 4--Cartoons $-2--On Parade | 7--Price is Right | 1:00 P.M, 6-3--Telescope V--Hobby Tins With 4~--Twilight Zone | Jane Gray f | 9--Theatre 1:00 P.M, | 6-3--Wrestling ' 9:00 P.M. 1--Steve Alien 4--Rural Review 1 9--The Outer Limits 2--B'wana Don | 8-2--Movie 43 8-2--Jack Paar | 0:20 P.M, J--Fight ot The Week 1:30 P.M. | cian é--The Nurses | 1)--Wrestling 4--Alfred Hitchcock. Hour | 7--Hollywood Palace 45 3----The Untouchables | 4--Summer Playhouse 10:00 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; 4--Gunsmoke 10:30 P.M. Weather Sports 1S PLM, 6-3--Expo 67 Special N--Bieckbuster 9--Theatre 9--The Twilight Zone 9--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 2--Parade of Champions! 7--Ensign O'Toole 6--Comedy Playhouse 4--The Lucy-Desi Comedy 3--Danger Man | 8:00 P.M, | %--Donna Reed | 6--Beverly Hillbillies | 4:30 PM, | 9--Movie $-2--Joey Bishop | 7--Lawrence Welk Show 6--Films 4--The Defenders 9:00 P.M, Ni--Jamboree 1--Football 1:30 PLM. EVERY TIME I EAT AN 4 APPLE BEFORE I GOTO BED I DREAM ABOLIT ICE CREAM, HENRY! 7--Roller Derby 4-~Baseball Game of the Week 2--Telesports Digest 2:00 P.M, 11--Meatinee IT BE THAT HARILEA IS RIGHT? , ALL PREreRS De TO- ILL PUT THe SKIDE UNDER THAT KID YET © King Features Syndicat, lec, 1964, World rights seserred.' Overtime Pay Change Asked | OTTAWA (CP) -- The Na- tional Defence Employees Asso- ciation asked Wednesday that civil servants be paid- time- and-a-half for overtime instead of the present straight time. . A resolution, adopted by the 130 delegates attending the |NDEA convention here, also |sought to have the extra time jmade applicable to regular ya- cation time when desired. Other resolutions sought four |weeks" vacation for civil serw jants after 15 years of service, superannuation pegged to the jstate of the economy, and courses made available for those who wish to learn either French or English. SECRET AGENT X9 --WHO IS - S98 RUNNIN' AWAY FUM MES? WHILE GHORTY MAKES #M BURY THEIR NOSES, /'LL GET UP THERE AND CLAIM THAT STATUR WITH A FEW FAST SHOTS! [20007 MARKS REACHED THE PUEBLO WALL! NOW TO. PUEBLOS Ste COVER HiM/ THE LONE RANGER © King Features Syndicate, Ina, 1964. World nights reserved WELL -THEN, LAND FOR 1,000,000 TRENT Soa ae, 3 | NAIROBI (AP)--Prime Mine Bway A 7 HE ct ! 4 ae, ; t «| jister Jomi Kenyatta of Kenya yy ; B é _ | announced plans Wednesday te |settle more than 1,000,000 black |Africans on land to be -bought with the help of the British gov- ernment from Kenya's white settlers. Britain has agreed as a first step to grant this newly independent country the equiv. jalent of $4,200,000 part loan, jpart gift to buy 150,000 acrea |now farmed by Europeans, | [SALLY'S SALLIES 5 = = sae NG =. aw < SS == FoS<5 > SOS Se "ee > SS > -- So as sake! .o. Ses poses S232 <>< 2, ae SH SS os S52 SoS Se <> SSeS << er = & S SS { | THBARD THEM, I TELL YOU! ioe oT. THEYVE GOT To LEAVE -- YOU PLEAGE A mee dy K? ABOUT THREE A.M. I GOT UP, LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW, BUT THERE WAS NOTHING To SEE--NOBODY AROUND, WITH OR WITHOUT BELLS! JULIET JONES IMPOSSIBLE, DONNA --YOU KNOW THAT, WE'LL THINK OF 'SOME OTHER WAY. "He says he lost his gum and --and false teeth, too." meme HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS «INSTEAD OF NEAR WHERE GHE LIVES? WELL, DADDY, HER STREET IGN*T LINED WITH TREEG..IN CASE 6HE WANTS TO MAKE ANY GUPPEN 6TOPS/ { L THOUGHT You Were MY PAL : =~ eRe MEATBALLS pe pT DINNER a ee UNTIL. A You STAY THERE, DAISY, AND Se: THAT NOBO ay EATS THE 4 =! © King Fasturee Syedionte, tat. 1964. Wackd sights remerved,

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