aa a a od The bride's cousin, Dr. Edward J. Sherry, a Jesuit priest frem Layola College, \Montreal, officiated when Alice Elizabeth Mary Milne became \the bride of Arthur Frances Car- dinal, in Holy Cross Roman Catholie Church, Oshawa, re- cently, The bride is the daugh: ter ef the late Mr. 'and Mrs. |William Milne of Port Hope and the bridegroom 'is the son of Mrs. William Cardinal, Oshawa and the late Mr. Cardinal. The bride's nephew, Patrick; Watters, Whitby, assisted) Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Ayguat 13,1964 7 Six Sisters Attend Bride At Van Hemmen-Day Nuptials wate Wn itbs." assisted for the veception hel, Leah Garrow, Oshawa, sang) sedis ig sore! 4 vAve Marie', (° tame | Am : : : Not Worthy', "On This Day osha, where about 60 guests at/ang "OQ Beautiful Mother", ac- tended in the afternoon and 100 companied by. Mrs. Garry in the evening, the bride's moth-|Boath, Oshawa. Her six sisters 'attended her when Brenda Irene Louise Day jbecame the bride of Anthony | Adrianus Yan Hemmen, in a \double-ring ceremony held re-. her Bride's Cousin Officiates At Cardinal-Milne Rites lef red sweetheart roses. ters, Whitby, the bride wore a semi-formal gown of blue Chan- tilly lace, with lily-paing sleeves, hat of self draped skirt and a semi-bateau| nekline, Her Chantilly lace pill-| WH box held a three-quarter length veil and she carried a nosegay|*"'** Her. only attendant was Mrs.' William Cardinal, Oshawa, wearing pink lace with white accessories and carrying a bou- quet of white chrysanthemums, Wpped with blue. ; he bridegroom's brother, Mr. William Cardinal, was the best man, and the usheds were Mr. John Cardinal, Oshawa and Mr. William Watters, Whitby |eently in St. John the Evangelist {Reman Catholic Church, Whit- by. The bride is the daughter of er received wearing a pale blue' lace sheath with matching coat, |brother- white accessories and a corsage Given in marriage by in-law, Mr: Harold Wat- 3 ae neth Nichol, Oshawa, to Alex- ander'Stanley Stewart Rout, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rout, Hampton --Ireland Studio: THE FREE METHODIST Church, Erie street, was the setting recently for the mar- riage of Sharon Ann, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ken- Mrs. J. H. Dollan, Glasgow, Seotiand and the bridegroom | is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Appleton, Oshawa. The | Reverend Ronald H. Love officiated KEDRON UNITED Church was the setting recently for the marriage of Carol Anne Hopper to John Howard Apple- ton, both of Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and --Ireland Studio CHILD GUIDANCE Influence Of Others On Our Own Children | THE MARRIAGE took place recently in Northminster Unit- ed Church of Sharon Dianne Campbell, to Lawrence John Butler, both of Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr \ANN LANDERS | Schedule Can. # | solve this one you are a genius. The problem: Four children, two adulis, one bathroom. The girls, 15 and 17, usually get in first. They spend about 20 minutes (together). putting on make-up and combing each other's hair. This makes the boys, 12 and 10, furious Some mornings the boys get up early and try to beat their sisters into the bathroom, When they succeed the girls bang on the door and raise such a ruckus my husband (who. does not have to go to work until noon) gets out of bed and adds to the bedlam by screaming at them I've begged my husband for a second bathroom but he says, "We had nine kids in our fam- ily and the bathroom was out- side. We managed to grbw up al! right." Please tell me what to do.-- Tired Blood Dear Tired: If it's any con- solation to you, Madame, a house with four kids and one bathroom is usually happier than a house with four bath- rooms and no children. Hold a family conference. Tell the girls what time to go in-- and what time to get out. Buy them a wall mirror so they can Bathroom Squabbles Dear Ann Landers: If you can William Arthur Campbell and Mrs. Gordon Van De Walker, both of Oshawa and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Butler, Oshawa Solve Fre Fi because he cried (and she felt sorry for him) will surely wind up crying (and feeling sorry for herself) Dear Ann Landers: mother of five fine children, My husband's eldest sister unmarried. Aunt Faye has a fine executive position and has invested her money wisely The problem 's that. Aunt Faye has been extremely fond of our eldest daughter, Rita, from the day she was born. Rita lis 15 now and Aunt Faye has taken her on so many lovely trips that it is obvious to the reat of the children that Rita is ther favorite This is causing bitter resent- ment against Rita. The other children are becoming openly hostile toward her. What, if anything, should be done about it?--R.B.S, Dear R. B. S.--Parents should not permit relatives to make a "pet" of one of their children. It breeds envy and hard feel- ings which could last forever Insist that the favoritism be stopped at once SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT I am the By GARRY C. MYERS, Pb.D.\family were lolling about in the apply their make-up and comb The engagement is announced their hair in the bedroom. Make °f Margaret Marlene, daughter Often we parents think and'living room talk about the undesirable in-' Pam liked the way fluences on our growing children|present usually listened while of the children with whom they/one of the family, even the mingle and of the homes in youngest, was talking. She said which our youngsters frequently|that when anybody tried to talk visit, play and spend a lot of/too long, the mother had a way their time. to help give another person an Less often do we give consid. °Pportunity to talk eration to the good influences on| Pam said the conversation in our children of many other that family séldom dwelt on homes and children. .. gossip or matters which had to Some while ago, Mrs Myers| 42 with ate or ' é io Splendor, but on matters which Lol Pi a lpg 9% Be ta left everybody feeling good. She grown up, got to talking about said they rarely talked about the influences of other families other persons not present, ex: on our children. The conversa- cept to speak well of them tion concerned the good influ- ences. Each of us cited instance after instance of such influ-! ences Here are a few individua! re- 'marks as I can remember them disguised slightly: "Kibby has often referred to the wholesome humor he has observed in fam- ily B, the delightful banter be- tween the eldest daughter and those mother said, 'You know of these things we ourselves had not especially noticed. Indeed, I used to think the home she orderly, But we didn't consider the more important matters "Come to think of it are very fine relationships that family. While they don't in eat it clear that if the girls don't go in on schedule they lose their place to the boys This should end the Battle of the Bathroom, which, incident- ally, is an old familiar sport Dear Ann Landers: years I dated a fellow I will call Charley. He was iike a |brother to me and there was no hint of romance between us jin all the yearswe dated. On omy andliwe occasions he told me about) For three of Mrs. Ernest Lyon, Millbrook, and the late Mr. Lyon, to Doug- las. Alan Moore, son of Mrs Ivan Moore, Port Perry, and the late Mr. Moore. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, Sep- tember 12, 1964, at 3.00 p.m. in Port Perry United Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Price wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Bar- Barbara Anne, to Mr. Bruce girls he was sweet on and I Nigel Staples, youngest son of jcoached him on how to romance them Last night Charley Mr. and Mrs. Harry Staples, all of Oshawa. The wedding is to me a ring and asked me tojber 5, 1964, at 4.00 p.m. in As we went on talking, Pam's marry him. I was speechless. I/Northminster told him I had never thought of/Oshawa him that way and I was shocked that he wanted to marry me. Well, Ann. he broke down and home, buy me a car and make me his queen forever. He left there with eyes as red as tomatoes|"@ro. and said he'd call me in a week. I feel so sorry for him I could United 'Church, |FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Appleton spoke so well of was often dis- cried. He offered to build me a Wis! to announce the forthcom- jing marriage of their daughter, Sue Lynne, to Mr. Gene Poste- Oshawa, son of Mrs. Sal- vatore Posteraro and the late Mr. Posteraro. The ceremony --Azzopardi Studio, Ajax | : chrysanthemums and rosebuds r. and Mrs. Donald Frederick Day, Whitby and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. Anthony Van Hemmen, Whitby and the late Mrs. Van Hemmen The Reverend Leo J. Austin jofticiated and the soloist, Mr. Frank Rosettani, Whitby, sang "Ave Marie" "Because"', acoompanied Mrs, Patrick Wilson, Whitby Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white silk over organza formal gown featuring a sabrina neckline Of anq Mrs, Van Hemmen will re- jewelled lace, lily-point sleeves cige at 101 Craydon road, Apart- and a lace bustle. Her crown Of mont 4, Whitby, pearlized lilies of the valley : PARENTS - YOUNG PEOPLE |held her shoulder-length veil of nylon tulle, and she carried a cascade of red American beauty jroses and stephanotis THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE would be priv- ileged to have the opportunity of preparing you for ¢ rewarding career in business. Twenty-seven years of experience and hundreds of graduate place- The matron of honor, Mrs John Hartjes, sister of the bride ments prove the value of specialized business training. | groom, wore a lime-green nylon dress with matching headdress and a cascade of white and green roses. The bridesmaids Before deciding about your future -- Get the Facts Phone, write or visit the College for your free copy of "Choosing « Coreer"' -- There is no oblig- ation -- Just Dial 725-3375, 10 Simcoe Street N. were five sisters of the bride, Misses Donna, Carla, Wilma, THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE i aoe | solicits your attention to some of the benefits of Business Education and Paula, and Patricia Day with another sister, Miss Belinda Day ag the flower girl. They were dressed alike in embossed or- Training. @ Sincerity in Education -- Fully qualified staff, interested in your future and prepared to give you individual instruction. of pink yvasebuds. The bride- groom's.sister, Mrs. John Meul- enbroeks, Kingston, assisted, wearing a pink linen gown, white accessories and a corsaze of white rosebuds. Before the couple left for their honeymoon in Eastern United States and West Virginia, the bride changed into a sheath of black nylon over, black and white taffeta with matching three-quarter coat, and white accessories, On their return Mr FOR THE FINEST IN Custom Made DRAPES | SEE M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 and by ganza, some in yellow and some in pink with matching hats of organza and tulle and carried contrasting cascades of baby Mr. Peter Van Hemmen, Whit- by, was his brother's best man and the ushers were Mr. Andrew Van Hemmen, .another brother, Bowmanville; Mr. Louis Bandel, Whitby; and Mr. Richard Day, a brother of the bride. The bride's 'other brother, Master Robert Day, was ring bearer Business mechines and equipment based on act- ual survey of what is being used todey in local business offices. A nationally known reading course for day school students designed to increase reading speed, comprehension and retention and improve study habits. Tuition rates below the National average -- assistance in obtaining @ position through « highly sstul pi t department. @ USE THIS COUPON TO OBTAIN FREE LITERATURE @ Without Obligetion, Send Free Copy of Choosing A Cereer to: WIFE P Use a long-handled string mop dipped in sudsy water to wash ground floor windows. Rinse Name .... - Telephone ... Address pEeene them with the garden hose »rought take place on Saturday, Septem-| home a Mrs. Cardinal, tie street. | As thé couple were leaving lfor their hone' to in Northern summer FUR SALE 20% to 40% OFF FINEST QUALITY FURS rio, the dress of held at the POPULATION INCREASES -- Formosa's population at the end of May exceeded 12,000,000. --_rreeneee The House F of Fla COIFFURES 723-6901 - 9 Bond St. E. Prop: BOB BUZMINSKI quality fur steles NATURAL PASTEL MINK ...; NATURAL SILVERBLU MINK . . NATURAL WILD MINK ...... EMBA "AUTUMN HAZE" MINK EMBA "SAPPHIRE" MINK .... and many, many more! Value $350 $450 $450 $595 $650 ___ quality fur jackets Black-dyed PERSIAN LAMB ... Natural GREY PERSIAN ....., "Let-Out" KOLINSKY JKT. dyed $450 $450 $450 $298. $298. $298. her dad, and the frequent up- roarious laughter of the whole family group over some repar- tee or slip of the tongue "Kibby seemed impressed with the way the children in that family vied with one an other and the parents in telling jokes they had reader heard He also noted that the laughter rarely was at the expense of an- other person, and that nobody seemed to suffer as the butt of ridicule by anybody cise." FREE CONVERSATION Pam often talked about the ease and freedom of conversa- tion in family K. She said that every one of the children--even the youngest, only four -- and both the parents, shared in the conversation at the leisurely mealtimes; also when al! hte Plan Now to Attend the Giant' Mike STARR @ Matt DYMOND @ Ab WALKER. FREE BARBECUE SATURDAY, AUG. 15, 2 P.M. The Heber Down Farm. No. 7 Hwy. 1 Mi. WEST OF BROOKLIN free Steerburgers - rides - bands - races - entertainment e EVERYBODY have so much in worldly goods, just die. He's a fine person but|Will take place on Saturday, they have riches money cannot|I can't see myself married to September a 1964, at 11.00 a.m buy. They have the kind of/him. My mother says maybe [|i" St. Gregory the Great Roman wealth we wish our children|could learn to love him. She|Catholic Church a might acquire." SHARE DUTIES Then Kibby's father dweit on what his son learned from see- ing how the children in family R took responsibility and shared in. the home duties and drud- geries "And Pam seemed to gain a kindly feeling toward younger children after seeing how con- siderate the older children in Family R were of their young- est brother." During that conversation, we suggested that I write to you. Dear No Words: After three years of dating if the friendship hasn't caught fire, it never will A girl who married a man tainly had gained much from that exchange As I look back upon the ex- perience, | wonder why we pat- ents don't often have such wholesume, useful talks with other. parents What empty, futile lives we and our children might have but for the other families we LADIES! _No Baby Sitter, " No Car Fare MR. BERNARD OF Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. Natural RANCH MINK JKT. .. EMBA "HOPE" MINK JKT. .... $1095 $895 $595. $795. and many, many more! quality fur coats Dyed Sheared BROWN LAMB Embe Lutetia MINK trim ....., Black-dyed PERSIAN LAMB ,.. Embe Sapphire MINK trim ...; Brown-dyed PERSIAN LAM Pastel Mink trim 728-9317 four parents seemed to feel weimingel with were discussing a topic we -- 7 wanted to talk more about next time we got together. We cer-| First To Young Ages Then tock-te-sehsel Visit Young Ages in the Oshawa Shopping Centre for Selection, Quality and Value . . + featuring all the latest styles for boys and girls. SIZES FROM INFANTS TO 14 UIN]clAlcle|s| UI WELCOME « OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE vlo) Just as you enjoy the many varieties of Bick's Pickles you'll find many uses for this beautiful relish -- server, so handy for Bick's Table Serving Jars. It's ideal for cook-outs, patio meals and of course to compliment your regular table setting. Why not mail this coupon right now, while you think of it? We'll speed Bick's Relish Server to your door. TO: RELISH SERVER OFFER, -- 13-8-RR i | P.O, BOX 247, SCARBORO, ONTARIO, Gentlemen: Here is my Dollar and two labels from Bick's Relishes in the Table Serving Jars. er two code numbers from any two of the other varieties of Biok's Pickles. r aed «dg CR Please send me your Relish Server post haste. mae Address. City... Province Act Now. Offer expires ee ed Natural GREY PERSIAN LAMB Emba Sapphire MINK trim .... $495 $650 $750 'and many, many mere wonderful buys! NO DOWN PAYMENT!!