17--Male Help Wanted (17--Mole Help Wanted |23--Wanted To Rent 25--Apartments |27%----Real Estate for Sole [27--Real Estate For Sole 27----Real Estate For Sele Keck redepineatessi, 8 OR yee TE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 13,1964 49 brbapel three bedroom house prefer- A. and P. Stores employee USE YOUR SPARE time to inéresse fransterred to Oshawa. T 728-2610, your weekly earnings, THREE ROOMS, self-contained spart- x : > HELP WANTED !! No investment but car fo 8 'or infor. Rawiel tation write Dept. 4310-915; 4005--Richelieu Street, "$t. Henrys Mont real. YOUNG MAN for maili TEACHER requires September 1, two Br threeroon" furnished oF unlurhished shorten. Vicinity Oshawa Central High division of local | School. in cl 'eucation ihe) GOOD "AUTOMOBILE Friday, Please) 668- building, stove, refrigerator, washing faci- lites. Responsible adulis only, _ Telephone 3591. We pRANK ao | KEITH PETERS 209 Brock Street South, Whitby 668-4977. L ESTATE LIMITED ONE BEDROOM apartment in. modern R 177 Church Street, PAINTER Steady Employment APPLY GANNON'S 'AUTO BODY EATON'S in OSHAWA CAMERA DEPARTMENT requires @ man who not only ¢on sell photographic equip- ment but can talk about it ond advise his customers on this hobby. Apply Personnel Department rinting plant. Grade cured Mechanical Ability an asset. Night pew Benefits. Appl joulden, senertl Printers Ltd $7 simede iy in person fo treet South, Oshawa. will be reply ising all particulars #6: Box 239, Oshawa bat house of apa quired Hergemmigisty »y. footy of GROCERY CLERK, chain store, perienced i feo ie sar starti » Bassin's Food Market, Ajax, isi, Store ment required atély. Vicinity by young af rtment re four in Room anne private apart- Tyne. le Immedi- School, Be coe heist za, T REQUIRED immediately, four men to work four hours per beds as junior $ eo concern, plus men for large c Times. Also ® chance to fon our wera. nent stat For. appointment call Th 6211. ' TWO TRUCK drivers, for .rovte. work, |W: $90. weekly. Write Box 312, Oshawa jiatel: family ie. "eal srs oF or ads house required im: of iin in Osh 1 | Wi Good three-betiroom home for reliable tenants, Telephone. 720-9969 _|WHiTBY -- Dundas. Sireet. West, Furnished room with range and refrirer- ator. Call Gall after $ p.m. at above address, 26--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available .in ip home Call between and' 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD..N. 728-8671 18----Male or Female Help. Wented ~~ TEACHERS y WANTED PART .T Teachers earn pie money tutoring in your spore time. Mornings during Aug. and @venings and Saturdays dur- ifig school term. Phone Academie Tutoring College 723-6701. 24-Houses For Rent HOMES FOR RENT Beach; 2-3-4 BEDROOM NEAR COMPLETION; Private "from $95.50 month. Early selection for best choice |General Motors employee. TY privileges. Telephone 723-3744, afternoons: as to 6. LARGE { furnished | sult 2 gentlemen wining tos share, Chose to south 6M. After 4 telephone | 725-8645. |ROOM 'to rent for geniteman, Space. Telephone 723- 1830. ties; room, near south plant "park light working gentieman, Near North "osneral Motors. Dishes, linens, hot plate, refriger- ator room. Abstainers, please. 12 Elgin Stree! LARGE ROOM with kitchen, suit couple, i ast. 406. Parking facili for ing 'pom for Bowmanville 623- 3393 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Loupan Developments Ltd.-- Brick ranch bungalows. $14,- 200. with $1,739 down at Sunset. Terrate off Liberty Street North: Easy' N-H.A, terms on balance. Bowmanville--Brown Street. 3 bedroom bungalow, attach- ed garage. $10,500.00 -- $3,000.00 down. Ontario Street -- 3 bedroom brick, large living and din« ing room, 2 bathrooms, $14,« 800 terms. Queen Street -- 4 bedroom brick. Large living and din- ing room. New furnace. $15,« 000 terms, REALTOR 728-7328 103 King Street East CENTRE STREET Two. storey three bedroom home with dining room, See this spacious dwelling by. cal- ling Ron Hetherington 623- 3637. $1,117.38 DOWN NEW CLAY BRICK BUNGA- LOW oné NHA mortgage, hollywood kitchen with ma- hogany cupboards and trim, storms and scréens, 2 alumi- hum dors, some stone, cera- mic tile, hood and fon, lawn sodded. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. WHITBY Eaton's of Canada ~ OPPORTUNITY -- Rasa Be yok shing CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Minimum Education - Senior Matriculotion FOR. APPOINTMENT with cool loke breezes. PHONE BUILDER Dunbarton 839-1221 EXPERIENCED nurserymen for season gon pay, eventualy room ahd board, elephone Sowmarvilie 623-2837. Jerry Trejbal, Mearns Avenue. TEACHER required for rural school/For further ifformati..., Mre W. tary-treasurer, RR 2, Orono, 30-R-1, |20--Room and Board [ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman.) Lunches packed, parking, television priv-| lileges. Telephone 723-1671. |LAKESIDE STREET, 1545 -- Roorn and board for gentlemen, willing to share or private. Single and double beds, Closé to South General Motors. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. Telephone 728-7527 i mii i aes SENIOR SALESMAN == {fatten/"™"" Pree tome ti to call on stores, offices, garages, motels, ROOM AND BOARD, or room only fot South Plant industries, schools; hospitals, etc., with nice gentleman. arking. an hom dur engineered lighting products, Age no| Telephone 728-3350. 86 APARTMENTS Barrier car necessary. Side-line or {ll Rom AND BOARD, seven-day week,, One,two and three bed- time. Highest commissions paid weekly located, lunchés packed, _pri- . On automatic year-round repeat business eee fen" enianan preterred. $17. aa August 15th posses 1 ' Exclusive Prémium Program will make '64 the biggest of our 20 years of success weekly. 723-5084 ; Pa ' = " ful Businéss operations in Canada. Choice: FURNISHED room, "home-cooked rials, Balconies levator Servic protected territory of Oshawa and dis-\junches packed for gentlemen, 8 minutes Fully Equipped Kitchen frie? now open. For complete information from Oshawa. Telephone Bowmanville) Broadloomed corridors write Hi-Test Corporation, 206 King West, | 263-2654. Simniinig Hook PIRERIIIEN,. ORIAETE. ROOM AND BOARD for two quiet work | bleh 9 ; Take advantage of choice lo- cation by making deposit on lease now SERVICE f STATION Bikina, Coss \c geuth OM tne shopping | MANAGER Centre. 728-9287, |Two SINGLE "rooms All replies kept confidential, Write (tare orking. "are 108 BOX 141 OSHAWA TIMES LICENSED MECHANIC jalso garage. Very clean, Phone ns. 1904. '25--apartments OXFORD PARK TOWERS One block from G.M. and board for) Bas A Exclusive Agents Te. a LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 723-1121 723- -1950 evenings. in néw hornie, parking space, Telephone GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 PARK ROAD AREA 3 bedroom brick home with privote drive ond garage. Sepotate dining room and 3 pc. bathroom on main floor, Large enclosed sun porch ond front verandah. Bus stop and shopping centre close. Asking $9,900. Vendor will consider @ trade 6n a smaller home on one floor. ATTENTION INVESTORS a good buy on King St. West with 7 room 22 storey brick home and garage on 43 ft. lot zoned C2 and R2A. Large rooms with. kitchen upstoirs. 80 it could be duplexed. Sep- arate meters and 2 heavy duty stove cables dlready in, Asking $32,000. PRICE REDUCED 4 room bungalow on a large lot 60 x 660 ft. with good wel, Aluminum storms and scréens throughout, Finished 27----Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale JOHN F. DeWITH Bull, "Secre-|SEVEN-ROOM house, centrally located: ven ig G.M. $8 weekly. = |LARGE light housekeeping room, .gentle-| man preferred, parking facilities, refrig- .jerator included. Telephone 723-3589. '| TWO unfurnished bedrooms for rent. Cen- |tral to hospital. Apply 169 Warren Ave-| nue. 728-4265 SINGLE room to rent. p.m. to 574 Crerar Avenue. | SINGLE rooms, for gentlemen only, close to South GM, parking space, Apply 25 Division Street. PARK ROAD NORTH, |rooms, furnished, |ply after 6 p.m: at above address. FURNISHED ROOM, close to North Gen. eral Motors and downtown. Telephone 723: 9895. LARGE furnished room, town Whitby. Can be shared by two, if desired, $10. weekly. Whitby, 668-5071 Two Kitchen and bedroom. TV outlet |88 Westmount Street. WHITBY: Large furnished room, close to downtown Whitby, can be shared by two. | Telephone. 668-5071. FURNISHED with TV and private entrance. Apply 542 Mary Street East, Whitby or call 668-2332. TWO SINGLE furnished rooms, one with GUIDE REALTY two single beds, private home, 103 La- Salle after 6 or 728-1239 anytime CELINA STREET, $5 -- Furnished room Clean and quiet: Front room. Suit two persons, Telephone 728-4403 |SINGLE furnished' room for rent. Apply) |256 Court Street or telephone 728-4594, | FURNISHED bedroom, fortable for gentleman. '22--Offices, Stores, Storage | Wanted at | OFFICE SPACE CANADIAN TIRE CORP, | : | 311 BROCK STREET NORTH | ____WHITBY 668-5828, a SERVICE STATION | ATTENDANT WRITE BOX 141 OSHAWA TIMES TAXI DRIVERS AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES HALL, 65 x 24 feet, situated at Four Cor- ners downtown. fness or convert to living. quarters. phone 723-7609. ideal for club or busi- Tele "4 REALTORS } | Apartments to Rent - 1} and 2 bedroom apart- com- from refrigera- | and cold water, Elevator. Intercom ser- ments now being pleted. Occupancy » 15th. Range, tor, drapes, 'hot vice. Apply 349 Marla 728-1544. Street, NEW HOME, hished available jbas '27--Real Estate For Sale SINGLE ROOMS 'for gentiérmen 'with car. Pontiac Inn, west off of Taunton Road. |SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM {or steadily employed gentleman, parking, One block Teron Apply after kitchen privileges furnished rooms. Ground light housekeeping Private immediate possession Whitby. attractive, room for gentieman. Close to Houdaille, ent epertment, spacious, also | 6 428--three single Ap- close to down: floor Apply room clean and com- home, Apply 23) Palace tur- Parking Sheonene 723-2066. nd, | | OFF WILSON ROAD NORTH, one-bed-| room apartment, Stove, refrigerator, wesher and dryer, Available August My Telephone 728-8508. THREE ROOM, fully "furnished fend Suitable for working coup' stainers. Apply 200 Kini t, {Fas toes: 9 West. Te Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Appy MERCURY TAXI oa COMPOSITOR required for plant in west-| ern Ontario. Must be qualified in' mark! up, make up, lock up and general trade! composing operations. Permanent posi- Bak Leaman Printing, Gueiph. Phone 2-486). |23--Woanted _ To Rent _ WANTED TO RENT In Oshawa or Whitby. Three or four bedroom house, Im- mediate occupancy. Excellent references, Call. 668-5811 from 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. apa | | 1@, Ab. lephone |$80 8 three room and bath apartment. Un-| }Call 725-1212. THREE ROOM modern apartment, ufrnished Downtown jocation. Adults only. selt-| |contained, private entrance, unfurnished, | $75 monthly Currie. 725-0210 314 Jatkson Aven jue off; FIVE-ROOM apartment, private entrance |Good location. Available now. Adults pre. ferred. Reterences required. For informa- tion telephone 728-6983. BACHELOR apartment, in modern apart. LET'S TRADE Your present home, lot or car can be considered as a Down: Payment on a hew by Construetion on Wilson Road North. S. D. HYMAN 728-6286 home built Hogenboom "Ste THERESE, OUR Hompton--5 bedroom home, large lot. $7,500.00. Courtice --- 4 room home, $7,500 -- $1,000 down. Motel, Restaurant, Hall, Swimming Pool. Peter- borough area, Excellent buy at only $30,000 -- $10,000 down. Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M. Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pot Yeo 629:3077 Joe Barnoski 2202 Newtonville D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 313 Brock Street South Whitby, Ontario 668-5868 1¥Y% storey home well situ- ated west of Pickering on No, 2 highway. Good size lot 150 x 600, Large living room, seporate dining room, three bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Lots of extras including trac- tor, garden tools, double ga- rage. Suitable for market gardening. Asking $24,000. Cash or terms Donce Three bedroom brick bunge- low with private drive. Lnd- scoped lot and fenced, Asking $13,000.00 with $3,000.00 down, Balance ore N.H.A, mortgage Owner leaving town. Five and a half room brick bungalow with private drive. Finished rec. room, storms and screens, T.V. Antenna, Patio, Will be vacant September Ist, asking $13,500.00 To. inspect perties call 668-5868 Residential Streams Mercial the above pros Eric Wilson, Trout Com- Acreages Farms Lots Business $12,900 FULL PRICE for a new five-room _|bungalow. NHA financing. Phone $. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286. . Large treed lot with nice 3 bedroom bungalow and at- tached. garage, broadioom and tiled floors, forced. air with oil heating. Asking $12,- 000.00 with payments of $100.00 per month princi- pol, interest and taxes, | 2 blocks from school and shop- ping plaza, Robert Johnson 728-2548, NORTH SUBURBS DON'T MISS A CHANCE to see this large two storey brick home ini the country, There has been a lot of' money spent on this home, new kit- chén, new bathroom, forced air oil heating, aluminum storms.and screens, new slid- ing windows in kitchen, good water supply from drilled well, four cat garage. You will only need one look at this housé to say that's it, Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-3917, HORTOP AVENUE $15,500.00 Immaculate 3 bedroom brick -- bungalow, garage, recreation room, beautiful treed lot, close to school and shopping. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. TRY $7500.00 on this good 13 acre parcel of level lond situated in Courtice, 3 miles east of Oshawa, situated on paved road close to public ond high schools, 728-7328. "$500 BONUS -- | We are taking orders for | | | | | homes to be built this winter under the govern- ment bonus plan. DON'T WAIT FOR INCREASE IN PRICES BUY NOW AND SAVE $490 (FULL DOWN) | To' One N.H.A. .Mortaage $13,990 FULL PRICE 3 and 4 bedrooms, storms, screens, fully decorated, col- ored bathroom fixtures, elec- tric heat available, twin sinks, WANTED TO RENT: Modest home re- ment building. Drapes, stove, THREE. To FOUR + ambitious men need- quired, 3 or 4 bedrooms. Couple with 3 tor. Laundry facilities. Diel ed fo add to our sales staff. Training) school-age children, Reference if needed. provided. Apply 299 Simcoe Street South.' Telephone 728-3146. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN refrigera. 668-5940, JACKSON APARTMENTS ~ two - bed- room, unfurnished apartment, fully equip- ped, adults only, Telephone 725-3388. | FURNISHED three-room basement apart- ment. For two single men or working couple, Whitby 668-3192. 2% ROOM furnished apartment Private eolahebig Suit quiet people, 218 Arthur reet, SMALL apartment, two rooms; private bath, private entrance, unfurnished. Sit- jyatéd at Four Corners downtown. Imme- jdiate po $s@ssion. After 6, telephone | 723-7609. BOWMANVILLE -- two-bedroom apart- |ment, private bath, heat, hot water sup- plied. Available immediately. Large fenc ed We parking facilities. Telephone 725 3. |FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment in | apartment building, all conveniences, lample parking and laundry facilities, im: mediate possession, adults only. Apply 165 Verdun Road, Oshawa MILLBROOK -- Lower four-room apart- ment, self-contained, two separate en- |trances, $65. Upper four-room apartment, }$55; upper three-room apartment, $50. |Available September 1. Al) conveniences, children welcome. Parking facilities or garage, within commuting distance. Call |Toronto 261-0763 |PORT PERRY -- Two-bedroom apart-| ment. Private entrance. Children wel- come. Available immediately, Call 655- | 4659. two - ROOM unfurnished apartment. |Private bath and. entrance. Close to bus} | stop. Adults only. Call 725-8352, . |SMALL unfurnished apartment, Simcoe! |Street South district; also 'furnished| |rooms, bathroom to share. Parking. Tele- phone 725-2915, | ONE BEDROOM apartment in new Whit-; by apartment building. Range, refriger- ator, $89 monthly. Dial 668-2660. MOTHER AND CHILD, infant preferred| to share apartment. Day care available, | Telephone 723-4569. | THREE ROOMS and bath, unfurnished, $70 monthly, parking space, private én- trance. Apply 517 Orew Street anytime. | |FURNISHED threée-room apartment, | heated, second floor with bath and .semi- private entrance, newly decorated, utili- ties paid, close to Shopping Centre. im- mediate possession, $80, monthly 728-2925 TWO- and three-bedroom apartments; {also one-bedroom apartment. All convéni- ences, central. Children welcome. Park- ing. 300 High Street, Whitby, Apartment 1}, 668-8931 FURNISHED or unfurnished two room basement apartment; also bed-sitting basement apartment. 723-7500. ONE- AND TWO-BEOROOM apartments, with refrigerators, stoves, electric heat ling, hot water, drapes, hi-fi, elevator, By ANNE ADAMS swimming pool. Whitby 668- " ; FAREWELL STREET, 194 -- Three-room String ties shape this SUN-|soartment. Phone 723-4712 or 728-0422 beam-slim shift a touch closer Ask for Joe to. your' figure. So simple t 0 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, electrically PENNY- WISE HITS By ALICE BROOKS | this bright trio for Fall thsi cal bold prints, | SIZES 4530 plaids, stripes, solids! Like magic, turn remnants into 3 gay aprons -- thrifty de- lights for bazaars, gifts, YOU! Pattern 7264: printed pattern; directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, pleasé) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add Ic sales tax. Print QUICK SHAPER Teie- $10,900 FULL PRICE tor this five-rocm home with attached garage with only $1,500 down. Ask for Bill Swarbrick at S. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd:, 728-6286 CHOICE LOT, Soft. by \02f. Located North of Oshawa Shopping Centre. For 5 room bungalow with garage laundry room, family room in basement on fully land- scaped lot. Near schools, churches, shopping centre and hollywood kitchens, lot sodded front and 'rear, trees, choice of colors throughout, Roads, sidewalks, curbs, sewers and water in and pre- further information, 723-3955 ONE choice building lot, 75 ft w 200 ft., with shade trees and chain: length fence. Paved road. Close to schools and churches, near new K-Mart Plaza. Phone 728-1165. 100 ACRE beef cattle farm, with fast running trout stream, ll-room brick house Price $16,000. Terms, Call Hamp- ton 263-2021. - Watch for the Opening of "BEACONSFIELD" Fine traditional homes custom. designed and custom .built OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. East Whitby 668-5853 or 668-8981 marina. A few minutes from new G.M. Plant. Low down payment with terms. Write: 745 BATISCAN ST., DUVERNAY MTL. 40 QUE. 100 ACRE beet cattle farm, with fast ruh- ning trout stream, 11-room brick house Price $16,000. Terms, Call Hampton 263-202) paid: by builder Located - nae or Dial 942- 022k" or 942-4261 | MANDERHILL _REAL ESTATE LTD. PRIVATE WEST END AREA | Six room brick bungalow with attached garage. 3 piece bathroom, 'well landscaped grounds with a-stone patio, In quiet and convenient area. TELEPHONE 728-0133 Private Sale 4 Bedroom Bungalow Must Be Seen to be Appreciated | Spacious kitchen, large living room, with divided dining aréa, study, two finished rooms in the base- ment, detached garage. Well landscaped grounds. Home only 8 years old. Located on Highway No. 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. Asking Price $2190 room in basement. Close to schools. Just east of Oshawa, SIMCOE ST. FRONTAGE 2 adjoining properties with a total frontage of '78 ft. Presently used as stores and apartments, Good investment with excellent monthly in- come, 4 blocks to King St, Con be purchased seporately, FOR THE EXECUTIVE You will find the best of materials ond workmanship in this large 4 bedroom brick and stone ranch bungalow with attached garage, Many features such as electric heat- ing, 2 fireplace', separate dining 'room, generous en- trance hall, finished recrea- tion room with bar a8 'well os complete kitchen in basement makes this home just a little bit better, Located on West- dale, St. in the popular north west area of Oshawa. EARLY POSSESSION 6 room brick bungalow with 3 large bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled bath ond seporate dining room, This attractive home is located near Kingsway Col- lege and priced at $14,400, BUILDING LOTS Brooklin on Duke St, 82 x 165 ft. asking $2,000, with terms. Baldwin St. 66 ft. priced at $2,200, North West Oshawa -- Rose- lawn Ave. 10 x 216 ft. with large mople trees, Priced at $2,000. frontage WHITBY 5 room brick with fenced yord ond tastefully decorated throughout. Built in china cabinet and planter in din- ing area, Lorge kitchen with lots of cupboards and eating area. Panelled recreation room in basement. School just a couple of blocks away. Asking $12,300; and with substantial down payment carries for $82.00 per month including taxes. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 6 room brick bungalow on a large: lot. 3 good sized bed- rooms and 4 pce. tiled bath with colored fixtures. Lorge living room and separate din- ing room, 2 finished rooms in the walkout basement, Close to Glenholme: School, CLOSE TO SCHOOLS This brick bungalow with its 3 bedrooms and large holly- wood kitchen is just the place for the family man. The large bock yard gives the youngsters a safe place to play. Aluminum storms. and storm doors, Divided base- ment. Priced at $13,200. Be sure to ask about this one. | For full particulors call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. John Hutchuk .. 723-9266 Leon Nanitius .. 723-1121 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford ... 728-0768 Ellouise Hoggard 723-2106 Lloyd Corson... 723-2537 Richard Young .. 723-7183 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 Ernest Mueller .. 728-0208 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 Steve Englert 728-5581 Roy. Flintoff 725-3454 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. JOSEPH 6 a, REALTOR 728-7377 SHOPPING CENTRE AREA $9,000. full price with $1,- 000. down. Extra large mo- dern kitchén. Easy terms available, 3:APTS: Terrific monéy making tri- plex. Locoted ner Ritson & King..3 kitchens and 3 baths $15,900. asking price. APPLE PLL Neot os 0 pin, N.H.A. resale with 6% mortgage. Separate dining room; mony extras. Asking $14,400. REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St, 623-3950 95 Acre form, located 8 miles from Oshawa. Good enw 2 streams. Asking $50,0' Terms. 90 Acre HIGHWAY FARM with excellent nba Good !o- cation, Asking $5,000. down. " 100 Acres with barn and por- tial joke. Price Terms. 100 Acres with houses and born, Large river through pro- perty. Asking $9,000. Terms. 20 Acres with good brick home, bérn, Located 5 miles trom Oshawa. Asking $19,- 000. Terms, 125 Acre HIGHWAY FARM, A-1|. Buildings, éxcellent soil Good location. Asking $43,- 000. Terms. 84 Acres HIGHWAY FARM, Excellent soil and biuldings. Stream, Close to town, Anx- ious to sel, 50 Acres with house and barn. Good water supply. Asking $9,500, Terms, RESTAURANT in Village with 14 rooms, God business. Ask- ing $20,000. Terms, 75 Acre farm, located North of Oshawa Brick home, mod- érn --s conveniences. Born, stream. Asking $14,900, 100 Acres with brick house, 2 streams, Asking $12,000. 200 Acre farm with A-1 buildings ond excellent soil, Stream. Asking $32,000. Terms. 100 Acres with house, barn, stream. Highway -- location. Asking price $15,000, Terms. GARBAGE COLLECTING, DUMP AND AUTOWRECK- ING YARD. with House ond garage Going concern. 3 Tow trucks. Fully licenced. Make on offer, OSHAWA, Wilson Road, 5 Roomed bungalow. Well kept and clean. Only $1500 down. $6,500, Donald Mountjoy Guy LeBlane Idso Wiersma Ross Davidson ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED | 728-5157 SUB-DIVIDERS ONLY 35 Acres of residential. land in North-East section of Osh. awa. Priced for quick sole ot $1500.00 an Acre. NORTH-WEST AREA _ 3 Bedroom Rug Brick Sicte: : low situated in the area of better class homes. This' home in immaculote condi- > tion with toxes less pace 00 per year, You may-- immediate Priced bf quick sale. Phone. tonight for: your oppointment." 6 SUITES Only $23,900.00. Excellent income, Be first to moke on offer on this Brick In- comé property, with a low down payment and the owner will carry the balance on one Mortgage with terms to suit the purchaser, HARWOOD ST., AJAX 4 room Bungalow with. all modern conveniences, situat- ed on a lot 50 x 218, This home carries for only $78.30 @ month including both inter- est and principal. The taxes ore only $175.00 per year. Act quick for this well-kept home GENERAL STORE You be the owner of this store. Lost. yeor's business showed' ovér $125,000.00 turnover in this modern store that is only 4 yeors old. Hos oll equipment installed, Store® includes Post Office Fran- chise and a modern 5 room home. Only $15,000.00 down, Call this office for full particulars, Steve Lehon Steve Zurba Dorothy Wood Bob Johnston Guy Beil Bill Horner Pauline Beal Hertha: Kirk' Doug Wilson Ralph Vickery 48 Simcoe Street, South, across from Post Office, For professional serivces, GO ACTIVE List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS LIST AND MOVE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS ---- REAL ESTATE -- -- INSURANCE -- ---- MORTGAGES -- LAW ST. $17,500.00 Six room ranch brick bunga- low with attached garage. Fireplace, wall to wall broad- loom living room, dining room and hallway. Finished recreation room with 2 piece both. Large professionally landscaped lot with shrubs ond trees. Substantial down payment required. Be the first to inspect this excel- lent home by calling Mr, Ir- win_ Cruikshanks 728-5123 or 728-5205, No. 2 HIGHWAY ACREAGE $21,000.00 Consisting of a six room re- modelled home, ond just over 5 acres of level fond. Very 'close to Whitby. Reo- sonable terms on a 6% mortgage. Call Mr. Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725- 9345, SPECIAL $12,600 N.H\A, Resale, 5 -yéar old 3 - bedroom bungalow in spotless condition. Asking $2,700. down with monthly payments of $95.00 including taxes. An excellent buy. Be sure : inners ne make on of- r. Ask for Mr, Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725- 2317, WESTDALE New home below builders cost. 1300 square foot ron- cher. Attached garage. Only $18,700.00. The best value in a new home in Oshawa. Call Mr. Charles Rankine at- 728-5123 or 728-3682. | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OPEN EVERY EVENING KINGSMERE GARDENS G. ARMSTRONG and SONp) PRESENT 30 new homes consisting of splits, bungalows end two stories on serviced lots over- looking the City of Oshawa. Every home féotures a built in stove and oven, complete decorating as well as N.H.A. financing. For more informa- tion phone 728-6286, RESALES IN AJAX $395 FULL DOWN Large 6 room solid brick bun- galow, Drastically reduced for quick sole. Storms and screens. Immaculate condi- tion throughout. See this feature value today! $1,000 DOWN Full price $7,500, Spacious _7 room detached home 6n large wooded lot, Reduced for quick sale. Carries $75 monthly. $91. MONTHLY INCLUDING TAXES $12,900 full price for this large 5 room solid brick detache? bungalow featur- ing finished recreation room. Storms and screens, Taste- fully decorated" throughout.. Professionally landscaped grounds. Immediate posses- sion, FIRST TIME ADVERTISED $15,995 full price. Owner transferred. Selling for bélow cost. Very large 6 rooms: split level with carport. Storms and screens. Finished recreation room, Tastefully decorated. Fully landscaped grounds, Imediate possession, 101 N.H.A. HOMES Built ond backed by G. Armstrong 'and S6ns. PRICE FROM .. $13,800 With Down Payments from $990 Featuring 2, 3 and 4 bed- room bungalows, split levels, 2 stories. Storms and scréens. Built in ranges and ovens. Plus many other expensive extras. Models open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m daily includ- ing weekends Or call Ajax 942-3310 ANYTIME Also resales from $600 down H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER AJAX, ONT. In Before School The Owner of this spotléss one floor, 3 bedroom home is moving to Toronto and will be gone in time -for: school opening. $1500 down, having monthly poyments just like rent. Complete with aluminum storms ond screens,, almost new automatic woter soften- er, and new garage, See this home now, RAE R. JONES REAL ESTATE John: Grovelle .. 728-0594 BROKER Welter Mittler .. 728-7083 Neil Campbell .. 725-1015 Doug Skinner .,. 728-4900 S. D. HYMAN 668-8841] Re oe on eee. | REAL ESTATE LIMITED |THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, unio Elmer Fredin 725-2753 $$$. | Street East in Whitby, 'Large anturel |PONTYPOOL: : 2 miles from Oshawa, ? room cottage. | |treed yard, lovely lawn, attached garage, large rooms, all conveniences, furnished, Heavy wired. Furnished, pressure sys-/broadioom in living room and master|$300 down, $50 monthly; $5,000 full price, tem, shady lot, good beach. Safe for chil-|bedroom, modern kitchen. One block|/33Dundurn Crescent,- Toronto 10. Tele drén. $3,000, Also Sturgeon Lake, five-/from new school, two blocks from shop-|phone LE 1-0934, room 'cottage, furnished, 3-piecé bath,|ping centre. Priced very reasonable, Tele- $1,200 DOWN. Six-room A nar $2,000, Call Marvin Nesbitt," Nestlston, |phone 728-7328, Must be seen to be\cated in North Whilby on boneeen Cine 986-4894. T. Murphy Realtor, © appreciated. cent. Call AMherst 1-5475 (collect), R. 1. FIVE-ROOM, l'4-storéy house, alumi-|EIGHT-ROOM house on five acres. Bath, Lambert Real Estate. num siding. Fenced, yard, Low down/oil furnace, near 78 Highway, $7,900. Call payment. .Dial Alax 942-0212 for further|Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton © 986-4894, T.| particulars [Murphy Realtor, t WITH $5,000 DOWN For Further Information Telephone TBY 668-3769 LAKE SCUGOG, Four WH your wardrobe needs now! tember 1 Telephone Whitby 668-2445 Printed Prttern 4530: Misses' SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- Three-room } Size and bath. Available immediately. 16 requires 3% yards 35-inch phone 723-7275 fabric. be Eg har agli ot cd heat ve the new indsor lata (no stamps, please) for NAME, ADDRESS. pattern. Ontario residents add coe Street South, 723-1121. First time! 3 FREE PAT- NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE Ive specious, rooms, retrigereton: sn: e NUMBER + ' Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de cong order to ANNE ADAMS, |one:BEDROOM apartment" in" snadern signs -- smart stoles, jackets, care of The Oshawa Times,|building near Shopping Centre, Retriger- phovhe ferred. Available Sept. . Phone 723-2570 everything! Send 25c. NEW! 300 sparkling designs,! yo oom turnished apartment; 7 ' Tee | DELUXE QUILT BOOK features plus coupon for ONE phone 728-4386 or 115 Agnes after 60m and applique, for »eginners, ex- you choose! Send for new Falkipesroom,, lelrigeraior, | stove, | Broad. perts. Send 60¢ now. |Winter Pattern Catalog, sew, it's just the refresher heated. Washer and dryer. Available Sep- Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. 20. unfurnished apartment, Private entrance $100. PER MONTH, One-bédroom "apart plainly PATTERN NUMBER, a liek aca ae "this Guide Realty Limited, Realtors, 16 Sim- sales tax. Print plainly SIZE,/MARY STREET, 394 -- Three or four- TERNS in big. exciting 1965 ling. Apply above, evenings atter 6 hats, toys, afghans, linens,| Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario.|?% range. drapes, balcony. Adults pre- 16,9 exciting fashion and. fabric ties paid. Abstaintrs. $45, monthly ree compléte quilt patterns--pieced prey PATTERN -- any one30 COLBORNE STEET EAST -- two "54 Imonth. Apply Apt. 1, (Continued em Page 20) nd : '