sa a acre nee EI } =A "Departmental Results The Oshavwn Times PAGE THIRTEEN SECOND SECTION THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1964 - At Central Collegiate Composition, English Literature, History, Botany, Zoology, Latin Authors, Latin Composition, 4 French Authors, French Com-| @ position, Porayko, P. Gary -- English Composition, English Literature, Chemistry. Racz, Anne-Marie -- Art, Ritzie, Eleanor J. -- Music. Robinson, William E.--x-Eng- lish Composition, English Lit- erature, Rohn, Martin E, -- English Composition, English Literature, Igebra, Geometry, Trigonom- etry, Physics, Chemistry, Ger- man Authors, German Composi- tion. ' Rose, Sylvia J. -- Art. i Ross, Gerald W. -- English! Composition, Algebra, Geom-| etry, Trigonometry, Physics, French Authors, French Compo- sition. Rudy, Walter A. -- Geometry,| # Trigonometry, Botany, Zoology, | Chemistry, f Saramak, Beatrice A. -- Eng- lish Composition, English Liter- ature, Algebra, Geometry, Trig- onometry, Chemistry. Secerbegovic Said -- English Composition, English Literature, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonom- etry, Physics, Chemistry, Ger-| man Authors, German Composi-| b4 tion, | Authors, German Composition. Gibbens, Paul D. -- Geom- etry, Trigonometry, Zoology, Chemistry, French Authors, French Composition. Golobic, Joseph -- English Composition, English Litera- ture, Algebra, Geometry, Phys- ies, Chemistry, French Authors, French Composition. Haas, Wayne--Music. Haber, Carole-Ann M.--Eng- lish Composition, English .Lit- erature, Geometry, Trigonom- etry, Physics, Chemistry, French Authors, French Com- position, German Authors, Ger- man Composition. Following are the Grade 13 ..Upper School Departmental «Examination results fot 1964 at the Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute. x-indicates candidates who ob- tained their standing through private study or night school, or who were prepared for their examinations elsewhere. TOP STUDENTS Carole-Ann Haber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haber, 1507 Oxford street, stood first on her best eight papers with an average of 79.4 per cent, on the recent Grade 13 Depart mental Examinations held by j : the Department of Education in. Hanna, David L.--English Lit- this school. erature, Botany, Zoology, Mara Gaumers, daughter of/French Authors, French Com- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gau-/Position. mers, 266 Drew street, stood) Hill, Alexandra--Art. _ second, obtaining 76.1 per cent) Hinkson, James D.--History, on her best eight papers. |Geometry, Trogonometry, Zoo- Andreychuk, -- ge pd lish Composition, English Liter.) : ; ature, Zoology. Ping Robert E. B.--His- : si ory, Trigonometry, Botany, _ Atkinson, Carol A. -- x-Eng- Chemistry. lish Literature. : Jalasjaa, Bert O. -- English Barry, Beyerley W. -- Music. (Composition, English Literature, Beach, Ruth A. -- x-English| Algebra. Composition. : |_ Johnston, Keith R. -- English Bell, Beryl -- English Litera-' Composition, English _Litera- ture, Botany, Zoologyl. jture, Geometry, Trigonometry, Berkis, Sabina A. M. -- Eng-| Chemistry. lish Composition, English Litera-) Kay, John D.--English Com- Semenuk, Daniel W. -- Eng- ture, Botany, Zoology, French/psition, English -- Literature,| {ish Composition, English Liter- Authors, French Composition,| History, Zoology. lature, Algebra, Geometry, Trig- German Authors, German Com-) Kidd, Brian T.--English Com-|onometry. Phy latry = position. position, English Liter ature,|French / % Boberach, Felicitas A.--Eng-|French Authors. ib iy - *eAish Composition, English Liter-) Kiwior, Joseph--English Com-| sidorow, Valentina -- English ature, Botany, Zoology, French{position, English Literature. {composition English Literatare Authors, French Composition, Krawchuk, Carol J.--Art. _|Botany, Zo 010g y, Chemistry German Authors, German Com-| Kucherik, Patricia A.--Eng-|Latin Authors 'Latin Composi- Position. : ._ |lish Composition, English Lit-|tion, , Bolotenko, Ludmilla -- Eng: erature, Botany, Zoology,| Small, Lynn B. -- History, lish Composition, English Liter-|French Composition. iChemistry. -- , ature, Botany, Zoology, #rench Kupcikas, Maria--Art. | Smelko, Allan F. A. -- English Authors, French Composition. Marchut, Thaddius W. Y.--/Composition. Bone, Joanne L.--Art. \English Composition, English} Smyth, Lorraine -- Music. Buchanan, Jean C. -- EnglishLiterature, Algebra, Geometry, Stezik, Carol A. French Composition, English Literature.|Trigonometry, Physics, Chem. Authors, French Composition. Calder, Donald J. -- Englishjjstry, | Sytnyk, Ronald A. -- English Composition, Algebra, Geome-) Macleod, Roderick W. -- Al-/Composition, English Literature, try, Chemistry. ._,|gebra, Chemistry. Botany, Zoology, Latin Authors, Cameron, Brian H. -- English!" McConkey, Marshall L.--Eng-|Latin Composition, French Auth. Composition, Algebra, Geome-/iish Composition, English Lit-lors, French Composition. try, Trigonometry, Chemistry. /erature, History, Botany, Zoo-| TT Ruth A, H,-- Art : jEre Cherkas, Irene C.--Music. aig fp | memnta: margaret mk vik TOP STUDENTS | sition. {lish Composition, . Algebra, Chromej, M a ria -- Algebra,| F <#Enelish| i i Roger Bergmann, 857 Florell,| John A. Flegg _ English|Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, Trigonometry. McCoy, Linda P. eet ae ee -- English Com-|Oshawa: Joanne Kolynko, Wil-|Composition, English Literatures French Authors. Literature. | : Clark, Edward P.--Geometry,| : A a iF d h. Osh History, Botany, Zoology,| y 5 P. L -- English H M , John--English Com-| position, English Literature, His-|$0n road north, Oshawa. | James P. Lyzun nglis. Chemistry, French Authors,|_ "¢S8rry . seenige Sy nate Wan | Composition, English Literature, se siti ish Literat ; , Algebra, Geometry, Trig-- The following students have|French Authors, French Compo-| «French Composition. sa ee Gok, whi teh a tory, oe Rl Zoology. . obtained standing in the sub-|Sition, Geography, ___...| Algebra, = ge vo eae: letry, Physics, Chemistry,| Vrbican, Darinka E. -- x-Eng-jects indicated after their) Patrick R. Holyk -- English etry, Physics, 'A am. G.--History,| ish Li names: Composition, English Literature,| french Composition. iLhemist: |French Authors, French Com.-|lish Literature. : c,| Histor G ' Batany.| oc ~~ ot toy Botany, |position, Waddell, Judythe E. M. -- Art.| Anthony R. Aksiuczyc -- Eng:| ool y, Geome rt pac ys | 0 Checsietry, Leth *Au| Mowat, John J. A.--English| Watson, Bonnie L. -- Music. {lish Composition, English Liters eR Gouieeatinea GeseG "thors "Hrancy Comeotition |Composition, English Literature,| Wilkins, Alfred J, -- English| ature, Geometry, Botany, gael bers Po: , 8! ies, Chemistry, * Cutler Judith A. -- En lish|History, Geometry, Trigonom-jLiterature, Algebra, Trigonom-|ogy, French Authors, French Deane R Hopps -- History, Nancy L. Malloy -- English Composition, English tee etry, Botany, Zoology, French/etry, Physics, Chemistry. Composition. sn olich| Geography. | Composition, English Literature, " Botany onto Latin\Authors, French Composition. Willson, Susan M. -- English) James A. Allen --- English} Traudel, M Huth -- English|Botany, Z0 010g y, Chemistry, satis Letin Ccmventiinia Myers, Sharlene R, -- English|Composition, English Literature,/Composition, English Literature, | composition English Literature,|Latin Authors, Latin Composi- te yPrench Com:/¢omposition, English Literature,|Botany, French Authors, French|Botany, Chemistry, | Freneh| Algebra; Geometry, Trigonom.|tion, French Authors, French nist ""~* }Botany, Zoology; Latin Authors,|/Composition. Composition, Geography. ~~» letry, Botany, Zoology, Germar| Composition. Edward J.--Music|Latin Composition , French) Winston, Donald F.-- English) Mary T. Banbula -- English Riahora, Gerinah Composition, | Terrenos a: aeetatl ee &= Dorko, Paul A--English Com-|Authors, French Composition. |Composition, English Literature, Composition, English Literature, Martin D. Jamieson -- Eng-|lish Composition, English Liter- feposition. Bota ny Zoology,| O'Brien, Larry F.--Algebra,|History, Geometry, Art. Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry,| };., Composition, English Liter-|ature, History, hemistry '|Physics. Worsley, Kenneth R. -- Eng-| French Composition. ,<p|ature, Zoology. T. W. Gibbs McKay -- Eng- S Drummond, Faye D.--English| O'Neill, Shirley -- English|lish Literature, Algebra, Geom-/ G. Douglas Beal = English|" Randall F. Johns -- English lish Composition, English Liter- *Composition "Zoology. Composition, English Literature.|etry, Physics, Chemistry, Composition, English Literature, Composition, English Literature, | ature Geometry. Botany, Zool- & Dubeau, Michael W. -- Trigo| Patterson, William L, M. --| Wysotski, Peter J.-- Art. |Aigebra, Geometry, Trigonom-|atvebre, Geometry, Fe en Nan ok oy Snometry, | : (English Composition, Englisb| Zeisner, Linda J. --x-English/etry, Physics, Chemistry,|atry Physics, Chemistry, Latin| ""y" Be rats iy, rerguson, H. Richard--Eng-\Literature, Botany, Zo 010 g y,Composition, English Literature.|French Authors, French Compo-| authors, Latin Composition, PP tbe slg Sens wish Composition. Chemistry, French Authors. Nakonecznyj, Ihor--x-French) sition. nclich|French Authors, French Compo:| 4 ithore French Wouposition "© Fogel, Harvey--Music. Petrowsky, L. Lucy--English| Authors. Alberta J. Beetsma -- English] sition, | , ; mo ; = Gaumers, Mara A. -- English\Composition, English Literature, Composition, English Literature,| Bric A, Jones -- English Com-| 1. David yb English Com- | sonore English Literature,,Geometry, Trigonometry, Bot: oe History, Botany, Zoology,! position, English Literature, Al-|P0Sition, English Literature, hemistry, Latin Authors, Latinjany, Zoology, French Authors, Sailbo at FEC RECITES SLIELA PLE Seats ogy. Hutchinson, Robert J.--Art. UNDER WAY laying a new sewer, Traffic on the street, between Mac- Millan drive and Gla/lstone avenue, is being detoured. --Oshawa Times Phote KING STREET IMPROVEMENT The job of rehabiliating the widened to four traffic lanes. Physics, Chemistry,| stretch of King street west, be- In addition a larger water- hors, French Compo-| tween Park road. and Mac- main will be laid. Workimen | Millan drive, got under way are seen here, just west of this week. The street will be 'the Oshawa Creek bridge, PSI SMS LESSEN G4 Rea Donevan C ollegiate Results For Grade 13 Following are the results ofj M. Noel Fernandez -- English; Composition, English Literature, |the Grade 13 examinations at|Composition, English Literature,|Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, r. Fy Institute; Authors, Latin Composition,| sition. |French Authors, French Compo-| Diane J, Lukasywich -- Eng- Chemistry, eometry, Trigonometry,' Phys- on. = Derlatka, |Composition Joanne'M. Kolynko -- English| History, Geometry, Trigonom- Alan C. Bottomley -- English| Composition, English Literature,| etry, Botany, Zoology, French Composition, English Literature, | History, Botany, Zoology, Latin French English J, Donevan Collegiate|History, Botany, Zoology, Latin| French Authors, French Compo-| Geometry, Trigonom-| The following 11 Grade 13 and Vocational Institute obtain- ed first class honors (75 to 100 per cent) in eight or more papers: TOP STUDENTS Heward Gough 93 per cent, son of Mr, and Mrs, R. Gough, 422 Simcoe street north. Carolyn, Cooper 88 per cent, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper, 103 Sutherland avenue, John Robertson 84 per cent, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rob- ertson, 93 Hillcroft street. Robert Crothers, 84 per cent, son of Mr. 'and Mrs, Donald Crothers, 311 Leslie street, Mary Archer, 81%, niece of Mr. and Mrs. William Archer, ; 640 Carnegie avenue. William Gordon 81 per cent, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon, 640 Hortop street. Terrence Skelton 81 per cent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skelton, 290 Montrave avenue. Lynda Thompson 81 per cent daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Thompson, 619 Somerville avenue. Tyrone Turner 79.5 per cent, son of Mr. and Mrs, Garfield north. Rose Marie Kiss 75 per cent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John | Kiss, 297 Seneca street Norma Rowden 75 per cent, den, 110 Hillcroft street, The complete results are as follows: Mary C. Archer--Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr Comp, Germ Auth., Germ. Comp. Carolyn ,M Baron -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr, Comp. A Bellingham--Eng. Eng. Lit., Zoo.; Fr. ., Fr, Comp. am G, J. Braiden,--Eng. Lit., Geom., Bot., Zoo., Phys. Linda A. Broadbent -- Eng. Comp:, Eng. Lit., Bot., Fr. Auth, Carol A. Brooks -- Geom., Trig., Bot., Zoo., Chem. |_ Kenneth R. Bruner -- Eng. |Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., |Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth., |Fr. Comp. Ronald. G Burnett. -- Eng. Comp., Alg., Trig., Chem. | | John A: Burr -- Eng. Comp., Alan C. Mackie -- Algebra,|Eng. Lit., Alg., Trig., Bot., Zoo, |Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. | Brendan R Calder -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Lat. Comp. Janet L Carmichael -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Bot., Zoo., Fr. | Auth., Fr, Comp. | Theresa S. Comp., Eng. Lit., Bot., Zoo. Fr. Auth., Fr Comp Carolyn. J Cooper -- Eng. Fr, Comp., Germ. Auth., Germ. | Comp. Francis E, Cosway -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg:, Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth. Joanne M Cox--Eng. Comp., |Eng Lit., Alg., Trig., Bot., Zoo., }Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. | Wayne J. Cranston -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig. | Robert Crothers--Eng. Comp., students of O'Neill Collegiate} L,| Auth, Fr, Comp. Turner, 713 Oshawa Boulevard)F daughter of Mrs. Donald Row-| Alg.,Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem., Lat, Auth., Cole -- 4 Chem., Lat. Auth.. Lat, Comp.,|COmP-,, Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Chem., Lat.| | Auth, Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp Grant L. Cryderman -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem. Ian M. Darlington--Eng. Lit., Hist., Alg., Trig., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Daniel L. Derumax -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys. Russell J. Dobbins -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Geom., Trig., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp Brode J. Featherstone--Alg., Geom., Trig., Chem., Fr, Auth., O'Neill CVI Pupils Make Fine Showing Susan M Macdonald-- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., 4 ., Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp . Richard: A Magee -- Trig., Bot., Zoo., Phys. Marsha J. Marks -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit.,-Bot., Zoo., Chem., Lat, Auth., Lat, Comp, Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Peter Maxymiuk -- Eng Comp., Eng, Lit., Alg., Geom, Trig., Phys., Chem., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp. Cheryl C, Mooney -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Alg., Geon., Bot., Zoo. Peter Morrey--Eng, Comp., Michael J. Fernley -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Bot., Zoo., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp. Roy D. Fleming--Eng. Comp., Eng Lit., Hist., Alg., Geom., Trig., Bot,, Zoo. Irene §. Frobel--Eng. Comp., Alg., Trig. Barbara A. Lit., Bot. Timothy M. Gilmore -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Trig., Bot., Zoo., Chem., Fr, Auth., Fr Comp. | William D. Gordon -- Eng. ;Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Lat Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., r. Comp., Germ. Auth., Germ. omp:, Gr. Auth., Gr. Comp. Fudge -- Eng. Fr, Comp. | Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. | Brian L Morris--Eng. Comp., |Eng Lit., Hist., Alg., Trig., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Auth,, Fr. Comp, Sandra M. Naylor--Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist, Bot., Zoo., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp, Ronalf A. Nelson -- Eng. Comp., Eng, Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem. Timothy J. O'Neill -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Alg., Geom., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Johanne' §. Parkhill -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Dennis J. Partridge -- Eng, Heward J. Gough -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. auth., Fr. Comp. Cameron. A_ Hall Eng. Comp., Eng, Lit., Hist., Bot., Zoo., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr Comp Kathleen M Heath-- Bot., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Herman Hesselink -- Geom., Bot., Zoo., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Anne E. Hill--Eng. Lit., Lat. Auth, Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr, Comp. Daniel W. Hilts--Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth. Fr Comp. Alan W. Hrycyshyn -- Eng. Comp., Alg., Geom., Phys., Chem., Fr, Auth., Fr. Comp. Ljuba Jariga -- Eng. Comp., Alg., Geom., Bot., Fr. Auth., Fr Comp. Marjorie E. Jenkins -- Eng. Fr. Comp. Jose Marie Kiss--Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Bot., Zoo., Lat. Auth., Lat, Comp., Fr, Auth Fr. Comp Eva Koblak Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Comp. Terrence W. Lane -- Hist. Zoo., Fr. Auth, William A. Lloyd -- Eng '|}Comp., -Eng. Lit., Hist., Alg. J. Lo Lit,, Lat. Fr. Auth., Charles R. Lat. Fr. Comp. Lynn D. MacMillan-- Eng Comp., Eng. Lit., Trig., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp, John C McFeeters -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Bot., Zoo.. Fr. Auth, Jeffrey F. Mcliveen -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth, Fr. Comp., Germ. Auth., Germ. Comp. Phillip J. McRae -- Eng. Comp., Alg., Geom., Bot., Zoo., Lat, Auth., Lat. Comp. Comp., Lit., Bot., Zoo., Phys., Fr. Auth., Cc Eng Comp, Eng. Lit., Bot., Zoo., Lat. Auth., Fr. Geom., Trig., Chem., Fr, Comp,| ve -- Eng) Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Geom., | Trig., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Auth., Fr, |Comp. | Mark J, Powell--Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Geom., Trig., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp, Carol A. Reardon -- Eng Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Bot., Zoo. | Robert G. Reed--Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit. Hist., Trig., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Auth., Fr, Comp. Roger R. Reeson -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Fr. Comp. Waleene J. Roberts -- Eng, Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Bot., Zoo., Fr. Comp. John R. Robertson -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit.; Alg., Geom, Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Kathleen §. Rooney -- Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Darlene C. Rouse -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Bot., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Norma J. Rowden -- Eng. omp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp., Germ, Auth.; Germ. Comp. Terrence J. Skelton -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Bot., Zoo., Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr, Auth., Fr. Comp. Kent G. Stiles--Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., ')/Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth, Fr, Comp. Steward J, Storie -- Geom., Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr, Comp., Art. Lynda P. Thompson -- Eng. Auth../ Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Bot., |Zoo., Lat, Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Wayne B. Thomson -- Hist., |Alg., Geom: | Tyrone S. Turner -- Eng, |Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., 'Trig., Phys., Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. James D. Whiting -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Chem., Fr. Auth., Fr, Comp. : Donna M. Wilson -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Hist., Bot., Zoo., Chem., Fr. Auth, Fr, Comp. | Foundations Bids Asked Chem-| MONTREAL--Bids for foun-| dations for General Motors' | $60,000,000 auto assembly plant French Authors, French Compo-| gebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, | Botany, Zoology. : "Composition, French Authors,|French Composition. : sition, German Authors, Ger-|) Physics, Chemistry, French} Eleanor L, Neilson -- English French Composition, German' Poloz, Betty Ann D.--English man Composition. : Authors, French Composition. | Composition, English Literature, ein Roger D, Bergmann -- Eng: Kathryn J. Kashul -- English) Latin Authors, Latin Composi- bd : lish Composition, English Lit-/ Composition, English Literature, |tion, French Authors, French "4 erature, Geometry, Trigonom-|Geometry, Trigonometry, Bot-| Composition. Ta e esu ts etry, Algebra, Physics, Chemis-|any, Zoology, French Authors,) Ruth A. Nicholls -- English = ltry, German Authors, German! French Composition. Composition, English Literature, e cLaughlin CVI C Latin| Authors, French Composition. . _ . : aa , Authors, Latin Composition, John H. Orton -- English Lit- = fa Osteen tums My rave Phenistt coh ral English| French Authors, French Compo-/erature, Algebra, Geometry, *The following Grade 13 stu-)Eng. Lit., Bot., Zol., Fr. A., Fr. 0, oa sath Anne I Mo ee ettion: Trigonometry, Physics, nts of the McLaughlin Col-|c. eight-foot high waves Wedues: Composition, English luterssure. Irene Kozy -- English Liter-|istry, French' Authors. giate and Vocational Institute) Linda McMaster -- Eng, C.,|4@¥ noon to rescue three occu- Pe ran Authos, |ature, History, Botany, French| Composition, qibtained an average of first/Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig.,|Pants of a brah ng Darling- a Ep eh f '/ Authors, French Composition. | Nancy A, Onton lass honors (75-100 per tcent)in) ton Provincial Park, ren Sompos a (ight or more papers including hglish Composition and Eng- h Literature: Pamela Bevan, 'Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Fr. A.\mighty glad to see us. It was 7 per cent); William Moore, 7 per cent). We Following are the Grade 13 Fr, A4., Fr. C., Ger. A., "esults for students at cLaughlin Collegiate and : Hocatina Institute. Eng. Lit., Pamela Bevan--Eng. C., Eng. it., Geom., Phys., Chem... Lat. ae, CO. Fre A; Fr. Cc, =. Elizabeth Bigwood--Eng. C., ing. Lit., Hist., Bot., Zol., Fr. @p., Fr. C., Ger. A., Ger C. e Leona Brash--Eng C., it., Geom., Trig., Lat. A., Lat. @@., Fr. A., Fr C., Ger A., Ger.|! © Timothy Dittmar--Eng. eng. Lit. Lynn Dudley--Eng. C., Geom., ig., Bot., Zol., Chem., Lat. A. | Eng. at. Chem., Fr. A., Fr, C. B.C. Mary Louise Famme--Eng. :, Eng. Lit., Hist., Bot., Zol.,)Bot, Chem., Lat. A., Gat. A., Lat.. Fr. A, Fr C. #/Donna Forbes--Eng C, Trig, ar. A., Fr, C. J we Janice Fulton--Eng. C. sp Donna Galt--Eng. C., mr. C. Lorne Hartford--Hist. Gary Huntley--Eng. C., Eng.|Lit., Alg., Geom., T: |Chem., Fr. Lit, Geom., Fr. A., Fr. C. Judith Hyslop--Eng. C, Eng. L., Chem., Lat. A., Lat C John Ivanco--Eng. C., Eng.| Lat C., Fr. A., Fr. C. ., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys., Shem., Fr. A., Fr. C. Lit., Hist., Bot., Zol., Chem. A Eng. Phys., Chem., Fr.:C., Ger. A:, Ger. C. bo C,,|. Ronald Rosnak -- Eng. Lit., Said Mr.. Tuson. Alg., Geom., Bot., Phys., Chem.| The lifeboat crew got a line Trigonometry, Botany, Zoology, Commander C.,/onto the luxury boat and towed Chemistry, Zol.,|it into the harbor. Phys., Chem., Fr. A., Fr C. | Robert McRae--Hist. | Robert Miles--Eng, C., Eng. William Moore--Eng, C., Eng.| Lit., Chem., Lat.. A, Lat C.,| Edward Morrison--Eng. list., Geom., Trig., Chem., Fr..A., Fr.-C. Susan Pankhurst--Music. Janice Parker--Eng. C., oy eC: Lawrence Plancke--Eng. Lit. Fr 8. Fr, C. ait.,. Eat. A, Lat. LO Re i Ronald Rutherford--Eng Lit., Geom., Bot., John Schuerman--Eny. Lit., Lat. C Marilyn Sleep--Music ! Olwen Smithson -- Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Bot | John Sproule -- Eng. C., Eng.| Fr. A.,|Lit., Hist., Geom., Trig., Bot Zol., Fr. A., Fr. C, Art Tuson, who captained the lifeboat, said the three "were) pretty rough out there." An Oshawa Fire Department Ger, C.,/ official said the boat with three his wife and young son--was park after the boat's motor fail- A,,/Pretty hard and they were en jthe east side of the harbor," New Pastor Local Church PETERBOROUGH -- Rev. Murray Taylor--Eng. C , Eng.|C. M. Bright, of Peterborough A, Fr. C, Chery! Thomson -- Eng. C. Terry Twine--Eng, C., Myrrhi Jackson -- Eng. C.,\Chem., Fr. A., Fr. C. t ang. Lit., Geom., Trig., Bot, fol., Chem., Fr. A:, Fr. C. C., Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig.,| Catherine Van De Ven--Eng,|; Sandra Jackson -- Eng. C.,)Phys., Chem., Fr. A., Fr C ing. L., Alg., Geom., Bot., Zol.,) James Ward -- Hist., Geom ?r. A., Fr. C., Ger A, Ger C.|Chem., Fr: A., Fr. C. Peter Krawetz--Eng. C, Eng Lit., Hist. oe Dianne Kupnicki--Music. Douglas Lambert -- Eng. C., frig. I Bot., Zol., Lat: A., Lat. C., Fr: A. Fr C . Betty McEachern--Eng. ing Lit., Geom., Trig., Bot , Yol., Fr. A., Fr. C vit., pe Dianne Mcliveen -- Eng. C.,|Phys., Fr. A., Fr. C. Phys., Fr. A., Fr. C C ,| Lat James Weldon--Eng. C., Eng.) a., Alg., Trig., Bot... Zot; Raymond Werry -- Eng. C | Eng. Lit., Alg., Geom.; Trig., Lynda Linton-Eng. C., Eng.) Phys., Chem., Fr. A., Fr. C. . | Karen Westley--Eng. C., Eng.| Lit., Hist., Bot., Zol., Lat. A,,| The Oshawa jment reports that Eng jhour period up to 9 a.m Lit, Hist., Alg., Geom., Trig.,|five ambulance call were ans:/free to all those attendi |Oshawa Fair. ~, A., Stanley Fr. A., Fr. € Zuly--Eng. C., |Free Eng. Lit., Bot., Zol., Lat. A.,jawa. 'religious education classes wered. rig., Phys.,|Methodist Church, has been ap- ; |pointed pastor of the Erie Street! Methodist Church, Osh- hree years. He had sarlier at churches in Timmins, | Mr. Bright taught 'He has a wife, Donna, 5 AMBULANCE CALLS Fire In Depart- the today |Algebra, etry, Michael K, Connolly -- Eng-| Julie M. Lesnick -- English lish Composition, English Liter-} Algebra, sition. Thomas DeJong -- History, C.,;aboard--B. Black, of Oakville,| Geometry, Botany. Dignem anchored about one mile off the|istry, Latin Authors, Latin Com- French Authors,} Eng./ed and they couldn't get the French Composition. » Fr.) sail up. Brian G. position, James D., Physics, Geometry, Physics, ature, Geometry, Trigonometry, Chemistry, French Authors, French Compo-} Chem- Eddie -- Eiglish "In any event they couldn't Composition, English Literature, "\have made Oshawa Harbor be- Mildred Power--Eng. C., Eng./Cause a west wind was blowing} igonom- Chemistry, |(CP) -- President J.ohnsonjistry, French Authors, French Air Marshal Praised By Johnson COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. History, French Authors, French | Composition. | Thomas W. Powers -- English |Literature, History, Botany, Zoology, French Authors, French Composition, Geog- raphy. ; David A. Robbins -- English Composition, History, Physics, Chemistry, Geography. Diane Marie B. Sabo -- Eng- lish Composition, English Lit- erature, Algebra, Geometery, Trigonometry, Physics, Chem- Pe nmetecgg se English Literature, | French Authors, French Compo- Praised retiring Canadian Air/ Composition. sition raine E. Elliott -- Bnglish nesday night for his "consum- Composition, English Literature, | Fraser-Brace Engineering Co. Conpteiaen English Literature,|mate judgment" as deputy/History, Botany, Zoology, Latin|rtq,, istry. Thursday 11.30 p.m Friday evening will Oshawa's They own will Both evening's French French Composition. ricia M. Etmanski -- Eng-) re . ne t } eh Listas. Physics, chem: @-year-old Canadian was con-|Composition, English Literature, Record H Fair Featur As part of the program to ex-|¢, | Mr. Bright. who was born in| Pand the interest of the Oshawa) takes over from Slemon. Eng.|the Campbellford area, has been| Fair, activities ' have been i ' ' Lit., Alg., Geom., Trig., Phys. |pastor of the local church for|tanged which will be of interest|in part: | - served |to the young people. evening will provide events Authors; American Air Defence mand ------ |testimonial dinner. op feature Lincolnaires. the. enter- |tainment and play from 9 to 24-/11.30 p.m. i are Marshal C. Roy Slemon Wed- r- in - chief of North The president's praise of the tained in a message read at a Sleman _ re- tires Friday after serving as |NORAD's deputy chief since its \establishment 'in 1957. The dinner, given by Gen. John K. Gerhart, NORAD com-|ogy, French Authors, Frenc h} mander-in-chief, was attended {by about 300 persons including Canadian Air Chief Marshal! Frank Miller and Air Marshal) Thomas G. Steen -- English|in satisfactory condition in Osh- who! R. (Larry) Dunlap, The president's message said, "Your consummate judgment, fea- your selfless devotion 'to duty, | Barrie, Hillsdale and Wyevale, |ture a Record Hop following)and your total dedication to the|Composition, English Literature, three the "Miss Oshawa Fair" con-| mutual national interest of our} Algebra, Geometry, Trigonome- at|test. Ross, Campbell will be on|two great nations have set anitry, Physics, Chemistry, French King George School last year, hand to act as master of cere-/¢xample for all of us in the;Authors, French Composition. and|monies for the evening. '\four children, Maureen, Byron, | Record Hop will run from 9 to Darrell and Gary. The) {ree_world to follow. "You have been a tower of strength in moments when split-| second decisions were required --decision that, had they not| |been adroitly taken, might well] jhave resulted in the most dev- jastating. consequences for hu- manity. .. . 'wishes for the future." | Carol F. Saunders -- English |Authors, Latin Composition, Com-| French. Composition, F rench/Cote de Liesse road, Dorval; E. Authors. Sharon J. Scott -- English Botany, Zoology, Latin Authors, Latin Composition, French Au- thors, French Composition. , Gail C. Souch--English Com- position, English Literature, His- tory, Geometry, Botany Zool- |Composition. William J. Sprackett tory, Zoology. -- His- Composition. Robert J. Taylor -- English Composition, English Literature, Algebra, Geometery, Zoology, Chemistry. Leslie M. Tomezak -- English Wayne G. Walters -- English Composition, English Literature, History, Botany, Zoology, French Authors, French Com- position, Geography. Guy D. Williams -- Latin Au- thors, Latin Composition, |in Ste. Therese are due at archi tect Paul H. Lapointe's office, |3534 Cote des Neiges Rd, by 9 a.m., Friday, Aug. 14, Five firms have been invited to bid, Consulting engineers for the {new plant which will be located jon a 302-acre site near Exit 14 jof the Laurentian Autoroute, are Giffels Associates Ltd. 44 Eg- linton Ave. W., Toronto. Invited bidders for the founda- tions are: Richard and B. A. Ryan Ltd., 1705 William St.; J. E. Price and Co. Ltd., 4664 Catherine street west; IL. |St. 1155 Dorchester Blvd. jwest; H. J. O'Connell Ltd., 6460 |G. M. Cape and Co. (1956) Ltd., 4898 Western avenue. 'Hit By Auto Child Cut A six-year-old Oshawa boy is awa General Hospital today after treatment for head abra- sions suffered when he was struck by a car on Rossland road west late Wednesday after- noon, Police said Frank Pollard, 70 Rossland road west, "'apparent- ly stepped from the curb and ran into the side of the car." The driver was Robert J. Tre- win, 19, of 843 Masson street, The intersection of Athol street east. and Albert street was the site shortly afterwards of a two-car, collision which caused an estimated $500 dam- French Composition. Robert L.Willsher -- English) "You take with you thanks of|Composition, English Literature, |Burton, 251 Oshawa boulevard ng the/a' grateful nation and our best| Geometry, Trigonometry, Bot-jsouth and Robert B, Black, 241 any, Zoology. age to the vehicles. x The drivers were Ross W. }don Daily Herald's reort that By JOHN GALE LONDON (AP) -- An under- world syndicate known as the Freedom Fixers 'today was credited with whisking Charles Frederick Wilson out of a max- imum security prison Wednes- day and adding yet another as- tonishing footnote to the unend- ing saga of the great train rob- bery, Wilson, 32, ex - bookmaker, married and the father of three daughters, is the most wanted man in Britain -- sought across the nation and in many parts of the world through the huge In- terpol network. Police clamped a close watch on British ports and air term- inals; visited scores of ad- dresses and combed through Wi son's known low-life haunts. Wilson was sentenced to 30 years in jail last April when he stood trial with 11 other men jfor staging the biggest. cash grab in history -- the raid on the Glasgow-London mail train one year and five days ago. The robbers got away with £26,- |600,000 ($7,800,000). Only £300,- 000 ($900,000) has been recov- jered. | At Winson Green prison in Birmingham where Wilson had served less than four months of his term, an inquiry was launched as part of a high-level investigation into the escape or- dered by Home Secretary Henry Brooke. . REPORTED IN IRELAND Many British newspapers sug- gested Wilson had skipped to the Irish Republic. There was no of- ficial confirmation for the Lon- he narrowly escaped arrest in a late night swoop by Scotland Yard detectives on a West Lon- don apartment, Fleet Street's crime corres- pondents were convinced that Wilson had been spirited to free- dom by an underworld group of Mary street. |train booty was said to have jail breaking artists, the Free- dom, Fixers. Part of the mail Freedom Fixers Whisk Train Robber From Jail been used to hire their special talents. The price was esti- mated at between £5,000 and £100,000. The jailbreak is thought to have taken no more than 10 minutes. The gang moved in at 3 a.m. Wednesday, scaling the prison wall with a ladder, They moved through the jail grounds to Cell Block B where Wilson was con- fined, Using duplicate keys, they moved almost unchal- lenged to Wilson's cell, A 50- year. - old prison officer, Bil Nicholls, who surprised them, was knocked out, Wilson swiftly changed his prison uniform for outdoor clothes and went back over the wall with the gang, At 3:10 a.m. they were away. Wilson's blonde wife and chil- dren--one a baby of 18 months --left some six weeks ago. Their whereabouts are unknown. Combine-UAW Talks Collapse BRANTFORD (CP)--Contract negotiations collapsed Wednes- day between representatives of Massey - Ferguson Limited's combine plant here and Local 458, United Auto Workers (CLC). About 900 union members are seeking their first labor agree- ment since the company opened its plant in January. They have authorized a strike if negotia- tions fail, but no date has been set. Herbert Kelly, UAW interna- tional representative, said Wed- nesday's meeting ended "with no progress whatsoever being made."" He said no more meet- ings were scheduled. The $13,500,000 plant . closes Aug. 17 for two weeks' vaca- tion. Mr. Kelly said the union would decide during this period when to call a strike. 4