8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 12, 1966 MARRIED RECENTLY IN PRETTY MIDSUMMER WEDDINGS THE REVEREND R. A. Sharpe officiated recently in St. Mathew's Anglican Church for the wedding of Anna Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone United Church was ' the setting for the wedding recently of Cecile Doreen, Thomas Dean Seton, to Rob- | d@ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stuart Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers, Nestleton. The Rever- end Christopher Dugan offi, ated. --Astor Studio, Bowmanville. | ert William Perozak, son of | Walter Park, Sr, Tyrone; to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pero- | ae ty -- zak, all of Oshawa. : REDS STILL PROTEST | Ireland Studio | ~OKYO (AP) -- Millions of| |people in Communist China UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES SA HOME LEAGUE The regular Salvation Army Home League meeting took place in the citadel of the Salva- tion Army on Tuesday afternoon with a large group of members attending. Mrs. William James read the list of birthdays and the sick| friends were remembered in} prayer by Mrs. Major Lewis. Mrs. George Beard read the) minutes and Mrs. Major Lewis announced that the daily vaca- tion Bible school will be held on |Monday, August 17 to Friday, | }marched in the streets for the} | August 21, Everyone was asked| fifth consecutive day today pro | jto please send their children. [testing against the Aug. 5 U.S. | Mrs. Daisey Holloway played| "strike on North Viet Nam naval bases, the New China News Agency reported. A broad- cast heard here said so far 20,-| 000,000 people have taken part in the nation-wide anti- Amett-| can demonstrations and protest) meetings since last Friday. records which consisted of Sal-| ww vation Army Songsters in En- gland and Canada. Everyone |enjoyed them and_ received |much blessing from them. | Mrs. Holloway presented the story of her Christian experience | which deeply moved and blessed |¢ each member present. The meeting closed with a jverse from Hymn 167 'Oh See fe ane e nnounc e helatiolicn. Tea was served by, 723-3680 FAST ! Treasures Later THEY GROW Portraits Now Will Be ~--by-- Dreland sw the Rainbow Group. sie jcarnations. ] ws Alexander Nichol and the usher Sharon Ann Nichol was Mc. Willan Robert Nichol, Alexander. Stewart both of Oshawa. For the reception held at the Exchange Vows The Free Methodist Church, Erie street, was the setting re- cently for the marriage of Sharon Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kenneth Nichol, Oshawa, to Alexander Stanley Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stewart, Hamptoi. The Reverend W. A. McMil- lan, officiated and Mr. Harold Elliott played the wedding music. navy blue ring hat and white Given in marriage by herjaccessories. On their return, father, the bride was wearing a|Mr, and Mrs. Stewart will live pale pink organza semi-formal| lat 211 Hibbert street, Oshawa: gown. with bell-shaped skirt, short sleeves, and scoop neck- line. Her matching w edding ring hat was covered with net and she carried a prayer herg FOR THE FINEST IN crested with pale pink sweet- Custom Made heart roses. DRAPES The maid of honor was Miss' Diana Jacenty and the brides-) si M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies maid was Miss Katherine Smith, | both of Oshawa. They were 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Jeffrey, Hampton, the bride's mother received in an aqua crepe sheath and white hat. The bridegroom's mother assisted, over satin sheath, and white hat and both wore a corsage. of pink and white carnations. Before leavirlg for a honey moon in Niagara Falls, the bride changed into a white linen sheath trimmed with navy blue, gowned alike im pale hlue organza sheaths, with short sleeves, and scoop neckiines. They wore white wedding ring) hats covered in net and carried) nosegays of pale pink and blue) The best man was Mr. John| FABRICS 3000 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM! By The Yard At HARLEIGH SUPPLIES (Oshawa Ltd.) Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3012 YUVYUY UNV -lhome of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur| (2 wearing a two-piece pink lace|7~ WILSON'S FURNITURE ® WAREHOUSE MATTRESS Final Clearance This is the final clearance of the "End-of-the-Line" of MATTRESSES, These are slightly store display soiled. . . and the prices slashed even lower for FINAL CLEARANCE ... THEY MUST GO! ... BUY NOW FOR THE SAVINGS OF THE YEAR ! SERTA ORTHO QUILTED MATTRESS -- COMPARE WITH 89.50 -- HURRY! 'Sincere Thanks ! gigantic wane : has been stupendous Mottrem dreds heve paca advantage of " #' Giveaway prices. - * ios Hag nroge a very limited number {I pe store handled ond store soiled re- » maining. BUT THEY MUST GO Too! ining have few ew LOW FOR Your response to our t \ 'The prices on these been slashed again to @ 2, FINAL CLEARANCE. . COME NOW! "od EARLY !.. om cnt SELECTION BUT , LIMITED SEALY SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES SOLD FOR 69.50 -- WHILE THEY LAST SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES WAS 49.50 -- HURRY FOR THESE ...... '26 SERTA SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES ALL SIZES, HUNDREDS OF COILS ... eee eeeeens %& SERTA . *& SEALY tf %& ROYAL » + RESTONIC COMPLETE mor ) WILSON'S MATTRESS PALACE 20 CHURCH ST. 'BEVERLEY yj & And Many More Brand X BIGGEST VALUES!| 73-2211 K EASIEST TERMS!. BLACK'S BLACK'S FINAL SUMMER SALE 3 DAYS TO CLEAR 3 DAYS Thursday, Friday, Saturday ALL _ SUMMER STOCK MUST BUY 2 FOR THE PRICE OF PRICE This is a record-smashing, dollar-saving event you simply can't offord to miss! Imagine buying two items for Pee price of one! Whot savings! With plenty of summer stil to go, you can replenish your summer wardrobe right now , . . start fresh next yeor with next-to-new fashions you've hod for only a short period this year, Come on down first thing tomorrow, the best selections will 'vanish quickly, so hurry, SALE ENDS THIS SATURDAY AT 6 P. M,, meke your bid right now! * SUMMER SPORTSWEAR All reduced to 2 price SHORTS . .. reg. from 2.98 SALE 2 Price from . BERMUDAS .. . reg. from 3.98 SALE 12 Price from . 1 1 SKIRTS . .. reg. from 4.95 1 1 2 ) ' SALE 4 Price from . TOPS end T-SHIRTS from 2.99 SALE 4 Price from . SURFERS , , , reg. from 4.98 SALE 1% Price from ..... * SPRING and SUMMER COATS and SUITS All reduced to 2 price REG, 39.95 to 99.95 9-98 9-98 ALL WEATHER AND LAMINATED COATS All reduced to 12 price REG, 19.95 to 39.95 9: 98 te 9- 98 SPECIAL RACKS OF ae AND SUMMER DRESSES Reg. from 10.95 to 49.95 A Fraction of Their True Value ALL OTHER SUMMER DRESSES REDUCED TO CLEAR AT 2 PRICE ee DISCONTINUED AND SLIGHTLY SOILED WEDDING GOWNS REG TO 150.00 5.00. 45-00 ALL SALE ITEMS:ON LOWER LEVEL All Sales Final--Alterations Extra LADIES WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE N. 72851912 Open Friday Evening Until 9 O'Clock "Air Conditioned for Your Shopping Comfort'