Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1964, p. 3

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FEDERAL Pretty Barbara Walsh of Starr - Dymond - Walker bar- Oshawa gives Mike Starr a becue scheduled for Satur- hand in letting Ontario Coun- day, Aug. 15. The event is an ty residents know about the annual summertime highlight SEA RANGER NEWS MEMBER CETS HELPING HAND in the county and is spon- sored by federal MP Mike Starr and provincial MPP's Matt Dymond and Ab Walk- Port Hope Oshawa Man Trade Policy Office Head OTTAWA (Special) -- A native of Oshawa, Robert E. Latimer, has been named head of the office of Trade Relations and Trade Policy it was announced here today by the Department of Trade and Commerce, Mr. Latimer's appointment is effective Sept. 1. Born in Oshawa, Mr. Latimer, 39, served during the war with the RCAF and later ' studied political. science and economics at the University of Toronto, ' |graduating in 1950. That same year he joined the International Trade Relations Branch of the department and was named assistant director of the branch in 1959 and director in 1961. In 1963 he became a di- rector in the office of Trade Re- lations and Trade Policy, : Mr. Latimer is married and) * has two children. TRIMMING COMPLETED " Annual Christmas tree trim- ' 'ming program -- a big indus- try in Durham and Northum- |berland counties -- was com- jpleted last week. About 1,000 persons were hired to do the work, " lerowd Of 50,000 % Welcomes Pope -- By BENNET M. BOLTON | ORVIETO, Italy (AP) -- The |people of Orvieto are not likely High-pitched screams of joy heralded the Beatles first visit to Oshawa. It. was on celluloid but it was real nevertheless to the 400 fanatics who crowded er. It will be held on Heber Down Farm, one mile | west of Brooklin on Highway | 7, beginning at 2 p.m. Galaxy Knights | spectators, it could have been) the Orvieto of 500 years ago. | About the time the pageant Triumph 5-0 |to forget the visit of Pope Paul, was lining the cathedral steps,| the Plaza theatre this morn- ing. Manager Dave Savage moved the first showing to the morning after taking a look at the crowd lining up outside, BEATLE FANS LINE UP OUTSIDE OSHAWA THEATRE The kids sat restlessly through on the screen, Finally, the two cartoons, then esi ne Beatles, shown running and cheered at everything, : . starting with the name through a railway station, try: ing desperately to escape from NEWSPAPER GUILD "United Artists" as it flashed -| hordes of clutehing admirers. Things quieted down some-~ what as the quartet of mop- Would Re-open Negotiations TORONTO (CP)--The Toronto benefits to the 14 employees of haired musicians made the train. Chief impression of the first five minutes of 'A Hard Day's Night': trite dialogue but vicarious thrills for dyed- in-the-Beatle fans. --Oshawa Times Photo "INSURANCE | The Telegram who, as Guild members, have refused to cross/ picket lines. The Guild contract} with The Telegram enables them to do so without losing) their jobs. Contracts with The/ Globe and Mail; a morning! - paper, and The Star require) | which marked history's first pa-|Pope Paul stepped. from the Newspaper Guild Tuesday night PORT HOPE -- Galaxy sal saunas by helicopter. ' helicetior on 4 an asphalt| called on publishers. of the city's Knights gave a good 'account; A 'crowd of 50,000, including| parking lot alongside toll booths)three daily newspapers to re- of themselves in every depart-| many tourists, got their firstlon the Superhighway of the/open negotiations with their ment in winning the first Lake-|plimpse of the pontiff Tuesday| Sun, |striking printers and to take a shore Senior Ladies' Softball! while he was still aloft in the; A car took him winging. up flexible stand on_ settlement League playoff game 5-0 Over aircraft. that brought him 75)ynder towering walls of "the/terms. Newcastle Monday, at WeSt/miles north from Castel Gan- A meeting of about 360 of the ALL KINDS BOB STROUD Lid. 73 King Street East 723-4932 723-3318 Cadets Prepare For Regatta Firm Moves To Toronto ) very good at things such as tent | pitching, knots, etc. Come. on let's' make Crusader 'nulli secundus' -- second to none! Day cruises on the Pathfinder are continuing until August 30. Some girls have already taken their cruise and it's great to re- port that there are no casualties, as yet. Mr. Moran is going to coach us for precision drill. Precision drill is very hard to do as aj unit as there is only one com- PORT HOPE -- Dunham-Bush js going to be short, as many of of Canada Ltd., Port Hope plant/the girls have been on vacation. will move operations to Toronto} Symmer is half over and there it was announced Tuesday. Theis only a month or so until the - move will affect 100 hourly paid Ontario Sea Ranger Regatta and salary workers. Note the word 'Ontaiio' has Employees have been told to been added. This means that the expect the move in November, | Program has been expanded to ' - __:a\ include Sea Rangers of the prov- oe er mtcnall, prosicent, said' ince rather than just Rangers all operations of the Port Hope|from one area as has been the factory would move to the Wes-|ruyle in the past. This year the ton factory location. regatta is to be hosted by Osh- | jruns in the first and one each|the spontaneous roar of "Paolo, plateau where Orvieto has rested for centuries, past a road sign that said in English: "Lions Club of Orvieto meets every Wednesday." Beach. dolfo, his summer residence. The home town fans turned) he churning beat of the Ital- out in force to witness the con-|jan Air Force helicopter echoed ee in which every Knightlagainst the towering facade of chalked up at least. one hit,/Orvieto's 13th.- century Gothic i ' Ruth Fenton and Judy Wall|cathedral as it hovered over, P0Pe Paul celebrated macs ° 7 and spoke about the signif- smacked out triples, Dori Sjhead. icance of this year's anniver Rose and Jean Kelso had two} Upward past Orvieto's flutter-) -. '9 "hristi feas hits ing Renaissance banners of i, typ dees sls ts P cross, lion and black eagle rose] town known as "the eucharistic city." Pope Urban IV was in Or- ort Hope girls scored three} Paolo." in the third .and sixth innings, The helicopter appeared over Judy Wall, Knight's pitcher, Guild's 1,800 members voted for a resolution expressing the un- ion's "deep concern" at "ac- tions which appear to be di- rected at the destruction of another union," But the Guild members, who comprise reporters, editors and office workers, rejected a clause presented by their executive calling upon the publishers to withdraw demands tabled: after the July 9 walkout of 680 mem- computers doing composing- balked at new proposals intro- Guild members to remain on) their jobs, Originally the main issue be- tween printers and the news- papers was jurisdiction ' over room work. The computer issue was settled in negotiations after the strike started but the ITU duced by the publishers. These included publisher de- mands for removal: of compos- "This move has been prompt- ed by the necessity to reduce costs," said Mr. - Mitchell. "Studies conducted by the com- pany reveal that to reduce over- head and other expenses result- ing from duplication, our two }awa Sea Rangers. It will be big- iger and we hope better than }ever before! | "To make the regatta a success |we need full co-operation from every girl -- a lot of hard work Jhas been put into this, regatta factories must be consolidated.jand there is still a lot of work "Employees at Port Hope will/to be completed. Each girl has be given the opportunity of em- ployment at the Weston plant. "We regret leaving Port Hope where we have been manufac- turing compressors since 1948. The location for this operation has been ideal, and we have en-| joyed good relations in the com- munity, and the co-operation of the municipality." A contract for a 20,000 square- foot addition to the company's Weston plant is expected tobe let soon. Target date for com- dee pletion is Novembr. The Port Hope plant has man- ufactured equipment for a var- iety of commercial refrigeration and air conditioning units, Established here in 1948 as the! Brunner Corporation, the plant was known for three years as a category in which she has been chosen to compete in the} field competitions for points to) be totaled for the trophy, last} year won by SRS Princess Royal from Toronto, Also the girls will be chosen for either the cutter or drill team. As the cutter team practices on; Mondays, Wednesdays and whenever possible on Sundays, and the drill team practices on) |Tuesdays this explains to the! parents why they hardly ever) their daughters. Maybe) that's why the parents seem to jbe smiling more lately! In rela- tion to the cutter team, Louise Bilyj is training to be the new coxswain. Good luck, Louise! On the same weekend as the regatta, we are having guests from the U.S. The -Mariners mand given and after that the movements are made to count; example -- crew at ease -- count six --. crew. attention, Good luck, Leo. . . Sir! Sorry to say that Gloria Truam has broken her leg and! will not be able to participate) TRAPPED IN WELL this summer. | OPORTO, Portugal (AP) Don't forget cutter practice Firemen strove today to reach and drill, |two men trapped by an earth Something to think about .. 'slide in a 36-foot deep water Quid rides? Mutato nomine de| well near Braga, 30 miles north te fabula narratur. Why do you of here. Feebles cries of one laugh? Just change the name,'worker spurred rescue efforts. allowed six hits, Barb Adams of Newcastle allowed 11 hits Knights go to Newcastle to- day to play the second game of the best of five series. Orvieto at the height of a medi- eval pagenat marking the 700th anniversary of the Corpus Christi feast day. DRESSED FOR PART Up its streets' marched a pro- cession of men in dark velvet cloaks and robes and shoes. Some carried maces and bright plumes, Others wore chain mail vieto in 1264 to proclaim the bers of the International Typo-| Corpus Christi feast day for graphical Union (CLC). honoring the body of Christ in' These demands brought about the eucharist. |the collapse of government- After mass the Pope spent al- supervised talks between print- most an hour in the bishop's\ers and publishers Aug. 4. house while a crowd jammed! Since then the newspapers, Cathedral Square waiting to see| which have continued to publish ing room foremen and assist- ants from the union bargaining unit, elimination of work prac- tices the publishers call feather- bedding and the right of the newspapers to introduce new production methods. In return the publishers have offered a lifetime guarantee to present \staff against lay-offs due to CITY - WIDE DELIVERY MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe North 723-3431 and battle casques. at Were it not for modern goods} in the shop windows and home movie cameras in the hands of and the tale is told of you --|-- roract:__coMMODORE"| MAN'S COUNCIL awn Fuse Darkens Club The Oshawa Golf Club's club-} house was without power for} three hours Tuesday night as a| fuse blew during the heavy rain! storm, A car battered a hydro pole|by male colleagues Woman WASHAGO-- "Diserimination| jnear the Farewell-Highway 401\charged by Mrs, Dorothy Burns,|road near Geneva Park an | automation, ae Claims Discrimination arrange to obtain the old stone has been|McPherson home on the Rama|Vitation to join the C anaian d sh your beer supply with cooling What with thirsty hot summer weekends, and parched friends and neighbours dropping in, a man would do well to keep a goodly supply of Holiday him off by car for Castel Gan-| with non-union and supervisory dolfo. personnel in the composing | rooms, have invited the strikers to return to work individually. CIT Y COUNCIL Two days ago they obtained indefinite renewal of an injunc- NEWS BRIEFS tion forbidding the ITU to call the dispute a lockout and limit- jing numbers of pickets outside Low tender by Geo, Wimpey newspaper plants. and Co. Ltd., for the John street : bridge, was accepted by PAY STRIKE BENEFITS Oshawa City Council Monday) The Guild members endorsed night. Successful, bid, over six|an executive decision to pay others, was $230,943. Second lowest, by Dineen Construc-| . tion, was just $500 higher, High-| Attending Camp est bid, by Bailey Construction, m3 ot ae In The Rockies WILL Nor | A Ney 20mN Cadet Captain Jerry Kosiw, 17, of Oshawa, has. been one of Federation of Mayors and Muni-|the 211 Royal Canadian Army) ipalities. fee.|Master Cadets from' across Council turned down an in- \junction but vas not cut/a first-year councillor of Rama! qey ar' i ici-|¢ Membershi : te i ju n but power was not cu develop part of it as a munici Pp Beer chilled and ready. This is beer brewed for Canada Robert Elder Ltd. (equivalent of Séa Rangers) will Six years ago the plant was be billeted out with the crew and taken over as Dunham-Bush of|will take part in some of the Canada Lid., but was known to competitions. Crusader has to be} off. Street crews were not called} out and few flooded basements} were reported. | Township. \pal hall and the other as a his-|base on a $15 per thousand Mrs. Bums said yesterday|toric park. The home was. built population formula, w ould be that she is never told of special]j, 1951 and still is in excellent|!,005 for Oshawa. CFMM dis- tributed bulletins, statistical in- | on her toes that weekend if they An airport official described|meetings that are being held,| condition, people here as the Brunner Corp., until March 31 of this want to make any showing year. atthe storm as "quite extensive, ej lots of water but no damage re-| all as the American girls" ar | ported", Bell Telephone had a negative on trouble calls. but is asked to pass the expense) accounts at regular meetings. At this month's council meet- ing she questioned several ac-! It was decided, however, to go ahead with Reeve Ambrose} MeMillan's suggestion that the township obtain the 40-year-old | | | | formation and reports to mem- bers. PUBLIC. HOUSING A draft agreement on the pro- FORT ERIE ENTRIES THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2000. Maiden| Bully Keane, Harris X112 three- and four-year-olds. 6' Furlongs. . | Stee! Leader, Turcotte X112 Martian Man, No Boy A-112 Rhythm Maker, Fitzsimmons 117 Esprit Gai, Gordon 112 Doll Odell, Bailey 116 Benedicuts, No Boy 117 Benalou, Harris A-X106 Come Back Bay, No Boy A-1}7 Into The Sunset, Gomez 114 Malty's Brownie, Parsons X102 Also Eligible: Royal Stitch, Robinson, Beauty Column, Archer X102 m, Forest Bird, Gomez B-117 Blue Rouge, Harris X107 Beidade, Dittfach 8-112 Noble's Brother, Leblanc 11 2 | | A--G M Holtsinger, 0 M Davis Jr and B J Harmon Entry. | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2300. (34500 Sinner's Hill, Davidson 112 claiming). Three-year-olds. One and one- Wanless Park, Parsons X107 sixteenth Miles. Also Eligible: Prime Away, Robinson, YUKon Squaw, Walsh 110 117; Art's Treat, Turcotte, X107; Jerry Plavyampa, Harrison 105 Nostro, McComb, 112; Resting, Fitzsim- Mangea Cake, Harris A-X112 mons, 117; Judy's Imp, Simpson, 107; Sun Gertrude Q, Fitzsimmons B-110 Glearn, Dalton, 107. Tarapaca, Parsons A-X10S A--Mrs A J Doberstein and NE Roca- Raysiad, No Boy 8-11 $ Regal Fashion, Harrison Steen Entry BSeedhouse Entry QUINELLA BETTING mora Entry. 105 B--The Pheasant Stable and W Whittaker " : R Entry. 2 SECOND RACE -- Purse $1900 ($2500 Claiming). Three-year-olds and up. 6/2, SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2900. "central hundreds of thousands of dupli-/hardiy get a word in' edgewise.| Railway Club' Allowances. Three-year. olds, foaled in Canada. 6'4 Furlongs. Brief Wind, Gomez 114 Big Rocky, Davidson 116 Smart Flyer, Robinson 114 Canadiilis, Parsons X14 Free Quest, Harris X109 Tin Pan Alley, Fitzsimmons 114 Plain John, No Boy 116 Furlongs. Aged Dust, No Boy 112 Big Native, McComb 115 Shall Succeed, Turcotte X10? Maple Jan, Parsons X102 Just Don't Shove, Shuk 116 Yo Te's Pride, No Boy 109 Jamaruilah, Harris X112 Penepopie, No Boy 112 Hidden Hope, No Boy 112 Black Raven, Davidson 107 Parkside Drive, Potts 117 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2900. Fort Erie Day" Allowances. Three-year-olds King Rip, No Boy 112 and up. About 1 Mile on turf course, Also Eligible: Cluny Miss, Gubbins, 109; Mystere, No Boy 116 Hash Boy, Harris, X11); Vedas, Remil- Swerve, Parsons X11! lard, 115; Secret Star, No Boy, 112; Roses Swoon Star, Davidson 119 Preferd, No Boy, 114; Dawn Flush, Tur- Illustrator, Harris X12) cotte, X117. Son Blue, Bailey 113 Ramunicho, Parsons X111 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2000. ($7500). Wise Command, Walsh 116 Maiden claiming. Two-year-olds, 5' Fur- Civic Guard, Dalton 116 longs. New Member, No Boy 116 Bill's Red, Harris A-X112 Safety Man, McComb 119 Lord Beverley, Gordon 115 | Nardoo, Fitzsimmons 116 Freedoms Hope, Parnell 120 Bive Light, No Boy 113 lee Cold, Dittfach 120 Also Eligible: Well Now, Dittfach, 111; $ail Ahead, No Boy 117 Lebon M L, Dittfach, 116; Bull Market, Perzaca, No Boy 117 Shuk, 123; Golden Turkey, Harris, X113; Roman Harold, Cuthbertson XXX105 Buttermilk Pike, Cuthbertson, XXX1!09. Ancient Era, No Boy 115 | Moss Park, Harrison A-120 Moores Selector, Leblanc 115 Milt Bunnell, Dalton 115 and one-sixteenth Miles Rice, No Boy 115 Hereforall, Harrison 104 Also Eligible: Tie Pilot, McComb, 112;| Jazz Round, Shuk TIT Romeadventure, Davidson, 120; Cousin Comby, No Boy 99 Clem, Davidson, 120; Penadee, No Boy, Breconing, Harris' X112 12; Grouchy Abee, Leblanc, 120; Park Daumont, No Boy 113 Heights. No Boy, 120. Snow Bright, No Boy 116 AW G Campbell and Mra $ Hoover|London Liz, Walsh 103 Entry. Bive Poppet, Dalton 106 Select Rythm, Parnell 104 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2200. ($5000) Artista, Turcotte X107 Clamiing). Two-year-olds. 5¥a Furlongs. |Dek's Levy, No Boy 108 Tinasee, Rogers A-114 Cushion, Dittfach 106 Real Kai, Walsh 111 Cocktail Date, Shuk "16 Forever Pilot, Harrison It 9 Bingham, No Boy '!2 Journey Home, Rogers 11? EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2000. ($2500 claiming). Three- and four-year-olds. One X--5 Ibs XxX.7 Ibs. AA | XXX--10 ibs. AAC POST TIME 2 P.M, AAS Ty U A Bowmanville town official said the rain 'washed the streets off nicely" with no hint of damage. Whitby reported all quiet. Duplication Irks Cadi PORT HOPE -- Magistrate R.| B. Baxter tore a duplicate of a charge into small pieces Mon- day as he lashed out at a police practice of sending more than one copy of a typed charge to his office. 'Magistrates are deluged by | cate informations," the magis-| trate said. "It clutters the office with unnecessary material and causes confusion. "The district inspector (OPP)| has shown no intention of co- Operating with the magistrates| in this area on this point. I'm not blaming the officers for this, it comes from higher up."' He will continue to show this contempt of the practice said the | magistrate: "until a system is question, devised whereby a person can- not be charged twice for the same offence". 4 One' veteran police officer present recalled that the prob- |lem of duplicate charges began during the war years. At that \Aime the present practice of first | mailing charges to the defend- jant was begun as.a means of saving gasoline. Four or five copies of each charge laid by. a police officer | are required to be typed out for anes offices now. USED TO CONFLICT James Amess of TV's Gun- smoke series knows the feeling of "hot lead" in -real life--he was wounded at Anzio in the Second World War and spent a lyear in hospital. counts and was not satisfied) with the explanations. She vow-) ed she would keep special ser-) vices accounts under close scru- No. 3 public school on Highwayiposed 18-unit 'public housing} 69 for a municipal hall and of-|project on Lomond street was| ifice, aged pats pry is}sent to the special housing com-| ! to approach the board of educa-|mittee. Capital cost was listed| eiiceinely Gace how . school. province and 75 per cent by the spend other people's money," Currently, council's meetings city. | attending this year's award camp at Banff, Alberta.) A student at Central Collegi-| ate Institute, Jerry has been learning many advanced proce- dures, including survival meth- ods, during the four - week course. IMMIGRANT FLOW In the first three months of 1964 there were 11,716 immi- grants into South Africa, almost double the previous year's fig- ures summer. Ontario's light-tasting brew, and it's aff beer, all the way down, O'KEEFE , Holiday BREWED FOR SUMMER THIRST commented councillor Burns,\are held in the Longford Mills| She felt she was "being discrim-|COmmunity centre. inated against" by her male} colleagues in that she is never) told of these special meetings) jand whenever she makes a con- PAUL RISTOW LTD. crete suggestion during the reg- rights workers report the 14th, how important it may be. workers began their "summer > have his or her sa | tabled in council. The decisions) hurned Monday night. It was As an example, she told how thought, but that the Reeve and REALTOR BURN NEGRO CHURCH CANTON, Miss. (AP)--Ciyil ular meeting, it seldom makes|burning .of a Negro church in) the discussion stage, no matter|Mississippi since civil rights| SHOULD HAVE SAY project" to register Negro! "I think that everyone should/yoters last June. A spokesman! y at a meet- ; ; | : : ? for the council of federated or-| if . 'i | Hay of Pounedl, ID 8. Dees. ran ganizations said the Mount! Matters of import are already Pleasant Church in the nearby) cut and dried when they are Gluckstadt community had are made by only a few. and) cog as a "freedom school." | no one else dares to speak up."') -- MSDE aE RR | her suggestion for a centennial project was hardly given any FRESH KILLED--OV Deputy-Reeve's proposal is be- ling carried through without PROJECT SUGGESTED Mrs, Burns proposed that 728-9474 CHICKENS EN READY a6 te 3 tb. av. FOOD MS 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS 30) EXTRA FEATURE ONTARIO NO. 1 TABLE j 5 4 i Rama, which is the only On-} tario County municipality which has not yet selected a project,| OSHAWA CIVIC: AUDITORIUM ASSISTANT MANAGER Duties to commence in October, 1964 Required to have some knowledge of ice-making, refrigeration, office admini i i Refri ion papers on asset. Ability to meet public and promote good public relations, Purchasing and ordering of all lies for i ing maintenance, printing, etc. Ability to supervise all staff s and be conduct of persons using Auditorium facilities. Applications close 5:00 p.m., August 21st, 1964. Apply in petson or by letter giving all pertinent information to: PERSONNEL OFFICER, CITY HALL, OSHAWA, ONTARIO 187 King St. Eost LEAN MEATY BLADE Economy 6 & 7 Rib PRIME RIB LEAN MEATY SHORT RIB Short Cut Ist 4 ribs Prime Rib build- b aut for | | 39 09: 39: h FRESH PORK > > FRESH PORK } BUTT FRESH PORK } LOIN END > Leon Well Streaked RINDLESS DEVON } BACON SHOULDER Ali J: 65: TEA BAGS FREEZER SPECIAL reg. 79¢ > FRONT 37 Ib 4 59: lb eg > POTATOES WLS. BABS 6 6.06 FIRST GRADE CREAMERY 57 ry BROOKSIDE 24-07. QUARTER | BEEF 2 CUT & WRAPPED LYONS 100'S Ib BREAD 2 for ) 69:

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