"INTELLECTUAL LEADER Britain Pays Tributes To Samuel Johnson * LONDON (CP) -- Some 200 years ago Dr. Samuel Johnson 'gave it as his opinion over a pint of ale that any man who was tired of London was tired of dife. ; " This year the City of London ds returning the compliment with a sound-and-vision exhibi- tion tracing progress from his 'birth in provincial Lichfield, near Birmingham, in 1709 to his death in London in 1784. Fame came late to Johnson. Poverty cut short his 'career at) Oxford University and the lack of a degree hindered his ¢limb up the rigidly-conventional 18th century social ladder. It wasn't until 1765 that he received his honorary doctorate from Trinity College, Dublin. Even in his prime, with his monumental dictionary an widely-acclaimed essays. behind \him, Johnson was never fully laccepted by the aristocratic lana court circles--a factor that served to nourish his passionate hatred for the "'vile Whigs" who controlled the strings of power. RULED OWN COURT Unreceived in palaces and sa-| lons, Sam Johnson set up his own court in the pubs and clubs of Fleet Street and the City. For nearly 40 years he ruled in- tellectual London from a tavern chair--a seat he called "the ithrone of human felicity." It was Johnson's privilege, perhaps his misfortune, to be better documented for posterity than any other individual since the death of Christ. James Bos- well's '"'life' of Johnson set a standard in biography that has seldom been equalled and never ' surpassed, ) Typical of the personal rec- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 12,1964 17 ollections is one by a WI writer - in Gladys Ridge, Alta. de- scribing the bachelor's ball as it was,in the days when it was the annual social highlight of Okotoks, Alta. RIBBONS AND LACE Women didn't rely on low necklines and makeup to en- hance their charms in those days, they depended on rib- bons, lace and sequins, she says. And cowboys rode in for the event with evening clothes in gunny sacks on their saddles. The history of the region around Clarendon, Que., de- scribes farming methods be- fore the middle of the 1800s. "About all the farming equip- ment they had at first was a hoe made by a blacksmith. Using this, they hoed the SHOP at /y SPROULES fo THERE! new experience. He hated Whigs and cant, He loved tea and clubbable men... . He once described true genius as "a mind of large general powers accidentally determined to some particular direction." Johnson himself was the genius whose large general powers were never accidentally deter- mined down a specific path. Included in the exhibition is a recreation of Grub_ Street where Johnson scratched out a |living as a hack journalist when he first came to London. "No man but a blockhead ever Recollections Include Potent Health Potions By JEAN SHARP Canadian Press Staff Writer _ Preventive medicine as prac- tised in rural Ontario in the 19th century sounds potent. A-pioneez home remedy calls for eight ounces of squaw vine (partridgeberry), four ounces of cranberry bark, eight ounces wrote except for money," hejof slippery elm bark and one later said. ounce of bloodroot. Grub Street, with its diseased) "Put the above in an earthen beggars and open sewers, is\vessel, add four quarts of gone. But much of Johnson's prea a on the back of the : fenton ig still lok Where Wee tose atey nce can een who succeeded. in "Johnsoniz-|*0" $ Bs i days, then strain and add two ing" England. The exhibition|hardly a pub in Fleet Street/pounds of crushed sugar. Sim- ae heavily * poveet to\that doesn't treasure some me- portray a man whose "soul was not different from that of Ht ceo en ay on other person, but greater. a stable upon which he once! HATED WHIGS ate an "'ill-fed, ill-killed, ill-kept| | sam Johnson was a man of\and ill-drest roast mutton." | extremes. He was chronically; Above all his spirit is still! lazy, given to severe fits of| evident in the lanes and byways} melancholy and often physic-jof the old city, the Londoner's ally ill; but he also had zest,| spirit that made him exclaim considerable physical strength,|on his deathbed: "I will be con-| warm humanity and a thirst for! quered; I will not capitulate." | ground between stumps andjacquire that space. It wat planted potatoes. ' |threshed by being laid on a "Wheat was planted wher-ifioor and beaten with a flail-- ever there was space. Giant|two sticks loosely joined to. trees were felled and burned together with a strip of leather. Swifty « Nifty - Theifty mer 20 minutes and add half a pint of gin. Bottle and cork, "Take a glassful three times a day for six or eight weeks before expected illness." The recipe is from _ the Tweedsmuir History compiled by the Women's Institute in Kars, Ont. It won a WI na- tional competition this year. Tweedsmuir Histories are chatty, human chronicles of Canada's rural communities and how they grew. About 2,000 WI branches across Canada -- put togéther such histo- es. Even without Boswell, we would still know much of John- son. A man of his intellectual stature could hardly fail to cast a long shadow through the let- ters and journals of his times. But it was the cannily observ- ant Boswell, deliberately affect- ing the role of buffoon to pro- vide a foil for Johnson's wit, OPERATED BY | | A Division of the 5. $. Kresge Compony Limited mmmamcemmennmenarnd DRUG DEPARTMENT G. TAMBLYN LIMITED "LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION AND SAVE ON OUR LOW, LOW PRICES" LA I X saat A) . Aa Naa Vas * VV | v1) MB WU Pay 5 HTL me) Copal leas TO Mata Th \ OPEN DAILY 10,0. TO 10 P.M, MONDAY to SATURDAY ccroees | ry She t 1 Xe. Wg \ (4 iS -- DR ata SPROULE'S BEEF is red brand beef -- Canada's finest grade to assure quality -- flavor and tenderness -- expertly cut and carefully prepared. RIB ROAST SALE Red Brand Red Brand Standing Red Brand--Cross Cut PRESCRIPTIONS TOILETRIES HEALTH & BEAUTY AlDS Our Dispensary Phone Number Is 728-5651 The clear hair ¢ 4V2 oz. SCHOLL'S K K K K x K K. K K x K kK K K K K K K K K x CHILDR STRAP S The ideal back to for little girls. This features Seal support *Porents of guorontee, er shoe with 2 strops for proper the Moulded vinyl sole with 3 month K-MART PRICE $4.76 OPEN 10 A.M. TO10 P.M. DAILY ream. tube V1 ObG.RO.NO DEODORANT SPECIALS 3 2.5 GELUSIL TABLETS 'CORN or CALLOUS PADS 39 MODESS EN'S HOES school shoe brown leoth- SNE er weor. Full and arch feat fort, Sizes 4 famous, Approval". s] WHEN SHOPPING RAARRRAARRARAARARRARRRR uAR Virginia BAKED HAM with pineopple Mashed Potatoes Your Choice Vegetable, R ond Butter. STOP AT K-MART'S ring. of oll GIRLS' All white canvas uppers for long- K-MART PRICE 02800 GQOae FRESH PEACH PIE with WHIPPED CREAM FIRST FIVE RIBS SHORT RIB ROAST PRIME RIB ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST 49: 69: 59: "FOR THE BARBECUE" CHOICE BURGER MIX FRESH MINCED RED BRAND u 49° GROUND BEEF CHUCK .. 59% v 29° WIENERS 3.1.00 Chicken Wings 3... 1.00 Granulated SUGAR =: 5.19 Compare 43c . . . MIRACLE WHIP JAR Compare 49c -- PREM COMPARE 89c GRIMSBY ° JUMBO SIZE 26" x 36" DISPOSABLE LUNCHEON MEAT COMPARE 67¢ FANCY PINK 10¢ OFF PACK JAVEX 59¢ LIQUID BLEACH 69¢ COMPARE 89c SUPREME MIXED PICKLES "xv 69¢ 39¢ BONUS DOG FOOD "=" 10+| 10¢ OFF SUPER SAVE TUNA FISH FRESH PRODUCE Country Fresh Grade "A" Small C EGGS «00. DQ || fies ee ramen 3 > cen. Jari... 148 CERTO Crystals NEW 10-LBS. Fresh Local Dug Potatoes 39° | == SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE Relieves headaches, upset stomachs and indigestion. CHOICE CHICKEN LEGS RED BRAND BEEF oz. Spray Br aising Ribs or oz. Cream 73 os 1.67] ] | 50-LB. COTTON | | | | | BAG 16-0Z. JAR 12-0Z. TIN 12's 2 for 85¢ LADIES' LOAFERS HAND SEWN This is the most popular sports shoe for fall. You may choose from many styles and colors as well as smooth and grain leathers, Sizes 4 to 10, narrow and med- ium widths. K-MART PRICE 53 | 4766.76 1-LB, TIN 128-02. JAR 48.02, 7-02. TIN AKERS 15-0Z. TIN foom cushion insole ure for added com- to 9, Fresh Ontario CORN wz. FOR TASTY LUNCHES, SNACKS AND COFFEES corey FRESH HOMEMADE CRESCENT | WINKIES @ STORE HOURS @ Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights till 10 p.m. AMPLE FREE PARKING iy HIGHWAY NO. 2 BETWEEN WHITBY AND OSHAWA | corner oF KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA