aR ean Semaceansai ee et eee racmadiasunnian oy MR. AND MRS. JOHN J. DeKoker are on a honeymoon in Holland, Germany and France following their wed- ding recently in Elizabeth- ville United Church. The bride is Patricia Beryl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thickson, Elizabeth- ville and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. DeKoker, Brooklin. --Ireland Studio THE. BRIDEGROOM'S brother, the Reverend Clar- ence Bisschop, officiated re- cently for the marriage of Fiena Teresa Woudstra to Lawrence Jan Bisschop, in Rehoboth Christian Reformed Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-8474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 10, 1964 7 Church, Bowmanville, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woudstra and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geert Biss- chop, all of Courtice. --Ireland Studio Some people can work unpro- tected in poison ivy patches for years without ill effects. Others develop severe cases of poison ivy "dermatitis" from _ the slightest contact with the plant. But no one is completely im- mune to its toxic sap, and the few leaves in the early spring to build up a resistance to it could be disastrous. St. John Ambulance claims the only real immunity is from avoiding all contact with the noxious weed-- which may not be as easy as it sounds. Grow- ing ere in the Dominion except Newfoundland, it can adapt itself to almost any soil from 'beach sand to garden loam. And it changes appear- ahce with the season and loca- tion so that recognition is al- ways difficult. Sometimes the leaves ar? CHILD GUIDANCE Books Are Important To This Fine Family By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph. Ycur heart will be warme as 'mine was, when you re: below about a young fami! who invest in books and enjo them. "Since my husband is 3 years old and I am 29, we lik to assume that we will be around to raise our family. We have five children :Donna, 8, Debbie, 6, Joseph, 5, Diane, 3, and Denise, 2. We realize we have a terrific responsibility." Then she names some good books and sets of books they have bought for their children and reports the fine uses they are making of them. "Because my husband is a truck driver and I have the house and five children, we are limited in what we can do with the children. We have been criticized many times by fam- ily and friends for spending so much money on books and edu- cational toys, but we feel that it is paying off. "Our Donna's third grade class was recently given an 1Q test. When we went to open house, the teacher couldn't wait to show us that her score of 131 was highest. I spoke to her about our helping her and was told we should take her on educational trips, that she gets enough studies in school. LIKES SCHOOL "She likes. school and. plays school with the younger chil- dren. She also enjoyed learning Polish and did very well, even though her father and I don't speak any other language and couldn't help her. They are not getting language this year and I wondered if I should get her records that teach language. "P.S. 'The Parents' Prayer' is beautiful. We will hang it where everyone can see it." My reply in part: I greatly admire you parents for your ef- forts and sacrifice to provide the best reading for your chil- dren. I think you need to be careful, however, not to spend beyond your means to these ends--lest you worry about the matter. I doubt whether you would ot best results from buying cords now to teach your child foreign language, unless she ot training in this language at chool. In addition to the fine read- ng materials you have at home ou might, with the help of your 'der children, find some good books you could borrow from the local public library. And you might drive them to a larger library not many miles away. NOT IN ABUNDANCE If all young parents were to emulate you two as models, what a spurt in education there would be. You are investing in imperishables, It all goes to show that a person's wealth does not consist of the abund- ance of things he possesses. In years to come your chil- ren will rise up and call you blessed. I just wish I might visit your home some evening to me.t your wonderful family pily and eagerly together, I hope you parents and the younger énes, It would be won- derful if your whole family would spend a few hours each evening with someone reading aloug to every other one, often each of you .older ones alone reading aloud. Think of all the interesting things you would all have to talk about. After a year or so I wish you would write me again and tell me of the wonderful progress you all have made. Maybe one of the children would like to write me now, or later, of the opportunities she has to learn at home. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. When a child watches shooting scenes on TV, does he usually imagine himself the man with the gun or the per- son being murdered? A. Why not ask him? HOUSEHOLD HINT Purchase day-old bread and cake. Freeze. When ready to use, thaw and they are just like fresh. This little sailor becomes two years old today. He is Todd Fletcher, son of Mr. John HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LITTLE SAILOR T. Fletcher, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Tremble, Oshawa. His great - grad - mother is Mrs. Frederick Lowes, Oshawa. and see you all learning so hap-|28° ANN LANDERS Who Is Buried Dear Ann Landers: You are probably receiving more com- ments than you care to read on the question of whether a man should be buried beside his second wife or buried beside the mother of his five children --the woman to whom he had been married for 40 years. This is what happened in our family, I hope you will print my letter. To use your expression, it may clear some sinuses around the country. Our beloved mother passed away in 1954. Dad married again in 1960. His second wife started in with that double plot business immediately after they were married. In exchange for peace and quiet, Dad agreed to a double plot for himself and his second wife. Dad passed away last year. His wife remarried four months Yesterday I heard from a re- liable source that the woman older children read to thelis now nagging her new hus- band for a double plot. So this is the way it stands: Our beloved mother is lying alone in her half of a double plot and Dad is alone 'in his half of a double plot. They are on opposite sides of the ceme- tery. For us children it's the longest walk in the world, What do you have to say about this? --Unhappy Children Dear Children: Plenty, but I won't. Move your father so that he and your mother are side by side. Common Sense Rules Where smooth and sometimes toothed, sometimes they are green and sometimes brownish, sometimes shiny, sometimes dull. The berries may be greenish-yellow, white and waxy, or brownish in color. It can take the shape of a dwarf, shrubby plant or a long, creeping vine. In fact, the only really consistent thing about it is that each of its ea \leaves has three leaflets. Dear Ann Landers: Please, please help me out by telling my square parents that going steady does not mean I am get- ting married next month. All it means is that I happen to like Gregg better than any other boy right now. It also means I am sure of a date and I don't have to sit around wait- ing for the telephone to ring. There has been so much talk about how wrong it is to go steady that my folks have been pestering the life out of me to Every part of the plant--its leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, and roots--contain toxic juices which cause anything: from a mild rash to acute distress and sickness. This sap does not evaporate and can be transm't- ted on the fur of animals, on tools or picnic outfits, or in droplets in the smoke of burn- ing ivy. The first sign of contact with the poisonous juices is a mild itching, followed by a slight blush of the skin. As the itching St. John Ambulance Says None Is Immune To Poison Ivy old wives' tale about eating ajang tense itchiness, add one per- caused by two other, plants: the poison sumac of southern Ontario and Quebec, and the poison oak of southern Vancouver Island. "If you plan an outing where any of these are suspected," says St. John, ... "Change your plans." SHARK DELICACY LONDON (CP) -- Smoked shark may be seen. regularly: on London restaurant. menus soon, The first supplies have ar- rived at Billingsgate fish mar- ket. Until now the shark has been used only as crab bait. WIFE PRESERVER Convert the lower half of gallon bleach jugs into beach bags by sewing on a colorful cotton top. Add a drawstring sensation increases, watery closing-carry handle. bust up with Gregg. Please be a friend to all teen-agers and say something in favor of go- ing steady for a change. Thank you.--Ginger Dear Ginger: Sorry, but I can't say anything in favor of going steady because I believe going steady is a foolisha nd hazardous practice. Your opening sentence is in- teresting because I have heard from dozens of other teen-agers who didn't plan on getting mar- ried "next month' either--but that's exactly what happened. Dear Ann Landers; Our six- year-old son is allergic to cats. When he is within six feet of a cat his eyes itch and his face swells up with hives. It took us four months and $400 to find out what the trouble was. My husband's mother lives in side of town. For years we've been going there for Sunda supper, Three weeks ago m mother - in - law's sister was widowed. She moved in with THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Tuesday should be an inter- esting day. Those who put their best efforts into all endeavors, whether professional, financial or personal, should meet with |fine success. There may be some surprises along the way, however. Be prepared to cope. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your chart presents a pleasant outlook for the next year. While you may experience some "ups and downs' where financial and occupational mat- ters are concerned, some months bringing fine advances, others somewhat on the dull side, you can, by capitalizing on your remarkable gift of smiling in the face of obstacles, bring even balance to the situ- ation and wind up the next 12 months in a highly satisfactory position. For instance, between now and Sept. 1, also from Nov. 1 through the end of February, you have to be very careful about finances, being particu- larly careful to avoid extrava- gance and speculation. e especially cautious in No- vember! The September-October per- fod will be good for monetary matters and, beginning with early March, you will start on another uptrend--making small gains at first, but really getting into high Zear early in July, when you enter a fine cycle along these lines. November and December of this year and March of next my mother-in-law and brought her two cats. We told mother we cannot come to her place with the boy unless the cats are removed. She says the cats are like chil- she would not insult her by ask ing her to leave the apartmen when we come to visit. Béssie's cats before our son's health. Will you offer a sug- gested course of action?--Cat- Astrophe Dear Cat-Astrophe: Tell your mother-in-law you will be happy to have her at your place for Sunday supper but you can't go there on account of the cats. Tell her, too, Aunt Bessie is welcome, but the cats are not. TITLED HOSTESS a small apartment on the other] dren to Aunt Bessie and that|; and take the cats with her|; I resent mother putting Aunt}: j Larry Owen Harold is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKay, King street east. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKay and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Henderson, all of Oshawa. --Aldsworthy Photography VANCOUVER (CP) -- Cana- dian Pacific Airlines has a new Vancouver Airport ground hostess who goes by the name of Sandra Piccone. It's her real name -- and so isthe title "Countess" that precedes it. UNCOVER OLD CITY LIMA (AP) -- Discovery of an Inca city four times larger than Machu Pichu, the fabled Inca ruins in southern Peru, was reported Saturday by Luis E. Valcarcel, president of Peru's National Institute of Ar- cheology. Newspapers said a group of about 50 made the dis- covery rere | a 31-day trek to the legendary Vilcabamba Grande 186 miles northwest of Cuzco, the last refuge of the HE IS TWO YEARS OLD TODAY i| white accessories and a similar || corsage, A double ring ceremony united in marriage Frances Allison Brown, Kitchener, to Peter John O'Hare, Oshawa, on Saturday, August 1, in St. Gregory the Great Roman Cath- olic Church, Oshawa, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Breton Brown, Kit- chener, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Edward O'Hare, Oshawa, and the late Mr. O'Hare. The Right Reverend Paul Dwyer officiated and Mr.' John Driscol] played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her' father the bride wore a formal gown of pure silk organza with a bell skirt, scalloped neckline, the bodice trimmed in Chantilly lace and a detachable train of similar lace trimmed with organza. Her pearl and crystal tiara held a shoulder-length veil of tulle illusion and she carried a Sunday missal, crested with MARRIED RECENTLY Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Frances Brown, Peter O'Hare oon Brown, Winnipeg,Mani- oba; acai Miss Ann O'Hare, North ay; Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Statler, --Aldsworth Photography Before the couple left for a honeymoon to points north, the bride changed into a two-piece blue suit, matching hat, white accessories and a corsage of tinted blue chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. O'Hare will make their home in Oshawa. Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Miss Joan Rowland, Mrs. William Walsh, Kitchener; Scarborough; Peterborough; Miss Beth O'Hare, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Connor and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chisholm, Levack; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicky, Azilda; and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Foster, Whitby. a cascade of red roses. The maid of honor was Miss Helen Kowalski, Oshawa, and the other attendant was Mrs. Robert Brown, Willowdale. They were dressed alike in rose chiffon over taffeta with match- ing petal headdresses and car- ried nosegays of deep rose chrysanthemums. The best man was Mr. Wil- liam Pawson, Newmarket, and the usher was Mr. Robert Brown, Willowdale. For the reception at the South End Restaurant, Oshawa, the bride's mother received wear- LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 ing a navy blue and white dress Let everybody say the beautiful, when they beho! now on display WEDDING. was you in all the elegance and romance of See some fashione in our window. ' FOR YOUR PRIVATE CONSULTATION CALL 725-1912 BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD, 72 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN FRI, TILL 9 P.M, with a skirt partially flared, white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The bride- groom's mother assisted, wear- ing a navy blue linen sheath, FOR THE FINEST IN Custom Made DRAPES SEE M. & 6. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 et LJ selected draperies that will siend, be with your fe ie wethen' = 9 ful service. @ FREE ESTIMATES @ Slipcovers -- Broadioom Howard's | DRAPERIES 725-3144 926 SIMCOE NORTH with your Gecoret. fi « «+ you'll enjoy his help- fi FAST ! Treasures Later 723-3680 | THEY GROW Portraits Now Will Be ~--~by-- Groland sw \} Inca emperor Manco II. WIFE. PRESERVER When cut flowers wilt, cut an inch off the stem, place in warm water up-to the base of the flower to revive it, replace in Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Spinol Disc Injuries Hay Fever. 100 King St, E. 728-5156 arrangement. Sa will be excellent for occupa- tional interests, Personal matters will be un- der beneficient aspects during most of the year, which augurs well for social, sentimental and domestic interests. Best periods for romance: the balance of this month and all of September, late October, next May and June; best for travel: the weeks between now) and mid-September, next May.) A child born on this day will be a natural leader; could ex- cel in the law, in government e~ireland Gtudio or as a high-powered salesman. @ SPECIALLY PROCESSED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | 728-1111 ITZ 2 Locations: For The Finest North American and European Style Meats and Pastries IN OUR OWN PLANT 6 DOWNTOWN 12 SIMCOE ST, N. 728.5487 ; me __{ CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum BURNS JEWELLERS LTD. are going somewhere MOVING SOON TO 20 SIMCOE NORTH All Present Stock CLEARING UP TO 50% x O REG. @ Shop Today @