Today's Toronto Stock Market Li stings Stock Oshawa A Pac Pete Pow Corp board-lot closing sales. INDUSTRIALS Soctk ~ Sales High nn one 100 95 988 2s 2% ® 250 $112 11% 1% 200 $12% 12% 12% 78% S $15 1 5% --W 152 $34 34 34 Pr 25 $1094 109% 109% 216 $72% 71% T's (| Abitibi Alta Gas Alfa Gas Algoma $0 $31% 31% 31% 725 445 445 445 $26¥%e 26 26 260 368% $41%4 290 $19% 19% 19% 9% % % $244 UV" Wa + Ve 5 5 5s wo 0 12% WWh-- Ve 36%e 36% + 4 6a ba-- Ve 18¥e 18% wea 19% We -- Ve 19% 1%%-- 10% 10% -* DIF 4% CAE ¢ Brew 675 $11% CB Alm A 1230 $10'% C Colli 63 pr 725 19% 9% 9% 11% 11% 10% 0% 19% 19% = a] "8 3 #13 640 640 65 65 Acme Gas 10000 Advocate 100 Agnico 000 kaitcho » #9 aay 7% 1a 136 136 400 460 A Am Moly 803 $45Y%e 45% 45% -- Ve} Area 500 185 185 185 7533 3 «13 1000 14 4 LA 75 $37% 37% Wu---% 21% 21% 2" % é 6% 7 190 $15% 15% 25 38 155 $5% S%e 5% 675 $3744 36% 37%+ % 200 $43 44 643 | 895 $12%e 12% 12% | 220 450 450 450 ws 18 #18 #+2 | $63% 63% 64+ % $21% 21% 21% Am Leduc -- --3 8: i 14) - 50 $20 20 2 810 810 810 150 «(150 Ex Gas Cdn Sup Oil Cent Del 22) Cc West P 1200 190 15% 400 at u "0 +5 315 fo 6 65 213 525 43 +1 42 %4| Provo Gas | Teck Corp Tried OW Un Reef P W Decaite $15% = $7 $23% $27 9 $54VA 10 $260 ztioo 155 21.$72 25 $92 10 $154 WS $26% 1000 475 300 $5 110 $16 1% 2 23¥e 23% 28% 28% -- Ve\ 54a 544 + Va) | Aunor | Belleterre Exquit Aw sd Falcon Fed Grain Goodyear 6 4% O75 675 675 +8 8000 252 25%4 252-- Ve 2000 17% 172 Vie? 1550 24 23 (O24 + 300 425 415 415 5e25 19) 160 183 --? 100 $12% 12% 12----% 000 25S 8 12% 13 Black Bay Bunker H Camp Chib Cc Dyno | Cassier | Cayzor Cheskirk Chib-Kay | Chib M Con Shaw C Bellek Cc Halli Cc Mogul C Mosher Con Negus Con_ Nichol 50398 20 $100" 10014 1002 -- V4! 100 $19 "° wv --t 325 325 $16 16 99% 9% 9% $50% 50% 50% + Ve $13% 13% 13% $6 6 6 9500 1000 800 658 500 500 100 1000 1500 500 1500 13 Hadyes Stl Horne Pf HBC Busky imp oil imp Tob Imp Tob pr Ind Accep Intand C pr Inland Gas 300 240 427 285 710 225 250 750 759485 485 485 685 $842 84 842 +1 250 $262 26% 26% -- 26 $88% 88% 88% + 720 335 «(335 «(335 22 250 $23% 23% 23% $162 162 164+ 2) $8 8 eB 1 $16% 16% 16% + Ve 18% 18% 18% 18M new a Int Nickel 3500 Int Util Inter PL Int Stl P Inv Syn A 15% 16 2 3 #618 14% 15 470 «(470 30% 172«(172 105 5 1% 2 000 «18 sis 470 330% 12 $65% 65'4 65% $22% 22% 22% 42 «415 415 $21% 21% 21% 0 300 300 300 +10 $19% 19% 9%+ % $8% 8% 8 9% 9% 9 --M 625 $11% 11% 11%-- 30% 2% + Ye 7 7 =--2 7 Wha-- 138 13 + 500 $9 9 9 +% 1150 325 320 320 --5 25 $35% 35% 35% 50 $56 56 56 325 $48 «447% 48 225 $234 23% 2% 1000 $10%4 10% 10% +% Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 210 $27%4 27% 2% 15000 $13% 13% 13% + W 82 6814 -- V2 A% 42 + % +1% y| dure of spending about $2,000 150 | $16% 16% 16% -- Ye! 5 300 WS +5 wos 1 OW 25 $30% 0% W4+ OBITUARIES GEORGE HAMERS The death of a well known) Whitby businessman, George) Hamers, occurred at the Osh- awa General Hospital, Sunday, Aug. 9, following a short ill- ness, The deceased resided at 213 Athol street, Whitby, and was in his 76th year Mr, Hamers was born in Amsterdam, Holland. In 1929 he married the former Geer- trui Jansen at Hamilton, Ont. For 35 years Mr. Hamers oper- ated a plumbing and _ heating) business in Whitby He was a member of St. Mark's United Church being an elder for many years. The de- |GEORGE WILKES T. VEALE) George Wilkes Thickson Veale, of Bowmanville, died at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Saturday, Aug. 8, after a short illness. He was in his 53rd year. A son of the late John and |Annie Thickson and the foster json of the late Thomas and |Annie Veale, he was born in Bowmanville in 1911. He re- sided all his life in Bowman- ville. ; |General Motors in Oshawa. He served overseas in the Canadian Army in the Second World War. He is survived by two sisters, He was a former employee of} ceased was -also active in the/Mrs. John Borden (Edna) and choir of St. Mark's. Mrs. R. Akens (Hilda) and one Mrs, Hamers survives _her|brother Jack, all of New Jersey, husband as does a sister, Mrs.|two foster sisters, Mrs. R. A. C. Cornelisse (Jeanette) Of/Nugent (Vera) of Toronto, Mrs. Grand Rapids, Mich. Leland Payne (Madeline) of The remains are at the W. C.!Newtonyille and a foster brother, Town Funeral Chapel for the)p, w, T.- Veale of Harrow, funeral service, Wednesday, | ont, Aug. 12. Rev. J. Smith, minis-| F iva St. Mark's, will conduct | yr: vo is renin the service. Interment will be| sce See eet th in St Port |manville for service in e Whitby png Myra Aug. a. e 2 < rs will rP.m. Rev, H. rner, minister indie" oe pont, B . bag of St. Paul's United Church, Boys, Vernon. Rowe, Carman|Will take the service. inter- Foster and Arthur Patterson, esa Dail be in Bowmanville | Cemetery. FUNERAL OF | VICTOR E. CRIDLAND FUNERAL OF WINIFRED ALICE The funeral service for Victor John's Cemetery, MRS. Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 1700 750 725.730 +10 64 65 md 1% 11% 6 6 --" 151 151 3 24% 24Va--2 54 5Sa-- 9. 9 WM --5 265 262 262 1 15% 154 1Sa+ %@ 6 6 +% 1% % 153 2s 6 eo 44 & +7 125 121 #125 +2 1 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 00 15 «61S IS HM 500 10% 10% 10% 100 370 370 37 --5 1000 16 Norgold Norlartic Normetal Starratt Steep R +15 5000 1180 525 520 $25 W oNet High Low a.m. Ch'ge' 12900 17 14 «a+ 1000 15% 15% Is2+ 1100 9000 3 2000 7250 3% ST +t 79' 11% 1% 1%e-- 8500 2). 20 +I 300 114 14 «(14 1500 15 100 500 Winch 1000 Windfall 55260 Yukeno 500 enmac 7900 BOT Zulapa 3000 19: «-- «8h 19 + Sales to 11 e.4n.: 708,000. FOREIGN TRADING 78 $19% 19Ve i9Ve 0 6 660 OO 200 190 190 490 100 420 420 420 +5 Shelj Oil Deerhorn Siscoe Sherritt LONDON (AP) -- Opportu- nity knocks: You too can be- come a lord of the manor, And all by the simple proce- --and outbidding other aspir- ants. Eleven titles are going un- der the auctioneer's hammer at the Moot Hall, Colchester, Sept. 30. The title "Lord of the Manor" goes back a thousand years or more. The ones on sale are comparatively new. They date from the 15th, 16th or 17th centuries. The titles were bought up by Joseph Beaumont, grand- father of the present owner. Titles were a hobby of his. He bought more than 80 in in Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk counties. His son bought more. Much of the collection has already been sold. Lest anyone become con- fused, the title 'Lord of the Manor" has nothing to do with a peerage. It has almost no privileges connected with it. Further, there is no real property involved, NO NAME CHANGE Unless you already have a ti- Manor Lordships On Auction Block tle, you are still going to: be called mister. In olden days, before the commoners came into Parlia- ment and took rights unto themselves, manor lords could fine tenants whose daughters married outside the manor. The manor was not only the lord's own house but also the lands and dwelling around it. The manor lord could also exercise droit de seigneur-- right of the lord to enjoy the first pleasures of the bridal bed in all marriages involv- ing serfs within his manor, These rights are gone for- ever, but the title still yields the freedom of grazing sheep on common lands. Any com- moner today has the same right, however. The titles up for sale are well documented. They in- clude court rolls, surveys, court books, rentalsand min- ute books that give a detailed account of their past histor- ies, They are the perfect. gift-- for someone who has every- thing. NEWS IN BRIEF | MAJOR SQUEEZE | BAKEWELL, England (CP)-- This yaer's strangest record has been claimed by 2% children from the Methodist Junior School here in Derbyshire. On a trip to Sherwood Forest they all squeezed into the famous Major Oak, easily smashing the existing record of 16 people y|in the hollow tree. EEL .EATER SOUTH OCKENDON, England) (OP)--Sammy Page, 52, of this) Essex town claimed the world) eel-eating record after downing) 26 bowls of jellied eels in 50} minutes. The old record was 25) bowls in an hour. HANDY EXCUSE LYTHAM, England (CP) -- Pianist Joe Henderson of this) Lancashire town has insured his hands for £10,000, The pol- icy prohibits him from doing household chores, and forbids cricket, football and shaking hands with anyone weighing more than 224 pounds, 'It's a handy policy," says Henderson. "It lets a man out of washing up." | WANT NEW PORTRAITS LUTON, England (CP)--Na- tional Savings officials here are campaigning to have portraits of Prince Charles and Princess Anne-on saving stamps brought up to date. A spokesman for the Savings Council said: "These old portraits make us look like fuddy-duddies."' | ATTRACTS ATTENTION | BRISTOL, England (CP) Bristol City Line has adopted a new color for its latest cargo liner, Halifax City. General Manager David Hall said the liner will be plying the Great Lakes '"'where roads run along- side, and if we want business we color: vivid orange. INSTANT HISTORY LONDON (CP) -- Trafalgar Square now has its own built-in} | SHARK RECORD FALMOUTH, England (CP)-- A Mako shark, 11 feet six-inches long and weighing 476 pounds, |was landed here in Cornwall by |23-year-old William Rogers. The {Shark Angling Club of Great |Britain has now confirmed it as la British shark record. GROOMS CHALK SWINSON, England (CP) -- |Wiltshire Boy Scouts are to groom one of the famous his- toric white horses cut in the side of the chalk downs, Farm- ers have reported that the chalk horses are steadily turning green because of weeds and grass. MORE BRASS MAIDSTONE, England (CP)| Brass bands are to be formed at 12 schools in Kent as "an |effective means of spreading in- |terest in music." The county's| education committee has jagreed to spend £1,500 on in- |Struments and to appoint a brass band teacher. | UNCOVERS WATER | BARNSLEY, England (CP)-- For four years Arnold Mar- geson has carried water to his |pig at the rear of his home jhee. To save labor, he decided to cut a trench and lay a wa- |ter pipe. While digging he un- 32-foot well thought than 100 years old. OLD .HOMES LYDFORD, England (CP) -- What are thought to be the re- |mains of 40 houses described in the Doomsday Book as having been laid waste-by the Danes in 997 AD or at the time of the | Norman conquest have been un- jcovered here on Dartmoor in Devon. }covered a to be more CTV TO BUY STATION S. W. Caldwell, president of must attract attention." The CTV television network, today| announced that a new company --jointly owned by the network and Maclean-Hunter Publishing |Company--has completed plans | to acquire controlling interest in UAW Workers Vote To Strike Combine Plant BRANTFORD (CP) -- Abort 700 of the more than 900 work- ers at the Massey - Ferguson 'Limited combine assembly plant here voted Sunday night in favor of strike action if a contract agreement is not reached at a meeting here to- day. | Management, representatives) "\ers for 35 years. jety trolley and rolli | Louisville, Ky., Fox's hometown |Manor, a suburb of New York FONTAINE FOX Toonerville GREENWICH, Conn. (AP) -- Cartoonist Fontaine Fox, 80, the Toonerville Trolley conductor, died Sunday. Fox's Toonerville Trolley car- toons delighted newspaper read- It is said that Fox earned more than $2,000,000 from' his drawings of Toonerville's rick- folks. They appeared from 1920 to 1955 in as many as 200 newspapers. One of his characters, Mickey (Himself) McGuire, was so fa- mous that a child actor, Joe Yule Jr., adopted the name. When Fox proved in court that he owned a copyright on the character, young Yule took an- other name--Mickey Rooney. The fictitious town of Tooner- ville was a combination of and Pelham Manor, N.Y., where he once visited a friend, | Fox had lampooned a rickety) Touisville trolley in early car- toons for the Louisville Herald. 'IT'S RIGHT THERE' When he visited Pelham City, he told a trolley motor- Dies Sunday Aged 80 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, August 10, 1964 15 Trolley Man man the name of the friend he was going to see. The motor- man stopped the trolley, walked up a hill, and pointed out the friend's house to Fox, Thus the cartoonist hit upon the idea of the Toonerville Trol- ley--ramshackle and late, but folksy. It became the symbol of broken-down transportation ev- begin erywhere. Fox peopled Toonerville mostly with caricatures of his family and boyhood friends. The Te le Tempered Mr. Bang was his father; Powerful Ka- grade trinka, a mixture of two family cooks, the Little Scorpions his boyhood gang. Then there was Aunt Eppie Hogg the fattest woman in three counties; Whisky . Bill Wortle, Suitcase Simpson, the Toonerville. cop, and the trol- ley's skipper. Shortly before he drew his last panel in February, 1955, Fox had the trolley shattered in an accident, transformed into a contraption with the upper a trolley and the lower half us. classrooms next month. Bishop Richard Gerow for the move as three give witness to a true spirit by their acceptance of and co-operation in the imple- mentation of this policy." Implementation of the order will be voluntary, SENTENCE PLOTTER PARIS (Reuters) -- A former French army sergeant, alleged to have planned to dump then- premier Miche] Debre naked and hog-tied in the main square of the United Auto Workers Un- ion (CLC) and a government conciliation board are sched- uled to meet here today. Work- ers of the UAW local voted 98.7 per cent in favor of strike ac- tion, union officials said. The workers at the plant, cer- tified. with the UAW in April, want to be included in the same agreement used at two other Massey - Ferguson plants -- Woodstock and Toronto. Toronto Driver Grabs Victory In Tough Test | ORONO, Ont, (CP) Paul} Cooke of Toronto, driving al Comstock racing team's Ford Falcon Sprint, topped 21 other cars at Mosport Park Saturday to win the first endurance race for sedans ever held in Canada. The Falcon Sprint, largest car in the race, covered the 221 miles in two hours, 59 minutes, 18.8 seconds for an average speed of 74 miles per hour. Al Pease of Toronto, driving an Austin-Cooper, took second over-all. Pease was 13.4 seconds behind Cooke. Werner Gudzus of Toronto, in} a Volvo, took third over - all, 19.2 seconds behind Pease. Gud- zus was the only driver to go the full distance without a re- fuelling. Walt MacKay of Richmond Hill, Ont., in a Lotus Formula CAPSULE NEWS VANCOUVER (CP) -- Tests on blood taken from Moby Doll Friday established that the cap- tive killer whale is not preg- nant, Scientists had said there was a 50-50 chance she was. FIND OLD BONES LONDON (Reuters) -- The skeletons of two fossil elephants believed to be- between 100,000 and 200,000 years old were dis- covered in a London suburb, it was reported Saturday. RECORD QUAKE WESTON, Mass. (AP) -- A strong earthquake centred in the Caribbean was recorded Sunday night at the Weston Ob- servatory of Boston College. A spokesman said the quake was centred about 1,800 miles south of Boston between Puerto Rico and Venezuela. BEAT GUERRILLAS BRUNEI TOWN, Brunei (AP) British troops routed 20 Indone- sian guerrillas during a clash in a remote area of Malaysia's Sabah state, a British spokes- man disclosed Monday. One Briton and at least one guerrilla No Stork Bound For Moby Doll were killed in the fight last Junior won the 25-lap William Thursday about five miles from Cleland Memorial Trophy race. of Tours, received a 15-year prison sentence Saturday. Gil- bert Penaguin was convicted of; having led a counter - revolu- tionary band. The movement was one of the groups which succeeded the Secret Army Or- ganization, which tried but failed to keep Algeria French. called): John H. Cochrane General Sales Manager for Ontario. effective imme Cochrane joined the Compa: as sales The appointment is iately. Mr. in representative and later became a sales super- visor. In his new capacity, he the will be located at pany's Ottawa office. NAGASAKI REMEMBERS NAGASAKI (AP) -- The world's second atom-bomb city of Nagasaki Sunday observed the 19th anniversary of its nu- clear holocaust with "renewed determination to attain world peace." About 10,000 persons gathered in Peace Park for a memorial service dedicated to 74,000 people killed in the blast of Aug. 9, 1945. HONOR EMPLOYEES VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Paul has rewarded three Vati- can elevator operators for long service by making them Knights of the Order of Pope St. Sylves- ter. A papal letter, disclosed: Monday, conferred the decora- tion on Carlo Venturoni, Felice Bandiera and Nicola Mariani, who entered the papal service in 1920. STEAL $500,000 NEWPORT, R.I. (AP)--Esti- mates ranged up to $500,000 Monday in a jewel robbery at the fashionable estate here of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel P. Hill of New York City, Hill is heir to' western mining interests, His wife is the former Elinor Dor- the border with Ind Borneo, DOWNPOUR KILLS 12 SEOUL (AP) -- Twelve per- sons perished and 32 others were injured in a downpour that struck central Korea Friday, po- Ian McCauley in an Astor was second and John Cordts of North Bay in an Elva Courier! |was third. | Peterboro Golfer rance, a principal stockholder in the Campbell Soup Company. FILM STAR ROBBED HONOLULU (AP) -- Yauko Asakura, vacationing Japanese film actress, reported to police Sunday that $46,000 worth of Captures Tourney | KINGSTON (CP) -- Al Jamie- lice reported Monday. Authori- ties said 13,225 persons were left homeless and two persons were jewelry had been taken from her luggage. Miss Asakura, 28, told investigators that the gems missing, Property damage was json of Peterbo: th, s rough, whose left) timated at $680,000. arm is five inches shorter than were taken from her luggage in a Honolulu apartment. his right as a result of a child- i 7 | lhood disease, shot a 7671147, KILL RED AGENTS | |Saturday to win the eastern On-| SEOUL (AP)--South Korean tario golf championship at the)coast guards killed five sus- Cataraqui Golf Club. }pected North Korean Commu- The 22-year-old University of|nist agents and captured two Western Ontario student was| thers in a two-hour gun battle |\Saturday, police announced two strokes in front of Ray Gaz- 4 eley of the host club who had| Monday. The fight took place a 18-71--149 over the windswept par-70 course. Witold Weynerowski of Ot- tawa, the 1960 winner, came in| third with 76-75--151. In a three-way tie for fourth) |near Ham Hae Island across |Yosu Port, 180 miles south of| |Seoul. DEEP LIFE | Sea anemones have been| spot with 159's were Cataraqui's|Drought to the surface from |Bob Murray and Dr. Jack Mil. | depths of up to 33,462 feet. ae and Ernie Bentley, both of} |Toronto. YESTERDAY'S STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Batting -- Willie Mays, Gi- ants, slammed his 32nd homer, a double and two singles, drove in three runs, scored two and Lenney Fans 19 Batters ZEPHYR -- Richard Lenney)| pitched a one-hitter, struckout 19 batters-and drove in the only run as Zephyr edged Port Perry 1-0 here in the opening game in the Ontario Amateur Softball NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Pacific Petroleums Litd., 6 months ended June 30: 1964, $1,- 950,857; 1963, $1,530,514. Canadian Superior Oil Léd., Kam Drugs OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. e@ FREE DELIVERY e E. Cridland, who died in the} GORDANIER guides two coin-in-the-slot loudspeakers which give a |CJCH Limited of Halifax. If ap- |proved, the move will mark the stole two bases, leading' San Francisco to a 7-5 victory over Cincinnati. Association Juvenile C_ first- round playoffs. Oshawa General Hospital, Wed-| The memorial service for Mrs. three - minute commentary on Jim Farr had two hits, pacing 6 months ended June 30: 1964, $2,979,205, 52 cents a share; 1963; $1,875,406, 33 cents. 723-4621 KING for Dramatic Beauty Practical Economy Distinctive Simplicity vciuae iA . |network's first ownership in a the square's history and archi-| television station. CJCH 48 one tecture. For sixpence a visitor|of the network's seven af.| can choose a commentary in fiiateq stations. English, French or German. DIVIDENDS Pitching -- Al Downing, Yank-| ees, gave New York only vic- tory in four-game series with Baltimore, winning opener of doubleheader 2-1 with four-hit-| ter, striking out nine and walk- nesday, Aug. 5, in his 66th year,|Winifred Alice Gordanier, who was held at Christ Memorial) died at lot 26 baseline, Darling- Anglican Church, Saturday,|ton Township on Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 11 a.m. Aug. 5, in her 88th year, was Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdonjheld at the Armstrong Funeral conducted the service. Inter-|Chapel, Saturday, Aug. 8, at 2 ment was in Mount Lawn Ceme-!p m, | tery. v. W. A. McMillan took the ALL GLASSES one low The Cary is the latest addition to our line of beauti oft luxurious colors blending from dark to light in the the winners' seven-hit effort against loser Tom Peterman. Lunney singled home Dale Lockie, who had doubled, for . jing only one, Orioles won night-| Winner. Peterman. had the only cap 4-2. Port Peryy hit. NEWER HEROES HARROW WEALD, England (CP) -- A new £75,000 pub} mamed the Leefe Robinson, Wg aol | Re The pallbearers were Robert|service assisted by Rev. R. E. Wilson, Douglas _ Stainton, Dargan. Interment was in Osh- after the pilot who shot down the first Zeppelin in the First DIVIDENDS RISE Dividend payments by Cana- res a Stntle Lor You <> s flattering matching stones makes it a joy to 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM eae" SUNGLASSES AT SAME LOW PRICE e © BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE @ BROKEN FRAMES nae an REPLACED WHILE YOU We fill all PSI, Oculists Optometrists Prescriptions at \some low prices. : pn George Leaming, Harold Hay,/awa Union Cemetery. Donald MacGregor and Ross) phe palibearers were Jack Drew. Marlow, William Imersor, N. |Verne Hartford, James Aldous,' {Mendal Smith and Clayton hegeiacy World War, has been opened in| dian companies are six per cent this Middlesex town. The new) higher in the first eight months] tavern stands near a cemetery Of 1964 compared with the first |where Robinson is buried. sri pire of 1963. Accord- ing to stock brokers J. R. Tim- MONSTER HUNT |mins and Co., payments for the LOCH NESS, Scotland (CP)--| year to Aug. 31 total $630,195,- A 12 - week hunt for the/884 compared with $594,261,151 legendary Loch Ness Monster|during the same 1963 period launched by the Loch Ness! and $548,494,370 in 1962, ' The elderly gentleman came upon a stranger fishing on the river bank and called to ask if he was having any luck. "Sure am," said the fisherman. "| caught forty pike here yes- terday." "I'm the local judge here end all this estate is mine," said FUNERAL OF GEORGE DESMARCHAIS The funeral of a Whitby resi- dent, George Desmarchais, was FUNERAL OF held today at the W. C. Town | GEORGE E. (BERT) MASON 'h , Whitby. He} Funeral chapel 7 | The funeral service of George died at the Oshawa General ; in hig(=: (Bert) Mason, 198 Bond ss gtoelaliamaae Aug. 7, tn his street east, who died Thursday, : : |Aug. 6, at the Oshawa General Mr. Desmarchais resided at Hospital, was held at 2 p.m. Fairview Lodge, Whitby,- since|Saturday, Aug. 8, at the McIn- 1951. He was born in the/tosh-Anderson Funeral Home. . Province of Quebec and was the) Rey. J. F. Morris, minister of son of the late Napoleon and|st. Andrew's United Church, Emma Desmarchais. jconducted the service. Inter- For a qumber of years the|/ment was in Mount Lawn Ceme- deceased was a teamster for|tery. the City of Oshawa. The pallbearers were Frank The funeral service was Con-|Milts, J. H. Hunter and Norman} ducteq by Rev. Armstrong, rec-/A. Rae, all members of Leba- tor of All Saints' } Church. Interment was inj Groveside Cemetery, Brookiin. liam Mason, Les. Gorrie and C. O'Connor, Phenomena Investigation Bu- reau last May is to be. contin- ued until October. Expedition leader David\ James said: "We have had no Sightings of photo- graphic value since the start, but we are determined to crack this thing." PLAN TO DOUBLE CORBY NEW TOWN, Enag- land (CP)--A* £10,000,000 pian to double the population and size. of this Northamptonshire cludes proposals for a new town centre built on four levels, |Toronto |Ottawa iHamilton at Ottawa FOOTBALL SCORES By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eastern Conference WLT F AFPt 100 3 100 23 0102 1 Be, A Saturday's Result Montreal Hamilton Anglicaninon Lodge, AF and AM; Wil-\town has been announced. It in- Montreal 33 Hamilton 5 Friday's Game the old gentleman. "Who are you?" "Me? I'm the biggest liar in the territory." Well, it's no lie that we guar- antee the most reliable dry cleaning work you'll find any- where, "Your complete satisfac- tion is our main interest, So if you've been 'casting around' looking for a really reliable cleaner give us a try next time. LEAWIT SERVICE? 725-3555 BOB EAKINS al ©o Hours: 9a.m. to5_ p.m, Daily CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ( fptic - 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 Branches in Many Principal Cit of Canada and SEE KING AND SAVE