A WHITBY CHARMER This little girl is Jacque- Mr. and Mrs. line Louise, the one-year-old john, all of Whitby. Her daughter of Mr. and Mrs. great-grandparents are Mr. Gordon Wilde, Whitby. Her and Mrs. William Scott, Vah- proud grandparents are Mr. couver. and Mrs. James Wilde, and PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth Far-|Found, Mr. and Mrs. row, Christie avenue, have re-|Gray,.and Mr, Charles 'Tuson. turned from a vacation in the/Other guests from Ontario Maritimes, where they visited| points were: Mr. and Mrs. their son, LAC Paul Farrow,| James C, Adams, Willowdale; RCAF, and Mrs. Farrow at|Mr. and Mrs. King H. Gazzard, Morris Fitz- --tIreland Studio E. H.| ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I am a boy 10 years old who would like you to afswer a question for mé if you caf. Why do parents havé two Sets of laws, oné for themsé@lves and one for their childrén? Iam thinking of one special law in our house which is awful, When I spill something on thé tablecloth, especially grapé \juice, I have to leave the din- ling room table and go eat in ithe kitchen on the cooking board. When one of my parents jspills something they say, 'Oh \for eHavén's sake" -- and go jright on eating at the table and jthat is all there is to it. | Why can parents do some- Parents Pull Rank For Same Mishap thing and think it is just fine ished? Will you please answer this? Thank you.--Bobby Dear Bobby: There is an old army expression that goes like this. 'Rank has its privileges." s0 you'd better face up to it. When an adult spills some- thing on the tablecloth it fs called an accident. When a child spills something it is called carélegsness. I don't see any différence myself. Further- more, I don't think a child should be séht away from the table when he spills something --not even grape juite. | Dear Ann Landers: I have a| neighbor: who is so helpful I am) just about ready to wring her! neck. I work days and my hus-| band works nights, I leave the house at 8:30 am The minute I jeave for. work this neighbor) comes ovér to make my his-' but when their children do the) very same thing they get pun-| And it's the same' way in life,| PATIO TILE | 12" x 12" end 12" x 16" ---- 8 COLORS -- STORRAR DUNBRIK cot $7. NORTH PHONE 725-0631 band @ and clean up my kitchen, "nice hot breakfast' Sometimes she waxes the linoleum and réarrang?s my), cupboards, One day she changed everything around and 1 went crazy looking 'or the mustard I don't want this woman in my house and havé told her so. It goes in one ear and out the other, She says shé enjoys be- ing neighborly, In the meantime the neigh- bors have plenty to say and am beginning to wonder .if it is just gossip--or if perhaps this woman is giving my husband more than breakfast. Please tell me whet to do about it.--Aggie Dear Aggie: Get on the night Tisome dsepicable, your answer to "Als Not Ashamed." I agree with you that an npetre Who functions as well "Also" makes a mistake iis she keeps hér affliction a fleap dark secret. She could do immeasureable good by telling her friends she is an épileptic and acquainting them with the true nature of the disease. Epileptics are their own worst efemies Tod many of us keep our illness at the dark age level and behave as if it were loathesome thing, We then criticize others because they are ignorant and prejudiced, If epileptics wish to be treated as normal human beings they) should jead the way by being, open and unashamed--and hy, shift, 'Toots. Dear Ann Landers: | loved demonstrating that epileptics are not so different from other people, after all --San Antonio Dear San: Well safd and J Bs & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 5, 1964: 9 thank you for saying it. I agree the most effective job of en- lightening the public can be done by epileptics themselves; This takes coufage but éven the lowly turtle knows that if he is to make progress he must stick out his neck. HOUSEHOLD HINT To help stretch the budget, use tmargarine for cooking and butter for table use, ieee Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR Spinal Dise Injuries Hay Fever é ° ~~ | | PRICE ee iP 'oy A =n al coal Si. 100 King St. E. 728-5186 |, Made from an Old ENGLISH FORMULA To test a Tonic Water drink it straight. A refresh- ing .néw experience. Straight or mixed you'll like Wilson's, Try it, Ps at SPROULE'S Specially Selected Grade "A" SALE Cape Breton. Accompanied by| Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Vic- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Farrow, Brighton, through the eastern Sydney, Nova Scotia, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. have hue, recently Tan Greenway, David and Paul, Somerville ave-| returned) from a vacation in Winnipeg, where they visited Mrs. Green- way"s mother and sister, Mrs. Charles Warriner and Miss Aud- tor G. Stroud, Thornhill; Mr. they motored down)Ross Turrfer and Miss Letitia states tO) Turner, Toronto; Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island. They returned by way of |Breuls, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Breuls, North Islington; Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Bright, Ontario; Mr. |Terry Farrell and Miss Beth Holmes, Shakespeare, Ontario. Other guests attending the Stroud - Schultz wedding in Springfield, Ohio, recently were: Mr. and Mrs.. Raiph Moorhead, Pottsville, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moorhead, Of Young Moderns Sale. terrific values. FINAL 3 DAYS at % price. COME IN TODAY and save on these YOUNG MODERNS Many items now clearing For Roasting or Frying 2' to 3 Ibs. CHOICE 35.4 CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF PRIME RIB STEAKS Ib. 79: 29° WIENERS 3... 1.00 MAPLE LEAF BRAND (BY THE 39° LB. 39° BOLOGNA 'ics 59° CHICKEN ROLL .... 59° Jumbo Size 26 x 36" Disposable CHICKEN LEGS Ib. 4 " FRESH SLICED--ALWAYS TENDER RED BRAND BEEF PORK LIVER __,,.29° BRAISING RIBS MAPLE LEAF BRAND--FULLY COOKED 2 to'3 Ib. CUT UP WHOLE P e PORK LOIN ROLL .. 79° CHICKEN Peameal Bacon'... ..69° MACARONI * Compare 45e--Lowney's Angelus Chunks of Gold rey Warriner. 723-7428 668-5022 |Rochester, Minnesota; Mrs./ 38 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Oshawa guests attending the|Robert Ostrander, Cleveland; f 135 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Stroud-Schultz wedding recently | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Christman, | in Springfield, Ohio, were Mrs. | Cincinnati; May WILSON'S FURNITURE Warehouse MATTRESS and Dr. and Mrs. Bernice|Keith Wearly, Columbus, Ohio. Stroud, Mrs. IN A BASKET CHEESE 1-LB. LOAF PKG. ' Pure Sweetened Wid You TO-NITE! Hundreds of Oshawa residents will sleep on mattresses that the City Dump. belong in Well, here's your fabulous Opportunity to buy thet new mattress you've wanted for a long time. At prices never before offe: red. Complete stock must be cleared in 3 DAYS. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. AUG, 6, 7, & 8, Pu it them on top of your car, borrow or rent a truck -- carry 'em home on your backs. But whatever you do, HURRY, NOTE: AT THESE ONE OF A KIND, SOME SOILED. PRICES, MANY SOLD AS 15 All Stock Must Be Cleared Flake Foam PILLOWS Spring-Filled Mattresses ALL SIZES, HUNDREDS OF COILS FROM ae Smooth Top Mattresses WAS 49.50---HURRY FOR THESE BEDS COMPLETE Marshmallows CHEESE SLICES ORANGE JUICE GARBAGE BAGS BAG is OOF po 2 9° 'm 49° 10 .. 98° MAXWELL COFFEE BUTTER FRUIT DR FRESH GRADE CREAMERY BUY 1--GET 1 FREE PRIZE Liquid Detergent hy 89° FREEZER BAGS PKG, 29° IT WHITE POLISH sorne 29° BONUS DOG FOOD 15-02. 19 ¢ TIN SUNBRITE COLOURED Margarine 14LB, 19¢ PKG. SUNBEAM BABY ¢ BAKERY FEATURES ° HAMBURG BUNS... 33° SUNBEAM SLICED ¢ BEAUTY Sc OFF-- COLGATE TOOTH ROLLS NOXZEMA Sun Tan Lotion OFF Insect Repellent vor. 09" AIDS ¢ PASTE 39 79° 1.39 BARBECUE LIGHTER FLUID 32.07. Age TIN compare 97c¢ 1 Ib, bag C b. 5c 3 for '] -- "| | STORE nouns! Open Thursday, | | Friday and Saturday | | Nights tilt 10 p.m. | | TISSUE 12 aan 27711 Mita compere 37c Allen's assorted 48 oz. tins jesse arom ET | 2c OFF we. Soft Rite | | TOILET Fresh Local .. . New Season's, Transparent APPLES 3 w. bas 29 Conutry Fresh, Grade "A" Small EGGS 4 ie. 99. Sproule's are big enough to serve you--Small enough to appreciate you @ TOP SELECTIONS! ® BIGGEST VALUES! ® EASIEST TERMS! 723-3211 SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE CORNER OF * KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA WILSON'S _ MATTRESS PALACE 20 CHURCH ST.