Chrisitian' Science, Feat tnceslacasaleaanetnmpediiintin set tenes ciaainaineianeimemaea eatin a Church, Oshawa and worked on the farm until shortly before his death. ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) In the Oshawa General August 1, 1964 of Mr, on Tuesday, August 4 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment was Mount Lawn Cemetery. LOTT, Gladys Entered into rest in Lindsay Ross Memorial Hospital! on Sunday, August 2, 1964, Gladys McNally, widow of the iste William Charles' Lott and. mother of Mrs. Max Graham (Helen), Lindsay; Earl Judge (Muriel) of Oshawa; Edward Stewart (Hazel), Oshawa; Cameron and Lewis Lott of Oshawa and sister of Mrs. Ralph Calnan (Hazel of Oshawa; Gordon Le aha UAapelete ne / ir. Resting a rms Morel. Ho Oshawa, ge rele ing in the chapel on Wednesday, poten 5 'at 2 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. LOVE, Georgina Alice Oshawa Genera! Hospital on oF ei August 4, 1964, Geeorgina Alice Love of RR 2, Whitby. Beloved wife of Lambert Lawrence Love; dear mother of Mrs. L. Brown (Myrna) of Whitby and Charles of RR 2, Whitby, in her S6th year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel! on Thursday, August 6 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. Minister, the Reverend J. Smith. PAYNE, Francis Leonard intered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- ee Hospital on Monday, August 3, 1964, Francis Leonard Payne, beloved hus band' of Laura Swegels and father of Mrs. Dr. Robert Steele (Ethel) of Singa- pore; Mrs. Waldemar Kopp (Ruby), Oshawe, in his 87th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral! Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in the chapel on Thurs- day, August 6 at 2 p.m. Interment Osh- 'awa Union Cemetery. TAYLOR, Reginald David ly as the result of motor accl- dent at Whitby, Ont., on Saturday, August 1, 1964, Reginald David Taylor, ge 17 years, dear son of Mrs, Jose- phine Martin, Apt. R & Kingscourt, Alax, Ont., dear brother of Shirley of Alax and Mrs, Ethel Magnus of Mid- fand, dear grandson of Mrs. Ethel Taylor, Ajax. Resting at the Wm. &. Sherrin Funeral Home, 2 Highway, Pick- > (Just east of Harwood Ave. N. from noon Monday. Funeral on 9.30 a.m, to St. Ajax, for ering Alax) Wednesday, ag were Berni je"! . c i" 'eagell at 10 a.m. Interment St. Francis de Sales Cemetery, Pickering, VAN SKIVER, Eleanor Frances -- Born 1883. Died August 3, 1964. sli f Coianten A. Van Skiver. Fos- ter brother of Mina, (Mrs, Homer Tai- Bloomfield and mother of George, Picton. Resting at Hicks Funeral Home, 2 Centre Street, Picton. Funeral service Wednesday, August 5, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Glenwood Cemetery. WOTTEN, Norval C. 'i Oshaw: eneral Hospital on jon- ly ptt bs 1964, Norval C. Woiten, aged 70 years. Beloved husband of Mary €. Arnot, RR 1, Hampton; father of Francis and Arnot; grand- father Arnot, Jr., Allan, Donna and © Bavid. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville: Service in the chape; on. Thursday at 2.30 p.m. Inter- ment Hampton Cemetery. Funeral pri- vate. ee LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE ; 728-6555 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST | TELEPHONE 728-6226 | {N MEMORIAM. dear! married 136--Legal CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1960 TAKE NOTICE that the ap- pication of Piebe van Keimpe- ma of 473 Montrave Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario to change his name to Peter Van Kemp, and that of his wife Janet van Keimpema to Janet Van Kemp and that of his 'on Peter van Keimpema to Peter Van Kemp and that of his son John van Keimpema to John Van Kemp and that of his son James van Keimpema to James Van Kemp and that of his daughter Janet van Keim- pema to Janet Van Kemp will be made on Thursday the 27th day of August, 1964, at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon before His Honour Judge Alexander C. Hall, in Cham- bers at the Court House ot Whitby, Ontario. Dated at Oshawa, this 17th day of July, A.D, 1964. Thomas 'H. Greer, Barrister, Qc., 86 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicants NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARION EDWARDS, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTAR- 10, WIDOW, DECEAS- ED. Creditors and others having claims against the above es- tate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Administra- trix on or before the 21st day of August, 1964, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims that hove then been received. HELEN SYRA MAY GRAY, Administratrix of the Estate of Marion Edwards, by her solicitors, Messrs. Moore, Lawson & Clark, 110 Brock Street North, WHITBY, Ontario. OBITUARY FUNERAL OF FRANCIS LEONARD PAYNE The death of Francis Leonard Payne occurred in Oshawa General Hospital, Monday, Aug. 3, following a long illness. Last residence was East Townline North, Oshawa and he was in his 87th year. Born in Port Stanley, Ont., he 2 the former Laura Swegels, January 9, 1913 in Oshawa. He was a resident of Oshawa for 51 years, coming here from Port Stanley. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Payne. He was a licensed minister of the 7th Day Adventist Church and was very active in preach- ing. His hobby was a close study of the Bible and he spent many hours working at this, Mr. Payne is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Dr. Robert Steele, (Ethel), of Singapore, Mrs. Waldemar Kopp, (Ruby), Oshawa, a sister, Mrs. Eleshia Creithenden, of Fingal, Ont., and a_ brother, Warner Payne, Listowel, Ont., five grandchildren, and one |great grandchild. Resting in the Armstrong Funeral Home for the memorial service in the chapel, Thursday, JOHNSTON -- In loving memory of 3 dear husband and father, David Johnston) who passed away August 4, 1963. | We have lost a Dad, with a heart of gold than weaithLindsay Ross Memorial Hospi-| Who was more to us, untold. Without farewell he fell asleep, With only memories for us to keep. We have lost, but, God has gained One of the best Dad's the world cun-| tained. --Always remembared by wife Nora, son Bruce and daughter Donna. LOGEMAN -- In loving memory of 2 dear mother and grandmother, Sarah Logeman, who passed away on August 4, 957. Deep in our hearts your memory is kept Of one we loved and will never forget. And though the years be many or few, We'll always be thinking, dear mother, " you. Lovingly Elsie, i Judy. LOGEMAN -- In loving memory of 8 dear mother and grandmother, Sarah Logeman, who passed away Aug. 4 1957. Her memory is our keepsake, With which we'lj never part, God has her in His keeping, We have her in our hearts. --Lovingly remembered by Clara, Ray) and grandchildren, Pam, Penny and) Greg. | WAUGH -- In loving memory of Altrea| Waugh (Smiley), who passed away Aug-| ust 3, 1963. In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard fo stay. But w we saw you sleeping ly, free from -pain, remembered by daughter if Bob and gr we wish you back To t again, = edly missed by the family. MONUMENTS--MARKERS | RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OFFIGE EVENINGS 723-1002 728-6627 Tell it to the World with WANT ADS | » Aug. 6, af 2 p.m. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. MRS. GLADYS LOTT Mrs. Gladys Lott, 74, died in| tal, Sunday, Aug. 2, following a long illness. The former Gladys McNally, she was a daughter of the late Edward and Agnes McNally and was born in Oshawa. She married the late William C. Lott, in Oshawa, March 6, 1916 and lived here all her life until| two years ago when she moved to Lindsay. : Mrs, Lott was a member of Courtice United Church, She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Max Graham, (Helen), Lindsay; Mrs. Ear] Judge (Murial), Oshawa, and Mrs. Edward Stewart, (Hazel), Oshawa, two sons Cameron and Lewis, both of Oshawa. A sister, Mrs. Ralph Colnan, (Hazel), Oshawa, a_ brother, Gordon McNally, Oshawa, 13 grandchildren, and a_ great- grandchild also survive. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home for a memorial service in the chapel, Wednes- day, Aug. 5, at 2 p.m. Rev J. P. Romeril, minister of Cour- tice United Church, wil! con- duct the service. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. FUNERAL OF NORVAL C. WOTTEN The death of Norval C. Wotten occurred in Oshawa General Hospital, Monday, Aug. 3, after a short illness, He. was in his|3 7ist year and lived at RR 1, Hampton: Born in Enfiled, Ont., he was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wotten, He married the former Miss Mary Arnot in Hampton in 1922 and the couple have farmed near there .ever since. Mr. Wotten is- survived by his wife; two sons, Francis and Arnot, both of Hampton, and four grandchildren. Resting at the Morris Funeral 'Home, Bowmanville, for a ser- vice in the chapel, Thursday, Aug. 6, at 2.30 p.m. Interment will be in Hampton Cemetery. MRS, LAMBERT L. LOVE The death of Mrs, Lambert L. Love occurred after a prolong: ed illness in Oshawa General Hospital, today. She was in her 56th year. Her last residence was RR 2, Whitby. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Simeon Love, she was the former Georgina Alice Love and married Lambert Lawrence Love in Toronto, 1930. She was born in Manilla, Ont. Mrs. Love was a member of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. She is survived by her hus- band; a son, Charles; a daugh- ter, Mrs. L. Brown; a brother, Ted; three sisters, Mrs. R. Cairns, Toronto; Mrs. Jane Bailey, Toronto and Mrs. R. Till, Greenbank and five grand- children. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Home, Whitby, for a service in the chapel, [hursday, Aug. 6, at 2 p.m. Rev. J. Smith. minister of St. Mark's United) Church, Whitby, will conduct the service. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osb- awa, WILLIAM A, McQUADE Peterborough -- Funeral serv- ice was held Saturday for' Wil- liam Arthur McQuade, 70, of Alma St., Omemee, who died in a Peterborough hospital Thur- sday. Born in Emily Township, the son of the late William Robert) McQuade and the former Mary) Ann Kennedy, he lived in the) Omemee area all of his life; ex- cept for 11 years from 1942 to} 1953, when he lived in Peter-| borough. | Mr. McQuade was a tinsm'th. He retired from Canadian Gen- eral Electric in 1958, He is survived by his wife, | the former Bessie Cordelia Brown, and nine children, Al- fred William of Omemee, Mrs.| Norman. Hay (Roberta) of Red| Deer, Alta., Mrs. Fred Angelo} (Myrtle) of Toronto, Mrs. Max) Free. (Phyllis) of Omemee,} John of Peterborough, Roger of-| Omemee, Mrs. Fred Burrett (Mary) of Peterborough, Mrs. | Alan Richards (Judy) of Lon-| don, and Robert James of Ome-| mee, | Also surviving are two bro-| thers, T. H. H: McQuade of Omemee and Rev. George Mc- Quade of Whitby, and a sister Mrs, Fred Bent (Margaret) of) Omemee. Another sister, Newman (Della) him. | There are 27 grandchildren. | Service was conducted from the Morcombe-Rehill Funeral) Home at 2 p.m. by Rev. John) Urquhart of Christ Church (An-| lican), Omemee. Burial was at Emily Cemetery. REGINALD DAVID TAYLOR | Reginald David Taylor, of 3) Kingscourt, Ajax, died suddenly) as a result of a car accident,| Saturday, Aug. 1. He was in his) 18th year. i | The son of Mrs. Josephine) Martin, he was born in 1946. | He is survived by his mother, | four sisters, Mrs. Ethel Mag-} nus of Midland, and Dorothy, | Jcnnice and Shirley of Ajax, | and two brothers Joseph and George of Ajax. His grandmoth-| er, Mrs. Ethel Taylor, also sur- vives, | Mr. Taylor is resting in the William FE. Sherrin Funeral| Home, Highway 2, Pickering. Requiem High Mass will be} Mrs. George predeceased sung at St. Bernadette's Roman} Catholic Church, Ajax, Wednes-| day, August 5, at 10 a.m. Inter-| ment will be at St. Frances de Sales Cemetery, Pickering. MRS. ELIZABETH FRASER The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Fraser occurred Saturday, Aug. | |1, at her daughter's residence in Toronto. She was in her) 82nd year and her last resi-| dence was Dundas street east,| Whitby. | A daughter of the late Mr.) and Mrs. Henry Charles Butler, | she was born in Waterloo, Eng-| land, and married the late) Charles Fraser, Mrs. Fraser) predeceased her husband in) 1956. ; oa She was a member of All Saints' Anglican Church, Whit- by, and Ladies' Auxiliary, branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion. Mrs. Fraser is survived by four daughters Mrs. A. Page, Toronto; Mrs. R. May Millan, Streetsville; Mrs. N. English, and Mrs. D. Badgley, Toronto. There are 15 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. She is resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Home, Whitby, for service in the chapel, at 2 p.m., today. Rev. H. F. New- man will conduct the service. Interment will be in Grovyeside Cemetery, Brooklin. FUNERAL OF ROBERT F. AITCHISON The funeral service for Robert} F. Aitchison, 59 Park road/ north, who died at his home} Friday, July 31, was held at) the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. Rev. J. F. Morris, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, conducted the service, Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pal'bearers were Coulson Scott, Bruce Scott, Bruce Brad ley, Lloyd Short, Claude Phipps and Gerald Cole. He was a:member of the (Continued on Page 17) FOR COOL... CAREFREE .. . FUN FIL LED VACATION DAYS Shop TA and Save at these Merchants KE ADVANTAGE OF THE MANY ITEMS OF INTEREST FOUND HERE TODAY... AND EVERY MONDAY THIS SUMMER You'll Find Exciting Values For You Your Family Home Cottage! THERE MANY ADVANTAGES TO SHOPPING IN OSHAWA 2s ae eee i ol Your - _ THIS SUMMER ! "Learn to Drive" EZE METHOD Driving School Telephone 728-0881 Rate $3.75 Per Hour LADIES ! Model Shoe Store SUMMER HOE ALE CONTINUES -:: And Your OUR ONE DAY Dry Cleaning Service : Speeds Vacation Take-Offs RADIANT CLEANERS OSHAWA | SHOPPING CENTRE | 725-1023 ALUMINUM SPECIALS SUPREME Compare Prices and Workmanship | ALUMINUM DOORS & | WINDOWS | ALUMINUM SIDING CANOPIES CARPORTS MAIL BOXES RAILINGS, GRILLS SUN PORCHES AWNINGS | | Lifetime Guarantee SUPREME Window and Door PRODUCTS Distributors Alsco Aluminum Canada) Ltd. Landsdowne Shopping Centre Simcoe St. N. 723-9843 Summer Fun... ROLLER W. B. BENNETT | PAVING LTD. Summer Specials AT - FILTER QUEEN New ond used models Trade-ins from $15.00 up Protect your machine -- use genuine filters For free home demonstro- tion call: ; FILTER QUEEN 323 King W. 728-7552 BAPTISTE LAKE An "Eden like Setting" in the land of Hidden Lokes, Created for leisurely summer living. Mile upon mile and thousands of acres of water travel and exploration. Turn left ot Birds Creek, North of. Bancroft to_ sign. Lokefront 125 ft. Sandy beach, i LOT AT $1,570 UP Open week-ends INFORMATION BAPTISTE LAKE DEVELOPMENT 583 KING ST., PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Women's Beige Shoes Regular 8.98 SPECIAL FISH & VACATION! RICE LAKE reserve now at CEDAR COVE Housekeeping Cottages Safe beach, spacious grounds, family accommodation, 2 or 3 bedroom, 'frig, stove, flush toilets etc. $50 weekly, $60 with boat. Reduced rates Aug. 22 to Oct. 15. $40 with boat. Daily $8.-$6. + Folder. J. FRISKEN Harwood, Ont. Phone 4R4.-1 ape SUMMER SPECIALS HAMMOCK and Stand COMPLETE... Asphalt Paving DRIVEWAYS SERVICE STATIONS Women's White Shoes SHOE STORE 55 King St. East $9.99 PICNIC JUGS WHILE THEY LAST... $1.33 Now available at OSHAWA ESSO Service Centre CORNER KING ST. AND 728-8132 pero | 1290 SOMERVILLE AND ~ pong ane OSHAWA STATIONS IN OSHAWA INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS PARKING AREAS GRADING DRAINAGE DONT... DO IT YOURSELF TRY OUR -- Professional Dry Cleaning | @ FABRICS WEAR LONGER : @ LOOK BETTER LONGER @ SO SAVE YOU MONEY! GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. DRY CLEANERS and SHIRT LAUNDERS 725-3555 We pick - up and deliver SOME LEFT "COOL" Genuine ITALIAN SANDALS Reg. price to $6.95 Wedge and flat heels. NOW | $3.97 COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Open Fri. till 9 p.m. BEAUTIFY | YOUR PATIO! @ WITH FLOWERS To add beauty to your patio you can't beat flowers. At Rundle's you will find a good variety of plants in- cluding Geraniums, Tuberous Bago- nias, Potted Roses and Box Plonts in assorted colors. | @ WITH OUTDOOR FURNITURE Relax and enjoy your patio with the additicn of outdoor furniture. Run- die's have a good selection of Chaise Lounges, Umbrellas, Picnic tables and wn to add to your summer in. COUNTRY DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET 843 KING ST. W. OSHAWA Features... © Complete Assortment of FRUITS. and VEGETABLES |@ FREE PARKING © IMPORTED PRODUCTS © OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 p.m: INQUIRE NOW... IT IS LESS EXPENSIVE THAN YOU THINK! RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 Everything for the Garden including PATIO STONES J.-A. JANSSEN: and SONS Garden Centre & Landscaping Contractor ~ CUT VACATION COSTS! SEE US FIRST... WE OFFER Pick up service Tune-ups Muffler and Tail Pipe Repairs Specialized washing and Polishing Trucks - Vans - Autos Lubrication Tires and Accessories DON'T TOY AROUND WITH YOUR CAR CLINT'S Texaco SERVICE STATION 245 WENTWORTH 728-5811 HERE'S A QUICK SUMMER MENU IDEA | SKATING. i Every | Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday EATON'S in OSHAWA utdoor Shop 8 P.M. until 10:30 P.M, WHITBY ARENA SATURDAY 8 P.M. to 11 Music by "The Silvertones" Featuring "BEV" GIBSON Vocalist Tuesday, Thursday only _ Roller Skating to the live or- Here's where you'll find the BIG selection of .. . @ TENTS, CAMPING EQUIPMENT and ACCESSORIES @ BARBECUES, ACCESSORIES, CHARCOAL and other PATIO needs Ld @ BOATS, MOTORS for pleasure afloat @ GYM SETS, SLIDES and other fun for the sandbox set gan music of "Lila Tredwell" FISH CHIPS from the . FISHETERIA 'Naturally' TAKE OUT AND TABLE SERVICE AVAILABLE This Summer Call 725-5522 FISHETERIA 231 King St. W. | Sarmonomeg |