Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Aug 1964, p. 15

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For Rent [27--Reeal Estate For Sale 27--Reol Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale Fe eae ct emerges ea 27--Real Estate for Sale |27----Real Estate For Sale | of Recetas ate. EERE Fi SPARE A AN ea THE COHAWA TUBE Teestey, Angee & 1960 9% Tank' Ral 27--Real Estate For Sole ' LIST AND MOVE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- $11,900. Income horne, 2 storey brick. 2 madern kitchens, 2-3 piece jot separate meters, oil Owner hes large kit- chen living ré6m, 2 bedroome plus both on main fléor, Se- cond fidor rented to pes lent tenants for $55.00 month, Hurty for this 6ne. ' Choite location. Fig aad for fost sale. Ask . Roy » Yeo ot 728- $193 ys "725. 2217 NEW 2,300, DOWN gdardgé. Spacious hollywadd kitchen. Modern 4 piece bath with vanity, Exeéllémt récréatién room facilities, oi! hédting, priced at just '$15,700. ond monthly payments of $85.00 = on one N.H.A. mortgage. To inspect this quality _ built home call Mr, Irwin, Cruik- shonks 728-5123. DISTRESS SALE 5 yeors old, 3 bedroom bun- dalow, attoched garage. Ask- ing only $10,900.00. lprect and try your offér. Coll Rankine at 728-5123 or 738. 3682. MARY STREET 6 large ro6med family brick home, well located, poved drive. Oil furnace, large lot. Asking $14,500.00. Coll Mr. Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398. SPECIAL $11,000.60 full price 'for this excéllént two-storey Brick home. Completely moderniz- ed. 250' lot. Beautifully londscaped. Call Mr. Ran- kine at 728-5123 or 728- ~ 3682. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITE! 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening 9) KINGSMERE GARDENS G. ARMSTRONG and SONS PRESENT 30 new homes consisting of splits, Bungélows and two stories on serviced lots over- looking the City of Oshawe. Every home features a built in stove and oven, complete decorating as well os N.H.A. financing. For more informa- KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 King Street East COURTICE 3 miles east of Oshawa Long low ranch bungalow with attached garage. 4 bed- rooms, living room, pies: J room, kitchen, 4 pc, bat with vanity, 4 acres of lard, 243 ft. frontage on paved road, good shade trees, loads of room for your own swim- ming pool, wonderful garden land. This, home is situated within walking distance to High & Public schools also bus services. Don't let this slip by call to-day and in- spect with no obligation. Call Robert Johnson 728-2548. DUCKS UNLIMITED -13. acres marsh--28 miles , from Oshawa ,lots of small game, beaver dom on pro- perty. Hurry for this one. $1300.00 cash. Call Bill Ir- vine 728-2868. HORTOP AVENUE $15,500.00 Immaculate 3 bedroom bri¢k bungélow, gar- age, recreation room, beou- tiful treed lot, close to school and shopping. Call Rolande Tierney. 725-5207. LIBERTY GARDENS BOWMANVILLE We would like you to visit this éx¢lusivé building sight and see the variety of lots avoilable. Two stéréy, split level and bungalows could find 4 sétting in this de- velopment. We will quote completé pricés and make all orrangements for your con- venient purchdse 6f your choice of home. Please call Ron Hetherington 623-3637. OSHAWA BLVD. N. Wm. Tonno Buildér--pricéd right dt $14,875.00 3 bed- room, clay brick bungalow, oné N.HA. Mortgage. $24- 00.060 déwn, céramic tile st6rm windows and screens, aluminum doors, colouréd fixturés. Call 728-7328. STURGEON LAKE Lodgé with 10 rooms, plus 2 cottages, all completely fur- nished. Terrific view over- looking lake. Will consider trade within 20 miles of Oshawa. Call Kéith Petérs 725-4162. SUBURBS North area large 10 room house, modérn kitchén, forced air heating. Four car garage, trees, lawn garden, extra good well, modern bathroom and a reol buy for the right Person. Phone now to see. Bill Rateliffe 655-3917. § ACRES of choice mark land between Oshawa and Boi chased on easy terms, moving. et irdén Wille. Extra nice piece of land. May 6é pur- Elmer Fredin, 725-2753, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. ONE WEEEK GWLY! f will take d red- sonable offer on a 4bedroom gg red Many extras. Owner $11,900. Don Stradeski, Reaitor, inten JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street 623-3950 OSHAWA, West End, § Roomed Split Level. Newly Soe. very clean. Lovely room. Priced at $13 360° Terms, OSHAWA, Harmony Rd. N., 8 Roombed brick home on 20 acres with stream, small barn. Asking $19,000; BOWMANVILLE, 4 Roomed brick home on Main Street. Bath. Price $8,600. with $1,000. down. BOWMANVILLE, 5 Roomed bungalow, very clean, well kept dnd all modérn con- veniences. Price $11,000. Terms. : BOWMANVILLE, North, 514 Roomed bungalow, HAMPTON 5 Roomed bun- galow, all modern conven- iencés, 2 Extra lots. Nice lo- cétion. Only $2500. down. HAMPTON, 10 Roomed home, Main stréét, 2 both- rooms, néw oil furndce, Nice income property. Very anxious to sell. NEWCASTLE, 4 Roomed bungalow with garage, Clean home. Asking $5,500. with $1,000. down. NEWCASTLE, 5 bungalow with all conveniences. Only down. BLACKSTOCK, 6 Roomed, new, bungalow, very modérn. Many extras. Asking $9,900. with low down payment. PONTYPOOL, 6 Roomed home in excellent stote of re- pair, All modern conveniéen- ces. Only $1500 down. PORT PERRY, 5 Roomed bungalow in excellent state of repair, All modern con- eaor: Véry anxious to sell, 30 Acrés with stream, bush, hills. Asking $5,500. Terms. ORONO, 3 Acres with strong stream, Partly wooded. Price $3500. Terms. 64 Acres with approx. &- 000. Christmos trees. Locat- ed North of Oshowa. Asking $4,900. Terms. Donald shea Guy LeBlanc Idso Wiersma - Ross Davidson Roomed modern $1500. 10% ACRES FOR SALE NORTH WHITBY Asking $5,500 with low down poyment. Coll Bill . Millar 725-1186. DUPLEX LOT ACTIV REALTY LTD. 728-5157 INCOME $10,500 Monthly income $155.00. 2 storey brick with 2 separate 'apartments including stove and fridge in each unit, 5 minutes walking distance from the 4 corners. COUNTRY BUILDING LOTS 100x214 deep, some larger. You may start immediate Construction on anyone of these of your choicé. Some as low as $2,200.00. ACREAGE Suitable for factory sités, motor hotel sites, including water and sewer. Accéss to the 401 highway. Right here in Oshawa, Call us for full particulars. $9,300 4 room bungalow with 2 finished rooms and 2 piece washroom downstairs. Close to North G.M. and hospital. Many extras included in this home. Large backyard. Act fast for this one. $11,900 "5 room bungolow, 3 bed- rooms, close to bus and new shopping plaza will soon be opening. Clésé to all schddls. Try $1000.00 down. Guy Bell Bill Horner Doug. Wilson Ralph Viekery Dorothy Wood Bob Johnston Steve Lehon Steve Zurba Pauline Beal Hertha Kirk 48 Simcoe Street, South, across from Post Office. For Professional a GO ACTIVE. _ List home with ACTIVE REALTY LI- MITED, Realtors. "FARMS FOR SALE 100 acreas--good grain and posture land. 7 room house --barn 45 x 65 -- 3 good wells. Close to village and shopping. Immediate posses- sion -- $11,500. Terms. MURCHISON, SANGSTER & FOLKES LTD,. REALTORS Fenelon Falls, Ontario Phone 89 $500. DOWN for neat "bedroom bunga- jlow, full pri¢e $6,900. Nice lot, centrally jlocated in nice residential aréa. Act fast on. this one by calling Murray Boyle, |723-4270. Joséph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. SOUTHMEAD BARGAIN -- Near Conant }School. Will take in as a trade your jsmaller Oshawa propérty, for 'this most | wonderful fnew large rancher with attach- j@d garage and walkout-basement, situ- |afed on huge picturesque raving fot. An| outstanding rére opportunity. Call Arthur/ METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 MADISON AVENUE Real nice 5 room clay brick bungalow om a very large landscoped ot with nice shade trees, 2 baths and 2 extra rdoms in basement for @ bachelor opt. to rent, Only $13,900. See it and make your offer now. JUST LISTED A reéally delightful ranch bungalow with drive in base- ment gorage. Rec, room all plastered and finished. 6 rooms all large including full Hollywood kitchen. Wonder- ful landscaping must be seen tc be appreciated. Yours for énly $16,900. with good férms on N.H.A. mortgage. Call us now for your inspec- tion. This home must be sold immediately. GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS "Pricéd at $14,998 new cloy brick 5% room bungalow, $1,883. down to one N.H.A,- mortgage. CADILLAC AVENUE SOUTH Lovely 5 room ranch bun- golow, Sept. 30th posses- sion. 3 bédrooms, living rdom, largé kitchen, largé lot with patio, pricéd at only $12,900. with $2,200 down. NORTH EAST $14,500 in a well built up Gréa, close té schools, lérge lot, 30 days possession, fea- turing hollywood kitchen, 3 good bedrooms, nice living room, Call us for appoint- ment to inspect this home. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Dick Barriage Bob Johnston Kenn Henn Jock Osborne Jée Mage $680. DOWN ONLY ONE LEFT! Three bedroom brick bungo- low. Complete and ready té move in immediately. You must seé this oné now, be- fore it# t6o ldte! 728-5157 Guy Bell Bill Horner - Doug. Wilson Ralph Vickery Dorothy Wood Bob Johnston Stevé Lehén Stéve Zurba Pouline Beal Hertha Kirk 48 Simcoe Streét, South Gcross from Post Office For Proféssional Sérvices "GO ACTIVE" List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED Realtors 'GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 MUST BE SOLD Spacious 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with attached gor- age on a large 'lot with ot- tractive garden. Broadioom and tile floors throughout. Utility room on main floor opening directly to patio and back yard. Over 1600 sq. ft. of living in this fine home and price is only $13,900. FULL PRICE $13,200 3 bedroom brick bungalow with large Hollywood kitchen located on Bala Drive. Alumi- num storms and storm doors and divided basement, Schools are close and there is bus service in the area, JUST LISTED Spotless 5 room brick home on a good sized lot. 3 pc. bath and modern kitchen. Newly decoérated with alumi- num storm doors. Down poyment $1,000. MANCHESTER Vacant land on pig age No. 12 laid out in 12 lots of the Village of Manchester. Good highwoy frontage. of 472 ft. Asking $11,000, full price. Will consider a trade on 4 bungalow. OFFICE ACCOMODATION for rént in recently remodel- led and redecorated centrally located building. Bright busi- neSs quarters with parking suitable for any type of office or agency. Ist and 2nd floor suites available. Rents start ot $85.00 6ér ménth includ- ing heat. $1,000 DOWN Comfortable living can be yours in this well maintained 2 bedroom bungalow in a choice area just off Simcoe St. North. New roof and re- cently redecorated 3 pc. bathroom. Full pricé $7,900. For particulars and to inspect plédse call anytime, Jean Péacock 725-4330. LARGE FAMILY? Lovely 8 room héme only 5 yeors old. 3 bathrooms, 3 kitchens, large rooms. Gor- age dnd nicé sized lot |o- cated in the north west area close to shopping. GOOD INVESTMENT 8 suite apartmént and land for another 4 suites on Park Rd. South, Excellent income ot présent showing good pro- fits. Priced right for quick sale. FULL PRICE $13,700 5 room brick bungalow with all largé rooms on Wilson Rd. South. T.V. Aerial, fenced bock and yard. Close to shopping, schools and bus stops right in front of house. Carries for $97.00 per month including taxes. WHITBY SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 LOW PRICED HOME $1,800 down. Full Price $9,300. Taxes under $174, 3 bedrooms, nice lot, private drive, good garage. Right on Drew Sree Why look fur- ther? Make an offer now. FOR THE SMALL FAMILY Four cosy rooms -- centrol- ly located on Verdun Road -- This home carries for only $65 monthly, plus low, low taxes. The down payment is easy too. Asking only $8,300. LOW DOWN PAYMENT 29--Automobiles For Sale 32--Articles for Sate VOL SALE ae, RVICE JAK ILLS RAGE General Repoir and Auto-Electri¢ Service 449 Ritson Road Oshey @ 728-0921 USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS SY. EAST WHITBY ~-- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality KELLY DISNEY | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying ond selling used niture and appliances. Valley Creek Puritture _[ .16¥% BOND W. 728-4401 Patio aoe Screen Blocks, Poste i ana sob 5 Me ri ~ boards, Bic ok: ing, Tile a Roof- SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED - Fuel and Builders Supplies 244 Brock St. $., WHITBY, Ont.' BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 607 KING ST, ~~ OSHAWA Res. 725-5574 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- and uséd. Low |Hamilton, Raglan, TELEVISION tower turé, Inciuding alt channel Saled and guarantees by 10 years' experience, $9. Tre T 728-5143, Here is a real value in an at- tractive, centrally | d five r6om bungalow which is in lovely condition inside and dut, About $1,000 down and $80 per month will handle this bargain if you can oct fast. EVANGELINE DRIVE Offers a lovely five room bungalow with a view of Lake Ontarié from thé livin + room, Yours for only $2,50 All decorated throughout te réady to move in. Early pos- séssion. Give us 4 coll right éway on this one. NORTH EAST 6 room. brick bungalow with attachéd garage, located in Grandview Gardens. A charm- ing home in a gracious sett- ing of city services in a country atmosphere. Just 512 years old. All the work is doné. GREATER PRIVACY? This givés it! Fenced lot 211 x 50 makes this home your castle. 5 roém brick bungalow with néw garage. On pleasant Grierson Stréet across from Béau Valléy. Sée it and you'll love it. Priced at $13,200 and faxes of $323. HARMONY ROAD N. Put your. tools dway: Here is 6 home made to take it easy. All the back breaking work is done for your convéniénce. A modern bungalow in a very désirable area, Taxes are only $326. OWNER TRANSFERRED 'A godd opportunity to pur- chsé a custom-built home on 6 largé trééd lot in Beau Val- ley. This fine 4 bédroom home with attached garage and second wash room boasts many féaturés such ds large living room with fire-place, cémpléted réc.-room and cor- l6n flooring in kitchen ete. E@rly posséssion and asking price only $25,500. APARTMENT FOR RENT 2 bédréoms, in oné of the TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makés and Models) CALL 725-6583 14 Albert St. vei sleet Picnic jugs coolers. Terms. Boi Tire Store, 48 Street Wes: ang trailer, pee] four. Chard "Fed Princ Albert, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cléan cars, Trade up or down, Liéns paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES | 314 PARK RD. SOUTH | __723-942) |1960 BLUE 0 mattressés white they tast, Smooth-top mattresses, $26. Bunk beds complete, $57, Flake foam pillows, 77 cents. Top brand names, Serta, Sealy, Restonic, Beverly, Marshall, many more, ic sieahed. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church reel | GERMAN Shepherd, sight months eld, nas were liké good home in the country. |Contact Les Kayfor, 725.5079 anytime, 1959 VAUXHALL, radio, whitewalis, let seats. 728-5308 Liké new, Make offer. 463 K King East. after 4, 723-2281. 1962 VALIANT ~ sédan, rad radio, 2 io, whitewalis, buck-|¢ In good condition. Telephone' pri 1963 MONZA Spider ¢c convertible, Corvair. USED CAR parts, spindles to make trail ers; also used tires. 509 Bloor Street Eas} 725-7427. orev GENDRON" "carriage, ¢ Converts Yo bed. In very good condition, Tele 725-7020. TV TOWERS special, « fh. tower situs furé with all channel anfenna, instatied $50. Oshawa TV Suppy Ltd., 36) Gibbons Street, 728-8180, BUY and sell, good used furniture and jappliances. One location only, Pretty's |Furnituré, 444 Simese South, 7233771. finance, Cail 728-6747. 1964 CHEVROLET Bel Air avtomaile, | PRIVATE SALE. Make offer. La |trically heated, Interior finished te buyer. Located close fo schools and 1999 CHEVROLET. édoor, tCharles Street,P ort Whitby, 663-4267, Esso Station, Simcoe 9500 miles. $1700 cash. Telephone 1960 CHEVROLET tour four-door hardtop, with white top, automatic, V8 Apply Trésané Apartment 5. 1985 CHEVROLET, Best offer, Must sell by Friday For information. call 942-4687. automatic, big engine, Ti 1957 TRIUMPH TR 3, Ind ear tar, . inmacu- late shape. Hardtop, wire wheels, over- drive. Radio and foptights. Call 732-4268, jhouse with finished carport and recrea- |tion room, bay window in kitchen. Elec sult finished, 40 rolls, rebuilt By ping, a acre of land. Télephone 985-2423) - or apply 219 Queen Street, Port Pérry, MPH motorcycle aufomatic, Good condition. Asking $525. Aoply 1709 jum: 191 CHEVROLET Biscayne in excellent} condition, radio, automatic $1,400, Horne's| pans Call Street North, 7255402|WE BUY, sll and exchenge aed Tara 1963 CORWAIR sedan automatic, radio, 725-095: 5, Alax| wai Excellent condifion. Trade accepted, wn gt ati awnings, _ curtains, an he Complete service. Free estimates. waiting. Mil Jelinék, 728-1993 anytime. BUYING oF selling furniture or apple Cony Sica Eimer, Hampton 263-2294 or tow mileage. Reasonable. Telephone 725-7634, we BUY, seil, trade used furn Large|4ppliances. Goold's ture fi Furniture, 215 Dun das East, Whifby. 668-54), PIANO, Heintzman | player ,bench, ebony Sebastian RR No. 1, Oshawa, 46, fires ang lights excellent, 1953 model, $250, Tele phone Ajax 942-3583. he eae ae fs Tstass { ture or anything you hive. The Trading Post Store, 446 Simeos PR "| South, 723-1671, red| [AWN MOWER headquarters! New end 255 \ used. 2 cycle, 4 cycle electric or gas joling, from $15. up. Terms, Bominion Tire Stord, 48 Bond Street West. two-way Citizensband. Ideal for xeeéflent condition IRs Beater RES ae ae plane. 1962 CORVAIR, one owner, very clean,|for only $160, Dial 623-3154, 725-603 2.| ANTIQUE 'suite, In geod condl condition. $550. Telephone 725-4398. 1958 PONTIAC four do6r, automatic. Good |tion. Catt 725-9931. Must sell immediately asking cast register, adding machines, new and used; aiso any store and office equip- Buicks, Old's and Fords. Télephone 8938. WRECKING '52 to '59 Chev's, Pontiacs,|ment. All -- Quardnteed. 728-3664 728-\and PORTABLE typewriter. Like new. $46, 1964 ACADIAN convertible V8 $43. 728-8169, 1964 CHEVROLET Malibu, $1,000 také uver payments or best offer, automatic, white walls, wheel discs, windshield wash- ers, radio, $1900. Také ovér payments of |723-4434 fic,| Standard typewriter adding maching see tic typewriter, offica desk and chair, PERMA FOAM MATTRESSES -- Com and|fort for allergy and backache sufferers. Still) Free trial. Low pricés. Térms. 725-8762. under warranty. Fully white with red ermin "| GISCOUNTS! Apariment size ranges, re interior, low mileage. ju" evens Pi peng ak. Seam san oe 1982 AMERICAN Plymouth, good Ged radio, HONEST CAL'S Furniture ippie motor and tires. Asking $80. 725-6956. | ance. Name brands at biggest discounts 1957 FORD, &cy'indér, 0 ane aad aid anywhere. We carry Réstonic and Béverly condition, $300. Apply 57 Colbérné Stréef/meftress furnituré lines. Your suthori+ East. 264 GE dealer, Confact Honest Cal's on | i963 CORVAIR convertible, 4speed trans-|424 King Street Wes.t 728-9191 | mission, positraction. For bomsanare sale, 3 etka? Basket Excellent condition. Asking $2300. Diai Her six. rr 623-3518 after six PIER yar "7 ait north-éast of wnitby, One 1962 PONTIAC statlén Wagon, | écylindé | sn automatic, blue wi grey Interior, in Y ot Highwi 2. Bein our géod condition. Telephene Alax 942-4066, [ye noun oF Miapwey 2. pete 1957 OLOSMOBILE 28 senate, 900d GONTMORENGY cherries 7 parts, Best offer. Dia! 728-4469 Line Betwéén Whitby and Afa@x. Look for poe' signs or 668-8716, b0e's AUTO SPEED and © Collen, new esi a ie,' ea" aarnennes RUE WE x/ liamette raspberrit (ind a BOF ay daily $10; 24 hour 1OW"| yoy picko yourself at Chomke's a Oe eee T 666-4606. 1964 CORVAIR Monzd Coupé, red with black interior, 110 horsepower, 4-speed, extras, full warranty, ue 34--Lost and aot a INTERNATIONAL 4 ton GREEN AND YELLOW budgie, ios' le Ifires. Good running condition alse Yosa|nesday. Answers 16, narnd im it found Pontiac, godd motor. Clean condition in-|telephone 668-4605 by side, Price $75, Telephone 725-50) 725-5079 ward. EVROLE door, 6 LOST -- Male yellow and white Collle. He yeh gg So ey ing Answers {6 "Leddy". Little boy crying anced. cae tak or at Wek. the bBé fin A Be Dis Soe. Any information please phone Dial 668-5126. |\CONVERTIBLE 1958 Ford Fairlane 500, h| Big T-Bird motor, standard transmission, MUST SELL! Owner leaving city. . Desir- able three-bedroom brick bungafow, just six years old, contains large modern kitehen, family size, good sized fiving- room, ceramic tiled. bath, oi! heating, large size fenced yard, Priced to sell. Carries for $91 monthly including i. S. D. HYMAN | REAL ESTATE LIMITED {Stinson r2s0raie cari olsen Restor. | Private sate. Four bedroom spili|WHITBY five-room Brick split level. Call Harry Bates, 725-1186. home. $: down, Také vag Bd mort-|Landscaped. Close to schools. Full price OWNER-BUILT with the fi gave. Sr Lupin Drive. Teféphone 669-8014|$12,500. Carries for $86 menimy. Principal, | wi e finest materials interest and taxes. 668- } SON | available. 1,260 beautiful sq. ft.of home itby. inter + = . OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | | Osh. awa, separate dining room. You jusf PRINTED PATTERN Weinbergér Realtor 725-8851. |LOTS in Port Perry. 3 lots 66 x 160 @ach. |Will sell together or separately, $1,200 per lot. 985-2248. NEAT! 6room brick home on quiét street lust off king Street East, Can be used pes isegett or large family home. Asking 500 down. John Gravelle 728- |0s04, gees Bosco Realtor, 72- 7377. finést apartment housés in Oshawa. $105 month -- im- Medioté. possession. tion phone 728-6286, LET'S TRADE lot or Outstanding 5% room brick with fenced yard. Attractive red brick éxteriér and tdste- fully decoratéed interior, Built in china' cabinet and planter in dining dréa. Large kitchen with lots of cupboards ond eating ared. Panéfléd re- creation room in bdsémént. School just a couple of blocks away. Full price $12,300. on SINCLAIR ST. $1,000 down, excellent for home with double garage. and Your present homé, For full particulars coll 723-2265 car -can be considered as @ Down Payment on e« new OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M, homé builf by Hogenboom Construction on Wilson Road North. S. D. HYMAN 728-6286 67 King St. East couldn'f find a nicer homé anywhere. Lo- | cated in east end and asking $17,500 with 10 F 9 [2 BERTIE acres ag My BB herd terms. Doug Skinner, 728-4900. Joseph Land presently used as extremely well Bosco Realtor 728-7377. |cared for market garden. 3 miles to Osh-|100 ACRE beef cattle farm, with fast jawa. Asking $22,000. with terms. Elmerjrunning trout stream, ll-room brick | Fredin, 725-2753, Joseph Bdsco Realtor,/housé. Price $16,000. Terms, Call Hamp- 728-7377, ton 263-2021, GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Iké Perry Nick. Van Den Broek DIAL 668-8831 PALACE ST., WHITBY $7,900, On paved street with 2 bed- rooms, living room and kif- chen. Three piece bath and low heating costs. Shade tree and small garden. Beat the high cost of living here and save for a bettér home. Margaret Leé ... Ralph Schofield . / Allan Thompson . Charlés Chaytor . Marg. Hall Irene Brown .... Bill Johnston .... Steve Macko .... Maible Boudreau . Reg. Aker Bill McFeéters .. . 723-2894 7@8-3376 728-2870 723-7996 723-1358 725-3867 728-1066 728-5868 722233 725-0201 725-1726 For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 725-4330 723-7183 728-0208 723-1121 725-4362 728-5581 725-3454 723-9266 723-1121 725-4330 728-0768 723-2106 723-2537 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe: St. S. PAUL RISTOW © REALTOR Lucas Peacock Richard Young Ernést Muellér Kenneth C. Toms Tony Siblock Stéve Englert Roy Flintoff John Hutchuk Leon Monitius Jéan Peacock Edith Gifférd Ellouise Hoggard Lloyd Cérsén 360 King Street Wést Dorothy Melrose Free Parking caer -- Gbdiden Labrador, female, in Newcastlé aréa. fica paged nd Tafos, right éar, TYW4P. Urgently need- oe oayY aD Ma Ba ed. Réward. 987-4716 collect. 1 , Nova Supér Sport, jequipped, blue, Iéather interior, si LOST -- Red CCM bicycle; wan ely lunder warranty, excéllent condition. top Street on Friday, July 3) eward. | 725-8023. "|723-2923. 30---Automobiles Wanted [Orta sa coun in on ie high render CARS WANTED stip this popular column pulls, Just Buying a New Car? dial the Oshawa Times srgorovsa thio y i et your ad started. Sell your used cor to "Tea" |72248 fo se Talk 'Cash' to the New EXCLUSIVE, cidan_stx-room home w two Bathrooms and béautiful tecrdiation room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South, $1490. THREE-BEDROOM, three: old brick Bungalow, oll -héat. Wilsor Adéididé aréa. 728-473). 5-ACRE FARM, nine miles trom Osh awa. Hydro in house and barr, creek, $12,500. Don Stradéski Realtor 726-6423, BEAU VALLEY Jot, orivately owned 6 x 110'. Sale pric hate Builder's terms, Telephone 723-1194 ATHOL Streét € Eat, Oshawa. Eight large réoms. Doublé one For particulars, 78 EXTER ST., AJAX This 1% storey family hémé i¢ in fine condition with three bedrooms, large living r6om, four piece bath, step saving kitchen, glass lined hot water heotér,. new furnace, drapes, venetian blinds. All for $11,000. LOTS OF LIVING left in thi¢ insulbrick 11 storéy four bedroom house néer Hillerest School in orea of fine homes, Lot size 76 by 142 with shade trees and. good garden. Heated by large space heat- € = and kitchen stove very FOR TEEN DOLLS By ALICE BROOKS Most glamorous wardrobe -- designed for the teen model doll little girls love best. New! Easy-knit wardrobe for famous 11%-inch teén model dolls. Pattern 7160: + grag coat, hat, slacks, hoddéd top, 3 piece suit, skirt. -| for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add 1c sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 3 FREE PAT- TERNS in big, exciting 1965 Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de- signs -- smart stoles, jackets, hats, toys, afghans, linens, everything! Send 25¢. First time! 478] SIZES 10-16 SUNNY-DAY SHIFT By ANNE ADAMS Look -- one. maifi piece for back, 'one for front! Whip up THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|this sun shift in an afternoon. Has a parade of buttons down one sidé, and a pert head scarf. For poplin, denim. Printéd Pattern 4781: \fit takeg 3% yards 39-inch. FIFTY CENTS (40c) in coins |(no stamps, please) for this pat- Ontario residents adq 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, ADDRESS, STYLE térn, NAME NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- térn Dept., Oshawa, Ontatio NEW! 300 sparkling désigns, fabric Teen Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 Size 12 out- HOME & LOT 2 bédrooms handymans op- Portunity on Henry Street, Whitby. Could be what you are looking for. Needs some fixing ond repairs but has possibility for cheap living ond a chance to build a better, more modern home on an extra lot 66 by 133. Full price $10,500 for this pockage déal WHITBY 10,500. 2 bedroom brick on clean quiet residential street near schools, churches and. shop- ping. Ideal home for retired couple with low taxes, good eardéh §=and = immaculéte condition. This. sénsibly priced home will not last long, REDUCED - WHITBY Solid Britk bungéléw near No. 2 highway ond 'Ander- son High School is being of- fered fér this bargoin price. Not ftéo far from Separate or Public Schools and out of the subdivision for the buiy- er that likes individuality. Many surprises awaiting here with a friendly open fireplace, full dining room, spacious récrédtion roém, den, two large 'bedrooms plus extra bedroom in high dry basement. Not much aross 16 cut arid low heat- ing cost Why suffer in Gn Gpartmént when you con hove a home of your own for $1500 down and monthly payments of $65.00. NEAT. & NIFTY $16,400, This 2% year old béauty hos beén built long enough to have all thé finishing touches, yet so new thot evérything glistens with the interior decorators delight- ful eye appealing finish. This finé, clay, thrée Béed- room brick home and at- tached garage has been built by a moster craftsman ond has many pleasing feotures with fenced yard, built in botbecue, Hollywood kitchen, extra washroom. A start has been made on the recreation room too. Full price $16,400 with $3,700 down, REDUCED TO $13,700. This is one of those homes thot you must ée¢é inside 16 Appreciate thé valué built jn this solid brick bungalow of two large. bedrooms, cosy den, spacious kitchen, living- room ,with open: fireplace, extra bedroom in basement as well os full size recrea- tion room. Yes, there is @ gorogé here tod. Thé heavy insGlation makes a cooler home in summer ond snug ond worm for the cooler days ahead. Separate, Pub- li¢ dnd High Schools near- by. Try $3000 down hére économicdlly with low taxes too. Full price $7700 with $2000 down ond monthly poyments of $70. TRADE OR SELL Brooklin. Three bedroom brick bungalow with large lot in centre of this lovely village on shady street away from subdivision area. Maké good héme for rétired céuple or family thét wish fo escape City fifé. Full price $12,500 or will trade for home and acreage or small form, 503 ATHOL STREET WHITBY --DELUXE Business méns home with 3 bedrooms, dining 60m, smart recreation room. De- lightful garden with flow- ering shrubs, fruit trees and well kept lawn on this 50 by 136 ft. lot. This im- médculotée home will délight the most fostidious House hunter with the well chosen colour schemes, expensive wodd finish walls and ceil- ings dnd thé cosy open fire- place. The owner hasn't skimped 6n the extras here with many built in feotures, electrical outlets, book cases, venetian blinds and other. features that an in- téeréstéd ond home owner will install for his comfort, This central loco- tion, away from the subdi- vision living may apped! te you too, Full "price $15,- S00 with about $3500 down to one mortgage. MAY | SHOW you one homes in the east end. Owner-built with the greatest of with attached garage. room trance LOCATION PLUS Extra high walk-out base- ment in sturdy, 2 storéy, 6 room brick homé on com- mercially zonéd lot frdnting on two streets at Oshawa Shopping Céntre entrance. Opportunity for office, studio or service store use. Private financing available. Call George Koornneef at 728- 9474 or 723-2859 evenings. BUSY CORNER Centrally located, 8 room Brick résidence in excellent condition, attached workshop suitable fér répair business or light manufacturing. May be sold with or without busi- ness 6t $3,000 down, private mortgage fér Balance. Call Earl Saltér of 728-9474 or 723-3052 evenings. BUSY - BUSY - BUSY A chance to own your own business with income from another store and 2 apart- mént$. Bustling Simcoe St. S. location offering variety of money taking opportunities. Call Eérl Salter at 728-9474 or evenings 723-3052. PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR 728-9474 Financial Trade Bldg. 187 7 Rihg St. £. = of the nicest care. Six lovely rooms Patio off living Broadioom and split-level Only $18,900. with terms. Néil) telephone 728-9! WHITBY -- ¢ -- three-bedroom bun bung- 6 per cent NHA alow. Néar schools. mortgage. Dial 668-5377. Car Dealer and SAVE" 723-4494 Res, TED CAMPIN MOTORS 725-5574 (Continued on Page 16) EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room home with récreation room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South, NHA RESALE. 5-room brick bungalow, Asking $2,000 down. Vendor anxious to séil, Will look at all offers. Call S. D. Hyman Real two Bathrooms dnd beautiful located on Shékéspéare Avenue. Estate Ltd., 728-6286. $1,500 DOWN. +bedropm home with "gar-| age, close to downtown. Good age Lr} lot with frees. A good Buy af only § af S. 0. Hyman Real % WN buys a | Th Schools and shopping, Only Grivé to downtawn Oshawa. Réaltor, 728-7377 l6f of house, bedrooms, broadioom, finished reer édiion | OSHAWA rh Paris and Auto Wréck- room, fémeed yard, 75 foot lot. Clége to érs, 1175 Nea! ior ¥ minutes | wrecking. léase ask! for Walter Miftler, 728-7083, Joséph Bosco Across from Roya! Hote} WHITBY 668-3331 with easy terms, Phone Bill Swarbrick|LAKESHORE Auto wréckers want Garé State Lid. 728-6286. \for wrecking. . Highest prices paid. | Wentworth East. 725-1181. Streét, -$ ALL CASH § For clean cats Or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid off. | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | 146 BROCK ST. NORTH - , want cars fi Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245, COMING EVENTS BINGO TUESDAY, AUG. 4th 7:30 P.M. 20 regular gomes $8 and $10 Shéré The Wealth $150 Jackpot $9 Nés. $20 Consdlatisn. 20 31--Automobile Repair FREE ADMISSION FOUR-BEDROOM bungalow, around $800. East énd. Taxed only $158. New furndte and one of the préftiest kifch- ens in town. We know you'll like this Joseph déwn. Murray Boylé, 723-4270. @altor. 728-7377. one. Bosco, APARTMENT Buliding, consisting of is médern apartinents, well built, good look- Ing buliding in centre of Oshawa, known |with néver |pér suite. Down pi @n-| 4% Marina Apartménts, sdut |sulf. MeGiil Réal jor your broker. ténancy a Shag bag For sale at 8,400 jayment and terms to Peatate Broker, 778-4285 |28--Real Estate Wanted Retired mon desires @ small home with large lot for gard- éning purposés, closé to bus sérvice. Price range from $10,000 to $12,000. Will poy cash. Contact. George Koornneéf 728-9474 or 723- 2859 evenings. PAUL RISTOW ganna and propane gas stove, sewing machine, chest of drawers, beds, tablés and chairs, i. koimabiies ter Sale TRA Phone 728-7339. are our only business, 1038 Simeoé North, DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Stréet and Edith OSHAWA tune-up Centre King West 728-0817. EXPERT brake service and suspension alignment. Call 723-4233. offers xp Carburetor and auto éléctrie sérvice, 1% Cena '$ 'Street ert 222 OSHAWA LIONS CLUB 32----Articles for Sale BINGO |USA BOUND. Selling all héusehold furni- |ture. Call between 6 and 9, 723-9017. |GAS RANGE, 4burher; one désk |¢hairs enamel slink drainboard with four | cupboards. Apply 311 Burk Street. POLAROID automatic 100, cost new $200. |$125 or offer, also 35 mm Zeiss Ikon con- |taflex supér Tessar 1.2.6 lens. joffer. 728-3067. |RUNABOUT i¥, mahogany moulded |wood, with 50 $100 after 8. 'record-player-radio; clocks, end tablés, mirfors, Must {519 Albert Streét, 725-6880. ~|GNE 6room Findlay space heater with Piy 586 Bloor Street East or hp Johnson electric, heavy| duty Tée-née trailér, fully equipped, cén-| Vértible top and radio, Télephone 728-7443 WED. NIGHT $1,200 in eGsh prizés Jackpot Nos. 56 and 57 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted KINSMEN. BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA. BUSES Jackpot Nos. 56 and 57 EARLY BIRD GAMES care or ply-| ; oil call 5 exciting fashion and featureg plus coupon for ONE FRE® PATTERN -- any one} you chdose! Send for new Fall- Winter Pattern Catalog, 806 DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt pattétris--pieted and applique, for beginners, ex- perts, Send 60¢ now. Campbell, 725-1015. Joseph Bosco, Reél- KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 10% COLBORNE ST. W EUCHRE, Sunnvslaa Park Clubhouse, every Wednesday, 6.15 shate, Admission 35c,. Prisety Fretze dul, Wil GME truck, 4 ton pickyd, Perrect WHERE LISTINGS ARE ADVERTISED AND MERCHANDISED vaaee on wih éonhdition, $2,000. Telephone 723-4042. USED bévérage "oom tables and Chair' 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 gérage, Hurén threat. tuminuen 'stor ms| i986 FORD Victoria. hardtop, &, auto-|fOr Sa!6. Genosha Hotel, 723-4641. ' and screens. Tiled kitchen bath, Substaf-|matic, four barrel, duals, radio. A-1 cof-|GENERAL ELECTRIC refri geratér, @- flal down payment er cash. 725-3773, ation, Telephéne Whitby 668-4706, leelient condition, Cal; 723-1019, (35,

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