Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1964, p. 16

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oy a! . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, August 1, 1964 ras ta cerersnnnne + ooenremeneari mses Rey . mood \25--Apartments na --seai Estate ror Scie 4) --Keot Estate ror Sou ij --iReai Estate For Saie <7--Automodiies tor Sale 20--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for Lunches packed, parking, ileges. Telephone 723-1671. COLBORNE STREET EAST, 57 and board for gentlemen, share, single beds, centrally Apply address. THE VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL New building, modern two bedroom apartments. Avail- able July and August, For eee ® eee eee ee Pee es eee yy, Woe 122---Offices, Stores, Storage MEDICAL OFFICES for rent, 700 sq. ft. er further particulars, phone 725-13. 23--Wanted To Rent. see ent Apt. 111. THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave. ., huildi no necessary. Side-line or full weekly "iignest Mamie 'Married Dependable MAN WANTED hil, WANTED TO RENT in Oshowa or Whitby. Four bedroom house. Immediate occupancy. Excelent refer- ences. Call 668-5811 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Any ig site or after 5 p.m. $1 PER MONTH. One-bedroom apart- ments with free parking. €lectronically heated. Above the new Windsor Plaza. Guide Realty Limited, Realtors 16 Sim- 'coe Street South, 723-1121. CABOT STREET 109 two room apartment private entrance and bath. Sult business' couple. 728-3257 To learn to sell "deal working conditions. in person at Apply Nicols Motors Sales Ltd. 146 Brock N., Whitby SERVICE STATION MANAGER Stote ge, experience ond other qualifications to BOX NO. 31 Oshawa Times NEEDED IMMEDIATELY by young fam- ily, four- or five-room house or suite, approximately $75. per month. Telephone) aby oi Bread between 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 26--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in ee) home Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. WANTED: Two or three bedroom house in Whitby, for October occupancy. Tele- phone Oshawa, 723-5014, 4 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 Whitby. Telephone THREE BEDROOM house wanted north of Whitby, by September Ist. Reasonable' rent. Telephone Dunbarton 839-1784, 1wo| FURNISHED Mantgomery HED ROOM for rent. Apply 584 Street. or telephone 728-6319 after 4.30 p.m. Motors. Four-room unfurnishad apart- ment Adults preferred. Avallapie immed- lately. T 728-3138, Accountants' .office re- male stunt. qualified to enter CA Cov se. Second year s*udert. Telephone 728-/371. 18--Male or Female Help Wanted SENIOR - DRAFTSMAN To develop details for office end commercial interiors in designers office located in Oshawa, Solary commensurate with copabilities. Address com- plete information to: W. M. Caldwell 25% King St. E. Oshawa, Ontario HAIRDRESSER WANTED Lerge ultra modern salon, Must be fully experienced and licensed. For excellent oppor- tunity - APPLY MR. FREDERICK, RITE WAY BEAUTY SALON Lonsdowne Street West, Peterboro 742-9991 24-- Houses For Rent MADISON AVENUE, 514 -- Just off TWO UNFURNISHED bedrooms in pri- vate home, parking spaces, near Centre. 374 Elmgrove Avenue, |Shopping Centre. Three-bedroom bunga- low available August 15. Located in nice residential area with large treed lot. Adults and one or two children weicome, 728-0903. FIVE ROOM stucco house. Dinig room and two bedrooms. Adult family only.. Tt 725-1317. FOR SALE or rent. Three bedroom bung- alow in Ajax. Large recreation room. FURNISHED room, parking space, near South GM. Telephone 728-2660, ONE-ROOM, suitable for working girl. Near hospital, In quiet home. Telephone 728-4301. FURNISHED room suit two gentlemen. Near South GM and bus, Also room and board, lunches packed. 723-1875 after six. FURNISHED bedroom for rent in quiet preferred. Near north Study area and shower in im- mediate Phone Ajax 942-0915. plant. 723-4817 ONE BEDROOM house one mile east of Oshawa all conveniences handy to bus. Phone 728-6957. BED SITTING -- kitchenette, partly fur- nished. Suit one business girl, Phone (668-4168. BIG FOUR room house with nice garage, 25--Apartments ONE and two bedroom apartments, re- frigerator, stove, electrical heating, hot water, drapes, hi-fi, elevators, balcony, swimming pool, Whitby i TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment in new apartment building. Central location. Adults only. August 1 possession. Call Whitby 668-8031. THREE-ROOM self-contained second floor apartment, redecorated, steam heated. Adults. Immediate possession. Dial 3715. $100 monthly, good location, telephone: 27--Real Estate For Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 EASY PAYMENTS A Four year old Bungalow with a scottish accent. Ex- cellent Bus Service. Close to both protestant and catholic schools. Complete with storms and screens -- grounds well TWO-ROOM apartment, with use of rec- reation room, private bath, Available now, $65 monthly. Apply 383 Phillip Murray. OFF WILSON ROAD NORTH, one-bed room apartment. Stove, - refrigerator, washer and dryer. Available August 1. T 728-8508. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished. Telephone 728-0769. TWO-BEDROOM apartments for rent. Electric heating, carpeting throughout. Telephone 728-4014. TWO-ROOM = ground Completely _ private. 725-9101. floor apartment. Centrally located. TEACHERS WANTED PART TIME Teachers earn extra money tutoring in your spare time. Momings during Aug. and evenings and Saturdays dur- ing school term. , Phone Academic Tutoring College 723-6701. MOTHER AND CHILD. Infant prefer- red, to share apartment. Day care avail- able. Telephone 723-4569. THREE-ROOM, 'self-contained _ heated apartment. Stave, refrigerator, TV outlet, Suitable for two adults only. Telephone NORTHEND--furnished basement apart- ment. Laundry facilities. Suit working couple, $85. monthly. 723-3093. « * SXPERIENCED nurserymen tor season, Trejbat, See e ae dee = TP TSS PS aS ae eS ae Tn ~ Se 8 e'E 0's So 6 6 ee bb eRe KOE FO OE CR HOS De SSS]: FO 8 FF OOS RS ES ! Needlecraft eventually room and board. Bowmanville 623-2837. Jerry Avenue, pay, BACHELOR apartment eed rent. Newly ition. locat apartment for rent. HAIRDRESSERS. Wages 50-50. Modern shop. opening on King Street West. Art's Hair Styling. 728-5444. Cupboards and stove in kitchen. Parking and laundry facilities, Apply 221 Arthur Street. TUTOR required for public school stu- dent in subject of mathematics, during month of August. T 728-4114, THREE ROOMS, self - contained apart- ment. stove, fridge. 209 Brock Street South, Whitby, 668-4977. EXPERIENCED payroll clerk. Must be se typist with general office experience. felephone Miss McArthur 668-5841. GLOVER ROAD, 54 -- Three-room, Un- furnished basement apartment. Private entrance. Telephone 723-6223. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS MARY JANES! By ALICE BROOKS COZY QUICKIES! Whip 'em up for practically pennies to go with slacks, robe. Merry "Mary Janes"--teens', college set's favorite, Just one pattern part for uppers plus sole. Pattern 7322: pattern, S, M, L,. XL included. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa; Ont. Ontario residents add Ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FREE - PAT- TERNS in big, exciting 1965 Catalog! 200 de- * signs -- smart stoles, jackets, + hats, toys, afghans, linens, * everything! Send 25c. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns--pieced ' and applique, 'for beginners, ex- PRINTED PATTERN Y a = a 23) 4861. SIZES 10--1£ SLIM PLEATS By ANNE ADAMS WATERFALL OF PLEATS |from yoke to hem -- no.stop for }waist seams! Isn't it delightful? Such simple seaming brings you so much fashion and flat- tery. Sew it now! Printed Pattern 4861: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 takes 354 yds. 39-inch. FORTY CENTS (40c.)- in coins (no stamps, please) for ithis pattern. Ontario residents add 1c. sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Oshawa Times \Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. | NEW! 300 sparkling designs, 5 exciting fashion and fabric {features plus coupon for ONE |FREE PATTERN -- any one you choose! Send for new Fall- Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. looked after. Only $100 P.1.T. monthly. Call and ask for particulars. $13,500 buys this lovely 3 Bedroom Bungalow on Evangeline Drive. Tastefully decorated throughout and in excellent shape. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call to-day to see. NORTH WEST AREA Excellent location, close to all schools, A 12 year old modem brick bungalow with attached garage and paved drive. Ideal for a young family. See this one before school time. Only $91.00 PAT. SIX YEARS OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED A smart little bungalow packed with specials, The jobs that make a home de- sirable hava been attractively done, such as: paved drive, stylish barbeque, spacious patio, tiled and panelled re- creation-room, phone outlets in kitchen, M.-bedroom and rec.-room. Call us to. see this home north of King St. East. Can be financed for epprox. $2,800. down. FOUR BEDROOMS 2 storey brick home on a treed lot. Features two bath- rooms, large kitchen with extra cupboard space, finish- ed recreation room and an attached garage. Sacrifice this beautiful home for $25,- 000. --LISTINGS-- THE EASY WAY TO: SELL When you want to change homes, you'll have plenty of problems, as it is without worrying about Selling your house. Let an expert do that! Won't cost a cent until and unless we get you the desired RESULTS. For full particulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Ralph Schofield 728-3376 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Charles Chaytor 723-7996 Marg. Holl 723-1358 rene Brown 725-3867 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Steve Macko 728-5868 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King Street West. Free Parking Confused Purchasers Say:-- We Look At Rest -- But -- Happy Purchasers Say:-- MANDERHILL SELLS THE BEST We Invite You To Prove It by __inspecti our homes, bungalows, "3 storeys and splits, loaded with extras, from $13,990 with from only $740 DOWN Located in Whitby & Ajax Over 212 Houses Sold in 8 months Call 942-0221 Now MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. $500. DOWN for neat 4-bedroom bunga- low, full price $6,900. Nice lot, centrally located In nice residential area. Act fast on this one by calling Murray Boyle, 724-4270. Joseph Bosco, Ri Itor. 720-7377, COLLEGE Avenue, near South General) GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 , FOR THE EXECUTIVE You will find the best of materials and workmanship in this large 4 bedroom brick and stone ranch bungalow with attached garage. Many features such as electric heat- ing, 2 fireplaces, separate dining room, generous en- trance hall, finished recrea- tion room with bar as well as complete kitchen in base- ment makes this home just what you have been looking for in the 'little bit better' class. Located on Westdale St. and priced at $30,200. WHITBY 20 acres of vacant land zon- ed for apartment buildings. Sewer and water handy. Ask- ing $4,000. per acres. FOR THE FISHERMAN 4 year old cottage on the" Pigeon River where there .is excellent pickerel fishing. Cottage is furnished and in- cluded in the price of only $4,800. is a 16 ft. plywood boat. Close to Emily Provin- cial Park and easy. to reach via paved highway. Let us show you this good buy this week-end. PRICE REDUCED 4 room bungalow on a large lot 60 x 660 ft. with good well. Aluminum storms and screens throughout. Finished room in basement. Close to School. Just east of Oshawa. SIMCOE ST. FRONTAGE 2 adjoining 'properties with a total frontage of 78 ff. Pre- sently used as stores and apartments. Good investment with excellent monthly in- come. 4 blocks to King St. Can be purchased separately. CLOSE TO HIGHWAY 401 Immaculate 4 room bungalow with large modern kitchen & 2 pe. bathroom. Lot 75 x 112 ft. zoned Cl. Asking $11,- 900. SNACK BAR with 5 room apartment. Lo- cated on a busy main street in Oshawa. Business fully equipped and asking only $6,- $900. RANCH BUNGALOW located on a large wooded lot just minutes west of Oshawa. 3 spacious bedrooms and 4 pe. tiled bath with vanity. Hollywood kitchen. Living room has beamed ceiling. Asking $17,500 For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Roy Flintoff 725-3454 John Hutchuk 723-9266 Leon Manitius 723-1121 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Ellouise Hoggard 723-2106 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Richard Young 723-7183 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 Tony Siblock 725-4362 Steve Englert 728-5581 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. OPEN Houses BEAU VALLEY this weekend 2 until 6 p.m. 2 More Dream Homes Built by Kassinger SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 : large garage and workshop. DO YOU KNOW? Armstrong Homes Only cast the same as or- dihary houses . . . from. _ $13,800 One N.F.A, coh ad Carries $79 Monthly land P. Built in ranges and AJAX and WHITBY | EXCLUSIVE, clean stx-room home with 1956 METEOR standard shift, good con- (Flea rd alld erated 'Montmorency cherries. Pick 72-\Your own, W. H. Gibson, Newcastle, bathrooms room. Apply 117 Oshawa PRIVATE SALE, Four bedroom spilt) home. $2,500 '1999 VAUXHALL station overhaul. New tires, | 668-5717, 'wagon. Recent Original paint, Dial down, Take over mort- gage, 251 Lupin 'Whitby. (668-6014 $14,900. THREE-BEDROOM, three-vear- old brick bungalow, ta heat. Wilson- " lAdelaide area. 728-473 pdelinee: aren Faye 5S-ACRE FARM, nine miles from Osh- 'awa. Hydro in house and. barr, creek, $12,500, Don Stradeski Realtor 728-8423, BEAU VALLEY lot, orivately owned o XTi, Sale Brice 900." Builder's terms, CONVERTIBLE 1958 Ford Fairlane 500, Big T-Bird motor, standard transmission,| Mechanically A-1, $495. Phone 728-4842, 30--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" ovens, storms ond included. See our finished models, One bivcn east of Ajox Plaza. Models open 9 am. to 9 p.m. everyday Or Call Ajax 942-3310 ANYTIME Also Resales from $600 down. H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE 2POKER AJAX, " . ATHOL Street East, Oshawa. Bight large! rooms. Double garage. For particulars, |telepnone 728-9504, WHITBY -- $13,900 three-bedroom bung- alow. Near schools, 6 per cent NHA |mortgage. Dial 668-5377. EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room home with rooms and beaut'ful recreation Matha hd liad tht ond el BEAUTIFUL FARM --near Blackstock, 100 acres rolling land Including 20 acres of picturesque bush with farm buildings: and large house. Full price $19,000, Low down payment, easy terms. Will also con- sider smaller Oshawa property as paft payment. Call Arthur Weinberger 10% ACRES FOR SALE NORTH WHITBY Asking $5,500 with low down t. Call Bill Millar 25-1186, DUPLEX LOT SINCLAIR ST. $1,000 down, excellent for home with double garage. Call Harry Bates, /25-1186. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 67 King St. East Realtor, 725-8851. 29--Automobiles For Sale -- VOLVO SALES AN» SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshay o 728-0921 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS LIST AND MOVE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- -- INSURANCE -- -- MORTGAGES -- WHITBY 5 year old, 6 room modern bungalow, large lot, oil heat- ed, now vacant. Asking $14,- 200.00 and open to offers. Coll Mr, Jack Appleby ot 728-5123 of 723-3398. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening KINGSMERE GARDENS G. ARMSTRONG and SONS PRESENT 30 mew homes consisting of splits, bungalows and two Stories on serviced lots over- looking the City of Oshawa. Every home features a built in stove and oven, complete decorating as well as N.H.A. financing. For more informa- tion phone 728-6286. S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA QUust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 1964 GMC truck, "2 ton pickup, Perfect condition, $2,000. Telephone 723-4042 Talk "Cash" to the New + Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 5 miles west of Brooklin 'on Highway 7. John Mosowenko, RR. 'y. \MONTMORENCY cherries for Line between Whitby and Ajax. signs or 668-6716. RASPBERR! liamette raspberries. PICK your own raspberries. 13 per pint sole, Base] Look for Reedy picker [elle ical as |34--Lost and Found > ALL CASH § For clean cars or trucks we -- up or down, Liens paid bs : NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Roya! Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 a LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want for wrecking, Highest prices paid Wentworth East, 725-1181, OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for' wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245, 31--Automobile Repair TRANSMISSION specialists, transmissions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe North, Phone 728-7339. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WIL- LIAM. GEORGE JOHNS, Re- tired Former, deceased. OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert) carburetor and auto electric service, 222 King West 728-0817, All persons hav! cloims EXPERT brake service and front end suspension alignment. 226 Celina Street. Call 723-4233. 32--Articles for Sale | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16¥% BOND W. 728-4401 Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, Sand, gravel, top soil, stone, Plastering materials. wall- boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- ing, Tile 668-3524, SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED Fuel and Builders Supplies 244 Brock St. S., WHITBY, Ont. USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Electric fryers, soft drink machine (syrup type). Coffee Thermos. ENVOY RESTAURANT 522 Ritson Rd, S. against the estate of Williom George Johns, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Retired Former, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of June, 1964 are hereby noti- fied to send in to the under- signed Personal Representa- tive of the said deceased on or before the 31st day of August, 1964, full particu- lors of their claims, Imme- diately after the said dote the Personal Representative will distribute the costs of the said deceased having re- gard only to claims of which he shall then hove notice. Dated ot Oshowa this 30th day of July, 1964. EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, Executor, By his solicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 37. King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 2 az other motorist. This may be the only pers saw the bandit's face. He is. being urged to forward and police have they will keep his identity secret, f NET EARNINGS Scott Paper Lid., 6 ithe ended June 27: 1064, $736,246, 92 -- a share; 1063, $649,591, 81 cents, Bathurst Power and Paper Co. Ltd., 6 months ended June 30: 1964, $1,302,000; 1963, $810,000: Kerr Addison Mines Ltd., 6 months ended June 30: 1964, $1,980,117, 28 cents a share; 1963, $1,484,640, 31 cents. (Firm had greater number of shares outstanding in 1964). Kilembe Copper Cobalt Ltd., 6 months ended June 30: 1064, $970,000, 25 cents a share; 1963, $184,000, 5 cents. Mount Royal Dairies and Co. Ltd., year ended March 31: 1964, net loss $56,144; 1063, net profit $108,506. Kam-Kotia Porcupine Mines Ltd., 6 months ended June 30: 1964, $203,971, 25 cents a share; 1963, $508,970, 63 cents. : 3 =Be ¢ TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, cators chequewriters, poten files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, ser- vice. Largest stock, budget terms. New and used. Low overhead, iow prices. Bill 1956 FORD Victoria hardtop, 8 auto matic, four barrel, duals, radio. A-1 con- dition. Telephone Whitby 668-4706, DUAL IV BBI set up for 1955-1957 Cadil- jac, Includes manifold, carbs, linkage, and air cleaners. Best cash offer takes. Telephone 728-9008. SPORTS CAR, 1960 Austin Sprite, new motor, white wall tires, radio, windshieid washers. Has both hard top and soft top, lovely condition. $695, terms. Phone 728-2741, 1955 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, automatic, radio, power brakes, body perfect. Me- chanically sound, $325, 725-8885. 1960 BLUE volkeswagen, good condition. Contact Les Kaytor, 725-5079 anytime, Raglan, TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc ture, including ali channel antenna, in- ee and sarenions by experts with years' experience, $50. Trio Television. Telephone 728-5143, bagi STRIKE IT TENTS, trailers, steeping bags, picnic jugs and coolers. Best prices. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- all a ae you have. The City rading Post Store, 446 Sime th South, 723-1671, aa tathad LAWN ters! New and used, 2 cycle, 4 cycle electric or gas- oline, from $15. up. Terms, Cominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. 1959 VAUXHALL, radio, whitewalls, buck- 8 og in good condition. Telephone 1963 MONZA Spider convertible, Corvair. Like new. Make offer. 463 King East. USED CAR parts, spindies to make trail ers; also used tires, 509 Bloor Street Eas! after 4; 723-2281. 1962 VALIANT sedan, radio, automatic. Excellent condition. Trade accepted. Will finance. Call 728-6747. 1958 VAUXHALL, 64 cylinder. In good con dition Call 725-8337 between 6 p.m.-7 p.m, 1¥57 TRIUMPH TR 3, 2nd car. immacu drive. Radio and foglights. Calj 732-4268. 1964 CHEVROLET Bel Air automatic, tow mileage. T 725-7634. late shape. Hardtop, wire wheels, over-|72: 36" McLary Range. 'n good condition, 732-1020 after ¢ p.m, "i RADIO, two-way Citizensband. ideal for' car, boat or plane. Excellent condition for only $160. Dial 623-3154, ANTIQUE bedroom suite, in good condi- tion, Call 725-9931. CASH register, adding machines, new and used; also any store and office equip- ment. All equipment guaranteed. 728-3664 and 725-9748, PORTABLE typewriter. Like new. $40. Standard typewriter edding maching 2ec- a a ka office desk and chair. PERMA FOAM MATTRESSES -- Com- fort for allergy and backache sufferer: Free trial. Low prices. Terms. 725-8762. FARMS FOR SALE 100 acreas--good grain and pasture land. 7 room' house --barn 45 x 65 -- 3 good wells, Close to village and shopping. Immediate posses- sion. -- $11,500. Terms, MURCHISON, SANGSTER & FOLKES LTD,. REALTORS Fenelon Falls, Ontario Phone 89 KINGSMERE GARDENS, one yea: NHA resale, 2 storey, 'bedroom fess with attached garage. Priced at $14.90. he we ae ie must see this one! information call Jack Sheriff, H: b Real Estate, 728-6286, bool 1953 CHEVROLET Bel Alr. Automatic. Good Condition. Excellent radio, good tires, Best offer. After five call 728-5048 PRIVATE SALE. Make offer. Large house with finished carport and recrea- tion room, bay window In kitchen. Elec- trically heated. Interior finished to suit buyer. Located close to schools and shop- ping, ¥2 acre of land. T 985-2423 DISCOUNTS! Apartment size ranges, re- frigerators, GE, Gibson $128.83 up. Honest Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil- Stoves, RICH | Sell Things You Don't Need, Through An Oshawa Times Classified Ad. 723-3492 Du Pont of Canada Lid., 6 months ended June 30: . 1964, $8,457,000, $1.14 a share; 1963, $6,445,000, 87 cents. ~ Steel Co. of Canada Ltd., 6 months ended June 30: 1964, $20,214,763, 94 cents a share; 1963, $17,615,561, 87 cents. British American Oil Co. L4d., 6 months ended June 30: 1964, $18,398,000, 84 cents a share; 1963, $13,809,000, 63 cents. MacMillan Bloedel and Powell River Ltd., 6 months. ended June 30: 1964, $21,300,000, $1.02 cents a share; 1963, $17,500,000, 84 cents. DEATHS London--Lt.-Gen. Sir William Porter MacArthur, 80, honorary physician to three British kings. Harrison, N.Y. -- James N. Landis, 64, one of the late presi- dent Franklin D. Roosevelt's original 'brain trusters"; of accidental drowning. ance. Name brands at biggest anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture fines. Your authori- zed GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street Wes.t 728-9191 or apply 219 Queen Street, Port Perry. CONVERTIBLE, 1961 Chevrolet impala, V-8 motor, automatic, power brakes, steering and windows, automatic wash- ers, radio, whitewalls, 23,000 original miles. Immaculate condition, Must be sold this weekend. $1975 or best i. Can be financed, 728-5211. 1959 CHEVROLET. 4door, automatic. Good condition. Asking $525. Aoply 1709 tCharles Street,P ort Whitby, 663-4267. 1953 CHEVROLET two door, quite reason- able. Apply Room 1, Pontiac Inn, Thorn- ton Road South, after 6 p.m. 1961 CHEVROLET Biscayne In COMING EVENTS CAMPING trailer, sleeps four. T Prince Albert, 985-7825 before noon. SHETLAND pony for sale. at 874 Rossland Road West. FABULOUS MATTRESS SALE. Hundreds of mattresses, all sizes, all reduced. The savings are tremendous! Spring filled mattresses while they last, from $13. Smooth-top mattresses, $26. Bunk beds complete, $57. Fiake foam pillows, 77 cents. Top brand names, Serta, Sealy, Restonic, Beverly, Marshall, many more. All slashed, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, twelve Can be seen condition, radio, automatic $1,400. Horne's Esso Station, Simcoe Street North, 725-5402 GERMAN Shepherd, would like good home eight months cld, in the country. radio, i 725-7427. 1963 CORVAIR sedan 9500 miles. $1700 cash, Telephone 725-8955, RETIREMENT HOME, Bewdley Ontario. Large highway frontage, lovely trees and shrubs with large lawn and garden. Small trout creek. Rustic bridge and guest house. Main house suitable for couple, Gas heaitng, fully furnished, A 1960 CHEVROLET four-door hardtop, red with white top, automatic, V8 .Apply 255 Tresane Apartment 5. 1955 CHEVROLET, Best offer. Must sell by Friday. For information call Ajax 942-4687, Property could be commercialized. Priced at $11,900. Call Harry Kintworth, Tor- onto, or write same at Bowes and spect, or write same at Bowes and ive Charlotte Street, Peterborough, jario. $3,500. DOWN buys a lot of house, bedrooms, broadioom, finished Sipe ve room, fenced yard, 75: foot lot. to schools and shopping. Only 15 minutes athe % encen Oshawa. Please ask for Walter Mittler, 728-7083, Joseph B: Realtor, 728-7377. | eee ve 10 FERTILE brick acres and é-room with LET'S TRADE Your present 'home, lot or car can be considered os a Down Payment on a new home built by Hogenboom Construction on Wilson Road North. S. D. HYMAN 728-6286 APARTMENT building, consisting of 15 modern apartments, well bullt, good look- Ing building in centre of Oshawa, known as Marina Apartments, adu.t tenancy with never a vacancy. For sale at 8,400 per suite. Down payment and terms to suit. McGill Real Estate Groker, 728-4285 or your broker. THREE. brick with garage, Huron Street, aluminum storms and screens. Tiled kitchen bath. Substan- tial down payment or cash, 725-3773. 100 ACRE beef cattle farm, with fast running trout stream, I-room brick house. Price $16,000. Terms. Call Hamp- ton 263-2021. ranch garage. Land presently used as extremely well cared for market garden. 3 miles to Osh- awa. Asking $22,000. with terms. Elmer abn 725-2753, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 5 ACRES of choice market ga land between Oshawa and seine 1962 CORVAIR, one owner, very clean, 725-6032. automatic, big engine. T - 1$34.95, GREY GENDRON carriage, converts to car bed, In very good condition, Tele- phone 725-7020. TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc BINGO TUESDAY, AUG. 4th 7:30 P.M. 20 regular games $8 and $10 Shore The Wealth $150 Jackpot 59 Nos. $20 Consolation, FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith CLASSIFIED ADS May be small, but they ore giants, powerful too, when it comes to getting things done. Let one of them sell your no longer needed household items. See for yourself. Telephone Now 723-3492 ture with all channel antenna, $50. Oshawa TV Suppy Ltd., 361 Gibbons| Street, 728-8180. $5. DOWN buys any model Canadian| made bicycle, All sizes, all models. From 1958 PONTIAC four door, Tire, 48 Bond Street West. Good condition. Must sell immediately asking $550. T 725-4398. BUY and sell, good used furniture and One location only. Pretty's WRECKING '52 to '59 Chev's, P Buicks, Old's and Fords. Telephone 728- 8938. 1963 CHEVROLET Super Sport, 327 en- gine, automatic transmission power equipped, tilt steering, seat belts, radio. 728-9059. Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3771. CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies, Complete service. Free estimates. No waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime, BUYING or selling furniture or appll- ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or' 263-2695. 1964 ACADIAN convertible V8 white walls, wheel discs, windsh'eid wash- ers, radio. $1900. Take over payments of $43, 728-8169. cal heir RN 1964 CHEVROLET Malibu, $1,000 and take over payments or best offer. Still WE BUY, sell, trade used furniture and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 Oun- das East, Whitby. 668-5481. PIANO, Heintzman player ,bench, ebony finished, 40 rolls, rebuilt by Sebastian) Hohmann, RR No. 1, Oshawa, under warranty. Fully eq ermire white with red interior, low mileage, 728-5444; evenings 728-6760. Extra nice plece of land. May be pur- chased on easy terms, Elmer Fredin, 725-2753, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. ONE WEEEK ONLY! ! will take a rea- sonable offer on a 4-bedroom bungalow. Many extras. Qwner moving. Asking $11,900. Don Stradeski, Realtor, 728-8423, MUST SELL! Owner leaving city. Desir- 1952 AMERICAN Plymouth, good radio, motor and tires. Asking $80. 725-6356. 957 FORD, 6-cy'inder, automatic, good condition, $300. Apply 57 Colborne Street East. ANTIQUE bed, double-sized, spool type. Good condition. Dia! 668-5965 or apply 213 Centre Street North, Whibty. LAKEFIELD cartop row boat, 12' x 47'; also new barbeque. 230 Beach Street. Port Perry. Phone 985-2680. MAN'S BICYCLE; aiso singing canaries. 25-2109. 1955 CHEVROLET 2-door coach, 6-cylin- T 7 BABY CARRIAGE, "avy, vacuum cleaner, all attacnments, room cooler, $25, 728-2554. Thistle $25; $35; able three-bedroom brick just six years old, contains large modern kitchen. family size, good sized living- room, ceramic tiled bath, off neating, large size fenced yard, Priced to sell. Carries for $91 monthly including taxes. For fulj information telephone Henry Stinson, 725-0243, Carl Olsen, Realtor. WHITBY five-room brick split level. Landscaped, Close to schools. Full price |$12,500. Carries for $86 interest and taxe: FOUR-BEDROOM bungalow, around $300. down, East end. Taxes only $158. New furnace and one of the prettiest k'tch- monthly. Principal, ©-2998, jens In town. We know you'll like this one. Murray Boyle, Bosco, Realtor, 728-477. OUTSTANDING VALUE in ranch bunga- low, close to Conant School. Situated on & huge, picturesque tot, we offer you the home of your dreams, A large fiving- room. with dining area, a kitchen beau- ps and big. There are three good- siz 723-4270, Joseph MAY 1! SHOW you one of the nicest homes in the east end. Owner-built with the greatest of~care. Six lovely rooms with attached garage. Patio off living room. Broadioom and spilt-level en- trance, Only $18,900. with. terms, Neil Campbell, 725-1015, Joseph Bosco, Real- tor, 723-7377. » @ large ga- rage and a walkout basement with fa- cilities for recreation and other rooms. There are lots of extras, too numerous to mention. The price is surprisingly low and the owner would consider elso @ smaller Oshawa property as part pay- ment. Call for appoiniment Arthur Weinberger, Realtor. 725-8851. ler, tr clean Interior, very low oil consumption. T 723-4300. 1958 PONTIAC station wagon, low mile- age, new paint job, mechanically sound, reasonably priced. Will consider trade. Call 728-6983. BS 1957 CHEVROLET, 4door, 6-cylinder, standard shift, motor and body A-l,. pri- vate, $685. or best offer. Can be financed. Dial 668-5126. 1963 CORVAIR convertible, 4speed trans- mission, positraction. For immediate sale.! Excellent condition. Asking $2300. Dial 623-3518 after six. 1962 PONTIAC station wagon, 6-cylinder automatic, blue with grey interior, in good condition. Telephone Ajax 942-4006. 1957 OLDSMOBILE 08, automatic, good parts. Best offer. Dial edie He DOC'S AUTO SPEED and Custon, new location at 1600 King Street East sd your speed equipment, auto accessories and parts. Open daily 910; 24 hour tow- ing. 728-7781. 1964 CORVAIR Monza Coupe, red with blac. iaterior, 110 horsepower, 4-speed, extras, full warranty. 728-6448, TRIUMPH motorcycle 650, tires _and lights excellent, 1953 model, $250. Tele phone Ajax 942-3583, BOX TRAILER, single wheel with tar- paulin and hitch, $85. Dial Whitby 668-4684, TWO 20 gallon stainless steel fish aquar- jums, electric pump filters, fish and plants. Call 725-9336. GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator, ex- cellent condition, Cal 723-1919. USED beverage room tables and chairs for sale. Genosha Hotel, 723-4541. USA BOUND. Selling all house' ture. Call between 6 and 9, 723-9017. GAS RANGE, 4burner; one desk and chair; enamel slink drainboard with four cupboards. Apply 311 Burk Street. POLAROID automatic 100, cost new $200. $125 or offer, also 35 mm Zeiss Ikon con- faflex super Tessar 1.2.8 lens. $100 or offer, 728-3067. : 33--Market Basket INTERNATIONAL '2 'ton pick up new tires. Good running condition also 1954 Pontiac, good motor, Clean condition in- side. Price $75, Telephone 725-5079 PICK your own raspberries. On Ander- son Street, north-east of Whitby.. One mile north of Highway 2. Bring your own containers, please. Mr. Kuenen. RED BARN WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, AUGUST 3rd Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Dor Prize 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 51 and 56 1 -- $150 JACKPOT MUST GO Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7.45 ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES NORTH OSHAWA Children under 16 not admitted. 5 -- $30 FREE ADMISSION FREE KINSMEN. BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK $150. Jackpot. -- $20 each line plus $50 Full Card Games: 2 --- $250 Jackpots 20 -- $20 Jackpots JACKPOT NOS. 56 and 57 EARLY BIRD GAMES -- EXTRA BUSES -- 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS Children under 16 not allowed. GOOD PARKING Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST, EAST AT FAREWELL FREE --- ADMISSION -- FREE 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL -- $180 in 56 Nos. $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT -- $100 in 54 Nos. $20 Con, SHARE THE WEALTH NO CHILDREN, EXTRA BUS SERVICE

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