THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 28, 1964 a TO LIVE IN Doret Levy, Nicklos Springer Exchange Vows In St. Gregory's The Right Reverend Paul Dwyer officiated at the wedding of Doret Levy to Nicklos Springer, both of Oshawa, re- _ cently, in St. Gregory the Great * Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levy, Jamaica, The wedding music was play- ed by Mr. John Driscoll and the bride was given in mar- riage by Mr. Lincoln Rey- nolds, Toronto. The bride was wearing a Spanish embroidered lace over a pure silk lame gown made in the Princess Margaret style. Her crown of pearls and erys- tals held a veil of silk illusion and she carried a cascade of pink roses, blended carnations, stephanotis and white bows. The. bridesmaids, Miss Susan Stroud and Miss Joyce William- lerina gowns featuring high em- pire waistlines accented by roses. Their headdresses were matching self roses holding veils over their faces and they car- ried bouquets of dusky rose pink carnations. The best man was Mr, Joseph Fleisher and the ushers were Mr. Alex Simon and Mr. John Bota, all of Oshawa. For the reception at the Hun- garian Hall the bride's mother received wearing a silver, rust and mauve brocade dress and oro ene geet pogo oom naire emereyetis tir jacket with a corsage of white, 4 and pink carnations, As the couple left on their) honeymoon the bride was wear- ing a turquoise green suit, beige accessories and a cor- sage of pink sweetheart roses, gold anc pink carnations. On their return Mr. and Mrs, Springer will live in North son, wore aqua peau de soie ba'-| Oshawa. _ | CHILD GUIDANCE | More Than Safety Involved | In Summer Outings, Picnics sae age AUGUST 22 IS THEIR DAY St. Gertrude's Roman Ca- | By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D.,if these children pay no heed to, | Since many picnics in sum-|your warnings or commands. mer are attended by whole fam-| Suppose your boy or girl wno ilies, I devote a column each/can barely swim disobeys your year to this subject. Usually|instruction not to go beyond a these picnics afford a vast deal|clearly marked boundary. OSHAWA Ireland. Studio ANN LANDERS Sitter In Dutch ' For Using Head "ear Ann Landers: I did qwhat I thought was right and now I am in Dutch with the people I sit for. Please publish| my letter and your advice. i"m'a teen-ager who sits for| a nice family. They have four] children. Maybe I am a fraidy cat but I never open the door for anyone. After all, I don't know all the friends and rela- tives of the people I work for. Chances are about one in a million that I might let in an intruder but I don't want to take that chance. ~ The other night a man rang the doorbell. He had a suitcase in his hand, and said he was) a brother-in-law. I refused to Jet him in the house. He was awfully mad at me because he had to sit in his car for two hours, a When the Mr. and Mrs. finally - game 'home they were furious with me. They said I should have known from looking at the >man that he was "perfectly 0.K." What do you think about .this?--Chicken Dear Chicken: I think you're the kind of girl I'd like to have 'as a sitter for my grand- daughter. The first rule a sitter should learn is never to open the door for anyone. It's not possible to tell by looking whether a per- son is "perfectly 0O.K." The folks for whom you work should have praised you for your good judgment -- and given you a bonus in the bargain. Dear Ann Landers: I was in- terested in the letter from the woman who wrote about the deaf- mute who went around selling packets of needles for 50 cents, I work in the department of health, education and welfare in the area of vocational re- habilitation and I can tell you there is no justification for any deaf person operating as a beg- gar, peddling his disability. Generally speaking, deaf peo- ple have normal strength, mo- bility and intelligence. Our efforts to help the deaf are often. undone by the oper- ation of gangs of deaf beggars who swoop down on a commu- nity with their false tales of in- ability to obtain jobs, thereby creating a negative image of deaf people. They distort the true capabil- ities of the deaf and thus harm their own employability and ultimate adjustment. Millions of intelligent Americans have formed their concepts of the deaf as a result of fleeting con- tact with this fraudulent beg- ging racket. I hope you will print this let- ter and help educate the pub- lic--Sincerely B.H.M. Dear B.H.M.: I am happy to do so and-I appreciate your let- ter. Thank you for writing, Dear Ann Landers: I have rewritten this letter four times in an effort to make it print- able. Please publish it, be- cause I cannot receive a. reply in the mail and I can't talk about this to anyone. There are two women in our office. One is a divorcee, the other has never been married. They do not live together, but HOUSEHOLD HINT To add onion flavor without cooking the onions in the soup, put an onion in a cheese cloth bag, drop it in and retrieve of wholesome fun for children.) If you are sitting on the beach especially those from two to 12./or bank watching, how excruci- It is a good idea to plan ac-jating your fears and frustra- tivities, games and other con-|tions may be if your earlier in- tests for the different ag¢j)struction or present shouts go groups of children, and to 4r-|unheeded, | range for adequate supervision.| Even a camp counsellor tak-; It is so much better and safer/ing a group of boys wimming than when youngsters roam/may face all sorts of agonies about without purpose. and frustrations because some Often these picnics are held of the boys ignore his instruc- at a beach or near a stream or|tions and are deaf to his wara- swimming pool. Naturally there !"85- : day, tak vacations together)™2¥ be some physical hazards. Bing Bing i. _ egorot and spend their evenings to-| Whether you go with just rites at a picnic eh Aid gether. |your own family to a recreation poation place is when he begins There are rumors around that|place, especially with swim-'+, toddie. From then on you these women have an -abnor-|ming facilities, or join with never Goune to éxercina ade- mal relationship. I simply can-/many other families there, an quate contro! j not believe such a thing is true|essential factor is the degree of z because they are both ex-) have over your own tremely intelligent, refined and) children. tb eather tor tamil the divorcee has two children.| Wel] - behaved children from erings meant for family If the rumors are true shou'd two to i are contpa rasieery lt community recreation. You these women be fired? Please|safe at a picnic, a condition| ant venr child to observe ee answer. You can see I need|which permits their parents to tain regulations and instructions educating. -- Ignorant, lenjoy a maximum of pleasure| {or the comfort and pleasure of Dear Ignorant: You are ask-jand recreation. jall others present. ing if it is possible that these| | Suppose at a family picnic or women are homosexuals, The) NOT ALWAYS SO church or Cub Scout supper, answer is, yes--it is possible, But children who never haye| your son or daughter, seven to but not necessarily true. learned to mind at home rea-)12, chases other children about Should they be fired? No. If|sonably well, may keep their|the room where dinner is about they are competent, if they|parents jittery on a picnic. If\to be served. Consider what an- mind their own business and|you go with one or more ch'l-|noyance these youngsters may stay to themselves it would be|dren to a bathing place or other|cause the older persons pres- they have Junch together every More than safety is involved when you go with your children cruel and senseless to deprive them of employment, recreation centre you can hardly enjoy a relaxed moment ent. But if they had learned to ex- | tholic Church will be the scene of the wedding of Miss Faith Annette Brockman and Mr. Philip Charles Lococo, at noon on Saturday, August 22, 1964, according to an announcement made today by Miss Brock- man's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Brockman, Oshawa. The future bridegroom is the sen of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Lococo, Niagara Falls, On- tario, The couple are gradu- ates of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto and Mr. Lococo is a third year student of law at Osgoode Hall. --Mary's Studio { ercise reasonable control at! home, and reasonable regard| for the rights of others, such hardly woulq happen, If your child did begin to run and chase, a quiet gesture or word from you would suffice to restrain him, { Suppose you have educated) your child in adequate self-con- trol up to the time he attends! a community picnic. You will also want to be sure that the) picnic place has sufficient safe- guards. If you are a member of the} organization sponsoring the pic-| nic, your responsibility for your own child and other people's children is to use your influ- ence in the organization for pro- viding adequate safety meas-! ures, | HOUSEHOLD HINT Use long-handled string mop| dipped in sudsy water to wan first floor windows. Rinse with) the hose. Pick Historic Site For JFK Memorial The Lord Mayor of London, Alderman James Harman, is organizing an appeal to. raise one million pounds to finance a British memorial to the late President John F. Kennedy, The memorial is to take two forms.-There will be a_ plinth and steps erected on land at Runnymede, near Windsor, a site already famous as the site of the Sealing of Magna Carta by King John in 1215 and visited by many thousands of tourists every year. The funds raised by the Lord Mayor's appeal will also be used to finance scholarships to ne- able students from the United Kingdom to go as undergradu- ates to three universities in the United States. FAST ! Treasures Later 723-3680 THEY GROW Portraits Now Will Be --by-- roland s:0r0 ~ LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 t Clean, Sand, Prime Before Applying Coat of Enamel Why part with htat comfort- Why part with that comfort- Why indeed, when it can be done over and made handsome again? : og mete ie task isn't too difficult if definite- rules are followed in the three important steps neces- sary for a successful enameling First, choose a quality ena- mel--none of that so-cailed bar- gain stuff that isn't a bargain. properly' prepared. | Third, the enamel must be 'applied properly, | Proper surface preparation involves the condition of the furniture, Wooden pieces in good condition require a good cleaning with an odorless paint thinner to remove oil, wax or polish. Afterwards, sand lightly. PROVIDES SURFACE ; This will dull the gloss and will provide a surface to which the new finish can adhere Be sure the furniture is clean and dry before applying the lenamel, Second, the surface niust be) If the wood finish is in poor jcondition, it should be stripped to he ntti toh rom queer yeeinnl come 9-0 Yn a tle rth genau gam piso gue "PLAYMATES Robert Allan is four years old and his big 'sister, Robin Diane is five. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McDonald, Richmond street east and the' grandchil- dren of Mr, and Mrs. W, G. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Webster, all of -Osh- awa. --Ralph E. Laing Studio loff completely, Use a good) paint remover and follow the|ready to apply the enamel top-|is unfinished--pieces that are directions faithfully, Work onlv!coat. |really bargains and that per- "pit eny Moles Or crave with, Somme ke, 8, Nt FE ae ee | any P cracks wi se : 4 colors to go with a definite plastic wood or wood putty and Dat with care and patience. it) oom scheme. These pieces' are let dry thoroughly. Final] y,|isn't really so at all, but a most! ually factory-sanded, but it is sand as smooth as possible and|Satisfactory and p'easing task |, good idea to sand lightly. be- apply an enamel undercoat, The stores always have onjfore anplying the enamel un- When this has dried, you are/hand handsome furniture that!dercoat, BULKY CARDIGANS ZELLERS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Open Every Day From 9:30 A.M. -- 6:00 P.M, Thursday and Friday 9:30 A.M. -- 9:00 P.M, 50% OFF A Super Value! Luxurious Bulky-Knit Cardigans for ladies. Finest quality yarns le. White, blue, pink and yellow. Limit in a most attractive sty 2 per customer. Reg. 8.99 NOW 4 AA WHILE THEY LAST SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN PHONE 723-2294