PORT PERRY'S NEW FIRE HALL SERVES THE COMMUNITY WELL Oshawa Tinres Photo Poplar Park Tree Haven One of the hazards of lake holidays is that the youngsters are apt te get into difficulties if they are not carefully watched. A parents' chore can now De done away with if the children's swimming is done at Port Perry's Poplar Park. Three years age Jim Baird opened a 30-acre recreational park in the southwest part of Port Perry. Called Poplar Park, because it ig surrounded by the tall trees, the area has many recre- WELCOME To PORT PERRY For An Enjoyable Snack, Just Walk Up From The Pork To -CHARLIE'S GRILL FISH & CHIPS OUR SPECIALTY 155 QUEEN ST. Port Perry ational facilities besides the pool. The attraction at Poplar Park is its 40 by 100 foot completely filtered swimming pool. It is fed from a spring-fed pond on Mr. Baird's property to insure always clean water. The pool ranges in depth from 22 inches to nine feet and is équipped with a one meter div- ing board. The first 25 feet have been designed as a wading pool tand there is only a two-inch dif- ference in the water's depth. Two Red Cross lifeguards are on duty at all times when the pool is in operation and @ full curricular of Red Cross swim- ming instruction is offered at Poplar Park. Underwater lighting, supplied by two 1,000 watt lamps has been provided for night swim- ming and for a safety measure. Poplar Park offers its visitors more than just a place to swim out of the lake. Fifty picnic tables have been provided -- there is a refreshment booth and mamy acres of play area are there to be used. The owner has already pro- vided a kiddie land for the tiny tots, swings for the bigger chil- dren and a ball diamond, Mr. Baird has added further improvements tothe park with the addition of a three - acre tenting -area. The wooded sec- tion of the park is already in- creasing in popularity. C | WE LIKE TO BELIEVE THE "Man with a Smile" is the fellow who just shopped at CREST We like te keep our customers setisfied, for we know the satisfied customer will return. That's why we strive to make your shopping and helpful as possible. WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN HARDWARE @ Plumbing Meterials » Building Supplies. » Electrical Appliances PLUS A GOOD SELECTION OF FISHING TACKLE for the FISHER- MAN We hope you enjoy your stay in Port Perry HARDWARE CARNEGIE BROS. » Radios PORT PERRY jount im our store es pleasant @ Furnaces PHONE 985-2211 MERSCO 5: s1 STORE PORT PERRY "The Store That Discounts The Discounter" SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEKEND V.R RGGM Hot Rodder Engine Reg. Feature Price $5.99 THIS ENGINE FITS MOST BIKES & TRICYCLES Price $9.95 LOOKS. LIKE!! A Mattel Toy SOUNDS LIKE!! A REAL ENGINE .. THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Tuesdey, July 28, 1964. 7A BEAUTY SPOTS One of the most beautiful spots in the district is the shady park and wharf area in Port Perry, a favorite for several. years with vacationers and visi- ters from the United States. What makes the place so attractive is the nearby Port Perry business area which makes life far more pleasant for the visitor. ' Ta RADIO! Needs Repair? Be. ox: RADIO! Want to Buy? ~ SEE McLEAN'S T.V. and RADIO Sales & Service PORT PERRY Cali 985-2271 BROOKLIN DRIVING RANGE WELCOMES EVERYONE For that evening pleosure, drive to the Brooklin Driving R na geon on Highway No. 12 Range South of Port Perry 15 Min. Enjoy a game of miniature golf and also try some of Rose's fine and different snacks ot the snack bar, like a Meat Ball on a bun, steakettes on a bun and many other wierd and wonder- ful Italian snacks. : BROOKLIN DRIVING RANGE Phone 655-4413 REESOR Service Centre WELCOMES YOU TO PORT PERRY @ LUBRICATION @ MINOR REPAIRS @ FIRESTONE TIRES and ACCESSORIES @ CUSTOM WEED ond FERTILIZER SPRAYING +@ GAS @ OIL | COR. SCUGOG & UNION STS. PH. 985-2252