4A THE OSHAWA Times, 'Tuesdey, July 26, 1964 Community Has Chartered Banks The. population and commer-: cial growth of Port Perry is reflected in the rise of bank- ing establishments in the vil- lage. Two of Canada's major chartered banks are now repre- sented in Port Perry. At the end of 1961 the Royal Bank of Canada Opened a branch office in the village. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has been establish- ed in the village since 1933. | The new branch first opened in temporary premises in the former Dominion Stores build- ing on Queen street. Last year the branch office moved into permanent quarters which were formerly occupied by the Em- merson Imsurance Agency. Before the depression years the Royal Bank had a branch in the village. In 1933 the office closed and was te- placed by a branch of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce which WELCOME TO PORT PERRY While Here Stop At TRIPP'S Supertest Service Station and Snack Bar * continues to operate from its Queen street premises. Both branches offer full bank- ing services to the area includ- ing night deposit and safety deposit. box services. _ MANY FACILITIES Did you know that Port Perry offers many recreational facil- ities for summer enjoyment? These include such things as water skiing, boating and what- ever your choice is in aquatic sports. : esceneCTN FOR THAT LIGHT SUMMER ENTERTAINING see HANKS PASTRY for... e Pies e Cakes e Bread e Buns e Tarts e French Pastry all Baked Fresh Daily Save. yourself the time and get the best in home baking at... HANKS PASTR Drop in for @ light lunch at the snack ber. For Phone Orders DIAL 985-7072 ON QUEEN ST. IN PORT PERRY Heading into VACATION ? Say Ok with... * ' 5 | J { , \ t Loy ' ' PS 7 Sd Bf f t + f } Whatever the specic! occa- sion let flowers say it for you, they con say it better than words. Eleanors -- Howanrs QUEEN STREET PHONE 985-2295 Flowers For Ali Occesions Potted Plants--Africen Violets Planning A Picnic? ... Going THEN TRY THE NEW Poplar Park IN PORT PERRY Over 50 picnic tables with 32 acres of picnic. ground. Large filtered pool with built-in wading pool, lifeguards. Underwater lighting for that mid- night dip. Camping Facilities -- Trailer Parking JUST DRIVE TO PORT PERRY AND FOLLOW THE SIGNS Welcome Jo Port Pury Resolve to look your very best this surmmer with a beautiful styled coiffure from Mary Lou's Beauty Salon. One of our three qualified hairdressers will set and style your hair in it's most flattering lines. For A Tasty Snack Try Our Delicious @ CHEESEBURGERS @ HAMBURGERS e@ HOT DOGS Call for an appointment to-day @ LIGHT GROCERIES @ ALWAYS A FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE @ ewo Ml VWVlarny Lous «|| BEAUTY SALON CORNER OF _ OSHAWA RD. & 7A Phone 985-7101 Main St., Port Perry WELCOME TO PORT PERRY! WHEN IN NEED OF | LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIALS LET US HELP You WE CARRY Coal, Fuel Oil and a full line of Lumber and Builder's Supplies Specializing in the Cottage Trade @ FREE DELIVERY @ Over 80% of our lumber and Building Supplies sze under cover. Just another xe eee sR @ Plywood Trim \ J 'he Masonite @ Doors Builders Hardware ® * @ Arborite @ Roofing a e Ceiling & Floor Tile _ @ WE HELP PLAN & BUILD step to serve you better. NEW HOMES & COTTAGES : (ey7 | @ WE TAKECARE OF RENOVATIONS Mp : | & REMODELLING TASKS BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE FUEL & LUMBER JOHN BALLARD Lumber & Builders' Supplies CASIMER ST. PORT PERRY 985-7335 985-7951 | 7 rs 4 es