ee: me _ "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 28, 1964 15>° Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange " 32--Articles for Sele ee RG ea. oe. Wh 0 ed pink, 5 length; one size - Freee, 'sen foam green. Both with head- pieces: Telephone 725-3669, RANGE, 'burner; one desk and chair; enamel siink drainboard with four Apply 311 Burk Street, RUG and undercushion, ng Mac hel ir and ottoman, range, ler Queen std sti » extension ladder. 30--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash to New TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574) S$ -ALL'CASH § For clean cars or trucks we deo! up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS Brahh gan LTD. - 146 BROCK ST. NORTH fr acs Ws eee:| Abacon ross. from Royal Hotel [TRIUMPH motorcycle Sem | Alte Gon w 115 slo 0m i, WHITBY 668-3331 - {phone Aiax 942-2583. 15 $36% 36% 36% Se Adc Shade tt ode in dal $2514 252 25% LAKESHORE, Auto Wreckers want cars BICYCLES, at Sale High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Mcintyre zi0 MoMar 2000 Merrill 500 . Metal Mine 1500 Min-Ore 242 Moneta 2000 Nat Expl 36750 New Ath 500 New Cal 2200 N Goldvue 1000 75 New Jason 500 TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS Canadian P: Stock 11 Net ress Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Toronto Stock Exchange--July Ji) " i" Quotations in certs unless mai 5 ne fot, Neen eve: Laing A OILS its, xw--Ex-warrants, change from previous bosrd-lot closing sale. inex 500 INDUSTRIALS 1 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge g288. $e. 2 CHESTERFIELD chair, newly recovered restyled, chocolate brown, Call 703-5575. ; a7 DENTAL cabinet, roll top desk with filing system, mantel radio, four poster bed, antique ¢ruet, four-burner heavy duty range, dressing table, Telephone 668-8483. sete * Buff Bounyt xp Bunk Hill Cadamet peeagageets Ss uses z 3-8 Fs Biedeed E§SsEskee Ssteesene * oe SsuscS.5S82 Newnor 2000 New Rouyn 1000 ato 838 6 --4 23Va +2¥2 i bos, ape 8 fo i? size, new ane 10 10-1 jaugh- i 29| tires. 'Good condition. $15.00, Telephone J - be serine. FeAl ond B oa paid 220 Whitby. 668-5320, 560 yh P 1 1h -- Vs sa¥s Ranger 500 43500 92 «52 +6 OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreck- See tclnon 'sires, want. cars. tor| do Market Basket od a + on 10m 28¥e a" et a Teck 5 _ Bay Mills ie 500 77 wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4225.|ng A re i n 3 en 8 ee | Srcke yaar oon Tousen WiC per int fas $12% Tame 12% » 9000 3s 31% 324 + Va jay,| TRANSMISSION specialists, transmissions; mie ee! of Brooklin on Highway No.| Brazil 370. 370 370 Bl, i] % - ie af il =e are ogee business, 1038 Simcoe "7, John Mosowenko, RR |, Brooktin. | BA Oil ; Land posed 3 Wsburne 102 16000 16! 16 Span san ap Caria --aere roar TRANSPARENT apples and Hovtmereho}] Bc Pack too siesta tee. | W Oventie 1000 218 ae ee Chapel, Wh sleerpuretor 'and 'auto. electric ters ce Paza|cherries for sale. Apply 8 Wayne Street) Bc phone 50 § iu 7m John The Evangelist Church, Whitby ©f) King West 728-0817. La od a ERs ek olen | BOPh 5i5pr 9-208) y MINES 2% Wednesday, July 29, at 9 a.m. interment) ----- --=--4| MONTMORENCY cherries for sa | BCPh #4pr 0 Wa + Ve Agnico 00 74 «72 wal Cemetery. Line between Whitby and Alax. Look for! Build Prod 185 $37% 374 -- Ve Akaitcho 0 52 «52 aa i; ¢ 36. ane All Pitch 2500 21% 21 + $23¥8 2314 23%4-- V4) pA am Moly. 300 145 145 +3 z sft Bl 3 Fr gis st HE "3 1CIOUS Montmorency cherries, Pick lyour own, W. H. Gibson, Newcastle, ss88s Basdeddetiat ses 6 a+ Zulapa 1000 21 2) 2 Sales to 11 am.: 1,317,000. FOREIGN TRADING Mass F 2000 $31 ot Am Ledue «00 7 IF alectece @ service and front end| n 8 ment. 226 Celina Street.) Ws = % 1 an Ve St, John's RC signs or 668-6716. 950 950 quanention | \Call 723-4233. -- ' PETRO, Trefon co FOR SALE, Large Wil- Entered into rest in the Oshawa General | Hospital on Manto: 100 27, 1964, Trefon| 39_ Articles for Sale Hlamette raspberries. Ready picked or) you pick yourself at Chomko's farm.| se | son, father of Miss Olga Petro of To rento, Wilson, Oshawe, Kenneth, Kitch ener, in his 74th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home in Oshawa with funeral service in the chapel Thurs- day, July_30,at- 1 a.m. interment Osh- awa Union Cemetery. | ROGERS, Lissie At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on! Monday, July 27, 1964, Lizzie Rogers of -- Hampotn, in her 65th year. Beloved wife; of John E. Rogers, Sr. dear mother of Thomas Arthur and John Edward, Jr. of! Hampton and Mrs. &. J. Campbell (Bar-| bara) of Scarborough Resting ef Northcutt - Smith Fu manville. Funera| ser Thursday morning. Interment Petro, beloved hu of Margaret Wil- y | HAVE A SECRET | SELL FOR LESS Buying and selling used fur- niture ond appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16% BOND W. 728-4401 i Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, Sond, gravel, top soil, stone, Plasterin moterials wall- in boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- jome, x name Dee ing, Tile 668-3524. Hampton) SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED Cemetery. Fuel-and Builders Supplies SOBIL, Paul Sr. 244 Brock St. S., WHITBY, Ont. Iw Oshawa General Hospital on Mondey, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupli- July 27, 1964, Paul Sobil Sr. in his 76) cators ciuateortiers, awa, year. Beloved husband of the late Nel files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, ser- Tymeciko ang dear father of Mrs. vice. Largest stock, budget terms, New P and used. Low overhead, low prices. Bill ian phen of Columbus and Frank water, Florida. Mr. Sobil is resting Meintosh-Anderson. Funeral Home. quiem Mass in St. George's Ukrainian|staled and guaranteed by experts with i Catholic Chureh, Albert Street, on Wed-|10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television. pl at 9.30 a.m. interment $!. Greg- Telephone 728-5143. ory's Cemetery, Praves in the. Funerall rg trailers, sleeping bags, sieves, Home Tuesday at 8 p.m, picnic jugs and coolers. Best prices. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 B STOREY, Robert William | Street West sti A} his home, 16 Cniarie ft, Gow lWe BUY, sell 'and exchange used furni- maperiien on Soraay, ve 'south Courticn wre or anything you have, The City wie gehool, Gaara Nanand. Wei Lrnarw, Foe, Store, 446 Simcoe' Street hiteh; folding pl iitar; dear brother of Byron of Kempt-| SW _ nag Resting at the Northcutt-Smith| CAR-TOP box; tral Bowmanville. Funeral|nic table with 4 stools; tent § « 7' x 5; jock Tuesday evening. IN-\air mattresses; battery camp light; odd ferment Glenhaven Memoriai Gardens,|chairs. Bowmanville 623-3777. 1/TELEVISION tower special, a0-f. struc Re-|ture, including al) channel antenna, in- 0 | Kingston. Upen sriivel of eae 9 |CAWN MOWER headquarters! New and nesday at 2 @CIOCn, used, 2 cycle, 4 cycle electric or gas- gline, from §15. up, Terms. ®Boeminion og ag sig M. 1, Toranto,|Ti"e Store 48 Bond Street West. zabeth Hospital, 4 | eres Mase deer sister of Mrs .F. Gowans |TV TOWERS special, 40 ff. tower struc- (Matilda), Newmarket; Oscar of Seattle,/ture with all channel antenna, installed Washington; Nerma in Oshawa. Service| $50. Oshawa TV Suppy Lid., 361 Gibbons et Bates and Maddock Funeral Chapel, at) reet, sic Ad, oD eae 3 p.m:, Tuesday. Cremation, Interment @!/s5"~ DOWN buys any model Canadian Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, -- made bicycle. All ee all models. From cer $34.95. Domini ire, LOCKE'S FLORISTS rte iominion Tire, 48 Bond Street Funeral arrangements 9nd guy and gall, good used trnilure end floral requirements for all appliances. One location only, Pretty's occesions. Furnit 444 Simene South. 123-3771. OSHAWA SHOPPING CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies. ENTRE \Compliete service. Free estimates, No 4, waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime, 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE (guvin@ or selling furniture or appili- 728.6555 ' ___ lances, Call' Bimer, Hampton 263-2294 or 7 ond Price, yet ~-- -- -- Kindness arene inf alk y " GE electric ri Kenmore washing with) {machine and refrigerator, Reasonably RROW |priced. 725-4341 after six, BABY CARRIAGE, only used once, white and blue. Good buy. For 'nformation F ERAL HOM please telephone 723-2913, RANGE Gurney - heavy duty, 4 burner, 390 KING STREET WEST 2) inch, in good condition, $30. Telephone TELEPHONE 728-6226 725-5730 WE BUY, sell, trade used furniture and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 21§ Dyn- i des East, Whitby. 666-5481, {hy MEMORIAM § CUBIC FOOT Frigidaire refrigerator, ideal for cottage, $40, For further In- HOLMES = In loving memory of formation telephone Brooklin 655-3749 de and, father and grandfather,| HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil- Norman J. Holmes, who passed away\ance. Name brands at biggest discounts July 28, 1963, anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverly Calm and peaceful he is sleeping mattress furniture fines. Your authori- Sweetest rest that follows pain, zed GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on We who loved him sadly miss him 404 King Street Wes.t 728-919) But trust in God to meet again £3 i --~Always remembered 'by his wife and PORTABLE typewriter: Like new. $40. family tandard t7pew-iter adding maching 2sec- tic typewriter, office desk and chair.. RICHARDSON -- In faving memory of 723-4434 4 dearly loved son, "Tommy" Richard-| si, ivi son wha. died July 28, 1955 pair Ad Peer 1) See ce Peacetully sleeping, bd e Resting at last 24" WESTINGHOUSE electric range, 2'2 Suffering and sorrows all in the past. years old. Original price $239. Selling $150. Til! God took him home to +Telephone 723-7467. His Maven of Rest, ™ " ea o : VICTORIA sof nd table, four-ourner sia ae en sey ey, Hot Point stove, six black iron kitchen * fi chairs twe doll carriages, numerous Bruce, Greta Richardson and fa™Mily:| other articles and enttauee' of all aescrip- MONUMENTS--MARKERS fion; 1952 Chevrolet car for parts at the Hidden Corner Antique Shop, Ashburn, RIMAR Ont, Telephone 655-4616 MEMORIALS PERMA FO, MATTRESSES -- Com- fort for allergy and backache sufferers. 152 SIMCOE ST, $ Free trial. Low prices. Terms. 725-8762 OSHAWA DISCOUNTS! Apariment size ranges, re- EVENINGS frigerators, GE, Gibson $]28.66 up. Honest 728-6627 OFFICE 723-1002 Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. 2-INCH ADDISON console completely overhauled, A-! T 726-1858 after 5.30. ) , bs € |STOVE General Electric, CAR) 9' "HANKS fern tin beds, complete, crib mattress, BEATTIE -- The family of the iate drseser, wooden table, chairs, three-piece Jennis Beattie, wish to express their sin-|sectional chesterfield. Telephone 725-7129, cere th--"- snd dees anpreciation to rela-| a ; aa ets - " fives, friends, neighbors and Commingie/©AS4 resister, adding machines, new Gro'p 0: Simese Sires! United Church| 9d Used: also any store and office equip, fer beautiful cards, letters and floral trib. ment. All equipment guaranteed. 728-3664 ules during her recent stay in| ANd 725-9748. per ae Toronto Hospital; also te the Rev. Moffat 21' NGE, Findlay, 4 burner, heavy for his many visits into Toronto during ¢ t., three years old, $55. Apply 362 her iliness . and Mcintosh Anderson Conant, 728-6242. Funeral Home and¢Mr. and Mrs. Herbert -- = Hillier, TWO full-sized beds, complete with spring --The Family. and mattresses, $20 eacti. One rangette, $10. Portable record player, double speak COLVIN -- | would like to thank my er, new, $40. Evenings, 728-1514; daytime, many friends and. relatives for cards,|723-1921 ia y ot Rowers and, git alie, Lebanon L2GBe/ Two 20 all sainies siel Tah Bava, i iums, electric pump filters, fish an Ferrier and nurses and staff on 3A; alsO\ ini, Call 725-9336 te Rev, Moffat for his many visits during thE A sehieneieed 24" GENERAL Electric range, good con- television, condition. 22-inch, $30. my stay in Oshawa General Hospital --E. A. Colvin. dition. Telephone 725-6330. 36--Lege! 36--Legel KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY The TSA. Board of East Whitby is giving consideration to, the possibility of operating Kindergarten biuns at Raglan Schoo! as of September, 1964 Interested parents. ore asked to register their children in writing, giving phone number and location in East Whitby Township, to the Secretary before August Ist., stating perference of morn- ing or afternoon closses, It will be necessary to show that child will be 5 years of age as of December 31st, 1964, before attending classes. The Board will provide no transportation for these classes. There is no assurance thet Kindergarten classes » can be orronged for the coming school year. Much remains to tse arranged, after the Board ascertains if there are enough children to werrant two classes per day Please do not enrol o child unless a serious effort for good at- tendance is to be mointained T.S.A, Board of East Whitby BD, R. Clerk----Choirman J, H, Poscoe--Sec.-Treos. WE PAY MORE \son Street, north-east of Whitby. T e a : PICK your own raspberries. On Ander- i One mile north of Highway 2. Bring your own containers, please. Mr. Kuenen, |34--Lost and Found LOST: German short-hair dog, answers! to "Polly", white and brown. Vicinity ~|Tryil's Road, Courtice, Reward, 728-5781.) LOST -- gray change purse containing a sum of money, Perry - Mary -Coch- Reward, Whitby 668-3028. | |36--Legal |}, DANIEL E. PETERS, of 160 Cromwell Avenue, will not be responsible for any debts contracetd in my name by anyone on or after this date, July 27, 1964, with out my written consent, -- Daniel E Peters. |. OBITUARIES . ROBERT WILLIAM STOREY | The death of Robert William Storey occurred at his resi- dence, 15 Ontario street, Bow- \manville, Monday, July 27. Mr Storey was principal of South Courtice Public School and was in his 60th year. He had been in poor health since March Mr. Storey had been principal of the school for six years mov- ling to Courtice School from Kingston. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd- fellows at Ingleside, Oat Mr. Storey is survived by his wife, the former Miss Ina Mil- lar, and a brother, Byron, of Kemptville, Ont. He is resting at the North- cutt-Smith Funeral Home for a service in the chapel at 8 p.m. today. Rev, A. W. Harding, min- ister of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, will conduct the service, Interment will be in Glenhaven Memorial Gardens, |Kingston, Wednesday, July 29, at 2 p.m. MRS. M. V. E. DUMMITT PETERBOROUGH -- Mrs. May Verna Elisabeth Dummitt, 53, of 468 Bolivar street, died in Ciyie Hospital Saturday after a lengthy iliness. Born and educated at Govan, Sask,, the daughter of the late John A, McHattie and Mrs. Elisabeth McHattie (McCorm-| ick) of Nakomis, Sask | Her husband, the late Freder- ick Arthur Dummitt died April, 1962. Mrs, Dummitt was a member of the Rebecca Lodge 81 She is survived by a daugh- ter, Mrs. John Phelan (Sandra) of Peterborough and three*sons, Donald also of Peterborough, {Robert of Newmarket and James of Oshawa. Also surviving are three. sis- ters, Mrs. Ferg Scott (Jessie) and Mrs, Catherine Leach, both of Regina, and Miss Dorothy McHattie of Nakomis, Sask., Sask., and a brother, Frank McHattie of Peterborough Seven grandchildren are also surviving. Funeral services will be. held Tuesday at the Kaye Memorial Chapel at 8 p.m. by the Rev J. B. Spencley with burial at Little Lake Cemetery. | TREFON PETRO The death of Trefon Petro oc-| eurred Monday, July 27, in Osh- awa General Hospital. A resgi- dent of Hillsdale Manor for the past six months he was in his 74th year. His former resident was' 778 Oxford street, and he was born in Macedonia, Greece. He mar- ried the former Miss Margaret Wilson in London, Ont., and has been a resident of Oshawa for 20 .vears. Mr. Petro at one time operat- ed Pete's Shoe Shine and hat cleaning business. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Miss Olga Petro, To- rontoe, two sons, Wilson Thomas lpetro, Oshawa, and Kenneth Petro, Kitchener. Resting at Armstrong's Fu- neral Home for a memorial ser- lvice in the chapel, Thursday, July 30, at 11 a.m. Rev. H. A Mellow. minister of Northmin- ster United Church will conduct ithe service. Interment will be in |Qshawa Union cemetery. } | MRS. CHARLES H. DAVIES Mrs. Charles H. Davies, of King's Court Apartments, Ajax, died at the Oshawa General |Hospital early today, after an illness of one week. She was in her 24th year, The former Mary Agnes Brough, she was the daughter of Gordon and Eva Brough. She |was born in Oshawa in 1940 |While in Oshawa she aitended the Oshawa publie schools and \Central and Donevan Collegiate Institute She was married to Charles H. Davies in Oshawa, Nov. 1, 1961. Since .her marriage she has , resided in Oshawa and | Ajax. | She was a 'member of &t.! sh a Oe A 400 395 390 i $00 75 25 «25 +2 3000 «WAK We?'2 112 os 11 nN Mw 00 $9% 9% «9% ¢C 1895 $l 11% Vie CBA AWw 7210 165 165 165 C Chem w 100 765 765 765 Cc Curt WwW 500 60 60 60 C Dredge 100 310 310 310 " CF Prod 2pr 150 $49% 49% 49% +1% Cdn G Inv. 100 $600 6 66) =" CG Sec A 285 $13% 13% 13% C Imp Bk C€ 230 $67 66%. 67 C Ind Gas 350 $10% 10% 10% Cc Marc 400 CPR 2824 Cdn Pet pr 105 Chemcell 850 $15% Clairtone 200 $5% Col Cell 220 $12 C Savings 200. $104 Conduits 725 $6% 6% 6% Con Bldg a Oe ere, Seek | Con Bidg pr 300884 6 8% Con M § 475 $38 (37% 38 Con Paper 150 $43 42'2 42¥a Con Gas n_ 1170 $12% 12% } Corby vt 150 $19%: 19% 1 Coronation 200 $5% 5% 5% Coron 2 wts 750 140 140° 140 Cosmos 225 $12 12 12 Crain RL 195 $18% 18% 18% Crush Int 100 $12' 124 12M +,% Cygnus A 200 460 469 460 -- Cygnus B 2i75 480 475 Dist Seag 245 $62%4 62% D Bridge 650 $22% 22% Dom Elect 125 $1194 11% 3 Dom El pr 0 $1044 104% Dofasco 365 $25% 25% Dom Scot 150 $114 11% Dom Storse 550 $22% 22 Dom Tar 660 $23% 23 Dom Text 300 $29 «(28% Du Pont 120 $53%4 53% Falcon 223 $734 73% Ford US 150 $56%4 56%4 5634 + Va Ford Cda z1 $202 202 FPE Pion pr %5 $55 55 5 Fraser 100 $332 %3'% 33% G Dynam 25. $31%-31%2 314-- V/ GMC 250 $102'% 102Ve 102% | Goodyr pr 70 $46 4 GL Paper 25 $27% 27% 27% -- Ve\ Gr Weg @ 100 $16%e lta 16% + We Greyhnd 725 $14%e dye i4¥0 | Hawker-S 325 $74 1% 7M | Home A 351 $18% 18% 18% -- Ve Husky 1025 39% (9% «De Ve Husky w 7200 16 16 16 Imp Oil 300 $51% 51% SI%e-- Ve Imp Tob 420 $13% 13% 13% | Ind Accep 350 $237 237% 23% = Ve Inland Gas 700 $8% 8% 8% Int Nickel 278 $85 85 B58 -- Ve, Int Util 125 $274 27% 2a Vo Intpr Dis 100 270 270 270 +8 Inter PL 45 $90 90 Int stl P 950 Iny Syn A 70 Jockey ¢ 400 Kelly DA 100 Labatt 2116 $21 21% 21% Latarge 105 89% 9% Waa Lafarge wts 1960 1 LOnt Cem 300 Lakeland 100 $6% 6% Lay Fin 1185 $16 16% 16% Lav F 2.00 16 $40 40 Lau Fin 140 100 $25% 25% 250+ Ve Lau Fn 63 w 125 425 495 425 «+10 Leland 600 30. 25° Levy B pr 300 $23% 23% 23¥2 LobCo A 725 $8% 8% 8% | LobCo B 125 68% 8% 87% -- Ve) LobCo pr 50° $502 50% 502 | LobG 1 pr 4 $31Me 31% 31% -- %) LobG B pr 100 $33'% 33% 394+ a) LobGro 115 $14¥e 14¥e 14V¥e | Loeb M 165 $12% 12% 12% | MB and PR 5 $30'% 30Y2 302 -- Ve! Mass-F 5543 $302 20% 30% + Ye) Mass-F 5% . 280$152 151 152 + % Mid-West 325 (9% 325 +8 | Mont Loco si3 13) 13 Moore $5642 56% Sba+ Morse A $i4%e 14% 14% Nat Drug $112 11% Noranda $48 47% NO NGas 25 $29% Nor Phone $10 N Tar Ch p $23 NW Util pr $82 Ocean Cem $18% Overland pr $13% 13% Parker 475 475 Phantom 3. 2 Pow Corp 100 1$2% 12% 12% + Price Bros 80 $46% 46% 46% 9% 10 1 1 310 305 310 mn QN Gas 1645 $10 QN Gas pr 100$130 130 130 --% Revelstoke 300 $12% 12% 12-- %| R-Nodwell 190 415 415 M5 +8 Rolland A 100 $11 Nv VW Rothman 300 $13% 13/2 19% + % Roya; Bank V1 $76% 76% 76% + % Royalite 210 $11% 11% 11% StL Com A 25 $2612 28% 2B'a-- Vo StL Cp A p 200$101! 1014 1014 --1 Salada 315 $13 13% 130+ Ve Sayvette 3235 350 345 Selkirk A 200 $62 6¥4 Shell Can 2053 $1919 Sehil | wts 300 610. 605 Simpsons 140 $23% 23% 23% Stee! Can 905 $26 25% 25% -- Va) Switson 1200 250 245 Texaco 250 $58 | 57% Tor-Dom Bk 330 $67 67 T Fin A 1255 $12%~ 12% Tr Can PL 841% 41% Trans-Mt 10 $19% 19% Trans PPL $9 9% Un Gas $23%4 23% 23% U Corp B 7 $11 NN Versatood 300 315 315 315 +S | Versatile $10% 10% 10% -- Ve Vic G Tr 00 $13' 134 13% Vulcan 0395 385 385 15 Walk GW $372 3714 ell Fin te 00 $6% 6% tcoast 333 $187% 18% Pacific $17% 17% eston A 30 $198 19%2 2 27 $64 6% Oat Ve Y Knit A George's Anglican Church, Osh- awa Mrs. Davies is survived by her husband, Charles, one daughter Christy, one son, Frederick her. parents, Gordon! and Eva Brough, and a bro- ther, Captain J. L. Brough, in the Canadian Regiment at Lon- don, Ont. She is resting at the: Mcin-) tosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements will be| made later. Friends are re- quested not to call at the fur! neral home before Wednesday| evening. QUEEN VISITS CHARLES LONDON (AP) -- The Queen flew from London to Aberdeen, | Scotland, Sunday to visit her 15-) year-old son, Prince Charles, who is recovering at a nursing home from pneumonia. Charles became ill while on a camping) trip last week. JUMPS FROM BRIDGE SAN FRANCISCO,(AP) --Po-| lice were only minutes behind when. Richard H. Gillespie Jr., braked his car near the north tower of the Golden Gate Bridge} Sunday and leaped 200 feet to his death on the jagged rocks| below. He was the 266th. cnowa suicide off the bridge. siedex Mattgmi m mw mM I % $14% \4%-- 14% -- Vo Le | +" 270 «(255 -- 96 + Gunnar Siseoe 0 15 715 715 2000 210 20 210 / / This is a History book ~daily style! If you've ever had to search for facts about some past event in your community, you know how true this is. Your daily news- paper isa permanent printed record of a town's life--day by day. And it doesn't stop there. World news, national news, provincial news--anything important is printed for you and for the record. Thousands of journalists in Canada and around the world contribute their objective reports to your daily newspaper. The Canadian Press news service (CP) is the central clearing- house for these news reports. CP is owned by the daily newspapers of Canada and delivers its news to them by 35,000 miles of telegraph lines. The news is transmitted as it happens--in depth--from Atlantic to Pacific, from 10,000 miles away or from the street where you live. The Canadian Press is recognized as one of the finest newse gathering services in the world, This is why you can depend on your daily newspaper for complete, objective news reporting. Keep abreast of all the news every day ... in your daily newspaper, The Oshawa Times AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS THE BEST GUARANTEE OF FREEDOM