Cpe ee ae tag tet lt Be Ee penn yesiting At ® Stock Saise High Low a.m. Ch'ge int Util pr 50 $544 544 SHA-~ Inter PL Int Stl P ITL Ind pr ~. Jock wts g 5 _ 3 cpapae zz 29>: hs 2 aeauectess: = = SPREE au8d B SERS Seg g 3 355235" ys fae FA F j : a+ = 3ug-g* z 1 = gees.cuge eebs3G-§* age : $18 $13% bad $1% $10% 24% 24% -- Va 410 «410 410 $76Y%e 76¥%e 76ve-- Va $M 2812 282+ V2 $13% 13% 13%+ % M45 325 $15% 15% 15% $18% 18% 18% a ee ae 625 625 625 --S 360 355 355 $297 23% 297%---- Ve $17% 174 W%--% $30 0 +% 40 460 460 --15 $11% 11% 11% $25% 25%4 25% + Ve $19% 19% 19% ges gues sy-4 ' = é = 2 we sueleeereusiuseshesnueeeie #8 F = et aAgQananannan c Simpsons Slater Steel Southam Stafford eo St Pav -- (A) Steel Cen VM +¥ 640 «640 «(640 $3814 3814 38% a 4 $12% 12% 12% $19% 19% 19% 130 Se She ms sie 618 (18 100 $144 I4\4 144+ Sli% 11% ll%+ 227 485 485 «485 «+10 3210 495 490 6-495 «+5 1250 $644 642 642+ 860 322% 22% 22% 210 7067 $12%4 12% 200 320 320 $412 41% $19% 19% 9 Me 9% 12% 320 Ala 9% 9% $239% 23% iNet) Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings 19% -- Vs} . 1 Ne Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 0 0 9 OH 0 1000 500 wis 100 on 100 Gas 100 6000 Sales 5000 1000 2000 5000 5000 3500 100 2500 435 9500 «40 5500 18 «18 4500 54 53 2000 20% 20 1 000 2 1000 z Stock Nisto Nor-Acme Norgold Norlex N Bordu Northcal North Can Northgate Nova Mines Paramaq Pce Expl Peerless Perron Pick Crow ql Placer Purdex Quemont Raglen Rayrock Stock Midcon Nat Pete N Davies Numac 1 High Low a.m. Ch'ge non " 1s aT] na 64 180 430 8 n "4 15 vw 2B 66 "4 3 is N = " jumac Prairie Provo Spooner Union Oil 250 U_ Canso 100 W Decalta 2152 Wisbire 300 40: 7 7 8 10 $3814 38% 38% 10% 10% 10% -- Ve 955 955 955 285 248 268 --16 15 4 705 +5 6% 6% bh-- Advocate Akaiteho By Jn aly 200 150 150. 150 A am Ang Rovyn 500 50 50 SO +3 Ansil 500 92 9% Wa-- Va 41 Rio Rup Area Rockwin A Arcadia if ae 2 Sbokela 24Va 24Va id + Ya) 1a +8 9 8% 9 1%" 1% 11% eet Be, Sand riv 900 10% 102 10% Sherritt 50 50 Sij Miller Steeloy Steep R Sullivan Temag Torbrit Rormont Rribag Trin Chib UOL Mine 8 45 410 we 8 13% 13 550 550 205 «205 300 105 103 400 675 28 iL, rr "4 8 6 -- 244 244 24'2 + Va 152 149 «152 +2 2 +1% 61 +1 380 940 33 wv 925 940 + 32% 32% Cadamet yu Cam Mines 3000 0 Ve € Dyno 34200 199 ts aatrrasronncee tm ty tO Gide egeny et iba apamegmag > en NAO BG 3 x, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- dent Johnson has laid out his path for the fall campaign along the high road of politics, stress- ~ --_ rb pad ea ion and avoiding al at- tacks on his hepaicas oppor. ent, Barry Goldwater. He said all this again Friday in a tele- vised press conference, But--at the same time--"'old campaigner" Johnson just could not resist a chance to needle the Arizona senator on the role in the campaign of civil rights, civilian control over nuclear weapons and lawlessness in the streets. Asked whether he ex- pected "a rather rough cam- paign," Johnson replied: "Most campaigns are rough campaigns. I'm an old cam- paigner. I have been at it 30 years. One of the first things I 9 2 =-- 183 185 6 ao 7 +4 Utd Pore pp Can Vauze Vespar 24 +1 Violam 3000 325 +20 Werner 4300 8 West Mines 100 450 --10 Willroy 400 159 159 1589 +1 10000 5 55620 40 -* y 2B 3000 22 2 =' 1,872,000. Meier t 4000 70 Condor 1500 2 #1 Cassiar 200 $12% 124 124+ Ve Chsekirk 257500 18 615 «17 «+2 Con Shaw 100 23 23 +1 Cc Marcus 1300 105 105 --0 C Mogul 900 400 395 ---5 C Mosher 1000 141 141 1 Con Negus 30333 3" 2 120 +3 7% 1 Winch Windfall 'enmac =! +1 z Zulapa Sales to 11 @.m.: 20. 20 w@ ---2 2 27 Wa-- a 10% 10% 10% 9 «18% 19 j nH vB =m $142 142 e-- % 335 (325 335 +5 3 4 al +h 19% 17% 19% +12 200 325 325 325 --5 S20 OS. tt 185 164 «(184 6 4 &% FOREIGN L Inland Gas Mass-F Cc Halll Cc Dethi Cdn Sup Ol Deerhorn Upper Can 5-Year's Work TRADING 200 $82 8 Bh 1000 $30% 30% 30% 3 2 4 +5 840 840 840 --I5 25 $20¥2 202 20% 2000 6 © 6 --4 300 120 120 120 23% 20 $12 12+ «#12 5 745 $25'4 25%. 54 27552 2 2 141 $23% 23% 23% 1S $29%4 222 Wa + %! 100 $8 8 6 1438 $734 73 73% n $52 5 $374 37% 37a -- 7 7 7 $6% 6% 6% $19% "19% 19% + Ve $12% 12% 12%+ % $18 1818 $19% 19% 19% $102 102 10'2 $272 272 27 40 430 «(430 OILS 350 380 380 380 --S 225 $23% 23% 23% 225 $25¥e 25¥2 25V2 5500 52 Se Set Ve 5200 3s 38 4 1000 580 600 286 300 1000 Well Fin-te . Westcoast Westeel W Pacific Weston A West A wis loodwd. A we Zenith 100 $10% 19% 10% -» 4 +10 75 65 65 65 | 210 $7 7% %--% 10 $100%4 100%4 160% + 14 wo slo 19 19 -- Me 620 $18% 18% 18% -- 4 250 $19 9 200 225 22 225 740 275 51% 250 3w4+% 605 ra 740 8% 225 20 210 100 300 $27% BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | EARNINGS INCREASE REVENUES INCREASE Preliminary figures show a Burroughs Business Machines|sharp increase in net earnings Ltd., had a 10-per-cent increase|/for Quebec Natural Gas Corp., in commercial revenues for the| in the fiscal year ended June 30, first six months of 1964 com-|1964, the company reported Fri- pared with the corresponding|day. Net income was $1,017,767 1963 period, J. L. Rapamund,|compared to $195,295 in the pre- president, said. Earnings of the|ceding fiscal year. Operating ,company are consolidated with)revenue amounted to $28,385,099 those of its U.S.-based parent,| against $25,183,866. 'Burroughs Corp., which re-| 'ported net earnings for the six) REPORTS NET PROFIT months of $3,998,000 compared) Canadian Faraday Corp. Ltd., with $3,400,000 during the first/had net profit for the three six months of 1963. jmonths ended June 30, 1964, of $417,000 or 23 cents a share, the GETS PROMOTION firm said in a Toronto report Frank Halpin, manager of}, x o shareholders. The company field sales of Garrett Manufac-| ergeq with Nickel Mining and turing Ltd. in Montreal, has|coiting Ltd. in late 1083 been named assistant sales) 8 * manager of the firm, sales man-| yge OORE NEWSPRINT yager John Gardner says. He is) 5 : z a mechanical engineer with 17\ U-S. newsprint consumption 'years experience in the Cana- rose to 2,998,367 tons for the six months ended June 30 compared with 2,655,801 tons during the 'dian aircraft industry 7 was er of the aviation division org ale corresponding 1963 period, says the American Newspaper Pub- tof Walter Kidde of Canada prior sto joining Garrett in 1961. ae ' lishers Association. Statistics in- clude only firms reporting TO BUY MORE GOODS The national field director of ANPA. For June the figures the State of Israel Bond Organ-jare 496,072 tons compared with ization in Canada says Israel/483,381 tons in June, 1963, aims to double the amount of} goods purchased from Canada PAY MORE DIVIDENDS during the next year or two.| U.S 'corporations paid vash i os eee of Rage we ging dividends totalling $8,300,000,000 in an interview :\in the first six months of this N.B., Friday that similar bond) year a gain of about 10 per campaigns are being carried) cent' over a year earlier. The out in 30 countries with an Ob-|commerce department said in jective of $90,000,000. Canada's| Washington increases were share is about $6,000,000. above average in the machin- WHEAT STOCKS LOWER' ery, automobile, finance and The U.S) agriculture depart-| transportation equipment indus- ment reported Friday that) xis stocks of wheat stored in all po-) Bank STOCKS ATTRACTIVE sitions in the country July 1) | 5 ' were the sme™est for the date! Brokerage house of Gairdner since 1958. They totalled 999,-\and Co. Ltd., says bank stocks 838,000 bushels compared with/are both "attractive and defen- 1,194,933,000 a year earlier. sive" and "shoud out-perform jthe market as a whole during LIST BRINTON SHARES the coming year,"' The Toronto Common shares of Brinton/firm believes yields are high Carpets Ltd., Peterborough, willicompared with other issues, be listed on the Canadian Stock\earnings have not been re- Exchange in Montreal at. the flected in stock prices, possible opening July 27, the exchange|changes in the Banking Act will said. A total of 43,632 shares|be beneficial and the banking will be listed. The firm also has|industry has traditional resist- plants in Lindsay, Ont. lance to economic decline. Aiminex | Bailey S$ pr | Bail 5% pr Bata Calvert CS Pete C Delhi Cc Ex Gas Cdn Sup Oil Cent Del C Dragon Glacier Gr Plains Gridoil Medal 16 65 4 Su+ % -s 635 +5 +2 i --s + Inland Gas --lh Inland G pr : wc Int Nickel int Util 100 $114 11% 11% 852 -- 14) 1000 540 54S 270 -- Ve 900 485 485 485 --5 | a Finds Content Of Enzyme NEW YORK (AP)--After five years work, scientists have out- lined one vital "sentence" in the | chemistry of life. They have determined the ex- act chemical structure of tryp- sin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins in the food you eat so the proteins become available for nourishment. The human body has hundreds of enzymes, each engaged in making some particular chem- ical reaction take place. The trypsin research provides a springboard for studying how enzymes perform their amazing duties. Determination of the structure was achieved by Dr. Hans Neu- rath, Dr. Kenneth A. Walsh, Dorothy L. Kauffman and Dr. K. S. V. Sampath Kumar of the University of Washington in Se- attle. Trypsin is one of the longest known enzymes, containing @ total of 223 amino acids (the "bricks" of proteins) arranged in a long chain, and in precise q e of just 20 of the amino acids, This sequence is the "'sen- tence," Trypsin is produced in the pancreas gland in an inactive form called trypsinogen. It is converted in the intestine to the active form, or trypsin, by ac- tion of another enzyme which breaks off one-fortieth of the larger trypsinogen molecule. 'Going Steady' Brings Blast From Doctor Hud Bay Hydra Ex ee 23%" +11 15 | 206 164 +1 25 (+1 237 237---(237 Mle Mh MA+ W 16 +) A | 240 220 235 +12 $15 15 15 = 10% 102 e+ 25%e 25 25a +1 4 35 49 +5 ao 8 & mm" 11 1" Min-Ore 9600 22 «(21 21 1 Moneta 1000 151 150 151 =? Mt Wright 4000 56 54 = 56 Nat Exp; 58900 New Ath 1000 New Bid 1000 New Cal 2200 N Goldvue 3000 New Hosco 900 New Jason 5000 N Kelore 2000 Newlund 500 N Rovyn 16500 New Taku 4000 Legion Urging . Cash Aid For Crime Victims TORONTO (CP) -- A demand for financial assistance for per- sons or the families of persons hurt or killed while upholding law and order was made Sun- day as funeral services were held for 56-year-old Jack Blanc. Mr. Blane was killed Friday when he tried to stop a bank robber who:escaped with $28,000 from a branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in| NANAIMO, B.C. (CP) -- Dr. suburban Downsview. He was|J. R. Howey, this Vancouver standing outside the bank when| Island city's outspoken critic of the holdup took place and/promiscuity among teen-agers, started to chase the bandit with| warns that "if we don't man- a teller's gun. The bandit turned|age to postpone promiscuity in and shot him in the head. a few years we will have to The demand for assistance for| start teaching contraception in victims and their families in|grade school." similar cases was made by a) 1p 9 speech Saturday to a lo- branch of the Royal Canadian|.g) service club, the Gynecolo- Legion which held a_ special gist said; 8 meeting Sunday to announce es-}" ,, 4 |tablishment of a fund to assist| "Welfare agencies and -- Mr, Blanc's family, Mr. Blanc|2@, S° full of teen-age og | belonged to the branch. having babies that they have no | The legion set a goal of $25,-/ "00m for old women of 18 and |000 for its fund ~to help mr.|19- .- They have to look after Blane's widow, a diabetic, and| themselves. }14-year-old son. | -Dr. Howey placed the blame Meanwhile, rewards totalling| fr promiscuity among high $7,000 have been posted for in-/School students on "going formation leading to the capture| Steady." He said parents insist land conviction of the bank rob-0n co-education from Grade 1 iber. because they say their children The search for the gunmanjcan't "have any fun" was being located in the Mu-| j skoka resort area, north of Tor-; MANY ISLANDS onto, Sunday, following the re-| The 130 islands of French covery of a stolen car that was|Polynesia have a total land used in the holdup. 'area of 1,500 square miles. 49 44 "4 --6 284 2 Bat %6 TAKE NOTICE THAT: - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE 1. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct cement contrete sidewalks 0 pha nc gp regi atin were LBJ Plans Campaign On Moderation, Peace learned, at least so far as I water and his advisers, and his THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 7, 1906 17 hint 0 1S Sg getter ans glee tein pe PORE To Pa carina sr eailinlpi followers, 'will follow the same course that I intend to follow but fia ebukin they ant ing and rebuking those who seek to excite and exploit tensions, then it will be most welcome. .. ." : Asked about Goldwater's sug- am the p are not much interested in my per- sonal of my opr Med Speaking only two hours be- fore a meeting with Goldwater to discuss the racial question and other subjects, Johnson said, ". . . I do not believe that any issue which is before the people can be 'eliminated from. the campaign in a free society in an election year. After all, that is the purpose of elections, to discuss the issues."" ISSUE STATEMENT Later, the two men met for 16 minutes and released a short statement saying they agreed "racial tensions should be avoided" in the campaign ahead, Johnson, in the press confér. ence, said: "If Senator Gold- gestion that at least the No Atlantic Treaty Organization commander should be given more authority in the use of world." The president rejected a de Gaulle proposal of a four- power conference on Viet Nam and Laos, saying there could be no new conference "until there is demonstrated upon the part of those who are ignoring the agreements reached at the ference table, some desire to car ry out their agreements. huclear weapons, Johnson said this was the president's re- sponsibility. Johnson announced a new aircraft system, the SR-71 long range advanced strategic re- connaissance plane, capable of world-wide reconnaissance, able to fly three times the speed of sound and. operate at 80,000 feet. He also disputed a charge by French President ae de 'Gaulle that the United States has attempted to dominate Eur- Ope, saying, "the United States has never had any interest whatever in trying to dominate Europe or any other area of the British Rockets Guard Malaysia SINGAPORE (Reuters)--~ Some British Bloodhound ground-to-air missiles have been positioned' in British bases in Malaysia and static trials of the weapon have been con ducted "very successfully," an RAF spokesman said y. 80 CON | her aa, --- - : , m _ NEWS IN BRIEF - EARL DIES LONDON (AP)--Earl Howe, He declined to give further details, but emphasized the mis- siles are a "purel weapon" to be aggression, defensive in case of lebois, If you need a better reason to buy an Acadian than its good looks, smooth ride, economy, roominess, reliability, easy handling, comfort and low price... heck the deal the man who sells it give you! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Acadian Canso and Invader give driveway. They're built on a trim you full value in a family car. They're miserly on gas. Seat . 110" wheelbase. So they handle nimbly in down-town traffic. They six comfortably. Take both high- both give you that fun-to-be-on- way and byway driving in their the-go feeling. It takes just five the handling enjoyment.they offer. It takes just a little longer to dis- your Acadian dealer today. cover their long lasting value. See He'll start you out in the right direction! ARRANCAR i Visiting New York this sumener? Be sure to see the General Motors Futurama at the New York Wortd's Fate, Acadian See your local A on the streets as shown below, as a local improvement, and intends to specially assess all or part of minutes at the wheel to discover | the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work: stride, And have the kind of looks you can be proud of, They are exactly 183" long. That means they park in small places. Fit an average sized garage. Leave a little extra room in your ESTIMATED COST City's "ost Share Owner's Cost Owner's Annual Te Per Ft. Ftge. Rate per Ft. Ftge, Name of Street From 'Width 0.58' S. of N. Limit Lot C-8, Sh. 26, Pi, 335 Side Total Ritson Rd. $. Simcoe St. 8. 4' $35,996.79 $3,065.89 891.00 450.00 1,269.00 571.50 $2.25 2.25 2.25 East East 0.313 $0.313 0.313 Ritson Rd. $. $. Limit Lot 451, Plan 178 i 196' S. of Ritson ' Simcoe St. $. Ra's, 4 tean.Pantt, Bostick Dealer AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALERS IN OSHAWA AND WHITBY THE CLIFE MILLS MOTORS LIMITED H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. 266 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. 103 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. Phone: 723-4364 Phone: 668-5846 Westmount St. 2. East 4' Elmgrove Ave. The estimated cost of the work is $8,156.79. The special assessment is.to be paid in ten equal annual instalments. ' 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the said work being undertaken 4. The sald Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, it may appoint a time and plate when any objection to the said work will be considered, DATED at Oshawa this 20th day of July, 1964 L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawa. Be Sure to Watch "Telescope" on CBLT Fridays at 9:30 P.M. and "Zero Ons" on CFTO-TV. Thursday at 9:00 P.M.