beret. --emaprrte sene tr le vec Ge anne et ete te ey Sey wap es Mewrew . 27--Real Estate for Sale {27--Real Estate For Sale |27---Reol Estate For Sale 2 60e ©HISES '27-----Real Estate For Sale 27---Real Estate For Sale 2-3-4 BEDROOM ~ HOMES FOR RENT NEAR COMPLETION; Privote Beach; from $95.50 month. Early selection for best choice with cool lake breezes, PHONE BUILDER Dunbarton 839-1221 CENTRALLY located, suitable for four adults; or two adults and two teenagers. '$90 monthly. 728-5123. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, very clean, available immediately. Suitab'e for young. couple or two nurses. 722: METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED KEITH PETERS "REALTOR 25--Apartments "OXFORD PARK ~ TOWERS One block from G.M. South Plont 86 APARTMENTS One, two and three bed- room. August 15th pesses- sion. Balconies. Elevotor Service Fully Equipped Kitchen Broadloomed corridors Swimming Pool Take advantage of choice lo- cation by making deposit on lease now, Exclusive Agents GUIDE REALTY - LIMITED REALTORS 723-1121 rooms, ar auty 728-7328 103 King Street East IT LEVEL -- 3%-room, unfurnish- ere newly decorated. Baby only, Apply 730 Simcoe Street South, apartment, TWO-BEDROOM apariment, _ in new building. Broadioom in living room. Call 728-3634. GOING FARMING? Brick ranch bungalow to be sold, worth with. money on Labredor St, with hot water '\26--Rooms For Rent CHURC! nis ator, THE VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL New building, modern two bedroom apartments. Avail- able July and August. For information see. superintend- ent Apt. 111. THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave. Anytime or on building site after 5 p.m. bed, kifthen 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa |oshawa. Telephone 725-4325 m | |SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, 182 -- fur- inis References required. "ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 HOTEL ROOMS Moderate weekly rates. Good coffee shop. Modern throughout. For information call ; OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 centrally ldcafed, nea 725-0238. room for g an, sing! privileges, parking. hed réom in ciéan, HM STREET, 174: Two large fur- ished rooms, light housekeeping facil ities, private entrance, Also single room, gentiemen preferred. Apply ta above ad- dress, FURNISHED third-floor, two - room apartment, including stove and refriger- hospital. le North quiet horne, on oil heating, tiled both with voonity, twindow window, a wonderful view and a low down " considered. Make an offer, STURGEON LAKE Lodge with 10 rooms plus 2 cottages, all completely fur- nished. Terrific view over- looking lake. Will consider trade within 20 miles of Osh- awa Grocery; hardware and var- iety store, with gos pumps in good suburban community plus. @ 5 60m apartment ond a 3. room apartment, also extra commercial lot in- cluded. Ill health forces this sole, Inspect this going concern close to Oshawa, established for about 40 years on main highway, |bUs line, $7. we@kly. Telephone 728-1901. beds, men or male students, |home. Abstainers only. 723-6073. |SINGLE room, suit jady or gentiéman. Near North General Division Street. |LARGE room, single beds for gentiemen/| jwilling to share. Centrally located, After | |5 evenings, telephone 725-8645. | FURNISHED housekeeping in| ome, central, sult gentlemen, call quiet hi 723-9225. pane ie ae age FURNISHED room for rent. Apply 82 Nassau Street or telephone 725-2198. room, HOTEL ROOMS Moderate weekly fates. Good. coffee shop. Modern throughout. For information call OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 __ BACHELOR APARTMENT, combinati living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath,|Motors. Telephone 725-8150. partially furnished, Available immediate- 7 ly at $65 monthly. 728-9474 until 5 p. $100. PER MONTH. Onevedr 'oom on site Mt ATO ments with free parking. Electronically; two rooms for rént, in upstairs flat.| heated. Above the new Windsor Plaza.'1 adies or girls preferréd 16 Sim- mediately. Share kitchen. Guide Reality Limited, Realtors. coe Street South, 723-1121. ARTHUR STREET, 22 -- Three-room please. park-| unfurnished apartment, adults, Stove, sink, cupboards, laundry, Ing facilities. Apply above address ONE-BEDROOM apartment. duty wiring, TV outlet. Private trance, parking in new home. 725-4589. FURNISHED basement apartment, three- plece batth steel sink and cupboards. Suitable for respectable working couple. (North off King). Telephone 723-9557. séif-contained Heavy Suit business couple. 25-4837. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished spartment. Private entrance. wiring, TV outlet. Aduits. 'Call after 6 7: OnE if ment, stove and rangé, $85. Phone 728-4525. THREE-ROOM only. Tefephorie 725-3938. APARTMENT, three rooms, $80 monthly, |¢ 700 WITH TERMS Suys this countr. feat and water included. Apply apartment pe oe . y 4 3, 301 Cordova Road. FIVE-ROOM apartment on farm, i¥2\bungalow, 5 years old. Carries for $76 tiles south of Manchester, just off No.) ménthly. Lovély fireplace and jarge lot. For in-| Walter 12 Highway. Children weicome. formation, telephone 728-9838. |temen. willin SINGLE room furnished, suitable pen-| jsioner, lady. Also double room, separate| Private Motors. Apply. 25) THREE single rooms available for gen- Itemén. TV lounge, parking. Pontiac Inn,| Thorniton's Road South. 725-9035. foom suitable for twa gen-| 9 fo shate. Near South End GM, Phone 723-1878 after 6. $500.00 DOWN Cottage completely furnished in excellent condition, lot 95 x 100 $5,000.00 full price. | $750.00 DOWN | Country bungalow bordering new highway, oil heeting and bath. $6,000.00 full price. 20 acres of very productive soil just off main road with fast flowing trout stream about 9 miles from Oshawa. This is a business man's re- treat, | GARDENS EXCELLENT BUSINESS 728-5157 4 BEDROOMS Only 20 minutes from Osh- owa. This home complete with filtered swimming poo! and all modern conveniences. Hard and soft water on tap. Attoched garage and work- shop. Taxes only $132.00. Pull price $10,900.00 on easy terms. Try your offer with $1000.00 down for this 5 room Brick Bungalow, close to all schools and bus stop at the door, Only $11,300, cannot be re- placed for $13,500.00. Act now and make your appoint- ment tonight. HOME FOR RENT 6 room Bungalow on 2 acres, Close to the K-Mart, Will take | years lease at $120. per month. $15,500.00 5 room, 3 bedroom. Brick Bungalow. This home situat- ed with the better class homes. Home in immaculate condition, You may have im- KINGSMERE mediate possession. OWNER MUST SELL NORTH-WEST AREA 'CLOSE TO SHOPPING | Immediate possession on this 3 bedroom Bungalow. Beauti- ful Ravine lot all fenced in and landscaped. Try your low down payment and move in. Corries for only $89.00 a month including taxes. Guy Bell Bill Horner Doug Wilson. Ralph Vickery Pauline Beal Hertha Kirk Dorothy Wedd Bob Johnston Steve Lehan Steve Zurba 48 Simcoe Street South across from Post Office For Professional Services, GO ACTIVE. List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS, CADILLAC AVENUE Now $12,900. and at this reduced price its really worth @ look! Right now $2,200. down payment will buy for you this lovely be clay brick ranch wie bunga- low on a really nice large landscoped lot. See it and buy it Now! fore your neighbour beats you to it. NORTH EAST Best locetion on Grierson Street for this real nice 6 . room brick bungalow. Beauti- fully decorated and in excel- lent condition. Owner wants it sold very soon so has teduced his asking' price to $15,900, See this one today and get your offer in early, EAST GLENN Best Buy! at asking price of $14,500 -- 51% room brick bungelow, hollywood kitchen, 3 lovely bedrooms, many extras - large and deep landscaped lot and paved drive, very anxious for deal 9° get out and see this home and make your offer; imme- diately. GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS AREA 5% room bungalow, finished rec. room, lot-fenced and well landscaped, close to all sery- ices. Asking $14,300, with $3,000. down, Balance on one N.H.A.. mtg, Let us show you this beauty now. MADISON AVE. Real nice 5 room clay brick bungalow on a very large landscaped lot with nice shade trees, 2 baths and 2 extra rooms in basement for a bachelor Apt. to rent, Only $13,900. See it and moke your offer now, ANSLEY ESTATES WINONA DRIVE--ZJust list- ed at $21,000, This quality built California Ronch bung- alow is your answer to the dréam home you have been ---- | Heavy) or apart-| 3 monthly. Adults only. Immediate possession. Tele- 'apartment, | refrigerator ahd stove, Available immediately, Adults searching for. Only 5 years old and beautifully decorated and appdinted, Radiant floor heating - broadloom ond a double attached garage are only a few of the select ex- tras that must be seen.. Down poyment is only $3,500. so make your personal appoint- ment to inspéct immediately. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 SOUTH END, large nicely furnished bed-| room for gentleman, parking" facilifies, jprivate entrance. $7 weekly. 723-1359. BLOOR Sireet West, 208, furnished réoms, stove, refrigerator, sink, Private eftrance, Néar South General Motors. Bus at door.| For one or two gentlemen. 778-9940. | -|FURNISHED room, suitable for two! én brothers or friends. Near North Genéral G. ARMSTRONG and SONS PRESENT 30 mew homes consisting of . splits, bungalows and two Storiés on serviced. lots over- looking the City of Oshawa. Every. home features a built in stove and oven, complete decorating d$¢ well as N.H.A. We speak severol languages English, Polish, German and Ukrainian |FIVE of the nicest acres of lovely fertile jland, in fhe Courti¢e area. Paved road.| Near schools. $5,000 full price. Your! jterms. Elmer Freden, 725-2753. Joseph [Bosco Realtor, 728-7377, MUST SELL! Owner leaving effy. Desir-} able three-bedroom brick bungalow, just! six years old, contains farge modern| |kitchen, family size, g6od sized living-| room, ceramic tiled bath, oil h2at'ng, large size fenced yard. Priced to seth Ken Hann Joe Mage Carries for $91 monthly including taxes. Jack Osborne For full information tel : ' Stinson, 725020, Carl Olsen, Realtor" PRIVATE. $room brick bungalow on - a --~ |Olive Avenue. $1,200 down. Easy monthly KINGSMERE GARDENS, one year old payments. Close to school, No agents financing. For more informa- | tion phone 728-6286. S D HYMAN NHA resale. 2 storey, 4-bedroom home/please. Telephone 723-4928. with attached garage. Priced at $14.900.| -- Reuss" eee ey IG a Hee . . for quick sale. You must see this one!/NEAT AS A PIN! 4-béedroom bungalow. For information call Jack Sheriff, Hyman Just off Ritson Road. Modernized with 1 } REAL ESTATE LIMITED are - -----|New furnace, garage. Taxes $118. and SOMMERVILLE STREET: Ranch bunge- EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room home withjonly $900. down. Make us an offer. One Real Estate, 726-6286. 4 foot kitchen, loaded with cupboards. rc et yo lp raion two bathi ind beautiful tion |block t te school; John Gravelle,| i HLA. finenci iow with . wo bathrooms ai ut récreation b! lo separate school. e, | pg ig oe "Hb dg il Wall 10. wall Breeder ln Te: room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South.|728-0594. Josenh Bosco Realtor, 728-7377.| i ik age Mee whi pe. ing réorm, Shady back NORTHEND SURPRISE! Owner trans-|Lor, i home o' ¥ ry yard. Large car- ! Owner trans-itor, 99 165, overlooking Bowmanville aloe for Pag plovlbag in- [Port Paved drive. TV aerial with rotor. ferred, and this 6-room ranch bungalow|se aay 2. $3,500 or best offer. your choice. ir Phone Leslie Hall at $. BD, Hyman Real is really being sacrificed, Large 19 foot | 793.9455. formation call Howard Mc- | Estate Lid., 778-6766. living room, 15 foot kitchen and. dinette, | Cabe at 728-6286. anaes. s --irecreation room, walk-Out basement,|BEDROOM HOME with garage, close S. D, HYMAN NEAT six-room Psteréy brick fiome, just bathroom with vanity. We could write onjto downtown, good landscaped lot with REAL ESTATE LTD. ONE ROOM apartment fully furnishéd| lwith refrigerator and sfové. Apply 20 ing Street West or telephone 723-5804, Avaliable im-| 728-6909. | 27--Real Estate For Sale DEVON PARK Situated ot Athol St. East, nedr St. Gerfrude's -- six off King East. Lécated on 4 quiet treed but we would like you to see this desir-|trees. A good buy at only $13,000 with Street. This home ean be idéally used for|able home. The asking price is only|low down payment and easy ferms, Phone a large family home or as a duplex.'$15,900. with your. terms, Joseph Bosco|Bil; Swarbrick, at S. D, Hyman Real| {Phone Joseph Boscé Réalior, 728-7377. Realtor, 728-7377, Estate Ltd., 728-6286. GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE residefice within 1§ minvfes drive from Oshawa. Three-bedtoorn, oil heatéd brick Mittler, Joseph Bdsco Réaltor, 728-7377. 728-7083. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITB Y DIAL 668-8831 SIZE 32 TO 46 By ALICE BROOKS Lace sets the fashion. Crochet lacy squares of string -- join, into a lovely jacket. Wear with ¢dottons if warm! weather -- use string and me- tallic for dressy jacket for Fall, sizes 32-\mer with the Winter, Pattern 7087: 33; 36-38; 30°32; 33-36 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) sét contrast color to flash out stamps, for this pattern (no please) to Alice Brooks, care The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft/Sizes 9 11, 13, 15, 17 Ontario takes 34% yards 35-in. Dept., Oshawa, Ont. residents add 1c sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, pattern, VAME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FREE PAT-|SIZE, NAME, DOROTHY MELROSE -- NICK VAN DEN BROEK -- IKE PERRY HOME & EXTRA LOT--WHITBY 2 bedroom "handymans opportunity 6n Henry Street, Whitby could be what you ore looking for. Needs some fixing and repairs but has possibility for chéap living dnd a chance to build a better, more modern home on a large extra lot 66.x 133. Full price $10,500 for this package deal. PRINTED PATTERN 4765 © SIZES y 9-17 503 ATHOL, STREET--WHITBY--DELUXE Busittéss midn's home with 3 bedrooms, dining room, smort recreation ré6m., Delightful garden with. flowering shrubs, fruit trees and well kept lawn on this 50 by 136 ft. lot. This im- maculate home will delight fhe most fastidious house hunter with the well chosen colour schemes, expensive wood finish walls and ceilings and the cosy open fireplace. The owner hasn't skimped on the extras here with many built in features, éléctrical outlets, bool casés, vénétion blinds and other features thot on interested Gnd happy Home owner will install for his comfort. This central location away from the subdivision living may appeal to you too, Full price $15,500. with about $3500 down to one mortgage. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE--$13,700--WHITBY Sélid Brick bungalow near No. 2 highway ond Ariderson High School is béing offered for this bargain price. Not too far from Separate of Public S€H66ls and out of the subdivision for thé Buyér that likes individuality. Many Sufprises awaiting hére with a friendly open fireplace, full dining room, $pacious recreation room, den, two large bedrooms plus extra bedroom in high dry basement. Not much grass to cut and low heating cost, STUNNING! SPARKLING! SPACIOUS Adjectives fail to describe this custom built architect designéd 3 bedroom. bungalow on Coch- réne Street, Whitby. From thé moment you enter the richly broadioomed 26' by 16' living rom 6nd continue through thé functional dinitg aréé and fine fartily size kitchen you will be | ifmpresséd with thé delightful interior innovations. The midssivé 169 burning open fireplace | irimédiateély tékes your attention if you like to house hunt in the dusk hours, What a sight | meets your eye as the-fire flickers and the soft decorative star lights sparkle around you. The "hs Shon cleverly constructed stone waterfall filled with myriads 6f lush plants will givé you that lively Bring feéling on the wildest of wifter days and 4 ¢odling réfréshing atmasphére as | summer heat draws on. What a deal this is with a king size heavily tiled bathroém, 2 car gdrdge, built in bedroom vanities, paved, mahogany kitchen cupboards, and living greén Qf68$ ond shrubbery. Full pri¢e $28,900 with $5,000. down. EASY-SEW By ANNE ADAMS Light, cool, natural skim- surprise of sidé pleats: If you wish, maké if- HENRY ST. -- WHITBY BEAUTY Near schools, churches and other homes. This custom-built 3 bédroom brick bungalow i$ for the young éxécutive who wishes to have a better than average hémé in a convenient lécati6n, yét not 06 elégant to be expensive. Attached garage, extra nicé landscaping, chain link, fencing for extra privacy and low heating cést, Thé lush greeh grass, évergreens, pear, apple and lilae bushes contribute to make the 54' by 126' moré thar just 4 plot of land. The children will love the panelled recreation room while fother will enjoy the handy hobby r66m ih & basement that is high and dry. Mother will be héppy with the fine decoration and Gl! réund attractiveness of this compact 6 rooms. Full price $20,500 with excellent financing. when you walk,. turn, Sit. Choose pique, rayon, linen. Printed Pattern 4765: Jt. Miss Size 13 of FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, pleasé) for this Ontario residenis add Sales tax, Print plaifily ADDRESS, WHITBY -- 3 BEDROOM -- $9,500 On Brock Street. A few blocks from centre of town with low taxés, good garden, new furnace. Good decoration. About $3000 down and $50.00 ménthly for balance. Beat the high rent costs with a home of your 6wn. Lumber dealer éwnér will, supply material to put extra 2¢ GUIDE. REALTY 723-1121 OUTSIDE THE CITY Just listed 5 room bungalow on a large lot. All rooms are large, full basement with Forced air oil heating. Taxes of $185.00 per year and down poyment $1,500. See this good buy to-doy. 4 BEDROOMS Brick -bungalow in the 'north west area with gorage. 4 pc. bathroom and modern kit- chen. 26 ft. recreation room in basement. Asking only $13,500. THORNTON RD. NORTH 71 acres of level lond with 6 room 2. storey home, barn and implement shed on prop- erty. 2 wells and a creek. Ideal subdivision land, Asking $79,000. SOUTH EAST Spotless 3 bedroom rug brick bungalow with stone front and fenced yard. Large kit- chen, panelled recreation room, 4 pc. tiled bethroom with vanity, Close to Duke of Edinborough School, With substantial down payments carries for $91.00 per month including taxes. RESTAURANT Thriving highway establish- ment catering' to capacity crowds. Fully equipped and serving first rate meals and light lunches. Spacious 8 room living quarters upstairs with modern kitchen and 4 pc. bathroom, 246 ff. high- way frontoge has large park- ing area, 3 gas pumps with good gallonge ond fruit stand. This is a going concern and there is @ good potential for exponsion. Owner must sell due to ill health, and is ask- ing $25,000. down payment. AT THE RIDGES 21 acres of beautifully rolling land ideo! for a country home with on expansive view right to Lake Ontario. Located on a paved rood just 16 miles north of Oshawa. Down pay- ment of $5,000. with the balance on one mortgage at 7%. CLOSE TOA &P STORE An attractive 3 bedroom bun- gdlow with many féaturés for good living. Kitchen 12 x 12 ft. with. @n abundance of mahogany cupboards. 4 pc. tiled bath with vanity. Divid- ed bosement, T.V. Antenna and aluminum storms and screens. Full price. $14,800. BODY REPAIR SHOP Doing o good business in a new cement block building. Close to bus, store and schools. Ideal for a portner- ship with the 9 room home included in the price that can be easily duplexed. 1750 sq. ft. body shop has spray booth and office. Ample parking on the 2 acre lot. Full price $2),900. EXECUTIVE HOME The better home that you have been loéking for located in Pinecrést. 3 master sized bedrooms with double closets, 4 pe. tiled bath with coloured fixtures and vanity with dif- fused lighting. Broadloom in living and dining rooms as well as hall. Kitchen 14 x 10 hos an abundance of cup- boords and counter space, double sink and eating area. Sliding glass doors lead from the dining room to patio and terraced lawn with view over all of Oshawa. Attached gar- age, full stone front are but o couple more of the many attractive features you will find in this immaculate home. Priced at $24,900. For full particulars call 723-1121 OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Leon Manitius 725-8068 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Ellouisé Hoggard 723-2106 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Richard Young 723-7183 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 Tony Siblock 725-4362 Steve Englert 728-5581 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 John Hutchuk 723-9266 GUIDE REALTY LTD. ac Realtors, _16 Simcoe St. S. TO QUALIFIED PURCHASERS $595.00 FULL DOWN $13,790.00 6 Room Brick Detached Bungalows Storms @nd serééris --= Twin sinks. Soddéd front and rear ~-- curbs = sewers -- side> walks and paved roads -- fully decorated -- hollywood kitchéns etc. -- ean carry as low as $95 monthly, in- terest, principal Gnd taxes. Located in Whitby and Ajax. 942-0221 LTD. 723-2265 split-level bungalow with ot- tached gorage. List price $18,500. N.H.A. mortgage for balance. . JUST LISTED Older bungalow but in good ir, Close to Westmount school ond ing centre, Don't miss out. Call to-night. Asking orily $9,500, with $2,000 down, LISTINGS SOLD OUT - AGAIN! We have buyers waiting for with 2 or 3 or 4 bed- rooms .. . for places with acreage . ... four duplex and triples properties, etc. What ve you. to see? Call today --We'll start work. on it at once. $1,900 DOWN 3 Bedroom older home with Qdrage on lovely lot, Central yet very quiet. Full price $9,300, BALA! Sounds like dancing! You will when you see this neat bungalow because all the hard work has been done: landscaping, fencing, alumi- num storms throughout plus all newly decorated. Monthly payment only $100,00 P.I.T. WHITBY--6% RESALE $2,900 DOWN Lovely 3 bedroom solid brick bungolow. Close to Henry High School. Finished recrea- tion room and immediate possession. One open mort- gage. Don't delay. Call now. 12 Year old rug brick bung- alow with three good size bedrooms. Fenced beck yard. Reasonable down payment. Call now for an appointment to sé¢e this beauty. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Charles Chaytor . 723-7996 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown .... 725-3867 Bill Johnston ... 728-1066 Steve Macko ... Maible Boudreau Mpgaret Lée ... Ralph Schofield . Allan Thompson . Reg. Aker sane Bill McFeeters .. 728-2233 728-2894 728-3376 728-2870 725-0201 725-1726 PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR Six room, clay brick re-sale with Hollywood kitchen, built-in range and oven, par- ticulorly well landscaped and pleasingly decorated. Located in Donevan Collegiate area. Offered at $16,200 with térms, Call George Koor- nneef ot 728-9474 or 723- 2859 evenings. FIRST HOME? See this centrally located, three room brick home with new furnace, completely remodelled kitchen, paved drive and garage. Rear yard offers plenty of shade and privacy. The low price and $2,000 donw payment ore just right for a young family couple. For full particulars call Earl Salter at 728-9474 Or 723-3052 evénings. COOL OFF In the comfort of this over- Size fécréation réorh, cém- pleté with fireplacé for stormy Winter night enjoyment. Six well proportioned first floor rooms with dining rodm open- ing or to rear yard. Owner leaving City has reduced price to $17,900. Hurry, call Earl Salter at 728-9474 or 723-3052 evenings. A GEM If incomé you're after or just a lot of home for the money, inspect this centrally located, seven rdom brick nedr shdp- ping and bus servicé, Own- et will consider @ low down payment to responsible buyer. Call George Koornneef at 728-9474 or 723-2859 ev- enings. EIGHTEEN SUITES Filly leased, excellent loca- tion, better than new, Show- ing attractive return 6n $30,- 066 required down payment. Information from Tom Huzér ot 728-9474 or 728-5422 evenings. TRIPLEX--WHITBY Transferred owner must sell his mortgage cléar income property and will accept $7500 down payment. Ex- ceptionally well built, ottréc- tive to discriminating te- nants. Cal Tom Huzar at 728-9474 or 728-5422 ev- enings. PAUL RISTOW LTD REALTOR Financial Tradé Building 187 King St. SCHOFIELD-AKER $12,900 CENTRAL PARK BLVD S. For full particulars call 723-2265 728-5868 360 King St. West Free Parking | ~ ~ pcicinetnmamnntststinenanate RANCH BUNGALOW 27--Real Estate For Sale LET'S TRADE Your present home, lot or Wa CHEVROLET, 6 radio, A-1 condition, for sale. Zoltan and Nicks Garage, 160 -- ||Simcoe Street' Sout, 230081. 19527 PONTIAC sedan, 6 { Lee es Apply Shaw. Auto : Street East. Telephone. Pein ta PRIVATE. Down Poyment on a new 1958 white walls, radio, condition, $995 or best F home built Hogenb: " -- 987-4348, Construction on Wilson Rood 3 " ' tay pom wae ton Private North. 'Telephone 725-5127. i S: D. HYMAN oy ee me 958 VAUXHALL Victor, 728-6286 cate 2 cater car can be considered os a TRADE your present home or jet or car on @ new fiveroom b fas dition alles st fused, 728-3978 oF ital CO : ry Hogen-| transmission, ; boom Construction. Call §. D, Hyman|Swi4 'condition, 79a, Grierson, 7282008 '¢ Real Estate Ltd, . 7954 FORD motor tires, needs $13,963 detached six-room brick punga-|work. Apply a5 Hoole tuesher "9 oe ely eee and oven, | 725-1410. pin 'oughed-in open firep! A Completes HiLLMAN Super-Minx, fully screens and doors, fully decor-\ 17s? Fill tomatic, $1,300. Dial ated, immediate possession. $1295. Down |2, ene, au! y to one 6% per cent NHA mortgage, Car-|552357, ' ries as low as $99.50, interest, principie| 1963 CHEVY It Super and taxes. Call 942-0221. Manderhill Real/hardtop, fully power equipped, a Estate Lfd. Telephone 725-8023. g a ATTENTION. Would you like to live in|USED car parts, Spindles, fo make frail. the north end of the city? Looking' for an|@rss hora tha 50? Bloor Street Gast. rt after 4, . jincome home or a large tamily home? Sg Then see this better than average imlWRECKING §2 to 5) Chevs, Pontiacs: come .home on Hillcroft Street, Pay your! Buicks, Old's and Fords. Telephone 72 = down payment and then jive rent-free, be 9 se Mr. Martin, 728-9714, Joseph Bosco Real-} tor, 728-7377. | BELIEVE IT OR NOT. 'New threeteg.|20-----Automobiles Wanted room brick split level bungalow with CARS WANTED os built-in range and oven, mahogany cup-| boards, ceramic bathroom, . decorated) | This qualify home has @verything includ- ing a low price tag. $14,250 full price.| Mr. Boyle, 723-4270. Joseph Bosco Reéeal- |tor, 728-7377 { BEAUTIFUL FARM Buying a New Car? Sell your used cor fo "'Ted" Talk "Cash to the New Cor Deoler ond 'SAVE' mer TED CAMPIN MOTORS; 723-4494... Neb, 720-9976 5 $ ALL'CASH. §$ For clean cors or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid f --Near Blackstock, 100 acres rolling land including 20 acres lof picturesque bush with farm buildings and large house. Full price $19,000. Low! __ down payment, easy terms. Will also con- sider smaller Oshawa property as part payment Call Arthur Weinberger Realtor, 725-885) |100 ACRE beef cattle farm, with, fast i lrunning trout stream, \i-room. bric . jhouse. Price $16,000. Terms, Call Hamp-| NICOLS MOTORS LTD. |ailicecdeh tad | 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across. from Roya' Hote} " |28--Real Estate Wanted WHITBY 668-3331 * |FAMILY of 6 require older type house|LAKESWORE Aue Wreckers want care- |near schools in Whitby. Possession before |for wrecking. Highest $rieee pi ot: s |September 1. Write Box 14, Oshawa! wentworth East. 725-1181. | Times. | od rie si | OSHAWA Auto Paris and wi 1 NEED three and Lert shge homes ers, 1175 Nelson Street, at eae ek desperately, | have cash and time' p@y*| wrecki) Telephone 725-21 723-4223... © ment purchasers. Cali Bill Johnston 728 eaters . edcabbuad a 1066. Schofield-Aker Limited. |31--Ai bile epair ais a 29--Automobiles For Sole TRANSMISSION spsciaiet, transmissions VOLVO | SALES AN. SERVICE | JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH T3942) | JALDEN. CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST. WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top qudlity + BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS ~ | 607. KING ST, -- OSHAWA | _Uust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 -- Res. 725-5574 ° |hairs. Bowmanville 6739777. ia 1957 DODGE Regent) Va twododr, sian.|LAWN. MOWER headquarters! New andi | dard, ition, used. 2 cycle, 4 cycle electric or gas 5166. DOR CONTE PETAR. x HOt pra ge dp es ate Cominion; - . _|Tire Store, 1950 FORD hail-ton pick-up, ..| Tire Stor: ond Str: est, saadit fede tr che i OO |tion, $100, Telephone 7782202. °°) °°" | RANGE, 24", Heat Wave, G60d condition | . rin inside. and out, $35. Norge refrigerators. |1959 'pontiac V8 four-door hardtop auto-|médium, suitable for cottage, $15 Brooke." matic transmission, Power brakes and/lin 655-4848, oe |bowér sfeering, radio. tn WLR OT TE geen Apply 420 Simcoe North, or "ONal"On. | WEEDING DRESS, ize 12, walle slik ore" | i sini --.. |ganza, bouffant veil, pearl crown. Best |1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air, Automatic.|offer. Has been dry cleaned, Telephone |Good Condition, Excellent ftadio, good | 726-4741, |tires. Best offer. r fivi } +7 anual eee After five call 7205048) sy roweRs special, a A. Tower struc: 1957 VAUXHALL, bive with black inter- fure with all channel antenna, installed lor. Nicé little car, $150 or néarést offer.'$50, Oshawa TV Suppy LId., 361 Gibbons |Alma Hollett 725-2932, Street, 728-8180. GAR PARTS 1956 Ford, automatic trans: $5. DOWN bys any model Canddian mission, radiator, rear end, two rear|madé bicycle, All sizes, ali modéls. From Springs, two ¢ylifidér héads, generator!$34.95. Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street also Hurst floor shift arid '$4 Ford rear | West. end. Telephone 728-9282. spn | : |BUY afd sell, good used furniture and 1956 CHEVROLET, two door, 6 cylinder. | appliances. One location only. Pretiy's Standard. Excellént condition, Telephone|fyrhiture, 444 Simcoe Sduth, 723-3771. 728-7314 before §, Enquire 316 | Avenue, Apt. 4, after 6 p.m. CANVAS curtains, canopies. a BLT a |Commplete service. Free estimates. No 1956 CHEVROLET \%4 ton pickup in good |waiting. Mil Jelinék, 728-1993 anytime. ¢ondition. All original inside and out. | Color Blue. 28 Barryrfiére Road, $¢ar-/BUYING or selling furniture or applle |boro. Télephone 267-5932. snc. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or | -- - 2 +2695. |HOLIDAY SPECIAL. 1959 Vauxhail, one nla hind owner. 1957 Chevrolet, 1987 Pontiac, Wi] BEDROOM furniture, Wilton rug, Duncan |accept any raésonable offer, Dial 685-4528 |Phyfe dining room table, gateleg table, | Mike's BA, Raglan. mahogany cabinets, réfrigérator, kitchén 8 ---______|furhiufre, mitrors and end tables, 18 bead PONTIAC, ¢ evlindét, 2 door, ftan-| Brock Street West. sistor radio, good condition, % gegen eneeeeten csi Best offer. 708.2864 pebiy ra oe Neer 24" GE elecfric rangé; Kenmore washing prteokitictlede -----_.___._ |mmachine and refrigerator. Reasonably 1961 AUSTIN 850, station Wagon, red, Sy priced. 725-4341 aftef six. Good condition. $495 or best offer, Phéne| ---- |Whitby 668-3982. er uae." Aenea only Bag once, held - at =| AN i K i |1960 CHEVROLET convertible, standard please telephone 3-413. o See | Shift, exceéllenf condition. $1,800, All mew) soo tee ra psi fires, radio. Whitby 668-8409. RANGE Guenty «haley dats. 4 bree, 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Dive, ih véry good) yy.\cyay |" 900 condition, $30. Telephone condition. Call after 6 p.m. 728 len BUY a ee Te # i er Far ager er | , sell, trade used furniture at 1940 PONTIAC sedan, standard, Néw €8t| sppiiances, Gold's Furniture, 218 BURe Condition, $1,350. Dial 725-2902. ldas East, Whitby. 668-5481, 1958 CADILLAC Convertibie, fully pawér-|g-- Sedo? wridigaire peirinatalcr, i with all Cadillac featurse. Red with rover all i gg gris sigg ld black fop and réd and. white interior. ? 4 4 655-4749 : Drivés like 4 new car. Trade or terms. formation telaanine Breontin Scere, HONEST CAL'S Furniture afid Appil- ance. Name brands a biggest hp voor - -------- ~~~ | aNywhere, We catry Resténic and Beverly 1987 CHEVROLET Convertible, V-8, au-|mattress furnituré finés. Your _authorie tomatic, power brakes, radio, heater, 4 zed GE dealer. Contact Honest Cel's on new tires, tufqUoisé olue with white top| 919) jand matching interior. Trade or terms. Pe py longs 294 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. Telephone PORTABLE typewriter. Lik@ 1 466-4646, : 1960 CHEVROLET, Biscayne, 33,000 miles, Ermine white, wheel discs, new white es bn walls, brakes, Shocks. Absolutely "like |46" MeLary Rafigé. 14 good conéllen, new" condition, Sincere enquiries only,| 732-1020 .atter ¢ p.m. Telephone 728-4714 . er rl dado : ____|24" WESTINGHOUSE siecirié range, 4 1964 CHEVROLET Maliboy $1000 and take| Years old. Original pricé $239, Selling $150, over payments or best offer. Still under| Telephone 723-7467. warranty. Fully equipped, ermine white|#wa sien ae i@ air conditia ~~ with red interior, low mileage. 728-5444 Hong Prinigaire putenades om a Sreninee 729-6740 a 1959. One AMC purchased Hew July toes 1955 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, automatic, -- both excellent condition. 72543976. pectin tae' brakes, body perfect. Me- COTTAGE SPEREIALE Vand detian eieoUy, Bevel, dane /2aeeee: walnut table, arborite top, headbodrts, 1960 CHEVROLET biscayné, low mile-|beds, bookshelf béd unit, wardrobe, age, sedan, siafidard 6 black, $1100 No|vacuum. Private. 725-9035, 723-3898 i Telephone | WicfORIA sofa 'and table, foursourner hese renee eae eo | Mot Point stove, six black ifon kitchen 1986 FORD Fairlane, automatic, radio,|chaifs 'two doll éarrlages, umérous' are our only business, |Phone-- BTN. , by OSHAWA fune-up Centre offers expert carburetor and auto electric service, 922-> King West 728-0817. s |EXPERT brake sérvite and front end' |suspension alignment, 226 Celina Street. Call 723-4233, "5 32--Articles for Sale" | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying arid selling used furs ~~ niture ond appliances. Call & Valley Creek Furniture __ 16% BOND W, 728-4401 Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, Sand, gravel, top soil, stone, Plasterin, materials wall. boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof. ing, Tile 668-3524, SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED Fuel and Builders Supplies 244 Brock St. S., WHITBY, Ont. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupik ¢ators chequewrifers, -- comptometers,-- ~ }iles, furniture, We Buy, sell, rent, sere jvice. Largest stock, budget terms. New | sed. peak Overhead, jow prices. Bill agian, | TELEVISION tower spécial, 40-ft. airuer jture, including al) channel antenna, ihe Staled and guaranteed by experts with |10 years' experiérice, $50. Trio Television, | Telephone, 728-5143, |TENTS, trailers, siesping bags, ae0eay" |pienic jugs and doolers. * ae |Terms. Doninion Tire Storé, 48 -] | Street West. s |WE BUY, seit and Used furnie ture or anything you have. The Citys" Trading Post Store, 446 Simede Street*'+ South, 723-1671. ast CAR-TOP box; trailer hitch; folding ple" ni¢ table wifh 4 stools; tent 5° « a sre air mattresses) battery a awnings, 294 Danforth Averive, 466-4646, Tetonto. Telephone tandafd t7péwriter adding machifig sé¢- fic typewritér, offié? desk and chatr.. 723-4434 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. ie ; STYLE NUMBER, FERNS in: big, exciting 1065)" Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de- care of The Oshawa Timés, Pat. signs -- smart stoles, jackets, |tarn Dept., Oshawa, Ont fats, toys, afghans, linens, NEW! 300 sparkling designs éverything! -Sénd 25¢ 5 exciting fashion and fabtie DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16/féatures plus coupon for ONE complete quilt patterns--pieced|FREE PATTERN -- any one and applique, for beginners, ex-/y6u choose! Send for new Fall- perts. Send 60c now. |Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. i raed ---- _ heater, good Gundilton. $295, full price. |éther articles and antiques of all @ésérip janes Lots, and a Feed dani 3604. St. Clair Avenue East, Scarb6ro, |fion; 1952Chevrolét car for ports af the |Half acre let on paved Townline North: | Ontarig, Hidden Cérner Affique Shdép, Ashburn Lot with 70 foot frontage on Simcoe) 7 oer 17a oar Ont. Telaphi 65546) £ Street South. Corner lot, exceliert loca-|1985 CHEVROLET Y-ton pickup wiin|Ont. Telephone 655-4616. i _ _ -- - |tlon. Whitby. Prices aré very réasohablé|long Box, in gébd conditien, No fust.| BUFFET, arborite 6p, ike new, and FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- four large! and you can' pick your own terms. Cali/Colot blue. 28 Barrymore ROAd, Sc&r-| wringer washer, méchahically A+1. Dial Spal afd bathroom: ,, yéar yi frame) Arthur Weinbérger Realtor, 725-885) boro. Télephone 267-5932. 668-5126 ungalow Large lot; $8,900 ly 1 n % - . . " = COm- Pigg san cl) 0 Pply 1323 $9,000 FULL PRICE, with easy terms. ee Sen vereny: deluxe sédan, -- PERMA FOAM MATTRESSES -- Com- Bat oe ; are ..\Rleverly. modernized six-reom home withi#"e Fa ay -- Pe mthe ikoal bee fort tor allergy afd backaché sufferers. |TWO ACRES Of level land in the city/ferrific new kitchen, oll heat. Located in|Balnt lob. $200. Apply 509 Bloor Street Free trial. Low 'pricés. Terms, 725-8762, |with lovely féur + ré6m héuse afd gar-|fhe ever popular Oshawa Shopping Centre| =*°) deni _ |a00, Asking $13,900, Cail Phyllis Jubb|district. Sally Wallace, 725-6297. Joseph|1964 GMC truck, V2 ton pick-up, Perfect] Hein H, Millen Real Betate, Beste Realtor 728-7377, |condition, Telephone 723-4042, | > finishing touches free on outside while inside is dll new fixtures, materials, etc. A wonderful Spot for rétited coople, slightly higher payments with $1500. down. $1,500 DOWN--FULL PRICE $7,900--WHITBY This economy home is on Paldce Street close to convenié@ficés with largé kitchen, 2 bedrooms and ¢bzy sitting room. Heated with space heater gives low heating Costs. Reasonable taxes, nice yord. Immaculate conditién. (Continued on Page 16)