Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jul 1964, p. 17

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32---Articles for Sate "| HAVE-A SECRET - WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying ond selling used fur- nituré and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16Ya BOND W. 728-4401 Patio porn nae Blocks, Ser rd, ravi . - stor 6, Plosterir Z materials boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- ing, Tile 668-3524, SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED Fuel and Builders Supplies 244 Brock St. S., WHITBY, Ont. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil- ances, brands at biggest discou We carry Restonic and Beverly ture fines. Your mattress furnit éuthor- ized GE dealer. Cofitact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West. 728-9191. cpu 2 $508 inde TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupil- files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, ser-| oe buy, sell, r . jew and used. Low overhead, low prices. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, a WHITE veivet, full » wedding dress, size 11, semi-bell skirt, Iily-point train to 3 233 sre Re St. J ve by. (Rosary, 7.30 p.m, *, ea fied Manor. his @4th year, late le | i private service web ae ~s bagi | on Fri pags bare} Union Cemetery. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements = an floral. requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 |TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. situc- 11) South, 723-1671 pire waist, heed eco and veil, cost $120, Sell $50. telephone. 722-7062, ' ture, including ai gore antenna, a al guaranteed experts 10 years' experience, $50, Trio Television, Telephone 726-5143, TENTS, trailers, sleeping bags, stoves, picnic jugs and coolers, Best prices, Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. Monte Carlo Holdup Nets $ Million Gems Un tan les a By CLIFF GORDON Sr. Lacrosse action will swing forth once again Saturday night at the Brooklin arena. The two staged a $1,000,000. jewel rob- bery Thursday and wounded two persons in their getaway. A policeman was felled by a sub-machine-gun biast in the legs and pelvis. A witness was nts} wounded in the legs by another burst as the band fled in a sto- len panel truck. It was the fourth holdup in 10-years for the Clerc Jewelry Store, near the Monte Carlo Casino and the luxurious Hotel) de Patis. nmen wore hoods visible. Witnesses saw them park in front of the store. Two of them sprang through the door of the shop, fired a vores blast into the floor and knock down a clerk who was at the telephone. One man held the manager and two other employ- ees at gunpoint while the other; WE BUY, sell. and' exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street man rifled the display. Policeman Henri Natali ap- proached CAR-TOP box; trailer hitch; folding pic- nic table with 4 stools; tent 5 « 7 x 8; air mattresses; battery light; odd chairs. Bowmanvilie 623-3777. LAWN MOWER headquerters! New and used, 2 cycle, 4 cycle electric or gas- oline, from $15, up. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. KITCHEN suite, chesterfield bed, tele vision 17", bed and spring, stuffed chair, rug, runner, EBatonia vacuum, After 6 p.4m., 652 Somerville or Prone 728-338! hooded truck driver, witnesses said. The driver honked the grappling with a fourth man, who jumped from the truck. The two gunmen, leaving the shop, joined in. RANGE, 24", Heat Wave, good condition inside and out, $35. Norge refrigerator, medium, suitable for cottage, $15 Brook- lin 655-4848. WEDDING DRESS, size 12, white silk or- ganza, bouffant vell, pearl crown. Best offer, Has been dry cleaned. Telephone 728-4741, TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with ell_chennel antenna, Installed $50. Oshawa TV Suppy Ltd., 361 Gi Street, 728-8180. 4 $5. DOWN 'buys any model Canadian made bicycié, All sizes, all models. From $34.95. Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS OF JORDAN FLORISTS CAR PARTS. Wrecking '55 Buick, good motor, automatic transmission, etc. Call 668-3042 or 6. GOOD used clothing, sults, coats, dresses, trousers, etc, Reasonable prices, Len Puliah 10-12 Prince Street 728-5311. We will be closed for voca- tion. Wuly 27 to Aug. 3rd) THANK YOU DISCOUNTS! Apartment size ranges, re frigerators, GE, Gibson, $123.88 up, Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 726-9191. BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One locat! only. Pretty's) Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3771. CANVAS. awnings, curtains, canopies. Complete service. Free estimates. No waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. ii) MEMORIAM MONUMENTS--MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS 72° _ BUYING or selling furniture or appli- tried to load him into the truck but soon gave up and fled. 32-----Articles for Sale CASH register. Refrigerator, ple case, Salad table, dishes, etc. Used refrigerators (2), typewrlter. Telephone 728-9504. BUFFET, arborite top, like new, wriager washer, mechanically A-1.. Dial 668-5126, combatants. will be the league- ind their Erns three out of four games. Two of the games Were by rath- er convincing scores. Cy Coombes, who played with Brooklin last year is the color- ful coach of the Liftlock city team. He would like . nothing better than to hand coach Craw- ford and his former mates a real drubbing right in their own The which left only eyes and moun jback yard. Another thing is still 'sticking Peterborough forward. Tha' 1s the fact that he got the heav- some two weeks ago. It appears Mr. Coombes was talking when he should have been listening.' Besides being the playing coach of the Peterborough team Coombes is also their top points to investigate the)man in the league scorifig race. He is third only to Don Arthufs, the pridé of Brampton, and horn and Natali found himself/Brooklin's captain Glen Lotton. Others who always bear con- siderable watching every time hurriedly|the Erns come to town are ex- Brooklin players Roy Wood, As Natali almost succeeded-in|Larry Ferguson, Joe Todd, Bob drawing his pistol, one of the|Stickle, Harold Stenenson, Jim g blasted him at short/ Vilneff and Rock Batley (almost range. Apparently thinking he|@ team right there). would be a good hostage, they We tried to get in contact with coach Coombes last night but to no avail. We were trying to find out if it is right that Moon Wootton will be guarding the pipes for the' Erns here to- night. We know that Wootton who started as coach of the 'ana| Brooklin team last year has ap- peared in goa] for the Erns on at least one occasion. He. has fort for allergy and backache sufferers. Free trial. Low prices. Terms. 725-8762. SEWER PIPE, used steel, standard size. Telephone 725-5121. PERMA FOAM MATTRESSES -- Com-| been out of active lacrosse for four or five years now but is re- ported to be still as sharp as ever. If he is in goal for the THISTLE baby carriage, navy and white, like new. $35. Call 728-2697. Erns tonight you can bet the Brooklin lamp-lighters will have 33--Market Basket NEW potatoes for sale, wholesale prices. M, Van Dyke Ist road west of Ashburn. First farm on right side. Phone Brook- lin, 655-4753. RASPBERRIES for sple. Large Willa- mette raspberries. Ready picked or you pick yourself at Chomko's Farm. Tele- phone 668-4606. 'ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or; 263-2695. and blue. buy. For 'nformation' please telephone 723-2913. - heavy duty, 4 burner, BABY CARRIAGE, only used once, white) T Good CHERRIES, $1.10 per basket. Pick your own, 75¢, Robert Friedrich, Bowmanville. 'urn north on Lambs Road, watch for sign, just before Training School. PICK your own raspberries -- on Ander- son Street North-East of Whitby, one mile north of Highway 2, Mr, Kuenen, RANGE Gurney 21 Inch,.in good condition, $30, T 725-5730. WE BUY, sell, trade used furniture and appilances.. Goold's Furniture, 218 Dun- das East, Whitby. 668-5481. 21" RANGE, Findlay, 4-burner, heavy duty, three years old, $55, Apply 362 Conant. . T 728-5242. CARD. OF THANKS |ts0° *"""™"* TRICYCLES for gale. Six various sizes; a hicyeie. Telephone idea ge, $40, GUDGEON -- | would like fo thank! formation telephone Brooklin 655-3749 my many friends and neighbors for their. cards and gifts received during my ill- fess. Special thanks to Dr. R. Miller and staff on 4F and to Rev. Ongley of St. George's Anglican Church, --Mrs. Clata Gudgeon, JOLLOW -- We would like to express|" our sincere thanks for the sympathy ex- tended us since the death of our father and grandfather, Charles R. Jollow. Thanks also to the Armstrong Funeral Home -and Rev. John Porter, r --The Family. SHORTT -- We wish to thank our réia- tives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy show us during the Hiness and death of our mother, Mrs. Belle Shortt; also for the beautiful floral trib- utes Gideon Bibles and donations to the Ontario Heart Fund, our Minister Rev. John Romeril, UCW of Courtice United Church, the palibearers, and the Morris Funeral Home for thelr kind, efficient management of the services. --Luther and Waiter Shortt. § CUBIC FOOT Frigideire refrigerator, | for cottage, $40. For further In- BOAT equipped with lights. Must be seen. $75. 317 Oshawa Boulevard South, 728- 9919. WEDDING dress (size 7) bell skirt with train and crinoline. Has been dry cleaned. 725-3471. TELEVISION Genera! Electric 21 Inch, also 1985 Monarch automatic transmission. Bowmanville, 623-2791. 1956 DODGE, radio, good running condl- tion, best offer; also chesterfield set, new ly covered, black and white. 723-5001. | LOST: DELICIOUS Montmorency cherries, Pick your own. W. H. Gibson, Newcastle 987- 4563. RASPBERRIES -- Cuitbert, high qualify for sale, 3 pints for $1. at $99 Nipigon Street. 34--Lost and Found : German short-halr dog, answers to "Polly", white and brown, Vicinity Truil's Road, Courtice, Reward. 578 Tell it to the World with WANT ADS ! 36--Legal 36--Legal Diet Decries Makarios' UN Contempt OTTAWA (CP) --Opposition Leader Diefenbaker Thursday accused Cyprus President Ma- karios of contemptuous and cav- alier disregard of the United Nations. Directing a question to Exter- nal Affairs Minister Martin in the Commons, the Conservative leader asked whether "'it is not most serious when the United Nations force in that country (Cyprus) is treated with con- temptuous and cavalier disre- gard by Makarios?" Mr. Martin replied that the Opposition leader "knows my reaction would be as his but I do not want to say anything that is going to complicate what is now being done on that island to deal with this very kind of situation. . . ." The minister earlier said the Cyprus government has told the UN that, in the absence of any ' assurance the island will not be invaded, the Cyprus govern- ment must take steps to protect . itself. He said Secretary-General U Thant of the UN has commu- nicated with Archbishop Maka. rios to impress upon him that the presence of the UN force on crete curb and gutter on Victoria Plans, specifications and tender Consulting Engineer on paymen' refundable. must accompany each bid. Mr, Jim. Watson, Work's Superintendent, Town Hall, Port Hope, Ontario, Geo. L. Totten and Consulting Cobourg, TOWN OF PORT HOPE TENDER FOR CONCRETE CURBS SEALED TENDERS, Marked "Tender for Concrete Curbs" will be received by the Town Clerk, until 12.00 o'clock noon, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1964 for the construction of approximately 2,400 lineal feet of con- Street. forms may be obtained from the t of fee of $3.00 which is not A certified cheque for ten per cent of the amount of the tender Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mr. W, E. Hunt, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Port Hope, Ontario. Associates Limited Engineers 41 King Street Eost Ontario COMING EVENTS to be sharp. Meanwhile on the other side of the ledger, the Brooklin team have won five of their last, six games and played in one no- contest affair (they. were lead- ing that one 9-7 when the lights went out). The one loss came at the hands of the St. Kitts team on Wednesday night up in the Garden City. One thing we must remember though, is. the fact that Brooklin were short three players for that big game. It is hoped that they will all be back in action tonight. Pat Baker, who has been wag- ing a real battle for the goalie's honors, still has a good edge on McCready of St, Catharines, The margin, we believe, is some- where in the range of 17 goals. If Baker should carry on the 1.) way he has of late and take the honors, it would be thrée years in a row for the likeable big fellow. The last time the Peterbor- ough team played here, they drew. the largest crowd of.the season. We would go out on. a limb and say they will set still another record here. tomorrow, so better get there early and be sure of a good séat. Three Baptized At Enniskillen ENNISKILLEN -- At the Sunday morning service Rev. F. Lane administered the Sac- rament of Baptism. Three in- fants were baptized. Miss Bren- da Lee Stainton, second daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton. Miss Bonnie Lynn Werry, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Sault Ste. Marie, and Master Ralph Ed- ward Francis Werry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry, The two Werry babes had: the honor of -having their -- great- grandfather J, A. Werry' wit- ness this special ceremony and little Brenda Stainton had the distinction of having her pater- nal grandmother presiding at the organ when the special Baptism hymn was sung by the congregation, ; Mrs. G. Werry was in charge of the Junior Church service SHOP the "variety store" of the Class ified Section--"Mistellaueous for Sale' today. It's londed with wonderful offers, DANCING SAT., JULY 25th > at the NAVAL CLUB" 320 Viola Street 9 TO 12 P.M. BARN DANCE Mies FOSTER'S BARN Kendal SATURDAY, JULY 25th 9:30. P.M. BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, JULY 25th 7:30 P.M, 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH Special Door Prizes ST. JOHN'S PARISH Corner Bloor E, & Simcoe Every Fri. at 7:45 P.M, 20 Games $10 and $15. Jackpot 54 Nos, $140, Jackpots and Share the Wealth the island is the necessary as- surance against invasion. NDP Leader T. C. Douglas accused the archbishop of using the UN force as a pawn for his own purposes. Mr, Diefenbaker asked whether U Thant now has re- vised the rules for the UN force to enable it to keep off the is- land those who would surrepi- tiously land and "'increase the peril." Mr. Martin said the au- thority of the UN force doesn't $ $ MORE FRIDAY, J $20. Consolation -- Just Regular Jackpot $100.00 in extend to preventing landings of arms or mén. | GOOD PARKING HOLY CROSS BINGO PRIZES $ ULY 24th 20 REGULAR GAMES -- 18 Games at $10 each 1 Game at $30.00 -- 1 Game at $50.00 SPECIAL JACKPOT 0120 in 56 Nos. $10 each horizontal line. 53 Nos. $20.00 Consolation SHARE-the-WEALTH 8:00 P.M. NO CHILDREN PLEASE and pr ted a suitable colored film entitled "Jesus, the Friend of Little Children." The opening worship period of the Sunday School session was conducted by Mr. Charles Ashton assisted by Miss Sheryl Ashton at the piano and Miss Maureen McNair reading the Scripture lesson. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Napier, Toronto, were guests at O. C. Ashton's: : : Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Jeffrey Ray (nee Eliza- beth Wellwood) on their mar- tiage Saturday afternoon in St. Giles Church, Peterboro. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Switzer, Gates Mills, Ohio, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Miss Ruth Pethick returned home from holidays with her aunt and uncle. Mr, and Mrs. F. Dorland were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hotston's, Picton. Mrs. Clark Werry, John and Elizabeth, Willowdale, were re- cent visitors at E. A. Werry's. FORMS CANADIAN FIRM Itek Corp., a firm specializ- ing in information technology, announced today the formation of a Canadian 'subsidiary, Itek Business Products Ltd., in Tor- onto. The company also an- nounced that additional sales of- fices will soon be established in other major Canadian cities. Brooklin, Petes Tangle Saturday Agreements Speed Mail Air Canada Proclaims By ALAN DUCKETT MONTREAL (CP)--Air Can- ada says that because of reci- procal agreements it has worked out with five other na- tional airlines and. various postal administrations, 'mail between Canada and Europe travels faster and more effici- ently." The agreements lave been made among Air Canada, Brit- ish Overseas Airways Corpora- tion, Lufthansa, Swissair, Sa- bena and KLM Royal Du Airlines, Air Canada says the agree- ment permit mail of British, German, Swiss, Belgian, Dutch or Canadian origin, bound for tch office departments sent 'mail originating so they could obtain ae Wee nat eee Siete a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pidey, July 24, 1968 17 ment, regardless of who carried the mail, " necessary mail|tined to a sifigle country, Mail mail, 1 "streamlining mail movement and accounting." The agteements were initi- ated by Air Canada which re- ceéives $4,000,000 a year in rev- enue for mail carried to and from points outside North America. Original agreement was between Air Canada and British Overseas Airways March 1, 1960. Before the new arrangements came into force, national post the -evenue. CAUSED WASTE A. J. Warwitk, Air Canada's , |service."" in the crop of the fleet-footed : Tho in the game played here i any of the countries and. be-/director of mail traffic, says waste motion and inferior mail "Post office departments nat- urally made minimum use of foreign Carriers an dthen only when for mail des- ee - Soa mag gateway city was held for transport on the national! airline through Other. c pevare it served. "Today, international ¢o-oper- ation has resulted in ag lems of international m move- ments for the carriers." Air Canada reached agree- ment with Lufthansa and Swiss- gir last year and with Sabena this year. As Air Can- da does not serve Belgium d Holl: directly mail, for these two countries is routed through London when carried by the Canadian airline. yond, to be transported. on any/that earlier arrangements 4 |one of the carriers, whereby mail sent on one for- "+| Waybills for charges are sim.|foreign carriers and then only ply turned over to the carrler|an equal amount sent. on the SHOE SALES More than 200,000,000 pairs of of the originating country forjcarrier of the other country collection from its own govern-|concerned resulted in "'a lot of New Zealand ~ Obliged To AUCKLAND (AP)--tt the In. donesians attack Australias... pact nations--A' . New Zealand and the United States _- in Washington, 1,700 troops in: Southeast but there is no thought at this stage to committing them any combat role in South Viet shoes were sold in Britain in 1063. Nam or Malaysia, This is news from Australia An electronic impulse, flashing at the speed of light, brings news of a major' news event from "down under". . . and other distant places, As it arrives, the story iscoded onto a tape that is dupli- cated by wire in newspaper offices across the country and fed into their typesetting machines. You get the complete story--on the pages of your daily newspaper. The Teletypesetter that prepares this tape is used by The Canadian Press, the clearing-house for news from within Canada and from the outside world. It's one of the many fascinating ways in OSHAWA TIMES AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS THE BEST GUARANTEE OF FREEDOM which your daily newspaper gets you the news, swiftly and authoritatively. Yet, there's still. another important thing about the daily newspaper. Without it, the individual in the free world might still not know what is going on around him. He might still be oppressed by ignor- ance, exposed to rumors and half-truths--as are the citizens of those countries where there is no free press today. Only in your daily newspaper do you get complete reports of the world around you. Keep abreast of all the news every day ... in your daily-newspaper.

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