Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jul 1964, p. 15

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any ae mpage WEI te ig tlremeey eer gnaert ast aie ati aemeaae aa tates nate stile ' 20 ee gto pree ert wed etme pert' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, duty 94, 1964 13 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 : | . 8 a. meer to 5 atta Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 vie ; 17--Mole Help Wanted _17---Male Help' Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY = Ee eae == __ SALES: CAREER waniae, | RENTALS | Stnt"entars'ts ee WOKE UP I$ MOrtHS : Building Trodet Sales and Service Sales ond Service | i caistned OF ALL KINDS include hogphliztion, Life neuTonce end Rengion PIGDEN ROOFERS ONE CALL DOES IT ALL , ; Pome lg nena ise FAVESTROUGHING a a REPLY TO BOX 120 GENERAL. REPAIRS 725-7373 ; PLUMBER' Tools neti OSHAWA TIMES ' 2 i r gp }- i ' Bowmanviie'623-36)0 EATON'S OF CANADA an fer, pine vending Ss Giving Qualifications West Hill 282-0943 ; toilet ouger. AYTENTION 'farmers "and all (ON farmers and ail "homne bars Bu gas hl 9 installations aa PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT == owners Lig pan # jneKitchen re-mi ing wae - tepladders, alumi xt 16--Femate Help Wanted Witoy see a794, ad 3--Room sineonationat in iestaltdtiaks 4 5 : - an iadder "an. : = THE ; ai. Al CARPENTRY eats Arba, 4--Central cooling and home air gonditiening as . bg nen ert ing wall wall and fer ties' Teleohote <3t| S---Bathroom re-modelling -- each installation by 7. pn id ripatli epee SECRETARY . BELL y a dependable craftsmen. : 'aoe, concrete tors, flat reefing = Buitpeate te EQUIPMENT oy WANTED nsed Ti ALBERT HOIMAR, chartered Aecdont-|(arge and 9 a, Rooting : = ; =e ; rg Sg Reza Caro ond al fo gd, Resto EATON'S IN OSHAWA Wy, é gation, | coment mixes, finishing ten Some gol end realestate vibretor, air compressor, day wath. Siler hm Sie TELEPHONE Spm RENE" od ay i oer es a Me tank tnatalltina, ca rent prin, Gardening and Supplies [Messeoges CAE LAKES | wane genre, lock henner, baad trewele i Street West, yes, 723-7605. Ai Tibet oi ea roe: REEL had PE iawn mover wane ore TODAY; On PILE 5 UG, OR CANADA Sone, OF fie, water pumps, portable heat- | surate with obility, Contect st00ps (ake ant, ma hetinelee Man. Mortgage Money | cxivex iio tin wus, iz; nies ers, steel! scoffolding, electric | Bill MWlar 725-1186. | COMPANY zo neon DRYWAN AND MURDOCH \ecasral nie a saa and eaten mae eee nae, Oe oes me ee Sy! Yas Available i m gr Salictors, Notaries, Bank of A. Woods, 149 Clarke Street, Phone 725-5864. Low Interest "Sullding North, Oshaw: 4 | Oe or residences: G. K, Drynas 9C. 728- Cartage instruction Valuation, Arranged Murdoch, Vis TRUCKING, any light aarvenlte. RESIDENTIAL bandsaw, 4" Joiner, sand 9554; "6. L, ac, ; Victor, 9857115 Mortgages and Agree saa mae a or Sele bout, Sol and arate caracis 94M ered CITY AND DISTRICT blaster, tamper, bys RAYS « BOYCHNN. wit \Sguaey wuovine Ane: Harel Osh- Announcement SUMMER PROPERTIES TV TOWERS AUCTION SALE Biet ele aed, saleuine WANTED MAN, Barristers, solicitors M412 King) , Whitby, Reasonable rates. Fully) We are pleased to announce sanders, disc sanders, belt " MEN Street Gas ae oe equipped and insured, 728-968. that Atlantic School was ac- VACANT LAND Economy and Sat., Aug, 1, 1964 senders, floor sendara, 'eety. Woman Housekeeper J. 0. -|LA LONDE, all types of cartage. Bay credited _by the Accrediting br a Deluxe HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE | lene Welding outfits, 200 Office: * 728-4326, > > | between 30 ond 40 years 4604; Whitby Tanti WHA and 'other | noe -- a Study oo) none Mortgage Brokers Association | Priced to suit your budget PROPERTY CF -- amp. electric: welders, toke complete charge c Weaisbelt-oaa waavane, -parrdion, DOMTetry in session on Januory 23, | 'TERMS. ARRANGED Mrs, D. Atherton, STAN'S househeld by widower with TO TRAIN. AS Sitcttors Clients' Fs.) 'svallable for/BIALEK Dr. C. P..-Dental surgeon, jon, 112 1964. SUMMERLAND | 475 Gillwood Parkway, | Sheaaanel BRR ' t pe Rapa ust live one first mortgages, 37 King Street East (3rd| Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, For appoint-) Accrediting Commission : j Ww, Hill | pening ~-- ; td, come, TELEPHONE floor). 728-7336. Charles C, McGibbon,|ment 728-5842 or 728-8441, Peoabig at te ae 4 SE ' | WA T j est Hi | 223 King St. W., QC; Edgar F. Bestedo, QC; Norman H. s been approv e CURITIES | Tum South at West Hiii, . PHONE 72%. 329. Please phone after 6 p.m. ca ax | eamenmeere Hnctlonaly recognized eredt- SUPPLY LIMITED | Loblaw Store 4 725-5225 CRAFTSMEN WYMAN Lo lly ly Al Times|DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, Ing daency" under the terms LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. Custerfiet ond 2, choirs, Tables ond Chair Suu Extaaeaoer i hag , slip covers, drapes. Fitting r King Street East, 723-1137./ alterations, | slip Public 'L sesO ond : Bullaing, 86 King as specially. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. of ee ows 82 an + 112 Simeoe St. North 728 8180 | chine, 5 continental, single Church Aisle Runners Neveltions ake. Rees ny ~~ ae weuiiiili Clients' funds available for mortgages. 85-864 Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 beds, complete with mat- Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses baeutifully Illustrated Pi iconnlig samples QUALIFICATIONS Louis & Hyman, QC; Herbert $. Hyman, 3 BA. _ |Gerdening and Supplies Each accredited school meets | tress ond springs, 2. buffet, Punch Bowls, Coffee Ure. on aporeval ond tha tae vie EER Ae KELLY, Barristers, 7 the following standards: Be Shore te King "street, Ir East ial "BUG CONTROL L = a competent facul- MORTGAGE TV TOWERS | PA Soi cake, dxmle bed, Sargeant' s Rentals: Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, High School or T. i KING BUG KILLER 'i i | othe) icles. ; HOMEWORKHRS, einerenced on pious Scheel erodustion . xin Be 7ianhy renee Ve kei, BA, CL. DDT and DITHANE It offers educationally and gor 469 Ritson $._745-9390 _ ord et aetaoes hye ag r 728-5632. ; TERMS CASH ae $i Street 'North at Tlona's Gress. Abov ARTE ond RONALD L.| POMOGREEN SPRAY } and up-to-date courses. ; BOATS - MOTORS, TRAIL- Rstgpos By @ average mechani- ates wes ers. Solicitors, Notaries. | GARDENALL SPRAY . It sereens students core- LOANS Antenna Repair sir obi oe vn nea - TENT and CAMPING. |mas RASPBERRY plekere for for Sunday. Le cal and mathematical epti- SiN MULTISPRAY fully for admission, Moneys for first mortgages } TRIO Loyol: Pogue, Clorke Prent GEA dies and elotone Thuredey ond tude ANT Stan, SS a ene evsig Ahahthd | : : on Wilde Rental Service 5086. , 'eine Must be willing to move ROMAIWSRNER. BA Barrister, CYGON 2E SPRAY educational services. Re peer gages | TELEVI S ION and Sales EXPERINCE wolteaa Ter calior Age 18 to 25 years Solicitor, Notary, Suite 903, The Times) WEED KILLERS | §. It hos demonstrated ample | 9a--Summer Properties ; a stoce, dey work, Coll fo53900 Building, 46 King Street East. 726-6209. CALCIUM CHLORIDE i student success and sotis- No charge for valuations | 171 BOND ST. E.,.OSHAWA Bor Sale or to 1415 Dundes E. or re Smith's Contes Bers 317 4 Sim- Driver's licence (no sig- WHITBY 668-3226 | Street South. nificant demerits) Mortgage funds available, i faction, Mortgages and Agreements | Est. 1909 action durehaned. 728-5143 HOUSHKDEPER ter elderty couple Ghar | ENTERTAINING tity to one hundred KEEPER for elderly couple char) Good health aod. piles | ' 7-24 2 : generator, romset, power | | ; x me creaim dala: rollers, electric hammers, W. T. LAMSON | '6 sonry saw, building jocks, Real Estote Ltd, : --REQUIRES--= ie mortar mixers, mortar boxe: TV--Radio Repairs (6--Auction ° chain hoist, miter saw, elec. | 7 King St, Bast, Oshawe : _--| tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° YOUNG 7 Barristers Sol ; MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers . Its tuition charges are Moneys for sécond mortgages RICE LAKE, Cedar Cave Cat- ENTERTAINING Wry To one nundred| NOUSNKE san wane vy eaible char Solicitor. Maney to loan. Office, 14a King truthfully. Pp a St. Bnet Montrave, 728-6879. cious grounds, $50 wkly. $60 |Sonable rates. 723.2140, for one tesy fo live In. Telephone Bow- Apply-In-Person Solletiors, og King Street Bash SOD AND TOP SOIL educational service. 723-4697 Formals, semisformals, All-new. sfyles.|week. Ne housework, 'Telephone 723012 tion of our school ond train- | Musical Services Street West, Whitby 648-2563 or 648-3809. | 3 days 2 nights $14, Reserve~ |reducing. machines, 'sick room, suppites, |U2----Male Help Wanted Employment Office 1259 SIMCOE NORTH the standords which are ex- |A, Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, Frisken, Harwood, Ont. Phone {isle runnera Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 R4 ----EEATILIZED | ATLANTIC SCHOOL, INC. lenantag a amaGLRY ow" peer TE Ww . 173 ALBERT STREET FERTILIZED R. W, 'Harriman|Paining and waipeserne. niwie. er| LEN PULLAN | Cottage ond Lots for Sale SHAW CHALLENGE Mon. To Fri. 47th year in business, cke Telephone 728-0225. road ond hydro, best of fish- We have year For septic tonk installation 725-9674 |Plumbing and Heating USED CLOTHING SALES | JACK MEER 725-2311 -- 89 BLOCR E.| in any field especially togs | 096s. Apply citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage fund ¢ . rt ne ae COOPER SMITH » ap ana eae Fast ae SQUTHEND TV towers and xerial ser-| tages. 3 bedroom, oll conve- {quets. 'parties, - weddings, endive. Oshawa josePu P. MANGAN, a Zi CO ' SWARTZ vice, Formerly Lake Viste T.V.. 444) niences. Safe swimming, spa- |Facilities_bar, kitchen, parking. Rea: IDOLE AOD wanes fan Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. be | 8. It is financially able to bri DO : | th br ; "gartisters and} _16 Celina St. 723-2312 | deliver a high quality of Oshawa, Ontario |Well. Drilling--Digging lose a Ae ae by Pog heedpleces, veils (P.3., Garters. foo} | BABY" SIPFEIE os three days per To Our | ' | 15, with boat $40 weekl ¢ |WeLL Sargeant's Rentals and Building Trades Oshawa mis ote wt ad Pie lin So-ineh flies We Ward, 0t chesinut| Week-end 2 days 1 night $8; anna omar : Pe ies ' Ing programs, ond we shall PIANO, FULTON well digging and drilling. Water| mow! Also boats, motors Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. j Oshawa ED LANGLOIS Garden Service alweys strive to maintain bee: Ba ppg Reo Poa pine Meal is our predect, Renete'® wine day or ngs Soe a 4 CHAIRS, card and banquet tebles, church POSIT! ON 15 Victoria, wu al pected of an accredited 4R4. Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414. HOME BUILDER Phone 723-1 161 school A Painting and Decorating 2--Personal SPECIALS 7 12--Articles Wanted WITH A 9 -- To . 4 stain WEED TREATED President. . |terior, residential, commercial, F 5 ' l, T i 728-4169 AND ROLLED fa cise tee | (ENGLISH TAILOR) | Slur' iat sathstcane. | AUTO WRECKING Co, | | ="" 0°" T° RELIABLE SPECIALIZING IN Suits--Dresses--Alterations Completely cleaned and seed- ont ae. Sor WE TeGHing. , PAINTER WANTE CONCRETE FOUNDATION nf tELD SODS ONTARIO Melsseeinn er wribae: paca Invisible Mending ed with plenty of trees, Good pl Proll sg ig Haro ase mon between the ogee of 28 Must be. fully esperar FREE ESTIMATES ! peste heed aden paisa | 10412 PRINCE ST, 728-5311 ; tag te aggressive with modern ideas ee: sees = DRIVING | ing. Open Saturday all day. Phone ae te adiertna Gnd ella for suitable applicant. Good end other drain work. Call SCHOOL late TYPES of repairs and remodeling TWIN 'srolier wanted. Telephone Whifby| and tickets. Someone who Upton's Paint Store BOX 29 K and L. Trenching Contrac- DAVEY and used materials, Reeser SHIRTS LAueRED AND . tenis ONT will make his ideas work. 25 Bond Eost 723-2977 tors (formerly L. Haaksme) f [rates Estimate free. Dial 723-1191 TED en 653-19 fs . as cues 'ead feat end TREE SERVICE Learn to Drive 1964 Models Foley. SWIM, FISH or jelox on |!3--Business Opportunities Cane bn and eave: 0, 00 OH, A ag DRIVERS loader available. Pruni PICK-UP SERVICE |ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. runing, spraying, | feeding, Telephone 7253821, Harold H."Sterk, Lia.| Removal of superfluous hair, | beautiful Buckhorn Loke. | SERVICE STATION A Bubire te Stars Preferably between 25-40 Brooklin 655-4746 bracing, tree and stump re- ROAD 'TESTS ARRANGED -- [Plumbing Heating and Engineering, 285] MAcrig Murduft will ka in Quiet, picturesque area, mo- AVAILABLE T r Appy : op earnings. GUILTY CARPENTRY, "custom ait] ™OvOls. "The oldest and lor. Dual Control Cars |Siencee Street South, der cottages, ideal for child- kitehens and rec- floor and ceil) gest hs a service in Licensed: instructor | Oshawa, Aug. 7th, 18th, & ren, Vacancies weekly or EXCELLENT opportunity for Pi 4 Wins, Balntng, rootve ou ee: Telophene 723-1361 Automatic and Standard |Rug-Upholstery Service } iigrt Phone Genosha Hotel a _ -- right pa Good gellonage, ATLAS TAG CO MERCURY TAX! SME IMPROVEMENTS rooling and on these dates for appoint- campsites. good location. Gecheumton corcaty Wat' eee |LEN ROWLEAS Lanstebe aad cex| Cshawa 728-6934 | AJAX AUTO ment. Penhele, steed cute end Beg All replies confidential of CANADA LTD. oe 725-4771 nai 30 Broce sret, Seal. |asbn fag wioes, planer vary, Malle! LEARN TO DRIVE | UPHOLSTERY ELECTROLYSIS --|_!, Lakefield, Ontario. WRITE BOX 43 Ajax, Ontario, (aa Tny Soren Wi had Sac YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chine |tiincg © Somer venient ety tees haters h | CENTRE 723-4641 |BAPTISTH LAKE -- Three bedroom cok re 1 ee : built and repaired linings I , d a, hedae at the | ' 46 |tage" 'and two-bedroom -- cott Inside|NOW RENTING 17 sfore devel Reve bullt end repaired: gay linings, In clipping. Yeriiners, t trees, hedging, surs- Oshawe Driving Schoo! | Harwood North, Ajax cae GOING to Toronto, leaving Ssh te : yee a Avalabe Bi. new | fireproof rand ave pea Well established 18--Mole or Female. 723-2997 ble rates, standard arid | (Next 7.30 a.m., Highway 401 to Weston Road| 7 CHIMNEYE, naw and_robull_fooing WEED KILLING and Fertilizing. Resi- automatic cars. eid os go Cleaners Icit oft. 'Telephone. 646-4904 jtages, Box 65, Bancr Cord parking tecthties, Available August] and fast expanding Help Wanted ops, c-(dential, Industrial. General Lawn Spray Professi AVAILABLE June, -- i store, restaurant and bank in ------ ke ig abe -- prise | Service. Phone 728-4974 for Oshawa, Co- - sit aati CALL 942-0301 : tember. Park 'ae "Grecemn crnciany| i atractive rg di yer REAL ESTATE HAIRS T Y LIST Co Re. owe, ah bourg, Ajax-Pickering, Bowmanviile, Whit-| 28-009 RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts, Estab 3--Pets & Livestock jbungalows. Good fishing. For full partic | Hest Hag din be ga! Lilien, Row cine 3. Hilleourt Drive, Sinitoy by, Port Hope area, OSHAWA AND WHITBY lished 17 years. Complete range of mate-| POODLE pups, white minlature, register-|/ors Write C-O Erinsviile P.O. or tele-| SIP eae te ae Pes OFFI 'oan ee pris, 40D, top quality, prom aulvery Free|FRENCH and Latin tuloring, all grades\tiels. Workmanship guaranteed fiveled, house trained, with needles, excel.|2hon® 4783. FISH AND CHIP truck for sale. Fryers, CE, for downtowi ge 254552 or 743-9910, by qualified teacher. Dial Whitby 68-483, |V02rs. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat-ient breeding, sired by . International| HAVE FOUR-ROOM coltage en Take |(erriverators Srill, etc. Call 728-2596 tor | SAND, gravel, loam and fill. Delivered --|tresses re-built. Furniture refinished. |champion, reasonable. Must sell, Whitby,|front, four miles west of Norland, hydro,|ucrmation- } | fo Alax, Oshawa and area. Telephone|GARDENS plowed with Gravely Roto Oshawa Uphoistering Company, 287 Dean} 49-2490. chemical tollet, boat and : FOR SALE In Oshawa, twochelr ba B va Whitby. 668-2660. Eric Branton. plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104, Mortgages Avenue, 725-0311, irede for tl or 'ae Gal can safe bones Ro wee oh ; 449 ; ig b GOzY-J. RANCH Kennels. Registered |") le for '61 or '42 GM car, T shop. Apply 712 Dundas Street West, aS an opening tor a CHESTERFIELOS re uphoisiered 2d) German Shepherds, puppies. 725-4508. Whitby 668-2596. Oshawa Times % restyled. Free Cai ek By our mate $ ices, . OR soranvia CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Ist Time In Canada ity Pindth mah 9 Pg 1NG,/ter horse, gone Teter Ashburn, gross rymple. Sate beach geod" fishing pe 14--Emp! ent Wanted SALESMAN the ey poly SE gh tne 25 WORD MINIMUM ] 5 Year ' . lin 655-4662. boating. Available Aug, 118 and Aug. 2 oym: at % Recognition ter ' CHESTERFIELDS ond old chairs, re-lREGISTERED Dachshund, one male chil-|'_SePt. 7. Phone LADY would 'ke Tousekeeoing lob and educational weer ne j covered like new. Get the best for les8!dren's pet, three ferna'ss fo breed, two|LOTS -- Willow sais 'hres "alles, eiderly lady or gentie- plications to Nursing Office Personnel, Better describea offers get foster results. St Modern 'Uphelaterera, 142 Simcoe. &-| 4 All half pri Telxhone B tral vromenete Newtonville 2283 or : th Alax and P 2nd Mortgages Call 728-6451. Free estimates. inaneviis a0. oe Jas eel fren ete eae Sy ndtyi ped C-O Carl Smith, Newtonville, Applicants willing to work Alex, Gane Sonera Hospitals CASH CHARGE i a 75 4.13 REUPHOLSTER and refinish your furn-/pEAUTIFUL baby budgie, dy for |S8¥_ 324-643: marie. >abagle executive type sales . EXPERIENCED nurserymen' 'season & Consecutive days, original copy ...., $3.7 % CORON ATION ture by J. and J. Custom Furniture, Free|training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, road, aOUsEKaSPINS coft fe, in-| 296" erested in association| hard, with late model |soed pay, eventually room. snd board. Jerry 3 Consecutive days, original copy 2.28 2.48 estimates. Whitby, 668-5753 or 668-5376. |114 Elgin East, side facilities, fishing. skit gig ns ree. and_reliable concern. Tei Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviotion as one word. ming. 725.2909. Or write Maljac Cottages,|\Wrve Dox 2s, Oshewa Times._| Car, please write to Trejbal, Mearns Avenue, Investment Co..- Ltd. Septic Service [monte eid, Beak, puliate, for, sale Sel aR 3 Burks Falls. RWGISTERED nurse avaliable. for nary . RASPBERRY: pickers. sterling CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15¢ The foremost Canadian Pub- - septic TANKS cleaned, prompt service ing water, $30 'Augu! While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box | [ie Co. in the field, mow jon calls, walter ward, 204 Chestnut Street! S--Farmer's Column oo. Hughes. Picton Ontario Post!) ¢ eo oks Halp Wonted numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we acc ot no introduces long - term V 20--Room and Boa liability In respect of loss or damage alleged to.avise ti. cugh YEAR - OPEN - Second Sn rt ee oun Wik GEG en Ore NATIONAL tt Vat OLBORNE STREBT EAST, "4 room win age. con- COLBORNE STREET EAST, 57 -- Room a nd board for negligence or otherwise. need on the security of your |i FLIM and TROLLOPE ,Ontarlo Lend - ial Sing! whether by neglig home -- Repay in small. |survevers 11! Rigin Street Gest. Phone} Daleing and combining. {Price $8,900. Ajax 942-4000. ORGANIZATION AUTO abeve ue " Each additional line, per munth 1,60 } f a5 FLRISCRMANN, : ped lakefront cottage. Available month} has opening for the area of NEAR DUPLAT® and (dot applicable for merchandise advertisements). | $0.15 years. DON RV AD Ae. cuecatun| Parcy Davidson and Son of August, $40.2 week or by the month.) Ouhawss ter ME C H ANI C iF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. COTTAGES, vatrigerator, duties. Tel between @ and 4 duly 26, adult, cea ene he BOX 40 15 |West, Whitby. 668-2543, Office, Box ase either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however cucsed mortgoges: Borrow what you /Surveyors Forage harvesting, raking and {veniences. Sate beach and weeded. let. gentleman, willing to share, i north GM, Apply Professional listings only, 3 lines per month 8.50 monthly payments over ¥O |725-0881.. Telephone LAKE $COUGOG--five-room, fully eaulp- For full details, call 732-1248 $14 ROOM and board for ren wing te beds, | id|tages' for rent from August 8th, $45 and : DEADLINES Trade Schools ies Be ile, ft] Sova 'on Piinng fae $55 weekly, All Inside conveniences, Dial) We require ambitious woman Class "A" Licenced share a. Single WORD ADS 5 p.m. Day Previous. Schofield-Aker TTENTI ON. as ame eee, een eee ee \caKa"ee066-------- washes ven ee ee APPLY: ROOM AND BOARD In clean, quiel Cord of Thanks .... 5 p.m, Dey Previous imited | : mit ate" aret:| for direct selling company for | . home, in Memoriams . . 5 p.m. Day Previous | 360 King St. West A |FEED for sale, High protein sileage (pea|Modern 3-bedroom waterfront cottage, ; M. McLEOD ina Gisceen ecdnntca, cae -_. speak- ROOM AND BOARD for seo 'will bus line, Simcoe {all conveniences. Available from August} © name line of exclusive cos- | Lost ond Found .. 0 Day of Publication, | | MEN | vine ie Rosecnaple ce Cee an Soren us tune tend. Prevaa. fe Births and Deoths ... © Day of Publication, | Millard, Stokely Van Camp, Whitby. | perience in selling interview- Bramley Motor Ing to share. On Late Deaths. . 11:00 o.m. 'of Publication (Page 3 | 2nd Mort a es 17 to. 49 9e--Marine Equi nt ing, training and managing South. Telephone . } g g |S--Awetion f Sales Ltd. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. { : ° | desirable, but not essential. i | , , a CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 10 ak toto | ie OF Anes. Heavy Equipment | ad | CLEARANCE We offer complete training 1271 Simcoe St. N in home | 2 Column or Lorger mn, i 1964 TBOA d tubstantiot 4 es 1 Column Spoce ......++++++.. 4 p.m. Day Previous Ns ong Re Operators AUCTION SALE ty 6 ie wee abhi ahd hl Les ROOM AND BOARD, Simcoe at Riva ' i a 70 M tial $5,000. to $6,000 SENT OOM for ni jem SATURDAYS: NO HIDDEN CHARGES Are in demand for bull SAT. JULY 25th IN STOCK potentia| '0 $ OR SALESMAN ROOM end Board. rae ah bantlorrion, 723-2265, (after hours 728-3376)|Pris:_11_ Ontario Street, 725 5632. 728-1343 STURGEON LAKE, 8 o FIELD MANAGER } Word Ads : Monday NO BONUSES dozers, scrapers, motor " Apply in writing to egcat! on stores, offices, garages, motels, , | . . od Od 7 Clomified Diwpley .... ....... 10 A.M, For Mondey | No BROKERAGE FEES graders, draglines, back- | o¢ complete equipment for BOAT TRAILERS ngineered lighting mentite hoe' '|21--Room & Board Wanted our engineered lighting products, Age no a 500 A Frame ..... $140 BOX 13 barrier, car necessary. Side-line or full YOU CAN REPAY ALL oR | hoes, and shovels. If you G tore, Lunch Counter, : i . ' CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS | PART AT ANY TIME | ed by top instructors right | Bowling Alley ond Pool Room | 700A Frame ..... $180 Oshawa Times a" automate yeeround" renee! bus es, Professional man (43) re- 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION | ANHOUT NOTICE OR | on the equipment. Don't | consisting. of Cash Registers, | . 900 A Frame--..... $210 'st the Dlagest of sur 20° veers of tuceers| Auires good board in nice PENALTY. : Display Counters, Filing Sys- * ful bus! i Cancellations ond Corrections received ofter the 9:30 A.M. delay -- enquire now. [oe once Meat eine, Wilde Rental lprotetied tern or decanets. Cheice! home north-of King. Deodline will be processed for the following day's paper. THE REALTY DIVISION OF Write giving name, add- | Slicers, "Di Nen: Refrigeration | Service and Sales WAITRESS trict now open, "For < catnplete information WRITE ay tee ress and telephone num- | and Freezer Units, Scales, | WHITBY write Hi-Tast Corporation, 304 'King West, REGULATIONS He UPERI OR | be Lunch Counter, Stools, Rong. | 1415 Dundes E. 668-3226 FULL. TIME OSHAWA TIMES : % es, Sinks, Coffee Makers, |i, 'aiisaard tak - 7 The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- DISCOUNT LIMITED NATIONAL SCHOCL OF Drinks Cooler, Freezers, 4 few, used only #19, hrs. smi under' fed Experience necessa mith aalek aoe , ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than | HEAVY EQUIPMENT Brunswick Lanes, all bowling [year guarantee Price new $299. Asking ry 22--Offices, Stores, Storage incorrect insertion of adverti 725-6541 ts 4 $250, Must be seen to be. eppracieh Win. a portable TV set, while you |smo nee ee eee er ge baba retdahee i any advertisement, nor beyond the | f | OPERATION < | equipment, 2 billard tables | eoiiing to settle estate Call Breoklin' oot, all benefits make extra money. No' experience - |STORE FOR LEASE -- Simcoe Street price charge for o single, insertion of the odvertisement in which | 17 Simcoe St. N | BOX F3 g | like new, Balance of grocery [aaa or 655-4801, necessary, Sell exciting top.value {South at Station Plaza. Suitable any error occurs. | | Out of town enauiries invited, | .3tock- Also real estate of 'pcywoon RUNABOUT, Ie 67 In good : Christma Cards and Gifts. Earn | business 18 foot x S0 feet approximately. The Oshawe Times reserves the right to classity advertising | 27 Superior Oftices In Ontario pried levies. | store ond bowling alley build- - |snape; Tee Nee trailer, like news ta Mec call sc ci pe ee on hae Orie in ' | . " according to its proper classification. |PRIVATE and corporation monies for ui TV--Radio Repairs ing, on approx. 114 acres pie i Ready for the water. Telephone TELEPHONE free colour pe ho and samples ie rine tt poll i in the case of display advertisements, The Times wih not be |mnerfongee .morigeues. 6nd <pesmant of i ---- ssh a lot also page aes the sTuaGg@ONLAKE mie TT Wax Aue wn gotta sent naar held responsible for more space than that in which the actual poo (aeo"Barristers.*) TV RVI Co cs ae ot lee three. badrecin: onttapes i yeaah BOWMA Sekine, Horne Warten Cat uae : ' ; % -W é pa occupies, The ogg aa cohen gy A Pea ghey all adver- | + | ie SERV 7 aoe poh aha conveniences, completely furnished, Call OWMANVILLE 24, vin Contwan hea. tonne poem a we Rent motter correctly, but assume no i sement ? es 728-6848. oNPRRIENCED henna with one would tike three ino. ty oF aavertt | s 9 ENING 623-3373 EXPERIENCED shepherd, commercial bedroom home. Whitby Oshawa area, Ref- Hf eny inoccurocies in any form are contained therein | Per. Month | 728-5286 | 10 FT. BOAT, 5 HP motor, trailer, com-|__ flock, married no children, new modern| erence: | Terms onnounced at sole. plete, "$150; T4f. cance, "$80, Brookiin|FULL TIMI baby sitfer required, # am.|cottage, share in profits, good helper.|sun ties winiby vey om tt OS The cost of this) For Classified Service od, daily for one! OSHAWA S 655-3122. fo 6 p.m., off. Park Road South, Tele-|Cedar Knoll Farms, H. Vernon, Orono. « | ~- ; e . ) , ale of Chattels at 1 p.m. | ict titanate ich 728-3501 ' a ------__ REFINED Telephone the Direct to Classitied 1-FOOT BOAT, 90 HP motor; ficensed|°hOne 728-3501 before 2 p.m. |PLASTERERS wanted. Must be niahed apetimerh, selteoneinady te eek to be noticed?), year, Too small PS: 38 ste # good. Number 723 3492 ELECTRONICS Real Estate 3 om trailer, lIfe belts, water skils.. Completc|=EMALE~ 'help. wanted, Apply in person,|Good wages, Telephone Whitby 668-5381 neti area of Oshawa, Write 915, Oshe ¥ : 2 al ou're reading itl erry TV towers, antennas, also repairs. ag Miller, Auctioneer CANOE, 18-foot, canvas "with sails and|RELIABLE woman, with references, 30|PRODUCE MANAGER wanted, top Good __ condition For All Other Departments, Coli The Times Switchboard. now. All work guaranteed. 511 Dean Avenu : " } paddle. » $70.. "Tele-|to 45, t for baby, light household hd fringe benefits. Apply Mr. : : Telephone 725-0800, Peterboto 742-3091 phone 728-2664 after 5, w |duties. Live In or oul, 125-419: [Restern, Bassin's Food. Market, Alan (Continued om Page 16) } 4400. Good condition. 728-2666 FS, Envoy Restaurant. after 6 p.m awa Times.

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