21-----Room & Board Wented CAREER OPPORTUNITIES For twa young men age 21- 30 who ore mechanically in- clined and. have the ambi-~ tion to earn a high i Professional man, 43, re quires good board in nice home. Write Box. 108. Oshawa Times. Must be, neat in appearance and. able to start work im- 22--Offices, Stores, Storage mediately. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW: Telephone 723-1146 STORE FOR LEASE -- Simcoe Street South at Station Plaza, Suitable any 25--Apartments 27--Real Estate for Sale {2-- Ree Estate For Sale 27---Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sele THE, OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, July 18, 1964 43 FWOBEDROOM apartment. Also one peter d apartment. Alf conveniences. en TARGE oasement apartment. Complete- i torniened, epetion, water and: light, rweacioan apartment, ig ba gust children: For information, Apartment 3 at 299. Montrave Avenye, FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, private bath, semi-private entrarce, Por further details telephone 728-1267 efter 5 p.m. business 18 foot x appr Telephone sea. For further 23--Wanted To Rent EARN EXTRA MONEY Part time or full time. Young. gentlemon required to toke off list of building supplies and lumber -require- ments from blueprints and specifications, evenings or ' weekends, Contract prices Telephone C. McCULLOUGH 728-4688 Hae y te ga hore required ase, August 1 by oll -ompany pete tod jative and' family. Telephone 728-5786, ICAL OFFICES for, 7 aa babes MEDICAL aan ae FOUR-ROOM entycnlonet& Hn aptly ' rastoesn Coup Adults. TWO, epariments, $90. Five: rooms, Cen- trally located, $70. Bloor 'on| Street West area. Call lms 26---Rooms For Rent home, to rent Three-bedroom home, Ni a spt ages Contact T. 4. Lem) mad Lawrence Drive, Trenton. i rages home sg vac by besos yeacher for September. Preferably McLaughiin Collegiate vicinity. Write, Box 202, Oshawa Times. LADY PENSIONER requires light keeping room in adult home, Central. Write box 212 Oshawa Times. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in privote home Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N; 728--867 | HOTEL. ROOMS 24---Houses For Rent Pye one weekly rates. Good coffee shop. Modern throughout. For information AJAX: Thr house 1, Close to schools, shopping centre, Two or three children acceptable, SENIOR SALESMAN te cali on stores, offices. garages, motels, industries, schools, hospitals, etc., with our engineered lighting products. Age no barrier car necessary. Sideline or full time, Highest commissions pald weekly} ---- .7 on automatic year-round repeat business. @xclusive Premium Program will make *64 the biggest of our 20 years of success ful business operations in Canada. Choice protected territory of Oshawa and dis: trict now open. For complete information write Hi-Test Corporation, 206 King West, Hamilton, Ontario. "WIN A TV MAKE EXTRA MONEY Win a portable TV set, while you make extra money, No experience necessary. Sell exciting top.value Christma Cords and Gifts. Earn big profits, Friends and neigh- bours buy on sight. Write for free colour catalogue and samples on approval. Special . money- making. plan for Churches, Clie Schools. Homer-Warrgn Co, Dept. 24, 411 Clendenan Ave., Toronto, 12 EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS $2.95 per hour CONTACT 725-7583 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT'S office re-| quires first and second year students. Telephone 728-7371, TWO BODYMEN wanted. Must have Il- cence for small local shop. Good work- tng conditions, and salary. Write to Box 206, Oshawa Times. 18--Male or Female Help Wanted OSHAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Require teachers for ele- mentary grades, for Sept- emver, 1964; also a Mus- ic Supervisor. SALARY SCHEDULE Std. 1 $3300 - $5500 Std. 2 $3700 - $6100 Std. 3 $4100 . $6500 Std. 4 $4500 - $6900 All applications, incluciing experience, name of last Inspector, marital status, etc., to:-- Mr. Frank Shine, Sec. Treas., Box 396, _ Oshawa, Ont. Rote Experienced Senior BOOKKEEPER and cost accountant PHONE DIRECT 942-2841 P. O. Box 550 Ajax, Ont. HAIRSTYLIST EXPERIENCED clientele, with town Write Box 449 OSHAWA TIMES EXPERIENCED nurserymen tor pay. eventually room and elephone §Sowmanville 623-2837. Trejbat, for down. board. | Jerry) ,_Mearns Avenue, | YOUNG lady or gentleman for record | . Shop. Selling and cash experience neces- sary. Please apply in person only. retne Dise Disc Shop, Oshawa t Shopping Centre, time help, mostly evening work. Also part-time tailor, Experienced preferred. Apply Highway 2 and Kendalwood Road. Telephone 728-7331. 20--Room and Board $14. room and board for men willing. | share rooms. Single. beds. Apply Brock East. ROOM and board for two quiet men,| willing to share. Good meals, parking, | 9¢ close to South General Motors and Shop-/ ping Centre, five-day | week, _ 728-9787. | COLBORNE STREET | EAST | 7-- Room) and board for gentleman willing to share! single beds. Close to North General Motors. Apply above address. ROOM and board, home cocked meais, TV, clean home, close *o South GM. Telephone 723-2786. | ROOM and board for nice gentlemen,| centrally located. Call 728-2973. NEAR DUPLATE and bus, 'quiet home, | lunches packed, shift workers weicome,| English speaking gentieman preferred.| 732-1248 |DREW STREET 74 -- Three-room apart- Telephon Ajax 942-6685. WHITBY -- For rent or sale. Avallebie poet 15, three-bedroom brick. Whitby (668-4244, 25---Apartments OXFORD PARK -- TOWERS One block from G.M. plant 86 APARTMENTS One two and three bedrooms August 15th possession Balconies, Elevator Service Fully equipped' kitchen Broadloomed corridors Swimming pool Take advantage of choice of location by making deposit an lease now EXCLUSIVE AGENTS GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors 16 Sime-e S*. S., Oshawa 723-1121 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS on SAGUENAY AVENUE (Park Rd. & King St. District) Quiet residential street 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Stoves, frigs, parking, etc. Rents from $95.00 monthly. Adults preferred. south Phone 725-7272 728-9217 call OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 LARGE room, single beds, for gentie- oar "2 qs week. Central. Call a after pm. CENTRALLY sory furnished room for rent in Clean and quiet home. Syit two persons, Call 728.4403, DOUBLE and single ~yooms available, TV privileges, parking, $8. and up. Tele- phone: 725-9035. ONE single room, furnished, suit gentle- man. Telephone 728-7848. FURNISHED room for rent in south end: Telephone 723-3336, LARGE, clean room, suitable for two gentiemen- willing to share, beds, light housekeeping abstainers please. Apply 160 William Street East. TWO furnished rooms for rent, centrally located, Abstainers preferred. Apply 256 Court Street or telephone 726-4594, FURNISHED third floor, two-room apart- ment, including stove and_ refrigerator. Centraily located near hospital. Ref- erences required, 725-0238, FURNISHED room, suitable for two brothers, friends or one single gentie- man. No excessive drinking, Telephone | 728-6387. |FURNISHED single room near South General Motors, Parking. immediate pos- session. 728-2660. UNFURNISHED , bed-sitting room with kitehen Suit two. Central location. Tele} phone 723-9565. |BRIGHT, clean sng'e furnished bed |room, in private home, very central, suit gentleman. Apply 102 Elgin Street East. $7. WEEKLY -- light hovsekeeving room. Furnished and linen supplied. Woman preferred; orivate entrance. High School area. Phone Hospitat | 725-8292, [ATTIC, single room, furnished. Immediate possession. |T. Babick, 210 Division Street. FURNISHED single room for rent. Em- ployed gentleman preferred. Central. Fel- 'ephone 728-8380. SINGLE furnished room, om, kitchen hen prive- leges; Preferably middle-aged business woman Apply 385 Colborne street east or telephon 728-0431 TWO furnished bedrooms with kitchen, private floor. Suit two ladies or gentle men, Bloor and Simcoe ares, Tel 728-7443, 27--Reol Estate For Sale furnished oF Uf-| Apoly| THE VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL New building, bedroom apartments. Avail- able July and August. For information see superintend- ent Apt. '111. THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave. Anytime or on building site after 5 p.m. modern two HOTEL .ROOMS Moderate weekly rates. Good coffee shop. Modern Tiougropth For information ca OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 lone, two and three bedroom apart- ments in Oxford Park Towers. New oulld- ing with elevators, balconies, swimming pool, etc, For full details call exclusive agents, Guide Realty Limited, 7 gel a 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-11 $100. PER MONTH. ae apart- ments with free parking. Glectronically heated, Above the new Windsor Plaza. Guide Realty Limited, Realtors 16 Sim- coe Street South, 723-1121. QNE - BEDROOM self - contained apart- ment, stove and raege, $85 mmonhtly. Adults only. Avaliable July. 16. Telephone 728-4525, ROOM selt-contained apartment, stove, refrigerator and. laundry facilities. patter 5 Bloor Street East. ONE-ROOM apartment, fully f furnished | refrigreator, stove, Abstainers preverred.| ro King Street West or telephone tI |TWOQROOM furnished apariment, ufili- jties paid. Abstainers, $65, monthly. Tele- 728-4386 or 115 Agnes Street after 6 |GOMPLETELY furnished a phone 728- 8402. WHITBY -- "\electrical heating, hot water, refrigerator, stove, drapes, Hi-Fi, elevator baicony, swimming pool. Whitby, 668-8560. ment, furnished, stove, refrigerator. Adults only. Central. Available now. "| SPECIAL bachelor apartment, in apart- ment building. Stove, refrigerator, amole poring. $75. monthly. Telephone 728- mere AVENUE -- Two-bedroom ----|apartment, sub-lease. No children. -Avail- able e August 8. Telephone 728-0777. ELGIN EAST, 128 -- Two furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, new heavy duty stove. Suit couple. Apply above ad- dress. 9 TWO-BEDROOM apartmnt heated. One child weicome. $110 month- ly. Si ulicta after 4 p.m. 668-2445, | Whi FIVE- a: self-contained apartment. Division Street. Laundry and parking facilities, $85. monthly. Availaoie August 1. Telephone 723-9034. 17--Male Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted CONSTRUCTIO Experienced méchanic to repair and maintain con- struction equipment. Permanent position with many benefits for a de- pendable man. ° Cobourg Constr P.O. Box 216, Darcy St., Cobourg, Ont. Telephone N MECHANIC uction Co. Ltd. North, apartment.| | WANTED by K-Mart applicants for part-|Centrai, also single furnished room. Tele-| "One-bedroom apartment, Electrically} W. FRANK REAL ESETATE LTD. 177 Church Street Bowmanville 623-3393 Memeber of Oshawa and District Real Estote Board 160 acres near Oshawa. Seven room home, steel barn 40' x 80'. Creek and pond, paved road frontage. Could be sold off in 10 acre lots, Excellent investment at only $65,000 - terms. 5 acres with 4 room bungo- low, barn near Millbrook. Ideal retirement home $9,200 - terms. Choice 10 acre lots some with stream and view. Large selection priced from $5,000 - up: $1,000 down. Located separate}, GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 4 BEDROOMS Brick bungalow in the north west area with garage. 4 pc. bathroom and modern kit- chen. 26 ft, recreation room in basement. Asking only $13,500. J NORTH EAST The beter home that you have been looking for located in Pinecrest. 3 master sized bedrooms with double closets, ' 4 pe, tiled both with coloured fixtures and vanity with dif- fused lighting. Broadioom' in living, dining rooms 'and hall floors add touch of luxury. The 14 x pe kitchen hos an . abundance . of cupboards and counter space also double sink, Sliding glass doors lead from the. dining room to patio and terraced*lawn 'overlook- ing all of Oshawa, Attached garage, full stone front are but a couple more of the many attractive features you will find in this immacu- late home. Priced at $24,900. LARGE ROOMS Spacious 4 room bungalow with stone front and awning. Modern kitchen, 4 pc. bath- room, extra room in base- ment. Asking $8,900. This attractive home: is located on Drew Street, with low taxes and one you should see soon. A REAL BUY 3 bedrocm bungalow cn Jackf~ son Ave. with mony featur for good living. Kitchen 12 x 12 ft. with an abundance of mahogany cupboards. 4 pe. tiled bath with vanity. Divided basement, T.V. An- tenna and aluminum storms and screens, Close to A & P. store and bus on a dead end street. Asking $14,800. SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 6 room brick bungalow on. a large lot. 3 good sized bed- rooms and 4 pc. tiled bath- room with coloured fixtures. Large living room and separ- ate dining room with 2 large windows. 2 finished rooms in basement. Priced ot $13,800 |OFFICE ACCOMODATION) for rent in recently remodel- led- and redecorated centrally located building. Bright busi- ness quarters with parking suitable for any type of of- fice or agency. Ist and 2nd floor suites available. Rents stort at $85.00 per month including heat GOOD BUILDING LOT Just a couple of blocks off King St. East. 33 x 130 ft. with a 5 room bungalow on property. Asking $4,500 SOUTH EAST Spotless 3 bedroom rug brick bungalow with stone - front and fenced yard. Large kit- chen, panelled recreation raom in besement. 4 pc. tiled with venity. Close to Duke of Edinborough School. Asking $16,000. THORNTON DR. NORTH 19 acres of level land selling at $1,000. per acre. For full particulars Call 723-1121 After 5 p.m.. call Richard Young 723-7183 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 Steve Englert 728-5581 Tony Siblock 725-4362 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 John Hutchuk 723-9266 Leon Manitius 725-8068 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Ellouise Hoggard 723-2106 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. in Oshawa area. 100 scenic acres near Ty- rone with Hardwood Bush and Christmas Trees. Ter- rific View of Lake. 25 acres good workable lend. $8,900 $2,000. down. 20 wooded acres near Wel- come. Excellent Home. Site. $2,000 - full price, Call 623-3393 } After 9 P.M. Ken Hockin 623-5055 Jack Ricard 623-3154 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Joe Barnoski 2202 : Newtonville LIST AND MOVE | WITH THE CHECKERBOARD North Oshawa 64 Acres 10 Acre Parcels Located east of E P. Taylor farm, suitable for ranch bun- galows or two storey dwel- lings, Reasonable terms. Con- tact Bill Millar: for informa- tion ot 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. 725-1186 10 ACRES. Near Lyibrook Park, Wr Whitby township. (Asking $4,900. $900. down. Mc» Gilt Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. METCALF REA! SSTAT® LTD: 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 MADISON AVENUE Real nice 5 room clay brick bungalow on a very large landscaped lot with nice shade trees. 2 baths and 2. extra' rooms in basement: for a bachelor Apt. to rent. Only $13,900. See it and make offer NORTH WEST 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms on a 73 ft. lot close to schools and shopping -- all for $9,500. with only $1,000. down. See it and buy it quickly, it just won't last, $12,900 Close to Holy Cross, public, High School, large 6 room home. Paved drive, garage, ultra') modern kitchen and back. Home in excellent shape. Early possession here with a reasonable: down pay- ment, LIVE FREE AND MAKE AN INCOME Invest, $16,000. full price for this cottage and cabin busi- ness right in Oshawa at the lakefront, Bungalow for awn- er and 4 year round rental cottages plus 3 seasonally rented Cabins, steady income for a cash investment or buy on a reasonable down pay- ment. Cal] now for particulars: and your personal inspection. EASTGLEN 5% room brick bungalow situated on a large deep lot in o well built up area. Close to schools, bus. Asking $14,- 500, It won't last, so call us for more information and ap+ pointment to see, ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 | SAFE INVESTMENT See. this lovely two storey Brick and Frame house. Ex- cellent location. Two self+ contained apartments, both complete with fridge dnd stove. Priced to sell, Call to- day. DON'T WAIT See this two bedroom bunge- low now. Large fenced-in lot, complete with storms and screens, cool-vent awnings. Low taxes and low Down- Payment. THIS IS IT 4 bedroom Ranch Bungalow, centrally located on half acre of Park land, with stream in the backyard. This, can be yours for a low Down Pay- ment. Live like a King in your Steve Lehan, Steve Zurba, Doug. Wilson, Ralph Vickery Pauline Beal, Hertha Kirk, Guy Bell, Bill Horner, Dorothy Wood 48 Simcoe St. South, across from Post Office For Professional Services, GO ACTIVE. List your home: with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS. SPLIT LEVEL $800.00 DOWN 3 Bedrooms, large living ro- om, Close to schools and bus. Possession Aug. 15. Hurry Built and backed by G. Armstrong and Sons $950 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly 1 and P, Built in ranges and evens, storms and screens etc. See our finished models, One block east of Ajax Plaza, Models open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, everyday RESALES IN AJAX $600 Full Down Large 3 bedroom brick bun- golow, Immaculate condition throughout. Storms and sereens. Large lot. $12,900 Full Price Large 5 room solid brick bungalow. One owner home in immaculate condition. Fea- turing finished recreation room. Storms and screens plus mony extras, 30 day possession or sooner. Handyman Special $7,400 Large 7 room home on huge treed lot reduced for quick sole. Open to offers. See and sove today!! Phone Ajax 942-3310 Anytime H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker AJAX 942-3310 OPEN HOUSE In BEAU VALLEY this weekend 2 until 6 p.m. Another Dream Home Built by Kassinger Exclusive Agents SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 Whitby and Ajax DEVON PARK Situated at Athol St. East, near St, Gertrude's -- six new homes under construc- tion with N.H.A, shag id as. well as 15 serviced lots available for the home of aa! choice. For. more in- ormation calf Howard Mc- Cabe at 728-6286. 29--Automobiles For Sale |32--Articles for Sale SPOT CASH "ok or sovhing ys nave ™ PAID FOR te 446 Simece South, 723-1671. Good clean cars, Trade uj down, Liens paid off " beriggl DODD MOTOR SALES cycle, Tire"herer ls Gand birest esk: 314 PARK RD; SOUTH - 723-9421 S. D. HYMAN | REAL ESTATE LTD. FOUR-BEDROOM home with garage. Asking only $1500 down, Call Les Hall at S, D. Hyman Real Estate itd, 726-0286, (C00 used lating. sues coal. Grea, "" Pullan WO2 Prince Street. P29°si. TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Makes and Models) CALL. 725-6553 14 Albert St. brag vege pg age ay Se (All Fanges, a Di frigerators, GE, Gibson, $128.88 Honest Cal's, 424 King West. 7269191; EIGHT-ROGM, two storey home on Four large Hyman Real Est ¥- Spotless In and out. Call 728-9218. 1950 PONTIAC, running condition, | no licence, $50. Telephone 728-5838, 1957 PLYMOUTH, 41,000 original miles, BUY and sell,-good used furniture and location. only. Furniture, i Complete. service, Free estimates, ie waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 ---- TYPEWRITERS, adders, ceshiers, jvewriters, '|30--Automobiles Wanted --|28--Real Estate Wanted WHITBY OPEN HOUSE ¥ P.M. to 6 P/M. 923 Annes Street Picturesque 2-year-old Colo- nial styled bungalow with attached garage and many extras, Owner transferred and immediate possession. The price has ben lowered on this outstanding home to the un- heard of price of $14,900. with easy terms. Follow Dun- des Street West to Annes Street, turn south on Annes to OPEN HOUSE Joseph Bosco REALTOR 728-7377 Call Harry Bates 725-1186. BUNGALOW IN AJAX $1500.00 DOWN Immediate Possession Owner asking $8,500 with one mortgage for balance. Contact Bill Millar 725-1186. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 67 KING STREET EAST 725-1186 NHA RESALE, Whitby, with all faetures you can dream of. Big master bedroom, beautiful recreation room, close to schools Combination washer - dryer in- cluded. Full price $13,990, monthly cnly $100 PTI, Call for appointment Arthur Weinberger 725-8851, $12,700 FULL PRICE for a new rer bungalow, NHA Financing. Call Howard McCabe at S. D. Hyman Rea Estate| Ltd. 728-6286, } BOLAHOOD BROTHERS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE M@RTGAGES DUPLEX. $11,500 Eight room brick, Olive Ave., Large lot 54 feet by 107 feet. Oil heating, low taxes. Monthly payments just $73. For information call Mr. Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5123. KING ST. COMMERCIAL Asking $11,900.00 for this valuable property near Wil- OPEN FOR INSPECTION | | This Week-end commencing Saturday, 2 P.M. 717 Glenecho St. Quality Built Homes by GALAXY CONSTRUCTION LTD North of Rossland Rd. West block west to .Glenecho GUIDE REALTY LIMITED' Realtors LOCATION: Gibbons St. and 1 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-1121 son Road. Terms available. Call Mr. Ed Drumm at 728- 5123 or 725-9345: BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OPEN EVERY EVENING NEWLY painted 2bedroom clapboard house. One block from. North General Motors. Garage, fenced in jot. Low taxes and low down payments, Owner trans- ferred, Phone 728-7164 at any time, ATTRACTIVE 6\2-room, house, all_mod- ern conveniences, part broadioom, cus- fom drapés, on large landscaped lake front lot. Private beach, close to city ano Oshawa. Reasonably priced. Dial 942-3764, 372-2153 BEAU VALLEY lot, 64 x 110. Sale price 'Terms. Telephone 723-11! privately owned, fee Builders. OPEN HOUSE -- (at Somerville and Orchard View) 2 P.M. TO 5 P.M, Three--Four and Five Bedroom Homes For Your Inspection. H, MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728- OPEN HOUSES 2 p.m. until-5 p.m. KINGSMERE GARDENS Featuring 35 different mod- els, some with garages and carports, all on fully serviced lots with N.H.A. financing, constructed by G. Armstrong and Sons, George Lysyk and Hogenboom Consruction rezc-ctively. S. D. HYMAN NORTHWEST A. Bungalow -- Three bedroom brick, Hollywood kitchen, large livingroam,. unfurnished recreation room. Completely landscaped, fenced-in yard, Lot 60 ff. x 105 ft. Near schools and shopping plaza. Private sale Tele- phone 728-0867. SIX-ROOM: house, two-storey, newly di orated Nicely landscaped lot with bis garden. Full price $11,000. Telephone 728-7453, LOT --. Beautiful view, 128° by 317', Mitchell's Corners, Taunotn Road East. Telephone Whitby 668-3773. $22,900. ULTRA MODERN brick and stone bungalow, custom built, Special features, Quality and class of Its own, Apply to Owner. Phone direct, Picker- ing 942-5702. 1@-ACRE lots, level, ever flowing stream. Located at Hampton on new highway. Full price $4,500. with terms. McGill rave Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. -- Small house in or out of Private. Call 723- WANTED! city, Will pay cash. 2327 after six. WANTED! Tworbedroom bungalow. Close to school. Preferably close to city limits, Private sale with reasonable down payment. Telephone 7285456, 29--Automobiles For Sale BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens' paid off Trade up or down Always top quality VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 1956 NASH Rambler -- Fairly good con dition, Must sell, Best offer. Tele; Brooklin 655-3054, onenn |manvitie 623-5355. CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell vour used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car dealer and "SAVE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks, we em up or dawn. Liens. paid NICOLS MOTORS LTD; 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Acros: from Reva' Hote] WHITBY 668-3331 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers "want" cars for Wrecking. Highest prices paid, Wentworth East. 725-1181. ah le A abd SOE OSHAWA Auto Paris and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking, Telephone 7252162 or 723-4225. 31--<Automobile Repair OSHAWA Tuneup Centre offers expert carburetor and auto electric: servi King West 728-0817; ee FRANSMISSION Specialists ~~ Transmis> ions are our only business, 1 $i Neth, Phone 728-7339. gehen cators. cheqi "| furniture, We. buy, sell, rent, sere vice. Larpest stop, terms, New used. Low overhead, low prices, Bilt Hamilton, Raglan, |3-ROOMS of fu . }payment, $16, monthly, At Honest Cal's. 424 King Street West, 728-0191, MOFFAT electric stove, oven, Acme Electric, 4 burner table and chairs. wenger washer, etc, Telephone 725-9035. BOAT,. 16 ft. Cedarstrip, meoring, Wie controls, 7¥a HP Jobnson "% Gator trailer, All A-l condition, 623-3270. WESTINGHOUSE range, automatic 307) matehi WESTINGHOUSE, refrigerator, medum sized, freezer compartment, crisper etc. in good: condition, $65, Diet' 668-8753; 1956 DODGE, radio, good running cond. tion, best offer; also chesterfield set, new- ly covered, black and white. 729-5001, SINGLE BED, brown enamel, spring and ; heavy duty stove, medium size. good. condition, Telephone in rare, DINING ROOM suite, solid oak, 8 pleces, leather seats, condition, $90 or best offer. Must sell. Telephone 729-2846. RANGETTE, works perfectly new md ners, 25 Colborne. street west, or 725-3248 BEAUTY shop equipment for sale, Dryers, chairs, shampoo basin, mirrors, cabinets, etc. Phone Whitby, CASH register, Refrigerator, salad table, dishes, etc. Used a etger sors (2), typewriter. Telephone 728-9504, GO CART, Excelient condition, motor, newly rebuilt, Helmet and spare parts inctuded, $125, Whitby, 668-5616. pales tah feted anne condition, 728-3556. Hicoagg teeta tower soneibis 40-ft. im ire, ik chann: we HOUSE SOLD, Sale of furnishings, wash-|staled and cunrentend by, experts: wi er, stove, vacuum, lamps) chesterfleld,|10 years' qe $5, Trio indnon chair and aatoman, rug and undercushion,|T 7285143. Seiad Maa cl TENTS, frallers, sleeping bags, seven, 30" VIKING range, fully automatic, $50:|pioic lugs and coolers. Best prices. Norge refrigerator, large, automat'« de|Trms, pees Tire, Store, Bond frost, $50. Both perfect condition. Bow-|Street Wi 32--Articles for Sale HONEST CAL'S" Furniture and Appil- ances. Name brands at biggest discounts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture fines. Your author- \zed GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West. 728-9191. REFRIGERATOR, 11 cu, fi., $225. also Frigidaire range, 40, $40, Both in new 8 ENCYCLOPEDIA Americana 30 volurmns children's 18 volumns, 10 natural science |263-2695. world atlas, Reasonable 726-508? BASS LARGE size amplifier stand Leng up $250. Call after 6, Whitby on -- $80. Pair of hardly used, $10, Whitby 668-5725. aLRCTRTE RANGE ba Inch. Moffat. 668-5881 --- extension Py TV TOWERS special, 40 ff. tower struc ture with all channel antenna, $50. Oshawa TV Suppy Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180, Whitby 161 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, transmission, 6-cylinder, custom . Owned. and. driven by original owner, Ser Apply 793 Grierson, Oshawa. 728 1957 HASH Rambler station wagon, re- clining sents, radio, geen condit! chea| Must sell. Call 728+ oe citi A ve " Condition. Apply 655 "cernenie -- Phone. 728-0336. between 5.30 ~ 7, p.m. 1958 CHEVROLET convertible, V-8 air matic. Power steering. Power brakes, Best offer, Phone Ajax 942-6604 after. 6. 1932 CADILLAC V8 sedan; 1936 Ford; 1954 Studebaker, Low-Boy; Canada class Sports car. Go-Kart; hand wrecker crane, 725-8320. 1955 BUICK hardtop, Grenfell Street, 1960 ~~ PONTIAC $100. Apply 94 723-9382, Laurentian two-door hardtop, eight-cylinder, automatic, radio, speaker, whitewalls, discs, seat belts, original owner, 728-3013, Henniah August. 1964. Somme Everyone. veep Day. Historical Pageant rR -- From Quite's Sail to 'Addington Tall, nightly. TUESDAY, JULY 21st 7:30 P.M, 20 regular games $8. and $10 Shore The Wealth $150 Jackpot j 58 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified 1964 FORD Faicon Futura hardtop, six- cylinder, white with red Interior, radio, wheel discs, white walls, two-year war- ranty; 1963 Plymouth, Belvedere, 6 cylin- der, four-door, white with bie Interior, white walls, wheel discs, washers, back- up lights, 20,500 miles, Dial 2632138. 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, low mille age, sedan, standard 6, black, $1100 No! money down, will finance. Telephone| 723-3898. 1957 FORD Fairlane 500, convertible, V-8, fair 725- 2121, pe PONTIAC, 3 cylinder,' standard, in oes 3495, 1954 CHEVROLET coach, custom radio. Cheap for quick sale. Telephone Hamp- ton 263-2357. 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne, excellent condition. Apply Street. Telephone 723-9726. WRECKING '52 fo '59 Chev's, Pontiacs, Buicks, Old's and Fords. Telephone 72@- 8938, USED car parts, spindles, to make trail- ers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street East after 4, 723-2281. 1964 CHEVROLET convertible, red with black interior, 4 speed. Telephone 725- 2884. 1960 VAUXHALL VICTOR, one owner. Exceptional condition. Color light bive, whitewalls. Price $695. Telephone 728-2166. 1951 MORRIS MINOR, good condition, $95, Telephone 728-0238. ° 1959 CHEVROLET impala, 6 cylinder, automatic, excellent condition .All extras. 728-2097 anytime, convertible. 153 Church $13,790 Whitby and Ajax Detached $740 DOWN. Carries $105 monthly interest Principal and taxes if you qualify. 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows and split levels -- twin sinks -- fully plastered walls -- -- exhaust fans -- storms + and screens -- sodded front and rear -- hollywood kit- chens -- clay brick -- some with garages electric heating in some. 668-8951 Manderhill Real Estate Ltd, Scarboro -- AM 7-9712 NORTHRIDGES 1679 INVESTMENT LEASE BACK SHOWING 8% NET RETURN FULL PRICE $45,000.00 Reguires half cash or approx- mately $5,000.00 in a syn- dication. CALL MR..L. BOLAHOOD BOLAHOOD -- oo LT 10] Simcoe North 728-5123 new 1963 CHEVROLET two-door hardtop, V-8 automatic, fully equipped, beautiful bive metallic, balance of new warranty, Pri- vate. 728-7831. 1956 CHEVROLET sedan, standard, cUs- tom radio, very good condition, $475. 1956 Plymouth, good V-8 motor, good trans- portation, $85. Apply 50% Bloor Street East. Ade Corner Bloor Street and Edith CLASS C. E. McGIBBON & BASTEDO BARRISTERS Wish to Announce the Re-location of their Law Offices to 37 KING ST. E. (rd Floor) Friday, July 24th FREE ADMISSION FREE KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50. Full Card 5 -- $30 Games: 2 -- $250 Jackpots 20 -- $20 Jackpots JACKPOT NOS. 54 & 55 EARLY BIRD GAMES -- EXTRA BUSES 7:30. BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS Children under 16 not allowed, 1961 AUSTIN HEALY 3000, oxcellent con- dition, radio, seat belts, wire wheels, overdrive. Telephone 725-0479. 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air, automatic, power steering, radio, low mileage, ex- cellent condition. One owner. Best 725-2469. 1959 "JEEP", oe steel cap. Four-wheel drive. Telephone 723-4233. 1963 suynauT mo door, V8 automa- tic, radio, '64 Pontiac two -door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering. and' brakes, '59 Pontiac, Laurentian, two door V8 automatic very clean, 655-4541 Brooklin. i963 CHEVROLET 55 convérfible 327 automatic, power brakes, steering, radio, immaculate one owner 19,000 miles, Leav- Newcastle 987+ Ing province must sell! 4545, 1956 $295 also 1957 Vauxhall. 2932 1962 CHEVROLET Excellent condition Telephone 725+ radio automatic, red in- NOVA CHEVYT! tires, snow tires black with terior, exceilent condition. 728-5927 1963 CHEVY 1! convertible radio, auto- matic transmission, power top. $2350 or best offer. Finance can be arranged 725-|- 5158 1957 DODGE Cornet. motor good aganaticn 06060 or 725-0330. 1964 FORD Galazie 500-XL_ convertible, fully equipped, brand new. Private, deel, Telephone 725-5127. 195% FORD. Cusiom sedan. RH, rebuilt engine. Runs well. After 6, Whitby, 668: good tires, cood Sacrifice, 725- 4 1958 PONTIAC four door, automatic. Good condition. Must sell immediately asking $550. Telephone 725-4398. 1960 CHEVROLET half ton, 7 ft. long box, Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL FREE - ADMISSION -- FREE 20 REG. GAMES' -- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL -- $160 in 56 Nos. $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT -- $100 in 52 Nos. $29 Con. SHARE THE WEALTH EXTRA BUS SERVICE NO CHILDREN, PLEASE GOOD PARKING WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, JULY 20th Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 54 and 58 1 -- $150 JACKPOT MUST GQ Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20. GAMES AT $20 -- 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY: BIRD GAME AT 7.45 ADMISSION. $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES Children under 16 not admitted new motor, new tires, Dial Brooklin 655-9905. RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA