Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jul 1964, p. 5

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------, se ne ear ee = ny Saas mom ---- =n ame a cng ine a SN Io WHITBY And DISTRIC Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St, West 'An Answer |(Brooklin Cools To Attack 'Red-Hot' Hawks mere ; . | By CLIFF GORDON {players in the league % fess '. Paced by the. almost -air-|pow. . .', We do not have an . , tight goal tending of Pat Baker|up to date record on the local . By JOHN GAULT land the fine three-goal effort|forward but we understand that (Whitby Editor) lof Grant Heffernan, Brooklinjhe tops the league in' assists Sr. Lacrosse Club last night|with almost 40 to date. . . * There was a letter-to-the-edi- cq up their fifth win in alhome action for the Brooklin » tor posted in the editorial pages a. _ fey whipped the so-jteam will be one week ae of yesterday's Times, taking this) ji. "red thot" Huntsville|Sautrday night, July 25, when| those pesky Peterborough! article, condemning the burning po cides the fine goal tending|Speedy Erns will be Office to task for running ano is 81 at the Brooklin arena.| 'of garbage in the town dump, .¢ payer and the goal scoring] visitors. + close to the Rosedale-Dovedale , +i... of the fleet-footed Heffer-| SUMMARY eabtivision. nan, playing coach Ken "Red" | y guneite cone The president of the Park C;awford aiso chipped in with a) 2' Brooklin, Heffernan, G. Lotten Vista Ratepayers Association, pair. Singles were chalked up} sicttallineSrs0gs 4.47, Lough 13.06, Don Vipond and Wheel Mr. R. L. Mackintosh, took the/py Don Vipond, Glen Lotton .° i735" Ludiow 17.46. stand that the story was "'ill- and Bob Hanna. | SECOND PERIOD advised'. Tom Conlin the colorful cap-| 3. Brooklin, Heffernan : I shall only comment briefly tain of the losing pleasure town) " sf Asli ales g on this: It is not the concern of team' scored the only g0al for) 6 Brookiin, Don Vipond @ newspaper, any newspaper, the losers. It came at the .25/ 7. Brooklin, G. Lotton, whether something is con- mark of the first period and) , frawtord: K. Lotton story, we will publish that story.|Big Man' in the net as far as|17.7 iedhe- | SO Mr.' Mackintosh also writes'the resort town team was CON-) 9 prookiin, Crawford, Baker that "it is the opinion of the cerned. The one goal allowed by) Penalties -- Thompson 4.21 . . +. Ee gq Buck 6.24, C bell 13,43, 14.06, i executive committee of the as- Baker and his mates will go ajBuch 0.24 Campbell Us43, 1006, Conlin sociation that the article and long way now in the goalies' state, without contradiction, St, Kitts team has played two} that at least one member of the jess games and has allowed executive was not even notified just three less goals. He will that a meeting would be held to have to be mighty sharp to} condemn the article keep up with Baker, the pride Mr. Mackintosh also said that of the Brooklins the matter had already. been' Brooklin, who was boasting a settled, The residents of the four-in-a-row record as they | WHEEL southern portion of the sub- headed into last night's game divisions, the ones who suffered were not too sharp when they) ALIGNMENT - from the stench and smoke of first. hit the floor. We should) burning town garbage, ap-|however not be too harsh as} e parently were ang spesingee of | they won in rather easy fashion. | this fact, because it was they.|wWe do think they could have} not us, whose quotes supplied! protected Baker more on the REPACK the news story. (A news Story, /ione goal that did beat him. FRONT not an editorial.) Brookil r : | ; ; \Brooklin has an eight-point lead 'The complent. to Town Coun- over their nearest rivals, St.| WHEEL cil -- the.one referred to in| Mr. Mackintoh's letter, was|Kitts. The lead is the largest) BEARINGS filed and heard before -the pic-|enjoyed by any team in the OLA ture and story were done. When|4t time of whiting. We think & our reporter and photographer | that this deserves a tip of the visited the area some 20 hours |hat to the manager, coach, and ADJUST after the Council meeting, the|all the players as well as the} garbage was still burning mer-|executive of the Brooklin team BRAKES rily who have made an all-out ef- Mr. Mackintosh also com- fort to bring Sr. lacrosse to the! e plained that our reporters did|area with nothing but the best in not keep an appointment with|players and entertainment s * attempted to speak with Mr.|in the second stanza. At the Mackintosh, but were advisediend of the second period a him to discuss the matter. The local team while slow to ! No one in this office was in-|get untracked in the first, FY IR i ] formed of any appointment. We| period, unleashed their big guns| ' t H that. he was out, and that he|Brooklin team held a comfort- would be leaving for Toronto im-jable 7-1 lead and from here on ~ mediately after returning home.|in they appeared to relax and We left a message asking that/take it easy. They will be gun- he call us on the matter. No one/ning for win number six in a received a call. irow as they travel to Hunts- . Mr. Mackintosh also points /ville on Saturday night. errr out that the smoke and fumes | JUST TALKING... Pat only affected a small portion of/paker was about as sharp as the subdivision. We only inter-iwe have seen him this year as viewed the people who were/ne kicked out all but one goal affected, since they were thejiast night. As we said earlier ones who were suffering. in our story, he might have had ~------a shutout had our defence been BRIDGE TRAFFIC ijust a little bit keener on that The number of vehicles using|first drive... . However shut- the Ambassador Bridge be-!outs are few and far between in OSHAWA tween Windsor and Detroit injSr. Lacrosse... . Grant Hef- 9 > | rong rose six per cent to 2,787,-/fernan, with his three goals, ' 'continues as one of the hottest x WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Power) ing, New York, which they! of Dublin, Ireland, arrived|found most interesting Thursday and were met at the Ineernational Airport, Toronto,|. Mrs. Janet Gibson. of Glas- by their son and daughter-in-|S0W, Scotland, who is at pres- law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward/@nt visiting her daughter and Power, 119 Bell drive. Mr. and/S0N-in-law in Calgary, Alberta, } Mrs. Power will be spending) Will be arriving Friday, July 17,| one month and will visit vari-/'0 visit with her sister and) ous points of interest in On-|rotherin-law, Mr, and Mrs.| tario. Archibald Maxwell, 337 Rose-! dale drive. | David, son of Mr. and Mrs Glen Halpenny, celebrated his| Mrs. Charles Burras of Eng- second birthday, July 15 land is visiting her - sister-in- Friends of the family wish|!@w, Mrs. James (Kathleen) David many happy returns of Brough, for three weeks and the day. y while she is here they will . . take a trip around Ontario by Miss Ingrid Jordan left jast,c4! Sunday for a vacation in the ~ north part of Ontario deems sane | The Smart Wear Mr. and Mrs, Rex Caverley Timmins, have returned home | after spending a few days visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mason, 100A Byron street south. | | Mrs, Marilyn Smith and chil : dren Terry and Gerri of Corn- finer leathers wall are spending the summez unsurpassed comfort months at the home of her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and|| MEN'S FINE SHOES Mrs. Ma! Femia, 331 Dovedale at | drive. | ? ° 1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mar Collins Shoes H shall and their son Ricky re- 119 BROCK ST. §, | [-- that smiling friend of the;mac avenue, West Hill, was {ship's debts to the time of} 1$155,751.72 were settled in a 16.10} si- months showed an increase oiyears, paid during the six, 1213!months amounted to $37,860.30, | 15.19/80 increase of $2,078,13 over 17.00) 1963 : Brooklin, Heffernan, Baker. venient or not, When we have a after that Mr. Baker was "Mr.| Penaities -- Buck 5.37, 8.34, 'Deputy Reeve reported. sas picture were ill-advised"..I can race as Bob McCready of oS HT EO OR mm | HOLIDAY SPECIAL HOLIDAY SPECIAL) = <f>nebs j Canada's Highest Quality Shoes | 20% DISCOUNT WON ALL DACK STOCK LTD. -- 2 Locations -- 227 Toronto Ave. Opp. Cloverlest Mote! No. On the contrary. Though they sound alike, T Tax Dollars |Start-Pistol Follies Roll Into " Manager: John Gavit Tel. 668-3703 | Township |. When the accused fired aj BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Juneistarting pistol, he started some- was a good month for the|thing -- trouble for himself. Whitby Township Tax Collector! Lioyd Trim, 19, of 20 Fleri- people. fined $50 and costs or 10 days Deputy Reeve John Dryden.|for aiming and firing the noise- at Monday's meeting of Town-|maker at a car he passed on en a reported that tax|Brock road north, Pickering. collections for 1964 are far ' i! ahead of the collections made} pr pcr help pet bot in the similar period last year.|.scauit. referred to the action| In the first five months Of|.. the 'height of stupidity." the year the taxpayer's pocket!" Grown Atiorney Bruce opened and $129,130.35 poured, : : "With a starting pistol?", | puzzled His Worship. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuradey, July 16, 1964 5 Mounties' Court --readquarters here, an informed Shot Down By Court 'sun, Sttedsiedicteni |imposed on two high-ranking|ing that the two men involved Trim, it was learned {ro mjnot pointed it at Joyce, |RCMP officers at Montreal by|have not been suspended or dis- Constable Dave Kernohan of When asked what He was do- 4 Court set up under the RCMP charged as a result of the OPP, Whitby; had been in the|ing with the gun, he said he was ACt now are under review at'court's decision. passenger seat of a car south-|"'just up hunting." --eee bound on Brock road when he reached out and fired at Gordon Joyce of Scarboro. caught up with~.the car , taining the accused, and driven Ontario has five women may-4 668. 305 by David Caldwell of West Hill.|ors--at Cobalt Goderich, Lea-| 4901 WHITBY PLAZA Brock' $, The officer described the re-|side, Orillia and Ottawa. WOMEN MAYORS j port of a starting pistol as be-| ing louder than that of a 22.) into the Township coffers | Affleck reminded the court that June, however, proved to he|~ a golden month and the 'Town- Trim explained that he had! ithis type of action was a "very, |serious type of situation." 'just fired the weapon, and had A THOUSAND | single month. | The 1964 figure for the first during 1963 I Tax arrears from previous The $60,000 remaining debt from the 1963 bank loan and $150,000 has been repaid the) NOW OPEN... 7, s . Chutetcdin tee rinttar neces] ~=«Whitby Glass & Mirror Co. TABLE TOPS --- SHOW CASES For Fast Service .. . CALL 668-2481 13.43 $100,000 of the 1964 loan of f 309 BEECH ST, MOST PHONE 668-3356 or 728-9432 [| for | Appointment [ WHITBY BUY DOLLARS With Monthly Payments of $14.57 For Five Years victoria | *9-9° and GREY | SALE TRUST. at oe Dene si. w. woioy| Continues on. All Ladies' Shoes. ~ | HOUSTON SHOES 401 Dundes «= $48; WHITBY PLAZA pr Rentals At... CANADA'S FAVORITE SIVER [INERZ" o TRAVEL TRAILER FOLDS DOWN TO ONLY. 46 IMS, GROUND FOR UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW. WIND RESISTANCE 1S CUT TO A MIN IMUM... SAVES FUELT STOP WHEN YOU LIKE, WHERE YOU LIKE. ONE PERSON CAN SET UP THE TRAILER HOME IN. MINUTES! gs Reg. 895.00 se... 8795 WILDE RENTAL a FEET HEADROOM, SLEEPS SIX' PERSONS, 'SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundes St. Hwy, No. 2 WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 668-3226 $40.00 per week cently motored to Kingston Watertown, and Syracuse, New York. They also visited the Corning glass works in Corn- WHITBY > Fr til 9 PM WHITBY a PAUL NEWMAN in love, in danger, in the flesh! BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 9:10 Feoture Starts 6:55 & 9:25 £ Recommended Ags FE SOMMER 'EDWARD ROBINSON ws weocouor sijnpasiuaaaes 'These seasoned old-timers are more than 100 years old. We brought them from England in the 1920s--when we imported Burnett's complete distillery, Compared with today's huge, automatic stills, our old copper Pot Stills are miniatures | --and slowpokes, In the time they take | to make one gallon of gin, some of their modern counterparts ate mass- producing ten. We'd save money by switching to such mon- sters. But our Burnett's Sterling would . no longer be a "slow" gin. And it wouldn't taste the same. they're poles apart Sloe Gin---flavoured with sloes--is sweetish and aromatic. Our "slow" gin--Burnett's Sterling--is a juniper gin; a London Dry Gin. With the emphasis very much on dry. Why do we callita'slow" gin? Because it's made slowly--the old-world way, In small, unhurried batches. The whole process is rather like home ' cooking. Watching, sniffing, tasting, we hover over Sterling's distillation. What sets the slow pace is our little English Pot Stills. Like the one'you see on the right Burnett's Ste rl i ng London Dry Gin BISTILLERS CORPORATION LiMiTED, mONTREAL SUMMER CLEARANCE TO CLEAR 20% OFF This is Regular Merchandise Not Especially Made Up For Sale Purposes. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE 321 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY PLAZA

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