Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jul 1964, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 16, 1964 } | 75-D ay Vigil Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings For Daughter : nN 1N Weert gus war GS 1 ea ae tok a Norms sick alla Wh nda Gorda] | Seek... choles Hisar, owee| To Quit Coma -- Toronto Stock Sechinee--Joty % LobCo A 300 9 ie 8% + 4) C Mogul 600 380 375 375 Min-Ore 1 1 Wy 41 | (Quotations in cents unless marked $./ LobCo B 310 38% y Nat Expl 6000 27 | 5 oh. Hi HAMILTON (CP) -- Fourteen 1-Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex:| Loeb M = 230 $1278 127 Ps v4 New Bi som SH SW 3s lore a day for the-dast 75 days rights, xw--£x-warrants, Net change Is} M8 PR 0 j Nema Cal bd - * fat Va y y from previous board-lot closing sale.)| Maher A 500, BY 8%. N Goldvue 7 |Mrs. Muriel Barnard has sat M Leaf Mill 6 | 7 WW --Ye| New Hosco 232 af nt |b the hospital bed, waiting for Mass-F 3 i (+4) Newiund 162 16% 16a -- 2 |DY pi g INDUSTRIALS Met Stores Ya 9 i Bow | Newer 167 te" 1621" |the moment when her 18-year- Mon Foods | oO 11a Wk -- Ve New Rouyn 2 12 «12 44 11 Net! Mont Loco 3 | «Aa, ee Fae Nick Rim 94 192 194+14 jold daughter will come out of! Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge!) Moore "4! Deinite 7 78 (78 Nisto i3 +1 (a coma. Abitib} 750 sis 15 35 Nat Drug %4| Denison $15% 15 15 -- | Norbeav $s 1s 3 | Alta Gas 225 $352 35% 35%4--%| Noranda 210 $47% 47% 47% Dicknsn 300 485 485 485 Noriertie 10 Her vigil starteq when a po- 'Alta Nat 120 $21' 2114 NO NGas 6100 $244 244 24% | Discovery 310 310 310 +10) Norlex 9 +! jliceman revived Karen Barnard | A 210 $73% ' | Nor Phone ae " Ts + Ye Dome a ie _ Roe Ys) .Normetal a by mouth to mouth resuscita-| | [ xz Va 1AV Donaida 1 Sthewe A 75 $29% 2 2 --"%) Duyvan un 5 15 pe Zip |tion May 4 after Karen was be- | Pac Pete 340 $14 13% 14 ve) E, Ampni Y 25 --1 |lieved-drowned and given up for! Pembina 200 S82 8% 82+ Fiwest T Nova Mine 39 dead. | Pow Corp. 250 $12% 12% 1248 | F Mar Obaska /s 7a + Va ; aS 4 Tae Tia+ Vol Price Bros pd oy br oa ie Ernchour von a 3 Ay O'Leary pa The girl's condition has been| 56% S7Ma-- Val' QN Gas ae enex Orchan ' ~Pitic: j | 12% \%e--%\ 'QN Gas pr 308137 137 137 +2 | Giant YK s10% oe 10% Patino 75 --5 |listed as- critical 'ever since. | 51 QN'G 63 w 500 S15 510 SIS. +10) Glenn Ur 218600 33 34 --6 | Pee Expl 61 +3. Doctors say she could remain) 265, 265, +5 | Revelstoke , 1000 811% Tim Tet | GF Mining 14600 2 oe 8 Peerless 218 12+ in the coma for months--even| \a-- Ve} 7 "a lad Pi dnd Hd =! Sore 9 ore ' 65 415 |years--and the only change in| 22% + Ye} Royal Bank 220 $75 76 76 Gulf L 1000 @22--2! st Cem A 25 $2890. 28% 28% + V*) Gunnar 100 710 70" Ho + 950 her condition - could" well be! ve y | Sel cp Corp 10 $6 6 & Hasaga 3000 16% 15 16% pris ef St Maurice 300 40 * 4 Hastings 400 299 «299 «299 | 4 \death. Q : 88% --2%|' Salada 150 $13 8 ime High-Beli 1100 825 ONS. ois | : 4 +1 But their daily reports of "'no : itt y Shell Can 571, $19 1834 Hollinger 450 $28% 264 281% oe Se iz "| Shel pr 20 $7 Int Helium 100 155 155 1 4 } change" have not dented Mrs. i |Barnard's faith that Karen will) v Shell } wis 300 425 625 625 --S | tron Bay 500 106 24% + Vel Slater A wis 200 690. 685 690 +5 iso 200 245 4 1 +2 |recover. 4) +s) Steel Can 1836 $25%% 25% 25'2--%e Jacobus 21 Iy 64 1500 270621 8 395 72'e-- Ve} Suptest ord 725 $182 18 18% Jelex 21 : ' Texaco 25 $58 582 58V2 Joburke 12% 12 1248+ a! gi Stand iL -- | Tor-Dom Bk 119 $65% 6558 ih -- %| Jowsey 2 ye Hh -- Starratt 6 e T Fin A 150 $12% 12% 12% + | Kenville a Steep R : ie a S eal: FE C L, L H Len mee 8 cove, ee te Steep ad urpri or Cool, Leisure Hours ! Trans-Mt 500. $19% 19% 19%4-- Ve Kirk Min 2 vil ~» Ta0 60 6 C Dredge 400 340 Trans PPL 250 $9% 9 "~ Lab Min + ar : \ i 100 5 IC h B Sines a oe an sm b bah Loved @ ia 4 2 " UZeCNS uying | A--Handsome hammocks of green cotton B--Heavy gauge tubular steel hammock 2 v % - is 95 -~" | vii n és ° i i j i i C Imp Bk € 50 866% Un Gas rts 2952 $4 rani duck and printed cotton blends smartly. stand is easily dismantled for convenient € ind Gas 225 $10 | Versatood" 100 790 290 90S. Macon 3538 af oO ¢C d Wh t Ma 22% rr 2 ve 19% 1 1 ) y . ° : ' sigue tr om sate won GW? se ol eens 020 =I mt 4 anada @al | trimmed with white cotton fringe. Mat- storage. In green finish only. Approx. Va fe 7 $ 6% M y eae val s : ' : H . ; all ' Con Pat pr: ls Wall Fi tos slat os 1 Mato sie 58 : a a0 '$ WINNIPEG (CP)--Czechoslo-| Ching pillow treated to resist mildew. Ap- weight 30-lb., approx. size:.10'6" x 2'8", Ms 1 fic , te dat 2 : Chamcal 8 fishes W acitic Mo "svt 10% 1976 + A] Mexen ta]. Weedon an ah? tg vakia has made an 18,300,000-) prox. 40 x 80". Delivered unassembled. C* Savings 100 $10% 10% 10%-- | Weston B 170 $20. 20 20 +4) MeMar i0 1 142° 142 bushel purchase of Canadian| y : : ' 10 $7 96 96 McWat 23 4s 425 --2 wheat, far higher than ex- Eaton Special Prices: Eaton Special Prices: Bidg 400 $9 9 a4 -- 4) wstn 4% pr 501 $10% 19% 10% + " 12 ig we 18 ae: 8 West A wis Yale. seed ; 'pected, a reliable source said 8 Ve 36% 36a + 14 25 $262 26/2 262 | Paper 2m) 40." 4% neem dunt | oe ity s+ "sl here Wednesday. HAMMOCK, EACH STAND, EACH Paper 220 $43 2% 3 + | Yukeno Gas n 2070 $12% 1244 12% E |. Zenmac tg 272 22-- Corby vt 230 $19% 19% 39% OILS DIVID N cep dee 4000 202 1 The deal worth $36,000,000 Crush Int 3008114 11% 1% Hit an ae was negotiated by a Czech dele- 230 450 (445 Alminex 400 380 380 380 5 ESS Sales to a.m.; 2,327,000. ati e wit the adian 31850 470 465 cal Ed 225 323Va 2318 23¥4 By THE CANADIAN PRES gation her h the Cani 'on FORFION TRADING wheat board, the Crown market- ® ee 600 285 $62 62 -- Mh! ¢ Gas 650 133 132 132 --1 Ltd., year ended Ex Gas John Labatt » ¥ 600 "0 +25 |ing agency. 1345 $2!% 20% 20% --1%) C High Cr 1500 2 3 2.43 April 30: 1964, $5,015,000, $1.15) el anh ai ah 3i90 aust Z3\a 23 CL! Pete 500 tome sou' la share: 1963, $3,415,000, $1.02. Union ming 335 35 35 --2 | Grain traders were caught by ee oe 22 H.C. ** Consolidated Ma nin g and sarocon Wt ite Of the doa Both Hammock and 50 $267 26% 2 Y Gri 2561 41 4} a Smelting Co, of Canada Ltd., 6 Under a five-year agreement 460 $74 73% 9400 485 480 months ended June 30: 1964, DIVIDENDS signed last Oct. 29, the Com-| Stand, Complete Se pes eae e& 50894 94 Mill City 2500 23% 23 234 + Ve munist-bloc country was obli-| 453197 197 1] Numac 5100 170 167 170 +6 | $21,195,000, $1.29 a share; 1963, ted to take 12,800,000 bushels Freiman =§'100$5% SM Sth - Petrol 500 62 62 62 +3 | 919,299,000, 75 cents. By. THE CANADIAN PRESS | &* ree ie te atcaths usnels || ZATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP DEPT. 227 : PHONE 725-7373 Dev 300 $56 Sie Gas 21650 244 237 240 + pi se Rssol oo ee ee he ng 29, +3 Harvey's Foods Ltd., 3 ee sana Ltd., pfd. 37% cents, Sechits' Wa Cacia Weal ee ee te *y mcuery Rew 23 $0 * ended June 30; 1964, $22,216;| Aug. record Aug. 13. ee oe | GP Dri A 3825 130 125 120 + poen 3000 15 15 15 2 i i bo al leteme-- Gi Aaa Red rind Ol 10 195,195, 195,, +1 | 1968, $16. my; The 'Cra ae ee es ee eon 8 acca aiteation Globe A 210 $122 12% 12 Union Oil $00 $15% 1514 1547 | oo etiaated Paper Corp. Ltd.,, mon two cents, Oct. 10, record ae ne oe zee obi Goodyr pr 30 $46 46 U_Canso 1500 223 216 223 Oct. GL P. 100 $26%4 26% -26%4 + 50 7 +7 +7 +%/6 months ended June 30: 1964, c 1 ' GL Power 20 $23 23. 2 a $7,326,830, $1.24 a share; 1963,|_ Geco Mines Lid. 30 cents,) Shipments to be carried out oys tripe reel rd Seut. 15, record Aug. 14. in the August to November pe- } Greyhnd 250 $144 499 Uecmere , 4 _ 5 4 avy MINES $6,687,318, $1.12. i Mites Trans-Prairie Pipe Lines Ltd.,| riod will overlap into the second) Pamour Porcupine ©S\ common 10 cents, Sept. 15, rec-\year of the long term agree- Hayes Si 218 $1914 19% 19% + %| Acad Uran 500 6 6 6 | , Sept. 15, J ; eae 27% & Home A 270 $19Ve 19% 19%e-- 4! All Pitch 1500 22% 22% 22'2--%|Ltd., 6 months ended June 30: ord Aug. 31. 'ment ; 2% AS at ee ee ae ee 1964, $342,000, 6.8 cents a share; | plaints ee : Horne 2200 | A 500 203 203 203 + | ; E rlor g 1963, $340, 000, 6.8 cents. _-------- || é i ; H Smith pr 50 $42% 42% a -- & Arion 5000 (1) 1 1 H BONG 100 $17% 17% 174~-- Atl C Cop 2000 100 100 10 Husky 945 $978 9% W%m--%h! Atlin-Ruf 159 9 9 9 Aunor Gold Mines Ltd., 6 CANADA'S ORIGINAL MUTUAL FUND Imp Oi! 4 351% 51 51 Base Mets 12500 1914-19 19% months ended June 30: 1964, HAS DECLARED {TS ; > Ge h Bel U | Price! % | | 1 ie Mue elow Usual Price! imp Tob 815 $1388 134 13%3-- 4! Baska 00 8 8 & --% : 232,000, 11.6 cents; 1963, $300,- : : 126™ CONSECUTIVE QUARTERLY DIVIDEND Ind Accep ed a eee 8 og Belleterre $00 53° 5353 $0018. cenit ind Wire -- Bethim 500 670 670 670 a c Ss. 7 4 Ingits 10 OF aS Ne | Bibs 10750 274 % 27 Halnor Mines Ltd., 6. months WV FOUR CENTS PER SPLIT SHARE } y ; ; yf pa on" Meee 7 B Nome ns ama + 1 11+) Lended June 30: 1964, $211,500, PAYABLE AUG, 1, 1964 TO SHAREHOLDERS OF RECORD JULY 15 4 ; : Ae o Striped cardigan of lambswool - and - "Orlon" is Inter PL 259 Sa8ia aa a8 Bounty Exp 500 35% 35'2 354+ 1110.6 cents: 1963, $172,200, 8.6 SHARES SPLIT 3 FOR 1 APRIL 15, 1964 Pp! % Roo FB washable and has rib knit cuffs and waistband Int Stl P 700 335 330 330 +8 Buff Ank 500 215 215 215 2 ents. Inv Sm A 43) Sou @ 7 Bunker HM' 44go 92 312 + te 'aecrid RT ee ir ee LATEST 4 QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS TOTAL A RECORD : e d lockey 4 40 430 5 Cad t 4 4 4A-- a E, e ; -- tH « al Pi pg i FE te I conte ©) 1000 17910 1 8 celine coun EQUIVALENT OF 42¢ ON OLD SHARES OR 14¢ ON NEW SHARES i and button-front to high V neckline. In sizes small Li Hy iy % 'i abatt 745 $20 20 2 Cc Austral 5000 ° 9 9 9 KE 4 Pi, Lafarge wt 2265 a8 € Dyno 5200 118 13 113 --2 | One of the world's most ad-| |I| cast ovens exceeo $61,000,000 since orcamzanon e ' 4 P (8), medium (10 to 12), large (14 to 16) and extra Lo con" 2200 eer los 500 cr ees ue lyanced space tracking centres w 2 4&2 C Silica _ : ; : : * ' Lakeland 500. $6 6 s+ %| Cent Pat $00 --| |has been opened in Western| Canadian Investment Fund, Ltd. ; Be 4 large (18). Stripes are multicolour, Laure Sec 230320 DM 2 Cheskirk 35000 (13 | Australia, 600 miles north of Lau Fin 1350 $16% 1614 1614 Coch will 100 310 = \\) thie EATON ; ; July Sale, 2 Locations In Guess To Serve You! ES ay WOEN os ta oekaki & OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE} | ¥ and 15 SIMCOE STREET N. | EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 J --. | SUMMER BEADS GLEARANGE | Reg. 1.00 to 10.00! i nat ene aoa teaemene PT PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Here's an excellent opportunity to stock up on attractive beads. Choose from a wide range of 1-, 2- and 3-strand necklaces in various lengths. Delicate pastel shades to compliment al- most any costume. Shop early for best selection ! Ww... 30 10 5.00 July Sale each...... @ te ie 4 ® oy 4 y : / (LD Yt ; ' EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 215 7 P.M, SPECIAL © *""yatsltt sere sae (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Clearance of Black Bandeaux "Seconds" of Much Higher Priced Line ! "Wonder Bra" Petal Burst design with slight imperfections in the weave which should in no way affect wearing qualities. Sizes: A cup, 32 to al 5 cup, 34 to & 38; C cup, 32 to 40 in the group. SPECIAL, each Mee Pu paar from $ 16 from EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 EATON'S of Canada Welcomes Visitors to Oshawa ee J .»» AND MAY WE SUGGEST THAT WHEN YOU'RE DRESSY WHITES from SHOPPING FOR SOUVENIRS, YOU VISIT OUR "CANADIANA GIFT SHOP" Here's where you'll find a wealth of original Canadian craftsmanship .. . beautiful plaques and trays in wood from Canadian trees; handsome metal- ° craft; Indian crafts; plus fine English China and Irish linens; in fact what- ever your taste, the Gift Shop offers fascinatirig and rewarding shopping. EATON'S MALL LEVEL re a PEALE REO FOR COOL COMFORT COME TO | STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. MONDAY TO SATURDAY. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL.9

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