27--Real Estate For Sale S. D. HYMAN. 27--Real Estate tor Sole {27--Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY JOHN F. DeWITH 27--Real Estate For Sole SCHOFIELD-AKER 27--Real Estate For Sale RESALES in AJAX 27--Reol Estate For Sele "HOTEL ROOMS 27--Real Estate For Sale _ WHITBY, three-room unfurnished base- 2 business "phone 668-8950 ev evenings, paar aid > lg re hel ne For S cama call prive HOWE be EAL ESTATE 668-5853 $50... monthly. Convenient location, Tele- ee ern Abstainers proverred. 1 By king Street West or telephone aaa basment apartment rent. Suit bysiness 'unle. Telephone! 728-4997, SOUTH 215-- = Sesemens apartment, 2-rooms furnished. Ll agg - wad willing to share. feiephone THREEROON sarin with all Wwrni- iorisaing television, ounign com- paint mn 'wate, includes rsh immediate pill pig j, monthly. Mie, ee Lieyd dren, evenings. 6 to 7, pod af frabarean perme: electri heating, hot water, retri stove, drapes, Hi-Fi, elavator, baler swimming Pool. Whi nity, 466-8560. BREW STREET 14 -- Three-room spar. t, furnished, stove, refrigerator. its only. Central. Available now, SPECIAL" bi ---- genete $75. monthly, Tel Fun Kbon a 'apariment, second floor, /|SiX ROOM. 3 bedroom --parldage oll heating, fruit trees, $7900. so 3 lo i Apply 219 Queen street, erry, $13,790 Whitby and Ajax Detached $740 DOWN Carries $105 monthly interest Principal and toxes if you qualify, 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows ond split levels --- twin sinks ~-- fully plastered walls -- -- exhoust fans ---- storms and screens -- sodded front and rear =~ hollywood kit- chens -- clay brick -- some with gorages electric heating in some, 668-8951 Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. Scarboro -- AM 7-9712 clapboard, | full $600 FULL DOWN Lerge 3 bedroom brick bun- golow, Immaculate condition throughout. ond screens, Large lot. 12,900 FULL PRICE Lerge 5 room solid brick bungslow. One owner home in immaculate condition, Fea- turing finished recreation room. Storms end screens plus mony extras, 30 day possession of sooner, HANDYMAN_ SPECIAL 7,400 Large 7 room home on huge treed lot reduced for quick sole. Open to offers. See and sove today!! Phone Ajax 942-3310 Anytime H. GRIFFIN Call Bosco garden potential, 725-2753. Joseph REAL ESTATE BROKER "|FIFTEGN acres of piciuresque tertile NHA \ RESALE, Whitby, with all festures land, Located only three miles from Osh-|you can dream of. Big master bedroom, bachelor apartment, in apart awa, Includes large brick ranch bungalow beautiful recreation ment buliding, Stove, refrigerator, ample! with attached garage and other buildings. schools Combination washer lephone 728 Terrific_market Elmer Fredin Realtor 728-7377. room, close cluded, Full price $13,900, $100 PTI. Weinberger 725-4851. to} Thompson at 723-2265 for dryer in- 'monthly only Call for appointment Arthur Division Street, $75 monthly, Call for appointment John Penicka 728-5 FOUR-ROOM iment, private bath. Available July 15. Telephone after 5 p.m. mB: TWO-BEDROOM spariment, 995. Heat and hydro included, coms self-con- tained, Telephone Tt THREE furnished rooms for rent. Private bath and entrance, main floor, Svyit cquple. No children, Telephone 725-0809 | WIDOW" would share comfortable vil-| lage home, 12 miles from Oshawa, with quiet, , willing to share WHITBY -- One-bedroom apariment, un- furnished, private four-piece bathraom, adults only. hgh: a and ony facili ties. Telephone Whitby 668- 26--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728--867 | HOTEL ROOMS Moderate weekly rates. Good coffee shop. Modern throughout. For information call OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 FURNISHED room for rent in south end. ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 728-5157 OPEN HOUSE WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 AND THURSDAY, JULY 16 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. ONLY $15,200: 3 bedroom brick, 4 years old. Owners have bought another home and must sell. DIRECTIONS: Go North on Harmony Road to Colborne St., West to Eastmount to Open House. turn 723-2265 GRIERSON STREET - Attractive five room bunge- low with gorege and large fenced yord. Only $13,200. and 12 years old. Call to see. NEWLY DECORATED You will foll in love. with the woy- this hos been de- coroted, Six room brick bun- golow with o unique recre- ation room, You'll just hove to see this one to believe it, $97.00 monthly, . NEAR ASHBURN GOLF CLUB 80 Acre Deiry ,form with milk contract. The bright modernized 1% 'storey home hes lots of kitchen cupboards, 4 piece bath and new PA, Oil furnace, This form has o mile of frontage on the rood just north of the village and is ideally suited for profitoble subdivision into small country estates. Call A. more information ond on early appointment to inspect, LOW PRICED HOME $1,900. down. Full price $9,300, Taxes under $174, Three bedrooms, nice lot, pri- vate drive, good garage, Right on Drew Street, Why look further? Make an offer now, GRACIOUS, SPACIOUS LIVING 1 Yeor old. 9. Room brick, 2 storey home in choice north end location. Centre hall plan divides the down- stairs with living room, din- ing"room on the one side and kitchen, dinette and 20 foot family room on the other side. Upstairs, 4 beoutiful bedrooms, all with double closets. 4 pc. washroom with vanity upstairs, 2 pe. with vanity down, Price includes dishwasher, Toppan 400 stove, $700.00 worth of new drapes. All stone fireplace. List price $29,900. Reploce- | ment cost much higher. To inspect coll 723-2265. | WHITBY AREA Asking price $32,000. 30 Acres high vacant land on Kingston Road (Highway 2) just outside present Town Limits of fast growing Whitby. SUBURBAN LIVING 723-1121 MUST BE SOLD Move: right into this vocant 3 bedroom bungalow | with recreation room. and carport. Lot 60 x 110 is all fenced ond well oe: ~~ ving room, coloured | fix~- tures in both, T.V. Tower ore all featured in the' fine home, Priced at only $15,- 500, with Pye 000. 'down payment. BROOKLIN 2 good building lots / Duke St. 82 x 165 ft. Asking ag 000, Pag 2 terms, Baldwin ee . frontage priced at $5,200 FARM 85 ocre form ot Newcastle with 4 bedroom brick bunga- low with furnace and pres- sure system, Gorage ond bern, All buildings in good -stote of repair, water supply, 1,122 ft, on High- way 'No. 2 ond the same on No, 401 Hwy. Priced ot $40,000, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION o choice 6 room brick bun- 'golow on Athabosco St. 3 large bedrooms, 4 pc. both and seporate dinig room with built in cupboard ore feotur- ed. An attractive home with 0 good arrangement of rooms. Asking $14,400 GOOD OPPORTUNITY for an ambitious young moan. Busy Root Beer stand on the Highway north of Brooklin. Lot 170 x 200 ft, hos lots of room for parking. All nearly new equipment is included in the price of $14,900 KINGSDALE CRESCENT 3 bedroom stone bungalow with attached gorage on 6 deep irregular shoped lot with attractive garden. Broad- loom and tile floors through- out, Must be sold, There is © lot of god living with @ low price of only $13,900 BODY REPAIR SHOP doing a thriving business in new cement block building. Close to bus, store and schools. Ideal for a partner- ship as there is a 9 room home included thet con be easily duplexed, 1750 sq. ft. with spray booth and office. Ample parking on the % acre lot. Asking $21,900. REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 BOWMANVILLE, 5 Roomed bungslow, very clean end well kept in best locotion of town. Asking $11,000. Terms. BOWMANVILLE, North, 54% Roomed alow, Modern conveniences. Asking $7,900, NEWCASTLE, ort 4 Room- id bungalow wit jarage. Clean he $7'500. Clean home.' Only down, 5 Roomed bungolow with all modern conveniences. Only $1,500. down, PONTYPOOL, 6 Roomed home in excellent state of repair, All modern conveni- ences, Only $1,500. down. CAVAN, 4 Roomed home on paved road. Modern conve- fiences. Asking $9,000. Terms. BLACKSTOCK, 6 Roomed, new, bungalow, very modern, Good size lot. Asking $9,- 900. Easy terms. BLACKSTOCK, West. 5 Roomed bungolow, double ole Modern conveniences, 4 acres, Paved road, Only $2500. down. BLACKSTOCK, 9 home with lake frontage. Asking $6,500. Low down payment, PORT PERRY, bungalow, . excellent Modern conveniences. ious to sell, OSHAWA, Harmony Rood N. 8 Roomed brick home on 20 Acres with stream. Small born, Stream. Asking $19,- 000. OSHAWA, Lawson Road, 4 Roomed home on good size lot. Only $500. down, HAMPTON, 10 Roomed home on Mainstreet, 2 bath- rooms, Oil furnace. Only $2500. down. BANCROFT, South, 4)» Room- ed furnished cottoge. Water under pressure, Price $3,300. Terms. 50 Acre farm. Good build- ings. Water in all buildings. Consider trade for house in Oshawa, Price $10,500. Terms "5 Roomed repair. Anx- Roomed | roUR-sEDReON bungalow, close to| FOUR. Extra | beautifully innscap| ed a Finished room. Owner|with real ltransferred fo U.S.A. + ceey living with conveniences and only 15 miutes city to downtow at $16,900 Oshawa. for quick sale. Walter Mittler 728-7083. Joseph Bosco Realtor. 728-7377. WHITBY $800 five-year-old ranch bungalow. Oil heated. A terrific) family home. Near schools. Large fiv- ing room. and three. spacious Cal) Murray ee 723-4270 Joseph Realtor, 728-7377. be rou Ty Th Whitby, 1" pet Mares ie corel 10 ACRES, concession 4, side road Whitby Township, school one mile. Mr. Ee. M. Freek, Whitby, 668-4781, COMING EVENTS B l N 6G 0 OSHAWA LIONS CLUB TUESDAY, JULY 14th 7:30 P.M, BINGO 20 regular gomes $8 ond $10 WED. NIGHT Shore The Wealth $1,200 in cash prizés $150 Jackpot Jackpot Nos. 53 and 54 58 Nos. $20 Consolation JUBILEE FREE ADMISSION . PAVILION DNIPRO HALL FREE ADMISSION Corner Bloor Street and Edith | Children Under 16 Not Admitted KINSMEN BINGO EUCHRE -- Coronation Orange Hall, 4 Bruce St. Tuesday, July 14, 1964, at 8 TURES Se p.m. Auspices Ontario Temple No, '1, Pythi: Sisters. Pri, ind refreshments, EXTRA BUSES Nae a Jackpot Nos. 53. ond 54 -- a EARLY BIRD-GA read "versonals™ KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE |osna"4, Times Classified section. Dose 109 COLBORNE ST, W. |aniy. baton ges REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 N.H.A. RESALE Five room brick bungalow with finished recreation room just listed, asking only $2,- 400, down with one mortgoge. for the balance. Call Doug. Gower. RAVINE LOTS Choice building lots now avoilable with a view of Oshawa, all fully serviced and treed, for more details coll Glen MacKinnon, $12,900 This is the full asking price for o new five room bungalow to be built, only one available ot this price, call Howard McCobe. ROWE STREET Just listed, this six room two storey home in. immaculate condition, some of the fea- tures of this home are new tile floors,. built-in kitchen cupboards, new oil furnace, poved drive, garage, alumin- um siding, T.V. antenna and many other extros, for more particulars' call Jack Sheriff. PORT PERRY Seven room home with two acres of land on which is a small apple orchard, enjoy - country living yet be within commuting distonce from Oshawa. Owner will consider any reesonable trade. Call Les. Holl. FOUR BEDROOMS Asking only $1,500. down with one mortgage for the balance, this home is located on a quiet street and posses- sion con be had in 60 doys, coll now, ask for Bill Swar- brick. SAVE $500 We still have one new home, that is eligible for the Winter Works bonus, a three bed- room bungalow built by Hogenbroom Construction ond located in Kingsmere Ger- dens, calt Bob Stevenson. LIST. AND | MOVE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD i | PUBLIC NOTICE CHERNEY S WILL REMAIN. Brick ranch style bungalow with oversize rooms, lots of walk-in closets and attached Telephone 723-3336, WHiTeY -- Br Bright nicely furnished bed- sitting room and kitchenette, refrigerator, Donald Mountjoy - Guy LeBlone Idso Wiersmb - Ross Davidson SUBURBAN RANCHER Go "ACTIVE" List Your Home With B R 0 T H E RS on a lot with renner seaiietine eseeearer | 27--Real Estate For Sale sink, stove, parking, private Sui} gentleman, 859 Dundas St FURNISHED room in privale home fi- chen Privileges. | Tolephone 7233336, LAnee 7 foom, single beds, for genile- $6.50 per lage Central, cal after Be. pm, 725-8645. pt dled FURNISHED room, close to North Gen- era! Motors and downtown, Telephone 723-9895. SINGLE or double room for ladies <| Apply! bd Division Street. a6 | ACTIVE REALTY LTD. REALTORS "For Personalized Service' 48 SIMCOE S, Across from Post Office BORNISHED room tor rent, close to. Oshawa Shepeing Centre, Giri onty.| Telephone 723-3154, | GOUBLE and single Toone available. TV pvinee, parking, $8. and up, Tele- phone 72 ; , prt single room South General Motors. Parking. immediate pos- Session, 728-2660. VE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH Near Hospital, - $8,900.00, A cute stucco bungalow with 2 bedrooms and good-sized liv- ing room and kitchen and 3 piece bath. Also two-room basement . apartment = with both. Senior citizens can live free. Carries for only $65.00 monthly. Hurry. Call now. COTTAGE Joyland Beach at Lake Simcoe 2° bedroom cottage with all cottage contents included. 1-15 foot boat, new 10- horse Johnson motor. This cottage situated on beautiful Lake Simcoe. Asking only $3,900.00, See this one today. LOTS No, we cannot sell you the whole camp but we still hove one lot jeft, and its a beauty | right beside the . entrance | Large frontige for VLA and | priced for quick sale. | OPEN HOUSE | See our Open House at 168 Eostmount, priced at only | $15,200.00. See it Wednes- doy, two P.M. to 9 P.M, and puree. two P.M. to 9 Guy Beil Pauline Beal Steve Lehen Doug. Wilson Bill Horner Hertho Kirk Steve Zurba Ralph Vickery 48 Simcoe Street South across from the Post Office For Professional Services, GO ACTIVE. List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED DEVON PARK Situated ot Athol St. East, neor St. Gertrude's --~ si x new homes under construc- tion with N.H.A. financing os well os 15 serviced lots avoileble for the home of your choice. For more in- formation call Howard Mc- Cabe ot 728-6286, S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. INVESTMENT "land 65 acres, good build ings: Plenty of water. Sitvated between Ritson Road, Simcoe Street North, 10 min utes drive to downtown, Oshawa. write! Box 37 Oshawa Times. } SPLIT level, brick bungalow with buill-in range and oven, fully decorated and ol! healed. Nearing . completion and only! $1500 down. One mortgage.' Doug Skinner 728-4900 Joseph Bosco Realtor 70-7977 NEWCASTLE, [acres of land, "suitetie| for 900d buliding o's 600 ft. frontage on} good paved roac..2 bed-oons, mocern! kitcMen, electric heating, 4 place tile bath-| room vanity Shower, doors, car pert, aluminum siding, storms and screens minutes trom the lake Phone Whuby 448- 4223, d t + THREE BEDROOMS $1,000 down buys this five room bungalow located on Lupin Drive, Whitby. Walls are up for the rec- reation room and basement is all painted, Paved Streets, all services paid for. Call 668-8841 to-day PRESTIGE OFFICE SPACE In Whitbys Professional Building: Parking facilities, Daily janitor service. Telephone answering service: Phone: Rae R. Jones, Realtor, 668-8841 till 9 p.m. FARMS We have several farms in the area, a good selection 'hat all buyers should see, Call: Rae°R. Jones, Realtor, 668-8841 till 9 p.m. on paved street close to school, down payment. Call Ron Hetherington KEITH PETERS REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE Good three bedroom bungalow with carport and lot 60 x 117 ft. asking $10,500 with $4,000 23-3637 INCOME PROPERTY DUPLEX -- Centra} location, onts poy own hot water and ligh dticg monthly income ond ten- NORTH BAST DISTRICT 2 'houses, semi detached ---. both to be sold, modern kitchens. 8. Hurry for this one. Call Bill Irvine 728-286 $2,000.00 DOWN 3 Bedroom bungalow with attached gorage, hardwood and tile left. Robert Johnson 728-2 floors, colored bathroom at 548, hollywood kitchen, only one NORTH SUBURBS Ten room two: storey brick, modern kitchen, modern bath, forced air oil heating four car garage, shade trees, garden, close to school and highway. Asking $14,500. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655- 3917, OSHAWA BLVD. N. and ROSSLAND RD. Wm, Tonno, Builder -- priced right ot $14,875. 3 bedroom, clay brick bungalow, one N.H.A, fortgege, $2,400 down, cer- omic tile, storm windows and screens, aluminum doors, colored fixtures, Call Earle Allen 725-7782. ATTENTION! CASH BUYER This 1.¥a stor ey, 5 room home is in immaculote condition, cen- tral location, oil heating, beautifu treed jot 51 x 125 ft. ap- proximotely. This is an estote please contact Rolande Tierney sole. For further information 725-5207, gorage. This fine 3 yeor old home has hot water heating and is located on a large lot in-a well planned subdivision close to a new public school, Asking $24,900. Whot is your offer? For full porticulors call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Margaret Lee 728-2894 Ralph Schofield 728-3376 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Chorles Chaytor ..723-7996 Marg, Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Steve Macko 728-5868 Reg, Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St. West Free Parking L. S. SNELGROVE CO, LED: REALTORS | 43 Park Rd. S. | 723-9810 725-8761 6 ACRE FARM 6 room home in good condi- tion, attached garage, 2 barns, one nearly new, small creek, ideal pond site, nice location just a few miles from Oshawa, asking $14,700. with terms, call Sid Martyn 723-9810, MAPLE GROVE 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow with gorage on 5 acres land, large modern kitchen and living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece filed bath, full size basement, forced air, oil furn- ace, storms and screens, Tv. tower, etc., asking $13,900. with terms. Call Ernie Wilson 725-876). $1,500 DOWN Spacious 5 room, 3 bedroom home just a few years old, modern 14 x 18 ft. kitchen and living room, 4 piece bath, high basement, oi! furnace, one acre land, asking $12,- 900. full price, call Sid Martyn, 723-9810. COLERIDGE ST, 6 room bungalow just a few years old, full solid stone front, broadioom in living room and dining room, alum- inum storms ond screens, ° nicely landscaped lot, good location close to public and high schools, asking $15,000. with $4,500. down, call Sid Martyn 723-9810. McLAUGHLIN. BLVD. 2 storey, 6 room brick family home, a good home. in this clean, quiet yet. central, north location nearly new oil furn- ace, gorage, asking $12,700. with $3,400. 'down; call Ernie Wilson 725-876). 6 ROOM BRICK Ideal family home, central location, 3 bedrooms, hard- weod: and tile floors, clean and. modern, $11,500. full price with $2,500. down, call Ernie Wilson 725-8761. SCUGOG COTTAGE An exceptional cottage on water front lot, safe sand beach, fully furnished, good furniture, fire place, lined | and decorated, owner now a widow, must sell, inspect and | make an offer, Wilson 725-8761. ONE-YEAR-OLD bungalow with car port located in desirable east end location call. Ernie Spotless and ideally located. | know the $17,000. and kitchen; ment. sparklig modern interior Realtors, large deep double garage. Red brick bungolow with 3 bedrooms, and 4 pc. tiled bothroom fea- turing coloured fixtures and vanity, Living room has good woll area of furniture ar- ronging os well as dining orea, This home is brand new ond 1250 sq. ft. of better living ot a full price of only $17,500, ICOMMERCIAL FRONTAGE on Simcoe St. 37 ft. with 9 room home and gorage on property. Forced air oil heat- ing and heavy duty wiring. JUST LISTED Restouront on a busy high- woy one hour's drive north east of Toronto. Completely modern kitchen facilities, beautifully upholstered furni- ture and arborite covered tobles for 90 potrons. 5 year old building .with spacious 8 room living quarters, The list of equipment includes every- thing needed to serve first class meals to the capacity crowds each week-end, 3 gas pumps with good gallonage. Fruit and vegetable display with cooler in separate build- ing. Large lot with lots of parking and would be ideal for o trailer park, A popular stop .for tourists heading for * the Kawartha Loke region and to Mosport Racetrack, We have full information in our office regarding this pro- perty. Asking a full price of $72,000. with $25,000. down payment. For Full Patriculars Call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Jean Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Ellouise Hoggard 723-2106 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Richard Young 723-7183 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 Steve Englert 728-5581 Anthony Siblock | 725-4362 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 John Hutchuk 723-9266 Leon Manitius 725-8068 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe SM. S. BULLIED REALTOR 723-1168 723-4391 3. bedroom bungalow with hollywood kitchen. and gor- age. Large landscaped lot in th West area, : Elgin St. --. -- 3 bedroom home, fomily size. kitchen ond large separate dining toom, finished. rec, room and potio, $13,500. with $2,500 down. 10 Room Duplex -- separate entrances, double garage and paved drive, North. East Lo- cation. Hortop St. --- 5 room brick bungalow with ottached ga- roge locoted on nicely land: scoped . lot, Full -- price $13,500, John Howson. Bill Smit Douglas J. M. Bullied, Realtor 333 King St. West FOR SALE or rent, 100 acres of land, all workable, jeight miles Oshawa city limits, Box 140, Oshawa Times. full" orc, Thror famiy apari- BOWMANVILLE separaie units./Sotrey rick jwilt please any woman. Call Sally Wal-|Located on Sigin Stree' West. Reasonable four bedrooms, lace 725-6297 Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-\down payment. Private, No agents, Tele) |garage, close te) doWntawn, 7377, | phone 'September 1. house and small barn, Write All como ately, | CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 FOUR BEDROOM--red brick 1% storey home with large kitchen with loads of cup- boards, dinette, two bedrooms down, living room panelled, full basement, brand new oil furnace, immaculate condi- tion, nice réor lot, Call Wes. Elliott ot 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. APPLE HILL AREA ---- This lovely five room bungalow has three bedrooms, large kitchen ond. living room, full basement, oil furnafe, gar- age, nice family homfe. Terms can arranged on this one, Call Russ Lucas at 723-1133, evenings 725-7982. MUST BE SOLD -- Owner leaving city, substantial five room brick bungalow just 6 years old, all in beautiful condition, good size rooms, ceramic tiled bath, oi] heat- ing, extra large madern kitchen, convenient to all schools,. shopping and bus, See this bungalow and make an offer. Phone Henry .Stin- son at 723-1133,. evenings 725-0243 NEAR G.M, -- This is a-bet- ter than average three bed- room bungalow with L-shaped living and dining area, divid- ed walkout basement, in immaculate condition, Asking price only $13,400. Call Wes. Elliott ot 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. $16,500. WITH TERMS -- Very desirable family home on Mohawk St. Contains six good size rooms, enclosed sunporch, attached. garage and carport, large lot com- pietely landscaped, many shade trees and plenty of shrubs, Do not fail to see this excellent home, for full information call Henry Stin- son at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. WOODCREST AVE.--Lovely six room bungalow cohtain- ing large cheery kitchen, living room and dinette, three bedrooms, one extra large, 4 piece both and new oil furnace. Close to all schools and transportation. To see call Tom Jones ot 723-1133, evenings 728-1041, 723-1133 299 KING ST. WEST PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 $2,000 DOWN new kitchen, double stain- sinks, mahogany All All less steel cupboards, new ond hot water tank. This recently decorited home in very good condition complete with aluminum storms and screens, Many fruit trees and flowers in back yard. For further information call Earl Solter 728-9474 or evenings 723-3052... Financial Trade « Bldg. 187 King St. E. "Elginsrcom house on Scugog Telephone 623-2\53, -- REAL ESTATE -- -- INSURANCE -- ~-- MORTGAGES -- $600 DOWN Attractive five room bunga- fow with double car garage. Situoted on large lot 150 feet from Oshawa City limits. Priced at just $8,900.00. Coll Mr, Irwin Cruikshonks now 728-5123 or 778 520 COTTAGE DELUXE 5 Rooms, beautifully finish- ed, heavy wired, bathroom, good well, boat house and almost new boot. and 40 h.p. motor, T.V, tower, treed lot. Sandy safe beach, 35 miles from Oshowo. $8,900.00 completely furnished. Call Mr. Charles Rankine at 728- 5123. | LOT ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY ( aK SAN | Situoted neor Courtice, Extra large, with additional lot to the bock for lease with a deteils call Mr, Ed' Orumen et IN. THE STORE AND CARNIVAL TENT SALE $12,600 STARTING THURSDAY AT 10 AM, low in spotless condition. Don't Miss A Minute CLOSED ALL DAY WED., JULY 15th IN PREPARATION FOR THEIR 725-2217, BOLSHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North ie Open Every Evening METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 KING ST, E. DIAL 728-4678 NORTH WEST 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms on a 73 ft. lot close to schools and shopping -- All for $9,- 500 with only $1,000. down, See this today. It surely won't last. OSHAWA BLVD. N. Immediate possession can be had for this 6 room 2 storey home just one block north of King St., 3 bedrooms and large living room, dining room and kitchen, fireplace and garage for only $13,900. with. $2,000, down, EAST END SPECIAL Asking. only $13,000. with $2,000. down -- 5 room rug brick ranch bungalow on a really good sized lot. See it now and make your. offer before its too late. $1,583 DOWN Only one left and balance on one N.H.A; mortgage, 3 bed- furnace . hardwood floors, double possession rooms with Hollywood 'kit- chen, Let us show you: this home now. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Monthly payments only $95. including taxes, Lot 50' x 121', 'Hurry for this one, Must be sold, Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or Of These. Fabulous Sales Dick Barriage Bob Johnston ( | | | R N | ¥ Joe Maga Ken Honn | : ? Jack Osborne | MAY | sh f the a te want eee, Sant umn wie KING ST. E. OSHAWA ""jwo-|the greatest care. Six jovely rooms with Street,/ attached garage. Patio off living room, broadioom and split level entrance. Only $18,900 with terms. Ossie Martin, 728-9714, Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377,