Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1964, p. 3

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SEA RANGER NEWS pen tg Pepe IEEE eee iit ie dimen ile ae Rangers | In h-Fraining Ship in a ceremony at the boathouse. tepoeed by ° Elgon a ep- = attendant. Need- the inspection was a mess--for that mat- re. the inspecting offi- ! Atecwatae fire was set to tter and everyone retreat- a barbecue and dance at the boathouse. FLOAT IN PARADE On July 1, Dominion Day, our Air Ran- srntgTTT, 2 et undoubtedly took note of excellent job that was done. Girl Guides on the float were dressed in uniforms of various countries to correspond to the Folk Festival theme. Our thanks go out to the Guides who were on the float and to the Rangers who took time to plan the float while the rest of us were still writing exams. Many Sea Rangers will be sailing on the Sail Training Vessel "Pathfinder" throughout the summer, thanks to the Girl Guide Association. The Sail Training Vessel 'Pathfinder' is owned and operated by the Toronte Brigantine Incorpor- ated. As a training ship it is under the capable command of a captain and four male of- ficers, Each day cruise wil] also * accompanied by two Sea nger Guiders, Rangers apply- ing for any Sunday cruise will act as crew for the day. The To Sail The Pathfinder is a relatively new ship and the keen was laid in November, 1962. The Pathfin- der has s sister ship in Kingston _-- Lawrence II". The hull was' inched in December, 1953, and the Cadets in Kingston did much of the work themselves. was first sailed in 1955 and com- mission: Pathfinder is a re-rigged 2274 square feet and a length of 59 feet 8 inches. She displaces 39 tons. Seamanship is learned very quickly aboard a vesse] like this when you have to cope with problems that are actually hap- pening -- things like no wind etc. Good luck to the girls who are participating in tne cruise. Here's hoping for good weather! Well on the last couple of Mon- days Grant Southwell has been taking his life into his own hands and teaching us canoe skills. Thanks Grant, we admire your bravery! Plans are well under way for the Regatta to be held in Osh- awa next September, Parents lshould try to be on hand to see what their girls have been practising all year for. Look Skip, no blisters. That's right -- the cutters aren't ready yet so the girls can keep their hands soft for a while yet. Do not worry about people not knowing your ability; worry about not having it. Commodore. Accident During Weekend By THE CANADIAN PRESS At least 66 persons died in ac- cidents in Canada during the weekend, with Quebec account- ing for almost half. dian s Kill 66 was riding collided with another near Providence Bay. Michael Nowitsky, 44, of RR 1, Paris, Ont., killed in a two- car collision near Brampton. identified men when In a survey by The C Press from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight Sunday local. times Quebec had 30 accidental deaths, 21 of them in traffic. Nationally there were 31 traf- fic deaths, 14 drownings, 10 deaths by fire and 11 other ac- cidental deaths. Ontario had 15 fatalities, Sas- katchewan 11, British Columbia ifi fire po their boarding house at Kirkland Lake. Three Whitby youths when the car in which they were riding overturned. in a creek near Stoufville, 20 miles northeast of Toronto, SATURDAY Kais Gordon, 12, of Cornwall four, Manitoba _ three, Nova|®! 'i pW In Quebec two died in an air crash, four persons were drowned and three children were killed when they were run over by tractors in separate in- cidents. In Ontario, six died in fires, six in traffic accidents, one person was drowned and and Thomas Mere irae 16, of Monten: when struck tree they were sta' ing un-| der at the Gordon boy's farm near Cornwall. Wayne Larmont, 17, asphyxi- ated when a fire filled his Tor- onto home with smoke. Allan Piccolo, 15, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., drowned when a canoe in which he was riding two boys were killed when struck by lightning. In Saskatchewan four died in fires, two in drowning accidents, one on the roads, two in an air crash and two in other kinds of accidents. British Columbia's Columbia's, four deaths were drownings. Manitoba had two traffic deaths and one drowning, Nova Scotia a drowning and a traffic death: and Prince Ed- ward Island a drowning. The survey does not include known suicides, slayings or in- dustrial deaths. The Ontario dead: SUNDAY Mrs. Harriet, Dewer, 79, of Providence Bay, Manitoulin Is- land, after the car in which she overturned on the St. Mary's River near Sault Ste. Marie. FRIDAY Donald Bickford, 9, killed when struck by a car while rid- ing his bicycle near his home in Cottam, Ont. She], ed in July, 1957, The), vessel with a total sail area of), forts two lost children during the Local 222, UAW, pncnic A special platform,. with a loudspeaker, was erected to the number of children lost during ever-increasing PICNIC HAS QUOTA OF LOST CHILDREN Hugh Brennan, centre, com- . Saturday at Lakeview Park. handle the day. --Oshawa Times Photo Steelworkers Hold Annual Outing Local 1500, United Steelwork- ers of America, held its annual picnic last Saturday at Geneva Park. A good crowd of mem- bers and their families attended. Races were enjoyed by old and young alike. A ball game aroused keen competition and swimming provided the oppor- tunity to cool off from the heat of the day. A draw ries attendance prizes completeq the day's program. CAPSULE NEWS ST. THOMAS (CP)--Provin- cial police Sunday identified three persons of one family killed Friday night in a two-car crash on Highway 401, west of here. They were Nicholaus Shymko, 40, his wife, Nellie, 32, WHITBY YOUTHS DIE IN CRASH (Continued from Page 1) The only survivor of the crash was another cousin of the Whit- by brothers. He apparently kick- ed out a window and crawled from the wreck, He was taken to Oshawa General Hospital in a severe state of shock, al- though uninjured Constable Goodwin said last night that, on examination, drowning appeared to be the cause of death in all three cases. There were no apparent injuries. The crash was reported by a resident of the area. Seven men turned the car back over by hand. The parents of the broth- ers are on vacation in the Mont- tal area. Efforts by the OPP and Quebec provincial police were made to locate them last night and today. WIDE AREA The storm was not confined to the Oshawa, district area as rain pelted most of southern Ontario. Two boys were electrocuted, two barns burned down and several highway accidents were caused in the Metro Toronto during a thunderstorm. NEWSPAPERS TO MERGE THE HAGUE (Reuters)--Two big Dutch daily newspapers, the Amsterdam Algemeen Han- delsblad and Rotterdam's Nieuwe Rotterdam Courant, have agreed to merge their publishing companies, it was announced Sunday. The an- nouncement added the two pa- pers will retain their individual character and independence. WOODBINE ENTRIES TUESDAY, JULY 14 The storm was accompanied by heavy rainfall which has so far dumped up to four inches in parts of the area. Caius Gordon, 12 of Cornwall and Thomas Lockhart, 16 of Montreal died Saturday night when they apparently sheltered under two trees about 400 yards from the Gordon boy's home northeast of Cornwall. The boys were electrocuted. Lightning was believed to have started a fire which de- stroyed two barns on the farm of Adrian Verhoeven bear Waterdown, five miles north of FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,900 ($2500), claiming, three-year-olds, 6 furlongs (8). Careless Kate, Harris X10) Devil Lecom, Turcotte X109 Ornery Floe, No Boy 106 Acanthus, No Boy 112 Skyway Maid, Harris X107 Jazz Round, No Boy 109 Hypelle, No Boy 106 Blue Poppet, Fitzsimmons 106 SECOND RACE -- Purse $1,900 ($2500) ane ipa (ivision of Ist), 6 furlongs Well Oiled, atin m4 Bar Hostess, Walsh 111 Linda's. Love, Fitzsimmons 106 Fat and Maye 36 vse Bag tyme, Parsons Pages Turcotte X106 Noble Score, No Boy 111 Minnie Haw Haw, NKO Boy 106 THIRD RACE -- Purse fie, maidens, Gomez 120 jedon Colonel, Dalton us Hempeter, 'No Boy Turkey Metter, dil 107 Echo Boy, Leblanc 120 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200 ($5000) claiming, two-year-olds, foaled in Can- ella Conetssa, W Pag Mos sae, sreble ond Mrs. P. J, Rosenberg entry © -- Purse $3,000. "The pda yon indicap series No, 4. Three- ear-olds oe and three-eignth miles (6). Danny No Boy 117 Black Coral No Boy 112 Royal Poppet No Boy 119 Jet Impala No Boy 123 Armadan No Boy 118 Dandier No Boy 112 (QUINBLLA BETTING) -- Purse $2,600. "Lake sone" nc Belg Twoyear-clds, § Queen's Bee ~ wg 17 Reetwalf Gomez 1: Tulran Turcotte xn? Steel Leader oa 23 No Boy 117 =f ca Dalton 119 Misty Bandit No Boy 122 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,900. ling Proprietors Assn Of Ontario" Allows ances. Four-year-olds and up foaled 'In CDA, 6% furs (7). Windy Ship Walsh 116 Tres Suave No Boy 116 Gay Pageant No Boy 116 Ontario Holiday Harris X109 Muskeg Gomez 119 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $3,000, ""Mel- bourne" Allowances. Three-year-olds, | mile (Turf Course) ag Tanwood Waish 121 Alphenhorn Turcotte X114 My Valentine Gordon 109 Top Ruler Turcotte X109 Nacuba Fitssimmons 116 Tavy Blue No Boy A-111 Rundir Dittfach 119 Newshen A-114 A-E Lieberman Entry X-5 Ibs APP ALW Clalmed XX-7 Ibs APP ALW Claimed Hamilton, Sunday. Damage was and their four-year-old daugh- ter, Jocelyn. Robert Leon Brown, 35, of Belleville, Mich. driver of the second car, has been charged with dangerous driving. FIRE KILLS FOUR ESTEVAN, Sask. (CP)--Four persons were killed Saturday when fire swept thrugh a tw- storey home on a: community pasture 15 miles northeast of here operated by the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Adminis- tration. Cause of the blaze was not known. The dead were iden- tified as Charles Gardipie, 28, of Estevan; his brother, Robert, 19; Albert Blondeau, 24, also of Estevan; and James Gibbon, 17, of Port Arthur. TREMOR FELT QUEBEC (CP) -- A mild earth tremor was felt in Que- bec City between 8:10 and 8:15 p.m, Saturday. It lasted only a few seconds and no damage was reported. The public weather office at Ancienne Lor- ette airport said it received a number of telephone calls from anxious citizens. PHILIP INJURED MIDHURST, England (AP)-- Prince Philip took a tumble from his polo pony Sunday and left the field in an ambulance. But doctors diagnosed nothing worse than a strained ligament of the left shoulder and the am- bulance dropped the prince at the changing rooms. There, his arm was put in a sling. The tumble came during a game be- tween the prince's team, Wind- sor Park, and the Jersey Lilies. TROOPS READY TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)--The commander in chief of the Chi- nese Nationalist Army said Sun- day his forces are combat ready and could attack the Commu- nist-held Chinese mainland once the signal is given. Gen. Liu An- Chi, in--a television interview, said the army had continued to improve--its equipment and estimated at $45,000. Traffic was tied up for hours on a four-lane Toronto express- way by an accident involving 100 persons and causing over $7,000 damage. Only two per- sons were taken to hospital and Pay No More Than 4% wil 2 Broker Day or Night--728-4285 Y, Soles Mar. U.S. Man Charged In 3-Death Crash training from the time the Chi- nese Nationalist govern- ment transferred iis seat to Formosa from the mainland in 1949. HAS QUADS TEHRAN, Iran (AP)--A 55- year-old woman who was mar- ried when she was 16 has had '\quadruplets, two boys and two girls, the newspaper Kayhan said Sunday. The woman, wife of 65-year-old Abbass Ali, had twins last year. The family lives in Ardebil, in northwest Iran near the Soviet border. SWIMMER INJURED SYDNEY, Australia (Reut- ers) -- Marguerithe Ruygrok, 17, Australia's 100-metre breast- stroke champion and an Olym- pic hope, was badly hurt Sunday night in a car collision near here. She suffered severe head injuries. BEATLE IN CRASH LONDON (AP) Beatle George Harrison's sports car collided with a smal] sedan Sun- day, Shaken but unhurt, both drivers got out, compared dents, exchanged addresses and drove off. The police had no trouble clearing the road after the accident, Beatle fans rushed to pick up pieces of broken DISTRICT CITY AND ONE AMBULANCE CALL The Oshawa Fire Department reported today that in the pe- riod from Friday midnight to 9 a.m. today one routine ambu- lance call was answered. LETTERS PATENT The current issue of The On- tario Gazette carries the infor. mation that letters patent of incorporation have been grant- ed to six Oshawa district com- panies. They are DOC Holdings Limited, Whitby; Active Realty Limited, Colborne Street Medi- cal Building Limited, Oshawa Travel Trailer Club and Paul Ristow Limited, all of Oshawa and. West Rouge Canoe Club, MEETING CHANGED "| Due to the continued ralp, the Oshawa Rotary Club's Club Council meeting is being held in Hotel Genosha at 6.30 p.m. today rather than at the home of W. B. Bennett, near Colum- bus. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT Spiritual baptism was empha- sized at all Christian Science churches on Sunday. "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God" (Matt. 5) was the Golden Text which opened. the Bible Lesson on glass as souvenirs. Seti your holiday with a cooling Holiday When you head for the cottage, be sure to pro- vision-up en route, with sufficient Holiday Beer to refresh and cool one and all. Delightful beer for summer. Holiday is Ontario's light-tasting beer, and it's a// beer, all the way down. O'KEEFE Holiday BREWED FOR SUMMER THIRST . "Sacrament", Ball League PORT HOPE -- With only a third of the scheduled es re- maining to be played in EOBA, Cobourg has taken over first) place Baseball League standing from the Oshawa team. The balance of the' games to Inter-County Peewee} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 13, 1964 STRANGLES FORMER WIFE|was married Friday in her PFORHEIM, West Germany|Park Avenue apartment in New (Reuters)--A school principal/york city to James Busch Or- strangled his 21-year-old ex-wife wi a towel bere altar he|wein of St. Louis, a director night. The man is 64. a i MARRIED IN NEW YORK | who was best man at the wedd- be played will follow the usual procedure of mid week evening NEW YORK (AP)--Romaineling of Queen Elizabeth and seme ahem Haven,|Prince Philip. games commencing at 6.30 Sat urday and Sunday games at 2 p.m. All players' certificates must be forwarded to the league con- vener Jim Giomer, 8 Alfred street, Port Hope by July 15. OBA playdowns will commence early in August, The following games are still to be played in the Inter County Pewee Baseball League: JULY 12 Bowmanville at Oshawa 15 Bowmanville at Whitby Peterborough at port Hope 17 Cobourg at Whitby 18 Port Hope at Cobourg Oshawa at Peterborough 20 Cobourg at Port Hope Oshawa at Bowmanville 22 Bowmanville at Cobourg 25 Port Hope at Oshawa Whitby at Cobourg 27 Port Hope at Bowmanville 29 Port Hope at Whitby P'borough at Bowmanville 31 Oshawa at Whitby AUGUST 1 Whitby at Oshawa The following games remain to be played in the Durham Peewee Baseball League: JULY 14 Blackstock at Orono Welcome at Newcastle 16 Kendal at Welcome Newcastle. at Orono 21 Orono at Blackstock Kendal at Newcastle 23 Blackstock at Kendal Welcome at Orono 28 Orono at Welcome Newcastle at Blackstock 30 Blackstock at Welcome Newcastle at Kendal DEAL FOR JOURNALISTS LIMA (Reuters)--The Peruv- ian Congress Sunday passed a bill granting journalists retire- ment atfer 25 years' service or at age 55. Journalists who con- tinue working after the retire- ment age will be entitled to a 33-per-cent increase in salary. The bill also provides for a seven-hour day and double pay for 'aati holiday and night work, COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa 728-7515 éii ie Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 BUYER U} | LU SELLER 728-9474 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING ST. £. LONDON PRESENTS | A Flavoured Wine "SERVE COLD ON JHE ROCKS OR WITH YOUR FAVOURITE MIX" LONDON WINERY LTD 'TROUD' 54 | 54 SIMCOE NORTH | NORTH Tues. and Wed. wii LEAN, TENDER Ci Srears 49 LEAN MINCED ; BEEF 3«$] RINDLESS BACON =: 39 SKINLESS WIENERS 29 SALESMEN If you are over 25 with some sales experience, are willing to work long hours, follow instrue- tions, are neat and reliable, WE WANT TO HAVE YOU WITH US. You will be paid salary plus commission, yeor end bonus, furnished with a New Car, paid vacation, hospitalization, fringe benefits. Ford Motor Company anticipates that 1965 will be the best year in history. If you can meet the public, are neot and ag- gressive we will provide free training for you, sonnel, We sell Falcons, Mustangs, Fairlane, Galaxie, Thunderbitds and full lines of Trucks, our Used Cars are in all price selections, Why not come in and see for yourself, what our salesmen are earning and the friendly staff with which you would. be associated, All applicants must be prepared to take-e writ. ten test. ' All interviews confidential and by appointment only, WRITE Saunders-Cook LTD. 2660 KINGSTON RD., SCARBORO Oshawa & District Real Estate Board both were released after treat- ment for shock. Scattered reports of hailstones were also received by Troonto weather offices on Saturday, but no hail damage was reported. Rainfall was heavy as far north as Muskoka. Sudbury re- ceived only a fraction of an inch and it remained sunny all week- end in most of Northern Ontario. NIAGARA FINANCE 286 KING ST. W. Always there with ready cash... For Vacation Expenses or any good reason, $50°° to $5,00000 COMPANY LIMITED 240 Branches from Coast to Coast WR6488 728-1636 Out of Respect to the late MR. M. CROZIER The Royal House Furniture Co. Will Remain Closed Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14 and 15. FIRST HENRY. STINSON Corl B, Olsen, Real Estate Oshewe | Oshawa & CG ~ STAR SALESMEN * GULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1964 SECOND THIRD TOM HUZAR Paul Ristow, Realtor Oshewe KENNETH HOCKIN Welter Frank Real Estate' Bowmanville District Real Estate Board

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