Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1964, p. 18

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eg THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 6, 1964 gsc caer bbe att stegdegspyy 3 RRS TEEEE qo ye "é Today's Stock Market Listings on To MINES 1 Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge * z WA ™% 1%+% 2] Th" 52 Be Stock East Ch Tr Falcon Fam flay Fleet Mfg Fraser Gen Bake GMC 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch"ge 4 $12% 12% $17" 17% $142 14% 1 'S Sie Si . 54 595 590 $36% 362 $42%4 42% sii' 1" $54 5% $!1%4@ 11% $12%-- 22% $2044 204 3730 19 54 $21% 3114 87% 7% S90% $6.2 8h 19% -- Ve 355 | M Leaf Mill 1 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 3300 285 280 285 +10 $654 654 65% 40 4320 430 $10 9% 10 $10% 10% 10% Stock Sales Sitr B 5% pr 725 Stafford 100 St Radio 100 Steel Can Stock Int Stl P Inv Syn A --5 +% Un Gas 330 Un Gas rts 16897 U Corp Bh 750 200 62 100 325 m5 320 'ersafood Versatile Vulcan Walk GW Well Fin Westcoast Westeel W Pacific Weston A West A wis 231 $8 8 8 +% 330% 20% 30\e-- ve $3 4 4@ 100 $16 4080. $30 1700 6 % 297% 0 + 7S 375 375 $9 9 9+ $3414 344 Jia $56¥2 564 S6¥e-- Ve $14% 14% 14% $23%4 23% $26% 26% $472 47% Mass-F MEPC Met Stores 1075 Molson A 210 Moore 425 Morse A 350 Nat Groc 225 Nat Trust 25 Noranda 705 NO NGas 285 $22% 22% Nor Phone 125 $10 10 Nor Tar Too 400 Ocean Cem 1250 $1914 Pac Pete Page-Hers Penmans Am Leduc . 2000 19% 200 $20% OILS 11:00 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $18% 18% 18% 450, 450 450 Stock Advocate Ang Rouyn 5100 Area 2! A Arcadis Atl C Cop Aunor Barnat Base Mets B- 1600 3000 1000 3300 250 49250 1500 4500 Beleterre Bethim Bibis Bidcop Black Bay Brunswk Buff Ank 800 Bunker H 30500 Camflo 10200 Camp Chib 1700 Cc Dyno 28400 Con Keeley 2700 Can-Erin 3000 Cehskirk Chester Chib-Kay Coch will Con-Key C Halli 6000 C Mogul 7950 $18% 19% $11% 11% sie 17% 20% 20! Sil "i% 1% 23 (+1 4" 825 120 RSE 5 Sita | $174 172 1% 850 1000 200 1000 2 845 850 +5 4000 10 1000 16 1 Net 650 +10 52 +2 +2 +1 + +H at +1 +1% +3¥2 635 635 | 22 + Ve 2B W% W% Wat $1404 + 220 31 Ws 370 167 cI 9 52 53 155 "4 W 335 0 % Stock Hasaga Hastings Headway High-Bell Hollinger 1 Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Mon . + % 9 Wath 2 2 Rn u" 155 750 740 740 $10% v7 " 150 10% 7 $15% 15% 02 10% Wr-- $58 584 582+ 2 is 42 7. 6 Si 15% 125 5 a2 7 125 " 152 +3 --0 10% v7 +5 --) +% +% 263 15"e + Ve sos +% 2 --! 67 ~+1 15¥a-- Va ronto Exchange Sil Miller Sil Stand Starratt Steep R Sunburst Ti Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge CAPSULE NEWS 3 US WU +h 1% +1 475 4" 4 Mat 2 505 300 ~--10 128 128 128 +8 4% Ue hr 52. 2 2 "6 3 A +8 15a 152 15% 16a 16 Wa-- Ve 250 250 250 TORONTO (CP) -- Allister Murray MacPherson, 33, and Charles McPherson, 35, both of Toronto, have been charged with non-capital murder in the slaying of 59-year-dld Lawrence Bowman, whose body was found in a New Toronto lumber yard Saturday. Police said Bowman +5-\was beaten to death. CHOOSE OFFICERS LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- D. F. Rice of Montreal, president of Gideons International in Can- ada for the last two years, was unanimously re-elected to his third term Saturday at the GIC's 53rd 'a 1 convention Body In Lumber Yard, Murder Charges Laid at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club's. wooden dock on Centre Island. Firemen had doused the blaze using pails of water scooped from the bay by. the time the fireboat arrived. HEADS MUSIC GROUP CALGARY (CP) -- E. G. Prid- ham of Weston, Ont. Friday was elected president of the Federa- tion of Canadian Music Festi- vals. : MAY LOSE SIGHT WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Glenn Morrow, 14, who survived two 27,000 - volt currents which d through his body, may Also re-elected for a third suc- cessive term was L. D. Crimp of Leamington, Ont., as. vice- lose his eyesight. He has al- ready lost 50 per cent of vision in his right eye after the cur- 390 385 385 +5 i 14 4% 20 4 48 AB 1 $174 17% 17% 13 C Regcourt 1000 Cowich 2000 Craigmt 200 Cusco 1500 Denison 155 Discovery 1593 Dome 5 East Sull 400 Genex 272700 Glen Uran 44000 GF Mining 1000 Gunnar 600 Ww % 9% 1 New Cal 7 6 & N Goldvue a 7 7 7 New Hosco 249 240 748 +35 N Kelore Wei + aj Newlund 71% 17% 7% N Mylama 1$ 1S + Nsenator Wt Nisto 9 9 9 Norbeau 103 98 «(103 Norlex 2 AGS SAP. Normetal 330 330 Pow Corp 12 --" Price Bros $442 44a 44a + Ve) QN» Gas $8% 85 8% QN Gs Sw 1% 618 Revelstoke $11% 1% Rolland A $10% 10% Royal Bank $75¥a 75% StL Cem A $2 2B Sayvette Shell Can Shell | pr Shell | wis Slater Steel 42 47" -- Va ; A] president. 3% HBC 6 16 16 72 72 4 Whe -- Ve nou ; ee 51% 51% i em vy 542 + Y n bets . $13%4 13% 13% m0 +5 $23% 23% 23% 5 Wo M5 1 Ye? ee | $74 74 Tha--Ve $19% 1914 19% $86% pod nto z va 365% , $24% 24% 27a + Ve "400 $882 882 8812 -- 14! Ww The SUM mm ae 372 37¥2 372 485 480 «485 % 54 27 410 215 » 186 + $14% 14% _ 14% 3% 7% 8 +5 203 203: «203 «+1 MER AIR at EATON'S 33 ee Watch For EATON'S RECORD- BREAKING DAY -- PLANNED AS THE BIGGEST, ONE-DAY SALE IN CANADA'S BIGGEST STORE ! " Coming Soon! EATON'S "VIKING" Deluxe Dehumidifiers Especially Effective Against Basement Dampness, Mustiness Used in the basement, this unit should eliminate the musty odour in the rec' room, help pro- tect stored books and clothing from mildew, keep. tools and pipes dry. Used upstairs, it can pro- tect furniture from dampness and make daily living more comfortable. Note its convenient features: (dent did damage to both eyes, jburned more than 60 per cent FAILS FIRST TRY \of his body and melted his rub- TORONTO (CP) --Toronto's|ber-soled shoes June 11. He had {new $500,000 fireboat waited six|climbed a fenced-in transformer |weeks for its first call only tojat a Windsor utilities commis- be beaten by a Toronto Island|sion substation and grabbed a firemen's bucket brigade when|live wire while searching for @ a small blaze broke out Sunday|ball. Yale Lead 6500 6000 272 2614 2642 --1 29500 24a 24¥2 24a + Va 1,910,000. 38358 3* " Zenmac $142 14a Zulapa 281 39 OOD 340 340 54 52 23 2 39 9 700 700 18 1% 10% 75a 28 13 4 25 +% +5 +9 +5 Ponder Prairie Oil Sales fo 11 a.m.: Provo Gas Triad Ol! Union Oi! | Un Oils | W Decalta FOREIGN TRADING Seven Arts 200 $16% 162 16% + % High Bell 1600 800 800 800 Triad Oil 200 200 20 2 +1 +% +6 +% 3M 300 300 300 --5 $18% 18% 18%2-- Ve $2670 26% 26% 610 610 610 Wo Inland Gas Int Nickel Int Util Inter PL 330 ini vii 780 1100 ~- [=~ 1964 VIKING DISHWASHER @ Offers a full cycle (two washes, three rinses and a dry OR pre-wash wash and dry) as well as a short cycle--a single wosh, three rinses and a dry. ssrcors hs New cycle -- two detergent wash- es plus three rinses OR one rinse and one detergent wash plus three rinses. Single 550-watt heating element, designed and located to maintain wash and rinse temperatures Pro- tects lower basket and dishes from excessive heat, Assures maximum internal temperature not to exceed 195 degrees F. New Superkote (Dupont "Baymal"') coating on vinyl tub lining and baskets --to reduce water drop- let formation and improve drying. st ies New separate drain pump assures efficient discharge of wash and rinse water. ' - ey Automatic dual detergent cups, overload protector, safety door switch, CLEARANCE! RECENT -- HIT PARADE RECORDINGS PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) A selection. of recent hit parade tunes on ooular 45 R.P.M. records -- just off the it parade! "Top name"' labels included: Quality, Capitol, Columbia, RCA Victor, Phonodisc, Spartan, Apex McKay, Limited. quantity. EATON July Sale Feature, each. . hore ae ; Lauer ' .09 Half-Price Clearance Of POPULAR RECORDINGS Reg. 1.98 to 4.73! Your favourite dance music, classical records, vocal and instrumental selections now at a great reduction.! A variety group of good listening recordings with name labels. EATON July Sale 14 TO 2.36 Feature, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 560 WHITE BOBBY SOCKS For Teens, Misses and Women! fem meson ds. Approx. size: 24' wide, 25' deep, 342" high. Model B1 1564 EATON Price, each a ud 325.50 Model DE-5 EATON Price, EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 456 ts 119.95 PHONE 725-7373 r & EATON'S BUDGET-CHARGE TERMS AVAILABLE WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT PHONE Move it from room to room on smooth-rolling Automatic device turns unit off when water con- e casters -- and just plug it in. tainer is full, Signol light informs you when pan should be emptied. Automatic humidistat humidity varies. Unit removes up to four gallons moisture from the atmosphere per 24 hours in areas up to 16,000 cu, ft. Metal cabinet approx. 18 x 12 x-26" high. turns unit on and off as 725-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 259 VIKING Air Conditioners 5,000 B.T.U. Model Cools up to 300 Sq, Ft. With Two-speed Fan. @ Thermostatically controlled, it removes moisture from the air as it cools @ Washable filter dust and pollen. guards against dirt, "VIKING" DELUXE ROOM AIR CONDITIONER 1964 Model for Windows Up to 48" Wide ! @ Centre mounting, for windows from 21 to 41" wide. These quality socks are made of a stretchy combed cotton - and - nylon blend. Soft and comfortable -- one size stretches to fit sizes 8 to 11. Attractive patterned top cuff. Pair 7 Sy EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 201 PHONE 725-7373 NEEDS @ Beige enamel finished cabinet approx. 1914" wide, 12" deep, 12" high. Removes moisture' from the air as it cools. Has fresh air intake and. exhaust to dispel stale air, Cooling capacity is 6,000 B.T.U. for rooms or areas up to 400 sq, gt. (about 20 x 20"). Automatic thermostat controls temperature. Convenient push-button control. Adjustable directional grilles. Approx. 24" wide, 18' deep, 14° high -- extends to fit windows up to 48" wide. : Handy quick-mount kit for easy installation, @ 115 volts, 7.5 amps. EATON Price, Model 64-50, toch 189.95 | EATON Price, (Model 64-60), each ,..eeseesereseere 249.95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 259 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP FOR HOME AND COTTAGE " " r TON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 259 PHONE 725-7373 VISIT

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