Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1964, p. 15

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27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estote For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 6, 1964 15 25--Apartments HOTEL ROOMS Moderate weekly rates. "Good coffee shop. Modem throughout. For information call the manager. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853. SMALL apartment, ground floor, heavy- duty wiring, Adults preterred. Call 668-3727 after S$ p.m. \7---Male Help Wanted - RETAIL SALESMAN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FOR LARGE RETAIL COMPANY STORE Quolifications:--Age 22-30 years, Good appearance and interest in selling to the pub- lic. Previous sales experience preferred. All company bene- fits available including paid vacation, bonus, pension plan. Excellent opportunity for advancement with lead- ing manufacturer depending upon ability. Call for appointment E. N. HARRIS B. F. GOODRICH STORES 88 KING $T. WEST 725-4543 TAX! DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Appy MERCURY TAX! 725-4771 ONE room dweling, fully furnished, refrigerator and stove. Apply 200 King Street West at the basement apartment. THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- trance, three-piece bath, stove, refrigera- tor. Suit business people. Close fo bus. Telephone 725-9881. TWO-BEDROOM ground-floor apartment in. building. Stove, fridge, washing facil- ities, $95. monthly. Responsible adults only, 668-3591. FIVE ROOMS, no stove or refrigerator, Private entrance and bath, $85. monthly. Adults only, close to downtown, After 5 evenings, telephone 725-8645. HEATED three room Private. No children please. anytime. Rangette. Abstainers. Apply af- ternoons or evenings 74 Bond East. FOUR room apartment, self-contained, suit smal! family, available July 9th, references. Please apply Mrs. E. Lilley, Tooley's Rd., North, Courtice. APARTMENT, 2 rooms competely fur- Inished bed-sitting room and kitchne, re- frigerator, stove and television supplied. Vacant now. Apply 231 Pa! St, Whtby. |LADY with 5-year-old will share apart ment with mother and iffant. Day caré javailable in building. Telephone 723-4569, SIMCOE NORTH close to 4corners, 3 -|room apartment. Also bachelor apartment' lfrigerator and stove, 3-piece béth. Private mortg: pointment, 725-8851 'ealtor. KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East HARMONY RD. N. VERY LARGE 10 ROOM farm home in good condi- tion, large lot 250 x 120, 4 cor garage, clear property, vendor will take back mort- gage, $75.00 a month princi- pal and interest. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL CORNER 70 x 115, Inspect this for possible future de- velopment, prices are on the rise on Simcoe Street North so hurry. COURTICE TRULLS ROAD SOUTH large ranch style bungalow with attached gorage on a 4 acre lot, 1360 sq, ft. of living area, 4 bedrooms. --------_________________|ranged, Whitby 668-5451 after 5, RANCH BUNGALOW in Whitby. Ful price $13,900., beautiful recreation room,|7¥2 ACRES, in atch close 16 sthools and churéh. One NHA|Three-bedroom stucco house, large barn,|on large lot. Close to school and church. age, $99. monthly PTT. Call for ap-|with proposed plan for 23 building ots| Town water, modern bath. Good garden » Arthur Weinburger,/oniy $18,000 full price. W. Frank, Real|with fruit trees. Owner transferred. Ask- WANTED to rent with option to buy, three or four-bedroom or afar OPEN HOUSE -- 2-5P.M. All Weekend $14,900. Attached garages, carports, wooded raVine lots, the ideal house in north west area wilh large. telephone 728-6472. RAGLAN, three-bedroom frame bunga- low with barn and 1 58 acres of land, well fenced, $3,500 cewn. To Inspect call Syd Goodfellow, 723-7325. H, Millen, Real Estate Ltd. BUILDING jots ready to build immed- lately, one beautiful corner lot in Whit- by,, suitable also for triplex, close to 'school, sewer and water. One corner lot in Oshawa. One hice wrautiful lot in Port Perry with town Water. Only $1,400. Call Acthur Weinberger 725.8851 Realtor. 10 ACRES, concession 4, side road 30-31, Whitby Township, school one mile. Mr. E. M. Freek, Whitby, 668-4781. FOUR-BEDROOM bungalow, many ex- tras, full price $12,200, Payments $96 |monthly. Must be sold. Cail Don Strad- eski Realtor, Teleprane 728-8423. &% ACRES with a four-bedroom frame house. No basement. Close to Whitby. $26,000, Half cash. Mr. Kuenen, Anderson Street, Whitby. 100 ACRES with everifowing creek pictur- esque secluded country living. 10 room solid brick: house, ideal for club site. Hampton, 263-2021 ote NEWTONVILLE four-bedroom home, lot 66 ft. x 420 ft,. Good garden land only, LIMITED REALTOR $7,000., $1,200. down, W. Frank Real Estate. 623-3393, Bowmanville, |PRIVATE S-year-pd_ brick bungalow, 6/goyR:YEAR-OLO bungsiow, six per cont mortpage. -Cerries Sec $7. tne Hil sr aotlore, large Re good well } Yi, including taxes. Make an offer n@W./nathroom. Keith Peters, Raltor. |Ron Hetherington 623-3637, FIVE-ROOM, threé-bedroom brick, finish:|NiNE TH ND NINE |ed rec-room, tiled bathroom, fenced, /three-pedroom brick, oll, close to schools, |landscaped, North Whitby. Terms 4F-\under one thousand 4 Rolande Tier- j_ 668-5451 after 5. ney, 725-5207, Keith ers, Realtor. town of Bowmanville,|CONTRY charmer. er to raise your family. rade your present home. DIRECTIONS: Grandview south to Olive Ave. West on Olive two blocks to Dianne, South one block to Ronlea Ave, to Model Homes. 728-5123 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS thous- and Call 27 bedroom bungalow \Estate, 623-3393, Bowmanville, ing only $6,800. Phone 728-0320, Students -- Teachers If you ore over 21, have com and ¢an type, | have infer- esting summer job for you. Call Mr. Ryan 728-7357 between 10 ond 4 thi CLASS "A" mechanic and Jentrance. 725-1932 until 6 p.m. ATTRACTIVE furnished basement apart- ment. Available July Ist. Suit worki 'l\gouple. $85 monthly, laundry facilities. Telephone 723-3093. WHITBY -- One and two-bedroom apart- |ments, refrigerator, stove, electrical heat- ling, hot water, drapés, hi-fi, swimming eek. |pool, balcony, elevators. Whtby 668-8560. an appren-/ FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms and tice, 3-4 years' preferance. Top wages,jbath, semi-private entrance. Teachers, excellent working conditions, Call Mr.\nurses or clerks preferred. Telephone Paul Atherton, K-Mart Automotive, 728-728-2925. ee 1, | THREE - ROOMUupstairs apartment on |Gibb Street, all conveniences, private en- 18--Male or Female \trance, parking, reasonable. Available August 1. 725-8855. Help Wanted KITCHEN HELP for full time hours, 10|ment. Apply 82 Simcoe North, a.m. to 5 p.m. also. parttime waitress EYRNISHED small apartment, seml-pri- and delivery man. Apply 345 Ritson Road|\.+-- entrance, very central, well heated. South. |Suits one or two adults. Parking. Home EXPERIENCED nurserymen for season,| Privileges. 723-3078 sesame Sopaa good pay, eventually room and board./DREW STREET 74 three room apartment Telephone Bowmanville 623-2837. Jerry furnished stove, refrigerator, twe persons Trejbal, Mearns Avenue. preferréd. No children please Céntral. RDIAN AND GUITAR teathers,| Avaleble July & ae 01 plete fe pennant oat or part time, Please state quall- FURNISHED basement apartment 3 frig- i Times. rooms, bathroom, central, range, ret -- 2 = erator. Young matried couple or lacy pré Also two unfurnished rooms MEN and Women, earn money In your ferred spare time at. home. High earnings, guar-| 723-9128. fer ree anteed. No investment. Apply Box 36 WHITBY--ONE Bear apart Oshawa Times. = furnished, private 4 piece bathroom, adult COMPETENT hairdresser néeded im-|only, parking and laundry facilities. Tele mediately with or without ellentele. Call/phone Whitby 668-489! a ow Sono __-___|FULLY_ furnished two room "apartment, Sa eaiseesalaieaenier ir ee SALESMAN or salesiady 25 to 40 wanted $70 monthly, stove and refrigerator. Immediately for draperies, carpets, slip|ing. suit couple or adults. Telephone 728- covers, etc. Sell door to door, Commis-|3206 sion plus wages. Telephone Ajax, 942- 6051. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Avoilable in private home Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728--8671 ~ HOTEL ROOMS Moderate weekly rates. Good coffee shop. Modern throughout. .For information call the manager. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for two brothers, friends or one single gentie- |man. No excessive drinking. Telephone 778-6387. |CENTRALLY LOCATED. One furnished | Bedroom In private home, gentleman pré- \ferred, parking. After four p.m., call | 728-8706, SINGLE furnished foom for steadily em- ployed gentleman, parking, two blocks |from North GM, $8. weekly. Telephone 20--Room and Board | SIMCOE STREET NORTH at King Street Room and board for working girl. After six call 728-0025. ROOM and board for gentleman willing to share. Gole to North G.M. and Central to . Apply 57 Colbourne Street. ROOM AND BOARD in clean quiet home. | TV. priviléges, parking Space. Close to south GM.Telephone 723-2786. ae | ROOM and board for géntleman willing fo pharé, 960d meals, ofrking, close to GM 'and Shopping centre. 5-day week. 728- 9287 21--Room & Board Wanted | Room and Board | for ASSISTANT MANAGER OF WALKER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE After 6 p.m. 728-4626 trom N FURNISHED bedroom, private vathroom, 22--Offices, Stores, Storage |pérking, north-west area, Suit gentleman, jay worker. Telephone 723-2326. STORES GIBBONS STREET, single furnished room, private home, $8. weekly. Suit gentleman, for sale or rent ei worker, Telephone 725-5794, i NORTH-EAST section, Single . furnished flea age ea geod |room_ tor gentleman, central. Telephone 723-9895. ramet ai Telephone. atter TWO furnished single rooms, centrally 9 Bm. located, parking. 723-9589. Sunderland 65r101 FURNISHED third ficor two room apart MEDICAL offices for rent. 700 sq. #.;ment including stove and refrigerator. For further paritculars. Phone 725-5132. cally located nesr hospital. Ref- STORE FOR LEASE -- Simcoe Street rences required. 725-0238 aries ig rr or bachelor apart- South at Station Plaza, Suitable any) "WO furnished rooms or bi P business 18 foot x 9% feet approximately. ment on Ritson Road South. Heat and Telephone 725-6344. hydro. Apply 271 Jarvis Street, ere pee ea ¥ an ine, iad STORE FOR RENT size 24 feet by 64 FURNISHED room Beth ar te Prat feet. Near four corners, Whitby. 106 Dun- enn ll ot asf jaci A das Street West. Phone Whitby, 668-2061. |@°@a. Telephone / ea STORE for rent, small shopping centre, 3| FURNISHED room on 7 ee warn months free rent to réliable party. Téle- or gentleman, parking fac! a phone 728-4646 area, Télephoneé 725-3206. Be LARGE a . = ~ bedr entral, gentle- ARGE OFFICE, main foor, excellent FURNISHED bedroom, c pariog: Ideal for sales. office Telephone man shift workers welcome. Apply 73 728-4646 Gladstone Avenue or telephone 723-9815. BRIGHT spacious bed-sittingroom, mod- ern furnituré, in -clean home, close 16 shopping centre, Suit one or two gentle 23--Wanted To Rent men. Apply 36 Fernhill Boulevard, 725- STAFF TECHNICIAN 7% 27--Real Estate For $13,790 Whitby and Ajax Detached $740 DOWN Carries $105 monthly interest Principal and toxes if you qualify. 3 and 4 bedroom bungolows and split levels -- twin sinks -- fully plastered walls -- -- exhaust fans -- storms ond screens -- sodded front ond rear --- hollywood kit- chens ---- clay brick -- some with gorages electri¢ heating in some. 668-8951 Manderhilt Real Estate Ltd. Scarboro -- AM 7-9712 GRANDVIEW VILLAGE Inspect the fine homes in his choice location. Homes built with low down pay- ment, ond N.H.A, 6% Mort- Being transferred from over- Vio telat seas with wife and one child, requires fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment or house | for immediate occupancy. | Duration opproximately 1 | yeor. Prefer Whitby, Oshawa | area, Excellent references, PLEASE CALL MISS McGAHEY 668-336] Local 262 Days WANTED to rent by August ist, three bedroom house, large yard. GM office employee with three smali children. Phone 725-5044 THREE-BEDROOM house wanted in Osh. ewa or vicinity. Possession Augus! 1 Please call 725-1585. BUSINESS Gentleman (widower) would appreciate nice room with grill privileges Permanent If satisfactory. Ken Toms, 723. 21, ' eee Por Rest 2-3-4 BEDROOM GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY WHITBY 2 BEDROOM BRICK $10,500 on clean, quiet residential street near schools, churches and shopping. Ideal home for retired couple with low taxes, good garden and immaculate condition. This sensibly priced home will not last long. 4 BEDROOM WHITBY $1500. DOWN for this spaciéus asbestos siding home in north west section of town near Public and Separate Schools. Hugé kitchen, dining r66m and full basement. Hot water heating, péved drive ond cleon decoration. This is hot 4 gadget home but down to earth gdod living in this plain family dwelling. The monthly payments are about $90.00. Includes interest and principal. COMMERCIAL AND HOME -- WHITBY with 4 bedrooms. Brick home and large block building 18 by 33 opposite busy super market on Brock Street North, Whitby. A home for you and a business location for beauty parlor, offices, shoe repair, printing press etc. Your business should grow quickly here. Full price $20,000. with good terms. 1500 SQ. FT. RECREATION ROOM 2 CAR garage, 'moster bedroom 14 by 16 with extra wash room, two bedrooms 12 by. 12 each, Solid brick construction on popular Henry Street, Whitby near High-and Public Schools. This custom built bungalow with spacious living room with open fireplace, wall to wall broad- loom in dining and living room. Walk out tiled basement with washroom and other extras too numerous to mention is being offered at less than market value. Recreation room has stone fireplace too, Full price $23,900. RENTERS -- NOTICE -- $1200. DOWN -- FINISHED HOME with finished landscaping, is a cémpéct three bedroom home near High school and King Street School, Whitby, Owner moving to City. Wants quick sale. You will like this one so act quickly. Full price $13,800. Some less with larger down payment. ANDERSON ST. WHITBY NEAR SEPARATE SCHOOL Solid brick 2 bedroom and dén or three bedrooms if you need. Partially pannelled living room with cosy Open fireplace and extra bedroom in basement plus a fine recreation room, Extro washr6éom and other built in features. Fine hot water heating system and heavy ihsula- tion for the warmer days ahead. You must see this before you buy. Full price $15,300. WHITBY -- 3 BEDROOM -- $9,500 On Brock Street. A few blocks from centre of town with low taxes, good garden, new furnace: Good deétoration. About. $3000 down and $50.00 monthly for balance. Beat the high rent costs with a home of your own, Lumber deoler owner will supply material to put éxtra finishing touches free on outside while inside is all new fixtures, materials, ete. A wonderful spot for retired couple. 2 FIREPLACES -- KNOTTY PINE -- 'TREES Yes this is one of those individual homes in 4 close in residential location of Whitby planned for a particular home owner who has enjoyed good living. The sturdy, wide, clapboard sutside construction blends in well with the several small trees and foliage surrounding this charming one floor bungalow with divided basement phere of a knotty pine entrance hall and living room with @ wide opén fireplace you must see this quality property. There are two spacious bedrooms and a kitchen that is 17 ft. by 12 ft. with many features to attract. Full price $16,000. with about $4,000 down. OSHAWA, EXECUTIVE HOME, TALL TREES, CREEK 1200 sq. ft On select northeast Oshowa residential street home on rolling treed lot may be just what you ar looking for with three practical sized bedrooms, redwood antiqué kitchen cupboards, pleasant dining room, bright spacious living room with beamed ceiling effect, two bathrooms, and delightful recreation room with quoint open fireplace. Many extras including mahogany finish. Wide paved drive and 'attached gar age. Full price $23,900 with at least $6,000 down. HOME and APARTMENT, KING 'ST. E. OSHAWA On large lot with 2 cor garage, 2 fireplaces. You may be one of those Coreful buyers that wish to have a more modetn home but fearful of the faxes, interest and payments and have been waiting for On onswér to your problem. This.may' be if with the basement apartment income possibility to help you with the payments, Some shode here for summer ond an éfficient hot water heating system for the cooler days. Full price $17,500. with about $3,000. down payment. A CUTE COSY BUNGALOW IN AJAX and practically hid behind fine young trees on a well kept hedge giving thot extra privacy for folks who enjoy. quiet retreat away from the ordinary: This two bedroom brick bungoJow is 6n@ of those quality homes with mony extras to delight the most fastidious house seeker. As soon 4s you enter the front door and take your first step on the richly carpeted living room and continue through the larger than average bedrooms, he practical kitchen, generous garden you will know this could be the One -for you. Some of the pleasing features are the spacious clothes closets, extra plumbing installations and built in basement rooms. Drivé by this interesting property ot 38 Exeter Rd. and natice how close it is to the modern up to date shopping centre and other town ¢onveniences. Full price $13,950 with about $3800.00 down, $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT -- AJAX --- 3 BEDROOMS Semi-brick bungalow on clean well kept street near Schools ond Churches, Living room 15 by 19, kitchen 10 by 11, three spacious bedrooms ond 4 piece both. A fine package for $10,900 «nd slightly. less if you have nearly $2,800 down payment. The mortgage would be only 6% and monthly payments obout $82.00 Principal; Interest and Taxes. HOME, GARAGE, LARGE LOT -- CLAREMONT with 3 bedrooms, low taxes of $134.00. Fine decoration, solid well built home with oll conveniences. Bus post the door. Heating cost only $119.00 last year with efficiént forced DIAL 668-8831 shrubs and' mony extras including immaculate decoration, This If you love the warm, rich atmos- This astefully décorated compact split level to the GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 WHITBY Spaoctous 5 room brick: with fenced yard ond tastefully decorated throughout. Built in china cabinet and planter in dining area. Large kitchen with lots of cupboards and eating area. Panelled recrea- tion room in basement. School just a couple of blocks away. Asking $12,300 full price. Carries for $83. per mo. in- cluding taxes. ESTATE SALE 2% storey brick home with 3 large bedrooms and seporote dining room. Excellent -loca- tion just a couple of blocks off King St. East. Asking $12,900. cash. CHURCH AND PARSONAGE near King St. East. Large building to seat 150 people with 2 .washrooms & hot water heating. House has 7 rooms with 4 bedrooms. Give us a call now for appointment to inspect, EXCELLENT FINANCING on this 5 year old brick bungalow with finished re- creation room in Whitby. 6 spacious rooms all in im- maculate condition and taste- fully decorated. Lot is fenced and nicely landscaped. Close to schools, Full price $13,- 500. ROOT BEER STAND Money making opportunity located on a busy highwoy just north of Brooklin. Large lot 170 x 200 ft. with lots of room for parking. All equip- ment included in the price of $14,900. FULL PRICE $13,500. 3 bedroom brick bungolow with L-shaped living and din- ing room also built in break- fast nook. Stone patio and fenced yard, Wired for dryer. Located in a good area of South west Oshawa among other attractive homes. ELECTRIC HEATING modern year old brick bunga- low on a large corner lot with 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. tiled ond vanity bathroom. °*2 finished rooms in basement are panelled and with reces- sed lighting. Near King St. East in a fast growing area of new homes. Full price $15, 900. BROOKLIN 2 900d building lots Duke St. 82 x 165 ft, Asking $2,000. with terms. Baldwin St. 66 ft. frontage priced at $2,200, FROM YOUR LIVING ROOM window look right out over Lake Ontario in this split level brick. 544 room with 3 large bedrooms, separate dih- ing area and finished re- creation room, Good sized fenced back yard. Full ask- ing price $12,000. with early possession. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 85 acre farm ot Newcastle with 4 bedro6m brick. bunga- low with furnace ond pressure system. Gorage and barn. All buildings in a good state of repoir. There is frontage 6n both Hwy"s No. 401 and 2. Good water supply, Asking $40,000. lovely 6 room 2 storey brick and frame home. Lots of extras, such os broadioom, built in Tappan range, break- fast nook. 2 water pressure systems, Koolvent awnings at front porch, electric heating and large 82 x 265 ft. lot. Asking $17,500, with C.M. H.C, terms at 6% For full particulars ¢all 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S, GO ACTIVE WITH ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 539 Wilson Road S. $11,300.00 Six year old Bark Brick Bungalow, newly decorated in and out. Large family kit- chen, three good size bed- rooms. Oil heating, recreation room, paved drive. Could not be replaced for $14,500.00, HURRY CALL NOW Apartment' for rent MITCHELLS CORNER) 723-2265 This small home hos two nice bedrooms, attractive living room and kitchen. Lots of garden area and convenient to éverything. Best of all, it carries for only $65.00 a month. A small down pay- ment gives you a home you can be proud of. FOUR BEDROOMS Seldom con we offer 9 four bedroom home at such a very low price: Convenient to all schools, shopping and trans- portation. Priced to sell with only $1,500. down and car- ries for $86.31 monthly, Act fast or this will be gone, Here is real value in on at- tractive, centrally located five room bungalow which is in lovely condition inside and out.)About $1,000. down and tig! dollars per month will handle this bargain if you act fast. OWNER LEAVING OSHAWA Thot's the only reason this six toom colonial plan home could be yours. The location is Griérson Street. A lovely 2 storey, six room center hall plan with large living room and three lovely bedrooms-- easily. financed with $2,500 down and only $80 per month, This is 4 lovely home, a fine neighbourhood and a bargain. EVANGELINE DRIVE Offers a lovely five room bungalow with a view of Lake Ontario from the Living Room. Yours for only $2,500. down. All decorated through- out and ready to move in. Early possession. Give us a call right away on this one. PREFERRED AREA Situated on a quiet street in the north west aréa this home has much to offer for gracious living. Comprised of a 3 bedroom bungalow with living room, kitchen, dining room. All the rooms are bright and airy, The lot 57 x 125 is well landscaped and taxes are reasonable. Call for particulars. A MANY "SPLENDORED HOUSE If you want a really alluring home that provides every imaginable convenience we have one available. It fea- tures living room 20' x 13' with natural fireplace, large separate dining room. Com- fortable family room, extra large kitchen, 3 bright bed- rooms and beautiful 4-pe. " bath, Basement is divided -- réc-room- rumpus room and 2 bedrooms, LOCATION --- Brockside Open Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. |Bill Johnston |Maible Boudreau | Bill McFeeters Ralph Schofield |Allan Thompson |Chorles Chaytor |Marg. Hall llrene Brown Steve Macko Margaret Lee Reg. Aker PAUL RISTOW REALTOR BETTER THAN NEW No need to wait for the gross to grow, this three bedroom brick home is well landscaped and ready for summer relaxa- tion. Central East location ond offered at $16,200 with N.H.A. terms, $2,000 DOWN There is nothing as economi- cal as 4 two storey brick home for the growing family. See this seven room plan near the Boys Club and you'll agree. Carries on one monthly payment of $80.00. FOUR ROOMS -- DOUBLE LOT Thinking of retiring? Inspect this tidy bungalow with gar- age. The extra lot offers the gordiner opportunity now -- increased profit later, Asking $12,500. A BUSINESS BONANZA Situated at the entrance to the Shopping Centre, two storey, sturdy brick home on lot with double frontage and zoned for business. Suitable for many uses. Owner will hold mortgage. JUST LISTED Seven rooms, quiet street, taxes $162.00, add up to an economical buy with $2,800 down to one mortgage at $70.00 per month, PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 SCHOFIELD-AKER COMPACT AND CENTRAL LOW DOWN PAYMENT - 27--Real Estate For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale 40 King Street East Dial 728-4678 In o high demand area that is close to separate, public, R. S. McLaughlin - schools, and also close to ond bus. As @ matter of fact this should be close enough to what you are looking for to give us an offer on this 6 room brick bungalow with attached garage. Hollywood kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled bath, finished re- creation room and fenced 'in patio, This home is priced at only $18,300 with abou $4,000. down. ; EASTGLEN Just north of King St, East, a lovely 6 room brick veneer home only 7 years old, Holly- wood kitchen, 3 good sized bedrooms. Home in excellent condition: Large deep lot. Early possession, Cal] now. CADILLAC AVE. S. Close to separate schools and Church, new shopping plaza two blocks away, bus very convenient. This is 4 very nice METCALF - REAL ESTATE LTD. NORTH WEST AREA SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawe 728-0921 TILDEN | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Il Makes and Mode! CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St, A s) BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 pa ng KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS $1, EAST WHITBY -- 668-589} Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Actes. For full particulars call 723-2265, ond living room. Full base- 728-3376) 728-2870) 723-7996) 723-1358) 725-3867 728-1066} 728-5868) 728-2233 723-2894 725-0201 725-1726 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow 11 years old, Large lot. Can be yours for about $2,000. down, Priced at $13,000. Very close to down town 1% brick home, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, living room, seporate dining room. Private drive and garage. Must be sold th $1,200. down and priced at $11,300. Why not také a look? OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Hp ana angte Dial 728-4678 [Phone Alex. 942-4764, |1962 M@ mi Exctlient condition, Low Jack Osborne Bob Johnston| mileage, radio, tonneau cover, 725-8419, |Dick Barriage Joe Maga|19#? MERCURY Meteor a-door, hardin. Ken Hann i are ae ie ara ete i |evenings or weekend. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723°1133 SOUTH EAST -- Four' bed- room one and a half storey (1999 red brick home, contains |$800: Telephone 728-093 after 'six. seven rooms, and has a nice |1989 CHi OLET impala convertile, exe largé kitchen with plenty of | Ceptionally condition, must be sold, cupboard space. Separate din- eo! fend Street weet, ae Aiyner Ait |1988 VAUXMALL, good éondition, newly. nette, attractive living room, jo. i |painted, $250. Apply 331 Centre Street. ond a full basement with |--- FiONER 7 theta a, ai brandnew furnace. Very |VACATIONER "37 Meteor 2dr, Rideau, , . automatic 8, bive-white, new fifes, exe spacious Lot. The asking price [haust, radio, $625, 246 Linden Street, is $11,500.00 with @ down |1957 VOLKSWAGEN, "r1 /_ maior | GEN, i payment of $2,500. |o lon, $250, Telephone "7abb00, JUST LISTED -- This five |At, new ties Soci Aslan Boay room brick bungalow, With lovely land-scaped lot 50' x i962 MONZA, 4door bucket seats, 4 speed 110'. It contains three bed- rooms, and a large kitchen - This is a ri car with automatic, 6 eylinaee penned Limited, as omic at Nicols Motors dda rock North, Whfby, 468- 191 CADILLAC convertible, til | nvertible, |Poweréd, ebony black, new tires, dae jmaculate condition, Ajax, 942-0675, |1986 NASH Ambassodor Sedan, pow brakes, automatic, radion Wh washers. Very good Condition, roa «af 928 Byron Street South, Whitby, 1961 850 AUSTIN statonwagen, will trade up to $200 for a size car offered. Dial 623-2140. 1999 CHEVROLET coach, Empire médel gy yi Sonn ie orfginal teemuar "in ree 5 Fis Downer, Street, Midland, Ont, vik ag Hee FORD Feiriane 500 onvertibie, red wi @ top, continental, V8 autem dual_ exhaust, Best offer BANG, sis SPRITE", modified, best offer over ti transmission equipped, 2tone, cash or lerms, After 5, call Ajax, 942-0803, i957 PONTIAC Laurentian, 9 woor, 6 cylinder, standard shift, radio, windshleid pees. Apply 12 te 5 at 88 Westmount reel. | ment ond private drive with garage. Ideal family home in | must seit tes Chevrole a alandare good location. Terms can bé |transmission, good condition. Best offer. orranged. |Private. Telephone 728-9345, 902 PONTIAC ddan tie ie NORTH WEST -- Four year |1962 PONTIAC 4-door Strate Chief, white, old house, six rooms and close wall fites, automatic, Telephone. 7257824, to public and separate 1983 AUSTIN, good body, oped Tires. transportation, 45, schools. Features a good size living room and dining area, | c@onomical Dial 655-3706. big kitehen arid large master |Brooklin, Ontaro, |i944 FIAT two door, 2,800 original miles. bedroom. Two fair size bed- rooms, and 4 four piece bath. Priced to sell! Telephone 728-5175. Attractively priced at $12,- 1958 PONTIAC Laurentian, &-doér, Pri 1956 OLDSMOBILE four-door, radio and 10 ACRE LOTS -- $1000.00 aviometie #180." rar 6 ptm 299 KING ST. WEST 7 $00.00 ia. $670, 2-tone, in good condition. Alex 942+ fou: automatic, $150. Telephone after 6 p.m. down will make you the proud : 23-1133 |1986 CHEVROLET, 2 door statlonwagon: V8 standard shift, new battery, brakes, and tires last fall. Best offer by July 15, Alax 942-5214, 70, SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- Good -- |ovas. sized lot and house, good | igg)~ i$ 850 Station - Wagon ood ud 850 Statlon-Wagon good orea for a possible apartment ssagend car' 55 miles per gallon. Call 648. site, 728-7127. owner of your own estate, Iva? METROPOLIYAR, private, one own: located on the Port Perry {éf. Apply after 4 p.m., 164 Bloor Street highway, at the ridges north he Ee of Raglan, Only a few left, 1957 PONTIAC sedan 6, automatic, Condition, $650. cash. 170 Park Road Road South. Evenings. 1958 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, bored and stroked, three two-barrel, carburetors, cam, lifters, transistor ignition, -- floor | shift, tochometer, gauges, néw body job, \Call 725-5685. | 1962 ACADIAN convertibie, white with white top, red interior, bucket seats, | Hee Russ Lucas ~ 725-7982 |utomatic transmission, white wall tres. 9590. down to one NHA ;|Fully equipped. Excelient- condition, For full price, storms. and scream' full y|{urther information call 723-3797, detached. Ajax location. Many _more|i9s6 CHEVRO! ndard transmssion. extras, 668-8951, Manderhill Real Estate| Excellent condition, no rust, low mileage, | Su Le ie es \chrome discs, radio, wndshield washers, |EXECUTIVE HOME -- An outstanding signals, oll filter, $475. or offer, Phone |buy on King East, 4 bedrooms, tar | 72 dining, living room and den. Basement! i953 BUICK, in built out with all conveniences, Very!97 Ourham Stre: reasonabiy price. Down payment to Suit) atc |your budget. Call for appointment, irene| WRECKING 52 to 'S? Chev's, Pontiacs, |Weinberger, 725-8651; Arthur Weinberger Buicks, Old's and Fords. Telephone 728- | Realtor. |8938. | a tit |THREE Bedroom split level with [tached carport built by Armstrong| matic, power steering, radio, whitewalls Homes, located in the North East end,/wheel discs, plus seven other options, built in stove annd oven, plus decoration |7900 miles, Price $239. Telephone 725- included, call $, D. Hyman Real Estate| 3073. of | Linuted. 728-6286, 1962 MORRIS van. Ideal for deliverey | jwork, Apply 99 Queen Street, Bowman- joan nent Serene Hanis isang IBLE 1963 Chevy Ii, 6 eyling seem = --- =! - | T! vy , cyline TWO-STOREY home wanted in good |der automatic. Low mileage, whitewalls, for cash buyer, must be in good condi-|-adig Terms avaliable, Apply 748 Mary tion, als6 two-bedroom ad Carl| street, Oshawa, afier $.30 p.m. Olsen, Realtor, Phone 723-1133, ee te PRIVATE. I Five reo bungalow brick 1957 CHEVROLET Pre ng ee, Rta A ' teering, power brakes, wanted, Telephone 726-4918. ee nee eee é | HAVE client with all cash for 3 bedroom! iggy PONTIAG Laurentian sedan, power home In Oshawa. U. Jones Realtor. Tele: | steering, automatic, whitewalls, radio, phone 725-6412. washers, Excellent condition. {NEED 'three or 'four 'Bedroom "homes $120. Phone 728-2628. desperately, |. have buyers and ith T-Bird sou! 3 time payment buyers. Bill Johnston, Lay en lee robbers a? Schofield-Aker Real Estate, 728-1066. offer. Phone 728-0432. 137 Bloor Street East 29--Automobiles For Sale i957 TRA, new ober. eb ARE tabs baa deiohcii the tH Ba, S ehane 19) CHEVROLET impala, four door| drive, body perfect. stationwagon, automatic, radio, electric| Bloor Street East. \ . i bie Norinratter's. Phy 1 Riverside) "(Continued on Page 16) After hours coll -- Tom Jones - 728-1041 Wes. Elliott - 728-0581 excellent condition, Apply et. | 0p, over 725-0432. 137 COMING EVENTS BINGO St. Gertrude's 'Auditorium TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING ST. E. AT FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION |Snowball Jackpot $140. - 56 Nos. j $20 Consolation ' Reg. Jackpot 59 Nos. - $100 $20 Consolation Good Prizes + FOR RENT Neoring completion, east end with lake view ond pri- vote beach. This is first of- rents ftom $90. selection for _ first choice PHONE BUILDER 839-1221 THREE BEDROOMS, large kitchen, car- port, good ¢lean family home, south" sec. tion, lease required. Available September 1, $95. monthly. Call Jack Sheriff, § Hyman, Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286 AJAX - 6 room newly decorated bung: flow near schools, ali faci't'es, two year lease, $105 month. Call Toronto, 757-2836 FIVE ROOM semi - 390 goge for the balance, Give us a coll. Carl Olsen, Real- tor, 299 King St. W,, Oshawa: Phone 723-1133 THREE-BEDROOM spiit-ievel with at- tached Carport built by Armstrong Homes, located 'n the North East end, built in stove and oven, included. Call .§. D. tate Lid., 728-6286. SAVE $500 Under the winter works pro gram, only one loft, act fast on this six- room bungalow by Hogenboom Construe tion. Immediate possession. Call §. D, Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 778-6286. $1000 DOWN. buys this four - room bunge- low located on fond Street. Pull asking price $9500. Cail S. D. nyman. Real Ee fat Ltd., 728-6784 air oi! unit. This-is on main road in popular village within commuting distance of Oshawa. Full price only $10,200 with about $2500. down payment. BROOKLIN -- BRICK BUNGALOW -- $12,500 On quiet street in country Atmosphere with ample size lot for gardening and active play area for children. Superior clay brick, large entrance hall, very clean. Tidy home for & young fomily or retired couple, Low toxes on this five year Old home, 10 ACRES ON NO. 12 HIGHWAY CORNER of Taunton Road with neorly 700 ft. highway frontage is being offered at a sp culotive price of $20,000.00. This could be one of the busiest corners on No, 12 highway with the completion of paving of secondary artery from Oshawa and other eastern points. Investigate this for interesting commercial possibilities. Generous terms to reliable buyer | HOMES | | Are you stuck for @ ploce te live for the month of August, while your new home is being build, 2 bedr6om Apartment with appliances. Rent or Sell 3 bedroom Brick Bungalow in 900d area, oil heat, re- treation room. Will rent for $125.00 monthly, or sell with $1,500.00 down, Guy Bell Pauline Beal Doug Wilson Steve Lehan 48 Simcoe Street, South 728-5157 Financial Trade Bldg. | 187 King St. E | |PRIVATE -- Store for rent or séle.| |Blair Park Paza, Whitby, Opening for! BINGO any type of busi Size 1 8, \- |tnet Toronto, S55, : wh ' es pap Nos. 51. and 56 |RAVINE lots over 200 feet in aepth,| TONIGHT --8 P.M, jall fully serviced, and NHA approved, RED BARN overlooking the City of Oshawa, Call §. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited' 728-4286. EXTRA BUSES KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 52 and 53 Con: EARLY BIRD GAMES j D.|KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE! 109 COLBORNE ST. W. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE plus aecorating Hyman Real Es |PRIVATE, three-bedroom brick bungalow | ---- |with carport, five years old,, north-west! district. 725-1083. | Bil} Horner|two income homes, one with « apart-| ments, $340 monthly, $23,000. One with 3 Hertha Kirk) peaetments, $235 monthly, $17900. All. seit] Ralph Vickery|contained. Telephone afier six, 728-7480 a Steve Zurba| SAVE under the Winter Works pro) gram, only one left, act fast on this! six-room bungalow by Hogenboom struction, Immediate possession, § Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-6286, | RANCH bungalow with attachad carport located in the North West area, eleé- y heated, recr@ation room, natural Biee Road. Sn oF Pee Aon ht wall to wall broadoom are BEDROOM bungsiow for ssie or rent.|iust a few of the features, call S. D. Hy: Apply 129 Annes Street, Whitby man Real Estate Limited 728-6286, detached brick IKE. PERRY -- NICK VAN DEN BROEK -- JOHN REIGER

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