Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jun 1964, p. 5

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err T Results Of Dance Exams | Susan Cuddy |" = WHITBY | And DISTRICT For Connelly Students Maried stir au t Tel. 668-3703 | The following are results of| British Medallion Tap: : Dr, Alex McMahon was best Manager: John Gavit ' P the BATD dance examinations} Pass -- Andrew Hiscox, Mar- ee ee vile ~ man and the ushers were Dr. ve held in Whitby recently. All are|go Wilson, Mary Ellen Millers "8 (OF @m alternoon "Wee-\Gary Sincerbox, Dr. David ding when Miss Susan Jane ; pupils of Margaret Connelly. |Linda Clark. Cuddy, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. reer ve: Progen pee, Tap (Primary): British Award Tap: F i os. Honors -- Margaret, Ap ne| Pass -- Gail Clarke. pb agg Be 4 'Richard:| 1% agg ond aha held at the| STAFFORD BR | and Ruth Hoskins, Susan Shew-| Bronze Ballet: son, son of Mr, and Mrs. George| yy, Mrs. Richard. ill LTD. an, Debbie and Leta Fisher,) Pass -- Leslie Hart, Janet|Grainger Richardson, Toronto, -- ~ she agegad MONUMENTS Susan Wagg, Christina Evans,|Kingerlee, Barbara Bentham. |were united in marriage. The|AY® ohms cere ate Connie Mcllwain, Laura Might-| Goi patlet: Reverend William Moore offic-|Brunswick until September when 318 DUNDAS EAST en, Cheryl Smith, Marlene and) "p,.. _ Susan Ireland lated. they will take up residence in 668-3552 Sharon Cain, Mary Lou Jardin; ie Irtsh Deneing: Given in- marriage by her) New Haven, Cc icut Pass Plus -- Fay McAvoy, ue lfather, the bride was a Donna Hill, Holley, Albright, Phang rgeear Pale' Russell, sd dies | i Leslie-Anne Hayes, Patricia Jar- : eee i oes .| Silver Irish Dancing: \ ° sie Br, Deo Cue. |, uamy Commentet -- Srey JAMES 1 sendin, a aa sionr P Chienanced --- Joey Taras, Hawkins, Dale Russell. | I HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION Dinah Griffin, Anna-Marie Fry-/Bronze Jazz: | @) MALLEY " ; acim ---- er, Francis Koenen, Katherine| Pass Plus --. Susan Jones, | | : ' Brittain, Wendy Ackerman, Pat-|Wendy Sutherland; Pass | --| ion Ltd | There will be no garbage collection on Wednesday, ti and Barbara Bentham, Cathy pid aay bole iedey Penny Construction Ltd. || Joly'lst Gorbook rierndlly dollelted'bn' Wits iy Magrath. chinson, Debbie Edey, Penny ' Pass Plus--Dierdre Newman, |Sidor, Janet Kingerlee. . will be picked up on Thursday, July 2nd. Karen Alexander, Janice Tay-|Silver Jazz: 7 2 3 7 l 2 2 | P P at lor, Ellert Eekma, Kathleen) Pass -- Nancy Dymond, wig ® ticuinn @ Addams 1 2 WORKS DEPARTMENT Stannett, Sandra Nimigon, Deb-|tha Lawrence, Mary Ellen Mil- bie Carmody, Lessa Hart; Pass/ler. -- Nancy Towson. hee Jazz: . L @ Offices @ Henri Silver Tap: |_Pass -- Margo Wilson. -------- Highly commended -- Leslie! oo Hart; Commended -- Betty Jim- mo; Pass Plus -- Noreen) Jimmo, Debbie Carmody, Cathy| Worried about costly Magrath; Pass -- Alyson Hut- : \ chinses, Leesa Hart, Helen Dis- é furnace repairs? | ney. : Gold Tap: Highly Commended | Not me! | joined the |-- Wendy Sutherland, Susan | Jones, Commended -- Joy »Sa-| ' L-S Parts Replacement {manski, Jane Kaiser, Patricia) B J ns |Carswell, Elaine Allen, Pass| 4 i, Plan -- only $13.95 | Plus -- Shirley Hawkins, Trudy) IEDs acai ad |St. John, Anne Parrish, Kathy} Phone 668-2345. | Pegg. a: furs and cloth garments spend Blue Riband: summer safe from moths, fire Commended -- Debbie His-| JMReey 724,"tins" rely insur ka $ : oon Debbie MeLaughian, Devie WHITBY CLEANERS Lutes si ; : | aylor. Phone now for details. . we LTD. | 150 Colborne St. E., Whitb ANNUAL INCREASE | sats ia 43 KING STREET. WEST, OSHAWA FISHIN' PARTNERS | The population of the United) 725-3581 =, : § s Si more Two heads are better than Wintringham, of Oshawa, set- joined by this friendly seagull. disgusted with the lack of reine! one as yeu. ny ino one maybe? Or perhaps too tled down for a quiet after- The two sat quietly regard- fish around, the gull left to | --__-___ en many "cooks" can spoil the noon's fishing in Whitby Har- ing each other for a full five do a little fishing of his own. fishing? Anyhow when Larry bor yesterday he was quickly minutes. Then apparently (Times Photo by Brian McCall) | on . cet Probation - A Second Chance So Often Spur ned, Ig nored | J By JOHN GAULT this is ramoved from the Mag-|the Salvation Army, who is in, --He will be restricted to a eo ' i | PER (Whitby Editor) istrate's hands by the statutes). Court here every Tuesday. in at- curfew. (In most cases it re- Lrrntdewle DkWOY. N y a8 5. LIGHT When Magistrate's Court con-| Will the accused profit from|tempts to aid young people in quires Ps he be in his resi- venes in Whitby over the next| jail? ... from fines? . . . or| trouble, dence from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m, | f Wise H Owners insist on "HYDRA-PRESSED" few Tuesdays, one of the most | from a suspended sentence and| This done, he searches his) --He will make restitution to} : Seah ad for Patio and sidewalks. € TIRES & BRAKES frequent, and most ridiculous) probation? past experience, and common the bh en of his crime, eens) : der 400 ¢ vi ' offences dealt with will be pro- {fn some cases, especially in'sense to arrive at the degree or activities. foch slab is precision mode under ' tons of pressure giving bation violation. the case of the boy with a pre-/of punishment, Should the ac- --He is restricted from enter-| for the first ti er, superb quality at @ price you will like. Phone 728-9432 or 668-3356 ' : i & as v ; As Magistrate Harry Jermyn vious record, suspended sen-|eysed receive guapenied. sei: i certain places and prem "Hydra-Pressed". slobs are frost resistent too. et i qe , ses. has pointed out, probation is a tence is ruled out. But in most tence, he may consider that he H 1 t t E With our complete ronge of sizes and colors, you now have ATTERSLEY 'break' for lawbreakers. Instead cases, Magistrate Jermyn has to|was given a break --He will not associate the widest choice of designs for your Patio ond Sidewalk. . ' with known criminals, pro- Coll us today or visit our plant for complete information and of going to jail, or suffering|size up all circumstances in ; : F ; ie But in some cases, the Magis-|bationers, parollees, or those vy ' en a) pass s rpg ' rice, T R ERV E hea fines, they are giv -ijaest igicitohucd trate has his be ne volencejwho use alcohol. o "--_ I E S IC chance to "go straight" -- to, He will consult with the redeem themselves in the eyes Crown, with "relatives |trown back in his face. The) --In some cases, he himself QOWE JQMMy AUR JOUR JAE BROCUUKE OW PATIO DESTOM: _ ie a EAN : of the law. , the Actines roar pag matey same boy he helped out faces)is prohibited from drinking. coil WOME 2 Locations to Serve You It is apparent that many of gating officer, and in some him again on another offence.|. And finally, the probationer is 655-3311 OSHAWA WHITBY (A rs regard proba-|cases, Captain Edward Reed of Magistrate Jermyn, at least, duly warned that any breech of CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD these offenders reg P We ae Gee cars least 'this "contract" between him- i 227 Toronto Ave. 401 Dundes St. tion and suspended sentence as a joke. This feeling-is substan- these circumstances, His trust Self and the Crown causes it Opp. Cloverleat Motel ree . ; to be void. tiated by the fact that so many D an has been betrayed. are returned to the courts for ulvesteyn But he sometimes grants pro- flaunting the dictums of their jbation again, because of cir- sentences. | Van Stavern Fagen He could revoke Among these dictums is a the suspended sentence at that provision that calls for the pro- point, and mete out jail sen-; * bationer to report to the Proba- June Nuptials tences on both crimes, The law tion Officer (in our case, John provides that a person who fails | Mitchell) at least once a month. In Whitby Reformed Church|to uphold the terms of his sus-| Some three weeks ago, seven|Saturday, June 13 at 3 p.m.,|pended sentence, is liable for local youths were in Court for|Trudy Duivesteyn, daughter of|the maximum penalty attached 6 failure to do so. Mr, ad Mrs. Peter Duivesteyn, to the crime for which he was Some got off with a warning, Burketon was united in mar-|assessed it. € others were given extensions of|'iage to John VanStaveren, son Obeying probation rules is no e e their probationary period. odd and Mrs. Harry Van-|picnic, They are restrictive N h A r an 6 C ] nder wa ons The point of probation is lost, Staveren, Whitby. They are bothersome, and they r or me 1C y l when one term is flagrantly dis-| Rev. J. Vankuiken, Toronto) cyt down social life. be id. It ia not 1 osed to be ficiated at the ceremony. Wed- E beyed. It i suppos ding music was played at the But they are a helluvalot bet- a picnic, It is punishment --a . cages " ter than spending the ve 'jail away from. jail", so to/°'Za0 by Mr. P. Rottine. ri ales By ig rt Nila odgteh speak. : The bride, given in marriage|iion4 a SES OF Den: Magistrate Jermyn and _ his by her father, wore a floor- eg ae : contemporaries, Crown Attorney length white silk organza gown| These are the conditions nor. tine Affleck." Bee gars a with full length sleeves which|Mally attached to the suspended lawyers and private citizens do came to a point, and petit-point sentence: | y t deal sor i ecarchin lace on the skirt. The bodice| --The accused must re port} eels. entencin the riche had a lace trimmed neckline. A|Monthly to the Probation Officer Gas" case . crown of pearls helq her should-|!" his. area, and more often, The "borderline," in most er length veil, she carried a epee. ne: taller require. tt caer 4k ocath who has ie nr . red roses with white --He will not leave the Coun- IseS, 3 ste s y ow i lated the Criminal Code for the 1 ri "a sation a : ty where he is on probation cn | ally), Jo-Anne Duivesteyn sister of! without obtaining written per- first time. His offence is usually vie ashe te at *\the bride was her maid of hon-|mission for the Probation Offi- serious -- a break and enter, P. Scaatae ; Blan Ge & thelt or, Pat Duivesteyn also sister\cer, sanctioned by the Court ea ta hich e difficult t of the bride was bridesmaid) _ yy. e is much more diificull 0 with Incka VanStaveren sister of ss dea! with than the drunk-driver. | the vroom. They wore identical Officer agp gpaiecal vay reso heel eS of blue peau-de-soie with of these latter offences fall into A ae lt vig ona i. = a cut-and-dried pattern se : y carried DOU- change of occupation, or loss of| 4 f quets of yellow daisies and yel- employment When a man is convicted On| jow sweetheart roses mployment, a first offence of drunk-driving,| jjower girls were Miss Debbie|,. He, Wil! provide support for he usually goes to jail for seven wer girls were Miss Veovlelhis wite and family (if any) or 3 = 7 eee | Van der Ley and Linda Duives-| 9. other dependents for who days -- this is a -- Pre-|teyn, nieces of the bride. They|pe| Sat epe s for whom scribed by law. age bs La fa wore white peau-de-soie dese mY trate's judgments, a gence d with blue sashes. They carried| : at must be tempered with common identical baskets of mixed flow-|dress with matching jacket and sense and flexibility. ers which were mainly of hat, white accessories | The youth who has stolen hub- qaisies. The couple left for a wedding cme mmm mv saw, wanertopsin eco cals | OW COMES in a Wide new variety of wagon models and engine options -- sentence, theoretically a 10ng Ushers were John Nekkers andjdress of silk with a plain duster one. : Bill Jepma coat, white accessories and. a ' 9 |. ah Moe : Faad Yad Fee : . When he has convicted, the] .The reception was held in the|corsage of' yellow sweetheart Is economy your watchword? Take a look at the and luxury. The Classic is built for your needs. Choose Muffler; distinctive curved-glass side windows; a@ Magistrate must decide a num-|church hall where the bride's roses. American, Canada's lowest priced 4-door wagon. Its a 6-cylinder engine (127 or 138 hp) or a V8 (198 hp). gleaming Roof-Top Travel Rack. ber of things in respect to sen-' mother received in a beige-and-. The couple will live at 1008 6-cylinder engine (90 or 125 hp) delivers the power 'The Classic takes the kids to school, your wife shop- We could tell you a lot more. We won't. A 15-minute ager Will society be protected brown - lace - over -beige -|/Byron'street south, Whitby. | you need with the gas-saving economy and utility ping, you to the country. It's both a hard-working test drive is worth a thousand words. You'll never sl is person's imprisonment? taffeta dress With brOW1 21 ------------ |. you want. hauler and a Sunday-drive pleasure car. No wonder know how versatile a station wagon can be until you ill the victim of the crime green accessories, She was as- ' : 4 ; : Have Nik cacasdat WIE the Ina lelstedby the Hridecroomits wot: : If you're at the other end of the scale and want the Classic 6 leads all other 6-cylinder wagons in drive a Rambler. Your Rambler Dealer has your test be satisfied? (in some cases,/er who chose a soft pink. linen One-Stop luxury combined with V8 power and performance, the North American sales. : drive ignition keys. See him today. il Erthae es M . - DECORATING wagon for you is the Ambassador V8 (250 or 270 hp). With a Rambler wagon, annoying station wagon yow141, NEVER KNOW HOW VERSATILE ASTATION WAGON BROCK -- Whitby Its interiors are rich. Its appointments are tasteful. Its squeaks and rattles are a thing of the past, thanks CAN BE UNTIL YOU TEST-DRIVE A Evening Shows Start . Il | re SHOP features are superb. But don't let its elegance fool you. to exclusive Single Unit Construction and Uniside 6:55 and 8:20 Th THE FIRST aenere The Ambassador combines luxury with ample cargo body panels. You can drive it as simply as a sedan, yet or Last Complete Show Wallpaper end Murals space and station wagon convenience. It's unlike any full-size cargo space gives it the convenient hauling Begins at 8:20 Custom Droperies station wagon you've ever owned. ability of a pick-up. You get the world's best rust- Broadioom and Rugs Maybe you want a happy medium between economy proofing; Double Safety Brakes; Ceramic-Armored at C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points ---- wil] notify the Probation) immediately if he changes his address. --He will notify the Proba- ition Officer immediately of any A Product of American Motors (Canada) Limited | NO oe rh tg td DoDD & SOUTER "See the Economical American 6 -- The Popular Classic 6 or V-8 -- The Luxurious Ambassador V-8 -- At Your Dealer's Now takes his turn... Decor Centre Ltd. wir Phone 668-5862 ' KS bn 107 Byron $t. $., Whitby WELLMAN MOTORS LIMITED ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE PORT PERRY . 190 Nenquon Road North---7 28-7351 1003 Brock Street South, Wehby--660-5298 Harry Peel Rambler Sales & Service

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