RETIRING DUNBARTON TEACHER HONORED Nearly 700 people crowded alee i to ico ba congratula Miss Helen Bradd, who has retired from teaching school after 40 years. Michael. Starr MP is pictured offering his For the past 34 years Miss Bradd has been teaching the junior and rimary at Dunbarton publie 'on Her principal, H, M. Brinza said she was dedicated, community minded and added that it was ques- tienable if anyone would ever measure up to her Mrs. A. Caragata, who has taught with Miss Bradd for the past 10 years, said the retiring teacher would go out of her way to help ahyone and was nover too y to aid, Miss Brad was superintendent of My gated the crash but that Green- the Dunbarton United Church Sunday schoo] for the past 20 years, is a former stewardess of that church and was the irst lady to be on the session there She is also a life mem- ber of the Home and Schoo Association. Miss Bradd will move to her home town of Brighton where she caught be- fore coming to Dunbarton. --Oshawa Times Photo Community Party Honors Former Enniskillen Girl ENNISKILLEN -- The former Nancy E. Wood of Enniskillen and her husband, Roger Lowe of Kent, Ohio, were guests of honor Saturday at a community party. Among the guests from a dis- tance were Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick and Robin, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, J. L. Switzer, Gates Mills, Ohio. F. Dorland presided as mas- ter of cereony for a pro- gram including a vocal duet by Misses Kathryn Slemon and Lois Ashton accompanied by Miss Betty Jane Werry. The male quartet: J. T. Sle- mon, E.. Wright, 0. C. Ashton and R. Ashton were introduced as four of Nancy's Sorority sis- ters and appeared in girlish cos- tumes to sing three numbers a led by their pianist, Mrs. E. Wright. They also escorted Mr. and Mrs. Lowe to Mesdames A. J. Werry and K. McGill pinned a pretty cor- sage and boutonniers, on the guests of honor. Miss Betty Jane Werry read a brief address K. and Miss Ruth Pethick present- ed Nancy with a lace cloth from the CGIT group of which she is an ex-member. Mrs, 0. C. Ash- ton read a congratulatory ad- dress and Mrs. K. McGill and Mrs. A.. J. Werry presented the happy couple with 'a place set- ting of sterling silver in the Prelude pattern from the com- munity. Nancy and Roger expressed their appreciation. A lunch was) served including a treat of cake and ice-cream provided by Nan- "s grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. RECEIVES DEGREE Congratulations to Mrs. Roger K. course, majoring in Biology, at Western Reserve' University, Cleveland, Ohio, and received her BA degree in the early part of June, Rev. F. Lane, guest minister Lowe (nee Nancy Wood)| who has completed an honor) Lay Comerstone Hospital, July 23 AJAX -- R. D. Thompson an- nounced today that the official laying of the cornerstone for the new Ajax and Pickering Gen- eral Hospital will be held July 23 at 7.30 p.m. Officials taking part in the dedication will be Mayor H. Smith of Ajax, Reeve W. C. Laycox of Pickering Township and Reeve R,. Murison of Pick- ering. Also taking part will be the Ajax Community choir under the direction of David Karry. PICKERING (Staff) -- Peter Greenshields, Pine drive, Pick- ering was fined $20 Thursday when he was found guilty in Magistrate's Court of making an improper tum May 26. D, C. Lansing, Pine Grove avenue, Pickering testified he ~ driving west on Highway' when a car coming toward er eae cit tera fo tee of him. The two cars collided, Pickering Township police Constable J, R. Brown said he was unable to determine the point of impact when he investi- Pickering Driver Fined Making Improper Turn shields' car had struck a third vehicle on a gas station lot when it spun off the road after the impact. Total damage to the three cars were estimated at $1,500., including $1,000 damage Greenshields' auto. Greenshields told the court he had slowed to 15 mph before he made the turn and said he thought the approaching vehicle was about 300 feet away. FAILED TO YIELD Leonard Cormic;, £tation Rd., Pickering was fined $20 and costs for failing to yield the right of way on May 30, to Ross Reid of West. Hill at Guild Road and Highway 2. tojof pulled in front of him Guild road. The collision that followed caused an estimated $50, damage to his car and $150. to the Cormier vehicle. Cormier told the court that he had stopped before entering the intersection but that his visibility was limited because hills both east and west. said there was no coming traf- fic when he pulled out into the intersection. Magistrate Harry Jermyn said it was up to the accused to make certain that there was no other traffic befofe he pro- ceeded and that @ tly there was. Failing to yield the right of way also cost Andrew Beth, Lot 6, Con, 1, Pickering Town- ship $20 when he was found p.m. on May 20. He| MIRRORS BROKEN Sergeant P. _ ees of the' Pickering Township Police the court the accused was leaving his driveway off High. way 2, just east of Harwood avenue, when he struck a pick- up truck driven by George Squire of RR 1, Pickering. Damage resulting from the collision was estimated at $225. The accident occurred at 6.30 Breaking the rear-view mirror of a car owned by F. Cunning of 1388 Darwin street, Bay Ridges cost Donald Holter of Orchard avenue, Pickering $25. and costs plus a new mirror when he was found guilty of wilful damage by Magistrate Jermyn Covaing testified that Holter was a passenger in a car driving along Darwin roaq when he broke the mirror on his car guilty by Magistrate Jermyn. street. Magistrate Jermyn gave the accused an alternate jail sen- tence of five days and told him to replace the mirrors. Wendall Parish, 1761 Dufferin street, Whitby, was fined $25. and costs for having liquor in a place other than a residence when he was found with beer in his car on the Third Con cession by Pickering fowasnip Constable P. D. Nichols on May 16, at 3 a.m. On April 24, Roger McIntosh, 18, of 168 Glenwood Cres. Osh- awa was foud dtinking at a drive-in. He &scaped Constable J. R. Brown of Pickering Towa- ship police but returned to the police station later with his father, Magistrate Jermyn fined the todl ining te anetier ear aat'me| La Presse Talks. With Strikers Again In Week MONTREAL (CP) -- will resume next week in labor dispute at La Montreal's largest dally paper. Per. Justice Roger government - appointed tor, met with both pegged He ron an el ule o are studied, and tal il resume Monday or La Presse has not since June 4. Only about members of the International Typographical Union (CLC) are actually on strike, but 1,000 other employees have re- while passing. Cunning said that youth $25. fused to cross picket lines. lfrom Lindsay, gave a message lfrom the New Testament which was a tribute and counsel to "fathers" on their special day. Mr. and Mrs, Adam Sharp, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Mrs. Ivan Sharp attended the 40th wedding reception of Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson, Toronto, on Thursday. This community was shocked to hear of the sudden passing of a neighbor, Mrs, Carl Fergu- son. Our deepest sympathy is extended to her husband and | family. wouldn't you c really rather own a BUICK? OSHAWA DOM ESTIVAL ALEXANDRA PARK INION DAY JULY {st YOUTH PROGRAMS On May 8th, 1964, the Ontario Legislature ordered "That a Select Committee of this House be appointed to conduct @ comprehensive inquiry into and report upon the special needs of youth with particular reference to educational, cultural, recre- ational and employment opportunities as well as the health, welfare and sports facilities now available to youth and the steps to be taken which in the opinion of the Committee would enable 8 wider participation by youth in the life of the community; "To conduct hearings for the purpose of receiving representations from organizations and individuals engaged in youth activities and to hold meetings to study the experience of others in the youth field..." & Onrame The Committee has defined youth as those persons in the age range 14 to 24. It is recog- nized that certain situations may involve other age groups; the Committee's focus of study, however, isonyouth as defined. it is the intention of the Com- mittee to hear organizations and to visit places where there ere active youth programs; to invite briefs from municipalities, from individuals and organi- zations, private and public; to study submissions and make recommendations, It ix expected that the Commi®e_ will by early fall to schedule meetings .% in various. centres. It is urged that individuals and organiza- tions who wish to meet the Committee contact the Secre- tary, Select Committee on Youth, the Parliament Build- ings, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, before August 31st, in order that the Committee may prepare its fall schedule. If a delegation or single applicant. intends to prepare a brief, it is suggested that the Secretary be provided with a short summary stating the problems arid the major conclusions, Sy/ Apps CHAIRMAN Walter Koerber SECRETARY It'll never be easier than it is right now aah our Buick There's never been a better time to buy a Buick. Because you get immediate delivery on most models. Because your Buick dealer is looking for good used cars and he's ready to give you top value for your present car. Because Buick's attractive price assures you of a most rewarding and satisfying deal. You get a choice of 7 different body styles, 4 different wheelbases in a 26-model selection. If you've ever had any urge to get a luxurious LeSabre, a spirited Wildcat, an elegant Electra 225, a dynamic Riviera or a trim, new Buick Special, now is the time to satisfy that yearning. Because the Success Car Sales Celebration is in full swing right now. Like we said. There's never been a better time to buy a Buick! make us prove it! Drop in today and see how little it costs to move up to a BUICK! Visiting New York this summer? Be sure to see the General Motors Futurama at the New York World's Fair. 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, See your local Buick dealer AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALERS IN OSHAWA - WHITBY AREA THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED PHONE: 723-4364 ONT. | CL -- H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. 103 DUNDAS EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE: 668-5846 Be Sure to Watch "'T 'elescope" on CBLT Fridays at 9:30 P.M. and "Zero One" on CFTO-TV Thursdays ot 9:00 P.M.