Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jun 1964, p. 8

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a ma OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 24,1964 SOCIAL NOTICES oa Silver Wedding Couple's Par ENES avs "ara ENGAGEMENTS FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE : : j Honored Guests at Anniver sary in te: hayes! = Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Grant,| The Revernd and Mrs..Ivan i Fi 'have four children, ne Bobcaygeon, wish to announce Leonard Saunders, Port Perry, i , ; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wysotskijblue French lace over teal|Karol, Peter and ear "wey wish to announce the forthcom- oe were honored recently on the|blue silk shantung on sheath Aft the enagement of their young:| ri it thele youngest é ; me? necadion 'Bt tals silva 'eli | After the festive dinner the t. daughter, Betty. Louise, 'laminae te AR iertig silver anni-'lines. uests enjoyed dancing till mid- est daughter, "f se, Oldaughter, Heather Marjorie, to : : versary. | Mr. and Mrs, Wysotski greet-/night. Angus William Milne, son of eo EY serge ye : A.Mass in Thanksgiving wasjed their guests as they arrived| Later the bridal couple are Mr, and Mrs. William Milne, -- i ret a r, Pare: ' said by Reverend John C. Perey-jand then were escorted to the/ taking a trip to Europe. Oshawa. The wedding is to take) Mrs. eg as oe ge epi : ma at St. George's Ukrainian| head table which was taste-/ place on Saturday, July 18, en = Bevis nde ac Te Catholic Church, followed by a/fully set and decorated with tht). oa dre | ee iF ati bi std da Gatetiey, Tuyo p Aagee lggete me ne Mba oe. : three-tiered ' i ' , couple 25 wedding cake, yel | Ontario, 1964, at 2.30 p.m, : : years ago. | estar Wileloe, re ve bs, grid ENGAGEMENT FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE It was a happy occasion for; Mr. Frank Baron, brother. of] "som 2 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green-| Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Esdale, the couple because their par:|tbe bride, acted as master of| DRAPES wood, Oshawa, wish to announce|Cornwall, Ontario, wish to an- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Karol Jo-\ceremonies. He introduced the! the engagement of their daugh-\nounce the forthcoming mar- -- Baron and Mr. and Mrs.|bridal attendants and honored) r, Shirley Adele, to Stewartjriage of their daughter, Bar- eter Wysotski were present at/guests. Father Pereyma said. ; : SEE "Batt Sharp, son of Mr. E arijbara Joan, to John Christopher é 3 this happy event. |Grace and the dinner followed. M.& 6, Dry Goods 'emia Oshawa, and the late|Waldinsperger, son of Mr. and The dinner dance was held in/Mr. Peter Wysotski, brother of ; ' i i the parish hall with over 200|the bride ! & Dra ries Sharp. The marriage will|Mrs. Sebastian Waldinsperger, idegroom, toasted the|™, Pony Braperres 1964, at 7.00 p.m. in St. An-|place at St. John's Presbyter: ie ' vd bride was presented with a|sented with many gifts of sil- iosnen sar cobs drew's United Church, Oshawa.jian Church, Cornwall, on Satur- ~~ s white orchid corsage which|ver and a purse of money. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell, AT HOME. | Oshawa, wish to announce the) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Late : 3 DAYS ON LY THURS FRI and SAT hh, Be § We os 3 mee ee ter, Diane Irene, to David Allen will be at home to their rela- - : ay s Bilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs.|tives, friends and neighbors on! IED IN PORT PERRY ene Kenneth Bilcox, Wicklow. The| Sunday, June 28, 1964, from) wedding will take place at the|7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m., on the Port Perry United Church Mrs. F. Eugene Degrborn_of | f Salvation Army ene <r laravert of their 50th wedding) was the setting for the wed- poo a0 ge aga eg ate | vision street, Cobourg, on Sat- anniversary. ding of Ruby Jean Strong aughter of Mr. rs. 00) | 4 . Hugh M. Strong of Port | ei oe AT HOME and Harvey Eugene Lloyd perry, . __ | Mr, and Mrs. Frank Roberts,' Dearborn, son of Mr.- and --Photo by Sneyd. | The Simcoe Hall Golden Age|tj lends 'd neighbors on jewelled. lace appliques held her! i oe ee one ae i Huguette Tremblay short illusion veil and sh@ car-| jbers last Thursday to witness!» 99 tp 5.00 p.m. and from 7.00 . ja presentation of $65. to Mrs./ty 9.99 tee. on the occasion of Becomes the Bride tons. : Women's Welfare League Miss Renee Montpetit of | the Crippled Chit@ren's School. | AT HOME Of Steven Barabas 'Montreal was the bridesmaid) 4 "| Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar,, The marriage of Huguette the club which has a member- : John Domonkos acted for the lship of 137. The money was Ritson road south, Oshawa, /premblay and Steven Barabas|pridegroom. | " 3 } leollected over the last three : . ; -_|\was solemnized recently in St. oe as vi | 7 lrelatives, friends and neighbors y A reception was held at the months when a sock would be at their home on Saturday, June|Gertrude's Roman Catholic home of the bridegroom's uncle | Mrs, William Chaplin, presi-| f OR of | - lthe occasion of their 50th wed-| i A honeymoon was spent in |dent of the club, made ding anniversary. Tremblay of Montreal and the|\ 7) sec) and Mr. and Mrs.| j yed Vonves, France Soot een secoees = moe | Blackwall Tubeless. over such a short period. of to the club members, followed v ; a ' he ie * 'nin./by a lively sing-song led by, The Reverend Patrick Darby . time. 'We all know the Crip-| by ) g-song Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. lineeds it and will put it to good Mr, Percy Daniels, program) The bride was given in mar- IROPRACTOR use and, on behalf of everyone| chairman, stated next week the|Tiage by her brother, Marcel CHIROPRAC 0. Neck and Shoulder Pains children and the school as ajon hand to display their tal- formal white lace gown with Nervous Stomach |whole,"' she said, ents. Next week is the lastibouffant skirt and sheath 190 King St. £. 728-5156 take place on Friday, July 10,|Oshawa. The wedding is to take i guests attending. Upon arrival,/happy couple. They were pre-| day, July 18, 1964 at 3.00 p.m. ; : < : adorned her.ensemble of deep! Out-of-town guests were pres-| ENGAGEMENT Yas : engagement of their only daugh-jett, 303 Perry street, Whitby, 311 Byron street north, Whitby,---------------- a inna ieeilsscecileae GOLDEN AGE CLUB iwill be at home to their rela- |Club was 'out in great num-icaturday, July 4, 1964, from ried a nosegay of pink carna-) A. P. Fulton, president of the their 60th wedding anniversary. This is a fine achievement for! and Mr. George Csaky and Mr. will be happy to receive their | pas u their Soe, : P jeanne ered each of thei 197, 1964, from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m.\Church. The bride is the daugh-|and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn ( q A Mi Pp | and from 7.00 to 10.00 p.m.; on 4, of Mr. -and Mrs. Joseph Domonkos, sentation and stated each Ect ered eee WET Pe re re | [cogent member should be hei Peace ee the ae of Mr. Barabas are residing at 939 Y f Bay 'Ist, the. ot pr | proud that so much was raised] the Women's Welfare League|and Mrs. Joseph Barabas of|King street east. of $20.15. 7.50----14 pled Children's School certainly|Mrs. Chaplin. officiated. present, good luck with your|Ukrainian Folk dancers will be Tremblay. She wore ~a_ semi- Refreshments were served by|meeting of the current year. sleeves. A satin crown with! THESE PRETTY FEET are orthopaedic exactness, to re- having a beauty treatment! Produce the imprint of a foot in wet sand, they are con- Although the sandals they structed to make your floor wear are as chic as any you flex with a toe-gripping ac- will find, they are designed to tion just as it would if you fill a dual role. Sculpted, with were walking along a beach. Happy Feet Make Happy Faces Foot Comfort Week Responsible A you've ever been troubled! Blemishes already afoot with minor foot discomforts, should be treat it shion- but have done little or nothing |. sag . i siisglival edo about it, now's the time to help|'"® protective pads. Use a pum- put your feet back into tip-top ice implement to' help smooth VK E shape during Foot Comfort! rough spots. Try one that's con- | | t Week, June 20-27. toured to the shape of the heel ) (ii CHECK YOUR SIZE i This special week, inaugur-/4Nd ball of foot. Yr. AND SAVING ated 48 years ago by world-, Select your shoes according ----jasr Gicond Thikb FOURTH famous foot authority, Dr. Wil-|to the occasion for which they -- FIRST SECOND THIRD FOU liam M. Scholl, is the perfect|will be worn, cautions Dr. _ BONELESS Size TIRE TIRE TIRE TIRE time to begin taking an active|Scholl. Choose low or medium) 4 gig @ ne es * 6.70-15 interest in your precious feet. |height heels for daytime wear ROUND NOt | Tube Type | 17-35 13.35 12,35 9.35 Just as important as your|2"4 keep the higher heels for : é a} \ / cies Wipe | 19.40 15.40 13.40 10.40 hands, face and hair, your|SPecial, occasions. : j } Walking is good exercise for) t ¢ é Tove 'Type | 20,45 15.45 14.45 11.48 feet should get daily c : : ff 2 i Scholl ai agg: Ohi the feet, especially when Aled ig 'i "i 'i Buy 4th tire foot bath, ¢requent use of foot|VCar the newest thing in foot) Ay ial Tor Sy) oY $00 spe || 16.85 12.85 11.85 9.85 powder, both in the 'shoes and comfort, foot exercise sandals. 11 45 i. J " " ' ale ie : ~ | 2 i i og ! on the feet, and properly fitted | iMre Santas, ere coe! a . Fubeess | 20.45 15.48 14.45 11,45 footwear, will all help in keep- wise. ake contoured to fit thel ' | 8.00-14 | 50 ing your feet tfouble-free. & on e| Ms Tubeless 22.50. 17.50 15.50 12. ___|sole f the foot, almost like the), . Me | fatbetaisiions imprint of the foot in wet sand. yp ' - SKINLESS | Ra ate | 23.50 18.50 16.50 12,50 ' ST. STEPHEN'S UCW A naural toe-gripping action ee READY TO EAT 6.00-13 (Eva Alexander Unit) occurs as you walk, and each Sg WIENERS | ieee Buy 2nd tire for only The regular meetin f the step tones and invigorates feet CLUB 6.50-13 Eva daataneae Unit ~ St. Ste. and leg muscles. Of course, an- Tibelen | 18.40 sins phen's United Church was held other desired benefit of such STYLE : at the home of Mrs. S. C. Run-/exercise could be -- slimmer 2 Ibs. 7 ay € WHITEWALLS AT SIMILAR SAVI dle, Trent street. ankles and lovelier legs. POI ISH ib. : The group leader, Mrs. Jack Foot Comfort Week, June 20- 5 ib $1 69 The more tires you bu PAY AS YOU RIDE 5 res Phe worship|2?7, Should be th rfect ti y yee Strank, presided. The worship|2/, Shou le perfect time Ss. e the more you save, and ' >rvi yas y Mrs. J 53 to begin including foot care in h : oie aa dasa aia nani your daily poet and groom- SAUSAGE Firestone Champion Nylon ON SAFE, NEW TIRES Hymn 500 was sung followed|ing toutine. And, for best re- tires give you these top value : ° by prayer. The scripture was|Sults, continue your program performance features in the bargain -- A NEW CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE read by Mrs. E. A. Moth. Mrs.|¥&4" 'round. Palmer spoke on the life of 2 lbs $1 00 LEAN SLICED : peg ats oth yh =e Fi resfone Lydia. A discussion period fol- LADIES! e e Ib C |} @ A modern bladed tread design that stops you K | | lowed and the closing hymn was ; i "urthe Se : m * foster - gives more control on wet pavement : a deldimiele (oa "ims ROUND STEA - econ M Strank presided for the 0 a @ New Firestone SUP-R-TUF rubber that actually business. Roll call showea 17) MR. BERNARD ig ts abrasive wear, NO MONEY DOWN as ess a 1 ¢ all. s lowed 17 . ; : ONE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT members present The group Of Leading Toronto Salons 7 NATION-WIDE NO LIMIT GUARANTEE will cater to two weddings in Experienced Hair Stylist June and four members wil] go FOR cas i acl | HOME hg 2g ALL TIRES EXPERTLY MOUNTED FREE Be Jit a oe toned APPOME LINEN Ty LEAN PEAMEAL LEAN SLICED of Mrs. Robert Heaslip; Somer- ville avenue and will be a pot PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. luck supper served at 6.30 p.m ge 4 | Kd at tani 7 Mt soda aitbou was spent a cameine % COTTAGE ROLLS | SIDE BACON |-- (KARY KUSHION ) MEAL Ah? % ROVQLQIIY' IT 1 fe YY £ % , CAR OR LAWN | - , i FURNITURE 49x ib. | cl. |F-- ie en FREEZER SPECIAL 39 BA my Front Quarters Cut Up ae iw _ uso ia ZIPS*APART di 0 ee - aid : FOR 2 CUSHIONS | GOLF BALLS : : 4 Ib. | A quality ball with extra : ; 39c lb elastic content for longer : e drives, 10 DAYS ONLY 3000 COLORS 99-1-60 ep aos sie » 3 cut & wrapped FREE For THURSDAY Only HARLEIGH SUPPLIES re fy Cs Gt : 5 4104 & (Oshawa Ltd.) Lg 1, . - \ es Oshawa py) La ts : vee rr Shining 5 : + | ivision of FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER Company of Canada Limited passe, ome: we' 12 KING EAST. 723-9690 Lote 1

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