ee reRRRSaReRETEORCE I EPGRRNRR TIGR OW Hroe-stnemertten urn } THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 24,1964 |] UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES TOPS _--_ {Mean to he Leana) "Mean to be Leana" TOPS igirls were treated to something ispecial on Tuesday night. They |were entertained by Mr. Bruce \Davis of the United Rent-All Service, who was their guest speaker, M. Davis who is a newcomer to this area has done a great deal of work with various ath- - etic societies bath during his at- tendance at McGill Universityprta Bruce Affleck reported sending one: card during the past month. One outfit was turned in to Mrs. G. C. Claxton Oldfield, knitting convener, and she had wool available to anyone wish- ling to knit during the summer. Miss Gloria Robson, scrap- book convener, gave her report. | Fifty-two members were pres-| ent at this last meeting before the summer holidays and Mrs.| Stephen Heney expressed her, sure and wished everyone a and after. Mr. Davis demon-|geod holiday. : strated numerous calisthenic) Th business meeting was fol- exercises. The members also lowed by. a lively auction ¢on-| |benefited by the use of the re-|ducted by Mrs, Lorne Goodman, | ducing machines, which were on {Rand 'Somptiments of Mr. Davis,| ALBERT STREET UCW 4 a and coffee were served) The meeting. for June was, an open discussion was en-jheld in the Friendship roam joyed by all. Mrs. Mary Emard,| with Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire lead- MR AND MRS. BRIAN D. PRIESTLY --Ireland Studio Couple Are Married In Orono Will Live In Vancouver, B.C. Orono United Church was the|attendant was Mrs. Ervine setting recently for the mar-| Brooks, Bowmanville. They riage of Carolyn Muriel Jones) wore formal gowns of sapphire to Brian Dennis Priestly, Van-| blue faille taffeta, designed with couver, British Columbia. The scoop necklines, elbow - length bride is the daughter of Mr.'sleeves, and bell skirts. Their and Mrs. Cecil B. Jones, Orono,| headdresses were matching and the bridegroom is the son|pleated open crowns and they of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Priest-| carried cascades of yellow car- ly, Victoria, B.C. nations. The Reverend Basil Long offi-- The bride's brother, Mr. ciated and the soloist was Mr.|George Jones, Bowmanville, Glen Allin, Newcastle, accom-|was the best man and the ush- program organizer for the eve-jing and 18 members present. ining, thanked Mr. Davis for his'Mrs. Wiltshire selected "For- time and efforts put forth for giveness" as the theme. |this evening, which was a great) Mrs, Samuel Gibbs conducted) --" |worship. She read a poem "Shin-) i as ling Light". The group, sang two | pall iy ad |hymns. Mrs. Alex Roote 'read | a ' _ {the seripture selection. 'Invest | Members enjoyed a delicious) your Time' was the subject of |pat luck supper at the June a reading Mrs. Gibbs, -fol-| meeting of the Evening Chap-\iowed by "A Garden We May: ter, Women's Hospital Aux-|pjant at Any Time". | iliary. | Mrs. James Scott led the study Mrs. Stephen Heney, chair-/with an item concerning Nehru, man, presided over the business|the late prime minister of In- meeting. The recording secre-|dia, and other facts about India. tary Mrs. Dean Kelly, was ab-| Ticket money from the bazaar sent and her report was readjtea room was turned in. Mrs. by Mrs. 'James Hepburn. Mrs. | wiltshire announced she has as- Robert Smyth read the treasur-|sorted greeting cards to sell. er's report. = Unit IV is in charge of hospital Business arising from the visiting for June. The treasurer minutes of the May meeting fol-|reported a balance on hand of lowed cand was discussed. $5, the pin-money box yielded Mrs. Charles Root reported|$5, It was decided to invite Unit that plans were progressing|y toa picnic meeting on July well for the September dessert}? at Lakeview Park. bridge. The tickets will be $1.00; Refreshments were in charge this: year and the bridge will of Mrs. Cecil Durno, Mrs. Al- |begin at 8.00 p.m, bert Walker, and Mrs. James | Mrs. Cc. R. Lunn was dis- Murdock. tributing tickets for the "Flight panied by Mrs. R. D. Morton,/ers were Mr. Donald Stephens into Fashion" which will take Orono. and Mt Francis Cowan, both of Place October 20 and 21. Given in marriage by her Orono. It was decided that an ap- father the bride was wearing a' For the reception at the IOOF|Propriate gift be sent to hospi- formal gown of silk faille|Hall the bride's mother receiv-|talized candy stripers fashioned with a scoop neckline|ed, wearing a pink imported) Corresponding secretary, Mrs ad three-quarter sleeves. The)linen ensemble, while accessor-| pam = fitted bodice complimented ajies and a corsage of cerise car- controlled bell skirt re-embroi-) nations dered with appliques of lace and As the couple left for their seed pearls. Her crown of pearls) honeymoon in Niagara Falls the held a bouffant veil of tulle il-/bride was wearing a rose bro- lusion and she carried a ee suit, designed and made 725-2211 uet of tiny yellow sweetheart)by the bridegroom's mother, ' e ' vee and lily of the valley. with biack patent leather acces- big pg Lad The bride's sister, Mrs. Don-isories. Mr. and Mrs. Priestly ald Stephens, Orono, was thewill live at 1315 West 11th av- rr matron of honor and the other'enue, Vancouver 9, B.C, "TODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE No. 3 {ported the committee on enter- NG Sister Anne Cook presid-|'ainment he a prsenge. A ments to take the residents o inn ever the segular meting of Hillsdale Manor on a bus trip Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3/on June 22. The treasurer, PNG on Wednesday evening assisted|Sister Lena Harper gave the fi- by VG Sister Vera Wirsching.|nancial report. Correspondence The charter of the lodge was/and thank you notes were read draped in loving memory Of the by PNG 'sine Thompson QUICK CLEAN CENTRE Budget Dry Cleaning In 30 Minutes WHILE YOU WAIT OR SHOP BIG 8 LB. 2 00 a LOAD ONLY 167 Simcoe St, S. fotks South of 4 Corners Store Hours: Mon. Thea Fri. 9 @.m. to 9 p.m. Set. 9 am. to 6 p.m, When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse late Sister Emily Norsworthy.| PDDP Sistér Evelyn Fickes Sister Betty Parm sang "Beau-|and Sister' Anne Mitchell con- tiful Isle of Somewhere" accom-|sented to be ticket conveners panied on the piano by Sister|for the Town and Country sup- Eva Tipton. per on August 19 at Sister Ann Vice Grand Sister Vera Wir-| Holt's Ng ge Perieoag were re- sching gave the report on the|minded of ¢ tering for a wed- sick and reported that Brother/ding on July 25 by Sister Annie Donald Keeler and Sister Nan|Shorten. A memorial committee Kirkbride had returned home/for departed sisters of the lodge from the hospital. was formed. NG Sister Cook wished a Birthday greetings were sung apeedy recovery for the sick for PDDP Sister May Bunker. and shut-ins. At the close of lodge dainty Sister Mary Yeo gave the CPT refreshments were served by report. |PNG Sister Viola Keeler and PNG Sister Viola Keeler re-|her committee. Heat will... Ruin Your Furs! Store Them NOW With Oshawa's Only Quality Refrigerated FUR Storage! Phone 723-792] MARTEN'S FURS 75 King St. E. -- Opp. Hotel Genosha off with the old on with the bold! Sport Coats have come alive! Timorous, half-hearted patterns give way to bold stripings. Surprising how they invigorate your appearance, make you seem younger looking, and cooler in a wide choice of high- shaded stripes alternating with white or black, Liye a little--particularly EDNA ANN HATS Drop. In To Edna's For Fun-In-The-Sun Fashions during your leisure moments, CULOTTES SHORTS 34,90 TOPS Ponts te contrast. Value 14.95 BATHING SUITS We have an excellent assortment So come early CLEARANCE HATS - % PRICE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Charge Conveniences Downtown - 36 King E, Open 'til 9 p.m, Friday Oshawa Shopping Centre Open " p.m. Thule ri, . GLENEATON SLIMS of cotton chino are iri propertionate lengths to fit regular and toll. Side zipper end two. pockets. In yellow, beige and black, sizes 12 to 20 EATON Price, each 4.98 7 eons GLENEATON STRETCH SLIMS are proportioned to fit regular and tall lenaths. 9 stretchy nylon-and-viseose weave in block, powder, brown and lilac. Self-foot straps and side zipper. Sizes 12 to 20. EATON Price, each 8.98 Baw GLENEATON JAMAICA SHORTS Attractive cotton twill shorts in proportionate lengths to fit short, regular and toll. In navy, red, black or white sizes 12 to 20. Side zipper closina and self-belt, EATON Price, each ....5 3.98 2.98 12.98 GLENEATON Regulation Shorts Cotton twill shorts in regu- lation style with front pock- et, side zipper and cuff bot- tom. In navy, red, black or white, sizes 12 to 20, EATON Price, each Wool Bermuda Shorts Lovely wool worsted shorts in grey only. Side zipper closing with one slit pocket. Avoiloble in sizes 12 to 18, Attractive motes for blouses or sweoters! Each . Illustrated .;.a Selection From EATON'S Wide Range of Sportswear . That Combines Stylish Good Looks with Comfort and Easy-Care Quality. EATONS UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 PHONE 725-7373 be F-ORLON CARDIGANS Beautifully bulky Orlon cardigans with buttons te neckline and long. sleeves. Available in Small, Medium and Large sizes, colours of white, beige and light. blue, Attractive big-stitch look. 8.98 ceee ee eeeee E--ITALIAN EMBROIDERED SWEATERS From Italy te EATON'S . . . mohair-wool-and-nylon cordigan-style sweaters with embroidered wool floral effects! In white, yellow, lime green, beige ond blue. Sizes 36 and 38 only, 99 seer eeeeeeeeees a L--TERRY BEACH JACKET A--Lovely warmer-upper for after swim on the beach! Fluffy cotton terry-cloth jacket is ¥%4-length with collar and self- belt. White only in sizes Small, Med- jum and Large. each 1.98 3 STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. fo 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Thursday and Friday Until 9 cs