~ * i : , é ]umn of yours which appeared aj ment or on the back porch. The| SEARCH FOR TOURISTS 4 - bs W WED 25 Surprise Party Honors Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Shobbrook Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Shob-| brook, Cadillac avenue® north, were honored recently, on the} occasion of their 25th wedding | anniversary, by a surprise par-| ty which took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel! Young. Mrs. Shobbrook, is the form- mer Ruth Powles, daughter of| the late Mr. and Mrs. George Powles of Lindsay. Mr. Shob- brook is the son of the late Mr and Mrs. John Shobrook, desboro. if Mr. and Mrs. Shobbrook were married June 14, 1939 in Lind-jof money. my, SUGAR AND SPICE This dainty little girl is Jan- ise Helen, the seven-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene MacKenzie, Kingsdale avenue. She is the grand- Marilyn Holt, Robert G. Gibbs Take Vows In Holy Matrimony The marriage of Marilyn Holt and Robert George Gibbs was solemnized recently by the Rev-) erend L. Wesley Herbert in King Street United Church, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Weldon Holt, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. William George Gibbs, Oshawa, and the late Mrs.| Gibbs > The church organist, Mr. Rhy- ddid Williams, played the wed- ding music and accompanied Mr. Fred Densham singing "'O Perfect Love', 'The Lord's Prayer'. and 'Wedding Pray- er". The bride's father gave her in marriage. Her formal gown of silk organza was _ fashioned; with a high bateau neckline and sheath sleeves and enriched by appliques of Alencon lace. A flowing detachable train lent back interest and a simple, wed-! ding band headdress secured a bouffant veil. She carried a bou-: quet'of pink roses Mrs. Victor Grabko was ma- tron of honor and the brides- maids, all of Oshawa, were) Miss Darlene Trowbridge, Miss Lynn-Marie Bell and Miss Ann Fleming. The matron ef honor was in blue and white Swiss lace and the 'bridesmaids in pink and white, Their beil- shaped skirts complemented high-waisted bodices and their headdresses were self wedding bands. They carried white car- nations tinted to maich their gowns. Mr. man and Alan Morden, Barge and Mr. of Oshawa. For the reception in the Uk- rainian National Federation Hall the bride's mother received in a blue sheath with matching three-quarter coat and a corsage of white roses. Victor Grabko was best ushering were Mr Mr. Malcolm Alan Holt, all a dog might catch a cold out) MARTMOUTH, N.S. (CPt . Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 '7 THE OSHAWA TIi"85, Tuesday, June 23, 196: §| John W. Foster, Sandra Lynn " Wed in Grace Lutheran Church Sandra Lois, daughter of Mr.jgette over satin. Their head- and Mrs. William H. Lynn, Osh-|dresses were wide, self bows, Wemen ANN LANDERS the dumbest pieces of advice I've read in a long time. You told a wife she should move, into the guest room until her hus- band decided to put his hunting dog out of the bedroom and into the basement or on the |back porch, | Aman can get himself a wife by: just letting it be known he is interested. A good hunting dog costs at least $200. If that husband is smart he'll . Physician Resents a s | . . . Ann's 'Diagnosis Dear Ann Landers; As a gen-| wonderful and ats agrees with eral ruie, your "solutions" to me on everything. problems are fairly harmless, The thing that makes it dif- but recently you invaded the jficult is I don't know what has/let his wife sleep in the base- ulti before. AR alas on 08 there FREE AND HAPPY jj: Dear Free (and worth ovdty el aera es veh "a |penny of it): T have a message |city's recreation director, has jfor you. Please stay single andjsuggested the development of ber some nice girl very|shuffle boards, a children's PY: amusement program, a 40-pas- isenger replica of a gondola or | Viking: ship for shopping excur- | If you have glass shelvesisions, and a band shell at a |which tend to slip on their:pond in the city centre. He sug- brackets, attach strips of ad-\gested the Dartmouth Tourist |hesive tape on the sections|Association administer the pro- which fit into the brackets. 'posed development. |few days ago included one a | HOUSEHOLD HINT field of medical diagnosis and| happened between us. I just lost 'here is where I draw the line.|interest, you might say, You told a woman to be pa- Our families are very close jtient with her "hyper thyroid' friends and I' afraid everyone {husband and to help him direct| will be sore at me. Do you his enormous energy into use-|think I am a rat?--UTICA ful and productive channels. Dear Utica: No. If you have Did you receive a reading of lost interest in the girl, that's his metabolism, Ann Landers? reason enough to break up with How do you know whether or her. not the woman's husband is Tell the git! you believe it hyper thyroid? ; would be best if'each of you Do you practice psychiatry, were free to go with others. too? If so, did it not occur to Make it clean--and quick. This) QUICK CLEAN - CENTRE Budget Dry Cleaning In 30 Minutes WHILE YOU WAIT OR SHOP BIG 8 LB. 2 00 1 LOAD ONLY .. 167 Simcoe St, S. ABFC Ronald Lynn, Halifax, 5 Blocks South of 4 Corn Capture the Moment with Bridal Portraits and Albums -- Yroland. "-$TUDIO @ PHONE 723.3680 e Lon-| Shobbrook. YEARS test. WORLD OF Boauty AWAITS YOU HERE! moles': and permanently a : Removes warts, superfluous hair and painlessly by ELECTROLYSIS Machine your con- New Kree Imperial now installed for venience MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel June 22, 23, 24 PHONE 723-4641 28 La Salle Court,| gesting that I have'seen a blood ; | Recenily I told a woman she you that the man might be ai js the decent and humane. way manic. depressive? This disease tg end a romance. } | Anscus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ® Tei. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum ?/awa, and John Willard Foster,| matching their dresses and they '} \son of Mr. and Mrs. John W./carried white and pink carna- '|Foster of St. Thomas, Ontario,|\tions, centered with pink Sweet- were, united in marriage re-/heart. roses. *icently in Grace Lutheran Church. N.S. was best man with James | Vv ilip L. Fiess Weldon, Oshawa, and Donald), ee I , | pariteata' she' anotirrink eer Allen, St, Thomas, ushering. ing ee ee by hyper-activ- mony. | For the reception in the UAW t 4 in ig cases, aa Given--in marriage by her Hall, the bride's mother receiv-| wiped x) you 0 _ i ltather, the bride wore a floor-\¢d in pale green peau de soie) shi Barone ji igs length gown of white taffeta) With a flowered hat and corsage|™¢ te PORTLAN Fa Hab PHYS: lwith bracelet sleeves and af yellow chrysanthemums. The) C!S TLAND é| A «a. bridegroom's mother assisted i Dear Portland; I do not prac- scoop neckline accented with groom § m ra Bie ie cotta kee : a pink, double-knit. suit with| tice medicine or psychiatry. I embroidered lace. A double -\ nite aocessories and a corsage|Send thousands of. people to tiered crown of lace, embroider-| 5+ pink 'ana ehite Na pnatlans |physicians and, psychiatrists |ed with seed pearls and crystals Fo, their wedding trip to Ni-vevery- month, -- held her shoulder-length veil of agara .Falls, the bride wore a| My use of the word "hyper tulle and she carried a cascade coat and dress ensemble of pink|thyroid" was not a diagnosis, of white roses. linen with beige accessories and, but rather a word employed to Mrs. Dorothy Gilbert of St. a pink and white corsage of describe the man's personality. Thomas was the matron of roses |When ,1 say a person has ice honor and Miss Catherine Wel-. Mr. and Mrs. Foster are re-|water in his veins I am not sug- say, Ontario, and spent their don, junior bridesmaid. The siding at married "life in Oshawa. They|matron of honor was gowned Apt. 15. have one son, Kenneth, who is'!". ice-blue organza and the Guests were present from married and one daughter Pam- bridesmaid in @ale pink geor- Halifax, N.S.; London, St. Thomjhad a cash register instead of ela at home. They have one ---------- las, Tillsonburg and Oshawa. A/a heart. I heard from no car- randdaughter Janine Eliza- \ telegram was received from the diac specialists who took this as beth Shobbrook Ruby Strong Wed bride's grandfather from York-\a liberal translation. Hostesses for the ' occasion ton, Saskatchewan, and other I appreciate your letter, how- were Mrs. Beverly Heard and aunts and uncles, ever, and hope that your nose Mrs. Russell Young assisted by To Harvey Dearborn if wre in pee. peg 4 pa red couple's daughter- e last sentence dges not pro- pa gy engin dried shobbrook,| At Port Perry SOCIAL NOTICES duce any complaints from nose and daughter Miss Pamela specialists.) Port Perny United Church was ENGAGEMENT Dear Ann Landers; ,I am a Mr. and Mrs. Shobbrook were the setting for the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. George Lean, 19-year-old boy who has been presented with gifts and a purse Ruby Jean Strong and Harvey|Oshawa, announce the engage-|£9!"8 steady with a fine girl Eugene Lloyd Dearborn, son of/ment of their only daughter, for almost three years. ------!'!Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Dear- Saily Arlene, to. George Ben- I would like to break up with born of Prospect. The bride is|jamin Vail, son of. Mr. and this gir! but T don't know how lthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|Mrs. Kenneth Vail, Schumach-|!0 80 about it. She is as nice Hugh M. Strong of Port Perry.jer, Ontario, The marriage will|@8 ©@ be, which is a big part The Reverénd E, S. Lindstead|take place on Saturday, July|of the problem. If we had a ; lofficiated while Mr. Glen Tay-|25, 1964, at 3.30 p.m. in. King| big fight or something, it would lor played the wedding music Street United Church, Oshawa, P& easy, But her disposition is and accompanied Mrs. Leslie a ns Smith who sang '"O Perfect ENGAGEMENT Love"-and "The Wedding Pray- Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. 4g er". Hubbell, Oshawa, wish to an- Wearing silk faille sheath;nounce the engagement of their -. \gown with shell neckline and daughter, Carol Lynn Ann, to ~ |lily-point sleeves, the bride was Donald Everette Gaudet, son of lgiven in marriage by her fa-|Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gaudet, 4 \ther. Accents of Alencon lace| New Tusket, Nova Scotia. The land tiny. bows lent interest to Wedding is to take place on the skirt which was enhanced Saturday, July 18, 1964, at 11.00 by a bouffant, detachable train, 2.™. In St. Gregory the Great |A halo of seed pearls held her eee Catholie Church, fingertip veil of nylon tulle and Oshawa. |she carried a bouquet of pink ENGAGEMENT Sweetheart rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. James Major The bride was attended by her|announce the engagement of sisters, Miss Joyce Strong asjtheir daughter, Marilyn Lor- maid of honor, Miss Isabelle raine, to James Esmond Smith, Strong and Mrs. Garry Mc-|son of Mr. and Mrs. William fHugh, all of Port Perry. They Smith, all of Oshawa. The mar- wore street-length dresses ofjriage will take place on Satur- jpetal pink nylon sheer with day, July 18, 1964, at 3.00 p.m. ishort lace jackets. Their head- In King Street United Church, ldresses were matching. satin Oshawa. bows and their flowers, pink) and white carnations and fern.| Mr. Ray Dearborn, Belleville, jacted as best man and Mr. Fred Dearborn, Oshawa, and Mr !Alan Ashton, Epsom, ushered A. reception followed in the church parlors where the bride's mother received in a light blue lace sheath dress with match- daughter of Mrs. Russell Mac- ling bolero. The bridegroom's Kenzie, Oshawa, and of Mr. | mother assisted in a blue print- and Mrs. §. ©. Kenyon, Roe- |.q arnel dress. Each chose burndale, Lancaster, England. | nite accessories and a corsage --Aldsworth, Photography | o¢ pink carnations Reps | The honeymoon was spent in New York and as the couple | left, the bride was wearing an} off-white suit of wool boucle| with accessories in yellow and beige and a corsage apf yellow carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn are The honeymoon was spent in making their home at Prince Al Niagara Falls and Detroit,|pert, Ontario. Michigan, and the couple are residing at 37644 Wilson road south. For going away, the| bride donned a mauve sheath! with full-length coat to match and a corsage of yellow Sweet- heart roses. Guests were present from Saint John, N.B,_Hamilton and! Belleville, Ontario. HOUSEHOLD HINT Guide for lunch boxes: a gen-| WIFE PRESERVER | erously-filled sandwich for a Old picture frames from centre of interest; somethin i Pot 3 fal thi saat: . grandma's day can be re-finish- cram y; something sweet; 8/64 to frame mirrors, modern liquid refresher, hot or cold. day art. Oshawa Lape Folk Festival Ne Car fare Wn, BERNARD agg lcs ALEXANDRA BIRKS B Y PRICE SALE SPRING AND SUMMER FASHION JEWELLERY Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS , PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 TYPING beginner and refresher courses SHORTHAND complete course in only 8 weeks FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Canadian School 728-7081 of Business 521 SIMCOE ST, N. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Store Hours: Mon. Thru F 9 p.m. Set. 9 om, te House, Church, Studio Reception Dear Ann Landers; That col- HOW TO PAINT A MASTERPIECE (In dazzling white) CILUX! TRUTONE WHITE There are three kinds of crux Trutone White Paints. "Regular" for any type of wood exterion --"Self-Washing" forall-frame houses only--and "Trim White" for arich, high-gloss finish on trim. Ask your C-I-L Paint dealer (there's one near you) which one is right for your house. So go ahead «+. paint yourself a masterpiece in white. And. »..don't forget to pick up some sunglasses, Don't squint . . . wear sunglasses! You may need them when you paint your house with famous ciLux Trutone White. It's really white. . . it's the whitest ~and there's areason. Only citux Trutone White Paints contain the super-whitener, I.D.B. They cover better than other white house paints, stay white too... for years and years, And they flow on smoothly ... easily. Developed in Canada to meet Canadian needs by Canadian Industries Limited GP DODD & SOUTER Your Friendly C-I-L Dealer WHITBY 107 BYRON ST, SOUTH Paint & Wallpaper Over 92 Years at 85 Simcoe North Oshawa PHONE 668-5862 725-3529 SMITH'S HARDWARE 4 5 PHONE Free Delivery Free Parking C.1.L. PAINT -- HARDWARE -- GIFTWARE -- HOBBYCRAFT 368 WILSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA . PHONE 728-2451