gel ¥ 9 - . 1 E L E V I Ss TO N ie O G = CrHe MYSTERY DEEPENS, \ fur THERE DEFINITELY ; in I Y" NO, THAT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. 'THE MILITARY CONTRACT BRIDGE mech. \ 7 : . CDR. SAWYER. THERE'S NO | 18 A BOMB ON THE PACIFIC WHERE THEY TEST KEEPS CAREFUL RECORD OF EVERY ATOMIC BOMB By B. JAY BECKER |. | if , CRCH-TY Chagnel --Uam@ioe -CBLT-TV Channel §--~Terante RECORD OF ABOMB ON /\__ISLAND, TOMIC BOMBS =ap4| IL MADE. IT STANDS TO REASON THAT ONE COULD NERR| |(Tep record-holder in Mesters' WGR-TV Channel 2--Bulfute | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo ' ie : ia , BE MISPLACED, OR FORGOTTEN, gg) >| | ndividual Championship Play) .WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffaio WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester } kt South dealer. Ee CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie Both sides vulnerable. NORTH THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 23,1964 13 TUESOAY EVE. 00 A. 9--Mickey Mouse Club, 5:00 P.M. 'orn@pe: §--The Match Game a | 7--Traiim@ster Family tneatre 4~Popetye's Playnouse | 6-3----Cisco Kid 9--Theatre 2--Mike: Dougias Show | 4=Secret Storm 6--Superman | ok A 2--Captain Bob ! i " 4 : 7--The Early Show © | -M. oF - + m ", 63--Razzle Dazzie %Playtime with Bobby eae eg | ee aa te 4--Riverboat | 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford | oe P ' 4 QJ952 4K843 2---Woody Woodpecker Bs }-Fathior 'Koos Seat | rae 3 : 5532 #2106 5:30 OM . 19.00 A.A. i 4--Leave \t To Beaver a 4 F ' ss @I875 @Q2 6--Come Listen Awnile | 52 2SAy, Wien | WEDNESDAY eve. , . -- 4131096 3~Gunsmoke $3--Natlonal Schools $:00 P.M. . SOUTH 2--The Rifleman 4--Calenar Family neatre eee ABT annie . 4$-- 6:00 P.M. 10:30 AM. Berdiny wd : @Ase 4--International Showtime , » 'or. Wor ' " 1 } Ags rane ny tory, wor ; M. =e i SAcer542 "PM. _ | &3--Chee Helene y 4 : s--Heostine ews $1 Love .Lucy fs: T RECKON J'LL JUST TAG ALONG . <6 piri aa : 6:30 P.M, 19:00 A.M, « | &3=Woody Woodpecker BEHIND THAT Boy. 7 - . South West North Bast . mM, 2--The Rifleman i» Cased » mee 1m Pass 1¢@ Pass 11-9-8-6-4-2--Newsi j}}--Musicatie } | Weather: Sporta Y | 9.2 concentration A wees Se ee « 7=--M-Squad 7---Messiagu ' 2--Today 1964 i : Opening jead -- queen of Spades 6--International Zune $--Loretta Young 6:45 PLM. | 4--The McCoys 6:15 PLM, A good dummy player 'pre pares for the worst even when BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN li--Family Theatre } 11:30) A.M, | Pi el News $-2--Huntiey Brinkley 9--Caravar Part 1 | we 7:00 PLM. | 8-2~Jeopardy ee se om 7--Missing Links 1 4-3-2---News; Weather | $--The Littlest Hobo { . 6--Girl Tal and Sports j f - the contract a ar: s 7-4--News, Weather, . 4--Pete and Gladys | 7--M;Savad % iissecinahe -- _-- - ~ - { C. ally nee appears to be vith Sports i "id 6--Sports Folie \ 4 } rd iF tually certain. He never pro- tthe Sidi dndans ghee 00 NOON ser | CROSSWORD é , ' , ceeds with the. play without in ce an Will Travel 1|--Albert J. Steed Show |, .4., iy ttanalra ez. Fe ' é ii effect asking himself "What P-Noonday_ Report 82-Huntiey Brinkiey -- } E 4 en ' ' can possibly defeat me?" 7:30 P.M. our rs } 7 ee. a Se 2 ue t , Et N--The Flintstones impression grecsalleens -- . : ~Sd bc ogee une. Mie the +Yosessy Night Movie 7--Maverick aes eae } where South is in six clubs. It ie fe views 6~El id Glover 7-6--News, Weather, ie o a j APA sag ee 6-Elwoo Glover anev ACROSS 3. "Peter 25. Ohio -- seems natural to win the spade 7--Combat ck wah 4--The Honeymooners 1. Tunny Pan' dog college with the ace, discarding a dia- othe andy "rittith ie th seine Ge 5. Out of Perform town \ mond, and then lead the king of pated gi SRE ot. Coe haus Poet 9, Substitute Friar 26, Number MUAY clubs, intending to draw trumps 3--Petticoat Junction 12:3 P.M. 1:30 PM for spinach Badtemper 28. Indians' + p ee sa ae rani ad ms + Teg § pee ersyrey Sey are and thus make at least twelve MICKEY MOUSE LES CANADIENS Preductiens | | Uncle Bobby 1)--Special Movie - &2-Truth © 6--Nation's' Business zool. . . Such and ture first trump lead, the outcome 8:30 P.M. 6--Movie Matinee since it is possible that the dia- 2--The Lawbreakers | &Guiding Light 6:00 P.M. 5. Enemy A pump collide 39. Bacchanal- tually be discarded on. the ten #-2--Richard Boone 1:00 PLM ?--Palty Duke Narrow trees ant 41. Biblical 4Petticoat Junction &--Matinee 6:30 P.M | Flourish Regret ure 43. Guided develops that the diamonds are %--Joey Bishop 3--Popeye 63--Perry Mason jeng 4--Jack Benny Show 1:30 P.M 9:00 P.M, Slip can make the slam. From the 11--Steve Allen ' 4--As The World Turns | 7--Ben Casey Vile 7--The Fugitive 1\--Mid-day Matinee to overcome it if it exists. In Family sswor 6-4-3--Password 1e08 PM. . Mother LARGEUR VE 500 PIEDS. 115 a2 WK + | DANS LAFORET Pour , \ to the king and West shows out," Nature of Things 2:30 P.M, 8-2---The Eleventh Hour | Before on top of the five high-card Weather and Sports 63--Scariett Hill 10:30 P.M and blue jace of spades and discarding a 6--Viewpoint 6--Hore's Léoking "Ai 11:00 P.M. . Incline heuinin Show Lee erey wad and ruffs dummy's last spade. in color Bown 900 BATEAUX diumonds. East at this point has \ With 9--Dick Van Dyke Desire . Baker's shelters 1A oe tricks 8:00 P.M. 9--Playtime W $:3Tha_-Mitaiaian rm [AM i K ' en g orld Rights Reserved | | Rees aner Hactiok . Devilfish: need 31. Mois- a | ERD \ at | When West shows out on the 6-3--Patty ane Show Consequences 4--CBS Reports Kind of no more Oh 4--High Adventure /--Father Knows Best 3~Phil 'Silvers Show | ' beer Sword hilt ie aed a on yeah or haa 5 daeaies Wavy 4--Search for Tomorrow 1:45 P.M. | 14. Guido's 11. Vindicates fishes oe and is not. yet lost, of course, 6--Mr. Fix-it | note Grampus r Yesterday' | $3--Ben Casey 12:45 P.M, P 35. To enheriay's Aaswer - |monds are divided 3-3--in which 9:00 P.M. 3-Movie 1)--Michael Shayne , Compass handle with iancry | e the heart loser can even- 9~My Favorite Martian point Tropical . White 40. Mature fd d of diamonds 7--Th hew On Ii--Lucky § ' ver Jame Le ore Shew On a he ea ae 63--Red R Jamboree thong Girl: si 37. Meas- garden But .when this is attempted, it 7--~Afternoon Show 9--Movie A necktie Harem room ». of 45. Family: . divided i 9:20 PLM, Mee! The Miller Prtirie Daunht . d : mily: { E ' ' / ivided 4-2 and South finishes 4--Mee! The 3 7--Farmer's Daughter : Bramine, Contend for land Scot. 2 \ |the hand going down one, losing 63--Fron Page SoDiverce 'Gaurt 4--Suspense | | "4 : ; . ja heart and a club Chall | bo ° 7 7 - ae ' td Beh he oks BF ; aa With more careful pay, South John sradshaw Show Espionage 10:09 P.M, -apavar nwt . | Jumped 9~Carava Part 2 8-2--Movie | P' beginning he should visualize a $--Eleventh Hour ver! hee | are Tee sBlevenih Hou £6 Pah 4 ad " si Hillblilies Fencing 4-0 trump break and take steps 63--News Magazines 9--Theatre - 6-3--Festival . Cry of a |. : line with this he ruffs the spade 4--Henry Fonda and The Feminine Touch | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show J lamb | ABATTEZ LES ARBRES SUR UNE 36 LES ANGLAIS SEMI ; iS 2 lead. When he now plays a club 10:30 P.M 2--Let's Make A Deal | 4 ; deve. Atlan sheep NOUS SERVIR DE BARRIERE 9 Od tnit MME BON CONTOURMER TICONDEROGA, A he applies himself to the task 11:00 P.M. ide¥ao Osos 7-17 Sunset Strip | A relative ANGLAIS: ' /! ' : 5 ees ee ee 11-9-8-7.6-4-3-2---News 7--Day Court 4--The Danny Kaye Show | 'Black ; tricks he has on the side SE a iasak Pits <esithinasdiuiiadeaiiaia | wemele Accordingly, after cashing the 9~--Metro Final 3:00 P.M. ¢3--The Lively :Arts | horses la at ft 'a | iamond, he ruffs a spade, 11:20 P.M, 18 " - 1997-64 News | . Variegated, cashes the A-K of diamonds | nother Wor eather. Sports asa horse | . 4 | : : Wa hae b eactake Thirty 1:13 PAM AULAC GEORGES, Dy eee' Then, after cashing the A-K 1--Musie Acta 'tell the trom | 49. Sharp UNE ARMADA DE I a li Gee +-- of hearts, he leads the nine of Douglas Fairbanks 3:30 PAM < we 7 7 ~ NSS AMENE \'ARMEE k oS ~ UME PATROVILLE =, "4 |the J-10-9 of clubs and queen of } 8-2~You Don't Say 'olume xi i iY D'ABERLROMGIE. weet FRANCAISE EST AL AFFUT, hearts, South has the A-Q-8 of $-2--Tonight Show 4--Internationa! Cinema 9--Peopie in Conflict 1. Large a | WEDNESDAY | 7--Queen For | 2 Russian ries ' . an AM. tar begin g Mh sire | thver WErT9WS AHL ASEM IY BIDRYE Sv BIS 119A \ JMONIIIOY 40 Norv Ir 97D SL¥OR " VIORIONOIL GADD 0701 --\ "AYMSML MUMS! Tow WIwsesy [Clubs nd eight of hearts. 4--Captain Kangaroe | 4-Edge of N | ston er gang { ° ASML "IOWA 200d 005 ¥ HO S9FBL MP0 LIT, 006 40 VOWwoRy My 379099 DTT IY \ IGIIOS Bis OLEH BAIG SITTIN BH 2% East is in bad shape. If he sta ous erry elt ruffs, South discards a heart, 2:30 A.M. | | 6--Nightcap E %--Cartoons \11--Bar 11 Movie 3~Sam Benedict : . while if East discards, South ruffs and makes twelve tricks. ' Ruffing the spade at frick one Fully Equipped The f proves to be the decisive play, DEMONSTRATOR 1964 BUICK | testhen 1000 Mies CLIFF MILLS MOTORS (2.2 Demonstrator Priced SPECIAL a SAI75S N asxmest.v. 723-4634 RTO PALS Anne Paliwoda of Calgary has been ordered to return . iclalienies baseballs that fell in her back- WEIS MIGHTY GLAD N-NO,-$08F IT'S BECUZ 4 ' RIDE ON, SHORTY.' TH/S PUEBLOS TOO /4L GO HOME ON FOOT; AUT. MAYBE NOW) | yard after being hit by Little TO GEE WO, JOE= SO O' WHAT HAPPENED TO BAM SROOKY FOR ANY K/0 TO TRY HIDING THERE! 1M NOT TAKING CHANCES We LL LEARN Leaguers, but a charge of Oe ae are THEM LI'L SHMOOS ay BS HUST OE NO SO ee | Mees war MAgrENE?) | theft laid against her was dis- OUTA HERE,OR AH'LL DOWN THARIT HIS 8 BLAST YORE LL a6 4 Dee! WH | missed HARD-LUCK-BRINGIN' iy > J. Mrs. Paliwoda told magis- HAID OFF"; trate's court this week win- a dows had been broken and other damage done to her home and property during the last few years The problem appeared again this summer when a _ Little League team held practices on a diamond 30 feet from her home After a player retrieved the first ball that fell in her yard, toe I te Se __| Mrs. Paliwoda kept a second, The team manager com- TM COMBATING INFLATION AT] | Plained and police were Ee = - WANT ME TO SHOW yan SEE WHAT af .. BUT IN VIEW €, »..DO YOU PLAN ie KS LI Re y OU HOW TO MAKE Vor Rights gt SAY, GRAMPS ae THE SUB-TEEN LEVEL! called. RSS |B CHER) satoaammoien) |] Gr Meccan) >| eee en) Cael er' - | iss a THIS TO ANY OF aS me 5 S . 4 | ss : [i ; THE YOUNGER KIDS... st) ae | a = : a : gf | <8 eS4 SALLY S SALLIES df ' wt ' 'i J led gt - 2\ 7 | ' os | "A AN s eA | - i LI'L. ABNER --FRE_LONE RANGER 1 | ' | | | 967 Hid ie j 9679432 | 679432) | 4 4623675 | ©7892 |, 5 {it 63212) | 4'20| | DONALD DUCK 623 | I Out Diney,-- YOURE TRESPASSING N fig = we; : ARTHUR--!) / ON MY PROPERTY, SUCH | | LOVE IS AN ODD THING, 2 AS ITIS. TLE THANK = t RICHARD. ITS SORT OF SNEAKY FF 7 + YOU BOTH To TURN ge Te : : "Where can I have these losing |... LEAPS AT YOUR HEART WHEN -- ~ Yt ) BRISKLY ABOUT AND ; i tickets certified for the income | YOU IMAGINE YOU RE QUITE ray 6 id TROT ON YOUR OWN t j r tax collector?" SAFE AND GOL ee et a TITLED ACRES. gut Bet cee Gan | Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR { ARNOLD' YOU her Saat fet, - : Ay i : Neck 'and Shoulder Pains | HANE 'TO HAND ; \ Seale. i * <a Lae a) 4 "4 Cie ! Nervous Stomach iT TO MO ' Oy § m - Nes ; ' fh ' © MODERN VAs et yan ? \ , ' 100 King St. E. 728-5156 ar we ae th_, ease! f JULIET JONES Fastaee Syaseate, lnc, (964 Wart sighae romeved fo (yoy ees att 0g Rew Bras.) IM SHE CROCHETED] [FHAT WAS mr in | ores a | 7 is -- io 117 op sue \ 1] _ MY NAME SO LONG BON | / ' | \ S ) " | AL | | TOUC -- BILLY, I DIDNT YEAH... MY NAME,' 1] | 1 WAG AT GRANDMAS! / GOT SHOWED HER... | SB AaWwOGE, 11 ( ReEAtt C on HeRGYM||AGo_/ ( 'OUCH KNOW YOU AWHILE AGO AND " B-I-L-L-¥" RIGHT ON | ERNIE CAY \ vou ' 1 ae EMEM b Gd e} y ww RL -- pip you' ) (REMe MEER LIKE patie raat SSP (eo t | COULD WrrrE GHE DIDNT "THINIK A DUSTY TABLE TO) Bale werent LOsece | \ xo a AND SPELL T COULD, EITHER.' >, : | uM || : | hy | a | : DOORS « SAS %& 4 Cs ane FREE DELIVERY "16 it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" ~<| | PHONE 725-1121. 6:23 KUUN- $3 ALBERT ST.