Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1964, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 22nd, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 * ¢ 8..." 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 9a--Summer Properties |11--Articles For Rent 16--Female Help Wanted " For Sale or Rent B U S | N ESS S E RV G E D | Kee RY ea ga ae | gtAKESIDE Lonce ye SHORT ORDER pan aaucaions 3 Lake 'Rossecu mosem esr | OF ALL KINDS ion, eras BO heed flee, ovate "bath All| moxooing tat, roma mee | COOK WANTED summer Activities, celien chines, bike exercisers --- a' . ARIED HOUT AND WAS b t Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Mortgages VERY SUCCESSFUL. Viet meals. $50 to $75 Special $6 per month, 4PM. to 11 PM. ' ; low rates June 27 to July 4, PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe BOB CLANCY'S Accounting age EAVESTROUGHING- JOHN BROUWER NEED MONEY? e . 3 } rie ae P ocslegnhed cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- Part Time Waitress re ki ice, 184 Bi Street West, 7250097) Res. 7257606. OUR SPECIALTY LANDSCAPING Carling 765-3380. ti pipe yin pee Po Day Shift also if ers, pipe reading dies, wise and 'BURROWS, 'Chartered ae yy rion yplnd ire Free landscape designs. Ever- TO REFINANCE WOUR Q ' ' } roe countants, ing 'ast, Oshawa; work guaranteed, , Shrubbery, t , ane i cP. 2 i) ; F Famil IO. 6g oilet auger. A . é es cee ice MORTGAGE? i. ais OF SINE CROVE, ING PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- | Part Time Cashier Ronald R. D. Wilson, CA; G. Edmond For free estimates. Fusal d ials. Cl Burrows, CA, 728-7554. : . uals cnd perennials. Clean A ; } MR. Ri , fertilizing, soddi d TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? ' i i stepladders, aluminum exten- ppt oll gga ical i ge ies 7 32 334. MMM | ang Pain rackarin, ond | 4O BOY A COTTAGE OR CAR? fis AY Lt Seis toe hooray sion ladders, Jadder jacks, apply Ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On- Maintenance. TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS q b, 2 All Land and Water Sports steel scaffolding, .compres- MR. CAMPBELL arte Care * oer" io lana A Woome, Ve "Clarke Since, to3ae" CALL 728-6392 Let's discuss, without obli- i i, het Good Fishing ~ sors, _Sproy guns, wallpaper wate: Smealanbe 25 --harEMIMNEYE. now and re-built roofina| > gation, your financial plans: edt bs PA Boats & Canoes for Hire steamers, tarpaulins, blow Genosha Hotel fered Accountants. Licensed. Trustees in|and repairs, sidewalks and stoops. F, Mc- CEDAR TREES Our 10 to 15 Year. long- l, ; k 1h { For reservations call or write torches, propane torches. Sass Bankruptcy 64 King Street East, 728-7371,|Cann, Brooklin 655-3061. term 2nd. mortgage with low he. Grace and Hugh Corbett. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co.|HOME AND OFFICE improvements. Re- FOR HEDGES interest and small repayments ° ) ' SHE. FIRST IDEA T cement mixers, finishing tro- . 7) Oahh alterations, painting, roofing! Choice' quality guaranteed. may, prove much easier for i OF His FAMOUS F I S WALIM rat TO ale ee barrows, electric SECRET ARY a . vibrator, ar compressor, Chartered 728-7527; How quicnry § THEORY oF NOW OPEN WEEKENDS jock hammers, hand trowels, Shopping Centre. Suite 215E. Ajax,/etc. eigen guaranteed. M, McKoy, Free Estimates, Cedar fence your budget, 942-0890; Whitby 668-4131. Oshawa, 725-8576. posts all sizes . 4 ; ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account-|ELECTRICAL WIRING and _ repairs. 4 CORONATION Fur DECREASE eM HEATED pool and steam oe that dela veer FOR at ble cost. Grand- . . r Ontario. Telephone 729-1221. amin vey lec a 'Grandview South, 723 CALL 723 1303 INVESTMENT eceun ony Ms a PROCESS OF in rif wy bath. Year round ATRO re- ers, steel scaffolding, electric bal IM AMERICAs Ne : sort." Extensi generator, ramset, power = = 2 ' . Extensive sand : CEONARD JAMES BROOKS. Cherjered| ay sea and repalnny and CROSS TOWN CO. LTD. Houck ¢ EVOLUTION. ) feonil mecie ot nol rollers, electric 'hammers, LAW OFFICE ping Centre, 725-9953. build basements. Telephone 728-7680 after S 0 D ? SAS wenn 80 PERCENT' ane near golf. Contact Haliburton masonry saw, building jacks, : Kay Lf 2. mortar mixers, mortar boxes, Part time or permanent, but , rei A Canadian Public Company WIDE 1K 11 3 SECONDS, FOR TRENCHING and complete septic In Oshawa area call OTHER AGES. chain hoist, miter saw, elec- must be experienced in hand Auctioneers bis j ; b eee rly call Frank Brink.| Rolled, Fertilized, cut fresh SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. es FOR FAMILY VACATIONS| 'tc plane, tarpaulins, 14' : ' LLOYD WILSON ML ePES Gt DildinG Teta Toole: daily. is BY bt as yo a ds Hrpeeadg 4" joiner, sand ling real estate transactions, i ; ' é nt 5 after ho }-3376 laster, power tamper, power AUCTIONEER [los Pili roe meen ee 725 504 bused TV--Radio Repairs 5 Farmar's Colom THE ROYAL post hole auger, oscillating BOX 307 MORTGAGE Honey Harbor, Muskoka | sanders, disc sanders, belt ' (Licenced) EXCAVATING, grading, sand fill, pit run, Sreniny © ACKERMAN WHITBY TV PRESTO FARM ERVICES, Weed spray, . sanders, floor sanders, acety- grain, foliage, fence rows, brush. Atrazine On Georgian Bay lene welding outfits, 200 OSHAWA TIMES Complete sale management fused lumber and materials. Dutch Gen- specializing in furniture and eral Contractors, 728-6043 or Ajax 942-5735) Excavating, loading, backhoe | OANS Abd i phdae : i ff 4 re A t ecialty, 'on 4 estate auctions, after hours. service, trenches, drains, SERVICE bal sahitesaahiing reed Me Us ao SPECIAL FAMILY RATES amp. electric welders. Call for Information STUDENT would like ride fo Downsview! foundations, septic tenks du Moneys for first mortgages miisy, BROOKLIN 655-3663 [arriving at 8.90 a.m. Telephone 725-1035.) ese ne een ae man este gl rtgage: a Mouniisy. Phone 725-9871. CLYFFE HOUSE, Mary Lake, safe sand STAN'S EXPERIENCED LIN china. 2h:he water banvice. Open Mortgages Servicing Whitby, Ajax, HACKNEY MARE, 16 hands, quiet, har-| ey | eerie eve ade h 8 DICTAPHONE Cartage Reasonable rates No bonus Bay Ridges Only Fy AO ae thas aie y_convenience, | S| arpening & Rentals Ltd. . COTTAGE for sale on Redstone Lake, 223 King St. W., Oshawa TYPIST Barristers JOHN"S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Osh- H x No charge for valuations j = 4 THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barristers,|JONN'S MOVING Aevable rates." Fully Bowmanville 623-5756 Naitoa ne one Agrees 40 ft. tower with CO-OP TRACTOR, siccylindsr gag, | Haliburton, two bedroom, fully cavipped.| PHONE 723-3224 Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times 1 -3661. "ss Buliding, 8 King: Street East, 728-6209, (eaulpped_and Insured. 728-366 SOD and TOP SOIL purchased, double antenna and pulley, rubber fires, $350. Call 728-|frigerator and stove. Low down pay Moneys for second mortgages. 29. $25 per month carries balance. Write 12--Articles Wanted WANTED Mortgage funds available. fs Bonne. all types of cartage, Bay O h 49 9 80: lak idges, A191, Fast . D. Winter,|Mrs. A. Gostlin, 5 Monticello Crescent. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, snawa 'ast service. $ 5 ACRES ot sanding hay. W. 'IRR 3 Guelph, Ont. Solicitors. Clients' funds available for ' . M F SWARTZ f Whitty, 660-3805. olde SHAW For Interview Contact first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, Dentist! * Ga rden i by Ki FOR SALE Rice Lak 728-7336, Charles C_ MeGibbon, QC; Edgar lt eT banter Barua, Service 26Y2 King St. East Including Complete Installation |6--Auction bedroom cottage. on loree' teh tor tt;| AUTO WRECKING CO. MRS. GRIFFIN . Bastedo, Q; Norman H. Edmondson. 112 Simcoe 'Street North, Oshawa, For 1259 SIMCOE NORTH Oshawa, Ontario cold water, boat house. Four miles north} Wants Cars for Wrecking. Telephone 725-4731 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister,| appointment 728-5842. Phone 723-1161 723-4697 CALL 723-9525 AUCTION SALE iewnESWC CARE = toe coco ia;| _ Ports for sale, also scrap iron of reson iggy Pe gg gd 14% King ond metals, etc bought reel ast, Oshawa, 232. . * a it, 85 mil Y, 6 . " REIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, |Gardening and Supplies Loam and Gravel Musical Services TV TOWERS for GRIN ances aad Aggro safe! Open Saturday all dav. Phone Private Secretary Hampton, 263-2640. 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. ond electricity, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of j PIANO, reed, pi id j Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street Washed Stone, Fill ! satire one Srectronic arpen Restaurant Equipment MILFORD MANOR, Milford Bay. ideal 79. > '. f tuning and repair, instruments appraised, i i i | gs raat OK Drynan, QC, 728. ENERAL LAWN Excavating,lots levelled. A. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, er Economy and . yacation and family paradise! | Musko-|WILL PAY best cash prices for good, Receptionist aye $58t) OL. Murdo, CC. Tae IC. ( } Loaders, Trucks for hire. Deluxe and Furniture pik iene TatoGion adine eae aac Teter re ke Wht ma Both en for Oshawa Victor, 985-7115, Mortgages and Agree- BEATTY HAULAGE Nursing Homes Poe ee sid the property of Mrs. V. Schell, |Children's supervised playground with aanteDe oe lala z law an owe ly i riced to suit your budget rel Teheoreeene, Gar : 1 Ad Pool, pony, burro, Beach, orchestra, en- Wagon Wheel Restaurant, on Oe raat ite eee Toronto| ticularly Trinidadian, Telephone 728-3067| writing, stating,. education ments of sale bought, sold and arranged. Ss _ aia Sa cslcealtiainrreseb cede cause ! PLEASANT Valley Rest and Nursini JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, SPRAY SERVICE - a c sing : : one ost ay a Sill Ag ll er dd tas 225 2156 a Home, modern facilities semi and pri TERMS ARRANGED 7 and 12 Highway, 1 mile |364.3627 or 'Travei Agent. Family' Plans,|GOOD USED CLOTHING required. Len| and experience. to Ie. The Commercial Building, 286 King DAVEY and rites. The hone you are Woking ore north of Brooklin on off-season rates. ' Pullan, 10-12 Prince Street, Oshawad . it, jhawa, Ontario. i irkiny H srr : Be F es: awa, Ontari ient parking WEEDING, FERTILIZING | RR 2 Uxbridge 852-3267. OSHAWA TV Wednesday, June 24 |\SWIM, FISH and relax on beautifui|/2#-531). BOX 205 available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. ¢& se areas re ee Buckhorn Lake. Quiet, pi , 5 , picturesque area, Py rr TREE RVICE EADE'S Nursing Home, Port Perry. A Terms Cash, |modern cottages, 'ideal for children, va-|13----Business Opportunities OSHAWA _TIMES DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and hi fi h f if Sal 1 ; Solicitors, etc., 69 King Street East. 16 OTHER SERVICES | Pruning, sprayin feedi He ald ae jome for elderly pa: SUPPLY LIMIT ale ot | p.m. j cancies for June, weekly or Solicitors, etc. RESIDENTIAL. INDUSTRIAL sue ane pois Made ing dl el er MUL Stouts. (private. and 361 GIBBONS ag Ted. Jackson, Auctioneer Some August vacancies, Also campsites. BEAUTY SALON CARILLON Phone or write Cliff and Bea Penhale, MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers,Soli- movals. "" , Port Per - : citors. Notaries Public. Mortgage funds Oshawa, Cobourg, Ajax-Pick- vals. "The oldest and lar- a coowners Pointe RR 1, Coketeds Of Sacrifice $2,500 Cash tario. available, 36¥2 King Street East, 723-1107. : 3 . ering, Bowmanville, Whitby, gest tree saving service in the Painting and Decorating . ff HUMPHREYS, BOYEHYN and HILL- ne 1 gee. aia _728-8180 ELMER WILBUR [new niger navsteasig mater) 5 | 0" bent over TOWERS MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King| Port Hope area -- phone elephone 723-1361 UXE AUCTIONEER a0 hath Ham Oahawar Pane oh tesel ,000 to $12,000, returns | | brie Qci 6. §. Boychym, QC; W. A. Hillman;| Oshawa 728-4974. age PAINTERS TV TOWERS Furniture, Property etc. A |Bostonian Cottages, Wilburforce. Owner for year, Low rent, Must Sell, Has openings for 6 ladies, | | | { | weekly, QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LAWN MOWER, Rita Allen Bidgood. 728-9651 part or full time, Good per- Ortice: Fastir7, Residence" 728-4046, 725: 7 7) SHA INTERIOR ond EXTERIOR and Specialty 35 years experience. | 7. S55n park -Galsam Lakes tod: sonality and cor. required. 4604, Whitby 668-2761. NHA and other! ""/BUJG CONTROL RPENING AND REPAIRS DECORATING ° ?hone Hampton - _ ern, furnished cottages, sandy For interview , morigage funds available. SHEARS SHARPENED Antenna Repair 263-229 963.9 parning, Peach farce playground, boats! 14__Empl t Wented 'MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L KING BUG KILLER PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Free Estimates - 4 or 263-2695 |incudes. a few openings left. july 6-25; ploymen' on SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. DDT AND DITHANE fits CALL 728-5466 + - August 1 to Labor Day. Jasper Koreman,|WILL MIND children in my home dally. CALL 728-7942 Money to loan, Henry Block, 26% King POMOGREEN SPRAY 480 Phillip Murray Baal lstetchi RIO 7--Trailers js Ml ood Read Mats '|Apply 767 Phillip Murray. Telephone Sitoet East, 723-4697. Residence: Dial GARDENALL SPRAY 728-6879 Harkey arth painting done now. Interior, TE BUCKHORN LAKE -- cottages, camp-|/28-0786. 13-4029. xterior, work guaranteed, Free esti- y . Ing, trailers, picnic grounds, boats,|WANTED: Paint \- MULTISPRAY es! fainting, paper hanging, ceil ee MULTISPRAY |GARDENS cloves wih Gravely" Womlipemre, CONE Sumoeme, WH Coberne, LEVISION cae re comprare rine of Iwors excelent ning sandy" beach lings to do, No 'eb ee smal Resssnaple| = SALESLADY | | 171 BOND ST. F., OSHAWA Golden Falcon poten silt Experienced only for citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times ' 126-4 , . ar |plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104 | ee rant. 728-2301, - Building, 86 King Street East, 723-1137. CYGON 2E SPRAY Plow. one . GENERAL 'and decorating, wall- MEN with tr i 5 i uck. Cellars, garages, attics ready-to-wear. Clents' funds available for mortgages. WEED KILLERS SOD, top * ee j paperiffy and furniture refinishing, Tele- 728 5 43 i AVAILABLE June, July, August and Sep- , . t * quality, prompt delivery. Free 5 - " ly, Aug! eP-}cleaned out, rubbish taken away; general Louis $. Hyman, QC: Herbert S. Hyman, CALCIUM CHLORIDE seticnaten. Telaptchb 725-8552. or pet phone 728-0225 1 Travel Trailers tember. Park Lane five-room efficiency/house repairs. 723-2997. ey App! BA Est. 1909 CHARLES A. BRADLEY and Sons Ltd.|CITY TV Towers, antennas, also repairs, Subway Trailer Park pamaalows. Good fishing. For full partice-|YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN will baby FOX'S LADIES WEAR GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll- i Painting and wallpapering. Interior, ex-|All work guaranteed. 511 ' citors, etc. 114 King Street East. Dial COOPER S MITH |!nstruction terlor, residential, commercial. Free esti.| Telephone 725-0800. Dean Avenue. "viel Citas phone 4785. sit In her own Renna, Svedey wank: Tele] care ag OeDs. Raccencs Fhenee: 2. %, See ON mates. Telephone 655-4441 Brooklin. Our Lou's Tv SERVICE. Towers, antennae, Pl rg iting. peden Tonnies eldpaly annie eguh Mga wash-|: . . 4 : ing @ ironing to do In own home. ---- CO. | TARIO. . . Senne ce Serie os 1010 Dundas ES ae coe Sane Sa ars ite nae" Seo ana Os 4 o' onns os a i tore. § J ildi 16 Celina St. 723-2312 | at 728-1866. Well Drilling--Diggin Y LAKEFRONT collage for sale Sturoson dren. Light household duties. Preferably s ALO --_--_-- --| DRIVING WELL DIGGING by = Sei ___Parts and accessories Lake, furnished, three bedrooms, bath,|16--Female Help Wanted {Rossland Manor area. Telephone 728-3544, ; P i in 30-Inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut WE SELL CITATION Fo enn ey ea aon|YOUNG woman required for olfice ofCLERK for hotel, part-time work. Mus? N U RSERY SOD SCHOOL ersonal Service Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. CANADI rig R AMBLER, heated, good fishing, $4800. Telephone|ioca) printing firm. Duties would entall|be quick and accurate with figures. Must "HOME BUILDER" for 'allergy and backache sulferers, 'Pree GLENDETTE, TRAVEL aia preparation. of Invece ahd Cae lca Oa aretens eaten se i 5 i dy ache suterers. Free 4, " FURNISHED 2-bed 'ottage amon: 'ds, interesting work in ern office. ° a Merion Blue and 50-50 Learn to Drive 1964 Models |trial, Low prices. Terms. 725-8762. 1--Women's Column TRAILERS AND: PARTS the pines on Lake st. Peter, tony phortag pithenaak ebrdie fa requirement -- Grade|quicred. Apply -- Lenaster, 27 King 30c per yd. and up PICK-UP SERVICE PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- COOK'S hydro nd best, Avaliable for July. $125./12. Phone 723-2233 for appointment, . {Street West, 173 ALBERT STREET Free Estimates--Free Delivery | ROAD TESTS AR Plumbing and Heatin dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone a er | S_ ARRANGED 9 earing _ |725-5363. TRAILER SALES |SUtt take: near Minden, three:bed- room cottage for rent, for July. Safe, 728-4169 Breaklin Gard | Dual Control Cars oe ee be TE di = ne ni ; bli i i i ' rooklin Gardens LICENSED INSTRUCTOR -- |rates, 'Estimate free. Dial' 7201191, J.|2--Personal TIIMILE EAST "OSHAWA. [tle Teetane Brontn esate OSHAWA TIMES PAT TERNS 1 MILE EAST OSHAWA SPECIALIZING IN and Landscaping Automatic and Standard --_|Foley. CONCRETE FOUNDATION F 14 FOOT Aluminim cabin trailer, sleeps . . 569 Ridgeway Ave, [At rcomene sna feuing were! §=© LEN PULLAN jit root Auzine, mri, 5! 9¢--Marine Equipment FREE ESTIMATES! ! DIAL 655-3049 Oshawa 728-6934 |Lid: Plumbing, Heating and Engineer-| (ENGLISH TAILOR) |': ie | cae RRINGRERARY: alumunuah TIU: ROOFING,concrete floors, fiat roofing| MURSERY and field sod, cut daily, sand,|-------- = ses toe Siiiee Arent. Foun. CAMPING TRAILER -- home made,|about, upholstered seats, lights and an- PRINTED PATTERN our specialty. New work and repairs.ligam and gravel, Armstrong sod. Tele-| LEARN TO DRIVE YORK PLUMBING and Heating. Special- Suits--Dresses--Alterations silver liner type - 12° x 64", Sleeps,Chor, 1962 40 HE Evinrude Selectric with y Large and small jobs. L and H Roofing phone 725-5864. izing repairs, remodelling. Reasonable Invisible Mendin four, electric outlet, ice-box. Telephone|push-button shift and extra propeller, ond Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. FOP SOIL 1 =a Poe Omer at the rates. Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South. 'J 725-8382. 1 Di fee Noe trallec: We. pals of HOME IMPROVEMENTS, rooting "3nd tog. Reasonable rates. Telepnone 77a-ese.| Oshawa Driving School oo 10-12 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 ate, satis ore opes Fey HS eee eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting . --~} reasonable rates, standard a 1 and genera! repairs. All work guaranteed.|FOR DRIVEWAY gravel,. pit run gravel, ssid ae . USED CLOTHI AL 4 a SUI ORNGNG Ore Rug-Upholstery Service NG SALES 9--SUMMER FUN AND |RuNasout, 12 ff. complete with up- P. Nellis, 1279 Minden Street, 728-2061. sand fill and brick sand, top soil, lights, steering; 18 HP Evin- ----J|stone, Yo" stone. roofer stone, 723-3325. Profession! Instructors SHIRTS LAUNDERED AND jholstery, YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. chim.|stone-_'2" stone, _roofer_stone. 7" 728-0091 OSHAWA RENOVATED | OUTDOOR LIVING rude. All Jexcellent condition. Complete $395. Call 723-7902. neys built and repaired; gas linings In-|RON'S power "mower tune-up Lott ib sienlle SHAW. A stalled, roofs repaired. Free estimates.jSharpening to all makes of reel mi | S A AND WHITBY : Removal ot superfluous hair, 7 . ine. Quick ice, 728-9217, | --_$_$_----_$ _$___--_ ; , Q combination, A 74 723-2997. y machine. Quick service, PRIVATE THACHER Siusa cone CLEANERS Marie Murduff will be in |9e¢--Summer Properties BR West Bend ond 6 Teter An. Hor, 15. Years' experienes, By. Interview Rug and Upholstery Oshawa, June 22nd, 23rd, For Sale or Rent car top aluminum boat. $350 Includes jonly. Act now. 725-1054, Cleaning. At Our Store. and 24th. Phone Genosha roof racks, oars and two life jackets. Can | be seen at 70 Labrador Drive, Oshawa. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISI NG RATES or at your home. Hotel on these dates for ap- POW-WOW POINT i ee ae BOAT 15-ft. 76-inch beam conve! le r iM i |Money To Loan tment, 25 WORD MINIMUM Ld 725-9961 "ELECTROLYSIS On Pen Lake--Year - round windshield, running lights and trailers, Better describea offers get faster results. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs ve: 723.4641 resort in the heart of North- |$695. 418 Juliana Drive. a = i - i i 1% FT. plywood bout, upholster: CASH CHARGE covered like new. Get the best for fess ern Muskoka, A spacious site petal sce Severin eb. Me Up electric at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. i - 6 Consecutive days, original copy $4.13 | Call 728-6451. Free estimates. PAYMENTS too high? If you have good yah - ee iat start Evinrude motor, heavy duty Tee 3 Consecutive days, original copy an 2.48 | = credit I'll lend you up to $5,000 to cut; mecting waterways to 4 lakes. nee trailer. New condition. Telephone a ry MleUIdHON 'ox one word | a ee ail spirit aa payments in halt, or less for consolida-| Trout and bass fishing, re- |728-4250. " . x * . i! * . Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation rial for recovering, Dalton Upholstering, (phone Toronto asteazes, Pose Tel) creation program, free water |i¢ FT, Fiberglass runabout, fully equip- IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. | 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. ie VOUTRNE a GUedig Ia otis skiing. Luxury suites, lake- |ped ad esate atid edna ie belles J | a 4 lem, i en Never een v! . Us sol im if CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c REUPHOLSTER and 'refinish Your Wrnl-|Box 203, Whitby or call 668-2034 feet -- rena $18 jately, for. best cash offer. 'Private. Phone ure by J. and J, Custom Furniture. Fre: + Claremont 649-5910. While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box | timates. Whitby, 668-5753, If out 668-\BUY or sell Canadian tokens or coins. i i numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no So ms 1 ee Apply Bluebird Restaurant on Highway bie Pals Sica 2 Ro BOAT -- Aluminum 124t. also. trailer, liability in respect of loss or damage lieged to arise through | RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab: No. 12, 1% miles north of Manchester.| 4 y ay OVER=I188 - Inew. Apply Celina Road at No. 2 high- either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused | UICK ished 17 years. Complete range of ma- § Osis © Livestock Hed ch ol oad geet ' way, east ot Oshawa. whether by negligence or otherwise. terials. Workmanship guaranteed 5 years.| 9" €€S ivestoc or color brochure write Box |joHNSON 75 HP outboard motor, one pduibivnss beaks ; h | LI KE A BU N NY! Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses) PURE BRED miniature black poodies.| 202, Huntville or phone 789- deluxe sport, Fiberblass ski boat, tarpau- Professional listings "only, 3 -- per mont! ' | H re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawaltelephone 723-2665. 4951. lin' and jee-nee ale: Reasonable, iti ; ' 5 | . isteri Ci , 287 Di Ave., ly 109 Alma Street, Each cong wing jad tit ics cdvortsernanto GET A LOW-COST, one ni BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Arply _ a (Not applicable for merchandise advertis i + iia ewe | training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, MUSKOKA 75 HP ounhoers ee oe | 6G, \Sales and Service Me Be East. he thd Teuton ration: Reasonable, DEADLINES | : & Mit PLAN DO YOU HAVE baila t verorr rege le Poodle, Ministers cottage for rent on Apply 109 Alma Street. | C4OO / { telbrans Pls tele _ i EVINRUDE 35 horsepower electric start, WORD ADS 5 p.m. Day \ Previous. | 0 Ze ETIAN BLIND POODLES, toy, champion stock, three) *WO beautiful wood lots. Safe with sh peeaereL $200. Telephone| err q | LORN VEN brown, two black. Must sacrifice. Whitby] ' sandy bay for boating, swim- | after 7 p.m., Port Perry, 985-7509. Card of Thanks 5 p.m, Day Sideline | TROUBLES? 668-5426, Reasonable offers accepted. ming, fishing. Complete mo- SUNANOUT, Ti" fo HUNSERY Thovione In Memoriams ... eee 5 p.m. Day Previous | FOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE, : 5 > |GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, register-/ dern kitchen. Available June | piywood; Tee-Nee trailer; 50 HP Jobn- Lost and Found .. «+ 9:30 Day of Publication. | Dirty slats? --- brokencords? leq champion stock, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m! 26 to July 26. No discrimin- |son electric. Fully equipped, convertible Births and Deaths 9:30 Day of Publication, | |THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -- torn tapes? -- _ then corer Syenites 414 John Street Wests) ation to responsible tenants top, radio, . 728-7443. TRAVEL TOPPER Lote Deaths... 11:00 a.m. Day of Publication (Page 3), |e e eee qo -- emineaNUA saplee ong Fane HANSA 17-1. boat with one Evinrude, | >= oi e answer for D i it, $1,700, Teleohone | is Heal short haired. Beauties. Surprise your chil 728-9516 eds suns. By ALICE BROOKS 4810 |Mortgages you. Reasonable rates. Free dren for passing. Down payment accept- . i i SIZES | estimates. 'We can make |ed. Telephone 668-4909. --- dc " Break records -- knit this | your old blinds ike news Seance Ea, ---| IT'S VACATION TIME! |11--Articles For Rent : $--10-12 y : COZY J RANCH Kennels Registered. ! coat fast on big needles, 2 M---14--16 ll 728-802 German Shepherds, puppies. C Spend your time fishing, not | Di - Cutlery - Gi Mortgage Money Call 8-8020 Stud services, Boarding. Quar-): fichting -- traffic, "Conn ee par towls | bates Gow strands of worsted together. 1-18-20 SATURDAYS: | if Word Ads, ....+ee+:se+++ 12 Noon For Monday | Available Ron's Power Mower {i forss:, foals: Traller Ashburn, Brook-! AAcGillen's Lodge, Roseneath Tables - Chairs - Linens JUMBO-KNIT .coat -- % or DRETTY COVERALL Classified Display ....-++++... 10 A.M. For Monday L nus | he t Tune-Up & Repair FILLY -- black, two years old, 51" high,| less than 50 miles from Osh- Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets | fy) length! Travels everywhere nteres : CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS ae foes be | ats es Glen ich Denies = seed stitch, cable-panels, Pat. By ANNE ADAMS Vina et Pla a American plan rooms and Sargeant's Rentals | |tern 7005: directions sizes 32,34;| Don't tackle that family pic | | | _ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: bid 2 Column or Larger .....+. 10 a.m. Day Previous 1 Column Space .. 4p.m, Day Previous Sharpening to all makes of Jehildren. Hampton 263-2052. housekeeping cottages, also 9:30.A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION RESIDENTIAL Quick Service 5--Farmer's Column meals. Write for free folder, 463. Ritson _S. 725-3338 _|9¢.98 included. nic -- unless you're safely pro- F i é | CT | i hone Harwood 5R12 ENTERTAINING fifty to one hundred] t b Il like thi Cc Hations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. -|:-aum. CITY AND DISTRICT 728-921 7. __OF phone 'Harwood 2. Y a ; . : ected by a coverall like this. salar hailed CUSTOM FARM HOUSEKEEPING coifages, electric. ine SCE Cee Lenina, iaivareariee Thirty-five cents (coins) for ber gl trimmed with gay Deadline will be processed for the following day's paper, | SUMMER PROPERTIE:! EE i i ; M 34 H VACANT. LAND . watery bad. tenga Vrie" ealneee WORK rina. cases oe tts eae Con |Facilities, bar, kitcnen, parking, Rea-|this pattern (no stamps, please) t i REGULATIONS | Call 728-1742. Specializing in forage harvest- |RR_% Burks Falls. poden i BA Loa tab ael to Alice Brooks, care of The| Printed Pattern 4810: Misses' | Members Ontario 5 ing hay or corn, COTTAGE, winterized, modern Kilchen,|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds! walkers.) ) 4. times Needlecraft|sizes_ Small (10, 12); Medium The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- | Mortgage Brokers Association surveyors Percy Davidson and Son Completely furnished, two boats. _Lo- iid Ronin: 105, Blentrice "05-1644. " M4 : (14, 16); Large (18, 20), Med- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than | a H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land TELEPHONE Pikiog hate sal Berge i) Sihon ares Bd ere ge ere reggeray rk Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontarioliym 1% yards 35-inch. one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the | SUMMERL Ht habad 111 Elgin Street East. Phone} 728-1343 swimming. Excellent id fishing, oy Han aphinatl ary Fox Rentals, 4i2\residents. add 1 cent sales tax.} FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins price charge tor a single insertion of the advertisement in which | AND lee = = VAN AND FCRIECHMARE " ' two hours from Oshawa. $9000. with $2000.|Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414. Print plainly PATTERN NUM.-| (no stamps, please) for this pat- error Occurs. " Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue Specialized Growers cas Sere eter BER, NAME, ADDRESS tern, Ontario residents add _2c The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classity advertising | SECURITIES |prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. SOR RANT = lwobedroan colbae Srnart " : sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, according to.its proper classification. | TV--Radio R . if Assoc. Ltd. Papineau Lake, safe, sandy bean Mie 206 HANDICRAFT HITS --\NAME, ADDRE SS, STYLE In the case of display advertisements, The Times wil: not be LIMITED ji eer eee We do any type cus- Hepat a a paged dd and all of] Business 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys,| NUMBER. held responsible for more space than that in which the actual ' TV SERVICE hi mavens ie : fashions, crewelwork, bazaar| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce ali adver- | 112 Simcoe St. North tom agricultural work, bedroom, all caRvanietces: lly edad People tite erbthet knit oe em-| Cate of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 DAY OR EVENING July 117 two bedrooms August 15 on if ony inaccuracies in any form are' contained therein. luivata ae ss 7 86 728-3901 725-4632; evenings, 723-2007. '| Sing the Praises broider, quilt. Send 25 cents. pg Iago ne ne ' RIVATE and corporation monies tor ail) CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid|CANAL LAKE, furnished cottage, two- TTE UTE- For 'Classified. Service. Ste cee te eee prog + OSHAWA for dead and crippled farm Riek: Tele. bedrooms. 60 miles north of Whitby for! of Oshawo SOMETHING NEW -- BIG, GET A PA' ; RN ABSOLUT: Telephone the Direct to Classified |Murdoch. (See "Barristers",) 9 ELECTRONICS phone. collect, Hampton 262.2721, " Marg-lrent. Weekly or monthly. Telephone Whit. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16/LY FREE? It's simp'x --. «rer Rona Alias LAO Ht will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64. yy £48-2473, ' * 'i a our Spring-Summer . Cat: \- Number 723-3492 [PRIVATE and corporattion monies for all ___--__--~___|FOR SALE -- Mixed hay, new seeds, WELLINGTON (West Lake) large col Times lossified complete quilt patterns -- piece adie FREE ot acene:g bg 7 ' « . ortgages; mortgages and agreement of economical radio and TV/\alfaifa, red He » ov fs y 1, sh ' D i i - pa $ for All Other Departments, Coll The Times Switchboard; sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and] service. Car radios @ specialty. Tele | Clemence, conor of Hopkins and Herth hee cold water: ait Reateds teed fhe, Ads 7 aoenaes, for bagionsts, on any of 250 design ideas, Send : Murdoch, (See "Barristers'.) phone 725-7297. § $45. weekly, 728-8105, : c iperts. Send 60 cents now. 50c today. . "mci enaa a ARC act - 401 Service Road. ~ ; fm f

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