I ge WN Te rn ee a Dear Eyes: Here is your let-;losers come over the night be- : ANN LANDERS Bic: and ope your 'seak ae, for a. cup of ct acquainta nd. othe if - a pull vole shoenaibens will ~ a cupcake with 'a candle on it. T h H ] : it a gone B that they are not| Alternate from then on--in- Can putting anything -| vite t of eac er e p one. You're vanies, year bor the othe vat the east ; é Dear Ann: Our son will be|Year. C Vi, LOL | Ill-Treated Child a | id i Anus. fer bitter yoy peony pool: FOR THE FINEST IN Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Diai 723-3474 -- Leone Your f¢1in the newspapers is oale cea 5 eeigas ged os Te- ply to Daughter of Sorrow was t a ur ey hate each stom Tie GONAWA TUMMM, Satundey, Jone bow, 1960 7/2004. Hho was the girl who forleNe. avery ust theseatae ctl Wh. is aat, poedlie' We hate - bane vearg Wat teatch uments give. Every week thousands of|it. It is not possible to have DRAPES 'by her mother. Through pee ey Pe self-addres- os in the house at the same therapy the girl was able to ped envelopes get per-| time. Showers, Parties, And Teas tive ner stoner instead 1% a0vice i te mail" "| dov't want waive swo bith Ml. & @, Dry Goods . LJ : ce spending her life filled with} 1 4m aware that some kids|day parties for our son every Honor Miss Jeanne Will hated and bites ee oat et ne, attend aac aet'ot griaaeac am & Draperies lams Psychiatry isn't the only an- up stories out of whole cloth,|offend either set of grandpar- ¥ Drape : oe : swer, Ann, My story was simi-|Ot I always suggest that chil-/ents. How should I handle this oper Miss Jeanne Carol Williams,|chiffon over blue and yellow|lar to hers--only worse. dren talk to a favorite teacher|hot potato?--DPT only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|printed taffeta and a corsage Of) 7 am 19 now, and the first or the principal if there is bru-| Dear D. Draw straws for the G. Murray Williams, of Por'|white plnnechio chrysanthe-|nine years of mg life were bell.| en trae ones toe, story inifiret birthday party and let te Perry, whose wedding takes|mums edged in biue. The bride-/paq Was the pede ache, lm not true nothing has been lost. S place this afternoon in the Port|to-be was gowned in an after-| ure he turned to the bottle be- Dear Ann Landers: I have a Perry United Church to Mr,|noon dress of chiffon over pink! .ayse it was the only way he friend (?) who has been pulling Gerald E, Jackman, son of Mr.|and white flowered taffeta and)oiiq escape from mother's|® cheap little stunt for years and Mrs. H. C, Jackman, of|wore a pink cymbidium corsage. <oreaming and temper tan- and I am darned sick of it. : " ae", £ mn " Oshawa, was entertained at sev-|. Mrs. H. C. Jackman, mother|trums, My sisters and I lived Whenever she owes me an SISTERS REUNITED AFTER 53 YEARS SEPARATION eral prenupital parties. of the future bridegroom, was\in constant fear of beatings( invitation she invariably invites The nursing class of 63, ofjwearing a two-plece lace en-|filthy language and humiliation|M€ for a evenig when she Mrs. Charles Pullen, left; never returned to England. her arrival feels Canada is |Oshawa General Hospital, heldjsemble of dusty rose and &|before friends. knows I've been invited some- Mrs. Norah Palmer, centre sig Palmer artived in Cane #0 vast Je different - soja miscellaneous wer pinnohest seis ener chry-| When I was in the fourth ur or and Mrs, Marion Jordan are a for the firs ime, just clean and just can't get over |which the hostesses were Miss santhemt sage, lgrade I passed out in school. 'm sure you'll say such clods Tite' cintesa Mike, Jonden last month, She and Mrs, the way Canadians use their |Joan Shawcross, Miss Kathy| Presiding over the daintily ar- For 20 minutes I could not be/Could hardly be considered AT sete os wa Jordan: had not seen each telephones so freely, calling |Milburn and Miss Norma Scoti,jranged tea table which W@S| revived. The principal andjfriends and they are not worth came to Canada 53 years other for 53 years and it was neighbors and friends, where Jat their home on Saguenay av centered with a unique flower) .-hoo] nurse took off my blouse,.|bothering with, Of course you : ago and Mrs. Pullen later. an exciting occasion when as in England every call, jenue. jarrangement of pink and white They found welts and bruises/are right, but please print my "Mrs. Pullen has been back they. met. Mrs. Palmer, hav- even local, has to be paid for. | Two bridal attendants, Miss|carnations were Mrs. E. W.|ai1 over my back. When theylletter to let them know they NGU S- RAYDO _ Since, but Mrs. Jordan has ing travelled extensively since -- Oshawa Times Photo {Gloria Hastings and Mrs. Ron-|Nesbitt, Pee aaa Russell questioned me I told them/|aren't getting away with any- Lap ay SIR pcm NAHE iy nck 0 PRS ea RN ARLENE ------------|a1q Gibson held a miscellaneous|S. Nesbitt, North Os awa; MTS. | everything. thing. Thank you. -- X-RAY shower at the home of the for-|George Scott, din ee The next day the police and EYES CARPET COMPANY SOCIAL NOTICES mer's mother, Mrs. Frank Ray ee wher: Mrs |Welfare authorities investigated |--- 7 Hastings, Bigelow street, Port)James / nstey, , our home life. My sister and I LADIES! 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 . Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre PHONE 723-7827 a Perry, when twenty-five school-|Charles Howsam, Mrs. Ray were: slacéd "in AT HOME : mates and friends gathered to|Cook, Mrs. J. (Pat) eeepc and Pa father, 'vith the: belp No Baby Sift r. and Mrs. Newton Edgar,\honor. the bride-elect. Mrs. Gordon F. Reesor and)i- 2 clergyman and AA, No Ee og 63 Ritson road south, will bel Mrs. Matthew B. Dymond and| Mrs Frank Godley, all of Port) straightened oat tat wal | B dl Til Li | MR. BERNARD | roadioom- 1 1le-Linoieum happy to receive their rela-her daughter Beverley were|Perry. put in a _ mental institution : stasses fg oir Assisting in the tea room were) Fi Pree: Tes And: neighbors 's Cocirene cosa bots beey on ara, Laverne Martyn, Scugog; | fy ie died two years ago. their ho: S: oa - phage gaind techs rire A Pend Pepe Ty + sterbor-|. Lf children who are beaten b: : : 7 r home on Saturday, June|, kitchen and pantry shower for|Mrs. Milton Goode, Pete their parents would. tell pid papa Stylist | | i > : Mrs. Robert Boyce, sis ] i Pesta te te pita on teil Mes, Robert ns the she bridegroom, schoo] authorities they might HOME Rug Cleaning jand from 7.00 to 10 p.m. on the| Mrs. Robert Delves held ajter of the Tui i bok need peyehlales loceasion of their 50th weddin miscellaneous shower at her Oshawa, Mrs. Albert rope Will you it coh penitent ik APPOI |anniversary 8!home, Frontenac avenue, Osh-|Mrs. Frank Hastings, Mis S| SPARED i ? NTMENTS | Se awa, for the future bride. Beverley. Dymond and at Dear Spared: 1 do tell fine | PHONE ATER: PLM. | RECEPTION Mrs, Frank Godley entertained| Nancy Dymond, all of Por \Pethoos you. até hot gaara! | °s an,at her home on Mary street,|Perry. | 4 ' ee. sored ane Sham port Perry, at a miscellaneous} Miss Debbie Godley was in|that the advice which appeart! | en eeioe" Will! shower. Co-hostesses were Mrs.|charge of the guest book when be h piv i ea appy to receive their|~o+don Reesor and Mrs. Frank|two hundred and twenty-five sign their Ini Park 'Clubhouse a Big Hastings. Approximately 45) were invited to day, June 27, 1964, at 8.00 p.m |guests gathered to extend bestinames. = a on the occasion of their 25th) Wishes. Miss Susan Jac a, sis LITIES COMMIS ION wedding annivrsary. Mrs, Donald Carnegie, enter-/of the prospective bridegroom __|tained at her home on Manches-|and Miss Martine Mortensen, ter road, with the assistance of|Oshawa, presided VANIER HONORED her co-hostess, Mrs. Arthur|trousseau_ room. Mrs. : | Miss. Gloria Hastings - In Co-Operation With - ROME (Reuters)--Governor-|Gibson when the neighbors and/Gibosn, Arthur Gibson wits | Of Leading Toronto Salons General Georges P. Vanier of|friends gathered to honor the|and Mrs. : Canada was given this year's|bride-to-be at a presentation of in charge of the shower gifts cles ium Aart fe centri aa gta e's Gee Wa Oshawa Boy Scout and Girl Guide day -- Rome's "tourism, court-/and matching two-tiered maga-/|displa 'I . esy and hospitality day," or-/zine stand. Toronto and Miss Kathy Mil- ganized by the tourist board of} Last Saturday afternoon and|burn, Oshawa. tee nal e e Rome province at City Hall./evening, Mrs. G. Murray Wil- Mr. and Mrs. H. ©. Jac a A George Gale Crean; Canadian/|liams, entertained for her daugh-|man entertained for the bridal SSOCIGC ions ambassador to Italy, accepted|ter, Jeanne, at a trousseau tea.|party after the wedding a:-| MARRIED RECENTLY the award for the Governor-|To receive her. guests Mrs. Wil-/hearsal at their home, on Nas- liams chose a sheath dress of/sau street, Oshawa, last night. | ANNOUNCES Bus Service to Camp Samac Port Perry United Church | | Effective Tuesday, June 23 to Monday, September 7, 1964 Linda Kathleen Beadle was The present Simcoe St. Route will be extended to accommodate only pas- united in marriage to Donald lela carey. SHORGAS A TREMENDOUS sengers for Camp Samac at times shown in the schedule hereunder. PPP PDD bride is the eldest daughter | BUY ... GOOD of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard W. Beadle, Port Perry and the "bridegroom is the eldest son FOR LIMITED of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson, Oshawa. Cleaning Windows TIME ONLY !! 'Tnstalling Screens . Takes Team Work OS a . Windows get a face lifting in spring. It's traditional, but stem the urge to start until husband is ready to exchange storm a sashes for screens, The entire) operation can be done faster) . . more safely when there are) This Brand New four hands instead of two. Now here are a few pointers < worth noting. Whenever possible f. make it an inside job. Screens} 'eas Monday Thru Saturday Service From -- King & Simcoe Sts. From -- Camp Samac To -- Camp Samac To -- King & Simcoe Sts. Leave ** 8:00am. Leave (2:15pm. Leave** 8:15am. Leave 12:00 p.m. * 8:20 12:45 * 8:30 12:30 * 8:45 . O5 * 9:00 1:00 ** 9:00 1:45 ** 9315 1:30 9:15 2:15 9:30 9:45 2:45 10:00 10:15 3:15 10:30 10:45 3:45 11:00 4:45 4:15 11:30 11:45 4:45 5:15 5:45 6:15 6:45 and storm sashes that hang from brackets can be handled far more safely from the inside than from the outside. Wait for| a calm day when breezes won't grab them out of your hands.) To prevent interference from window trappings, remove cur-| tains or drapes, which you'll; want to replace anyway with) summer models, and blinds or! shades which will need a good) cleaning. Now the storm sash| can be unhooked, carefully slid) in through the upper. half of the window and the screen slid out. | Stand by to offer assistance as husband adjusts screen to) Oo LY 7:00 proper hooking angle. 1:30 Window washing, too, § be < ) le S : with the right tools. A c se 00 7 | 8:30 : po! ith medium length) -- : , ® hee Gs yon reach tT NO TRADE i a 9:30 NECESSARY Operates Saturday Only -- "Does Not Operate Saturday SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SERVICE solution of sal soda concentrated . a cup of the sal toa bucket | From -- King & Simcoe Sts. From -- Camp Samac To-- Camp Samac To -- King & Simcoe Sts. af hot water. Rinse with fresh CHECK THESE FEATURES FOR REAL VALUE .... air, and you'll want every avail-| Leave 9:30 a.m, 9:45 a.m. only - collect! (as illustrated) with every Thor Automatic Dryer water, wipe dry with a se lint. | less cloth and panes will vir-/ : @ FRONT END and REAR MOUNTED DRUM @ SUPER SIZE LINT TRAY provides efficient able breath of a breeze on hot/ from setting. : A 10:30 : sultry days, Scrub screens with} 9 utes, safety door switch, { 1:30 ; eee ' 5 ' windows. They'll : , soil during summer storage, s0| F R Sold. It's a lively, Little, lovable doll so perfect for ee : wait and give them a thorough) seus the youngsters. A full 18" high. See them'on c™- : | 4:30 play in our window. § | : 5:30 Z | a tually gleam. | Don't forget that poreenie havel BEARINGS for smoother, trouble-free action air passage even after several drying cycles. ace eee ae pada . . « longer life. @ TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED DRYING. 3 of dust that stick to the mesh| @ WRINKLE REDUCER. Each ti : settings, "High", "Low", or "Air". - Each timer setting hes @ PLUS FEATURES ... Acrylic enamelled top a stiff-bristled brush and the sal| @ PLUS FEATURES ... Acrylic enamelled top and cabinet, drying time set soda solution. The sal emulsifies| ; a : P rer the ane, invisible film of grease up to 150 RURUTSS, safety door switch gcse | 12:30 p.m. 12:45 p. It. which is what anchors the dust ee 1:30 ' mont | BONUS OFFER Gas Genie DOLL . aoe 2:30 3:30 cut off the free circulation of| 5-mi . , -minute cool-down period to keep wrinkles and cabinet, drying time set up to 150 min- Don't bother washing storm, going over in fall before they; get reinstalled. 6:30 7:30 HOUSEHOLD HINT | curtains for windows with heavy} Limited : 8:30 sun exposure, select those with-/ out any up-and-down pattern, Serving Oshewe & He 9:30 and with equal-sized hems at oe 25 ' 4 : ears 'ty. » ' top and bottom. Then, after a iM : e time, turn them upside down so CORNER OF CELINA AND ATHOL STS.,, OSHAWA -- 728-9441 Bok oi PLEASE CLIP AND SAVE THIS SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE dun will not weaken fabric all/ in ence place. © oo 1 OS) G1 oI GI GI GI GI OT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | [ &