icles For Sale *% \32---Articles for Sale TOWERS "$1.00 per ft. No catch- es, All ' installed. Py, WeYEAR GUARANTEE i 728. 3334: > | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE 3 SELL FOR LESS =. Buying and selling used fur- _ niture and appliances. Call oo Valley Creek Furniture ~~ 16% BOND W. 728-4401 SMONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli- _pinces. hare | ome at discounts fig tg ee <a King Street West, 7289191, " "BUYING oF selling furniture or appll- ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or Towers. com-|piec chrome' set WRINGER washer, Viking, goed condi-| tion, "$35. 381 Digny Avenue of telephone 34--Lost _ bene 36--Legal |"Wabbles", in vig oth Athol and st end un: Telephone RCA Victor; also TELEVISION set, or 2 tor $95. set, $50 each ANTIQUE seit Aner s shane electric toaster, _ phone Brooklin 655-3614. Melgar NDAH rugs (| ) and five bam- Sir _Mary. Street or call T25S6M1. DRUMS, four 'piece, Gretch, good condi- tion, $125. Telephone 723-4900. ANTIQUE and Ly Canadian furni- ture. Telephone 723-2990. |LEOYD baby carriages baby recliner: rate ar good condition. SMALL cruiser, 60 hp outboard marine motor and four wheel trailer. $1500. Terms, Telephone 725-6650 anytime. Suitable for to|cottage. T FRIDGE, electric, small. 5 668-2805 and g iD car parts, wheels, spindles, . make trallers. also used tires. 509 Bloor + Street East. After 4 723-2281. McKEEN'S furniture, new and used. 426 * TYPEWRITER, like new, $40. Adding ma- aeune § $35. Two total cash register, also ic typewriter. 723-4434, ¥ 'T. television aerial, aluminum door % 'sitgrity windows, * sizes: " HP electric motor, new; 15 disc ? a seed drill, $75. Good condition. various} Simcoe -- Street Refrigerators, stoves, bedroom suites. Telephone 725- 5181. REFRIGERATOR 7 cubic feet, Norge, good running condition, price $45. Call after 6 p.m., 728-4504. ENGLISH style pram, 285 Wilson Road South. nd new, $50. | | THREE ine oon 'of furniture, only $298:50. "No down payment. Discounts for cash. * Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. BUY and sell, good used furniture and|°' * appliances. One location only. Pretty's * Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | TELEVISION tower special, 40-ff. struc- ture, including all channel antenna, in- . Stalled and guaranteed by experts with . 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television. Telephon 728-5143. * CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies. * Complete service. Free estimates. No) * waiting. Mili Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime, GUNS by hd -- Ola antique. Phone ~ 725-8183, Oshawi * EXTENSION soaker for patio or rec- * groom. Béautifully finished in brown, beige, gold $9.95, Trio Television 728-5143. 5 CHILD'S pedal car, 2 tricycles. Good con-| ------ dition. Phone 728-8731. GOMBINATION storm door, 8214" a 2 storm windows, 34x55"; rugs, ye agi 9x15'; grey wool, xi2, ett ncn table, porcelain top with three chairs, white with yg seats, Well kept. $25. Telephone 723-1946, * REFRIGERATORS, ranges, davenport and chair, trunks, desks, card tables and chairs, beds, springs, mattresses, chairs 'and many other articles. No reasonable offer refused. Call Midtown Furniture, 19 , Prince Street, 728-1131. AIR CONDITIONER, Moffat; Polaroid camere. mode! J66; davenport and chair; refrigerator, 2-door (large); bedroom suite, complete; space saver. After 6, call 728-7629. JUICE extractor famous Swiss workman- ship 125 Durham Street, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Call 725-4258. WE MOVED! Now Bill Hamilton -- .|Equipment, Raglan (just north of awa). Free pick up and delivery. to overhead, low prices. New and used. Large stock. One year guarantee. Terms, 30 WATT PA 1 yg thee mike and yr electro-voice wide angie fraction projectors for indoors i char use. Reasnable. 284 Trent Street after 6 p.m. CHESTERFIELD, red, 2-piece; two Do minion Royal safety 8's, 650-13 whitewalls with wheels, fit Corvair, like new. Model A Roaster, 723-7585. oibbaré wei! gateag tae | com- Hi Fi Stereo radio and record cabinet with bar, two speaker separate cabinets. Phone after 4 p.m. 728-7454. reno PAINTING ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived the undersigned, until 3: 0b p.m. (E.D,T.) on THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1964 for the Exterior Painting of Buildings at the Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, Ontario, Specifications . and. Tender Documents may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Rublie Works, East Block, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. A_ $1,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. }GARDEN tractor disc harrow and smooth. ing harrow. Also quantity of dry pine lumber, dressed. Phone 725-4924. MOTOR, Pontiac '51 flathead, 6 cylinder, -|$45. Phone Whitby 668-3444. Fa ee coro. | POwe mower, escelient condition Briggs "ani Stratton, 19" self wind starter. Telephone 728-0431. MOVIE camera &mm, turret model, used once. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2013. BICYCLE GRADUATION SALMI side- walk bicycles, $27.88 and up. Other sizes, also on sale. Apply Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. BOAT TRAILER in good condition. Jap anese 4' reflector telescope, Affer 6 p.m. telephone Bowmanville, 623-3832. |33--Market Basket CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. Take orders for freezers. Fresh roasting chickens, 3 fo 4 Ibs., $1 and $1.25 each. Deliveries on orders of 10 or more. Call Oshawa 72B- asl SMALL. kifehen range, coal, wood, suit- able for cottage. Medium size space heater. Rangette. Telephone 725-1408. SPORT JACKET, boy's, size eight, $4 baby carriage, $10 lady's organza dress, matching coat, size 10, $15; rraneeceghi chiffonier and chest, $15; boy's coa' hat, 3X, $4; swing set, $7. Call 728- 7059, ES, freshly gory every Pg 1% miles north of King Street East on the Town Line. A. Senyk. 34--Lost And Found |LOST: Siamese kitten, female, 3 months and old. Vicinity Olive Avenue and Holy Cross School. Telephone 728-9877. ee ere 1 ATTENTION! : ! SPORT FANS ! 1N.HLL i Andy Bathgate, Bobby Baun, Tim Horton, Eddie Sheck, Billy Herris, Bob Nevin, Murray Oliver, Horry Howell, Ron Murphy, . Frank Mahovlich and Dave Keon. Versus * OSHAWA BAD BOY (All Onterio Int. FRIDAY, JUNE 26th - 8 P.M. Arena St, © Proceeds to Civic 'Bal Game of the Year! ALL ! @ STARS i IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN FRANKLIN STIRTEVANT, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AUCTIONEER, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having -- claims against the Estate of WIL- LIAM JOHN _ FRANKLIN STIRTEVANT, late of the City of Oshowa in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 26th doy of May, A.D. 1964, ore hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July, A.D. 1964, after which date the Estote will be distributed with re- gerd only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED ot Oshawe this 3rd day of June, A.D. 1964. Martha Elizabeth Isobel STIRTEVANT, Executrix, By her Solicitor JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 14% King Street East, Oshawe, Ontario. Smart Business People : Sing the Praises of Oshowe Times Classified NOTICE 'The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the CITY OF OSHAWA Take notice that the above- mentioned Board on the 4th day of June 1964 passed By- law Number 23 to outhorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of its de- bentures in the principal amount of $160,000. 1, The money is to be bor- rowed for the purpose of building and equipping a new 8-room school to be known os the John F. Kennedy School. 2. The amount to be borrow- ed is $160,000 and the se- curity therefor shall be the said debentures which shall be a charge upon the school house property and premises and any other reo} or per- sonal property vested in the said Board and upon the separate school rates. 3. The debentures are to be dated July 2nd, 1964, are in denominations of $1,000 each and are repayable in varying instalments of principal on July 2nd in each of the years 1965-1984 both inclusive. The debentures maturing in the years 1965-1974 both in- clusive shall bear interest at the rate of five and one half percentum ((54%9%) per an- num and the debentures ma- turing in the yeors 1975-1984 both inclusive shall bear in- terest at the rate of five and three - quarters percentum (534%) per annum with the aggregate amount o: principal and interest payable in each year of the currency of the debentures varying between $14,127.50 and $13,055.00 Frank E. Shine Secretary-Treasurer FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE TENDERS FOR CONVERSION OF HEATING PLANT FROM COAL TO OIL Tenders to convert the heot- ing plant at the Children's Aid Society Building at 300 Centre Street, hawa from coal to oil will be received until Friday, July 3rd, 1964. Tenders must be in detail ond should include: 1. Cost of conversion 2. Cost of supplying oil 3. Removal of coal and stoker Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Address tenders to: Chairman, Property Committee, Children's Aid Society, P.O, Box 321, Oshewa, Ontario. Want-Ads Dont' Ads Cost -They Pay CLEANING TERRAZZO QUESTION: We have just purchased a large old house. Several of the downstairs floors are of terrazzo: (living, dining,ja downstairs hali and foyer). I have néver had any experience with this type of floor. How is it cleaned? ANSWER: If the terrazzo is an unsealed type, I suggest ap- plying a sealer especially made for this purpose by a nationally known wax manufacturer and available at janitor supplies dealers. This keeps the surface clear longer and prevents soil penetration. Follow label. in- structions for application. The following method for cleaning is recommended by the National Terrazzo and Mo- siac Association Inc.: Use one cup of neutral liquid cleaner (or| lab! directions) to each three- gallon pail of water. Wet-mop this solution onto the floor, and allow. several minutes for the grime to dissolve. Then mop or wipe up the dirt-laden solution. Keep the floor surface wet at all times during the cleaning operation to prevent the dis- solved soil from drying back onto the floor. Rinse well. For extremely dirty floors, increase the amount of cleaner in the solution. Use any top quality polishing or self-polishing wax, for regular waxing. PENETRATING WAX STAIN QUESTION: I have a chest of drawers I want to refinish with paint. Several years ago it was finished with a penetrating wax ooo Can the paint be applied) right over the wax stain? ""ANSWER: Any surface wax must first be removed. Use either a good wax remover, ac- cording to label directions, or use fine steel wool and turpen- tine. Be sure the surface is thoroughly clean and dry, and free of any trace of grease or grime, before applying the paint. If the stain is mahogany, appiy an undercoat of alumi- num paint to prevent "'bleed- ing" through the finish coat. DENTED LEATHER QUESTION: My son, in pre- paring some Lege copied) a diagram ou a book, using) table with a leather top to ek on, The diagram outline' dented the leather. Is there any' way to remove these marks without damaging the leather further? ; , eg Pag The eg: tool Oo use for iS purpose is an old-fashioned chamois - colored nail buffer, if you have one. If not, use soft chamois _ skin, wrapped around the flat bowl of a spoon, Use either of these to rub gently, with a circular motion, over the dent marks until the depressions disappear. SOILED BRONZE FIGURES QUESTIONS: I have a pair of, bronze figures which I use as book ends. These are very soiled and need cleaning badly. I usually just dust them. How can the6 be cleaned more y? ANSWER: Wash the bronze surface with mild soapsuds or hot vinegar ot hot buttermilk. Then rinse with clear water and wipe dry with a clean, soft cloth. If the bronze needs bright- ening, rub. with dry whiting] or rottenstone, then rinse off wth clear water and wipe dry with a soft, clean cloth. To pro- hee the bronze surface, apply a very thin coat of paste wax, or spray on clear plastic, avail- able for this purpose at paint, hardware, housewares and vari- ety stores. CURTAINS ON WALLS QUESTION: My . daughter wants to redecorate her bed- room and if possible, use the cotton curtaining material as a wall-covering also. How can this be applied to plaster walls? ASWER: If possible, use a preshrunk or shrink-resistant type; shrinkage of the material must be alloweq for when hanging it. Shellac is usually used as the adhesive. Apply a thin coat of shellac (thinned half-and-half with denatured GANG ROB TRAIN CATANIA (AP) -- Masked men Friday staged a spectacu- lar train holdup at the foot of volcanic Mt. Etna, They made off with 14 mail sacks contain- ing cash and other valuables worth an estimated 70,000,000 lire ($112,000), police said. One of the four bandits was captured by train personnel. MINERS RESCUED LONDON (AP)--Moscow Ra- dio reported that seven miners were saved Friday after a. res- cue operation in which thou- sands of men took part. The broadcast said the men were trapped behind thousands of tons of rock which blocked the entrance of a tunnel they were blasting through a mountain near Bashkitan, Azerbaijan, in/ance the Caucasus. SETS FLIGHTS RECORD NEW YORK/ (AP) -- Mrs alcohol) to the wall surface and place the material on it while the shellac is still wet. With care, this can be "'peeled" off later; or applying denatured alcoho] will soften the shellac. FIREPLACE SMOKE QUESTION: Although the draft of the fireplace is check- ed by holding a lit paper torch upward, a good portion of the smoke from the will come into the living room until the fire has really caught and also when more wood is place on it. What might'cause this and how can this be corrected? the damper completely open when using the fireplace? Is _ another fuel-burning appli- connected to the same flue? Or the smoky condition ANSWER: Are you keeping|should eT ae Sete Sy 1008 19 TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK BEDROOM M1 x 10-11 LOWER FLOOR 677 Sq.Ft. No-8IO HOME DESIGN NO. 810 This design gives the maxi- mum amount of liveable area for the minimum cost, It is most economical shape -- al- most square. It has a simple and inexpensive roof, and the normal basement area can be used for habitable rooms. This is possible because of the split level entrance thus al- lowing the lower level to be less than 3 0" below grade. All rooms have ample natura) light, and are warm and dry. Incidentally, this method of construction complies with the National Building Code of Canada. Even with an attach- ed garage for carport added, the house will still go on a 50 foot lot. Design is also available as a duplex. 677 sq. ft. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 810 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They BEDROGA, 10-11 2 10-9 179 x 1d 677 Sq.Ft. formation on "Cost of Builds ing and Financing in Canada, --. Insulation, Construc- tional Details, etc., plus many are available in Canada by return mail. (Ontario resi- dents must remit 3 per cent sales tax). Now available at this Newspaper Office (or from address below) is our new DESIGN BOOK entitled "Suburban and Country Homes designed for Cana- dians", price $1.00 tax free. This 1964 edition includes in- outstanding new designs -- ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey colonial, and duplex homes. Also in- cuded in this book are ful details on how to order Blue- prints. The Building Editor, Oshewe Times, Oshewa, Onterio. (0 Enclesed please find $1.00 for which send me Book - of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE". Meil requests 10¢ extro. (Please make remittance poyeble to The Oshewa Times). Peer ee reeseoeesesseseeseeee eseereeees ee eesoeseepeeseeneeene may be due to faulty construc- tion. The chimney may not have been built high enough (at) least four feet above a flat roof, two feet above the highest point of a gable roof), Check the chimney flue to be sure it is not clogged with a bird's nest, or building materials. The depth of the fireplace be not, inches and the opening at the front not greater than 10 to 12 times the area of the flue. Or may be too high. High trees or _higher the fireplace opening less than 2 we hie as' oe cael a JA ES ea M i Buying or Selling! 'O'MALLEY! GUIDE REALTY ! Construction Ltd. ' a 723-7122 LLOYD CORSON, President © BICK YOUNG Vice-President {IE @ Homes @ Additions @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. 1 1 @ Offices @ wren sen 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 Anna Hirschberg, 72 - year - old widow, landed at Kennedy Air. port Friday and claimed a rec ord of 57 hours and 52 minutes for a woman fo around the world by regularly minutes. A. A. Champs) STADIUM Oshawa Auditorium Fund @ ADMISSION -- CHILDREN 25¢ Tickets Available at BAD BOY Store FOR USE IN THE Coty The Duo-Heet Lo Boy is the most efficient oil furnace sold in Canada -- with the highest rating recorded, 83.5%. There is no better furnace or fuel for your home! FOR USE IN THE Now in use in many rural homes across Canada -- the Duo- Heet Combination is completely automatic and burns Oil -- or Coal -- or Wood -- even trash. Wonderful for cutting fuel costs in areas where wood is plentiful and low in cost. Come and see then di We'll be glad to give you complete details-- No obligation. You can- not lose! Phone us to- day. DIAL 668-2991 Designed and built in Canada by og Lo duo-Heet Limited, Waterford, Ont. 4 Ear $1 PATIO SLABS Lintdide Dbverg Wise Home Owners insist on "HYDRA-PRESSED" Concrete slabs for Patio and sidewalks. tech slab is precision made under 400 tons of pressure giving tor the first time evet, superd quality et © price you will lhe "Hydre-Pressed" slabs ere frost resistant too, With our complete range of sizes and colors, you new heve the widest ¢heice ef designs for your Patie end Sidewalk, Call us today er visit eur plant for complete information end |; price. PHONE RAY FOR YOUR PREE BROCMURE ON PATIO DESIONE CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. SURGICAL SUPPORTS... & TR USSES and ELASTIC STOCKINGS "Ladies or Gentlemen 'fit- ted fitters" by competent qualified . in our private health support room or in your own home . JURY & LOVELL LTD. 8 KING ST. EAST, PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA scheduled | commercial] flights. The previ-|j ous record was 62 hours and 50 It'll be an excitin Dominion Day! IN THE INTEREST OF CIVIC PRIDE, INTERNATIONAL AND CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING JULY Ist --- DOMINION DAY day for Oshawa and district, July Ist, hawa"s streets will buzz with Oshawans and strangers, witnessing the largest international Fest- ' ivities ever to be held in this city. TORO... TORO... shouts will ring through the air, as a mighty steer will be barbequed in its entirety, TORO... TORO... shouts will ring through the air, as a mighty steer will be' barbequed in its entirety. You'll enjoy "Toro on a Bun" You'll enjoy a lot more foreign and exotic dishes, available in Alexandra park, the hub of the festivities. There'll be Track and Field meets, with International champ- ions taking part, not to forget our own Alex Oakley. There'll be the miles long mammoth parade. And then of course, the hundreds of participants in the Inter- national folk festival with song and dance, with their characteristic and folkloristic costumes It'll be altogether a funfilled, beautiful and interesting day for Oshawo. So make sure, you are not missing out, Plan To Stay In Oshawa This July Ist... You'll Never Regret It!