es Siti Saint a Ps Sars Better Climates Ease, Do Not Cure Arthritis normal babies. His research showed that 22 per cent of them would have had chromosome ab- normality. cy Chromosomes are forms that control the sructural develop- ment of the body. ; Dr. Carr said they are simi- lar to a blue print. Having chro- mosome abnormality was like "building a house in which the blueprint is disordered." 4! With chromosome abnormali- ties a child could be anything 32--Articles For Sale 18' CEDAR STRIP boat, steering wheel and controls; box trailer with licence; washing machine, Westinghouse, In good condition. Whitby 668-3151. FRIDGE, electric, small. Suitable for cottage, Telephone 668-2805 evenings and | weekends. 29--Automobiles For Sale BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607. KING ST..---~ OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENN® CONVERTIBLE V-8 automotic, whitewalls, radio, spinners, best offer 795-4434 or 595 Ritson Rd. S. 1957 METEOR, Rideav 500, 2-door, V-6, automatic, with radio, $395 or best offer. Call 728-2823. 1958 VAUXHALL In good running condi- tion, extra snow tires, radio, $150. Tele Phone Tom Siegrist, 852-3621, Uxbridge. 1959 CADILLAC convertible, fully equip- ped, best offer. Will take older car on trade. 728-9354. 1959 PONTIAC six-cylinder automatic, private $1075. or best offer. 725-8161; evenings, 728-6359. . PRIVATE, 1963 Corvair Monza, two-door, automatic, fully equipped, one owner, ex- cellent. condition. Full price $2,175, Tele- phone 725-7879 or 723-2785, 1961 CHEVROLET deluxe, two-door sedan finished fn Nassau blue, with matching trim, equipped with automatic, custom radio and new tires. Original mileage guaranteed of only 42,000 miles, Private sale, $1,600. Financing available. Tele- phone Brooklin 655-3477, CONVERTIBLE 1955 Chevrolet, V-8. Price $450. Telephone 725-5555. 29----Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale Todays T 1 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press © Toronto Stock Exchange--June 19 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. 2----Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) tock Market 11:00 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Lafarge A ene 1 1 Lafarge Wwe Lakelan 00 $556 5% Laura See $19% 192 19% + Ve Lav Fin 400 $15% 1544 154+ % Levy B pr B 2B Lobco A B+ LobCo B 844 + Ma nu --% ™ 1 Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge as --5 NA-- 13% +1% 970 203 «+3 44 +3 73 2 345350 25V2 25¥a 25%e U3 «13s 3s 4 2 2» A 16% l6a+ 8a 8% 84+ $12 36 SEAWAY MOTORS LID. 668-5893 McKEEN'S furniture, .new and used. 426 Simcoe Street South, _ Refrigerators. sieves, Telephone 725- 5181. SIX good 920 truck tires and tubes. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 725-7471. TWO utility cupboards, 'dressing table, nearly new 24" gas range (no reasonable offer refused), small bed rocker, electric roaster, medicine cabinet. Tele phone Brooklin 655-3614, 35% 35%4-- SINGER Slant-o-matic, model 401, per- 10% 10% fect condition, portable with carrying} Alg Cen $33 3 3B ---% case, $200, Call 726-9394, igoma 2 $68 68 68 IGERATOR 7 cubic feeh Norge, a ee good running condition, price $45. Cal 1 1634 after 6 p.m., 728-4504. 13% ENGLISH style. pram, iike new, $50. 1% 285 Wilson Road South. 65Va WE MOVED! Now Bill Hamilton Office jess Equipment, Raglan (just north of Osh- 58% awa). Free pick up and delivery. Low 565 overhead, low prices. New and used. 1ov2 Large stock. One year guarantee, Terms. 30 WATT PA amplifier, mike and two electro-voice wide angle compound de- fraction projectors for indoors or outdor use. Reasnable. 284 Trent Street after 6 p.m. CHESTERFIELD, red, 2-piece; two Do- minion Royal safety 8's, 650-13 whitewalls with wheels, fit Corvair, like new, Model A Roaster, 723-7585, Hi Fi Stereo radio and record cabinet with bar, two speaker separate cabinets. Phone after 4 p.m. 728-7454, GARDEN tractor disc harrow and smooth- ing harrow. Also quantity of dry pine lumber, dressed. Phone 725-4924. MOTOR, Pontiac '51 flathead, 6 cylinder, $45. Phone Whitby 668-3444, POWER mower, escelient condition. Briggs 'and Stratton, 19 self wind starter. Telephone 728-0431. MOVIE camera 8mm, turret model, used once. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2013. BICYCLE GRADUATION SALE! side walk bicycles, $27.88 and up. Other sizes, also on sale, Apply Drayton's Cycle, Bond Street East. bedroom suites. 11 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge INDUSTRIALS 2195 $154 15Ve 15% 100 400 400 400 9 9 200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY VANCOUVER (CP) -- Vic- tims of rheumatism and arthri- tis can't count on a better cli- mate to make their maladies disappear, says an Edinburgh specialist. It only makes them feel better. Sufferers only suffer more in cold, wet weather, said Dr. D. L. Savill. "They are much happier in a warmer climate but that has nothing to do with the cause--the weather's just an ag- gravating factor." LobG lpr Lob Inc Loeb M MB PR Mass-F Met Stores Mid-West Molson A Montex pr Moor Abitibi Ackind Alta Dis w Alta Gas 11% 29Va 29'a 8% 320 u ( 1958 EDSEL CITATION _ " fordor hardtop. Blue and blue tutone. 11,000 actual miles, Power equipped. 475 V-8 engine. Immaculate throughout. SOU A ORS MES Nat Drug Nia Wir 8 Noranda NO Nas Nor Phone Ogilvie Oshawa' A 30% 21 Peel Diaer pL at Wve ty lei is ie Dr. Savill was to present alfrom sterile to metally re C mS eye +19 pore ig Rad sg ort proce-| tarded, ; we allevia' seases}, i I + "lat the clesing session of a week [TELLS OF PRSSURE pilig long convention of English. and 4 British orthopedic surgeon Heb eects Orr So at "hh Fo Vs sociations. cover. : "Rheumatism is a consider-| Mr R. H. Maudsley of Ascot described the technique in a able problem in Britain," he said in an interview Thursday.|technical paper. ' In an interview the doctor-- "Climate has been blamed but there's no proof." - called mister in England--said The disease is more preavient|the process involves ; the patient in a sealed tank and in temperate climates but "no- body knows the cause." increasing the pressure inside to twice normal. : : COMBINATION NEEDED Dr. Savill said the greatest es Ponce ona eo advance in treatment "is not|¥% ce a iwhole on - 4 technical achievement but the|Where a "whole or pa realization that the suffer re-|"©4" a He ermal fat -- quires the combined services of ee eae net rene Pg a general physician and an. or-|0rma? Pr ey ine 6 ot thopedic surgeon, with no pa- tana wee nas er types eo m Saee In one patient, a man with a A research scientist told of in-|!€8 ane og oa Ni; the knee, vestigation that could lead to|Samgrene set in. Oxygen aa discoveries to help the human ut yee ot cultig '. pnd pote nal mang wound healing and the man be- children. a Dr. David H. Carr of London, gaa to use an artificial limb. Ont., said in an interview he is DEFINITIONS 13% 7% 65% 720 + Va 21% 58M 1963 FORD CUSTOM 300 tudor sedan. Gleaming black with red interior. Economical six cylinder engine. A-1 condition. FALCON FUTURA Tudor sedan. Smart tutone red and white. Equipped with AT, radio, bucket seats, console, whitewall tires. New car condition. VOLKSWAGEN "Deluxe, Oxford blue with matching blue trim. Deluxe radio and new tires. You'll be proud of it. PONTIAC LAURENTIAN tudor sedan. Smart beige finish with matching interior. Six cylinder engine, AT radio and new whitewall tires. A-1 throughout. FORD FAIRLANE Fordor Viking blue with matching interior, V-8. en- gine ond auto trons. FALCON Country Squire. Skylite blue with blue interior, sim- uloted wood paneling, AT, radio, power rear window and white walls, Factory warranty. FALCON FUTURA Convertible Rangoon red,, white vinyl top, AT, radio, whitewalls. 10,000 careful miles. Sold and serviced by us. $10% 305 300 $33 $33% (1962 175 $44% 100 $8¥%2 100 Pow Corp Price Bros 510 +5 272 +3¥a 7 --5 1S¥a + Ms 26% 26% + 26% 26% + Ve 370 370 $14% 14% 14% $23%e 23% 23% + Ve $162 16¥a 16% 1961 SS Bu $10% 10% 10% "0% 40 40 675 670 675 ~5 % 2 % +2 7200 720 +10 WM Nh 11% 45 240 245 Slater Steel Slater A w 280 C Brew Ap 225 CBAimA 250 Ch Can A 225 C Imp Bk C 104 25 196] St Radio Steel Can Ster Tr Texaco Tor-Dom Bk T Fin B Tr Can PL~ Transit 3 Un Gas Un Gas ris U Corp B Vanadium Versafood Versatile Wainwr Walk GW 680 $35 + WCoast Tr 1080 $174 17 We--\% W Supplies A100 $12% 12% 124+ % W Pacific zi0 $18 «618 OB 19% 94-- Ve 10% 1959 CHEVROLET, new paint job, $650 good condition. Telephone 668-5720 Whitby. ps stn esc 8 CARS WANTED Buying-a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" BOAT TRAILER in good condition. Jap anese 4" reflector telescope. After 6 p.m. | telephone Bowmanville, 623-3832. | TED CAMPIN MOTORS. |ieleshone Bowmanviie, e236, --____ ise Tse th |REMINGTON (1100) TB trap gun, 2 : : " 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _|inch, vent rib double site barrel, recoll a an OSHAWA Auto Paris and Auto Wrecks|Pad. Used two months. Best offer. Hamp- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for fon 263-2035. wrecking, Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4225. 33--Market Basket CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. Take orders for freezers. Fresh roasting chickens, 3 to 4 Ibs. $1 and $1.25 each. Deliveries on orders of 10 or more, Call Oshawa 728-5291. |STRAWBERRIES, freshly picked every Int Helium Irish Cop Iso. J Waite Jacobus --S WW +1% 1961 v7 2 32 32 15¥2 15% 15% --""* 760 760 760 +5 6 8 BR 1963 rie 11% -- Ve 2 2 2 +2 970 970 970 +5 17¥2 17% 17% 665 665 Weston A 915 $19% Weston B 575 $20% 2 West A wts 453 $102 10% 10% Woodwd A 100 $254 25% 25% 450 2"%--% eB +% 23% + '2 23 20Ve -- % 244 + Va 262 -- Ve 50a + 55¥%2 + 72 6¥e + Me 450 21% 58 2% 23 20Ve 24Ve 262 50Va $24% 5 $23 10508 $20%4 $244 110 $26v2 200 $50V2 00 $552 55V2 1695 $72 72 2 14 240 240 4% 47 +2 74 14 =? 68 Private phone 725-0687. $ ALL CASH. $ For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid 1963 engaged in basic research into. miscarriage, which he described as "'spontaneous abortion." 8B 68 Pont 47145 East Ch Wn 4 Falcon "45 +4 UA+ Tr 54 54 of King Street CHEVROLET Biscayne tudor sedan. Refinished in Oshawa blue with matching interior. AT ond radio, Immaculate through- out. : 1959 MONARCH Lucerne sedan. Gleaming black finish with blue interior. Drives like a new one. 1959 ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION OF BETTER USED CARS off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. \day, lEast on the Town Line. A. Senyk. 1% miles north Fe Farms $6ve 6 800 For Ca 25 $1997 199% 1997 -- Ve 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 34--Lost And Found LOST: Siamese kitten, female, 3 months old. Vicinity Olive vas and Holy Cross . : School. Telephone 728-9877. 31---Automobile Repair [ans soit shoes. OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex-|Street or Adelaide pert carburetor and auto electric service, | Telephone 723-4177. ae Lots tinh eRe er aC lost July 11, Frederick West vicinity. Reward. ke 160 $23% 23% 23%-- 4 a " 120 $96 9% 9% + 150 105 105 105 100 $164 16% 16%4-- % 540 $24% 24¥2 24¥a-- rg GMS GP Drill A GS Wares Paper sag Power 400 $222 222 22V2-- GW Coal A 1050 440 440 44 GW Coal B 250 210 210 210 Great West 200 25 #25 2 --10 Gr Weg G 107 $16¥e 16¥8 l6¥%e-- Ye 222 King West, 728-0817. TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS -- Trans |36--Legal i ly Sim! OPEN 9 A.M, TO 9 P.M. SEAWAY "MOTORS 200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY Telephone 668-5893 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE. General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 $295 1955 METEOR, 2 door V-8, standard transmission, tom radio. -- Call Whitby 668-2998 1986 BUICK 2-tone, automatic, radio, good |whitewall tires, $250, or best offer. Apply 22 Heber Down Crescent, Brooklin. |1963 PONTIAC Strato Chiet ~ DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1962 DODGE 6 cylinder, 4 door sedan, ONE OWNER CAR 1961 CORVAIR 2 door. 1959 DESOTO 4 door suburbon, automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes. Solex glass, New two tone brown paint. One owner. 1959 PLYMOUTH cus- |\ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal' |424 King Street West. ai 'WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- \ITALIAN Provincial |motor. |12-FT. BOAT with 18 hp Johnson, lights |BUYING or selling furniture or appii-| [eteeg, Fall Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or |e@lectric typewriter. are our on coe North. Phone 728-7339. 32--Articles for Sale | $1.00 per ft. No catch- es, All Towers com- pletely installed. 1 YEAR GUARANTEE CALL 728-3334 | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16Y%2 BOND W. 728-4401 HONEST CAL'S F |. ances, Name Greade fh Liaaer slenents anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- ly mattress furniture lines. Your author- 728-9191. ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 $i South, 723-1671. Mee eens RANGE, heavy duty, 24-inch; also 9 cu. ft. refrigerator. Reasonable for both. Telephone 728-9896. chesterfield Telephone ind Chair, light 725-7146 after 6 p.m. 17" TELEVISION Electrohome, $55; elec- tric range, 24". Moffat heavy duty four- burner, $25. Telephone 728-0285. 15-FT. FIBREGLAS boat; 75 HP Scoft| Excellent condition, $1300, days! Brooklin 655-4942; evenings Whitby 668- 8944. | | color, = controls. Like new. $500. Also 14 ft./ Plywood boat 10 hp Evinrude, $225. HH 728-1203 - | /EXTERI | ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) on THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1964 for the Exterior Painting of Buildings at the Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, Ontario. Specifications and Tender Documents may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Public Works, East Block, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, A. $1,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond ond a 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted J. D. Miltor, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. 29 $60 100 $98 200. $7% 750 $19% 194 19%4-- Vo 260 $19% 1914 19% 150 $15% 15% 15% + Ve 2%6 $17 17 «+17 2150 $9 9 9 597 $50V2 50Y2 50V2 275 $13% 13% 13% ep ---995 $24e 24 2k Int-City Gas 200 $934 9% 9%4-- Ye Int Nickel 157 $85 85 1100 $25 25 25 205 $882 88% 88/4 Home > Home B HBC HB ONG Int Util Inter PL int Sti P Inv Syn A ITL In ITL In p Jfferson Jockey C | Jock wis 45 485 485 --5 275 $212 21%8 21% 725 ($9 9 9 445 150 150 --25 800 790 790 $15%2 152 ia-- Ve 320 320 320 +5 1400 2500 100 200 1000 1552 4550 250 $' 1500 200 600 1000 MINES 1000 42 700 165 160 500 197 195 2000 21% 21 500 8 8 8 4% 4% 4% 67) 6 67--s Ts $23 % Yean Can Accra A Am Moly A rea A Arcadia Attin-Ruf Aumaq Barnat Base Mets 1500 1000 2500 205 440 0 55 55 55 Labatt 129 $19% 1914 19% 15% 16 +1 Belleterre 6 61 6 +2 OTTAWA (CP) -- A formal inquiry is being launched to in- vestigate charges by opposition MPs 'and certain lawyers that the immigration department has kept many immigrants in jail for weeks and months without justification. The surprise announcement was made in the Commons Thursday by Immigration Min- ister Rene Tremblay, who has been under fire for several weeks over his department's handling of immigrants fighting deportation to their native coun- DEEP FREEZER, Chambers deluxe, 15 cubic feet, two years old, white chest model, excellent condition. Whitby 668-5993 USED car parts, wheels, spindles, to make trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor) Street East. After 4 723-2281 TYPEWRITER, like new, $40. Adding ma- chine, $35. Two total cash register, also 723-4434 BELVEDERE |Owner leaving country. $2,200, T: |Alax. 942-3536. |1961 VOLKSWAGEN, new rebuilt. motor, A-1 condition. Apply 141 Nassau Street! jafter 4 p.m. | 1961 ENVOY Special, good condition. Ap-| Mi 103 Wilson Road Norn. Phone 724-2996 4 door sedan, push button, 3 speed automatic, wheel cov- ers ond mirrors. Two tone beige. and copper. 1958 BUICK FT. aerial, door) (slightly damaged) windows, various sizes; Ye HP electric motor, new; 15 disc Cockshutt seed drill, $75. Good condition. 728-2637. |THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $298.50. No down payment. Discounts for cash. Honest Cai's, 424 King West, 728-9191. | 1955 CHEVROLET BBei-Alr four-door Standard shift, $200. Best offer. Call after 5 p.m. 728-4358. 4 door hardtop, automatic, . radio, fully powered, solex BUY and sell, good used furniture and| appliances. One location only. Pretty's| Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | glass. One owner. 1958 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2 door hardtop, automatic, rodio, power steering, power |1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, station- pei pgs standard transmission, oyster white, excellent condition, $1200. |Phone Brooklin 655-3814, wa 1958 FORD" Fairlane, two-door, auto. matic, 6 cylinder, smart Sierra gold and \ivory, matching custom interior, white brakes ond washers. new two ' tone maroon and white. One owner. 1958 METEOR 6 cylinder, stick shift, four door with radio, 2 tone blue and white. One owner GENERAL REPAIRS To all makes ond models. PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE | 623-5487 1962. TR4 10,000 miles, one owner. Over- drive and cover. Make offer. Telephone T2245 tor appointment. 1957 AUSTIN some rust. $150 or best offer. Telephone 728-9977. 196 CHEVROLET Bel air, 2-door, écyl- Inder, stick shift. Good condition, low mileage, original. owner, $1,250. Call 7E3-3046. 1964 CORVAIR Monza coupe, 110 HP, | igg2 speed. Many extri ti under warranty. Agoly 376 Drew 5 as. $! Street ET Biscayne, coach, auto metic, redio, whitewalls. Meny internal extras. Call 725-5685. 1943 MGB, 7,000 miles, bive, original own- or, Used as second car. 723-2958. 1) qonvertibie, black with eylinder, standard. Tele ae jwall tires, chrome dscs, custom radio letc. A-1 condition throughout, $695. Cash jor terms. 728-2741, 1961 CORVAIR 500 four-door, radio, good |conditien, $1100. Telephone 728-2204, TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with all channel antenna, Installed | $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons! Street, 728-8180. TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc- ture, including ali channel antenna, in-| stalled and guaranteed by experts with) 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television. Telephon 728-5143, | CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies, Complete service. Free estimates. No} waiting. Mii Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. 1956 OLDSMOBILE, standard shift, Al, jshape. Phone 725-0281 |1960 CORVAIR Coupe, radio, heater, |new fires, 25,000 miles. Bxeellent cond jtion. Telephone 723-1810. GUNS WANTED -- Ola antique. Phone! 725-8183, Oshawa. | EXTENSION speakers for patio or rec-| room. Beautifully finished In brown, beige, | black, gold $9.95. Trio Television 728-5143. | 1954 FORD, standard transmission. Good |phone 728-6819. y CROSLEY refrigerator. ideal for cottage, |$40. Appiy 227 King West NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSIE LEONA STEELE All persons having claims against the Estate of Josie Leona Steele, late of the Village of Raglon, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of May, 1964, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, on or be- fore the 24th day of July, 1964, full particulars of their claims, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 8th day of June, A.D. 1964, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHUN & HILLMAN 36% King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix, Doris Slute. tries for major and minor of- fences, When Opposition Leader Dief- enbaker repeated his request for an independent inquiry Thursday, Mr. Tremblay said the government has decided to appoint a one-man commission to study all allegations against his department. The minister said the commis- sion--not an official of the im- migration department -- will be named early next week. His terms of reference would be published at the same time. The report of the inquiry would be referred to a Commons com- mittee for detailed study. ACTIONS 'ARBITRARY' Mr, Diefenbaker charged that the immigration department has been acting in an arbitrary way. He said the latest deportation case to come to light, that of a 20-year-old Greek seaman named Josif Vergakis, was '"'an- other very sordid example of administrative lawlessness." Jailed Immigrant Inquiry Launched Vergakis had been held in custody from May 6 to June 14 in Vancouver for refusing to an- swer questions even though he had been prepared to put up bail, Mr. Diefenbaker said. (Mr. Tremblay said this was not correct. Vengakis was de- tained from April 28 to May 6 only and has been free on $1,000 bail awaiting trial on a charge of entering Canada illegally. ASK INVESTIGATION Andrew Brewin (NDP -- Tor- onto Greenwood) and Reid Scott (NDP -- Toronto Danforth) called for a parliamentary in- vestigation of the immigration laws, They have argued that the Immigration Act and its regula- tions deny basic rights to many immigrants. An immigration department official said June 9 that 17 Greeks and one Spaniard were being detained in jail in Tor- onto alone. Most are charged with jumping their ships and entering Canada by stealth. Mr. Tremblay told the Com- mons May 28 that 16 immi- grants were then in custody across Canada awaiting depor- tation for illegal entry or other offences of immigration laws. The deportation issue was sparked this spring by the case of Eric Claude Hooper, a 27- year-old American Negro who was kept in a Toronto jail for 100 days on a_ variety of charges. He finally was de ported to the United States May 6. |1988 CHEVROLET V-8, impala, convert- ible, - power steering, power brakes, motor A-1 shape. Ajax 942-6604 after 6, &@ SIDEWALK or patio siabs, $40. One! garden tractor with plough, cultivator and 196 PONTIAC Laurentian, four-door sedan, radio, washer, automatic, 6-cylin- der. Exterior in excellent condition. Ask- ing price $1,285. After 5 evenings 728-0122. mower, $80. Set of car top carriers $5. child's cor $3, 728-2681 FRIGIDAIRE, 6 cubic ff. refrigerator, $75. Excellent condition. ideal for cottage Telephone after 5 p.m. 728-9968. 1957 OLDSMOBILE 88, two door hardtop, power steering and brakes. A-] mechan- ically. Full price $450 or best cash offer. Alax, 942-5405, CHILD'S pedal car, 2 tricycles. Good con- dition. Phone 728-8731. COMBINATION storm door, 6214'x3312" | uM 1999 CHEVROLET, private, good condi- tion, white wails, 'radio etc, Best offer. Telephone 723-2415. tn cecil abn ORO eS SE |1962 CORVAIR two-door automatic, fully equipped, good condition. $1,550. 725-9549 jafter 5 p.m . 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne, 6-cylinder au- tomatic, two-door hardtop, A-1 condition. New paint. Phone 728-5657. 1957 VELOX deluxe, good running condi- tion A-] mechanically. Used as second car, $100. Apply 118 Barrie Avenue. 1958 PONTIAC Strato-chief, 4-door sedan, jautomatic, 8 cylinder 283 motor, excel- jlent fires, good appearance and condition, |power brakes, private; Best possible value for $750. Telephone 725-3695 evenings. DODGE, V4, auiomatic, radio, land many other articles. No reasonable »| JUICE extractor famous Swiss workman. 2 storm "*55¥2""; rugs, green broadioom, 9x15'; grey wool, 9x12'. Call 725-4504 , KITCHEN table, porcelain top with three chairs, white,with black seats. Well kept $25. Telephone 723-1946. ERATORS, -- ranges, davenport hair, trunks, desks, card tables and chairs, beds, springs, mattresses, chairs otter refused. Call Midtown Furniture, 19 Prince Street, 728-1131. | AIR CONDITIONER, Moffat; Polaroid camera model J66; davenport and chair; refrigerator, 2-door (large): bedroom suite, complete; space saver, After 6, call 728-7629 + ship 125 Durham Street, between 9 a.m. Dominion Royal tires. Very good con- .{dftion. Phone 728-2592 or 728-0763. Hy 1963 PONTIAC Stralo-chiet, 4 door sedan, | automatic, 6 cylinder, radio, whitewalls, | wheel discs. Under warranty. Trade con- sidered. Telephone 723-9245. 1957 FORD two-door hardtop, radio, Va SS transmission, power brakes. seen te be appreciated, $675. Whitby 466-0522, and 3 p.m. Call 725-4258. SMALL kitchen range; coal, wood, sult able for cottage. Medium size space heater, Rangette. Telephone 725-1408 WRINGER washer, Viking, good condi flon, $35. Apply 581 Digby Avenue or telephone 728-3534 EASY washing machine, large skirt, $30 Heavy duty 20" range, $40, 17" TV, $30 Telephone 728-1742. TENDERS FOR CONVERSION OF HEATING PLANT FROM COAL TO OIL Tenders to convert the heot- ing plont at the Children's Aid Society Building ot 300 Centre Street, Oshawa from coal to oil will be received : until Friday, July 3rd, 1964, Tenders must be in detail ond should include: 1. Cost of conversion 2. Cost of supplying oil 3. Removal of coal ond stoker Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Address tenders to: Chairman, Property Committee, Children's Aid Society, P.O, Box 321, Oshawa, Ontario, ' NICOSIA (Reuters) ~ United Nations soldiers braced for re- newed troubie today along the northwest coast of Cyprus after four days of shooting which claimed two lives. A Turkish-Cypriot from the village of Ayios Theodhoros was killed Thursday and three Greek-Cypriots and two Turk- ish-Cypriots in the area were wounded, | First aid was administered to | the wounded by a Swedish med- ical officer as helicopters stood |by to fly out casualties if nec- essary | A Greek - Cypriot was shot |dead in the area Tuesday. Violence erupted on the Med- iterranean island last winter \following recommended changes to the 1960 constitution by the majority Greek-Cypriots. The Greek - Cypriots claimed the constitution hampered the day-to-day running of the gov- ernment. The Turkish-Cypriots, UN Cyprus Troops 'Brace For Trouble {outnumbered four to one, inter- preted the proposed amend- ments as a threat to their civil rights. Turkish Premier Ismet Inonu Thursday said in Ankara, cap- ital of Turkey, that UN inter- vention in Cyprus had achieved "no active result." ; Inonu, speaking before. the Senate, said Turkey was ready to move into Cyprus since the middle of May after the Greek government declared support for Cyprus President Makarios. He disclosed that the United States asked on June 3 and 4 if Turkey was considering in- tervening and, if so, not to carry out its intentions. (In Moscow, the Soviet gov- lernment newspaper Izves- \tia said that Turkish naval forces were massing off the mainland "ready to interfere in 54 $14% 14% 14% + Ve oe a1) i 9 1 18¥2 18a a+ 2 "Www 4 = 3 23 --! WM" 1""%--lla 66 Rowan Salem Sand Riv Satellite Si Cr jeep Sherritt Sil Stand Siscoe Stanrck € 190275 2000 9000 5% 5% Si 1000 11% 11% l"z-- 500 118 118 118 350 345 350 +5 799 =I 75 WS WS +5 105 105 105 1% 11% 11% 480 480 480 13% 210 2 18 53 120 6 2 134 8 4% 123 70 22 310 --10 470 +5 140 13 1000 22 22 500 310 310 225 470 465 2100 140 140 500 13 13 1000 58 58 SB 3000 116 116 116 =? 4000 15 «14h Uh a 1000 29% 22 292-- Ve Zulapa 3000 2% 23 Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,575,000. FOREIGN TRADING 1 61 6) 61 HT 100 510 510 S10 +5 60 690 Dickinson 100 690 High Bell Lawyer Predicts Drivers Will Soon Sue Pedestrians He stressed that the applica- tion of any discoveries result- ing from his findings would be up to others. But the body aborted some abnormalities in a "very effi- cient way." Perhaps his re- search could lead to helping the process. TOTAL 15 PER CENT He said about 15 per cent of all pregnancies end in miscar- riages. Research had shown that about 60 per cent of these preg- TRIP STUDENTS LONDON (AP)--A school examiner said today that he asked some children in @ suburban London district to define the difference be- tween the words mishap and boy of il catastrophe is when you are hit by a Russian one. ancies would have produced PLAN A WITH A AS (Certified Gene UNIVERSITY EVENI CORRESPONDENCE General of business ond C.G.A. For all seeking @ professional Accounting career in Admini- stration, Commerce, Industry and Civil Service, the Certified Accountants (C.G.A.) Association of Ontario offers a 5-year University course specially designed to meet the needs government-service leading to the highly re- cognized degree of C.G.A, Information and applications may ia chicined '? The Certified General Accountants (C.G.A.) Assoc. of Ontario EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 67 Yonge Street, Toronto 1, Ontario CAREER FUTURE A ral Accountant) NG LECTURE OR COURSE TORONTO (CP) -- Motorists will soon be able to sue pedes-| trians for negligence, Rowell K. | Laishley, an Ottawa lawyer, said Thursday. Mr: Laishley told about 300 Canadian insurance claims ad- justers at their annual conven- tion that the modern definition of negligence--the assumption of an unreasonable risk in a given set of circumstances -- would come to the motorist's aid where the pedestrian could be expected to get out of the way. "I look forward to the day when a motorist who has been forced to swerve off the road to avoid a pedestrian can sue that pedestrian for negligence," he said. Mr. Laishley also said he can see "more realistic" shifts in the law in cases involving small children and automobile passen- gers. For several years children un- der seven were not subject to negligence laws, he said, but now they can be held respon- sible where it is reasonable to expect them to act otherwise. He cited a recent case in Nova Scotia in which a five- year-old was held 65-per-cent re- sponsible for damages and an- other where a four-year-old was considered for negligence charges. The Ottawa lawyer said pas- sengers who are not paying the driver of a car, but are riding in the vehicle for commercial reasons, will soon be able to sue the driver if hurt in an accident caused by negligence. Those passengers who ride pur- ely for pleasure are the only ones unable to take such a case to court, he added, CONTRACT AWARDED REDLANDS, Calif. (AP)--The navy has awarded a $4,200,000 contract for development of a system engineers say might have saved the ill-fated subma- rine Thresher. The plan Calls for installing solid - propellant rocket engines in submarine ballast tanks to quickly expel water during a deep-sea emer- gency. The Thresher went down off New Englad April 10, 1963, with all 129 aboard, after an emergency developed during a finance your dream cottage with a mortgage Getting a mortgage on your summer cottage is easy at Coronation. Also, Coronation usually allows a higher per- centage of the property value, so you get more mortgage money. Coronation will com- bine your house and cottage mortgages into one, if you wish, for single monthly pay- ment convenience. call CORONATION | 4 ~ SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 KING ST. T Cyprus at any moment.") deep test dive, PHONE 723-2265