Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1964, p. 26

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SE NY We Hy cota ty ore ae ge hig a ~ SS sit wlth ice mittee" 26 THELOSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 17, 1964 > members will speak for himself.would mean abdication of -re- ~ _ But any design chosen now sponsibility by members of Par- ; could be changed by the next] Mr. Coates said the Liberals OTHER BUSINESS FIRST prime minister, jare leading Canada down the Mr. Caouette said Mr. Diefen-jroad to republicanism by throw- % baker had had the opportunity|ing the Red Ensign overboard. "~ while in power--by record mar-|He maintained that the maple gin--to introduce a flag plebis-!leaf flag of whatever version '"'is jf , cite. He had not done so and/representative of nothing in our now he was.:playing petty poli-|past--of our past tradition, our ties and attempting to create|past history, or our association bi bs ' distrust between French and/with either Britain or France." OSsl 10 I ] S T e English. But there was a distinctive Ca- The Creditiste leader said the|nadian flag in the Red Ensign three-leaf design is neither dis-\--"distinctive because it repre- OTTAWA (CP) -- Why do it split into red and white sectors. flag choice that cautious prede-|tinctive nor Canadian but a sents our past, our history and now? Wait until winter! That was the one he sought to|cessors had avoided. relic of Britain's Royal procla-jtraditions, the sacrifices our Spokesmen for three parlia-|display in the House. Mr. Diefenbaker, forme rjmation and of Royal origin. The|Ppeople have made in war and mentary parties Tuesday ech-| But Mr. Douglas said his 17-|prime minister, was absent all|proposal to adopt the Union|peace, the founding cultures of ed that slogan parody of the|man group will move later injday on a western speaking en-\Jack as a symbol of Canadian|our nation, a flag that 7 rep- federal winter-works program in/the debate for a single-leaf ycr-|gagement, Mr. Pearson was ab-|membership in the Common-|resentative of everything that is urging the government to pluck|sion of the existing design. sent from the night sitting, wealth was unacceptable to his|great in this country. the great flag debate from the} The debate -- launched Mon-| Mr, Douglas said the failure|13-man group. Mr. Coates said the Liberals House of Commons hopper and|day by Prime Minister Pearson|of Canadians to agree--and no} John Addison, York North,/are on the road to "not only) proceed with other business. {and followed up by Opposition|fault of Britain--is responsible|the only Liberal speaker, said/destroying our flag but to re-| "This is a momentous and|Leader Diefenbaker with an|for the country's lack of a dis-\his constituency emerged from!moving this country from the) historic debate," said New Dem-|amendment that a plebiscita be|tinctive Canadian flag, an an-|/Empire- Loyalist stock and/British Commonwealth of Ne ocratic Leader Douglas, butjheld ona national choice--con-|them or a_constitution that canimany were proud of the Union|tions. . . . These are the men "there would have been plenty|tinues today. be overhauled in this country.|Jack. |who now are marching us down| of time to have dealt with the] But the Commons turns], But it was strange to face the} But calling a flag plebiscite the road to republicism. flag resolution next fall or next/Thursday to an urgent item--ap-|flag resolution at a time when winter," proval of a constitutional change|the Liberal government had not Bert Leboe, Social Credit MP|to permit survivors to collect|met many other election com- | June is Dairy month across Canada. This is the month when. when we pay special tribute to this truly Canadian Industry which serves the public day in and day out all year long. At IGA we have selected 3 of your favorite dairy foods econ- omically priced for this special occasion. Remember, in our Dairy Department, in fact every department, of your IGA Store YOU ALWAYS GET A LITTLE MORE THAN 'YOU. EXPECT. . from the British Columbia Car-jbenefits under the proposed mitments geared to welfare, iboo, agreed with Mr. Douglas|Canada Pension Plan. This ac-|jobs, student loans, medical bate before us when many if|British Parliament before .the|ment is obstructing the action | DONUTS 29° not most of the government's|dissolution for the anticipated/of Parliament in dealing with For Personalized =A f OF 12 : Service x aa. " HOSPITALITY STRUESSEL ROYAL GOL filled?" asked Robert Coates,| Public and Commons interest That is a question that needs \ D FIRST GRADE Conservative MP from Cumber-|waned on the second day of alanswering." RY PIE EACH 59 1-lb. C land, N.S., who has spear-|debate that may be long and) N' | | headed a campaign for parlia-jheated. Public galleries witel"a = HAVE MEANING ® FREEZER SPECIALS hd DEMPSTER'S ul er eer KRAFT CRACKER BARREL in claiming Canadians want/tion follows the necessary Que-|care insurance, threats of auto- BAKERY FEATURES € 12-0. priority attached to legislation|bec legislature action demanded/mation or increasing American | INTRODUCING Cut C other than the flag. constitutionally and is being!ownership in the economy. Meat Market 2) DEMPSTERSHOSPITALITY PLAIN OR SUGAR e Why is this "emotional de-|hastened to get it before the} "I wonder why the govern- . PKG. election promises are not ful-jelection there. the government's own program? He added later? "A symbol of! mentary endorsation of the Redjwell-filled but not packed. At ' ; ; ICED TWIRLS 3 ; Ensign as Canada's continuingjone stage during the Minds Geatie ie ee BLUE BRAND BEEF | PKG. bd national symbol. sitting, only 94 MPs--60 Liber a ; Real Caouette, Creditiste|als and 34 opposition Sa pendant ry bag rvg HIND QUARTERS rT 59 IGA ROYAL GOLD leader who complied with|tatives--were in the 265-seat| ry that cate 'for « flag "i shall . Speaker Alan Macnaughton's|chamber. Cross-fire, points of z z! | order to remove a flag from his|order and questions of privilege ves pepe 3 ig aes nay cited FRONT QUARTERS ae 39° PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 17, 18, Ya Gal. Cc ' desk, urged MPs to handle the;consumed more than half an|°2® silcasieal ia ac ay : if iayplincscgh | 19& 2 : matter quickly and adopt a dis-/hour of the two-hour night sit- oy , 'aes NO CHARGE FOR CUTTING, WRAPPING OR FREEZING & 20. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT tinctive Canadian flag. iting. | ath 'i boa. ry eee | ee eee oe ee ee ee oe PO LIMIT QUANTITIES. He said his group would) Mr. Douglas led off with a|2'Ve Proposal of a plebiscite is | plump with misgivings for thejcall for open-mindedness and)' '00 late. That would just in-| @ BARBECUE SPECIAL & BONELESS ROUND = PORTERHOUSE tri-maple-leaf design to savelresponsibility in the debat> and|{!@™e passions, Parliament any- SIRLOIN OR WING TABLERITE STEAKS: STEAKS: Canada's Finest : | still would have the respon-| time, and abandon plans to push/a tribute to Mr, Pearson for|@Y.§ Ff : a single-leaf version--green leaf| undoubted sincerity and convic- Pera of dealing with the flag ECONOMY STEAKS 2 LBs. $1 Quality Red or centred on a field diagonally|tion in grasping a nettle on the Personally. he had sympathy, ROASTS Al ASTS Blue Brand Beef |Union Jack and fleur-de-lis, But] 8 PATTEES TO THE LB. we are trying to select a flag 5 LB BOX Z, NEOPLASTIC REACTION? "nndited ned Ensign srowse| LEAN HAMBURG PATTIES for the people of Canada as a) ancer ame whole. . . . I think we have to recognize that the maple leaf SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LBS. 69° design is the flag best calcu-| SWIFT PREMIUM e lated to speak to future gener-/| BONELESS Said Outdated re Same time, the wi ROUND STEAK ROAST LB. 79° SIDE BACON Pie 69: | y | HONEY HARBOUR, Ont.jhe would advise anyone to stop| "elt the single-leaf flag would be| : ' SWIFT PREMIUM researcher said Tuesday the} Research men dt jof Canadian unity and as a| N Fi h M M k term cancer is meaningless and| stand more phat the fundander-| identifiable flag. orm 1S er AY eal ar. el ie VACUOA PAdweD an 45. (CP) -- A United States cancer| smoking vastly superior as an emblem| should be replaced by the term|tai mechanisms of cancer, he side eee ae cl 22 SIMCOE ST.N. PHONE 723-3732 WIENERS ig agente r ,_ [tata 'each of the nine Social Credit! Dr. Philippe Shubik of the Chi-) ene meee cago Medical School told the Canadian Cancer Research Con- ference that the word cancer was defined before much of the present knowledge of the dis- ease was obtained. He would redefine cancer as a pathological reaction to many forms of injury to the inside of the cell. The characteristic of malig- smn et, "IGA -- Swift Sale!" , is their ability t i Sands eoronal over and sorter »-OUR BIGGEST SALE LUNCHEON MEAT : : ec emt (08 = EVENT OF THE YEAR SWIFT'S PREM 2'7,: 75° "BUY 2 GET ONE FREE!" INSTANT SANDWICH CORNED BEEF 2 2-02. 5 5 TROPICAL Q.T.F, Fruit Salad 2° 45° TID BITS i im- i 15-02. stances cause cancer it was im a T F P ] ; 43° mote SWIFT'S STEW 2°78 sure to them. : TINS © KELLOGG'S ; FOUND IN FOOD 8 11.02 Cancer-causing substances are SWIFT'S FROOT L00 . 89° i found not only in cigarettes but e : PKGS. : also in the atmosphere, in var- | BABY MEATS 2 | : fous cooked foods, such as | TINS _ DAVID'S BiscuITs hein: J syres WEEK-END MIX --*:* 9ge foods. PKG. EA 4-02. 4 scier mtterieoding FAMOUS | SPAGHETTI" 39" was a Clear understanding of the l | BALLS TIN | RAYMOND "asc Pica' j mechanism of how a a i] JEWEL CHEESE 9 Bets a particular cancer na : SILVERTOWN ; ' j particular place. = = SHORTENING 2 0 53° sa = WHITE SMALL SIZE BEF OR BEEF GRAVY "There is no doubt at all hon = TOPLINE TIRES AT PKGS. cigarette smoking is one of th IT SHOE POLISH 2 29° PARD DOG FOOD 3 'x; 35° = factors in the causation of can- LOWEST PRICES EVER norm east cer," he said. "But I person- ally cannot say what its import- ae hid ance is in numbers," It would be dangerous to con- clude that there would be a vast drop in the incidence of lung ] cancer if everyone stopped \ smoking cigarettes. Yet, he sfid, BLO Convicts © ,... [Quit Fasting | ween "PRODUCE OF MEXICO" . ""\ DELICIOUS DESSERT" ""*xo.'s'cxsot | : JUMBO t ; CANTAL SIZE 45's T. Z | PRODUCE OF U.S.A. be " 39° | MONTREAL (CR) -- Albert eno £ Tanguay, governor of "yi LIFOR 'real's Bordeau Jail, said today) a | . on ace nee Ls er ae som | 4 Y TO PEEL LARGE SIZE 59° tArmee de Liberation du Que- ; nts -bec, awaiting sentence June 26, Save 7 37 to $14 28 ORANG st 0 thave been on a hunger strike) ; ' N | Isince Monday. | 4 ; , - ¥ Satie cr some te cares | : : Depending on type and size DIRECT FROM THE BAHAMAS EACH t some 50 charges, pS MANY WAYS Be a 3 : 5 FREE MOUNTING PINEAPPLES or a mories. | | Fhe ote are Robert Hudon, 20,| ' But Hurry! ea -- inate 7 ndre Wattier, oh td go : OFFER shine 00 bana ees | Bg | | Bisaon, 19, and 'Cloude -- "n || GOODNESS ME FROZEN T S ) 'Nadon, 19, and Claude Perron, fs a . oe eer! Ee GUARANTEED FOR THE LIFE OF THE TREAD @ : 9.0%, e EXTRA THIS WEEK ( i He said they had taken noth-| y hasmnaauncms so ESO ee : as FRENCH FRIES Pkgs. € : fing but milk and coffee. | wa (STC RR erm * Mr. Tanguay said the ALQ| TERRIFIC SAVINGS ON SILVERTOWN RETREADS TOO! 526 00 sons : ; i = TOTAL BONUS bers ht their} | Bue r Sieger sicies when iby lonrud| WHITEWALLS © Famous "Silvertown" First-Line FE Sane ' | : OF TAPES i} hat the four members of the| Design " i $ f | ay? MOTOR CITY IGA BECKSTEAD IGA ' r ' trrorist Front de Liberal Que-| Full-wi Pon ; : é be : becois, who also stopped eating| ©. PERVIGh trond of new quiet 4 | RITSON RD. $. OSHAWA COURTICE, ONTARIO * | RECEIVE AN EXTRA 10.00 BONUS TAPE vee Monday, were a ie supper q ee 2 24-02. table at nearby St. Vincent-de- C 8 © Brand new SLIMLINE : ' -- MIR LIQUID DETERGENT size Since am arte, % 750 x14 whitewells SAS ; | BRAEMORE IGA LANSDOWNE IGA =----_--sRECEIVE AN EXTRA 6.00 BONUS TAPE with Eleven members of Le Front #: 2s t | F ite STEVENSON RD. & LANSDOW oe . de Luberatin caer had| ~~ ectory built-Fectory gueranteed ee 1. AMMAPOLIS AVA. Gonawa Bat ibaa ~~ Chase & Sanborn INSTANT oe Originally threatene ere tire = misdinighddseceiahin : : "ould be a hunger strike unless ro RECEIVE AN EXTRA 2.00 BONUS TAPE with they were given special recog- COLLEGE HILL IGA SOUTH END IGA ST. LAWRENCE CORN OIL __. '$07 eae aa SUMIT ETRSETOMAWA' [AROGK ST. SOUTH witty" TE CATELL Macaront & Spaghetti: '£# The FLQ members are serv-| | 2 Farmhouse Froz Pl ASSORTED EACH ing varying terms at nearby St.4 88 KING WEST | DYL'S IGA } BILSKY IGA on ES VARIETIES . Vincent de Paul Penit | i SLICED CCOKED HAM _ SABLE RITE vac. a rents of terrorist "aotivities| 166 ADELAIDE ST. E,, 120 WILSON RD. S. : SEALED 6-02. PKG, more than @ year ago. OSHAWA OSHAWA kad CELLO CARROTS PRopuct oF usa. © 3.18, CAN. No. 1 GRADE BAG

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