13-----Business Opportunities 17--Male Help Wented 17----Male Help Wanted |22---Offices, Stores, Storage 27--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 12, 1964 wy 9e--Marine Equipment Se eat eae belt Aunty Ealise Reed at Ne. 2 high- way, east of Oshaw FOOT FIBERGLASS car top, boat For Sale or "COTTAGE LOTS Our new development is now ready for sale. ONLY $20 PER FT. tN THE PEFFERLAW RIVER Whitby, 668-4918. 17 FOOT 6 INH Beachcomber vertible boat, loaded with extras, steaper seats, radio, etc. 65 WP Mercury motor. Full, electric with alternator generstor, 1300' pound eran railer, 1. year ois: Can be seen 77 Queen Street, Call 720- 1090. also trailer, |. W% rated for 18 HP motor, $150. Telephone FOR SALE Hardware Business Good location. For infor- mation write P.O. Box 524 Oshawa. 14--Employment Wanted Are you between. 17 and 23, Looking for a steady job, and a career with a future ? Then bnahies joining the Canadian Guards in Canada's Regulas Army. This proud, colorful regiment offers you hs sn man requires work immediate- . Experience in labor leted hi We will build the cottage of your or you may con- 11--Articles For Rent struct your own, Our onl poolnead Has comp! school, Please Bob Beaton at 725-0028 or call at 177 Bloor Street East. Dishes - Cutlery - Gl Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns . Tables - Chairs - Linens Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets also Mink Stoles Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 |CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 rig Street North. Call 723-2414. porperty is located 11 idles 'tort et . Uxbridge ond one mile west of Udora, Only 40 miles from Oshowa. Free Picnic Facilities and 'Sales Stoff Available. BLACK RIVER SECURITIES LTD. MEN with truck, Cellars, garages, attics cleaned out, rubbish -- away; general house repairs. 723-299) MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN seeks ployment, og Ha ied with CVTC diploma. WANTED: Painting, paper hanging, ceil- ings to do. No job too small. Reasonable rates. Telephone 668-5317. 16--Female Help Wanted -- Uxbridge, Ont. 852-6831 * or evenings 852-6836 . LAKE DALRYMPLE, modern cottage, Yhree bedrooms, ali conveniences and Good bathing area, excellent fish- ' |, 75 miles from Oshawa. $55 per week. for two weeks, $150 per month. Tele- pats 725-9541 Mondays through Fridays, FOR RENT OR SALE -- cottage at Pres- quile Point on waterfront jot. Four bed- rooms and modern conveniences. Tele- 725-6277, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds! walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, MONEY MADE Selling Things through Oshawa fat ech na Highiands, lakeside house- ing cottages for rent, weekly, month- all conveniences, safe beaches, good oe Near golf course. Telephone ROR SALE -- Snack Foods distributor- ship, established route with late model truck. Capital required, $3,000. Reason for ijing -- other interests, Write Box 146 Sauwe Times, Times Classified Ads | Call 723-3492 Place your order TODAY \cclaaacion Equipment 9b--Summer Properties Wanted i. cAdETEnE nina. ne ee ne EERE RESPONSIBLE clean family wants "te rent lakefront cottage July 4th to 11th. Safe beach, area essential. Telephone! 793-9995. 9c--Marine Equipment New & Used BOATS & MOTORS GORD's MARINE -- Claremont Mereury Outboard Motors, Sales & Service LAKEFIELD, LAPESTRAKES, FIBREGLASS AND ALUMINUM BOATS New Motors with Horsepower Ranging from 3.9 to 100 HP. USED MOTORS, ETC. "1960 JOHNSON 18 H.P. with controls 1961 MERCURY 500 electric with gen with controls .. + 1958 MERCURY 45 H,P. All Electric with controls .. 1958 MERCURY 30 H.P. Monuol with controls . 1954 MERCURY 16 H.P,. Manuel with controls .. 140.00 1958 JOHNSON 35 HP. electric with controls .... 350.00 A number of small motors from 3 h.p, to 15 hip. 2 complete Used Boct Outfits 14' Poceship Boat. 1 Used Getor Boot. Trailer 800 Ib cop. 1 Used TeeNee Trailer 1000 cop. ITent Trailer. Sleeps 4 new .....--eeeees $325.00 595.00 450.00 275.00 Gord's Marine CLAREMONT -- PHONE 649-2007 CRUISER FOR SALE 18% ft. flying bridge 1960 Outboard motor 60 h.p. New starter, new battery and automatic boiler included, cabin sleeps 2, complete with screens and curtains. Single lever controls, captain's wheel ond instrument panel. $1,695 No Down Payment Will take Car or Truck on Trade | Call 728-7375 or 725-1801 Brooklin. 655-3856 BOX TRAILER 7 f1. x 4 ff. $100, 8 f1.| fibreglass dinghy with oars, $60. Phone Alax 942-5807. BOAT -- 1s th fibregiass 75 hp | Scott | motor, excellent condition. $1,300. Phone! on, Brooklin. 655-4942 or nights, Whitby | 11--Articles For Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bike exercisers -- all $6 per month. PLUMBER'S' TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading -- dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors, sproy guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, . blow torches, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electrie vibrator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, building jocks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plone, tarpaulins, 14' bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tomper, power post hole auger, oscillating sanders, disc sanders, belt sonders, floor sanders, acety- lene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. STAN'S Sharpening & ape Ltd. plywood runabout, uphoistered| seats, new convertible top, 40 HP electric start Evinrude motor, heavy duty Tee- Nee trailer. New condition. Telephone 728-4250. 16 FT. Fibergiass runabout, fully equip- ped including convertible top and trailer Never been used. Must be sold \immed- 6 FT. lately, for best cash offer, Private. Phone Claremont 649-5910. WHITBY CLASSIFIED Patio St Stones, § Screen [ Blocks, Sand, gravel, top soil, stone, Plastering materials wall- boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- ing, Tile. 668- 3524, | SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED' | Fuel and Builders Supplies 244 Brock St, S. _ WHITBY, Ont. 223 King St. W wa SEPTIC TANKS < Sonne , prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street PHONE 723- 3234 West, West, Whitby. 668-2563. DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, drestes,|12--Articles Wanted alterations, siip covers, drapes. Fitting -- 40-2571. SHAW specialty. Mrs. Thoms SAND, gravel, loam and fill deli Alax, Oshawa and area. geek Bi AUTO WRECKING co. 668-2660. Wonts Cars for Wrecking. Biterations, +r mending. Parts for sale, also scrap iron 302 Dundas Street East, | and metals, etc. bought, | Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. WILL PAY best cash | prices for good, used TV's, washers, stoves and furnl- ture. Telephone R Whitaker, 728. 6341, WILL PAY good price for strong, wi built, 2 wheel, box trailer Hampton, 263-2241 DRESSMAKING, ai Mrs. F. Gostl Whitby. 668-5085. COMFORTABLE bachelor a 'apartment, | living room, kitchen, bahtroom, stove, re- frigerator, washer, dryer, ing facill- fies, Available July 1, 668-472 FOR SALE: 1953 Ford | pickup. We buy, Sell, trade used furniture and appliances. Goold's Used Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whitby. 668-5481. SALVATION ARMY Thrift store, el! Telephone! "Dun-| -Speciol $595.00 THINKING OF A NEW BOAT OR USED BOAT | OUTFIT. PRICE OUR SPECIAL PACKAGE DEAL} IMMEDIATE OPENINGS e TYPISTS ® STENOS e SECRETARIES e BUSINESS MACHINE OPERATORS e No Fee to Employees e STANDARD PERSONNEL COANSULTANTS 52% SIMCOE NORTH DIAL Ten KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Must be experienced. Good working conditions. Generous company benefits, APPLY CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE TRIM 274 Mackenzie Ave., AJAX, ONT. PHONE 942-4160 WAITRESSES WANTED full or part-time 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. and 11 pm. to 7 a.m. 7 a.m, to 4 p.m, Short Order Cook 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Part Time Cashier 11 p.m. to 7 a.m: APPLY MR. CAMPBELL EXPERIENCED SECRETARY-- RECEPTIONIST-- TYPIST for Oshowo Law Office, Please apply in writing. Stat- ing education and experience to BOX 815 OSHAWA TIMES ~~ STENOGRAPHER | REQUIRED Steady employment. 5 day week hrs, 8:30 -.5:00 Experience in transportation preferred Apply to Post Office Box 160, Oshawa, Ontario LAW OFFICE | STENOGRAPHER | RECEPTIONIST Current graduate in short- hand and typing may be suitable, Please send details BOX 207 OSHAWA TIM$S EXPERIENCED CASHIER FOR EVENINGS 4 nights 6 p.m. Bad Mg p.m. OUSE ' ee WEST 1ENCED office clerk with know!:| edge of bookkeeping, preferred. Must be fast, accurate typist. phone 723-2297. 'soni Reon Ge eee ONE? 25 oP BABYSITTER to come in daily. Light housework. Telephone 728-2355 $5_ anytime. SEAMSTRESS required for dry clean- ing plant. Must be willing to learn press-| Ha -- Cleaners Ltd., Telephone: 1 |some plain cooking. June 27 to Aug. 25.! Two friends or mother and daughter.| |Write Box 245 Oshawa Times. das Street West, Whitby will be having an old time 10 cents sale. Everything must 90, day Thursday, Friday and. Sstur- 13--Business Opportunities Available BABYSITTER required While mothe r| . works evenings, five days per week. 4.30/ Unique Franchise p.m to 2 a.m. Live in optional, Tele-| « Phone 668-5123. | FOR RENT -- Huge two bedroom apari-| mént, very modern, in new triplex, Cen-| tal location. Adults only. Telephone 668-/ In your district to meet de- mand for widely accepted hand-painted oi! portraits by International artists at amaz- ingly low. prices. Earnings up to $600 weekly or more on initial low investment of 4,800; on part or full time basis. Full guidance and as- sistance to .ensure success in exclusive oreo Write Box 109, OSHAWA TIMES FOR RENT: Room and board. Home cooked meals. Lunches packed if desired Gentieman preferred. Apply 227 Dovedéie Drive. VILLA MARIA, $12 -- Brock Street South, Whitby. New modern deluxe two-bed room apariment,.July 1. Adults only. Apply Apartment 1 APARTMENT FREE to retired couple or Herman in return for janitorial duties Box 7001, Oshawa Times, Whitby. |WOUSEKREPER for sideriy) indy. 2200, | phon COOKS, for small resort, serving good plain food. One hour -- Oshawa. bord F-14123 between 5 - |WOMAN tc fo come in to care ® for one} | child Lansdowne - Wilson Road area. |Phone between 8 - 9 a.m. 728-7929. o chance to develop a satis- fying career and at the some time serve Canada in the Army's vital task of helping to preserve 'world peace, One Guards bottalion is now on standby for United Nations duty anywhere in the world. The Canadian Guards offer training thet develops abili- ties to the full, a healthy outdoor life, unequalled op- portunities for travel and ad- venture and poy that was never better. If you are between 17 and 23, single, with ot least grade 8, contoct your Army Recruiter at the address be- low. He'll give you the full information at no obligation -- OR mail in the coupon. Don't miss this op- portunity for a steady job ond a coreer with o future, serving Canada in the Con- odian Guards. Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 10th Floor, GENOSHA HOTEL | Toronto 7, Ontario Phone: 924-7344, 924-7345 COUPON Please provide me with de- tails of Coreear openings in the Canadian Guords. Nome Address ten Grode Completed 3 MECHANICAL DESIGN DRAFTSMAN To work under the guidance of mechanical and electrical engineers in the design of commercial antennae -- struc- tures ond associated equip- ment. The successful applicant will have c- minimum of 5 years voried drafting experience in light general mechanical or work aircraft design ond be capable of self-supervision and work scheduling. Some structural steel detailing ex- perience will be an advan- tage. Benefits include profit shar- ing. Office is modern and airconditioned. Engineering Department is relatively new ond growing rapidly. Apply in writing giving full details and salary expected. BOX 112 OSHAWA TIMES A GOOD OPPORTUNITY For a soles career with @ large international company, leading to an assured future with the fullest opportunity of qualifying for a future management position. We. are interested. in men presently employed, age 25- 35, with High School edu- cotion or better, who are fa- miliar with the Oshawa area, FEMALE APPLICANTS | WILL BE CONSIDERED OSHAWA BISCOUNT | _ |TWO Kitchen assistants" for girl's camp. | |GENERAL | housekeeper, age 40 to 50, 7 t0| |tfake charge of motheriess home, two! |School-age children. Fully modern home "Tires time off. Write. Box 409 Oshawa mes. | TELEPHONE" ANVASSER 4.30 + }$1. per hour pis Gonys. lum Products, 498-1651 ates ---- EXPERIENCEI Salesiady « for drug" 'store 40 hour week, fringe benefits. |104 Oshawa Times. |HOUSEKEEPER, jive in or ou home with three children, w Phone 123-1677 after 6. - 8 p.m Dupont Alumin , doctor's ends off @ 725- Write Box) | Tele ahessc ALSO Full training program. Start- ing income $350. $500. plus incentive compensation. Field assistance given ----- no travelling complete se- curity benefits and nationally advertised product. Enquiries treated confiden- tially, For a personal inter- view, send employment his- tory with your telephone num- ber by letter to: P.O. BOX 254 OSHAWA TWO LETTER PRESSMEN REQUIRED EXPERIENCE WITH CYLINDERS Permanent Employment Day rate $2.68 per hr. Night rate $3.03 per hr. Ful fringe benefits, pension. APPLY PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ~ General Printers Ltd. 723-2233 ~ SALESMAN REQUIRED Opportunity for a young | man 21 to 30 to learn retail business, Must be ambitious and axious to progress with rapidly expanding company. Previous sales experience pre- ferred. Benefits, solary, profit shoring plan, bonus, paid va- cation, hospitalization, pen- sion plan and an excellent opportunity for advancement. Payroll experienc ,---- also rquired. Permanent position, Tele- Apply by phone for appoint- ment to: W. FERTILE FIRESTONE STORE 190 KING WEST 725-6566 HUMANE Society inspector, required ¢ on} part-time basis, Write Box 105 Oshawa) pool AND BOARD for gentiemen only, junches packed. Singles and to. shere. Contra located, Beery. 2% King Street East, near Ritson Road 23--Wanted To Rent WHITBY AREA Staff Technicion with wife and one child requires a two bed-oom furnished apartment for approximately one year from Mid-July. Please Call MISS McGAHEY DAYS 668-3361 LOCAL 262 BRICKLAYERS. REQUIRED IMMEUIAT ELY UNION RATE $3.20 per hr, For G.M. North Plant and Kennedy School. Apply Goulding Brothers Construction Ltd. 281 HAIG ST. 725-2682 EARN EXTRA MONEY PART TIME Hourly rate, plus bonus, fF @sseniia:. GLOBE & MAIL LTD. CALL 725-4473 BOYS WANTED AS CARRIERS Aged 10 ond up GLOBE & MAIL LTD. CALL 725-4473 TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAXI FATT EXPERIENCED MORTGAGE BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED PHONE 728-9482 REQUIRED egg cede three -bed- room home, Whibty, Oshawa, or sur- rounding area. wrebene Mr, Fox at |Whitby, 668-5671, FOR young couple, old brick type house, two bedroom apartment or, duplex in Whitby or Bowmanville, Call Mr, Todd at 723-3274, WANTED by newlywed couple, 3 or 4- room furnished apartment, prefer close to hospital, Possession for July 1, Phone Bill Millar, 725-1186, W, T, Lamson Real Estate Ltd. URGENTLY needed, house for far family| session duly 2, Telephone 725-8902, apartment or house by July, within 20 miles of Oshawa, Write Grant Dunfard, RR No. 4, Lakefield. |UNFURNISHED two or three bedroom house or apartment required July 1. Two) children. Between 4 and 5 p.m, 7 728-9432. WANTED to rent with . option to 'buy, | ~----~|three-bedroom home, close to schools.| |Available July 1 If possible. Call before 6 p.m, 728» 4688 ask for Mr. Johansen. COUPLE, one child 1 requires "house im-| mediately with two or three bedrooms.| Whitby or Oshawa vicinity - | 668-5075 evenings. |IMMEDIATELY. Three or four: bedroom | home in northwest Oshawa for GM exec- utive with family. Will pay up to $175 monthly, Telephone 725-7593, 24---Houses For Rent DIVISION STREET 208 -- |house, oil heated, Whitby. room Ist. seven available July A-1 PAINTER WANTED ? Must speak Germon! TELEPHONE: _ West Hill 282-1691 LINOTYPE OPERATORS and COMPOSITORS Modern plant, Open Shop. Apply Personne! Director GENERAL PRINTERS, OSHAWA | Division Street or Phone -- 728-0307, FOR RENT: Seven-room | two-storey brick house, small garden, ail modern con- veniences, Lease required. Reason able. Write Box 301 Oshawa Times. WHITBY LOWER DUPLEX five rooms. Apply 224 Centre Street South, Whitby, | 25--Apartments |THREE-ROOM apartment, share bath, no children please. noons telephone 728-1360, vO - ROOM 'apartment, Unfurnished, late floor, private bath and entrance, newly decorated, $65 monthly, 725- 3756. lTwo furnished rooms, ground floor, sink land cupboards, private entrance. Apply {88 Westmount Street, |FURNISHED bachelor _ "for July and August only. In new apartment | building. $70 monthly. After 5 p.m. 723- \9171 |BACHELOR APARTMENT, furnished, to 123% 2233 jens with other gentleman. Mornings, & pidirciieas 0.30 telephone 728-5965. SINGER "and druthener Interested | 5 Join. lowes BEDROOM apartment, dow downtown ing enthusiastic rock and roll group, age) location, parking, stove, refrigerator. (4 to 18 years, Telephone 725-3311. |Reasonable. After 7 evenings 725-9385 or all day Saturday. After- apartment _ WAITERS for bever part-time. Must have good character ret.|THREE ROOMS and bath, unfurnished, erences. Experienced men preferred. Ap-| central location, Reasonable rent. Heat ply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Stret i Pak included. Apply 283 Jarvis | West, Oshawa. |VOCALIST wanted for Rock and Roll| group. Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-3746, 18--Male or Female ____Help Wanted Experienced 'Hotel Chet or Cook |} required immediately SPRUCF VILLA : tel WHITBY 668-3386 seKanines Church Street, one-bedroom |apartment, unfurnished, second floor, pri- vate bathroom, $80 monthly. Available |June 1 Telephone Sc Scarborough 267-3128. | NEWCASTLE, King | Street West, 5-room |apartment, unfurnished. All conveniences. -- | Centrally located. Newcastle 987-4232. |FOUR- ROOM "apartment with separate entrance. Couple preferred. Phone before) p.m. 109 Grandview Street South, 723- 1664. ONE-B iment, refrigerator Jonly. $85 monthly. Telephone 728-4525. TWO BEDROOM apartment with balcony. Two months old, $115 monthly. Available June 15; 1720 Brock Street South, Whitby, MEN or women, neat appearing as are 668-8425 tributors of Rawleigh Products. Full part-time. Large earnings. Write id (| FURNISHED 2 room "apartment ent for r quiet leigh, Dept. F-310-4, 4005 Richelieu Street,/Coupie. Parking space. Apply 195 Albert St. St, Henry, Montreal. Street. self-contained apart- Adults 18. and range. Available June --------- | WHITBY one-bedroom ape-tment in mod- fer oaggo bret Peay lid ern new triplex, available July 15. Pri- qua' I fications to Box 43, Oshawa Times, ot alata heated, $75. Telephone nr esas ho 5 RE RE TNO EXPERIENCED nurserymen for season, |APARTMENT, ¢ four-room, stove and re- good pay, eventually room and board.|frigerator. Avaliable immediately, $85. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2837.. Jerry Call 728-5824. Trejbal, A mals Maarna: Averue, |TWO-BEDROOM apariment in modern lapartment building. Living room and d |20--Room n_and Board ette, Drapes, washing. facilities, ------- | Whitby 668-5940. |NEAR Duplat and bus, quiet home. |26----Rooms For Rent jLunches packed. Shift workers welcome. English gentleman preferred. Phone 723- ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS | 1248, |ROOM and board or furnished ta | Available in private home Call between 5 and 7 p.m. |downtown location, iunches packed. Park- | jing space, Apply 48 Albert Street. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 728-9643, ROOM and board for gentleman in pri- junches|TWO GIRLS to share. Single beds, $10 weekly, Apply 426 Adelaide Avenue West. vate home, lunches packed. Parking. Telephone 725-6880. |ROOM and board for gentlemen willing 'for gentleman.,NEWLY PAINTED nicely furnished room |for rent in clean home. Close to North |to. share, lunches packed. Telephone 728- | 7664, a GM Apply 105 Mary Street North, 728-| 0764, isi | | 1 | |PRIVATE ROOM with board, |packed. Telephone 723-1977. ROOM AND BOARD Telephone 725-2877. TWO ELDERLY LADiEs aged 84 an 86, wish room and board preferably with _ icles Seventh Day Adventists, no nursing care| TWO ge gentlemen willing to fo share share t two required, can suppiy furniture. Please/furnished rooms with fthree-plece bath. | write Mra. A. Bate, RR No. 2, Clare- |Apply 62 Quebec Street. feast [TWO ROOMS suit 3 gentlemen, TV,| parking, running water. Also single |31----Room & Board Wonted |ooms. Near Lake Ontario Steel Mill, 'justninan : tiac Inn, 725-9035, oaeer BAN aes i mand Overs ioc gan, comfortable room for gentleman. | Street West, Whitby. Apply 77 _ Athol East. rene: osu | Two FUR 22--Offices, Stores, Storage (2) couple. Apply 23 Drew Street off| kitchen with heavy duty ~|King East | BROOKLIN |LARGE "furnished room with two single lbeds, suit two, willing to share, Apply usiness office on main Street. ially designed for den- {88 Cadillac Avenue South. | LARGE door tist. }Could change to suit. Telephone: ; furnished for lady. Centrally lo ik " furnished room close to South iM single s, leph 725-897 Brooklin 655- 4451 | | camew teen room sng sult gentlemen willing jto Share, After 4.15 telephone 725-8645. GE front room, » single be beds, Park- ing. Suit two ladies or two gentiemen. 574 Crerar Avenue, 723-7136, STORES for sale or rent 40 miles north of Oshawa. Suiteble for clothing laun- ramat etc. Telephone after 9 p.m, Port Perry 985-2030 | Store For Rent preferred. |oas "La Salle avenue. After 6 p.m. Call 723-1978, | |DIVISION Street, 25, double room tor |lady or "_gentiemen. Apply above address. SINGLE room for lady, kitchen and laun- dry privileges, Telephone 725-9971. Two ) separate light housekeeping rooms. Close to GM North Plant. Men preferred. Apply 119 Agnes Street. FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. Pri- vate entrance. Gentleman preferred. Telephone 725-7273, with three children. Good references. Pos-| YOUNG COUPLE require 3 of 4 room| |Contact Mr. Babeck after 6 p.m. at 210 unfurnished, | LIST AND MOVE 27--Real Estate For Sole 27--Real Estate For Sale WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS --REAL ESTATES-- --INSURANCE-- --MORTGAGES-- INCOME $300, MONTHLY Asking $25,000. One store plus three oportments, Nice oreo, An excellent invest- ment. Call. Mr, Charles Ran- kine ot 728-5123, $3900. SIMCOE NORTH Choice building lot 50 x 171 double gorage ot rear, wired, chimney, etc. Ideal for handy mon, sewer and water, Call by 9 cen Bolohood at 728- DUPLEX 6 room murnished duplex. Two modern kitchens, 2 sep- arate boths, oil heot, 3 cor gorage. Priced to sell ot $18,- 000 with low dewn payment. To inspect and make an offer ask for Mr, Roy Yeo et 728-5123, $1,000 DOWN 3 bedroom home with large family kitchen. Situated on Ritson Rood neor the school. Owner will hold open mort- gage at $70 monthly. Ask- ing only $8,400 so better hurry for this one. Call Mr. Ed Drumm et 728-5123 or 725-9345, | | | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East | | EAST END OPPORTUNITY Owner moving out of town, so inspect this home with a terrific view overlooking the City with 3 i tiled bath with vanity, hot woter oil heating, nicely landscaped with hedge ond shrubbery, $15,300. -- full price. LOOK! $9,100 BURK ST. -- Spotless bun- golow, panelled living and dining room neorly new oil furnace, beautifully land- scaped, lot 212 feet deep. You must see this home to- doy, Call 728-7328, METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 46 King St, E. Dial 728-4678 CADILLAC AVE, SOUTH Now we hove just listed a- very nice 3 bedroom brick home on Cadillac Ave. which is a very nice quiet orea, ond well built up. Close to separate and public schools, transportation within one block, and a new shopping centre now under construc- tion. The lot is quite large, the home is really nice, ond con be hod for only about $2, 000, down, So coll us inspect. ONLY 3 HOUSES LEFT In Rossland Menor now ready for possession, 2 large split level homes with 2 car garages, one 3-bedroom bungolow. This orea js all underground services, and a very nice location close to mperee and public schools, shopping and bus, Priced at $19, 600 with $4,402. down. DOWNSVIEW PARK A very lovely architectural approved subdivision and very picturesque: All un- derground services complete- ly sodded lots. Electrically heated homes, some with garages, some with car ports, some without. So if you ore jooking for a. real nice home in a high class area close to public school ond bus, prices~from $17,450. up ond early possession give us © coll or if you want to have your home built to your choice, you can rely on this quality builder to please you in your planning. Blok Con- struction, BUY NOW AND MOVE EARLY $756. down new 3 bedroom bungalows, close te public, high & separate schools. Now where con you make on investment of $756, where you are more inde- pendent and more secure in o home of your own. Why poy rent? Buy Now. Let - show you these homes to- joy. MUST BE SOLD Here is @ very good six room 1% storey located 5 min- utes walk from down town, ond situated on a lot 190 feet deep. Now this home is brick veneer, o reolly large modern kitchen, loads of cupboards with lezy suson. Forced air oil heat, privote drive and gorage. only $11,300 with $1,500 Possession July 15th or sooner, Call us today to inspect, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Diol 728-4678 Jock. Osborne Ken Henn Joe Maga Dick Barriage Bob Johnston SIX-ROOM brick home, also two finished rooms in attic, oak floors, in excellent condition. Apply 224 Bruce Street. OPEN HOUSE SPLIT LEVEL, four - house. |" SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 ! BETWEEN WHITBY AND OSHAWA mites " 3~ z it's too lote. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION May be obteined on this brond new 6 room brick split level bungelow with attached gorage. List price $18,500.00 N.H.A. Mortgage for bol- ance. LISTING TOO MUCH HOUSE FOR YOU NOW? Perhaps you'd be heppier in © smaller home or apt. We hove families who NEED e lorger house . . . and you might be surprised ot whot they'll pay for yours! See us about selling -- buying -- renting ---- or exchanging! WHITBY -- ADJACENT TO WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL UNDER 4 YEARS OLD -- 6 room clay brick ranch bun- jclew with ettached Ley rofessionally landscaped lot. living room and dining room. Bright kitchen with eating oreo, Three good size bedrooms, Coens tile bath, lerge modem vanity ond mirror. Basement is di- vided with painted walls and floor, A home you'll be sage pA gable wise yh oy (c% Mega ee For full porticulars eall 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO9 P.M. Irene Brown .. 725-3867 Steve Macko Maible Boudreau Margaret Lee red Schofield . Charles Chaytor . Marg. Holl ... age Be Beal ., . Aker ..... 725-0201 Bit McFeeters .. 725-1726 360 KING ST. WEST ree Parking TRRRE-sBeneeM split-level with care tes north-east ont, bullt-in stove and ov plus decorating Inciudea. Call--s. BD. pov Real hints Ltd, 728-6286. 723-1 358 725-0239 BEAUTIFULLY geo gg choice resi dential area, near schools, bus, churches, three large size bedrooms, attached ga- rage. Moderately priced. Private sale. Broadioom, drapes, Frigidaire 2 and stove included, Private. Telephone 2:30-5 P.M. THIS WEEKEND CARPORTS GARAGES ¥ 2! Sinan garage $500 DOWN, five-room bungalow on quiet street, close to school and transportation. INCOME Lag ee thy highway property, Ine come monthly. Full price. $22,000. 'Owner leaving country, forces sale, Tele phone 728-7680 after 6. pg $134 carries for $75 monthly with en mortgage for balance. Ask for Sally wallace 725-6297 or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco Realtor. 00-ACRE FARM, six miles north of Bow- manville, crop In, 73 acres mixed grain, 5 dry corn, large L shaped barn, oo TASTEFULLY decorated lon room, oll Only 15 minutes frem Oshawa, car- fen for $88 monthly FE yawn interes? and taxes. On one mortgage, All details from Walter 'mite -- ~ 72-7377 Joseph Bosco R and 50' -- seven-reom brick house, re- Hampton Prices start at $14,900.00, Trades accepted, ravine lots, all | 263-2624, (Continued on Page 18) mew school 2. blocks. See model homes and satisfy yourself as to quality, COMING EVENTS Directions: Grandview south to Olive Avenue, west along Olive to Dianne Street, east on Ronlea to models, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS 101 SIMCOE ST. N, 728-5123 OPEN HOUSE 20 GAMES $10 A GAME BINGO AT U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, JUNE 13th 7:30 P.M. 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH | WESTVIEW HEIGHTS NEWCASTLE, ONT We will build you a home in beautiful Westview Heights -- 13 miles east of Oshawa Just off Hwy. 401 -- 20 minutes drive from down- town Oshawa. Model Home open for inspec- tion this week-end from 2 p.m. SATURDAY, JUNE 6th BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE 7:30 P. M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted FULL PRICE $13,780 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Corer Bloor E,.& Simcoe Every Fri. at 7:45 P.M. 20 Games $1€ and $15. Jackpot 58 Nos. $180. Jackpots and Share the Wealth REALTORS BRIGHT furnished room, centrally lo cated, sultable for 2 persoris, Telephone 728-4403. ee CLEAN "Yurnished bedroom, sult gentle- man, $7 weekly. Apply 30 Avenue Street. 728-6802. On Simcoe St. South by September Ist. Write | P.O, Box 524 Oshowa. | a jetta |GARAGE for rent, }Oshawa. Suitable |trailer, Private 27--Real Estate For Sale | 723-9396. | retina |WORK 1 SHOP ,approximately 800 sq. . fa} }located' at 1376 Simcoe North. Avaliable 50 ACRES immediately Call 725-6547 or 725-4189. | ; STORE for lease, Simcoe Stree! South,| Of bush land in Calvin Town- eo hoje Plaza, Suitable for any busi-| ship $3,500. to sell or ex- x 50' approximately. Telephone ' ' change for other property in |" i Vasu MEDICAL offices for rent. 700 sc or outside of Oshawa. Terms | can be arranged. Reply to: aq. ft. For further pariicuiars. Phone 725-5132. sified Box 9 central location, in! for car, or boat driveway. . Telephone } STORE FOR RENT Bond Street "East, No. 9. May be seen during day anytime. |$14 ROOM AND BOARD for men willing | lean gd ae Single beds. Apply 147 16 Simcoe St. $. 723-1121 |t THE ANNUAL Decoration Day under the auspices of Beethoven Lodge No. 165, OOF will be held in Groveside Ceme- DANCE CLUB CAMELOT Saturday, June 13 Round ond Square Doncing Music by Country Travellers Admission $1.25 per person 'Chartered Bus New York World's Fair AUG. 12 to 16 Travel air-conditioned motor coach, No night travel.) In- cludes Hotel, Sightseeing and Ticket to World's Foir, Phone 885-2527 Rowe Travel Agency Port Hope BINGO HOLY CROSS HALL EVERY FRIDAY 8 P.M. 20 games $8 and $10 Five $40 Jackpots Share The Wealth ST Y Bridge, V June 17, 8 p.m. Kinsmen Community Centre. 109 Colborne West, sponsored by Kinette .% on Sunday afternoon, June 14, 1964 2.0. Club of Oshawa. Prizes, admission $1.00, 521 CRERAR, S-room brick bungalow =| |immaculate condition. A real bargain atl $11,900, Finished recreation room, |large rooms. Must be rah yd Boreal ak |for. BIIl Swardrick at $. |Estate Lid. 728-6286. de Pca ne ts ARADO SESS IE G00D hunting, 100 acres, stream, beaver jdam, close to Provincial Park, Omemee, $3500. Telephone Omemee @ 799-5128. |HOUSE IN VILLAGE 7 rooms, insulated, joil furnace, bath, nicely decorated, good lot, Oshawa 26 mile, $6,500. J. Murphy pee ay Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 6-489: i ROSSLAND ROAD WEST seven "room|. jtri-level with apartment, two kitchens, | jtwo bathrooms, reasonable down pay-| | ment, asking only $18,900. Joe Crawford, | 723-1021, H. Millen Real Estate Limited, | LoT --F First density residential, 59" 4" x 165 feet, town water available, Whitby. 460-570 'after 6 p.m. | SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT KING ST. EAST- one block east of city' limits FRIDAY, J 7:45 Early 20--$20 Games 1--$150 Jackpo 5--$30 Games UNE 12th Bird Games t Must Go 2--$250 Jackpots Nos. 54 and 50 Door Prizes -- Admission 50¢