ling a boy friend every night, va Bog tell him? bg ight in thai home. after/the right person to wise him samt in, Shae Oe HOM Te ap only dp Be eeE de the children are put to hed. : * Dear Ready: There is no The relatives are al! furious "right person" to wise up this with Martha because she is do-|/husband. He'll wise up by him- ing such c slick job of pulling|self one of these days and un- the wool over her iushand's|til then, everyone should mind eyes. Dou't you feel that some-'his own. business. ANN LANDERS Painter Resents Modem Art Jazz Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Dear Ann Landers: I am a |European teen-ager who now ee Pn rr CUTTING THE ANNIVERSARY CAKE --Oshawa Times Photo Oshawa Couple Are Honored | 'At Reception, Dinner, Dance | »_ Mr. and Mrs, Michael Sworik,|ae] Starr was master of cere- Celina street, were honored at|monies for his sister. Miss a reception, dinner and dance,|,,. Eid ety at the Kinmsen Centre re-|Diane Zakarow and Miss rently, on the occasion of their| Pamela Zakarow kept the guest! i 25th wedding anniversary. |book for their great-uncle and : Mrs. Sworik is the formerjaunt. Mary Starchewski, daughter of| The head table was graced the late Mr. and Mrs, Matthew|with a lace tablecloth embossed! Starchewski. Mr. and Mrs.|with silver and the centre of} Sworik were married in Osh-jattraction was the three-tiered| awa in 1939, and have spent| anniversary cake, flanked by} their married life here. They|bouquets of carnations. Mr. and have two daughters, Mrs. Jack|Mrs. Sworik cut the cake with Jackson (Donna), and Missja knife, trimmed with white Gloria Sworik at home. They/}and silver ribbons, the gift of have one grandson, John Mich-|their two-month old grandson,| gel Jackson. |John Jackson. Mrs. Sworik received her; The honored -- couple guests wearing a Grotto pink|presented with a_ silver silk shantung ensemble and ajservice from family were tea and corsage of lilies of the valley/friends, a purse of money and) @ with pink roses. many other gifts. Hostesses for the occasionjof congratulations were ~ re-| were the couples' two daugh-jceived from the Honorable} ters, Miss Sworik and Mrs.|Michael Starr, MP; Mr. A. V.| Jackson, assisted by Mrs..Walker, MLA and from Mon-| Chris Damoff, Toronto, sister{treal and Toronto. About 380) of the bride of 25 years; Mrs./guests were present with those Michael Starr, Oshawa, a sister-|from out-of-town coming from in-law; and a niece, Mrs. Peter|/St Catharines, Montreal, Port 'Zakarow, The Honorable Mich-|Hope and Toronto. Telegrams} : : |provide the window area with ' Expansion Attic control of light, ventilation and AiorisExtra Room na. For the Household joright euntignt or the baisna d eck area serves as an ideal By ELEANOR ROSS jsolarium for a cactus collec- "Room at the top' in terms|tion. ; 'of more space for the household] The corner desk and the dor-| can be created by utilizing the|mer fin which forms an alcove} 'expansion attic in a modest two-|for it are painted in the same storey home and converting it, mustard yellow, creating an in-| into a unique haven for two tegral unit. teenage girls. The " opposite side That was the premise of ajt00m is given over to lwonderful project worked out|easily adjusted wood shelves by a famous woman interior|also in mustard yellow. Be- decorator who set her scene and neath the shelves, a continuous 'keyed her colors accordingly. White plastic' laminate shelf| She used bright gold, rich panel runs the length of the; orange, mustard and hot pink. hon y te at a long, low with an abundance of white to!" m, frat ; create a complementary set- Twin mirrors, each at ap-| A ee propriate eye - level. for the ting for sleeping, studying and) young occupants, eliminate mir-| even late - evening or after- school snack-times. Here's the re Fe Tagaytay layout: with a bright, solid color hot A large dormer is divided into pink loop rug, giving a alternating window and storage| sprightly, youthfully feminine areas, each fitted with slim-| atmosphere to the whole room.) slatted Venetian blinds which! = " of the large, ,Mr. | opthalmological staff. llives in Canada. Recently an _ jart gallery committee informed me that they could not accept |my paintings in an all-city ex- _ jhibit because they were not -\contemporary or impressionis- jtic: It so happens that I do |representational art and am not _\an admirer of the modern sh _\that seems to be so _popul ithese days. I am infuriated when I see| these monstrosities collecting high praise and winning prizes. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 11, 1964 Double-Ring Wedding Unites || Beatrice Febbrini, Joseph Szabo. In a double-ring ceremony ie peteennsld Miss Pauline Feb- Albert Street United Church,|brini, junior bridesmaid and the Reverend A. N. Butler re-|Miss Debbie Sangster, flower) * cently united in marriage Bea- girl. trice Febbrini and Joseph They all wore hot pink sata- GRADUATE 'about a family problem. I sug- | Not long ago the winner of the |first prize in an important Ca-| adian exhibit confessed to his friends that he smeared his} automobi'e tires with paint, put down the canvas in the drive- way and backed over it several! times. In your own city of Chicago) the Norman Wait Harris Silver] Medal Award plus $1,000 was} awarded to a woman who en- tered a solid black canvas. How can people take such garbage seriously? I'm convinced the artists are enjoying the joke priyately, and laughing ai! the) way'to the bank. Do you agree? Szabo of Oshawa. The bride is Peau with a back drape and) Miss Alison Keay graduated the daughter of Mr. and Mrs,|¢arried pink and white carna-| yesterday from Welles- Anthony Febbrini, Oshawa, and tions. The maid of honor's dress ley Hospital, "Toronto. She is the bridegroom's parents are/Was on sheath lines and the! the daughter of Mrs, Albert and Mrs. George Szabo, bridesmaid's bell-shaped. Their) ~ Keay, (shawa, and the living in Hungary. far ygee gs cr sngg Hiv bie late Mr. Keay. She attended The kang Rae a -- sang| circular veils, The flower giri's, FT biitan Catenin wie Mrs. Charles Naylor who £208] dress was tull-skicted with puff] Keay has accepted a posi acca wigge| Sleeves and she carried @ bas-| tion on the staff of Wellesley The bride, given in mariage) et of carnations. | 'Hospital. LeRoy Toil by her father, wore a_fioor- coe ae : length gown of imported Italian Mr. Leslie Kovacs was the nt a an 2 the ushers were pee Swiss lace adorned best man and s ae suatetcent panlielin; onl Joseph Febbrini and Charles THE STARS SAY seed pearls. Her headdress wa' Nagy, all of Oshawa. ; By ESTRELLITA a full-blown self rose scattered) The reception was held in the rt ncn with pearls and sequins, secur-| Hungarian Culture Club. |FOR TOMORROW ing a shoulder-length veil. The! To receive, the bride's mother gncentrate on your most im- | bridal bouquet was composed of|chose a blue sheath with back portant ntepeate on Write --Thillilia | red roses and lilies of the valley.;drape' and a corsage of red morning. Take advantage of| Dear Thillilia; There is good) to advance|modern art ana there is bad] Jean Sangster, PRIZE-WINNER The former Miss Donna them mixed up. Please print this letter. I've got a few friends who might profit from it-- Beautiful Ohio Hello, Beautiful: Don't count on it. The sloppy housekeepers never seem to recognize them- selves. They prefer to cail thmselves "casual and re- laxed."" Remember? Dear Ann Landers: A_ very close friend asked my advice gested that she write to Ann Landers. Her reply was, "1 do not want to write to Ann Land- ers. She'll tell me to mind my own business." My friend's sister-in-law is running around with a map. Everyone sees what goes on ex- cept her husband He works the 4:30 p.m to J a.m. shift and has no idea that Martha is see- My 10 year old pans still shine like new with Brillo!" Mrs, Betty Chandler, Don Mills, Ontario ~ THE BIG PINK SOAP PADS WITHEXTRAPADS {INTHE BOX! *-MAK*UP* **School daze, school daze, plaids and flats will rule days!..." Pick your favorite from our mad plaid new cottons! Now "plaid" your flats to match with our SHU-MAK-UP color-coatings for new or old shoes! Wheee, lassie-- you're in fashion! Shu-Mak-Up, 24 waterproof, easy- to-apply colors, $1.50 each. Conditioner, 50¢; over-wax, 25¢, plus free blending chart! NOTICE! Our Shu-Mak-Up Representative, Miss Jacquelin Joyce will be in Walker's Department Frida' and Saturday, June 12th and 13th for Demonstrations, Lucky Number Drows, Friday, 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m, -- Saturday 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. - WALKER'S S € STORE HOURS Daily 9:30 a.m. -- 6 p.m. Thurs, and Fri. 9:30 - 9 p.m. PHONE: 728-4626 Miss Matilda Febbrini was Toses. She was assisted by the very opportunity : ; ; jobwise, but)/modern art. The same can be Toronto, was the|Bico of Welland, wearing a wine-| jaye no hasty decisions and|Said colored dress and a corsage Of qont take risky chances. Let|/ach school has its arjent de- white carnations. conservatism be your byword. Votees--and they'd rather fight |their honeymoon in Rochester/for social interests. The "garbage" to which you jand Buffalo, New York, and - refer was Ad- Reinhardt's Ab- are 'making their home at 246 FOR THE BIRTHDAY stract Painting -- 1958 - 1962, For travelling the bride donn-/Your horoscope indicates that,| no saw it swore it was a ed a blue wool suit with light|in job matters, it ig = bg solid black canvas, the blue blue fur trim, a white hat and|visable to put your best f00t) »ihon panel of judges thought Guests were present from -- als Roca Pegs Dear Ann Landers: I did a Rochester, N.¥., Welland, West °, ROPE * y vien '4 narticular|/o™ burn when I read that let- Hill, Scarborough, Toronto, Perers who keep a pé ter signed, 'Mrs. Content- | Display your original and) those "crazy-clean nuts." She's | jclever ideas during this period) proud to be "casual and re- SOCIAL NOTICE jsince, even belatedly, |tion of your skills is indicated|js she? Well la-de-da! How nice FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |i" late October. jthat a guest discovered a stale Mr, and Mrs, 'Frederick P|" further uptrend along oc-/doughnut which had somehow ; jwith the beginning of 1965 and/and had been there "for at 'announce ee sence dith S20Uld continue for many/least a month," jriage of their daughter, Judith) months thereafter, I'll bet that slob not only has Eleanor, to Mr. Norman Orval 7 | - : may have some smail chances|roaches in her kitchen, ants in Mr. and Mrs. Orval Shea, Not-ltg further your financial pro-|her cupboard 'and mice i val. The marriage is to takel grass but, generally speaking,|base rhea and mice in her jplace on Saturday, June 27,\7, ; "nth af ne end eae Granik, now Mrs. Robert G. |-°" t . jinians will have to wait until|tween "relaxed living' and lazy James who graduated on Mon- |United Church, "Vineland, On-|+,, heginning of the new year| housekeeping. . ' day from the Atkinson School |'@rlo. -- -|\before noting a real uptrend iy Ignorant people often get ern Hospital, re eived the vances will. parallel occupa- prize for general proficiency tional advancement. in nursing awarded by the Travelling, in connection with) ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert July and-or early Granik, McLaughlin boule- could result in some' valuable} vard, Miss Granik attended new contacts. ? of new romance in late July, Wil jlate October and-or next May . A child born on this day will IIo Re | (UNCOOKIED) | WIFE PRESERVER lent and inclined along literary) 2 cups prepared fruit (about ' ._|lines 1 qt. ripe strawberries) Clean gander Wate ay rie insti them in a bucket filed | with % cups water blades; oil prevents rust. Ask; Britain's earliest official poet 1 box powered fruit pectin |Your favorite gas station forjlaureate was John Dryden, ap-| Thoroughly crush, 1 layer at a used crankcase oil. pointed in 1668. strawberries. Measure 2 cups c : into a large bowl or pan. or The Finest g swear 2 4 ° Measure sugar, add to fruit, Hair Styling water and fruit pectin in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and boil 1 minute, stirring LAKE VISTA ture. Continue | stirring about three minutes. (There will be all BEAUTY SALON few remaining sugar crystals).! and BARBER SHOP jam will be used within two or three wecks, it may be stored in PHONE 728-0422 the refrigerator. Makes about JOSEPH LONGO -- Prop. her sister's maid of honor, Miss|bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Charies|financially and of representational art. Mr. and Mrs. .Szabo spent! 'The late p.m. looks promising than switch So relax. |Oshawa boulevard south If tomorrow is your birthday, | white a great many people |black accessories. forward for the next five they saw something else. Whitby and Bowmanville. eye on your efforts. ment." So she's not. one of recogni-|laxed" about her housekeeping '\chaffey, Beamsville, Ontario.|Supational lines is promised'slipped under a sofa cushion ; i y and A st yo j [Shea, Norval, Ontario, son of During. July and August you|doughnuts in her sofa, but cock- 1964, at 4.00 p.m. in Vineland|Y°" as well as all other Gem-| There's a wast difference be- of Nursing of ° to West- monetary affairs -- when ad-} Daugh- either business or pléasure, ab tA * Sp) Ocvi. LeRoy Toll emcee ' If single, there's indication a Be ~-- STRAWBERRY JAM) & be versatile, extremely benevo- 4 cups (1 Ibs.) sugar loily sand. The sand _ scours EARLIEST LAUREATE time, about 1 quart fully ripe -- mix well and let stand. Mix ° and Cutting constantly. Stir into fruit mix- Ladle quickly into glasses. If 1198 Wecker Drive 6 medium (8 02.) glasses are just perfect with small windows. To create a_ subtle light - and - shadow effect, the window blinds are in ivory, while the storage alcove is con- cealed with white blinds. ROLLED OUT TO SUIT Either of the twin beds may roll into the storage area alcove if an early-to-bed sister wishes to retire. A continuous lighting strip which passes over beds and window vanities helps to mak rading in bed easy on_ the eyes., , During daytime hours, one of the beds may be moved into the alcove to allow greater floor space, while the other serves for seating. The beds, made from doors fitted with casters, feature foam tu rubber mattresses with contour year guarantee. covers in a bright floral. print that picks up the dominant colors of the room. The same vivid floral pattern is repeated on the sloped ceiling adjacent to the sleeping al- ove. This area is set apart from the rest of the room 'by jts novel white raised decking It is here that a small round marble - topped table and. two bentwood and cane swivel chairs set the scene for soda and sandwich séssions. * In one corner of the elevated area, a stock desk for study basks in the bright light from the large floor-to-ceiling window that runs the entire length of the '"'snack and study" area. Slim-slatted Venetian _ blinds FSCLAIRTONE Two of the most popu components used sound quality. Keps wiv and true. NS CLA DATA REVEALED ' According to data revealed in Yugoslavia's federal assembly, there were slightly more than 140 political crimes in thal country in 1463. Now -at Plden Bros limited time at very worthwhile savings. Clairtone's new solid state svstem in' missile control urer sound reproauction. And a five- Clairtone's remarkable new low level fidelity con- trol lets you turn volume way down without losing Come in and experience the magnificent Clairtone. Hear the full beauty ot music--undistorted, pure Sblin Bus FURNITURE COMPANY REGENCY STOWAWAY: Oiled walnut or mahogany. Sliding doors conceal space for 100 records or portable T.V, Deeply grooved columns give shading and ef- fect. 549.50. FACTORY 499 00 2 CLEARANCE . "Factory Clearance" lar models are on sale for 5 reliable as the systems. No OUR FAMOUS es and neighbours happy EMPRESS: Oiled walnut or teak. A Na- tional Design Award winner. Speaker sections concealed by sliding -- front ponels. Grains painstakingly matched alorig the front. 699.00 599 00 AP s iA Ogee Up To. OUR TERMS ARE THE BEST -- 36 Months To Pay 63 KING ST. E. 4 SHOWROOM. FLOORS 725-3514 88 SIMCOE NORTH 3-ROOM GROUPING of FURNITURE INCLUDES... @ 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Consists of Chest of Drawers, Double Dresser & Mirror, Bookcase Bed with slat spring and smooth top mattress. @ 5-PIECE CHROME SUITE Consists of 4 chairs ond extension table. @ CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2-piece, All Nylon. An Excellent Veriety of Styles and Qualities to Choose from. COMPLETE FOR . FURNITURE CENTRE (Oshawa) LTD. . 329.00 PHONE 725-9332