QQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 11, 1964 TELEVISION LOG : CHCH-TV Channel --Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronto * WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffaie WBEN-TV Chatinel 4--Bulfalo * WEKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel §--Rochester * CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie 9:00 A.M. 1}. in Andy -- Room 4:00 P.M. 1i--Bar 11 Movie 9--Mickey Mouse Club Lalas | 8--The Match Game Dougias Show 7--Trallmaster ding &-Sir Francis Drake : 5 e WW) 2Captair. Bob : 4:3 PM $--Kiddo 6--Father Knows Best _4-Leave If To Beaver 3-Popeye 9--Meta Presents 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 4-You and Your Familiy - tor00 Ada, at ned Allen Show { oy when : j--Girl Talk 63--Natlona 4--Calendar 10:30 A.M. 1i--Super Bi 2--Word tor. 7--Price is Right 63--Chez Helene 4! Love Lucy 11108 A.M. $-2--Concentration } é--Loretta Young Show 4--The McCoys FRIDAY EVENING I Schools $200 Pam. N--Pamily Theatre 9--Thestre &--Superman 7--The Early Show 63--Razzie Daze / i { 4--Five O'clock Show 4 | : } Wii | - > 9 2--Magilla Gorilla - : VGA Ui) We ni ! a nT | a > | 5@ | a | 11 A . Opening lead--jack of dia- onds, Slam bidding is the real test of a partnership. Most slams re- quire an extensive exchange of information between the part- ners, and it is vital that each bid made should represent as far as possible the exact values 5:3 P.M. 6--Kingfisher Cove 5 ' S lt | i j ! 5 - leberry Hound Pig : AFI m3 A + = 2--The Rifleman S I 3 S . ' ps a | J } 4:00- PM 11:30 A.M. Vi--Albert J, Steed Snow %Caraven -- Part 1 $---Marle De Nagay 2---Today, 1964 6:13 PM. 4Headline News Larry as-enda 7-Misalng Inks 6--Girl Talk 4--Pete and Gladys 12:00 NOON © 4--Candid Camere Re 6:3 PLM. 1-4-3---News) Weather, Sports 7--M-Squad | 6--Hollywood CROSSWORD held if the best contract is to be reached. For example, look at this se- quence of bids which enabled and The Stars 6:43 PLM, 4--PassWord 2--87th Precinct 6:00 P.M. li--Fractured Flickers --Desth Vailey ACROSS 3. Yearn 1, Pert. to 4. Part of ploded U--Famity Theatre | the cheek "to be" bomb +2-Huntley.- Brinkley =| g, of 5. Vacation 22, Epoch 1:00 OM. Milo spots 23,.En- %~The Great Adventure 11, Before: Soddess of tangle port FA Whores dial. thehearth 25. Cuckoo [f 4-Speaker of The Howse! -- Sports ; 12. Appearin, _-- 7. Before Re 1)--Hennesey 12:30 P.M. 4--Peopie Are Funny as if eaten A tempor closure 9~To Tell The Truth ak kek any pa 18, Walking ary star . Diocesan ._ Kildare $2--Truth or " vou sticks A gas center TmMy Three Sone Consequences 130 PDA 14. Number company 29, Remote +3--The Serial tabuter kiowt ben . Nu 29, Rem Y ae 15. Unit of customer 31. Perish 86, Wicked pict peers work Dispatched 83.Girl's " 38, Volcanic 16, Often: Charge name rock 12:48 P.M. 4--The Greet Adventure poet. for 34. Child's 39. God of war 4~Guiding Light 6:00 PM 18, Skill services carriage 40. Reduce 1:00 P.M. Ni--Combat 19. Staff Clayey 35, Shake- to pulp %--Think Of A Wore i 2 oti speared 42. Old time li--Lucky Score of life . Collection spearean 8 9--December Bride $--Country Hoedown 21. Reduce of animals villain 44, Disfigure 4-2---Haze: yy nb ties 6:30 PM in rank a - 63--Parade '<_ Moet the Millers %--Andy Griffith Knocks | 2 [3 5 8 |9 0 10:00 P.M. iMovie pio Mg 5 28, Mountains Vi--Steve Allen 3-Divorce Court 63--The Defenders of Russia &-2--Kraft Theatre 3:30 P.M. 4---Route 66 29. Recipient 7--Maverick W=Bachelor Father, . 9:00 P.M of a gift ka Yee Were" 11--Jamboree | $0, Group World Turns %--Jack Benny | of facts ee ba hem 30 PM | 81,To |-Day tines . t--Petticoat Junction prophesy $00 Paiconce-= aha Let's Sing Out 32. Lift 2-Let's Make A Dest | &2--That Was The Week $4. A dessert 7--Price is Right 2:30 PLM. 37, Obtain $--Dougles Fairbanks 38. Escape: sb 11:18 PM sr urea Coun 10:00 P.M. 41, Black bird %--Metro Final 63--Scariett Hil! Steve Alien 43. A beetle Viewpoint 4--House Party HS hereige 45. Nimble jack Paar arts 3:00 P.M. s--Fight ot The Weer se jae $--Here's Looking A? You) 6--The Nurses World 4--Alfred Hitchcock Hour 47, Shapes 3--The Untouchabies 48. Rubbish DOWN the famous Sharples twins of England, Robert and James, to reach a sound grand slam con- tract, The bidding was natural throughout. No artificial bids were used except to show con- _ trols where deemed necessary. The opening club bid was nor- mal and so was the jump re- sponse of two spades, which in- dicated at least a mild interest in reaching a slam. At this point South already knew that there was a slam in the combined hands, since he =| |had values well above a mini- mum opening. -Of course, he had no way of knowing yet whether the final contract would even- tually be played in one of his suits, his partner's suit, or. in notrump. He bid three diamonds, show- ing his other suit--and at the same time marking clubs as the longer one, since he had bid them first. North now indicated his club support by bidding four clubs, and in this way estab- lished that suit as trump. From this point on, first and second round controls were shown. South showed the ace of hearts bidding four hearts, ? diamonds to show the king. South then bid five spades to indicate the king, and North, recognizing this as a grand slam try, jumped to $--Noonday Report 2--Your First j Impression | To Maverick 6--Elwood Glover 4--News; Weather: Sports 3--Popeye's Party wo cra et Word Righe Reccra I GUESS IM 1 | MUST ALLERGIC | | Distributed by King Features Byodical, 7, A \G a YING = 9ING H( 168 EI fea }--Donna Reed 63--The Lucy Show +--Rawhide 6:38 P.M. UNCA MCKEY, . > TLL NEVER SE ABLE TO PLAY THE SWISS BELLS! TO BELLS! Yesterday's Answer | MICKEY MOUSE -- --Jack Parr * CETTE FORTERESGSE EST a, INEXPUGNABLE....LES ap & ANGLAIS VONT ETRE FORCES DE PRENDRE DES HOMMES DE TOUS LES ENDROITS VULNERABLES DE LA NOMVELLE-ANGLETERRE, | Official Detective %--Sports Hot Seat 11:00 P.M. N9-6-7-4-43-2---Newsy Sports 4-Twilight Zone 1:00 PM J-4--Late Show for easier 7---General Hospital Vi--Music 63--Take Thirty 9--The Best of Berton | 4 to Teli The Truth CE QUIVANOUS DONNER LA CHANCE DE LEUR BARRER DEFINITIVEMENT LE CHEMIN DE LA GUERKE." * M&Z DE MONTCALM, LEG ANGLAIS ARENT UNE GRANDE BXPEDITION CONTRE LOUIS BOURG:' \ eS Taaee) oo Teen OTA ; A ig LES CANADIENS SSeS [ees nt edn my pone Toe vr 'was not us by ce four aces were accounted for by inference, and the lack ine one king -- an unimportant mig did not stop the Sharples broth- ers from reaching the grand slam with only 33 high-card points. Fond Memory Of Calgary's White Chapeau NEW YORK (CP) -- Sonya Klopfer smiled as she remem- bered that big white hat. "It was so big," she re- called, "that I had to pull it down almost over my eyes so it would stay on my head when I jumped for the photogra- phers." re She laughed, then added: "Oh those pictures . . . you could barely see my face." The hat was a gift from the city of Calgary where in 1051, when Sonya was 17, she won the North American women's figure skating championship. She went on to finish third and then second in the world championships of 1951 and 1952 and to captain the U.S. skating team in the 1952 Winter Olym- pics, where she finished fourth. But her victory in Calgary was her first after she won the U.S. national title and she says she still has fond memories of her competitive sortie into Can- 11:00 P.M. $--Feature Showcase 1-8-7-4-4-3-2--News; FRIDAY ree ae teen Weather Sports 1, Nutmeg 4:00 AM. ee 18 P.M. husk $2--You Don't Say +-Captein Kangeres 7---Queen For A Day %--Metro Final Rata 0:38 AM. 63----Friendiy Giant vi t rT) 9-Cartoons 4--Edge of Night é sere WORN LEIRS SPV NATING LW we, | OVER 30 - STAKES, DUMPS, TRACTORS, PANELS, PICK-UPS - MOST COMPLETE WITH BODIES | S : T T 4 Uj F K Most Vehicles Owned and aoe by Oshowe P.U.C, --- Most complete with bodies end power MEANIN' JOE'S COMIN' -- Save F "THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 260 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 723-4634 WE KIN EXPLAIN TH' DISASTER! IT'S OUR LI'L FRIEND, JOE ; pel hed BTPSPLK 1! THEM, SACRED OVAd GE/ZE 7! IN LUCK THAT GUNFIRE DIN H WILL COVER MY ESCAPES PARALYZES MIAMI!! HEADED THIS WAY!! 1¥5 sz i THE LONE RANGER Boffled scientists ere unable to explain disaster. = ¢ iy. sl TSK! eal ANOTHER DAy')( WILL. POWE! ANDO I'M STILL. ON My OIET! CAFE AND NOOD! ; BLAND CREAMED d CORN! M08? Se. Miss Klopfer returned to Can- . " wa jada later as a professional ice x co NEP ®| jshow skater, then became a UdUltare g skating teacher, The latter led SS a yhleztlyg O71 Lede um new conn sat é umph--i' s term ma AN applied to winning a ees and in future she'll be a fairly frequent visitor, at least to the Toronto area. ' In 1951, when Sonya con- quered the North American field in Calgary, a Toronte youngster named Peter Dun- field became Canadian junior men's figure skating champion. Later, Dunfield, whose family still resides in Toronto, also turned to teaching skating. Six years ago he and Miss Klopfer met while both were instruct- ing at Lake Placid, N.Y. SALLY'S SALLIES FE DONALD DUCK Ld MUGGS AND SKEETER hah? a BEAN SA BUT IF ITS ANY CONSOLATION». [964 Wai velite manerved. 2 King Peataane Sprticnte, foe "That picture symbolizes a family fortune change. The "713 panic left my family with nathan oe CHAS, KUMN- 6-I!