Weather Report Mainly sunny and warmer today and Friday. Winds northerly be- coming light. Thought For Today The busy body really can't help it -- she was born with an in- terferiority complex, She Oshawa Sunes -- Authorized as Second Closs Mall Post Office Department Price Not Over Ottewo ond for payment of Postage in Cash, 10 Cents per Copy Rights Move Seen Law In 12 Days WASHINGTON (AP) -- With the southern filibuster broken, Senate leaders predicted today the 'Senate will pass the civil rights bill by the end of the OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1964 TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES TURKEY YIELDING TO U.S. PRESSURE | VOL. 93 -- NO. 137 Republican whip from Califor- nia, suggested it might be done by Wednesday. rhe bill's managers from both the Democratic and Republican . ANDREA BULLSHIELD, 2, a@ member of the Blood Indian band from the Cardston, Alta. reserve gets a reassuring hand and words of comfort from Rey. Joseph Joly( a Ro- man Catholic priest, during . Albertans Survey Flood Wreckage EDMONTON (CP) -- While southern Alberta residents are cleaning up after disastrous floods that struck Monday, res- idents in parts of the Yukon and British Columbia are keeping a next week. Still to be voted on are some 100 amendments. But Senator j\Hubert Humphrey (Dem. Minn.), the bill's floor mana- ger, figures the Senate should lbe able to dispose of them at ja 12-day clip. { | It set to the task Wednesday,) beating down two southern} jamendments and drawing the jwrath of the leader of the south- jern opposition, Richard B. Rus- jsell (Dem. Ga.), who shouted jthat the Senate was acting "'in | the spirit of a lynch mob!" Daily-dozen progress on the amendments would be a breath- jtaking change of pace after the |75 days of debate and filibuster jwhich senators voted Wednes- day to choke off For the first time the Senate jinvoked closure -- the limita- jtion on debate--in a civil rights battle. The vote was 71 to 29, four more than the necessary two-thirds majority. All 100 sen- ators were. on hand, including ailing Senator Clair Engle (Dem. Calif.), who cast his vote for closure from a wheel chair. Each senator now is limited jto one hour of speaking time jon all questions in connection with the measure, Leaders said ithey were certain a substantial| part of this 100 hours wil] not) be used. At Dawson City in the Yukon). Humphrey told a reporter he workmen continued to dike ajbelieves the bill will be passed road along the river bank. and sent back to the House of| In Waterton Lakes National|Representa tives in amended Park, about 70 miles southwest|form by Friday of next week.| lof Lethbridge, only permanent | Senator Thomas H. Kuchel, the Tuesday's flood at Standoff, Alta. More than 250 Blood In- | dians sought refuge in the Standoff: Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches and com- munity hall. (CP Wirephoto) | parties demonstrated .Wednes- day they were in full command of the field following the clos- ure vote. They beat down 59 to 40 an attempt by Russel! to put off until Nov. 15, 1965, the effec- tive date of the public accom- modations provision Then they smashed, by a 69- to-25 tally; an amendment of Senator Albert Gore (Dem Tenn.) to strike from the bill the title authorizing cutoff of federal funds. to programs where discrimnation is prac- tised. Many southern senators have said they consider this the most objectionable section of the bill Dogs, Gas End Riot In Florida ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. (AP) Tear gas and police dogs were used to break up an angry crowd of white men attacking racial demonstrators in St. Au- gustine, The outbreak of violence Wed- nesday was the second in as many nights at the Florida east coast. city where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., has vowed to stage a massive assault on seg- regation. A similar move was planned | NDP URGES ONE LEAF Flags Refurled Until Monday OTTAWA (CP) -- Parliament| Danforth), who has had a one- Wednesday put its Ifags away|leaf flag made up, said Wednes- for another day. They'll be wav-'day he will move an amend- ing in debate next Monday. {ment to the government's flag A planned start on* the-par-|resolution calling for the alter- liamentary flag. debate today/ation in the number of leaves was set aside by Prime Minis-- A statement by Andrew ter Pearson in favor of some| Brewin (NDP -- Toronto Green- priority legislative items. wood), chairman of the NDP But he did agree to arrange|caucus, said the one-leaf desigs la test flying of the govern-jis that party's prefercnce wit jment's proposed design -- three the single leaf denoting unity. jred maple leaves on a white ' - a ground with vertical deep blue/CITES OTHER WORK bars at the edges--from a Par-| In cancelling plans for a flag liament Hill: flagpole today or debate today, Mr, Pearson told Friday. : the Commons he would like to Meanwhile, a new flag design have work completed on _ bills was run up by the New Demo-| {°F additional farm loan credits crats. They served notice they'll and for interim spending au- try to replace the three leaves thority to pay current govern-| on the government's design with|ment bills, : a single red leaf. He also wanted to give pri-| Their position is that the gov- ority to constitutional amend- ernment is staking its life only) ments which would permis the on bringing in a distinctive Ca-|Canada Pension Plan to pay| nadan flag--not on the dseign|SUrvivor benefits. | nadian flag--not on the design The provinces had agreed to} tion. this step and the government was waiting final action on it SUPPORT INDICATED by the Quebec legislature Sources close to the. govern-| The government also is being ment gave some support to this|pressed to agree to separate on the double-barrelled | | six-year-old boy | struck by | CAR KILLS BOY IN COLUMBUS COLUMBUS (Staff) A was killed, seriously and _ his injured playmates when they were a car here at 5.45 p.m. Wednesday Richard Wayne Lucyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lucyk was killed instantly on County Road 2 in front of his own home, His. companion, Griffin, 5, was Toronto Hospital Children moments crash Authorities at Childrens' Hospital onto reportéd this morning that Douglas had regained consciousness and made a big improvement during the night. Richard, who was jue to start his first year. of school in the fall, was the only boy Douglas rushed,to for Sick after the the Sick in Tor- | in the family, His mother was the first person on the acci- dent scene, police said. Douglas, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Griffin was un- | conscious on the arrival of the ambulance. The obituary of the Lucyk child appears onnPage 25. | LBJ's Emissary Predicts Solution -- ANKARA (AP)--George Ball,! Informed sources said earlier U.S. undersecretary of state,'Ball brought a warning to both discussed the Cyprus crisis to-\Greece and Turkey tkat the 'day with Turkish Premier Ismet/United States is prepared to |Inonu, who later said "we aretake sharp measures to prevent on the way to find a solution." a war over Cyprus that would Turkish Foreign Minister Fer-'be disastrous for NATO. idun Cema! Erkin told report- lers: "The United States has ac--GAVE WARNING |tively intervened in the Cyprus, Greek Premier George 'Par |matter and America wants this\pandreou said after his talk |question to be settled in ajwith Ball he had warned of the peaceful way and according to' consequences of any Turkish in- legitimate interests of Greece. yasion |} and Turkey." "Our target is a peaceful sd ; Ball was dispatched on his /lution and we endeavor to maine | trouble shooting mission t0jtain peace,' Papandreou. sald Athens and Ankara by Presi-|he told Ball. dent Johnson as the Cyprus} ------ crisis appeared fo worsen in S 2 : the wake of reports last week- Spying Flights. May Go On | The American diplomat jtalked with Inonu for two hours \then took off for Washington. |He had met with Greek leaders on the way to find a solution.!qay that U.S. reconnaissance |The Allies have made and atelfichts over Laos will be re making efforts to resolve ie sumed if he gets information of question between Greece and further pro - Communist Pathet jend that Turkey planned milit- ary intervention in the troubled | Mediterranean island. in Athens Wednesday. Laos Warns Inonu, reflécting an air of op-| VIENTIANE (AP)--Pre- timism, told reporters: "We ate/mier Souvanna Phouma said to- 'Turkey." __|Lao troop movements. | The neutralist- premier, re- turning from a_ visit to the theory and Mr, Pearson prom-|votes royal capital of Luang, Praba Greenwich, Conn., quickl y} |touched on the problem of mem-! |bership qualification. | | : e watchful eye on rising rivers.| residents of the townsite are be-! nf cote . 3 One: person was killed in Al-|ing allowed into the town as| . at Tuscaloosa, Ala., by associ-|i8ed, when asked about it in the des Poraanciseg alg vou, Pee O ary onsl ers said he had asked the U.S. p> 4 herta. mop-up operations started. tes of the Negro integration|Commons, to give his views)m' s to v Pp y On) . s : ; Ales of fhe Negro ies lat a Canadian flag and on use of ernment for a "temporary sus- 'The Skeena River spilled over| Damage was estimated by leader who is president of the|#ter. ; tia Jape Rage ste beamed e pension" of the photographie ore than $500,000. isti Leadership|. This flag version was one of|the Union Jack -- as proposed) mn ele ie fits banks, cutting the northern/m n 5 . Southern Christian Leadership "kl - missions over central Laos '"'b tn thou hao NDP, Liberals "m=; cere sed oe bye em yearn mss Bre in SOVIet™ (mcrae 5 ides of Terrace. B.C. 30 HELENA, Mont. (AP) --) ' wera $ | About 400 persons' marched|inet in selecting the three-leaf/Canada's Commonwealth con- : egy there were no signs of miles east of Prince Rupert.|£00d-torn Montana took on| | into downtown St. Augustine ac-\design favored by Mr. Pearson. nection. . : ; : is eadue 1 a thet Lao) troop move- 2 s-laspects of a zone of war today) » 6 | : heavil 'd| But informants said the goy-| After setting aside -the flag) TORONTO (CP)--The incom- If we want to be friends, we|ments. hee Residents of the Cache, an is- ; companied by a heavily arme ; i ling dent of Rotary Inter-|must praise the good things| "If we receive inf tion i Jand near Prince George, were|*® government and _ business) a g ni y | escort of more than 200 police. |ernment would agree to it if a/ question, MPs resumed debate|ing president © Ty e st prais e g ngs eive information in evacuated in the face of|!eaders directed multi = million| \""More than 100 white men|majority of MPs made it theirlon a government bill authoriz-\national thinks Lord Thomson of|they have done and are doing)the next few days that there are looding Fraser and Netch-|G0llar rebuilding projects and) MONTREAL (CP)--The Gaz-| gathered. Some of them broke|preference before the finalling another $200,000,000 ni loans Fleet has 'a spendid idea in . and these are many. He |further troop .movements," he ako Fivers. jauthorities searched for dead|ette says in a dispatch from Ot-|through police lines and at-\stamp of parliamentary appro-|by the Farm Credit Corporation|suggesting that the 59-year-old/emphasized that goodwill is the/said, "the reconna is sance The dlahty Fraser River con.\and missing. |tawa that "despite fierce de-|tacked demonstrators. Others|val is put on the flag. land higher maximum loans to/Service organization establish it- surest way of establishing flights will be resumed tinued to inch upwards and res-/ AS floodwaters receded, offi-jnials that anything of the sort! broke concrete block fixtures in| Reid Scott (NDP --Toronto farmers. self behind the Iron Curtain, |friendly rapport among coun-| The United States halted the idents tecalled the vicious flood|°i@!8 in various search centres|ever happened," federal leaders] the park and hurled chunks of specifically in Moscow. _ jtries. \fighter - escorted photographié @ 1948 which resulted in $30,-|teported at least 30 persons/|of ed oe ee New eee rock and brick. ; But Charles W. Pettengill of Retiring president ne Mil-|missions Wednesday. Despite 000,000 damage. Engineers, | 1¢44. 'era ic par ies have met to dis-| It was then the police used ler of Los Angeles note Rotary| Souvanna's statement that they however, said there was no| Many of the more than 3t per-|cuss "'unified action leading to! the tear gas and the dogs. Four 1e Vocada eS does not organize clubs in vari-| were not necessary for the time cause for alarm. jsons listed as missing are be--|Possible eventual union" of the) white men were arrested. ous countries. "Initiative for/being, the general impression ----------_--_--_--_--____ a a to be dead. Authorities | Parties. Tuscaloosa Negroes' held a fh mesg! ecg te are bapa ana, : that area (Moscow)|was that he was disturbed by Said some bodies may be bu-| The report, by Gazette corres-| mass meeting in a church and mainly from business and pro-|would have to come _ from/the angry reaction from the pro- Treason Co rt ried under tons of silt and rock.|pondent Arthur . Blakely, says| promised their leaders to take tere nsl n [fessional groups, he said Wed-|within." Communist .Pathet Lao. and u Governor Tim Babcock, who|NDP participants issued blan-| part in another demonstration| jnesday. Just how such represen-| w. P, Hinton of Reno, Nev.,|Communist China after the . made an aerial inspection of the|ket denials "and ran for cover."'|!n the Alabama city. Cretan ce ' dient (a ae aren tation might be applied in alsaid "it was a lot better for a/United States last weekend be- Convicts All stricken area, called it the worst} The talks, the Gazette dis-| A total of 96 Negroes were ar- ITT AWA (c I ves ee i ale ales ae a "Ao ae Russian club is unknown, Canadian to say it than an/gan using armed jet fighters to thing that as ever happened to|patch says, were held at the|rested during a clash with po-/Leader Diefenbaker advocated/the basis of a matter like this) {don't know on what theory} American." escort the unarmed reconnaise . ithe state. highest level" and were "ex-|lice outside a church Tuesday, Wednesday. night a modified}will divide this country as itthe (Russian) members would) Garioc 1 Tholsance jets. Exce t White 'We: cant hy '4imataiploratory, vague, general and| Police warned that other ar.|Red Ensign as Canada's dis-|has not been divided in the|come in, in terms of the club's Pele ae Romulo Ae ee ee ose 2 p a A can't nen to estimate nebulous." No decisions were| rests would be made should the|tinctive flag but rejected the|past. . . . It would divide Can- pyjaws," h : a alin por hah preside nS U8: Ambassador Leonard ~~ PRETORIA (AP) -- Eight ot : ctgycrcid oS will wiade and none expected. protest marches resume ; idea of a general election on the/ada, split it up. We would not) 'However, Mr. Pettengill, who|tynit a hats -- * ~ a ec cecorpee! po Wine Matendants in South AE vig into tens of millions of dol-| "0" PRR AI Site we '_____ |flag issue be able in the second hundredjtakes office July 1, was enthu-| wate ons ations, nee. urged the|tinuing the flig its still was & "poGr ane a souta At ilars. Sections of highway as He said in a radio and televi-|years to look forward with anylciastic e sh about Lordiconvention to strengthen its in-|matter of discussion between rica's major treason trial wer yas 9 : . 'ie siastic enoug ou or a lis' 7 ' i aan' 14 i bE 2as ere|long as 20 miles have been de- a « |sion interview, recorded by the|anticipation to the kind of Can-|y 'm: gameantion: to saat ternationalism, calling on dele- him and Souvanna. Unger said fondant 'was ade ah: e's tac apadegana | Kremlin Pays Tributes CBC at his Ottawa residence,|ada you and I believe in--onclielc wuait Ue soelaebene by gates to correct distorted views|he will meet with the premier yas acquitted. vet ie Hey fe cs bylagl | Wetec Ae a ; jlikely . W. ; COR "lof Asia and its people. today or Friday. Among those convicted were TOWNS CUT OFF that the government's. proposed|Canada--from, the Atlantic tol\the board of directors at the} pees : pore ds Negro nationalist leaders Nelson| Many small towns were cut maple leaf design bears no re-)the Pacific, one nation, not two/55th annual international con-| Mandela, known as the Black/off from food and medical sup- lationship with Canada's past. peony, each, the English and/ vention here today or next week ng orang for his feats of elud-|plies. Supply - laden U.S. Air 0 arasS evc en 0 "What is being done today is|the French, with thier specific! at international headquarters in| s, Police, and Walter Sisulu Force planes, including gian ti | C-123 transports, landed on! MOSCOW (CP) -- The Soviet simply trying to throttle Parlia-|rights under the constitution. |fyanston, Ill. | ix Negroe 9 white i i yori that which|-- Gi is enthusias _ | he six Negroes, two whites snipped a cord causing a flow- ment into favoring His enthusiasm was shared by and ong Indian had been on trial for eight months. They were charged by the white suprema- cist government of assisting in acts of 'sabotage allegedly to prepare for guerrilla warfare and an invasion to oyerthrow the state. Judge Quartus de Wet said he grass and gravel runways and government paid tribute in a even open stretches of highway.| big way Wednesday to the 19th- The supplies, included every- century Ukrainian poet Taras thing from baby food and dia-| Shevchenko, beloved by Ukrain- pers to insulin for persons illjians everywhere including with diabetes. thousands living in Western SPR SRAGRORTHEK ~ Canada. While a large crowd watched, Premier Khrushchey unveiled a Ing white shroud to fal! away from the pensive, hervic figure of the poet which stands in a small park -across from Mos- cow's Ukraine Hotel. Then he placed flowers at the foot of the monument. A num ber of other high Communist of- ficials also attended the cere- sonal choice,", he said. "We have the Red Ensign. Changes could be made, in or-| der to bring about the assurance that on the face of the Red En- sign, there should also be the greai relationship, the French contribution. ning Call As Juryman Brings Fine is the prime minister's own per-| S P | | like many of the other 14,000 dele-| gates to the four-day general meeting winding up today. Lord Thomson, Canadian-born press magnate and British peer, drew loud applause Wednesday when he told delegates interna- tional conditions seemed favor- able for establishing a Rotary | | | | "Let's place something HAILEYBURY, Ont. (CP) --j/club in the Soviet Union. would sentence them Friday. All could receive the death penalty. Only Lione! Bernstein, a white {huge bronze statue of Shev- chenko,- the 150th anniversary UAW At Chrysler Gets Wage Hike of whose birth is being cele- Johannesburg architect, was ac brated this year by the Ukrain- quitted but he was immediately DETROIT (AP)--United Auto jans around the world arrested again, on a warrant| Workers employees at Chrysler; Shevchenko .was born in 1814 charging alleged offences under|Corporation will*get a five-cent and died in 1961 the Suppression of Communism|hourly pay increase June 29,| Khrushchev, who spent much Act. the UAW has announced. 'of his early life in the Ukraine, mony, including East Germany that on it but let us not pro- County Court judge J. B. S.} Communist boss Walter duce a flag that bears no rela-|/Macdonald of Windsor Wednes- Ulbricht, now visiting Moscow. 'tionship to ou: past." day fined a man and admon- A massed Ukrainian choir, He reiterated his 1963 call for ished another for failing to an- garbed in the costume of their a federal provincial confer-;swer summonses to jury serv- native land, rendered beauti-|ence to decide on the question jice. fully a number of haunting Uk-jof the constitution and sugges-| Earlton farmer Roland Beau-| Lord Thomson visietd the So- rainian songs. tions for national symbols. |dry, fined $15 told the judge he) viet leader last year and his en- was busy and had to ignore the|couraging reception, he said, summons to appear as a juror|prompted the idea of extending -o district court proceedings|Rotary into Russia. ere. ic STI "So are all the other people | i} ' igho,wers summoned" 'Tudse! 'JO@ Bananas Stumbles On Perjury Raps could well have required your MONTREAL (CP) -- Joseph 'Premier Khrushchev and the Soviet government have re- sponded favorably to considera- tion of the establishment of a} Rotary club in Moscow," he| he said. NAMED AFTER GOVERNOR GENERAL VANIER Canadian Family Probe Set Up OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-|ational steps to set up the in-|logical jargon, came to an emo- dian Conference on the Family stitute were complete. tiona] conclusion Wednesday. gave birth Wednesday to a new; Conference President A. D. P.| Governor General Vanier research organization--the Van-| Heeney of Ottawa announced af-|Spoke movyingly of his delight at ier Institute on the Family. ter a meeting of the national the success of the meeting in a The new institute will bear the conference executive that Rt./¢losing address. name of the Governor-General Rey, Ernest S. Reed, Anglicar "My wife and and his wife in recognition Of|pishop of Ottawa, would be the happy. Frankly, we haven't | sand initiation of the family con-!ingtitute's convener. been so happy for a very long erence e. One of our fo opes The amy Soeur? bd the four: a _ -- passat fond st hop Tr te talk tants atten the pelt. the structure, auspices, Mme Vanier, who has five country before the first. organiz- financing, staffing and constitu children, did not speak at the tion of the institute "'as soon as conference's closing ceremony I are very Bishop Reed is to select ane provisional board which will or- CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 4 doctor, a patriarchate spoKes- man said, The' spokesman said the patriarch was suffer- ing from overwork and hada '"ainting spell," j Pav. Wirephoto) "lt ' ily leay something, perhaps the setting! Following the address, dele-|ton, said he didn't know he was Gen. Vanier said in his fare-|Standing ovation. A further baled for some time. Judge Mac- : : ster, was arraigned late a Windsor, who said: 3 aIgOoR iat Wee tions already existing for very much deserve it." pended municipal engineer of for habeas corpus to block de-| serned for the pre-eminence of Benjamin Schlesinger of the git Martha O'Hare, owner ofjtaken out earlier Wednesday by ues of life."' i - He said Canada is "'one of| The third day of their trial/known as "Joe Bananas," lied stitute will be to maintain and! In a pre-conference interview, tion, "Both languages have been|ily planning." government and three other|federal authorities life mobilized through, the ning , . } ifi : Y to ink of. what ve delegates were helping one an-|'realistic appraisal by all hod-;tification or scores of papers and/deportation was subject to ap-| spiritual leader of world orth- we featured both lofty philosophical|House. We hope that this con-|which was not their own," helinto the matter of family plan he and the New Liskeard high-|ten notice of .a deportation or-| ing at religious ceremonies services," Rodolphe Ethier, also of Earl- up of a foundation or research|gates gave the Governor - Gen-| Supposed to serve on a jury be- centre eral-and his wife a prolongedjcause he had not picked up his; A 4 Bonnano, described in court as well speech ke hoped the meet-|bute was piad by Dean J. Fran- donald accepted his excuse. ie prominent United States gang- ing would inspire a deeper and,cis Leddy of the University of} Both men were to.appear for more intimate 'co-operation be "They do|jury selection for. the fraud trial|nesday on a three-count perjury tween the different organi not need our thanks but they/of Tracy C. Swartman, sus- charge arising from his motion g sing § service of society "between! 'The topic of birth control was |the New Liskeard highways de-! yortation attempts the technicians: and those con-|raised Wednesday by Professorjiartment branch and Mrs. Brid-| The warrant for the charge ge, the spiritual and the moral yal-| University of Toronto school of/O'Hare construction Limited of!the RCMP and immigration de- ig vork firk le ok | social work Kirkland Lake, partment, says Bonnano, also possible,"', Mr. Heeney said. but was visibly moved by her| The conference had been an tha 'sost backwaid natio in| Wed a | f a we nfegeorswe & oo ji e mast bac' : ns nesday on a charge of con-|in th otion when he s The basic purpose of the in-/husband's words. oXe E C-| i i . Nad eager A fat lin Baba So. pury example of bilingualism in ac-ithe world with regard to fam-|spiracy to defraud the Qntario|had. been falsely imprisoned by develop by positive and contin-!she had told a reporter: . 'riminatelv ¢ i PATRIARCH COLLAPSES nota weeds ind a Pig th ' porter: used indiscriminately and it was' He urged the meeting to con- | charges of fraud was devoted It Says he also committed f Several years ago we began comforting to note that at times sider a resolution asking for allargely to introduction and iden perjury when he claimed his) Patriarch Athenagoras, 78, conference." ea tase' hi ' t ¢ i nie : jm ght behind fo Canada!other to find/the right-word tolies concerhed with family dife,|invoices of alleged transactions|peal or review and that he had! odoxy, collapsed in Istanbul, The family conference, which. when left Government;express a thought in a language|including the religious ones,'"|be tween O'Hare Construc-\not been presented with a writ-| Turkey, today while officiat- |debates and complicated sqrio-|ference may be followed by/|said. ining. ways branch, |der. and was ordereg to bed by his ath 4