foursday, June 11, 1964 Ex-J list on re a pea : PLUS These Extra Service , i FREE Installation-on all Tires! se, Pledges Bill i 3 ST VAL UE FREE Tite Rotation Every 5,000 Miles On Liberties ; i | FREE. Flat.or Tube Repair! FREE Tire-and Wheel Alignment Check! TORONTO (CP) -- Charles Templeton, a candidate for the : AUTO SUPPL . FREE Exhaust System Safety Inspection! leadership of the Ontario Lib- eral party, said Wednesday oft, s night he would create legisla- fe , a i . Sa Mars Sn ie ial st st - . nec {2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, tion for a "citizen's rights bill" if he headed the government, Speaking to Pe Toronto - St. Paul's Youn; Associa- tion, he outlined these "funda- nga needs" in the pnames site, taht to medical care) J You Pay Much Less 5 = mart Vaius Oe unl wr te For All Your Motor- : . i SERVICE » wr =6ing Needs Including: == lie ii CENTRE fe: is --The right to legal aid wher- oTThe nent 'of child t T fl : = g! every 0 ires % Batteries % Mufflers =; ae . = patina education he could di- Pe heek Absorbers Brokes : ---- : Mr. Templeton was one of| { Wheel Alignment and a Com- " four candidates who spoke at plete Range of Auto Supplies the 'meeting. ; Pace A ee biverl | SsF-- QUALITY SERVICE BY CLASS 'A' MECHANICS member of the legislature for Grey North, told the meeting 27% per cent of Ontario voters are either on the payroll or are responsible to the Conservative government. . : "That's the hurdle the party : has to overcome." 2 ® In an interview, he said the figure included civil servants and members of government : boards and commissions. a i Joseph Gould, Liberal mem- ber for Toronto Bracondale, said Ontario must find a means to provide all the retraining nec- essary to combat unemploy- ment. "If it takes deficit financ- ing, then we'll have deficit fi- nancing." The fourth candidate, Andrew Thompson, member for Toronto Dovercourt, contended too many; Liberals are waiting for the Conservative government to de- stroy itself by trampling on civil rights and destroying op- portunity in the province. "Tf we feel this way, we don't deserve to take over," he said. ' zi . a0, : i ' ~ : / f ? : wWiittin Guonuite 4 \B'n 83 YOUR CHOICE ANY SIZE LISTED Presbyterians | | Gupronteed ogeirat ol: rod Ihezards includ 2" Wain gl ONE LOW PRICE 2 * : 7 ing stone bruises, broken glass, punctures, Will Retain aa blowouts, sidewall scraping and rim cuts. i | ' Owe H al 4 ad ; pagrag en aoa gain in workmanship 5 ie ' 600 x 16, 750 x 14, 670x 15,710x 15, 800 x 14 f or the life of the tire tread. : le vel -- Guaranteed Chataner. sitatesiinRapliee \ in e 520 x 14, 560 x 14, 520 x 13, 640 x 15, 650 x 15 TORO! (OP)-- resig- a ment allowance based on the regular retail | age a3 hg i oags FB cen Ah ed price; less trade-in Pro-rated over the guaran- t \ i 4 iT SECONDS RETREADS et econ tren: ms tee period for the time used. ' NO nNoT byterian General Assembly Wedaesay ; | : (S38 NOT12-MONTHS NOT 18-MONTHS Dr. Munro, home missions secretary since 1949, said it was h his personal desire to retire at ' ¢ 65 although the official retire-| (eh wii : j BUT A F ment age is 70. He suggested the resignation take effect Aug. 31, 1965, and a) 7 ere : / : committee was appointed to o wren : P deal with his request. f : ' . . ale / : The Presbyterians decided . a V, } Wednesday to revise their own Book of Praise rather than join the United Church in the pro- duction of a Canadian hymn book, although the door was not! é : : a" : . : \ | closed upon the latter proposal. : 4 \\ . y ae The 49 presbyteries of the a : ies, \ : if ' church will study during the : 4 Hee : j \} \ next year a report of the com- \ ; a | Cvs 11 ' mittee on the place of Women | ; t ¢ i in the church, with its propos- | ie } als that women should be or- . f y I \ | mas "ay | @ dained as ministers and elders and have the right to serve in any or all the courts of the church. Salaries of executive secreta- ries, professors in church col- leges and Rpg Ae arregye _-- : -heule were rais ntroduction 4 Y a rental allowance. It. will] # ; ? ALL BRAND NEW : : NO TRADE-IN amount tI ad ase zz | fj , a ie : REQUIRED more in 1608 and $80 mare Ale, ALL PERFECT QUALITY eR 3 . | age Racial and ethnic discrimina- N | et y y . rege tion exists within the church in -- fe ' MADE BY FAMOUS MAKER | ; ; : black tube Canada as well as other areas é i ( type. Tubeless of life, the assembly was told x ' . ' % : and whitewalls by Rev. A..J. Gowland of. Tor- f \ \ } i » \ : slightly more, onto, secretary of evangelism and social action. "We presbyterians are guilty of this within our own church. We need to remember that we are not just an English, Irish d Scottish church." : | oe reoohaties ine a study of} | | - Remember! You Can Say discrimination within the church rr NSA "Charge It" Witha = | COMPACT CAR SPECIAL s7 Firemen Seek | | A ji 2 | isa 4-MONTH GUARANTEE NO Shorter Week | | a Ree eedit, Root ie WI, TRADE-IN REQUIRED SIZE 60 At Convention x 13 ONLY pom SARNIA (Lr) -- Untario firemen Wednesday agreed to ask the provincial government for legislation to reduce the cur- mae oo BRAKE SERVICE CORONADO FLOOR MATS the resolution at the annual con- vention of the Provincial Feder-| 4% ation of Ontario Professional] Paar : a Mats! Mats! Mats! K-Mart has the mat for your Firefighters which concludes to- 4 3 SPECIAL car, In beautiful two tone colouring. heavy deep - 45 3 \ a day oe rib design and reinforced heel pad protection. Fits trom door to door styled in colours of: red. green, posal asking the Ontario trans-| { : a Here's w ; ; port department for better iden-| fama D AX hat we do: : blue, brown, black and white. SPECIAL . . tification on trucks carrying ex-) | ; 3 Install Bonded Lining on all Four Wheels plosives or dangerous cargoes.) 7 ' ' wa ie age aor a Zy : E Completely adjust brakes to secure full contact MATCHING REAR MAT 4.49 Ontario fire marshal. It will be Check all Lines and Cylinders : Toronto, Adj rore Wises VICEROY REG. OIL Reg. 29¢ Value ........... DSe dents were: Ross Bissell, Eto- sity ------ Bay! fie ' --_ Repack Front Wheel Bearings named the W. J. emor- 3 . ial Fund, in memory of the late} "jaggy HERE'S WHAT WE DO Guarantee our Brake Job for 30,000 Miles MOTOR OIL fore $1,000 bursary each year| 4 . @ Correct Caster and Camber Restore Brake Fluid to Proper Level BARDAHL TOP OIL Rey re ee eee ree ee 33< to a Canadian fireman's child) (-#ay. f udy at the University. of| ! j @ Correct Toe In and Toe Out : ..las Graham of Niagara i 4 ad ae tye ply Po yz @ Adjust Torsion Bars-on Chrysler:Products All For $ VICEROY H.D. OIL Reg Alc Value 37 . t A Wa . 0 0-0, 00Hs. 60 09 were both re-elected. | . @ Complete Front-End Parts.Inspection ® c. Elected district vice - presi-| / A Phone 728-1521 For Only oo @ Repack Front Wheel Bearings Appointment VICEROY (/0W30 OIL Reg. 57c Value ......... 47« bicoke; Gordon Ball, Kingston; Norman Blundell, Stratford; pee ol HIGHWAY NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA & WHITBY Kech, Sudbury; and Peter Cha- vek. Port Arthur.