SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kerr wish to announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Janet Louise, to Jon Paul Fd- mondson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Edmondson, all of Osh- at 3.30 p.m. in Knox Presbyter- jan Church. MARRIAGE Betty Lou, daughter of Mr. and '|Mr. and Mrs, Cyrus W. Field, Oshawa, The wedding took place, on Friday, June 5, 1964 at 7.00 p.m, in the chapel of St. George's Memorial Church with the Reverend F. G. Ong- | \ley officiating. ) FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs. George O. Perry, Brougham, Ontario, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Es- ther Amy, to Mr. Robert Jo- seph Clodd, son of Mr. and Mrs. , |Elroy G: Clodd, Claremont. The wedding is to take place on Sat- urday, July 18, 1964, at 3.00 p.m. in St. John's United Church, Brougham. . ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Wiliamson, a close friend, The engagement is announced MARRIED FIFTY YEARS --Oshawa Times Photo awa. The marriage is to take) 7 place on Saturday, July 11, 1964) 7 The marriage is announced of Mrs. Charles Parish, Haliburton,| to Mr. John Cyrus Field, son oi] | was responsible for the beau-|4¢ yiss Doris Anne Pattersor, Relatives; Friends, Neighbors ' Fete Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stapley al Oar ioe only pic-/Mr. and Mrs, John Patterson, tures of the occasion for the|to Mr. James Bruce Byrnes,| Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stap-;Leader of the Opposition; the| family. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce / Aldsworth Photography LeRoy Toll ANNOUNCE JULY WEDDING The nounced engagement - is today of Janet Louise Kerr to Jon Paul Edmondson, The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J, A, Kerr, Sutherland avenue, and her future bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Edmondson, Bess- borough drive. Both are on , an- Mr.|Oshawa, daughter of the latey the staff of Ritson School, having graduated from Tor- onto Teachers' College. Miss Kerr also holds a degree in music, ARCT, RMT of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 11, 1964, at 3.30 p.m, in Knox Presbyterian Church. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES _ ST. LUKE'S GUILD St. Luke's Ladies' Guild held its closing meeting recently. The scripture was read by Mrs. Dennis Abbott. Mrs, Don- ald Sinclair was reported in hospital and members were asked to remember her in their prayers. In place of the regular mis- sion study Mrs. Arthur Griffith gave a most interesting account of the early history of the Women's. Missionary Society. The opening meeting in Sep- tember will be a pot luck supper to be held at the church, Plans were made for a FOR THE FINEST IN Custom Made DRAPES M. & ¢. Dry Goods 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 rummage sale to be held Oc-) Plans Were also made for @ ther 21, in the ORC building.|tea and sale to be held on Saturday, November 7. The annual thank offering) "Rofreshments were served by meeting will be held October yrs. Dennis Abbott and Mrs. 28, in the church. |Harold Davidson. STOP AT a Ansus-GRAyoo CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ® Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Rug Cleaning ley, Phillips street, celebrated|Honorable Michael Starr, MP;| Mr. and Mrs. Stapley's son|Byrnes of Oshawa, The wed- 'their 50th wedding anniversary|the Honorable John Robarts, |Proposed a net = ah cael fon Jur ee eer at. the 'hone ot thei bec Minister vee responded to by the bridegroom, |7@ ye nt United Church. | evading. last Sahadey. idk hiked thom ths haa pa Chapleau presented the MARRIAGE ' they received approximately 150| ernment: : ' couple .with two money trees.| phe marriage of Donna Adele d . u and a message from|The evening was brought to alq, f Mr. and Mrs. Al- relatives, friends and neighbors|the jocal Liberal Association.|close with singing cack te who called to congratulate the/Many gifts "For They|pert Granik, to Robert Gordon couple eards and gifts of/Are Jolly Good Fellows". |James, son of Mr. and Mrs : money were Mr. .and Mrs, Stapley were Mrs. received also. Out-of-town guests were pres-|George R., James, ah of pa i , ; : Mossey received the ent from Chapleau, Beilcville,}awa, took place on Friday, May poo ie seen tes in 1914,)ouests. at the door. The guest|Toronto, Angus, Corbyville,|29, 1964, in Northminster Unit where they lived prior to com-|hook was in the charge of Mrs.|Thurlow, Newcastle and Dun-\ed Church with the Reverend ing to Oshawa in 1946. They|George Wright, a sister of the|barton. H, A. Mellow officiating. have four children, three daugh-|pride of 50 years, and Mrs.| ---------- Re ters, Mrs. Kenneth Mossey|Staniey Bulpit, a sister-in-law.| (Marguerite), Oshawa; Mrs./mr. Stapley's sister, Mrs. Ste- Fred Brown (Lela) and MYrs.|ven Theriault, Chapleau, On- Lorne McPhaden (Daisy), both|tario, and Mrs. Stapley's sister SIMILARITY EXISTS | DEVICE FOR LOOMS MONTREAL (CP)--A camp-| An automatic device for the jing program for retarded chil-|reverse gre of enc vere of Bowmanville and one son = Me cace rlavittin: dren started five years ago in|been made by four Bulgarians, Mr. Vernon Stapley, ded Roy Clarke, | Beileville, Hudson, Que., is similar to that one of them a technologist. _ : poured tea and coffee. Those! »), 2, ' ildr They have 11 grandchildren,| co ing w : : : planned for normal children, who were a present for th jserving were the couple's two says D. K. Jamieson, directo: PATIO TILE Mrs, McPhaden; and two grand-|children here. He says many] 12" x 12" and 12" x 16" : anniversary celebrations. idaughters, Mrs. Brown and/of the Association for Retarded Mr. and Mrs. Stapley receiv-|daughters, Miss Mary Ellen), ; # -- 8 COLORS -- , af aah Measen yy Seem shildren who attended camp idee the| Brown and Miss Susan McPhad-| had never had a holiday before STORRAR DUNBRIK SIMCOF ST NO"TH PH ed congratulations Mayor of Oshawa, His Worship|en. They were assisted by Mrs.| because of the difficulties in- co NE 725-0631 sn A. Gifford; the Right)Jack Klein, Mrs. Roy Corbman|volved in taking a retarded onorable John Diefenbaker,!and Mrs. Sydney Williamson. child on a vacation. \ UEHLERS MANAGER'S ; Continues THURS. = FRI. = SAT. ROASTS Db. LEG-0-VEAL ROAST w. 59. SMOKED Picnic Shoulders ». 39% POLISH SAUSAGE LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON : bial 59: Freezer Special BEEF FRONT QUARTERS ». 39: HIND QUARTERS Ib. 57- CUT and WRAPPED ° FREE! EXTRA SPECIAL Fresh Killed TURKEYS 5 to 8 ibs. average 39: SMALL-LINK PURE r | PORK SAUSAGE |! bec -- ' SKINLESS R. A, Pope, 510 Park Rd, | WIENERS i "Mrs. D. Luke, 232 Divine St. Ibs. H Shirley Maskal, 335 Athol St. E. a Irene M. Pawson, 87 Connaught St. H Ls ll i | LEAN MEATY vox LY Be SPARE RIBS bh. 39c| = a | i , oa A & < AS ~ EN Wes WA The Princess Theatre originally sold for $899 and is worth every penny! This unit has a 23" wide angle, bonded picture tube, built-in FM stereo, six speakers, 12 push-button-control panel, Garrard type "'A"' 4-speed automatic! changer, diamond sapphire stylus, frequency response 20-22000 CPS. It feat- ures the latest in engineering achievement, high-fidelity push-pull balanced dual amplifiers with total instantaneous musical power of 40 watts. It's a complete home entertainment centre in a magnificent cabinet. designed award cabinet. The Empress features a No-Tube transistorized chassis Guaranteed for5 years ... 12 push-button control panel -- Garrard "A" Changer -- 6 speakers -- diamond stylus -- dual amplifiers with 90 watts of full musical power. . . this is truly the latest in High-Fidelity equipment . . . housed in an exqrisite #8 CLAIRTONE r OPEN THURS. and FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. UEHLER'S 12 KING . E. EASTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST SELECTION OF QUALITY FURNITURE 725-6559 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. Clairtone Princess Theatre 23" TV... AM/FM Radio Stereo with Built-in Multiplex Clairtone cabinets have won design awards. They ore solid, substantial. All woods ore kiln dried, grains are laboriously matched, surfaces hand pu- miced to a quiet matte. The Princeses Theatre is @ meticulously veneered masterpiece, BUDGET TERMS QUICKLY ARRANGED Clairtone-Empress AM/FM Stereo-Radio-Phono Combination Built-in Multiplex This elegant contemporary design has won a National De- sign Award, Citation: ", . . outstanding in good design on the basis of appearance, usefulness and consumer accep- tability."" The speaker secitons are concealed by two slid- ing front panels. The grains are matched with painstak- ing care because of the unbroken line presented by the front of the. cabinet. In oiled walnut or teak, Dimensions; 62" x 27%" x 18". Model No, T1605, "Originally $699 BUDGET TERMS QUICKLY ARRANGED SPECIAL Clairtone Regency Stowaway AM/FM Stereo Radio Phono With Built-in Multiplex No tubes -- five-wear guarantee. Storage compart- ment T.V. set, a tape - recorder, Or a generous liquor supply ---- concealed behind smooth-sliding doors. The speakers are covered by straight collumns in solid walnut, deeply grooved to give shading and dimension, In oiled walnut or mahogany. Dimen- sions 674" x 28%" x 19". Model No, T-345, Originally $549 Lae $499 BUDGET TERMS QUICKLY ARRANGED Bie ". FREE STORAGE UNTIL REQUIRED EASY BUDGET TERMS OF COURSE WE INVITE CHARGE ACCOUNTS FREE PARKING | fk he } eeewentine