i i ares ~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 10,1964 25 CANDID 'MR. PEARSON' » Reporters See Tabooed Film OTTAWA (CP)--Mr. Pea: Ong the crisis portrayed is irson, the $35,000 film on a day in the life of the prime minister com- missioned by scheduled for television broad- cast. but later cancelled, was shown Tues! for members of the National Press Club. Most of the viewers found it @ not unflattering, but by no means flattering, inside look at the operations of the prime min- pong his cabinet, and his office staff, : The hour - long production, filmed by Intervideo Television under the direction of Richard Ballentine, was made by means of fortable movie camera and sound - recording equipment in the East and Centre Block of- fices and town residence of the the OBC angi Delessis's travel plans are the ity to get in touch with Mrs; Pearson when Emperor 'changed at the last minute be- cause she is at a hairdresser's; the necessity for the prime min- ister to wear a short black coat instead of morning coat for the official arrival ceremony; and a last-minute protocol switch that schedules the Lion of Judah's visit to the prime minister's country home after dark instead of mid-afternoon. "He won't be able to see a damn thing," the prime minis- ter says. Scenes: of Mr, Pearson with Labor Minister MacEachen, and other ministers, were, filmed with obvious knowledge of the | prime minister. in ; | It covered-Mr. Pearson's re geese Png sd or tivities during a day last Octo-|'¥ Confidentia) talks are being) ber when Real Caouette's Ral-|recorded. liement des Creditistes were de-| Broadcasting the film on tele-| on better seats in thjvision was mag er by je ouse of Commons, the lake-|CBC on grounds that it was be-! shipping strike was boiling up to low the Rae cayta nay age a crisis, and Emperor Haile Se-|tion's technical standards. Mr. lassie of Ethiopia arrived for a Pearson said in the Commons ' state visit, ithe sound track was so poor he | wal t on a preview show- 'HELL OF A DAY' a ead gaa "Well, I've had a hell of a ' day," Mr. Pearson summarized FEW EXTRANEOUS NOISES the events in a telephone con-| Reporters found no trouble ; versation with Donald Gordon,|with the sound track except for president of the CNR. a few extraneous noises that ar eve ghey a ae friloneen: inte ap eatbeen ive sight into the man as recording not done in a evi- leader of a government, telling)sion or motion picture studio. A Labor peat sg anger ollie technical faults hyp wae stay in town during the shipping|in focusing the camera, but the crisis, and sitting with his feet/editing of the film was de- up on another chair in _ of-| scribed as good by television ose Rn mon a fi ries| newsmen attending the showing. aseball game on television. | Introducing the showing, Mr. It shows him wearily rubbing|pajentine told reporters he his eyes, taking Mrs. Pearson) wouyiq let the film "speak for by the arm saying "Come on, | itself." It will be shown in film missus," and. saying succinctlY|festivals around the world, he "Oh, God," when Tom Kent,).5iq. policy co-ordinator, says that a , ; proposed section of a bill to set|, He said he had been assigned ;,|to make a "candid, human up a Great Lakes trusteeship " " ; study" of Mr. Pearson, "to see will have to exempt the enact-|>: 4 . A 'him and his office as never seen ment from the Bill of Rights. | od hat the CBC had Interest also centred on some before," and that the e ¥ of the minor crises that occur| known before, during and after in the inside office of. any se-|the filming what he was doing. nior executive -- usually little-- He blamed its cancellation on known to him. In Mr. Pearson,'a straw vote in the Liberal the star rformer is James|patty which decided "appar- Coutts, his appointments secre-| ently, that it would hot be good ifor it." Gt Lake Water Levels Drop For Fifth Month ty OTTAWA (CP) -- Water lev-jmonth this year has been be-| els dipped to record lows injlow the previous record low} May for the fifth straight month|measured since figures were this year in Lake Huron andjfirst compiled in 1860. | the fourth consecutive month in LAKE ONTARIO RISES Montreal harbor, Lake Ontario, on the basis of| The monthly water level bul- letin isued Tuesday by the Ca- nadian Hydrographic Service showed that levels increased fractionaly from April in lakes Superior Huron, Erie and On- tario but that the level in Mont- rea] harbor was below that for the previous month. However, except for Lake Su- perior, levels in May were lower in the Great Lakes and the har- bor compared with May, 1963, and the average for the month for the last 10 years. Average May level for Lake Huron, measured at Goderich, was 575.85 feet, down from the previous May's 576.77, the 10- measurements at Kingston, had) an average May level of 244.03) feet. This was up from 243.13) fet in April but down from the) May, 1963, level and the 10-) year average, both of which were 245.31. The all-time May minimum was 242.72 feet in 1935. | Average May level for Lake Erie measured at Port Col- borne, was 569.70 feet, up from 569.35 in April but down from |the May, 1963, level of 570.01) jand the 10-year average for the| month of 570.69. The all - time! low for May was 568.55 feet in 1934. May measurement at Port Ar- WALKER'S "JUNE FESTIVAL OF FASHIONS .»- proves good taste in fashion is not expensive! from SPORT SHIRTS Choose a smart 'gift for Dad from a wide selection of short sleeved sport shirts in fancy and striped patterns. S. M. ML, L. sizes CASUAL SLACKS Printed or plain sheen slacks tailored for casual wear. Well. styled continental and regular waists, Sizes 30 to 38 from. 498 at FATHER'S DAY JUNE 2187 YOU SUPPLY THE DAD...LET WALKER'S SUPPLY THE REST! piace MEN'S SOCKS higeslepuepetos ces CHOOT antarteene * COPE (Het hath euneasar Meta auresn VOlue ante nee euwee Ea) Specially Priced! SHORT SLEEVED POLO SHIRTS Reg. 3.98 only Y ate Cool, cotton knit polo shirts are a useful gift Dad will appreciate. Assorted fancy patterns in sizes S. M. L. JAMAICA SHORTS '@ Sanforized* shorts of printed sheen, with continental styled waist. Sizes 30 to 38 298 od Os 7; | Ate RPh a Ta Famous Maker's CLEARANCE Special nei - Zz. for 1* Fancy patterned stretchy nylon socks in a variety of shades, First quality! Save 62¢ Pair STRETCH SOCKS An assortment of first quality stretchy wool with nylon and bulky nylon socks ideal for gifts! <i Reg. 1.50 88'... JEWELLERY $2 Dad is sure to like a smart gold or silver colored cuff link and tie bar set. SUMMER PYJAMAS Cool and lightweight for warm weather wear! Short sleeved, knee length pyjamas of cotton broadcloth. B.C.D. sizes in assorted patterns. GIRLS' T-SHIRTS Quality cotton knit T- 1,98 Value | shirts in short and sleeveless styles. As- sorted prints and col- ours. Sizes 4 to 6X. year average of 577.64 and the\thur for Lake Superior was former all-time low. for the|600.20 feet, the same as' the 10- month of 576.04 in 1934. In April|year average for the month and this year the level was 575.39\up from April's 599.52 and the; fet. |May, 1963, level of 600. Super- In the case of Lake Huron, |lor's record low for May was the average level for each'598.46 feet in 1926. Leitch Still Leaps' While Others Sag TORONTO (CP)--Leitch andjwell] climbed six cents to 28 Highland - Bell continued to) cents. swing widely while industrials); Golds took a loss of 1.58 to 84° Special , GIRLS' SHORT SET Novelty. printed pop-top with co- ordinating shorts. Cool cotton knit. irae 98 PHONE 728-4626 STORE HOURS: DAILY 9:30 A.M.-6 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M.-9 P.M. a Purchase\® | COTTON T-SHIRTS \ Leong to ra \ irst quality cotton t-shirts with a high 99 fashion look! Com- pletely washable in a wide selection of styles. S. M. L. sizes. STRETCHY SLIMS Sizes 10 to 20 « » Smartly tailored with a An Mapes value aq hidden fly front closing. Smooth y jet ens 1 Sleek awe cool cotton, choose "Dan River" Re . ; stretch fabric with de- check or striped design. Pastel tachable instep straps. shades in sizes 10 to 20. Black, navy, aqua and : yellow. Shop early, quantities are limited. Three exciting styles to choose. One-piece suits of cotton knit or stretchy nylon, and two-piece suits of Arnel", Assorted colours. Values to 4.98 took their fifth setback in a row 134.84 as small losses went to a on the stock market Tuesday. long list of issues, Trading was moderate. On. index, industrials were Leitch churned through 249,-|d0wn .22 to 152.67, base metals 483 shares, selling at a high of|-27 to 62.02, western oils .89 to $6.45, a low of $5.50 and closing 95.92 and the exchange Index .27 with a loss of 90 cents at $5.65, 0 142.56. Volume for the day Highland-Bell closed at $7.05-- was 4,237,000 shares compared a loss of 85 cents--after trading oo shares traded in a $7.75 to $6.55 range. | Monday. Investors and speculators ia rently have yet to assess the Teplications of the Leitch Mas- DEATHS todon-Highland Bell claim 0m) <= CRISP the Texas ulf Sulphur Co.) By E CANADIAN PRESS | property near Timmins. London -- Lord Beaverbrook, | SHIRTWAISTS candice mere Jer ons, "Brilsh nespaper om a H : lied briskly in late afternoon. eee 98 Delta Acceptance was strong | throughout and it gained 2% to Toronto -- Ted R. Garbutt, a high of $21. Banks were stron- 56, assistant manager of na- ger, with Nova Scotia gaining|tional advertising for The Star % to 72%. Bell Telephone also hig of a coronary throm- d to favor with a gain of|20S!s. i to 50%. : | North Bay, Ont. -- Donald j Fraser Fitzgerald, 48, RCMP SEVERAL SLIP _ |inspector well-known in North- Interprovincial Pipe Linejern Ontario; after a long ill- slipped 1% to 84% in leading the| ness main list lower. Canada Cement' Ottawa -- Wilbert Hamilton, {dipped 1 to $46, while Greatigg member of Ottawa council Lakes Paper was down % tOland board of control for more 244, een a to a widelthan 30 years commissioner of range of groups. p the 'Ottawa Transportation Com- Senior base metals sagged.| mission; after surgery, Inco gave up % 2 wie te son to 12%, Rio Algom eS : peg $9.50 and Cominco and _ SIX. YEARS EARLY Falconbridge % each to 33% It's estimated that Britain and 70% respectively will be turning out 20,000 quali Among speculatives, United fied scientists and engineers in Comstock was off four cents to 1964, a target formerly set for) 64 cents and Consolidated Halli-'1970. y ee a