NOT THE GOBI Harold Merilees, general manager of the greater Van- couver Visitors and Conven- tion bureau, has protested to the department of transport that this mural in the new Ed- monton International airport indicates the west coast is in- habited by a collection of idiots. For the new Vancouver airport he said: "I want some- thing that tells you that you are in Vancouver -- not in the middle of the Gobi des- ert." (CP Photo) | 50 Attend UCW Meeting AJAX (Staff) -- A charge of failing to yield the right of way, laid after a_ three-car collision with $1600 damage, was dismissed by Magistrate Harry Jermyn in Ajax magis- trate's court Thursday. | Audrey Louise Hall, Spruce Hill road, RR 2, Pickering, was charged with failing to yield after the collision at Highway 2 and Liverpool road, April 21. Mrs. L. Gunter, Pineridge road, RR 2, Pickering, told the court she was driving west along Highway 2 when she saw Mrs. Hall stopped at the south side of the intersection on Liverpool road.. Mrs, Hall then started to cross the road and she did not have time to stop. Mrs, Hall's car spun around and struck another vehicle which was north of the high- way on Liverpool road going south. Damage to Mrs, Hall's car was $800, to Mrs, Gunter's ve- hicle $450 and to a car driven by Charles Mead, 42 Liverpool road, $350, Mrs. Hall stated that she had stopped at the intersection, looked both ways and saw no traffic along Highway 2 when she proceeded to cross. She said there was a hill to the east which blocked her vision of the oncoming Gunter car. BAD INTERSECTION Magistrate Jermyn in passing judgment said that it was a very dangerous intersection and that he was satisfied that Mrs. Hall did not see the oncoming vehicle, Victor Leonard, 19 of Kings- court Apts., Ajax, was fined $100 and costs by Magistrate Jermyn when found guilty in court of consuming as a minor, March 7, 3-Car Crash Damage $1,60 Charge Dismissed In Court The accused told the court his eyes might have been bloodshot because he had just woken up. Magistrate Jermyn levied the fine when he dis- covered it was not the ac- cused's first offence. TWO MONTHS A two-month jail sentence was imposed on 20-year-old Leno- ard Ranbough of Toronto when he appeared in front of Mag- istrate Jermyn on his fourth charge of drinking under age, within one year. Ranbough was observed driv- ing his car on June 2 by Pick- ering Township police constable William Kolebniak, who knew the accused had no operator's licence, Constable Kolebniak told the court there was a strong odor of alcohol on the accused's breath and that his eyes were glassy. Magistrate Jermyn fined the accused $50 for driving with- out licence or an additional 15 days. \ Rd., Ajax was fined $20 and evsts for failing to yield the right of way at the intersection of Burcher Rd, and Bayley St. in Ajax on May 1. The charge was laid after an accident which demolished the| |accused's car and $150 damage) \to a tractor trailer driven by Maxley Ferguson of RR 5 Bow- manville. For failing to stop after an jaccident in which his car suf- |fered no damage, Clare Sullivan lof 630 Burton Rd., Ajax was lfined $50 and costs and his| licence was suspended for six) months by Magistrate Jermyn. The accused was charged af- |ter he struck the rear of a vehicle being driven by R. B.| arton of Toronto at Highway) Douglas B, Trask, 67 Clements). withdrawn when he was con- victed in court.of failing to stop for a stop sign. The accused was charged af- ter he struck a car driven by John Atkinson of 905 Liverpool Rd., at the intersection of Al- tona Rd. and Highway 2, April 4 Damage. to the two cars was estimated at $650. Rawn was fined $50. For making a false statement as to his residence on his dri- ver's licence application Robert Wry, 28 of 11 Glen Rd., Ajax had his licence suspended for 30 days. $75 TOTAL : The magistrate also imposed a $50 fine for the offense and fined the accused an additional $25 for failing to notify the de- partment of transport of a change in address. The accused was charged by Ajax Police Sergeant. William Shaw on February 28. Sergeant Shaw told the court he was aware that Wry had changed his address in July of 1963. Stanley Murray, RR 3 Picker- ing was fined $30 and costs when he was convicted of fail- ing to yeild the right of way at Highway 2 and Valley Farm Rd., May 3. The accused said he had stop- ped at the intersection but fail- ed to see a westbound car being driven by Kenneth Mas- sey of West Hill. The ensuing collision caused $500 damage to the two cars, In passing sentence Magis- trate Jermyn warned that this type of driving led to the even- tual loss of life. Solina UCW See Slides Of India SOLINA -- The United ~# 0 | UNITS, GROUPS, AUXLIARIES St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA held its regular meet- ing Monday, May 25 at the home of Mrs. Norman Bradley, Powell road, Oshawa. Rev. John McKibbirt opened the meeting with prayer, He re- ported that the "World Mission Fund" had been reached and would continue till the end of the year. Mrs. Peter Bird presided over the business meeting. All re- ports were read and approved. Mrs, Tom Coulthard mention- ed that boxes of peppermint patties had been sold, with pro- ceeds to go towards the World Mission Fund, Mrs. John McKibbin, in the absence of Mrs. Gerry Kent, re- ported that 12 Little Heipers vis- its had been made and invita- tions were extended to attend the June 17 pienic, If the wea- ther is inclement the picnic to be held the next day. Mrs. Gordon Kyle and Mrs. Norman Bradley, who attended the Annual Diocesan meeting as ldelegates were pleased to men- tion that a cheque for $15,000 was donated for the Anglican World Mission Fund and -pre- sented to Bishop S. H. Wilken- son, This amount is part of a | Labor Wins By-Election, | Big Margin FAVERSHAM, England |(Reuters)--The opposition La- bor party retained its parlia- {mentary seat in the Faversham \byelection Thursday with a legacy from Isabel Hamilton, Toronto. Mrs. Stan Atkinson gave her report on the "Flower and Tal- ent" Fund. A card was sent to Mrs, Northam on the birth of their son. Sunday, June 21 is the 118th anniversary of St. John's, The services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and also an "Open Air" service at 3 o'clock follow- ed by high tea at 4 o'clock. The Ruth WA attended the Sr. WA for their regular meeting. Plans were made for the Dean- ery meeting to be held June 10 at St. John's, Whitby. An. invitation was received from Jr. Auxiliary Leader. Mrs. George Page, to attend "Open House" May 27. j On Sunday, May 31 the dedi- cation of the Jr. Auxiliary and also the new hymn books will take place at the 11 o'clock morning service. Mrs. .E, LaTrobe was in charge of the Bible study. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge. AJAX LIONETTES | Ajax Lionettes held its last |meeting of the present season Jwith a supper-meeting held at {the home of Mrs. Thomas Wil- son in Almond. Robert MacKenzie. Lions' Presi- friends are cordially invited to attend. Discussion regarding the new altar was held and a committee was appointed to. look after both it and money to be taken from the Past Noble Grand's fund, Sister Tena Roberts was call- ed to the centre of the floor and Noble Grand and Vice Grand on behalf of Benevolent Lodge, presented her with a lovely Rebekah cup and saucer, the occasion being her 50th year in the Rebekah Order. Sister Saunders asked that all those still having recipes for the cook book to please bring them at the next meeting, as that is the final date. Plans were made for the ban- quet for June 21 for the United Nations tour when a_bus-load will be coming through Whitby. Lodge closed in the usual form after which a lovely lunch was served by Noble Grand and het committee. The highlight was a in pink and green in honor of Sister Roberts 50 years a mem- ber. Sister Roberts was asked to cut the cake and all wished her many more years as a member. WORK AND PRAY SOCIETY | Christian Reformed Church of the season. beautiful 50 th anniversary cake) Ruth WA Plans June Picnic | The meeting opened with & hymn and prayer. Vice Presi+ dent Mrs. Frank Roorda wel- comed everyone present. Min- utes and roll call were read. Scripture was then read by Mrs. Cameron Linne'l, Introdue- tion on the subject "The Law of God" was given by Mrs, S. Hockstra. A very lively discus- sion followed on the subject. During intermission light re- S. Hockstra and Mrs. A. Meima. Mrs. Meima gave an essay on "The History of Christian Re- formed Church." A miscellan- eous discussion was held. It was decided to have a bowl- ing night Thursday, June 11. Members are asked to meet at the Oshawa Centre bowling. er and a hymn. CORN Fastest Relief For This Painful |Foot Trouble land hepa De Behaits |for corns between toes Zino-pads |most instantly ... ms ° ly removes them when used with the separa |mediicated disks included, % Between Toes Fillowing the dinner, general|Ladies Society Work and Pray) business was presided by rein its last egular ---- D! Scholls Zino-pads dent Thomas Wilson presided over the installation of new Of- ficers as follows: President, Mrs. Earl DeHetre; \first Vice President, Mrs, John | Wilson; second Vice President, \Mrs. Joyce Whittaker treasurer, |Mrs. Robert MacKenzie; secre- |tary, Mrs. Lloyd Landry. | The group will resume its ac- tivities in September. REBEKAH LODGE | freshments were served by Mrs. . The meeting closed with pray- }margin 20 times greater than at : |B Constable D. W. Smith of the/y and Whiteside Rd. on April|Church Women met at the home The regular meeting of Bene- Despite Heavy Downpour BLACKSTOCK -- Despite a heavy downpour of rain, 50 peo- ple attended the May meeting of the United Churcn women in the Christian education room. President, Mrs. N, Malcolm welcomed all visiting friends and opened the meeting with a poem, "Open Your Hands", The Dorcas unit then took Ajax police department, testi- | Best wishes for speedy re-|ficd that he had visited the covery'to Reeve Bert Gibson in|accused at his sister's apart Port Perry Hospital; Mr. Harry|men' following information re- VanCamp and Dr, J. A. Me- ceived and that the accused's Arthur in Oshawa Generai Hos-|breath smelled of alcohol and pital. \that his eyes were bloodshot. the 1959 general election. In a three-way contest for the marginal seat, returns an- The ro : - nounced today gave Labor aj,. ; MA charge of failing to. yield with a proverb {rom the Bible 2°80 of 4941 votes compared) We ,Sensted, by Vice Grand the right of way against Lloyd/Mrs. Rae Pascoe led the wor-| Witt only 253 in a straight fight) "The meeting ¢ i Rawn of RR 1 Milliken WaS| ship period, assisted by Mrs. H.|!" 1969, torn Waele ee te rae a -- "vaj| The Labor. candidate, \29. Damage to the Barton car|of Mrs. Burney Hooey for their! |was $75. May meeting. President Mrs. J.| M Wednesday evening June 3 with | Knox was in charge. Y STOPSIGN Sympathy is extended Mestre. Melville and Lorne Griffin on the death of their brother-in-law | HOW OBTAINED, USED |shown, They were sent home| ~ |Yellowlees and Miss Gladys Yel-| 1 Ter.| form. Report of the. sick . com- ence Boston, received 24,749| |lowlees. | votes; Conservative Mrs. Elsie} Olsen 9,808 and Russell Eck-| and members who were ill wished a speedy recovery. volent Rebekah Lodge was held Noble Grand Gwen Halton presi- mittee was giver by the Vice Mr. George Bradley of Bur-) by Miss Doreen Van Camp, a independent, 352. Report of CP and T was given | | mission ley, F easy pie paginl uy i It. was a bitter blow to Prime|by Martha Ward and she dis- C. Homer saig-& solo. and Mrs. eee ce ee es ce the results of the 'Tag Gaceay Cebooias ped , 4 | Home's Conservatives, fighting|Day" held last week. pena § ucted a to improve their sagging pres-| The Oddfellows and Rebekah Mr ia Mrs: Ralsh Davi |tige with British voters before|Decoration Sunday is to be June Mr. MTS, pn avis,|the general election expected in|14 at,3 p.m. at Union Cemetery. . . Farm Credit Meeting Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Mr-.|the first half of October. __ {All Oddfellows, Rebekahs and Scheduled For June 8 xi ms x and Mr, over and an interesting and in-|wash. | formative worship on '"East-| Mr. and Mrs, Stanford Van-| West Encounter' was led by|Camp visited Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Walter Wright and Mrs.|Woodward and family at Pointe) Lloyd Wright. au Baril last Sunday. | The president conducted the) FIGHT BACK WITH ORTHO ISOTOX gets rid of aphids, beetles -- 250 other tough insect enemies! You don't have to take it another minute. This very weekend you can fight back and win again: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal- business before which she ask-|colm, Toronto, spent a few days ed all members to repeat the|with Mr. and Mrs, Merrill Van-| Purpose in unison. Camp and family. For The Finest North American and European Style Meats and Pastries ie § OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1111 - fe gt po weekend with MTs.) department of agriculture is|panies, etc., are all sources of|tended the Bay of Quinte Con-| committees appointed to look] M : pt Larmer attendea|anxious that all farmers be|farm loans and some discussion|ference at Kingston last week. | after them, one of which is the) ' Soren retreat at Five Oaks,|{amiliar with the various types| will be given to each type. Miss Bonnie Teatro whose wT a pe a | Tuesday and Wednesday lof credit that are available. All farmers and others inter-|marriage to Mr. Larry Metcalfe |f Mrs. Stanford VanCamp rea i est L The meeting for this the commentary which Miss 8 lees and family. |He will be assisted by Bob Bell, | battle ana ¢ 250 difte , morning the Sacrament of Bap-| jostanre, ae Mr, Thm-H-France,| It's a concentrated liquid. So con- tiem wes edministered to pe SMALLEST SEABIRDS --_| Kemptville. j : centrated it costs less than 10¢ to ard James Bailey, infant son of} The smallest of all seabirds} There will be discussion of the : make a full gallon diluted for spray. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey.|are the present credit situation and the ' set --_ -- It's as easy as watering and ISOTOX Canon Ashmore's sermon wasj/also are ; district} ested in this phase of modernj|takes place on June 20 was hon-| : uit. and Mrs, Ernest Larmet| be held on Monday, June 8|farming are invited to attend. jored with a miscellaneous show-| Doreen VanCamp had written|, Sola from 1.30 - 3.30 p.m, in the con-| Anyone wishing further informa- and sent home with the pic- Wilson's petrels. They the most abundant of|trends in credit use. The types wk eperee Xt? is compatible with most fungicides on Our Duties as Christians to/all birds and range as far south|and sources of credit including for combination control of insects extend Christianity. \ 'long, intermediate, and short The UCW decided t vf Herb Hooey attended a Pres-| A series of farm meetings are; term credit will be discussed.|calaureate service in King} e ecided to pay for y le I Larmer, A jer recently when Mrs. Lloyd} @ SPECIALLY PROCESSED IN OUR OWN PLANT @ win af t he had tak i 4 on john ond Dovid 'attend.| ference room of the Ontario gov-|tion should contact A. O. Dal-|Metcalf and Mrs. Wes Werry|[ the most merciless ies your g ures she had taken in and)' ' building, around Indore. All enjoyed this 8 'as Antarctica. _an ck einenaen. Remember the name: ORTHO ISO- - page |being earried out throughout the| Farm improvement loans, jun-| Street United Church, Oshawa) the Bibles and hymn books | byterian gel conference at provinee on the subject of farm|ior farmer loan, farm credit co-jon Sunday night. Miss Pat) given those who joined the) ie ot % As loredit. Credit has assumed anjoperation, bank loans, finance Davis is one of the Class of! church Sunday, A few other| OWT trie Marshall Canning.| increasingly important role in|companies, merchandise _ac-|1964, graduate nurses. events to come up oe = sarees wiggnb ask pie g |modern farming. The Ontario|counts, credit unions, trust com-; Mr. and Mrs. John Knox at-|| summer were mentioned an Locations: J 'esa : J shine nA DOWNTOWN aphids that suck the life juice f: tend . tlernment Lindsay. rymple, agricultural representa-|were co-hostesses at the latter's} Pp: ej rom tender young , r ; sided Meany atecten., Mr.| George Arnold, farm manage-|tive, Ontario department ofjhoem. Those attending were 12 per ag Ny growth, beetles that tear and bite, bugs that gnaw "little trip" with a and and Mrs, Ernest and the Ralph|ment extension specialist, for| agriculture, Bowmanville. 'aunts and cousins of Larry's. ts and grind. signed © card wocoressed the ap.Larmers were supper guests of/this area from Brighton will be The weapon: ORTHO ISOTOX. The secret: a goodies." Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Yellow-\in. charge of the meeting. combination of four te insecticides that At St. John's Church Sunday) TOX. You'll find it -- today -- at the place you always buy your garden supplies. a CALIFORNIA CHEMICAL (CANADA) LIMI Oakville, Ont. New Westminster, B.C. AVAILABLE AT... OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 1253 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA Fly Canadian Pacific Week Only! to Vancouver 'MOST OUTSTANDING OFFER in OPTICAL HISTORY See Far AND Near with SAME Glasses Here is the most amazing offer to you folks who wear or need bifocal glasses. The lenses of your choice, especially tailored to your individual needs, plus the frame of your choice, complete at the sensational low price of $17.50! Different types of people require different kinds of bi- fecals. Discard your old bifocals which may not be suit- able to your purpose and choose the pair that will give you the greatest. satisfaction. Kryptoks for beginners, Flat-tops for old-timers. All glasses ere top quolity. Get the extra poir now. Sale positively ends Seturday, June 6, 1964, ated. ane was ere be ev ° FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM SINGLE ORLY Silas REPAIRS--Broken Lenses duplicated. Frames repaired, frames - replaced while you wait. Lowest prices! We fill all PSI, Oculists and Optome- trists Prescriptions at same low prices. No Appoi AVAILABLE AT... A. W. Rundle Garden Centre 1015 KING EAST OSHAWA Complete with Frames and Bifocal AVAILABLE AT ... SWAN [.H.A. HARDWARE SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA Lenses Money talks! Save $20 over any other airline Canadian Pacific's jet economy fare to Vancouver Is $20 less than any other airline. $10 less to Winnipeg. $6 less to Montreal, = Only Canadian Pacific has daily all.jet service across Canada ~ never Settle for less than Super DC-8 speed and comfort. ® Money-saving First Class Family Plan Fares - members of your family fly at % fare. = Superior Empress service too - the best for less! Canadian Pacific Round Trip Jet Economy Fares Toronto - Winnipeg $ 94 YOU SAVE $10 Toronto - Vancouver 198 YOU SAVE..20 Toronto - Montreal 40 YOU SAVE '6 See your Travel Agent or Canadian Pacific, ~~ FLY, Our single vision glasses are still only $11.95. All glasses are complete with the frame of your choice, plus lenses individuelly ground to your exect require- ments. Regardiess of the pre- scription or lens strength re- quired, the price remains $11.95. AVAILABLE AT ... W. C. SCOTT NURSERY 128 LIBERTY ST. N., BOWMANVILLE TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM wl AVAILABLE AT... VAN BELLE GARDENS HIGHWAY 2 3 MILES EAST OF OSHAWA "The Friendly Garden Centre" DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHIT BY--BROOKLIN WHITBY ONE-PIECE ULTEX 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE 668-3304 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily CLOSED ALL DAY WED. 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 in iti nae ih FLAT-TOPS Branches in Mony Principol Cities of US and Conado--Founded 1904