MENT RLS REM IE AE ELS iN EPMO R I RCA he ea ine hacatOn TINT Ts hte art: We Ae Mecca ose f 4. Petes ra: ity, 8 18 Praise Township | S=nday School | Qverseas Vacation Ends | Mudslide Kills | guia Subway Worker. s ing Director Amive™=77_ | For Maple Grove Coupl | TORONTO (CP) -- Thoma Planning Director | sies-me seusoui OF Maple Grove Couple zo, crs. anniversary service will be held, MAPLE GROVE Ms eid (0) ee a Wanale killed" Wednesday in a sand- 'aly ' \this Sunday afternoon, at 2.30 , Te. sses ganice and = Bonnie' slide while working on the east- anise solete be Mnecmnced ae oh Png tog Fe ga 'p.m. John Buttars will be the sil . Regs ge or ice --_ ee: er bee west subway. of opinion between Pickering! lands." |guest speaker. There will be no}? fi abies th y one AS hag P one 2g Sun.| The ground collapsed undén, Township planning board and| gy me Me cgi pent in Scotland and England (day. Kerr who. was directing "men Metro planning board were con-/MORE MEMBERS | Beginning on Sunday, June 14,|apent On Scotland and enamel ati Te 8 men sidered Monday -- item by item| Another objection was ex-jand continuing throughout the), ri their t visto', Telatiwes| Mla Leoen esr. Newenis mare: 0 Loni 1 casing -- by Pickering Township Coun-|Ptessed by Mr. Newman that|summer months, Church will be at Be pe Pi 6 Seuied pate Byles hs and he slid down the side of the cil. there was not sufficient repre-|at 9.45, followed by Sunday accompanied. by Min ast Mrs. Collacatt. ' , : casing. ; tation from Pickering Town-|School at 10.45 a.m. Both planning boards had met ship on the Metro seh hic |" Tie community club will meet| William Munroe, Baltimore, at-| Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow. together previously and thrash-|" .. | thi i tended the reunion dinner onjyisited her mother, Mrs. Fred & ges ed out the differences in each PSs io Roc ogy sos mr adh get -- pg eg Fs Saturday held in the Physical/Ashton, Red Wing Nursing Bay Rid es official plan, and arrived atlpickering?" he asked. (Grant|Batty, Brooklin. Leonard Wal-|Education Building at Agricul-|Home, Toronto, and called on reasonable agreements. Messer, of Pickering Village,|tham will show pictures of Mex-jtural College, Guelph and spent)her sister and brother, Mr. and At its conclusion, and when|represents the Township). lico, and also some local scenes.|Saturday night as guests of Mr.|Mrs. Jack Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. 4 all points had been endorsed by| The Reeve remarked that, Some from here attended the|and Mrs. Reid Miller, Galt. On/w. A. Densem, all of Toronto. Fr urt resolution of council, Councillor/other municipalities, too, de-|reception on Saturday evening,|Sunday they were dinner guests) Qn sunday evening, Mr. and W. G. Newman said: sired more representation, but|in Henry Street High School,/of Mr. and Mrs. S$. Smith of/ vrs. Len Groom, Mr. and Mrs.) BAY RIDGES (staf "] commend the previous|that too many made an un-|Whitby, in honor of Miss Cath-|Middle Port. = Gordon Lake; Toronto, were|s.year-old B ia f) -- F \ a planning|wieldy board. jerine Burwash, who is retiring) Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mills and|cajjers at Mr. and Mrs. C. P. mitered ruaaren balan Mlirector. He has done a good) Mr. Newman asked the plan-jin June from teaching, 33 years|family were Sunday callers on) swatiows, nesday when she me into job. It is nice to have a man oN!ning board if the objections tof which were in Whitby. the former's sister, husband and)" ayo 44 Mrs Morley Burgess|side of a truck, i ie "fall the job. Some thought it a waste|the rural area zoning bylaw had Mr, and Mrs. Cooper Bath and|family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ig ee callers on Rev and Mrs.|condition, say officials at Sict \of money to hire the planning|heen considered yet, and Mr.|family, Orangeville, spent Sun-/Prince Albert. George Mundy of Brooklin on/Children's Hospital in Toronto, director at the time, but I think| Faulkner replied that the board|day at the home of Mr. and) Miss Diana Hoar, Newcastle, | cinda 'lwe have saved much money L® ad considered 72 objections,|Mrs. George Squire. was a Friday visitor with Miss| y: | Laurie Melnychuk, 1349 Popes '|his administration." and some verbal recommenda-|_ ne _ pene Be former Bonnie Beech. | a aut irade, Bay Ridges, was on ° me 'ons, and that their findings|teacher here, visited a 1¢| H, G, Freeman attended the BEATLE s iway home from Gle: ve . ' 1 r yeeks. y. t week. Britain's four pop-singing Bea-| \planning director John H. rack nib chicas : 's : -- oe MeL o Cnowded: any a § : day morning and got off a It is up to council whether , , and Mrs. | tles, Ringo Starr, collapsed in a ot the Base Line, Road Sch ee - j ide mp ger ge bo eas "la public meeting is held ar not,' MILK DRINKING |H. G. Freeman, visited the for-| photographic studio in London MRS. ROY LUNNEY, MRS. M. WISEMAN ; ; said Mr. Faulkner, "The plan-| LONDON (CP) -- The Milk|mer's daughter Mr, and Mrs.|Wednesday and was taken to} Liverpool road. =| ' Included in the points of the ning board decided that these|Marketing Board says an extra/Otis Pritchard and boys, Mano-|hospital suffering from laryn-| She ran from behind the buss Pickering Board's . objections) (01, were going to have an|980,000 pints of milk were drunk |tick. gitis. His doctor said he would|into the side of the truck, driven, bd were too et ag vie poi F py opportunity of voicing their ob-each day in Britain during) The family of Mr. Harold|not be fit to leave with the group|'- Lawrence Russell, 22 of Scara¥ i , jin the towns os designated bY); <ctions before the Ontario Mu-/April, compared with the same|Cooney held a birthday party|on their European tour starting/borough. The accident occurred, re | the Metro board. inicipal Board." month in 1963. \for him on Friday evening last. | Thursday. at 11.40 a.m. i! "They think this is a good) -------- _ cide eth pated 5, : 3 place to shove all their green- : belt areas," said Mr. Newman, | W man V1 useum "but it is'a hardship for Pick-| : ering Township, for they are eX- | cellent residential areas. There in. Bow-|are greenbelt zones all over the By JIM McPEAK {Two of these sets are in On-:had its headquarters BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|tario and the other two are/manville. In 100° years the | A group of pioneer dolls made|divided between the east and/house had had only two owners, | their first appearance in thelthe west, A fifth set of dolls is| David Fisher, till 1901 and then Church Decorated | Bowmanville Museum thisialready in production to meet'J. H. H. Jury to 1961. ' whe dolls, which represent brs wssomgt gps id ah gh gm By Solina Group character or type from Cana-/CHARITY BENEFITS of Rancnaneiie after Mrs. L B.| F T S Md dian history are on loan from). The dolls have raised veuidy| Williams, a native of Durham} Or LWO nervices | Office Overload Company. They |for retarded children, Guide county, gave the town a grant| SOLINA -- Large congrega-| on exhibition in the nd Were specifically to open a museum. tions attended the Sunday day. eae : building at the Canadian Na.| Since the museum's opening/School anniversary service held | 2 hii " id i visit. Th ajority i-C nac, Governor of New France| The Bowmanville Museum|Paid it 'a visit. The majority) Members of the Hi-C group S NICE COLORS ' 5 ibi i of the visitors come from Can- mn el to Queen Elizabeth II, when has.other exhibits ranging from| a vw at Mapet: 0" atates s| decorated the building with} "VINYLFLEX" 7 October of 1857, pee AH oo ppd ini Veen US A. heve been "repre- -- soon ing bunting. At} Vinyl A tos . f ; : : t i y. C, R, Catto} shes A Clarkson, Ontario, artist,| The general store had w res|sented. f j t 2 aed sbi ' shag tol ' Kashi Carter, is responsible for|from boots to hats, and ladies') The .museum Is open from </p Missed red FLOOR 1 4° will be on display. until Sun-|@%d Brownie projects, and were their creation, and the dolls|fancy goods. p.m. until 5 p.m. six days a/the children in the afternoon, i i week except Mondays, The ; ; i are entirely hand made by). Early trades and crafts of|only time "ie museum opens Pe veoos eet ee Seer : d 100 FOOT ROLL TILE him. P : lthe area will become a special|on a Monday is when it Is on alt; oy ee aes, we ' ie baren Each doll is approximately 10/feature of the museum. A col-\poliday. Miss Pat Knox at~the piano, NEW 1964 ee sacs! inches high and each one is in|iection of tools and implements Suture _|sang three selections, The jun- : : THE 36" HIGH lots each costume, not only of the period] coq in the 19th Century are Ese ~~ ior .choir also sang, _ Sage it ergy 8 veg arse | represented by spinning wheels, | HAS QUADS Stan Millson, Sunday school MODELS : P Popa rte $ 17 VINYL GLASS 0 the class of : society. la loom, hand woven coverlets, NEW. YORK (AP) -- A. 30- superintendent, atsisted Rev. IN -- 42 x100 : ® FENCING & PATIO > example a little United Empire/quijts and blankets made in year - old woman gave birth 12.813 EACH PANELS Loyalist is dressed in taffeta, | focal mills Tuesday to quadruplets in|Catto in the pulpit, At the eve-; x with a velvet cloak and is : Brooklyn and mother and bab-|ning service Miss Gladys Yel-| AS ; carrying a birdcage. A Mennon-/OPENED 1961 ies were reported doing fine. |lowlees was at the piano when| y ite family on the other hand is| The museum is located in a|One boy and three girls were|the choir sang two numbers.) At i . --> "A" Frame as Illustrated q ---------- men SPECIAL th DDS wi 6°" BAR 8. WHILE THEY LAST dressed in simple homespun. |house, on. Silver street, built injborn to Maria Peloro, The|Guest soloist Hugh Baird of| There are 16 dolls in each} 1861 by David Fisher, an 8 Lp Salvatore, is an unem-|Blackburn favored with two! ' POSTS covared PER of the four Office Overload sets,'!cial of the Ontario Bank which or. solos. Pet hag : 22 SQUARE e ice Ovi e Ontario Bank w ployed plumber. isolos at : co oe i 'saestld:-te eines. CEDAR IN STOCK TOO! € 'toor : EA» GREAT CANADA-WIDE 9} cfeaiense ee 225 111172 epoca Boe "o WE ALSO HAVE PLANS ON HAND FOR hos prog - GLASS ITTSBURGH THE "PELEE" 2x 'S@B| ROCKWOOL | "Vhinas |THE "CHIPPAWA"...:%,.. 9761 [INSULATION | 22775 se: oor THE "BALA" jeune SST Pr race 'f).88 THE "PINES" wclln "QAG]™ BY "Ac THE "GATINEAU! 69..22" sec BEBE | speciai--wnite thoy Last f 25 or more $9.45 ec. FIRST QUALITY FROM VERY BEST NAME BRAND $8 8 ra 2aag" | crmmoaty Alin $19.95 F TILES 934, "I i000, NO. 1 SPRUCE 8 A.M. to 6 PLM. [f Doors www $2177 I GEILING ,.. . « FEET Howse, Cottoge or Bom SATURDAYS fill 5 ron Jobs. MAHOGANY Eavestrough 50 SHEET LOTS _ INTERIOR 10' Lengths WATERPROOF WEST. POP. AJAX YARD = | nusrquairy | $3.84] $1.17 | SHEATHING 210 LB, -- 31 si ON ROWE STREET SOUTH sufr, CORAL OK GRANITE 5/16"x4'x8" $2.48 al | OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 ASPHALT Buc siisl YAP U4" x4' 8 $2.88 FOR A LIMITED TIME ' ee fi AT INTERCHANGE 66 SHINGLES fae ie ae se ee : | Per 100°. roll tes , ar smaller lots add .15¢ sheet PHONE 942-1221 9 8 vA" GRADE DELUXE REDIVU t PER SA .) REVERSE TRAP WINDOWS SALE PRICE ON QUARTS $2.28 6) OL BROOKLIN YARD sua L -TOILETS CLEAR REDWOoD SUN-PROOF OIL BASE EXTERIOR © a e | wentity JUST HOUSE PAINT is Pittsburgh's regular r) 1k CORNER HIGHWAYS No.7 and No.12 fo cilenk ¢ a ng Tn 6 95 2' xf 41 > "EA first quality house paint. It's available at a a PHONE 655-3313 220,48. ROLL ROOFING Tube *44.15 p siansnt special low price during this sale in a wide -- Complete with nails $e + Bi Many oth range of clean whites and crisp colours. See fp i\\i t'Coment, "O40 ff TOILET SEATS $2.98 EACH ff s\"" CRYSTAL GLASS your Pittsburgh Paints dealer soon for best selection. : q GOOD ECONOMICAL WHITE CASHWayY's |' ~~ Gia WRITE We Exterior Paint § easic she }; X FOR PLAN! Sun Prot' ASK ABOUT NEW | oo | HOMES in 1 SUN-PROOF LATEX , "a | 25' x 44' -- 1008 a: \iisewes/ EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT. oa Pi vert SQ. FEET OF LIVING Sa NO PRIMER NEEDED ; a | JUST FILL IN AND MAIL SPACE! Iiieiontanvsisonal i | CASHWAY LUMBER Alt gaye a in °T.M.REG. , | HEAD OFFICE, BOX 330, MALTON AVAILABLE AT THESE STORES: ; OSHAWA JACKSON & RAIKE ALTONA PICKERING 5 1 347 $ ATH yon oe BR ely HARDWARE ALTONA FEED & SUPPLY AJAX LUMBER CO. 81 King St. W osslynn Ploza BROOKLIN WHITBY TOWN OR R.R. . materials to C.M.H.C OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS PROVINCIAL TILE MITCHELL BROS. BUILDING WHITBY TILE CENTRE Lt eal mint ohh ahi hon specifications, > Oshewe Plaza & Courtice 259 Simcoe St. S. SUPPLIES 106 Brock St. S.