TRIBUTE TO TEACHERS -- NO. 3 pathic Prwsrcinatiine ate head WHITBY And DISTRICT Fred Mason -- Voice | WANTED Scant ann For Tech. Education. |Pable Schoo | eee The third in our weekly goon, vg Mr. Mason's day is a busy Teacher Then Turn South "Tribute to the Teacher" ser- 4 7 one. Not only is he responsible q fes contributed by the Whitby , for equipping, directing ana yet rags WHITBY High School Board puts the | a «Manning for shops . (asachine. SECTION 2 spotlight on Anderson a % , woodwork, automotive, electri- School's Shops Director, Fred "ai -. ~™%@ | city and electronics, drafting,|| whitby Township requires @ Mason; gee Vig iy + welding) but also t hes draft- hittey Prob p Coors teach TROPICAL FISH There is little doubt that Fred g ; _ Ing and somehow finds the time|] Grades 3 & 4. Salary schedule ' Mason's preparation for his po- 7 f ~ + to conduct counselling for the || minimum $3100.00. yearly SPECIALS sition' as Technical Director for '4 / guidance of Grade 9 boys. increment $200.00, New i Anderson High School can be; qm f _ He is ageless, but aging. Aj] school on county road. Apply Guppies, Moons, Swords, Mol- somewhat traced to the skills 7 if ' biti it. a witty smile, a smil-|| *eting qualifications ond re- lys, smell adult size learned in directing a family of" y DNR Wi, & witty as ferences to... . 4 four children.'Mr. Mason has; @ "et ing disposition--this man would} jr James C. Thompson 4 et 97° 'Manager: John Gavit Tel. 668-2703 two beautiful daughters now at- | - be an asset to any community. Brooklin, Ont. tending high school, in Grade _ es We're glad {t's ours. 10; another female progeny in 'ge J Grade 2 and (at last) a boy in? Egy, ; 5 kindergarten. The needs of these 7 -- - p p SENIOR children. are met not Only by a y ; solicitous father, but also by a 4 g | j SURF BOARDS charming mother, Bernie, who | i, > is a Registered Nurse. P 4 SHOPPING i He is a veteran of World War ; : (| ate vs paper no pre: II, having served'in the Cana- i | aoe grip, . dian Armored Corps, as a Basic Y | oun paibs 1.97 Training Instructor. After the air " | ] teeees war and prior to entering teach- FRED MASON 4 ing, he was employed by the : ad 4 ; 7. ; the various Industries for which EASY clect Co. ' ie 1 \ Candin, General Bcc Co they are rlne, the Assocation Hy ! PATIO LAMP whi. ' . y | ls concerne in provi ing rain- 1 SL bas. aakeoke watered oning which will best suit indus- ] 36" aluminum holder, com- tario College of Education to| 'ty a8 it advances technological 7 |] plete with glass globe. Burns certify as a teacher. After work-|!¥- Uppermost in their: thinking, : y H ing seven years at O'Neill Col-|°S nite aap Pw peswar 5 legiate and Vocational Institute| for technology, and the rela ' READ in Oshawa, he was appointed | Value of academic learning. Technical Director by the Whit- | : ; by District High School Board in PLAYS BELL AND 1962, | Canadian Paul Harding plays) He holds a Vocational Spe-| alexander Graham Bell in a <=, USE } ELECTRIC cialist Certificate in Mechanical) | . | HEDGE CLIPPERS |Drafting, and has been rated by |seven-apisode dramatization of |the Department of Education, |Costain's Cord of Steel on CBC- TIMES among the best directors in the) TV's The Serial next fall. ' -- i | Province. : | a ae : FAMILY : 6 : ls: Among his outstanding accom- The Smart Wear , fs | OUR 'parce 24,95 . onus plishments, the one that con-| | | cr ia: A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERDIC!S tributes greaily lo Andeteon's 4 WANT cea 3 a UCHLI ----| pride, is the fact that he is the Absenteeism, |400 KIDS IN COURTHOUSE | Two Months For | sritagicidartas Bact ay ADS being used throughout many . "Mad-Dog' Theft schools in the province; and is f \ || By Leckie 9 by 9. Sleeps 3 or ; 1 GUIDED BY MOORE MCALL 'i Pann .,,|in the process of writing a new finer leathers \ 5 CALL THE i] 4 in comfort, Fully waterproet Like rime, " | Peter 'Mad-Dog" Smith willl textbook for Grades 11 and 12. unsurpassed comfort {| aes i nylon, Ventilation, waterproof be in the County 'Pound' for F CLASSIFIED , : | Presently, Mr, Mason is chair- floor Reg. 49.95 ' By BRIAN McCALL Mayor that' he would be late/two months. This was the de- ' a 1 : ; | Doesn t Pay | y (Times Staff) lTor a scheduled meeting. sion' of Madistrate Hae ry mao ot oe Ontario Micoctete MEN'S FINE SHOES DEPARTMENT Tour price... 37.97 When good-hearted lawyer! The Mayor was aint yr Jermyn Tuesday, when he sen- Shick ia bide te Pig ray --ot-- \ | Sometimes it doesn't pay not|Terry Moore invited one junior| and the tour went on, much lO\tenced the 19-year-old French- ! p ! ° | to go to Court. lmiss to tour the old County|the delight of the children. _|man's Bay youth for the theft gprs Nn setae Collins Shoes j 723-3492 NYLON Bomar Construction of Whit-/Court Building yesterday the) Mr. Moore said he was happy of a speaker from the TeePee! consists of panels or commit- 119 BROCK ST, &, | ; ; " "| i he) yp on : } by Ltd., declined to have llittle tyke asked a "'loaded'/to see such an interest in the Theatre May 18. tees of Specialists whose avow- representative there Tuesday, | question: "May I bring alold building and added that the' «yoy acted more like a mad prygieBe is to enlarge on WHITBY E LEEPING BAGS nd it cost them $110.40. i two?" |help of the labor he had re-| goo the human being," His ; : No. (e) Fri. 'til 9 PLM, f h *Mlagiorate Harry Permyn| "Naturally being a good fel-|ctuited had saved the day and Worakig. eonantads esl Pion on Rit ee pen Fri.. 'ti H Word wssisei end ie aak awarded that amount to Orville} iow, Mr. Moore replied in the carried the tour off smoothly. Pear eee oa he re tery a part of and included in the over- zipper. Two bags cen be zip- Stringer, a Squires Beach brick-| affirmative, and the "friend or| lby Crown Attorney Brucelall general education of our} ped inte double bag, Reg. on yp Bey cg ogg tok ses, |two" showed up last night--400 « | Affleck, informed the Court that| province. | ll 12.95 9.97 --" atventing (9? strong, | Pro ation |Puckrin had approached police} Much of their time is spent in| on | OUR PRICE ....., "Tt was the second straight| "Every kid in town must be) |the following day and \turned| setting up liaison between school 3 . | week that a Company official | here," Mr. a heard -- is ee = o ' iia an fe reo .. ape to po 4 , pois a ating over and over, as e to em he stole the|abreast not only of the needsit & : cl oe eee : Pike seilaaer smganeted to the hurriedly recruited a group of Given For money to pay some bills in| of but the changes in industry. |] i ~ auth = ~% WHY DIG? ( ides, including this reporter, order that he might enter the) Since students are tay, 0 use! ¢ 3 | : yal ge Ea lg gy cer | 4 lequipment which is, related to| : P : Rent « Roto Tiller by the hour. have a complete garden tool Bomar board of directors. Children of all shapes, ages, The | rental service, copelninent said he hadj and sizes, were sitting in the ; worked full eight-hour days|Court, Council Chambers, and! weeping Pickering Town- without i learkeur' peyeat ae from the rafters, |ship youth was given "another hour, a -- | They toured the library andjchance" by Magistrate Harry ; ps : ' | | Py -- imed $74.25 for this anal Were given a good insight into|Jermyn here Tuesday. ¥ a Eppes ee Spin Cast Reels 'addition 1 $36 5 to cover|tte functions of the county by} Robert George Puckrin, 19, of "4 ica aa ? es f an a que % |a group of harried "guides"| RR 1, was placed on one year's | R Sint ? || Fully Guaranteed. Complete me lost in Court appearances! som the building's different|Suspended sentence and proba- a z _ . 3 6 . ' with monofilament line and COSTLY PETROL | departments. tion for the theft of $107 from 2 : x. «3 3 2 || plug. Reg. 4.95 The "taxes" on gasoline can! penuty-Reeve George Brooks|#, Purse at Sklar Furniture on : / } ] OUR PRICE run a fellow pretty high, espe-| os +44 Whitby Town Council hap-| May. 21. . You T | Enjoy é : | cially if he steals it. i dt th he the +.| The money was in a wallet COUNTY TOWN .. ° ° i 4 Verdin'Carmen '"Toliy" Rot|BeNed 10 pass through the main owned by Mrs. Fereya Capner :\ the tinkling and tingling " | WORM HARNESS skipped town", It is believed|from who ever happened to Air Force. 1 - ta y that Mr. Lanos was on thejenter the building. $107 Theft ony | a Sy ae soi posit . || Save days of herd labor, We A son paid $25 and costs into the street north, Cour fr ihe thet of abou, eles happening ME. More had iby, . MOTORS LTD. &\ 2%, HONKY-TONK PIANO cla'ms $2 worth of gas from a ' Sgt. Gerald Robinson of F 701 DUNDAS ST. E, -- WHITBY, ONT. 8 red beads, double Colorade Chambers speaking to a group ; ne J me ' . "ee A visit to The Sherwood Forest R is the perfect ans to | -- 2 North Brock Texaco,|° 4 t) e |Whitby PD, in a statement read PHONE 668-4161 * relaxed and enjoyable evening, Pleasant entertainment. every ; spinner, nylon snelled, perfect i week-end with the tink! ds of the Honkey-Tonk Piano. , His alternative was five days) Mr. Brooks informed Mr | BOR Buffer. lunch served every Wednesday, Thursday" Friday and \ ha Sig Pe beset in jail, [Moore that there was nothing \ Sonny es $1.50 De couple, Make it o date soon -- you'll 4 pere ie Edward Steinfield, the garage-jhe would like better than to TENNIS For the best deal in Town--It's COUNTY TOWN. Come on , a tee Why so many of your friends ore meeting. at The Robin ' |] OUR PRICE owner, estimated that the ac-|tell the children what goes on over. Have a look around or call us now at Whitby 668-4161, NN ® 1 ' x ag Limited Quantities cused, 48, of 254 Glidden av-|in County Council, but, would ih : ccah eissaieelsa i. oka Leek benieaa « asia ; VISIT US SOON . . . You'll enjoy {J Moore kindly phone the Sat 4 your evening out. | enue, Oshawa, had taken about Mr. y ih egis ra 1on engine. Automatic transmission, | HARD TOP, automatic transmis 4 | MITCHELL "GARCIA" 300 26 gallons, : ttown_ hall 3 and inform bi rodio; $1895 sion, radio, None $4 295: é FOR RESERVATIONS CALL... | At this low price nicer at. this money, . ATlantic 2-1414 nai "4 || SPINNING REEL Evening Shows Start 7 and 9 p.m. : : Turn off 401 at ; | gas - SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 "3 ig agg Weer chains eeoriaare tremartes Gd. 1tee ROMTUAG FAUR. BOOK Se Herta eggs 2 : aa ake . eee eee eete eam | DAN with radio. One $ : j : MAY, 30th 1964 ric on ERE voc ox. On 1095 pep rag alo : | OUR PRICE .... 19.97 10 am, till 12 Noon 3 miles to Altona Rd, ' a : 1961 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE. | 1960 VAUXHALL STATION then north to 2nd | FEES... White with a black top and red | wacon, 3595 Lbiaisinn, a LICENSED -- | | | Combination SPIN CAST interior. Full power equipped, Senior Single ...... $15.00 Radio, . dual range automatic | Full price UNDER L.C.B.0. ROD & REEL = || Moving connie 2". $20.00 )3 Fore, £82195 \, He RANDA ; Family (includes porents and all 1959 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERT- | Pegs el Ragga tc glass rod, ; i ~ was |! cor! reel, complete i children. uned 16° years of 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR'SEDAN | IBLE: A scarce model. SB QE. with line and casting plug. neo... $25.00 Have a look at this beauty. Compare 12.95 : | 6 cylinder engine, auttomatic % 2 OUR PRICE ' jee ; ,trar gmission, $ . H 722). BARBARA EDEN = 1695 | te Full p al" Juniors-- eee 1958 METEOR COACH V-8 en- | a] ator nsmi id | : ; \ ction /. EASTMAN, fe) | gine automatic transmission on | PICN c LERS Sweat Pee % COLOR ' |] Age 16 to 18 1961 BUICK HARD TOP, Fully aera $795: ] C00 F quipped ull. price. ; rr (with privileges to play under Nene nicer, 'Only 1895 pric the lights). |] To keep either hot or cold, } Keeps ice for 48 hours or more. And Luscious -- LULA PORTER -- International ° : 1957 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR Reg. 3.98 Dancing Star -- ALL COLOR SHOW See eee ROE) Gee AIR [We | gTATION: WAGON, [f you want | OUR PRICE 17 : - Juveniles-- door sedan with automatic and , = Seeeeseeenes rodio $ ' ood on $ | Age 910 15........, $5.00 Rach Sree ey 1595 | Ons or 195 PREFINISHED : ' ( lay 10 AM. to 6.30 }f ; | TTENTION FARMER Rm incrcios so Arte aa TE. feck nae Pere WP a W D R AIN W l D GOLF BALLS A.M. to 12 Noon Saturdays). truck. 51095: 1987 PONTIAG FOAGH 5645: 1ST QUALITY Full price. with radio. | 25 or more panels Compare 65e Wooden Barn For Sale and Removal Executive of the ieee merzon wonrcaum Foun | y957 powriae oun poon $1] FACTORY SECONDS! ere Compare 68e AG? : peek Monn. Ve HARD TOP $ : Brand name manufacturer's clearance | Whitby Tennis Club Sith tedio, Fall ries AGMO: | Full. price 795 of factory seconds (very slight defects) LAWN CHAIRS a popular woodgrain patterns and colors. | a Random grooved 4' x 8' panels pre- finished, ready to apply ..... 10 TO 24 PANELS LOCATION: Town of Whitby, Hopkins Street and Highway 401 -- West Side roe ++ hee ene Vice Pres. ...... Lyn Horton 1959 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN | 1956 BUICK TWO DOOR HARD Automatic transmission; Power BARN AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS:-- ~ Anne Hind 112 steering, power brakes. One owns | TOT" *495: Publicity Helen Collins er. Locally owned, Have a look Full price. Size:-- 53' by 32' and 43' by 26' with accessory 2 tebe Mee at this 'ane $1195 Instruction ot ait buildings. Structure: -- Wooden Beam with Social Convenors HURRY LIMITED QUALITY 1956 FORD CONVERTIBLE V-8 i Bonnie and Barbara Stark 3 wooden sheeting. bs 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARD | @79ine, stick shift. If you want to COMBINATION CANVAS For further. information regard- TOP. Automatic transmission and | 8¢@ something nice have 5995: OWNER:-- Corporation of the Town of Whitby. ing registration or fees 2 eget een $1296: Jo locket this ot | CAMP COT CALL > : | Sealed tenders must be addressed to the under- 1959 1955 1956 1953 | and LOUNGE signed. Tenders close Friday, June Sth, 1964 at || Lorne Mcintyre : 5:00 p.m, Structure must be removed by June 30th, 668-4956 Bedford | Prefect | FORD | FORD B EAVER LUMBER | pega extra long and 1964. (evenings) VAN SEDAN COACH COACH DEPENDABLE QUALITY AND SERVICE : or Rebuilt engine. @} x |] Solid colors. Reg, 12.95 9.97 Reliable One local Drive it away | Complete with Signed: COUNCILLOR W. DAVIDSON, pb tend aA WHITBY BOWMANVILLE | OUR PRICE.... ® transportation owner "1 Chairman, Town Property Committee, Helen Collins Pola |] Attractive Pattern Design Reg. Town of Whitby. 668-3217 $1 95, $295. $1 00. $199. 419 Dundas St. 668-5718 96 King St. E. 623-3388 295 ; 10.97 LLL LLL awe Top quality aluminum tubing, full size, Strong web,